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June 6, 2023

To whom it may concern:

I am writing this letter in full support of the Town of Truro’s proposed GHG
Emission Study and Local Action Plan as potentially funded through Nova
Scotia’s Low Carbon Communities Fund. This initiative ties closely to the
research and outreach I am doing as a Professor at Dalhousie University in
Truro, Nova Scotia as well as an evolution of my over 5-year relationship with the
Town of Truro and Colchester County.

First, I have been active with many planning directives and goals in the various
levels of Provincial governments surrounding sustainability and reduction of
GHG including an Active Transportation Plan, Net-Zero Construction, Low-
Income Solar Feasibility, and others. I live and work in the Town of Truro - we are
a growing town in strong need of such climate action. I have and continue to
work on similar environmental planning and economic development goals.

I am able to assist and support the Town in this work; we have provided student
interns before and will do so again. My role at Dalhousie University focusses on
meeting the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals. My current
Research Lab, the Sustainable Living Lab, in Nova Scotia’s rst Net Zero home
built to PasiveHaus certi cation. It is a model of energy ef ciency, sustainable
material use, and biodiversity. It is an active outdoor-learning lab to the
University and larger Community. The other Research lab I co-direct, the Green
Infrastructure Performance Lab, has received numerous grants and publishes
academically often on climate resilience and environmental justice. Lastly, I am
a member of Dalhousie’s interdisciplinary Clean Technologies Research Institute
where I collaborate with engineers on the role of clean energy and climate-
responsible energy production and use.

Overall, the Town of Truro is one of the most rapidly growing urban region in the
Province and Atlantic Canada. We have the opportunity to be leaders in showing
our community how we can begin to tackle these concerning problems.


Richard leBrasseur, PhD (he/him)

ASSISTANT PROFESSOR, Landscape Architecture

Director, The Green Infrastructure Performance Lab

Director, The Sustainable Living Lab
Member, Clean Technologies Research Institute



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