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Materials Today Chemistry 27 (2023) 101344

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Amine-rich polymers for water purification applications

M.E. Elhalwagy a, b, *, A.S. Elsherbiny a, A.H. Gemeay a
Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science, Tanta University, Tanta, 31527, Egypt
Ethylene Production Sector, SidiKerir Petrochemicals Company, Alexandria, Egypt

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Water pollution induced by biological, agricultural, and industrial activities has risen to prominence as a
Received 21 March 2022 scientific issue as it poses a direct threat to life or water scarcity. Thus, it has become critical to design
Received in revised form and develop nanomaterials and understand their properties to combat water pollution. Herein, a survey
16 November 2022
of amine-rich polymers (ARPs) was conducted. They were classified based on the source of their raw
Accepted 2 December 2022
Available online xxx
materials, whether natural or synthetic. The chemical structure and essential synthesis routes were
shown casually. Ammonium-based polymers, a subclass of these polymers, were also demonstrated. It is
beneficial to consolidate the rules for the surface group behavior through the chemical interaction of
their containing polymers. The exploitation of ARP in pollutant adsorption, flocculation/coagulation,
Coagulation and flocculation photocatalysis, and membrane purification was highlighted. Amine groups determine these materials'
Photocatalysis approaches and their performance in the selected applications. Moreover, ARPs differ among themselves
Membrane in their internal structure, which helps to determine the impact of the polymer backbones and forms on
Quaternization the performance of amine and ammonium groups. Hence, the crucial roles of amine/ammonium groups
have been analyzed, indexed, and explained. Perspectives and indicators are introduced that help design
nanomaterials based on these groups to serve environmental purposes. In light of this review, potential
directions for the future with ARPs have been proposed.
© 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Numerous reviews have addressed nanomaterials in water

treatment in terms of; (1) predominant surfaces including carbon-
Water is one of the essential natural resources on earth. Some based materials [4], polymers [5], metal oxides [6], etc.; (2) appli-
undesirable substances might reach water bodies or ground res- cations including adsorption [5,7], photocatalysis [8], coagulation/
ervoirs and make them a threat to life and public health. There are flocculation [9], filtration membranes [10], etc.; (3) nanomaterial
many reasons for this pollution, such as poor sewage treatment, synthesis [11], structure [5,7,12], form, and origin [13]; (4) target
industrial waste, radioactive waste, heavy metals, and farmland pollutants including organics [5] and inorganics [4,12]; and (5)
drains. The World Health Organization (WHO) stated that active ingredients including functional groups, metallic compo-
approximately 1.7 million people died due to water pollution, and nents [14], etc. In addition, it is undeniable that many reviews
four billion cases of various health problems were reported annu- address more than one of these facets. However, the latter aspect,
ally due to waterborne diseases [1]. Accordingly, it was stated in a dealing with the crucial role of the surface functional groups, was
United Nations report that providing sustainable clean freshwater rarely reviewed.
is a challenge for the whole world [2]. Concerning Egypt, the World By definition, amines are compounds containing at least one
Bank claimed that the cost estimation of insufficient water supply, amino group as their functional group. Amines are generally weak
drainage, and hygiene in 2017 was around 1.61% of GDP [3]. Thus, it bases in which a nitrogen atom undergoes sp3 hybridization and
has become critical to design and develop nanomaterials and un- binds to one or more carbon atoms. Amine inversion occurs rapidly
derstand their properties to combat water pollution. at room temperature through a transition state where the nitrogen
hybridization transforms from sp3 to sp2. From this vision, amines
are classified as primary (R  NH2 ), secondary (RR�  NH), or ter-
tiary amines (RR� R��  N) depending on the number of carbon
* Corresponding author. atoms attached to the hybrid nitrogen atom. On the other hand, a
E-mail address: (M.E. Elhalwagy).
2468-5194/© 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M.E. Elhalwagy, A.S. Elsherbiny and A.H. Gemeay Materials Today Chemistry 27 (2023) 101344

polymer is a long chain of repeating chemical units called a bonds. However, pseudo-PAAs utilize non-amide bonds, such as
monomer. The polymer backbone is the most extended series of esters, imino carbonates, and carbonates [18]. The first pseudo-poly
covalently bonded atoms that create a continuous molecule. The (AAs) polyester was early synthesized from N-protected trans-4-
term “amine-rich polymers” (ARPs) refers to a class of polymers hydroxy-L-proline. Later, other materials such as serine, hydroxy-
defined by their functional groups. An ARP contains a high con- proline, threonine, tyrosine, cysteine, glutamic acid, and lysine
centration of primary, secondary, and/or tertiary amine groups in were also used [19]. PAA-based nanomaterials take various forms,
the polymer backbone and/or side branches. including gels, nanomembranes, nanofibers, nanotubes, micelles,
Herein, a survey of ARPs was conducted. The ARPs were classi- and vesicles [20e23]. A limited number of PAA polymers contain a
fied based on the origin of their raw materials, whether natural or terminal amino group, Scheme 2.
synthetic. The chemical structure and key synthesis routes were Amino-terminated peptide dendrimers are large molecules
demonstrated casually. Then, an analysis of the critical role of based on radially branched peptide bonds and covalently attached
amine groups in pollutant adsorption, flocculation/coagulation, terminal amine groups. The dendritic peptide comprises three
photocatalysis, and membrane purification was addressed. The distinct regions: the core, branching, and terminal groups. Den-
review also deals with transforming the amine groups on the dritic cores could be derived from peptides (e.g., poly-L-lysine) or
polymers into quaternary groups. Authentic quaternary ARPs were polyamidoamine (PAMAM) (Section 3.2.1) [24]. Lysine-based
also listed and discussed. dendrimers have an excellent reputation for being biodegrad-
able and biocompatible [25]. Typically, L-lysine with protected
2. Bio-based ARP amino groups is base-catalyzed to form an amide bond between
the carboxylic group and a core containing a specified number of
Biopolymers are made from natural, renewable materials. Bio- amino groups. After unprotecting, the 1st generation is already
based ARPs are a group of these polymers that contain surface established. The surface amino groups are now duplicated.
amine groups densely. This category includes chitosan (CS), poly- However, adding new generations is restricted based on the
dopamine (PDA), and its analogs, in addition to some polymers of consequent crowding on increased interactive sites in higher
amino acids (PAAs). generations [26]. Despite this, Byrne et al. described the possi-
bility of controlling the number of dendritic arms using dendrites
2.1. Chitosan (CS) from the 2nd to the 5th generation of poly (propylene imine) [27]
(Section 3.2.3). Until now, these materials have not been effec-
CS is a biopolymer derivative comprising N-acetyl D-glucos- tively used in water treatment.
amine and D-glucosamine interlinked by b-1,4eglycosidic bonds
[15], Scheme 1. It is obtained by the alkaline deacetylation of chitin, 2.3. Polydopamine (PDA) and its analogs
a naturally occurring raw material found in crustacean shells. CS is
similar to cellulose, with the hydroxyl group at the C2 position b-Arylethylamines are naturally occurring neurotransmitters in
replaced by an amino group. It also contains two hydroxyl groups in humans and animals. They can be easily synthesized by reducing
the C3 and C6 positions. CS is characterized by resistance to germs, aryl -nitroethane or -acetonitriles and their derivatives. The most
fungi, and viruses in addition to non-toxicity and full biodegrad- famous of these compounds is PDA, formed by dopamine (DA)
ability. CS also takes different forms, such as flakes, powder, gel oxidation, Scheme 3a. DA oxidation is very easy; it might occur
beads, sponges, nanofibers, membranes, and nanoparticles (NPs) spontaneously in the air. PDA structure and its analog consist of
[16]. quinoid and indoline species. The importance of PDA stems from its
diverse nucleophilic and electrophilic sites gained from the
2.2. Polyamino acids (PAAs) monomer that enhance its unique ability to cover almost all types
of surfaces. PDA also creates insoluble aggregates that might be
Amino acids (AAs) have at least two terminal functional groups: employed independently [28].
amino and carboxyl, forming polymers through consecutive pep- Mro  wczyn
 ski et al. presented a detailed review describing the
tide bonds. One or more AAs might be present in the same polymer chemistry of PDA analogs [29]. The prominent DA analogs with
chain. AAs can be any of the twenty genes in the human genome, as functional amine groups are L-dopa, tyrosine, tyramine, norepineph-
well as unnatural AAs. Upon polymerization, the AAs' functional rine, 5,6-dihydroxyindole, and 5,6-dihydroxyindole-2-carboxylic
groups are transferred to the resultant polymer [17]. Such polymers acid, Scheme 3b. Hence, polymerization of one of the DA analogs or
exhibit poor mechanical and solubility characteristics due to amide derivatives, post-modification of PDA, and copolymerization with

Scheme 1. N-deacetylation of chitin into CS.

M.E. Elhalwagy, A.S. Elsherbiny and A.H. Gemeay Materials Today Chemistry 27 (2023) 101344

Scheme 2. Amino-rich PAAs originated from proteinic acids.

other monomers could be used to obtain PDA-like polymers. How- 3. Synthetic ARPs
ever, PDA itself has the most significant number of surface amine
groups [30]. PDA analogs make a negligible contribution to removing Synthetic polymers do not exist in nature, either by themselves
pollutants from water. or with their monomers of origin. This category includes many

Scheme 3. (a) Structure of PDA and its analogs; (b) structure of DA and prevailing DA-like monomer.

M.E. Elhalwagy, A.S. Elsherbiny and A.H. Gemeay Materials Today Chemistry 27 (2023) 101344

polymers, most of which are of fossil origin. Here, synthetic ARPs consists of quinonediimine, aminobenzene, and imine linkage. The
will be reviewed in two categories: soluble and insoluble. Poly- quinonediimine component is responsible for the pernigraniline
anilines (PANi), poly (phenylenediamine) (PPD), poly (amino sty- forms' breakdown. In comparison, the cationic emeraldine form is
rene) (PAS), and polypyrrole (PPy) are examples of insoluble commonly utilized as an adsorbent [32].
polymers. On the other hand, soluble polymers include poly- ANi-derivatives' polymers as well as PANi were made via oxida-
amidoamine (PAMAM), polyethyleneimine (PEI), poly (propyle- tive polymerization of monomers in alkaline and acidic conditions
neimine) (PPI), poly (allylamine) (PAM), polyvinylamine (PVAm), [33,34]. The properties of these polymers are utterly different from
and triazine dendrimer. those of PANi itself. Perhaps the most prominent differences are the
degree of polymerization, functional groups, surface morphology,
3.1. Water-insoluble synthetic ARPs electrical conductivity, and solubility. Considering Scheme 4, the
most frequently seen (R) might be an amino, hydroxyl, nitro, or
3.1.1. Polyaniline (PANi) and its derivatives carboxyl group in ortho- meta- or para-position.
The different forms of redox and doped states of PANi and its
analogs are shown in Scheme 4. Considering PANi, the parent
example (R ¼ 0), leucoemeraldine is the reduced form that con- 3.1.2. Poly (amino styrene) (PAS)
tains only a repeating benzenoid diamine ring (x ¼ n). Perni- Even though amino styrene (Vinyl aniline) is an ANi derivative,
graniline, the oxidized form of PANi, has only a repeating quinoid the polymerization process does not rely on the amine group. The
diamine ring (x ¼ 0). The most stable PANi form is emeraldine, active hydrogen in primary amino groups impedes direct anionic
which has an equal number of both units (x ¼ n=2). The imine and live polymerization. Hence, the polymer is usually prepared by the
amine groups could be further protonated or deprotonated direct nitration of polystyrene, which is then easily reduced to the
depending on the pH level, yielding a base- and salt-subform for amine group. Another route includes protecting the amino group
each PANi oxidation state [31]. It can be inferred that pernigraniline with dimethyl silane before polymerization in the presence of

Scheme 4. Different redox forms and doped states of PANi and its analogs where x is the reduced component, n is the number of the repeating units, and R is a substituted group in
the ortho, meta, or para position. (Redrawn with modification from Refs. [31]).

M.E. Elhalwagy, A.S. Elsherbiny and A.H. Gemeay Materials Today Chemistry 27 (2023) 101344

Scheme 5. Polymerization of amino styrene analogs with syndio-specific catalyst. (Redrawn with modification from Ref. [35]).

syndio-specific catalyst systems [35]. The primary amino groups PPy's oxidative polymerization might occur chemically, elec-
were recovered by hydrolysis followed by neutralization, Scheme 5. trochemically, or by ultrasonic vibrations. Moreover, it might be
Poly (tertiary 4-aminostyrene)s were made by anionic live poly- made using electrospinning, microemulsion polymerization,
merization of related monomers in THF at 78  C with cumyl cesium mechanochemical polymerization, and photopolymerization. Still,
as an initiator [36]. Early on, the polymer isomer containing the PPy's polymerization is carried out in organic solvents and acidic
amino group at the meta-position was also synthesized by free aqueous environments with FeCl3, ammonium persulfate, or other
radical bulk polymerization of 3-nitrostyrene. These polymers belong oxidizing agents. It could produce vast quantities of PPy in various
to a semi-crystalline polymer class that includes poly (4- forms. On the other hand, ultrasonication polymerization includes
aminomethyl styrene) and poly (4-aminoethyl styrene). Their quick response time, low cost, scalability, and the ability to produce
melting temperatures are much higher than polystyrene itself. The homogenous PPy with constant shape, size, and conductivity. It is
enhanced crystallization, solubility, and melting temperature are al- recommended to check Pang et al.'s review on the synthesis of PPy
ways justified by hydrogen bonding between the amine groups [35]. and the factors affecting its conductivity [43].

3.1.3. Polypyrrole (PPy) 3.2. Water-soluble synthetic ARPs

PPy is a heterocyclic cationic conductive ARP with non-toxic and
biocompatible properties suitable for electronic and environmental 3.2.1. Polyamidoamine (PAMAM)
applications. The polymer was obtained in various nanoforms such Dendrimers are highly symmetric nanosized particles that grow
as particles, tubes, fibers, films, and sponge-like structures [37e42]. radially from the internal core forming a homogeneous nano-
The conjugate backbone of PPy, responsible for its conductive structure. The outer shell contains a functional group that might be
properties, could be described in oxidized and reduced form, identical or different from the dendrimer's inner-arms groups.
Scheme 6. The reduced form of the PPy is the insulator form, unlike Tomalia and coworkers report the first synthesis of PAMAM den-
the oxidized version. drimers. PAMAM dendrimers, as well as others, could be synthesized

Scheme 6. Oxidized and reduced forms of PPy.

M.E. Elhalwagy, A.S. Elsherbiny and A.H. Gemeay Materials Today Chemistry 27 (2023) 101344

using divergence and convergence approaches. In a divergent different amine groups distributed regularly [51]. On the other
approach, dendritic polymers are built up through nonlinear growth hand, Yemul synthesized PEI dendrimers using EDA as a starting
from the core. Tomalia synthesized a branched ester-terminated core core. Initially, the amine groups were reacted to vinyl bromide in
through the Michael addition of methyl acrylate to ammonia. Sub- methanol using a Michael addition reaction. The terminal bromide
sequent repeating amidation with ethylenediamine (EDA) and Mi- was then converted into amine groups using the Gabriel method,
chael's addition to methyl acrylate generated the amine-terminated which involves two consecutive reactions with potassium phtha-
PAMAM dendrimers [44], Scheme 7. In the convergent strategy, limide and hydrazine chloride. The previous steps were repeated
branches are first constructed based on the previous chemical re- until the 4th generation [52].
actions and then connected to a central core. PAMAM dendrimers
bear a large number of functional groups. Primary amines represent
the exterior surface, whereas amide and tertiary amines form the 3.2.3. Poly (propyleneimine) (PPI)
€ gtel et al. synthesized the first PPI dendrimers. The prepara-
inner branching [45]. Recently, Lyu et al. presented a review of the
PAMAM dendrimers. The study included covalent and supramolec- tion was based on repetitive Michael's addition of an amine to
ular synthesis, alternative cores, and terminal chains [46]. acrylonitrile. The surface primary amine groups were created by
the subsequent reduction of the nitrile groups. The most popular
cores used are EDA and 1,4-diaminobutane (DAB) to initiate den-
3.2.2. Polyethyleneimine (PEI) drites up to the 5th generation, Scheme 9 [53,54].
Gleede et al. studied the chemistry of aziridines and their de-
rivatives as building blocks for polyamines through ring-opening
polymerization [47]. PEI is one of these polyamines; it is a 3.2.4. Poly (allylamine) (PAM)
repeating polymer composed of an amine group and two aliphatic PAM is a cationic polymer made by radical or cationic poly-
carbon atoms. Such polymers come in several structures, including merization of allylamine. The polymer side chain comprises pri-
linear, branched, and dendrimer, Scheme 8. Linear PEI could be mary amine groups, while the backbone contains no nitrogen [55].
synthesized by the cationic ring-opening polymerization of Allylamine polymerizes very slowly to form oligomers or short-
substituted 2-oxazolines and subsequent acidic hydrolysis [48,49]. chain polymers. This degradative chain transfer arises from the
The resultant polymer is solid at room temperature with a radical self-stabilization through resonance, while hydrogen pro-
repeating unit of secondary amine attached to ethylene. There are a vided by the allylamine monomer is involved in rapid termination
few terminal primary amine groups, but they are not numerically [56,57]. Various complexation agents were used to decrease the
comparable to the secondary groups. degradative chain transfer to improve the polymerization yield and
The branching PEI is synthesized via aziridine cationic ring- polymer Mwt. Recently, Sepehrianazar and Guven reinvestigated
opening polymerization. The number of secondary amines in the the microstructure and Mwt of PAM in different protonic acids. The
branched polymer equals the sum of the primary and tertiary Mwt of the polymer produced from the allylamine salt follows the
amine groups. However, the proportion of the primary groups in- order of H3PO4, H2SO4, and HCl, Scheme 10. Moreover, the latter has
creases with increasing the polymer molecular weight (Mwt) [50]. a Mwt higher than that of the deacidified form [58]. PAM is only
The branched structure is liquid at room temperature, with soluble in water and methanol and is insoluble in all other solvents.

Scheme 7. Schematic representation of PAMAM synthesis and its molecular structure. (Redrawn with modification from Ref. [46]).

M.E. Elhalwagy, A.S. Elsherbiny and A.H. Gemeay Materials Today Chemistry 27 (2023) 101344

Scheme 8. Structures of PEI linear, branched, and dendrimer forms.

3.2.5. Polyvinylamine (PVAm) most prevalent intermediate, followed by hydrolysis, Scheme 11a
PVAm is a simple-structured polybase water-soluble polymer. [59,60]. The Hoffmann degradation of polyacrylamide could also
Although the direct monomer is stable, polymerization is usually yield the polymer; the last route is the least fortunate, Scheme 11b
carried out via intermediate polymers. PVAm is often obtained [61]. The polymer is typically isolated and stored as the hydro-
from the free radical polymerization of N-vinylformamide, the chloride salt to be protected against atmospheric carbon dioxide.

Scheme 9. Master scheme of PPI dendrimers synthesis. (Redrawn with modification from Ref. [53]).

M.E. Elhalwagy, A.S. Elsherbiny and A.H. Gemeay Materials Today Chemistry 27 (2023) 101344

Scheme 10. Linear and crosslinked structures of PAM and their acid complexes. (Redrawn with modification from Ref. [58]).

Scheme 11. Synthesis routes of PVAm (a) radical polymerization of N-vinylformamide; (b) Hoffmann degradation of polyacrylamide. (Redrawn with modification from Ref. [60,61]).

M.E. Elhalwagy, A.S. Elsherbiny and A.H. Gemeay Materials Today Chemistry 27 (2023) 101344

The hydrochloride salt is also soluble in water but insoluble in other is usually a halide or sulfate, forming a quaternary ammonium salt.
polar solvents such as methanol or ethanol [62]. PVAm is a strong Quaternary ammonium polymers are ionized in solution to form a
polyelectrolyte (PEL) since it is partially ionized over the working cation with disinfectant, enhanced solubility, and ion exchange
pH scale. This behavior results from the mutual interaction be- characteristics. The disinfectant properties arise from the positive
tween neighboring amine groups [63]. charge that makes them bindable to the microbes' surfaces with the
opposite charge [66].
3.2.6. Triazine dendrimer Examples of this class of polymers include poly (dia-
Triazine dendrimers are a group of radially branched com- llyldimethylammonium) (PDADMAC) and poly (epichlorohydrin-
pounds composed of trichlorotriazine core, spacers, and surface dimethylamine) (EPI-DMA), Scheme 13 [67]. PDADMAC has a cyclic
groups, Scheme 12a. The distinguished properties between these backbone formed by DADMAC's unique cyclopolymerization. The
polymers depend on the surface groups, whether amine, hydroxyl, polymer is very hydrophilic, whereas the permanently charged
carboxyl, or others. The chloride group on trichlorotriazine is usu- quaternary ammonium groups contribute to its high water solubility
ally replaced by a two-amine terminated spacer with one of the [68]. Epichlorohydrin is polymerized with a secondary amine, such
amine groups protected. The reaction depends on the temperature as dimethylamine, in concentrated aqueous solutions at high tem-
and the number of substituted chloride groups, Scheme 12b. Upon peratures. The resulting polymer is structurally distinct from almost
reaching the generation of interest, a compound with a terminal all other PELs where the cationic charges are located throughout the
amine and the target group on the other end is then introduced backbone chain rather than in pendant side chains [69].
[64]. A convergent strategy might also synthesize triazine den-
drimers [65]. Amine-terminated triazine dendrons are rarely used
5. Quaternization of ARPs
in water treatment due to their complicated synthesis.
Quaternization of the ARPs involves the introduction of an
4. Ammonium-based polymers additional bond to the central N-atom of the amine group, where
the latter is permanently transformed into sp3 hybridization. The
Ammonium-based polymers contain a quaternized nitrogen newly formed quaternary ammonium groups have the maximum
atom either in the side chain or in the polymer backbone. The ni- spacing between the substituents on the nitrogen with a perma-
trogen with four alkyl groups and a permanent positive charge nent positive charge as the amine inversion was inhibited [70]. The
(NRþ4 ) is called a quaternary ammonium cation. The attached anion main advantage of the quaternization of ARPs is that the main

Scheme 12. (a) Schematic structure of triazine dendrimer of 2nd generation; (b) Chlorotriazines reactivity depending on reaction temperatures.

M.E. Elhalwagy, A.S. Elsherbiny and A.H. Gemeay Materials Today Chemistry 27 (2023) 101344

Scheme 13. Structure of PDADMAC and EPI-DMA ammonium-based polymers.

backbone is preserved. Thus, a modified polymer has properties nature, amines, loading range, and binding style. Also, some diffi-
depending on the alkyl group length. culties arise from distinguishing between the surface and bulk
Quaternization of the ARPs can be obtained directly or indirectly amine groups.
[91]. The direct method involves converting the polymer amino In general, “destructive” and “non-destructive” approaches are
groups to quaternary ammonium groups. Another direct approach usually utilized to assign surface amine density. In the destructive
includes polymerizing quaternized monomers [92]. In contrast, the approach, the amine is chemically and/or physically decoupled from
indirect method involves attaching a side chain containing a qua- the surface before being analyzed using various techniques. In this
ternary ammonium group via the pre-existing amine group. Ciej- instance, the measured amine density is typically lower than the
ka's work is a comprehensive example of direct and indirect actual loading, with the loss percentage depending on the efficacy of
quaternization reactions. Under basic conditions, direct PAM qua- the decoupling method and steric hindrance that restricts the acces-
ternization was used to obtain an N-methylated derivative through sibility of the reagents. However, the approach usually reports the total
reductive methylation with CH3I, Scheme 14a. The second direct amine density, i.e., surface and bulk amine. In the non-destructive
route included successive alternant steps of N-alkylation with an approach, the amino groups remain attached to the surface, and
aldehyde (e.g., hexanal) and subsequent reduction with sodium their assignment is made either directly or indirectly. Most of these
borohydride, followed by CH3I methylation (not shown), Scheme methods report on the accessible surface rather than bulk amines.
14b. Finally, the indirect quaternization included the reaction of Colorimetric and fluorometric spectroscopies with labelling
PAM with glycidyltrimethylammonium chloride (GTMAC) in water steps are examples of the nondestructive method. For instance,
at 57  C to obtain poly [(3-allylamino-2-hydroxypropyl)-trimethy- Samantha et al. produced aminated biocompatible polyethylene
lammonium chloride] [89], Scheme 14c. Selected examples for ARP terephthalate films through an aminolysis reaction with ethyl-
quaternization are shown in Table 1. enediamine or PVAm. The number of primary surface amine groups
was quantified colorimetrically using the electrostatic interactions
6. Advanced spectroscopy for ARP between the positively charged amino groups and the anionic Or-
ange II dye in an acidic solution. Under alkaline conditions, the
Advanced spectroscopy for ARP plays multiple roles in water neutral amino groups released Orange II molecules into the solu-
treatment applications. On top of these roles are traditional char- tion. The absorbance of the released dye was measured with an UV-
acterization, amine group density, and amine group tracking before spectrometer and correlated to the CeNH2 content derived from X-
and after contamination contact i.e., mechanism analysis. Notably, ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). XPS was chosen as the
density functional theory (DFT) and molecular simulation have also comparison technique because it can identify the surface elemental
been utilized to gain a deeper understanding of the interaction composition and valence for penetration depth in the order of
between surfaces and pollutants. The advantage of theoretical 10 nm in a nondestructive manner [95].
calculations is that they provide crucial information for under- In contrast, carbon-hydrogen-nitrogen (CHN) combustion
standing the molecular-level interaction mechanism, such as analysis, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), mass spectroscopy,
binding energy, bond distance, kinetic process, etc. The majority of and atomic spectroscopy were used to estimate the total amine
this information is difficult to obtain through experimentation. densities as typical examples of destructive methods [94]. For
instance, the degree of CS deacetylation (DD) refers to the ratio of
6.1. Surface/bulk amino density the acetyl groups that were converted to amine groups during the
CS-chitin conversion. By definition, DD directly expresses the
The density of the amine groups is a crucial surface property. It density of amine groups on the CS constituent. As DD increases, a
provides clarification about loading kinetics and thermodynamics strong repulsion of immobilized charges occurs, and the viscosity
studies of the surface's amination in addition to nanocomposites' decreases in addition to the ascending solubility in acidic aqueous
behavior and nanotoxicity. Hence, a reliable method is usually solutions [96]. Jianhui et al. dissolved CS at a concentration of
required to determine the densities of the immobilized amino 10 mg/mL in D2O/DCl (1%), and then 1H NMR was used for quan-
groups. There is no generally accepted method for such quantifi- titative evaluation of the de-protonatable functional groups. After
cation [93,94]. This might be due to the differences in the surface's that, CS DD was calculated according to Eq. (1) [97].

M.E. Elhalwagy, A.S. Elsherbiny and A.H. Gemeay Materials Today Chemistry 27 (2023) 101344

Scheme 14. Quaternization of PAM (a) and (b) represent direct approach; (c) indirect approach. (Redrawn with modification from Ref. [89]).

Table 1
Selected examples for ARP quaternization.

Target ARP Method Reagents Ref.

Chitosan Indirect GTMAC [71,72]

Chitosan Direct NaOH, Methyl iodide and NaI [73]
ε-poly-L-lysine Direct Alkyl halide (n ¼ 1,2,4) [74]
Poly (dopamine) Indirect GTMAC [75]
Polyanilines Direct Methyl iodide [76]
Polyanilines Direct Hexyl bromide [77]
Polypyrrole Direct Iodoalkane (I-CnH2nþ1, n ¼ 1,3,5,7,10) [78]
Polypyrrole Direct Diiodine with different numbers of carbon atoms for quaternization and crosslinking reactions [79]
Polyamidoamine Direct Bromoalkane (I-CnH2nþ1, n ¼ 2,8,12) [80,81]
Polyamidoamine Direct 2-chloroethyl isocyanate, N,N-dimethyldodecylamine [82]
Polyethyleneimine Direct Bromopropane [83]
Polyethyleneimine Direct Formaldehyde, Formic acid, Methyl iodide [84]
Poly (propyleneimine) Indirect GTMAC [85,86]
Poly (propyleneimine) Direct Methyl iodide or chloride [87]
Poly (propyleneimine) Direct Acetyl chloride and MeI [88]
Poly (allylamine) Direct NaOH, Methyl iodide, NaI [89]
Poly (allylamine) Direct NaOH, hexanal [89]
Poly (allylamine) Indirect GTMAC [89]
Polyvinylamine Direct Polymerization of N-methyl-N-vinylformamide [90]

M.E. Elhalwagy, A.S. Elsherbiny and A.H. Gemeay Materials Today Chemistry 27 (2023) 101344

transfer from the aqueous phase to the solid substrate, forming a

HD surface layer(s) [100]. The type and density of superficial groups
DDð%Þ ¼ 1  100 (1)
HD þ ðHAC =3Þ both play essential roles in determining the mechanism and ca-
pacity of adsorption. Numerous adsorption mechanisms, including
where 1 HD and HAC are the peak integrals of the deacetylated electrostatic interactions, ion exchange, hydrogen bonding, chela-
monomer anomeric proton and the three protons of the N-acetyl tion, and complexation, might be attributed to amine groups in the
group, respectively. Generally, the nondestructive methods were polymer structure. On the other hand, organic rings within the
typically 20e30% lower than those measured by the destructive same structure might facilitate adsorption via pep and dipole-
assays, as the former method estimated the surface amine only [98]. dipole interactions [101].
This review is not concerned with comparing various ARPs but
instead analyzes the function of the amine group itself. However, it
6.2. Mechanism analysis
is helpful for the reader to realize the magnitude of their difference
in the adsorption process. Table 2 provides comparative examples
Spectroscopic techniques such as XPS, Fourier transform
of dye adsorbents based on ARPs and magnetite (Fe3O4). The
infrared (FTIR), Raman and X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS)
following will discuss the different roles provided by the amine
have typically been applied to ARP nanomaterials prior to and after
groups on the surface of polymers in the adsorption process.
interaction with pollutants. The popping up and down peaks, their
disappearance, intensities, position, and position shifting might
provide useful information regarding the interactions between 7.1.1. Cationic behavior
amino groups and pollutants [8]. The nitrogen in heterogenized amines is connected to two
To clarify, Xueqi et al. synthesized a nanofiber cross-linked hydrogen atoms, alkyl groups, or a hybrid of these groups. Moreover,
hydrogel network based on nitrogen-doped carbon dots and cel- it has a lone pair of unpaired electrons with an electron density area
lulose using an ecologically friendly low-temperature hydrother- around the nitrogen atom. The electron density and the nitrogen's
mal technique. Then a second layer of a CS network was formed electronegativity result in a partial negative charge at that site.
using solvent replacement [99]. The resulting gels exhibited sig- Hence, the hydrogen ion of the acid medium can associate with the
nificant adsorption capabilities of 148.30 mg/g for Cu(II) and N, resulting in a positive charge. This cationic behavior allows it to
294.46 mg/g for Cr(VI). FT-IR and XPS measurements were con- absorb organic and inorganic negatively charged pollutants elec-
ducted before and after the adsorption of heavy metal ions. After trostatically. Cationic behavior depends on the Zeta-potential of the
Cu(II) and Cr(VI) adsorption, the gel's NeH and OeH stretching surface and pH of the solution. The surface gets more charged as the
vibration band at 3432 cm1 was reduced and moved to 3396 and pH drops below the isoelectric point and vice versa, Scheme 15.
3355 cm1, respectively. Moreover, the distinctive glucopyranose Electrostatic attraction cannot be used to explain the adsorption of
ring band at about 1100 cm1 was considerably diminished. This negative contaminants at pH values greater than the isoelectric
revealed that both hydroxyl and amino groups were engaged as point. Quaternization of ARP could shift the isoelectric point to a
adsorption sites for the selected heavy metal ions. According to XPS higher pH level, extending the cationic response [111].
studies, the N 1s spectrum shifted from 398.8 to 399.4 eV, and the For instance, Diclofenac sodium is an anti-inflammatory drug that
intensity of the amino peak decreased significantly. The latter is causes an environmental problem when it seeps into natural water
conclusive evidence that the amine group's pair of electrons were sources. Jiang et al. synthesized pEPI-DMA hydrogel by crosslinking
coordinated with metal ions. copolymerization as a new adsorbent to remove aqueous diclofenac.
The adsorption capacity of the hydrogel gradually decreased as the
7. The crucial role of ARP in water remediation pH of the solution increased from 3 to 10. According to the Langmuir
fitting model, the adsorption capacity could reach 540.3 mg/g,
7.1. Adsorption significantly greater than reported adsorbents. Adsorption mecha-
nisms include the electrostatic attraction between the quaternary
Liquid-solid adsorption is a separation process usually applied ammonium cation and negatively charged diclofenac, along with the
to extract contaminants from water. In this process, the pollutants formation of hydrogen bonds in which hydroxyl groups might also

Table 2
Illustrative examples of dye adsorbents nanomaterials based on magnetite and ARPs.

Adsorbent Pollutant Type qe;max (mg/g) Optimum Condition Ref.

Time (min) Adsorbent dose (g/l) Pollutant dose (mg/l) Temp. ( C) pH

Fe3O4/CS Methyl Orange Anionic 638.6 360 0.1 200 29.85 4 [102]
Fe3O4/CS Methylene blue Cationic 0 e e e e e [102]
Fe3O4/poly-lysine Methyl blue Anionic 318.47 30 1 200 e 2 [103]
Fe3O4/PDA Methylene blue Cationic 10 360 0.5 6 e 7 [104]
Fe3O4/PDA Methyl Orange Anionic 2.97 360 0.5 6 e 2 [104]
Fe3O4/PDA Rhodamine B Cationic 195.3 40 0.4 20 24.85 7 [105]
Fe3O4/PANi Basic Blue 3 Cationic 78.13 60 0.1 50 30 10 [106]
Fe3O4/PANi Acid Blue 40 Anionic 216.9 50 0.1 100 30 5.5 [107]
Fe3O4/PPy Brilliant green Cationic 263.85 20 1 320 30 e [108]
Fe3O4/PPy Eosin Y Anionic 226.76 20 1 320 35 e [108]
Fe3O4/PPy Methyl orange Anionic 152.91 45 1 320 35 e [108]
Fe3O4/PEI Crystal violet Cationic 372.6 90 1 700 24.85 8 [109]
Fe3O4/PEI Congo red Anionic 325 10 1 350 25 3 [110]

M.E. Elhalwagy, A.S. Elsherbiny and A.H. Gemeay Materials Today Chemistry 27 (2023) 101344

Scheme 15. Surface amine group response at different pH levels relative to the isoelectric point.

participate. After five rounds of regeneration, the adsorption capacity the 3rd generation (334.45 mg/g) and then returned to deteriorate
remained at 80.32%. Furthermore, the pEPI-DMA hydrogel could at the 5th generation. Interestingly, increasing the number of
selectively adsorb diclofenac from mixed systems of quinolone and PMAMA generations does not continuously improve, if not worsen,
tetracycline [112]. the adsorption process. The advanced generations hindered the
Celestino et al. charged hydrophilic bentonite nano-clay with contact of chromium ions with the amine groups present within
PDADMAC to remove aqueous gallic acid. Gallic acid possessed a PAMAM. Batch adsorption experiments revealed that equilibrium
negative charge in an acidic environment, whereas the quaternary was attained in 60 min and that the ideal pH value was 3. The
amine group of the combination gave it a cationic character. As a adsorption was attributed to the electrostatic interaction between
result, the large adsorption capacity of 238.45 mg/g was attribut- the protonated amine and predominant anions (Cr2 O2
7 and
able to the attractive electrostatic interactions between opposing HCrO
4 ) at that pH level [120].
charges [113].
Zhou et al. mixed the (3-Aminopropyl)triethoxysilane modified
fly ash with a 37.5%w/w pEPI-DMA. The upgraded cationic fly ash 7.1.2. Coordination/complexation sites
contained 7.2 wt% of the cationic polymer. According to Zeta- Functional amine groups might interact with metal ions through
potential analysis, the composite maintained a positive potential different mechanisms depending on the metal, pH, and solution
over a pH range of 3e11. Electrostatic attraction arose between the matrix. One of the most important mechanisms is the formation of
cationic ammonium groups and anionic reactive black 5 and reac- coordination bonds based on a pair of electrons on the nitrogen
tive red 239 dyes. In addition, hydrogen bonds were established atom [121]. It became a plausible explanation for the adsorption of
between the surface hydroxyl groups and nitrogen atoms within cationic metal forms on the amine groups with cationic behavior.
these azo dyes. The maximum loading capacities were 146.2 and For instance, Abukhadra et al. integrated CS chains with meso-
124.8 mg/g, respectively, which is 1.5 times that of commercial porous silica (MCM-48) for the removal of radioactive U(VI) and
activated carbon [114]. Sr(II) ions from water. The composite showed promising retention
PPI dendrimers-based nanocomposites showed outstanding removal capacities of 261.3 mg/g for U(VI) and 328.6 mg/g for Sr(II).
adsorption toward metal ions [115e117]. For instance, Hayatia and At a given pH, the valency of the dominant metal ion determines
colleagues synthesized PPI dendrimers up to the 4th generation. adsorption efficiency. Electrostatic attraction cannot be relied upon
The PPI was then refluxed with surface-acylated carbon nanotubes since the U(VI) and Sr(II) ions take multiple positive forms in the pH
(CNTs). The resultant PPI/CNTs nanocomposite was used to remove range of 2e8. This suggested that the adsorption mainly occurred
metal ions from water. At acidic pH, the limited adsorption of these due to complexation, particularly in the presence of amine groups
heavy metals was ascribed to electrostatic repulsion between the with a lone pair of electrons [122].
cationic amino group and the heavy metal ions. However, the
adsorption increased steadily with the increase in the pH level of 7.1.3. Hydrogen bonding
the solution. The optimal adsorption capacities were 2000 mg/g for A hydrogen atom covalently bound to an extremely electro-
Hg(II), 1750 mg/g for Pb(II), and 1650 mg/g for Ni(II) at pH ¼ 7 [117]. negative atom (e.g., N, O, or F) has a partial positive charge, while
Xu et al. created poly (m-phenylenediamine) (PmPD) via this electronegative atom has a partial negative charge. Then, a
laccase-catalyzed enzymatic polymerization for heavy metal hydrogen bond is formed by the dipole-dipole attraction within the
adsorptive removal. The polymer showed adsorption capacities for same or between different molecules. In the absence of electro-
Cu(II), Pb(II), and Cr(III) with values of 556, 526, and 476 mmol g1, static attraction, hydrogen bonding is a common explanation for
respectively [118]. Meng et al. used carbon dots combined with poly the adsorption of large molecules.
(o-phenylenediamine) (PoPD) for the same purpose. The adsorp- Minisy et al. applied a CS/PANi hybrid to remove both anionic
tion was inhibited by amino group protonation with (Hþ) from the and cationic dyes. The nanostructured hybrid showed maximum
medium at low pH levels. However, as the pH went higher, the adsorption of 240.4 mg/g of anionic Acid Green 25 at pH ¼ 4 and
adsorption capacities might reach 48.88 mg/g for Cu(II), 53.44 mg/g 81.3 mg/g of cationic methylene blue (MB) at pH ¼ 11. The amine
for Pb(II), and 36.20 mg/g for Cd(II) [119]. groups of both the PANi and CS chains were protonated in acidic
Cui and others reported that the sorption capacity of Cr(VI) by conditions, resulting in a positively charged surface. Electrostatic
PAMAM surrounding the magnetic silica particles (Fe3O4@- attraction arose between the hybrid and the Acid Green 25 anionic
SiO2ePAMAM) increased with the succession of generations until dye. The surface charge decreased as the pH level increased;
M.E. Elhalwagy, A.S. Elsherbiny and A.H. Gemeay Materials Today Chemistry 27 (2023) 101344

hydrogen bonding became the dominant adsorption mechanism. In the chromate anions; consequently, the adsorption filtrate became
comparison, the cationic dye adsorption capacity increased as the cloudy once treated with AgNO3 droplets. In the XPS spectra, the
solution's pH increased. Above pH ¼ 9, the hybrid was negatively deteriorated nitrogen peak area after adsorption was explained by
charged to remove MB effectively [123]. the engagement of nitrogen in the removal of Cr(VI) [129].
In another instance, Senguttuvanan et al. performed the D301, a basic ion exchange resin, was stirred with a solution of
chemical oxidation of pyrrole in the presence of zeolite. This inte- 0e10% pEPI-DMA to form a D301/pEPI-DMA composite. The
grated composite targeted the adsorption of reactive red and resulting composite's adsorption characteristics toward Cr(VI) were
reactive blue dyes as models for organic pollutants. The maximum investigated, with a maximum uptake of 194 mg/g. The adsorption
adsorptions were 122.32 and 116.53 mg/g for reactive blue and mechanisms were attributed to ion exchange induced by the
reactive red at an alkaline medium (pH ¼ 9). The anionic dyes were displacement of Cl from pEPI-DMA and the removal potential
never expected to be effectively adsorbed in an alkaline medium induced by the electrostatic attraction of D301 amino and the
where the amine groups lose their cationic nature. The anomalous quaternary ammonium group embedded in pEPI-DMA [130].
pH response was attributed to (1) hydrogen bonding between Functionalization of the D301 resin through in-situ polymerization
amino groups and dyes, (2) interaction between (SO 3 ) and (eNH) of the pEPI-DMA was also conducted for the same purpose. The
group, and (3) hydrophobic interaction between dyes and com- latter route improved the surface area and charge density, shifting
posite [124]. the maximum adsorption to 298 mg/g [131].
Yang et al. modified nanocellulose with PVAm for the adsorption Additionally, heterogenized PDADMAC was used to remove
of chlorpyrifos, a thiophosphate pesticide, from an aqueous solu- dissolved anions. For example, the quaternary ammonium polymer
tion. The aqueous crystalline nanocellulose was incubated with was used to modify biochar to recover orthophosphate (PO4  P).
NaOI4 for 48 h at 40  C in the dark for the cellulose ring opening. The capacity of biochar treated with PDADMAC was about 100
PVAm was added and stirred for 24 h at room temperature to times that of untreated biochar. After phosphate sorption, the N1s
ensure a bond was formed with the opened rings. The resulting XPS spectra of PDADMAC-treated biochar remained unchanged in
microgel exhibited a chlorpyrifos adsorption capacity of 98.12 mg/ position and intensity, showing that the quaternary N was not
g. The microgel's hydroxyl and amino groups were likely to help electronically disturbed and that adsorption occurred predomi-
chlorpyrifos be adsorbed by hydrogen bonding and electrostatic nantly through ion exchange [132].
attraction [125].
7.1.5. Trap pollutant molecules
7.1.4. Anion-exchange behavior Dendrimer's structure showed improved physical and chemical
PPy dopants are negative ions that originate mainly from the properties over conventional linear polymers. Dendrimer solutions,
anionic moiety used in the synthesis unless they are replaced. Due for example, have a considerably lower viscosity than linear poly-
to the high mobility of these dopants on the polymer matrix, they mers. Numerous chain-ends contribute to the compound's solubi-
are responsible for the PPy anion exchange behavior [126]. Fenk lity, miscibility, and reactivity. Due to their spherical shape and
et al. introduced a chemical insight into the anion exchange internal cavity, dendrites can also encapsulate adsorbate molecules
behavior of PPy based on XPS spectra before and after adsorption. within their macromolecule interiors [133].
They synthesized PPy samples doped with mono- and di-dopants For instance, Sultana et al. added 2%wt of 3rd generation PPI
(Cl , SO2
4 ) were used for fluoride anion exchange. Adsorption dendrimer to the electrospinning solution of the Nilon-6 polymer.
tests showed that mono-dopant PPy has four times the adsorption The nanofiber was used for the adsorptive separation of acid red
capacity (13.98 mg/g) of dual-dopant PPy (3.08 mg/g). After 252 anionic dye. The first 2 min accounted for more than 90% of the
adsorption, the peak variations indicate that anion exchange removal. The removal percentage was raised to 99% after 60 min of
occurred only over (¼Nþ) rather than (eN ¼ ) and (eNHe) with the contact with acid red 252 dye (100 ppm) by the nanofibers (0.1 g) at
exchange sequence of ðF > Cl > Br > SO2 pH ¼ 4. Typically, when exposed to an acidic medium, the terminal
4 Þ [127].
Nesterov et al. synthesized PAS and its derivative poly [N-(2,3- amine groups on polyamide chains and those in PPI dendrimers
dihydroxypropyl) aminostyrene] from plain polystyrene through acquire a positive charge, emphasizing electrostatic attraction as a
nitration, reduction, and glycidol treatment. A comparative study primary mechanism. Additionally, the average diameter of the PPI
was conducted on the ability of the as-prepared polymers to bind dendrites increased due to the repulsion between the charged
aqueous B(III) ions. The polymers bound boric acid via an ion- amine groups. As a result of the larger cavities, the PPI modifier's
exchange mechanism in the acidic medium. With increasing pH, ability to trap and encapsulate anionic molecules increased [134].
the sorption capacity of poly [N-(2,3-dihydroxypropyl) amino-
styrene] increased significantly over PAS. The deprotonation of the 7.1.6. Reductive adsorption
PAS amino groups at high pH levels resulted in a significant drop in The polymer's role might include metal ion reduction after the
anion-exchange sites. Furthermore, the complexing power of the adsorption. Some authors reported that the lone electron pair of
vicinal hydroxyl groups of poly [N-(2,3-dihydroxypropyl)amino- nitrogen was responsible for the redox reaction as they noticed a
styrene] toward the monoborate ion (BðOHÞe 4 ) was increased [128]. significant decrease in the quinoid imine ratio (¼N-), in contrast to
Recently, fiber balls of uniform shape were loaded with PPy for the benzenoid amine ratio (-N-) [129,135e137].
aqueous Cr(VI) adsorption. The loading procedure included stirring Mdlalose et al. synthesized poly (p-phenylenediamine) (PpPD)
the fiber balls for 12 h with FeCl3 and pyrrole. The maximum using well-known oxidative polymerization techniques. The ob-
adsorption capacity was 86.74 mg/g compared to 5.73 mg/g tained polymer showed a maximum adsorption capacity of 49 mg/g
assigned to plain fiber balls, confirming the essential role of the PPy towards Cr(VI). The bare PpPD, XPS N1s spectrum, has two high-
in Cr(VI) adsorption. The N-atoms were protonated under acidic resolution peaks at 399 eV for (eNH) and 402 eV for (eNþ), with
conditions, creating an electrostatic attraction with the acidic molar ratios of 47.8 and 52.2, respectively. After Cr(VI) reductive
dominant hydrogen chromate anions (HCrO 4 ). Moreover, the N adsorption to Cr(III), the oxidation status of PpPD improved, as
atoms were deprotonated in the alkaline medium, generating a evidenced by an increase in the oxidized imine (-N ¼ ) band of 2.7%
charge repulsion between the surface and the dominant chromate at pH 8 and 6.3% at pH ¼ 2, as well as a decrease in the FT-IR

form (CrO2
4 ). However, the chloride ion (Cl ) was exchanged with benzenoid peak at 1510 cm-1. Furthermore, the detected XPS
M.E. Elhalwagy, A.S. Elsherbiny and A.H. Gemeay Materials Today Chemistry 27 (2023) 101344

bands at 577e578 eV and 586e588 eV correspond to the Cr(III): cost of the adsorbent is determined by its kinetics, capacity, and
Cr2p3/2 and Cr2p1/2 orbitals, respectively [137]. reactivability. The use of amine-based adsorbents and the under-
Bao et al. used Schiff-base reactions to bridge amino- standing of the adsorption mechanism enable the selection of an
functionalized GO and PAMH. The resulting PAMH-GO composite optimal pH for reactivation. Adsorption of anionic pollutants, for
had a high capacity of 373.1 mg/g for Cr(VI) adsorption. The example, frequently occurs in an acidic environment as the poly-
removal mechanism involves an electrostatic attraction between mer acquires a cationic character. As a result, activating requires
metal anions and the N-containing groups of PAMH. Furthermore, changing the medium to alkaline and vice versa.
the XPS studies suggested that the Cr(VI) ions were partially For instance, Lee et al. prepared PAMAM 2nd generation den-
reduced to Cr(III) by electron-donating amino groups before che- drimers linked through glutaraldehyde to amino-modified porous
lation. Even after ten adsorption-desorption cycles, the PAMH-GO silica foam and fibrous nano-silica. The surfaces recovered 132.4
retained 91.8% of its removal efficacy [138]. and 88.7 mg/g of aqueous Gd(III) at the optimum pH level of 6. The
Deng et al. synthesized a MnO2/Tannic acid/PEI composite for adsorption occurred when Gd(III) and Lewis basic sites in the
metal ions adsorption, Cu(II) and Cr(VI) in particular. The composite dendrimer coordinated. Adsorbents were regenerated at pH ¼ 3 by
displayed a dendritic structure that provided metal ions with hy- protonating the amine groups to reject Gd(III) ions [145].
droxyl and amine sites for complexation. MnO2/Tannic acid/PEI had Leshuk et al. described a complete cycle for the flocculation and
maximal adsorption capacities of 121.5 and 790.2 mg/g for Cu(II) magnetic separation of active NPs from solution. Aqueous naph-
and Cr(VI), respectively. When the adsorbed chromium Cr(VI) was thenic acids were combined with TiO2 mud from industrial water
exposed to the hydroxylamine system, it was converted to the less samples. TiO2 was photoactivated using UV light to degrade organic
hazardous Cr(III) [139]. pollutants. The PDADMAC loaded on the surface of the magnetic
Wang et al. report that the amine group was responsible for silica particles (Fe3O4@SiO2) in a core-shell arrangement was
Pd(II) adsorption over PEI/chitin bio-adsorbent. The coordination employed to flocculate the TiO2 particles. After magnetic separation
bond with the amine group was confirmed by shifting amino of the flocs, the treated water was removed. The TiO2 NPs were
groups N1s XPS spectra to higher binding energies. Both Pd (0) released into the acidic medium, and the bare particles (Fe3O4@-
(337.59 and 342.69 eV) and Pd(II) (338.28 and 343.53 eV) peaks SiO2@PDADMAC) were magnetically separated. Additionally, the
were observed, indicating that a reduction reaction took place cycle was confirmed for a range of active NP suspensions, including
during the adsorption process [140]. those containing Au, Ag, Pd, and Pt [146].

7.2. Coagulation/flocculation
7.1.7. Associate different layers
Besides providing surfaces with functional groups, ARP has been
Coagulation, flocculation, and sedimentation are integrated
used as a laminate between multiple surfaces. Mussel-inspired
physicochemical processes used to remove suspended solids from
chemistry, particularly the versatile coating capability of PDA,
water. Coagulation involves the destabilization of the colloidal
might be used as a functional coat/link for several applications
particles followed by flocculation. The destabilized particles tend to
[141]. Yu et al. modified agarose hydrogel beads (2e4 mm) adsor-
get close enough to make contact and form progressively larger
bents with positively charged poly (allylamine hydrochloride)
agglomerations (Flocs). Cationic PELs are the most frequently
(PAMH) and negatively charged poly (L-dopa) with different molar
applied flocculants to reduce turbidity and suspended solids. PELs
ratios. The hydrogel beads were used for the removal of aqueous
might be employed as primary coagulants for stable particles or
ionic pollutants. The maximum adsorption for Pb(II), Cd(II), and
just flocculant aid when they are added to an unstable environment
Cu(II) ions in hydrogel beads with a poly (L-dopa) to PAMH molar
[147]. Table 3 shows illustrative examples of ARPs as coagulation/
ratio of (3.5:1) was 1625, 657, and 388 mg/g, respectively. The
flocculation agents. Several actions could carry out the suspension
hydrogel beads with (3.5:1) and (1:3.5) molar ratios showed
destabilization: charge neutralization, sweep flocculation, inter-
maximum adsorption capacities of 467 mg/g for cationic MB and
particle bridging, or electrostatic patch mechanisms, Scheme 16.
870 mg/g for anionic methyl orange (MO) dyes, respectively. The
resultant hydrogel might be readily regenerated for reuse [142].
7.2.1. Charge neutralization
Wang et al. used a protective PDA layer over Fe3O4 as a template
Charge neutralization could be achieved by adding low Mwt
for MoS2 nanoflowers. The as-prepared Fe3O4-PDA-MoS2 compos-
soluble ARPs. The electrostatic attraction occurs between the
ite combined the high surface area of MoS2 with magnetic sepa-
cationic amine sites and the negatively charged suspended parti-
ration by magnetite. The nanospheres showed an adsorption
cles. A single particle can use one or more polymer chains to reach
capacity of 508.9 mg/g for Pb(II) at 25ᵒC [143].
the isoelectric point. The conformation of the polymer on the
PAMAM was also involved in building supramolecular adsor-
particle surface could lead to the formation of flocs. Moreover, the
bents for organics removal. Developing a supramolecular adsorbent
charge loss allows flocs to come close and form hydrogen bonds,
involves the non-covalent incorporation of small molecules. For
ensuring flocculation.
instance, Poly (methyl vinyl etheraltmaleic anhydride) was
Zhang et al. grafted hyperbranched PEI to cellulose via the 2,3-
crosslinked with PAMAM dendrons through maleic ring-opening
dialdehyde intermediate step. The resulting flocculant exhibited a
and amide bond formation. The resultant supramolecular was
highly hyperbranched molecular structure with abundant amino
used for dye removal and biomolecule delivery. The adsorbent
and hydroxyl groups. The flocculation performance of the sample
picked up 367.7 ± 10.8 mg/g from congo red and 310.6 ± 11.2 mg/g
was evaluated by kaolin suspension (500 mg/L) before being
from sunset yellow FCF aqueous solutions. These azo dyes include
applied to machinery and silk dyeing wastewater. The sample of
two sulfonate groups (R  SO 3 ) that produce solid electrostatic
2.4 mg/L with an amino content of 3.97 mmol/g reduced the
contacts with the adsorbent's PAMAM domain [144].
turbidity of kaolin suspension from 490 NTU to 4 NTU at pH 7.0 in
30 min. The charge neutralization mechanism was dominant in the
7.1.8. Reactivation system, where zero surface potential was observed with optimum
Reactivation is one of the difficulties associated with adsorbents flocculation conditions. Moreover, further increased dose resulted
to remove pollutants from water. Reactivation includes reverting in a floc size decrease due to the dissonance between charged flocs
the adsorbent to its pre-adsorption state to reuse it. The operational as well as increased residual turbidity [158].
M.E. Elhalwagy, A.S. Elsherbiny and A.H. Gemeay Materials Today Chemistry 27 (2023) 101344

Dendritic nanotechnology is an exciting new technique for



eliminating natural organic matter (NOM) produced by breaking

down animal and plant wastes. Their large surface area, superior
water solubility, interior cavities, surface functionality, and

biocompatibility make them ideal for environmental applications.

Bhattacharya et al. efficiently removed dissolved humic acid from




water using 5th generation PAMAM dendrimers. The removal
relied on electrostatic interactions between cationic dendrimers
Temp. ( C)

and anionic humic acid at neutral pH. After charge neutralization

22 ± 2

occurred, a rapid aggregation was raised due to hydrogen bonding


between the neutralized complexes. Hence, micron-sized aggre-


gates began to precipitate [151]. Adding more generations does not
always improve the flocculation process, as the increased molecule
Initial pollutant

size competes with the effective ratio of amine groups per unit
mass [159].
7.81 NTU
7.81 NTU

88.7 NTU

100 mg/l
100 mg/l
3.5 mg/l

0.1 mg/l
50 mg/l
5 mg/l
20 g/l

7.2.2. Sweep flocculation


Sweeping flocculation is widely used in the traditional process,

in which large flocs are formed from the coagulant itself in large
aid dose

doses. Hence, polymer flocs start a non-selective electrostatic ag-



gregation of colloidal-sized particles over the flocs. Furthermore,






soluble pollutants might be adsorbed onto the polymer flocs and

removed from the water [160,161].
dose (mg/l)

Arulmathi et al. evaluated the performance of synthetic PANi


coagulant for color, chemical oxygen demand (COD), and turbidity



reduction in the spinning and weaving industry's wastewater. PANi






showed 94.38% color removal, 91.45% COD reduction, an 89.36%

lower turbidity level at pH ¼ 8, a coagulant dose of 1.6 g/L, and a
Time (min)

contact time of 35 min. The authors did not attempt to explain the
color and COD removal mechanisms. However, they suggested that

PANi went through the sweep-floc formation mechanism when





discussing turbidity. The positively charged PANi was electrostati-

cally attached to negatively charged colloidal particles at a neutral
pH level [150].
89.36 (turbidity)

PDADMAC was the first approved polymer for potable water

Efficiency (%)

94.38 (color)
91.45 (COD)

treatment by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration [162]. PDAD-


MAC is an effective flocculant for removing particulate matter from



water due to its solubility, biodegradability, high charge density,





acceptable Mwt, and non-toxicity. PDADMAC is now available

commercially, stand-alone, blended, or copolymerized with other
Tetracycline contaminated water
Humic acid contaminated water

Humic acid contaminated water

polymers. Hou et al. prepared a PDADMAC series with different

Acid blue contaminated water

charge densities per unit Mwt (0.17  105 e 7.12  105 mmol/g),
Water under investigation

i.e., the capacity of the quaternized amine group. The samples were
Mn contaminated water

dissolved at a mass ratio of 2% in a poly ferric sulfate solution. The

flocculant as prepared was tested against heavy metal anions VO
Keddara raw water
Keddara raw water

Textile wastewater

kaolin suspension

3 3
MoO2 2
Acid Green 25

4 , WO4 , AsO4 , and FeðCNÞ6 . The removal increased with

Direct Red 23
Kaolinite clay

Direct red 80
Illustrative examples of ARPs as coagulation/flocculation agents.

Acid Blue 7

increasing degrees of charge densities and decreasing valency of

the heavy metal. Sweep flocculation and charge neutralization
were the dominant mechanisms [163].

7.2.3. Interparticle bridging

Coagulant aid


The Interparticle bridging mechanism is predominant with high

Al(III) ions

Mwt ARPs. The chain tends to unfold due to the repulsion between
its surface charges. This formation and the high polymer charge




density allow the cationic amine sites on the same chain to attract
numerous charged particles. After saturation, the chains fold back,
poly-aluminum chloride

forming a bridge between the charged particles.

Wang et al. synthesized amino-functionalized Fe3O4 NPs modi-
PEI (MW 100,000)
Aluminum sulfate

fied PAMAM dendrimer (Fe3O4@Gn-PAMAM, n ¼ 0, 1, 2, 3) as a

flocculant harvester for Chlorella sp. HQ algal cells. The high posi-

tivity PAMAM branches improved the capture of algal cells and NPs

rather than micro-AAs. Low pH values favored the adsorption be-

Table 3



tween algal cells and (Fe3O4@Gn-PAMAM, n ¼ 0, 1, 2), which was



linked to the protonation of the amine groups over the NPs' surface.
M.E. Elhalwagy, A.S. Elsherbiny and A.H. Gemeay Materials Today Chemistry 27 (2023) 101344

Scheme 16. Illustration of ARP coagulation/flocculation mechanisms.

However, the high harvesting efficiency of Fe3O4@G3-PAMAM could 7.2.4. Electrostatic patch mechanism
be maintained throughout a broad pH range owing to its highly An electrostatic patch mechanism occurs when a polymer with
branching structure. The magnetic particles surrounded by the 3rd a high charge density and a relatively small Mwt is attracted to
generation dendrites (Fe3O4@G3-PAMAM) showed a high uptake negatively charged surfaces with a small density of charged sites.
capacity of 16.1 g/g for Chlorella sp. HQ using 80 mg/L at pH 8. Large Herein, the suspended particles become multipolar and attract
positive active groups generally facilitated the adsorption and each other, forming flocs [167].
bridging of negatively charged algal cells. Expendable flocs could also Soros et al. investigated the impact of Mwt, deacetylation de-
be regenerated with a strong base and ultrasonication [164]. gree, and functional groups on the flocculation of kaolinite and
Razali et al. investigated several Mwts of PDADMAC between bentonite suspensions in drinking water. CS with different Mwts
8.5  104 and 15.7  104 g/mol in paper and pulp mill wastewater within the range of 5  103 to 1  106 Da were evaluated. The
treatment. The larger Mwt PEL enhanced coagulation and floccu- polymer was employed at an Mwt of 50  103 Da, representing the
lation since the longer chains form rings and tails, supporting the Mwt threshold, but with varying degrees of deacetylation from 70%
bridging mechanism. Also, PDADMAC decreased the zeta-potential to 95%. A high deacetylation degree leads to a higher charge density
magnitude, i.e., the repulsive forces between particles were with different conformations. A low dosage of CS (1e3 mg/L,
reduced, increasing the probability of the floc formation [165]. MW > 5  103or deacetylation degree >70%) resulted in residual
Mehta et al. synthesized polyvinyl pyrrolidone (PVP) grafted turbidity <5 NTU of kaolinite and bentonite. The electrostatic patch
with diallyldimethylammonium chloride (PVP-g-DADMAC) for model better explained most of the coagulation behavior: (1) the
flocculation purposes. Dissolved PVP was mixed with the appro- lack of performance of low MW CS; (2) higher deacetylation degree
priate amount of DADMAC and ceric ammonium nitrate as a cata- CS did not perform better despite having more charge density; and
lytic. Microwave radiation (800 W) initiated the free radical (3) performance of higher MW CS did not exceed the lower MW
polymerization and subsequent grafting processes over the PVP products between 50  103 and 1  106 Da [168]. It is worth noting
backbone. The polymer with 51 ± 2.55% grafting showed floccula- that εpolylysine was also tested as an alternative eco-friendly
tion efficiency of 94.6, 84.5, 82.1, 56.2, and 73.4% for 1% coal-fine coagulant for cohesive clay suspensions. The polymer showed su-
suspension, 0.25% multi-walled CNT (MWCNT) suspension, 0.25% perior performance over the competitor CS [149].
kaolin suspension, municipal wastewater, and river water, respec-
tively. The bridging mechanism was more conceivable in floccula- 7.3. Photocatalysis
tion with the grafted polymer. The grafting increased both the
gyration radius and hydrodynamic volume. Moreover, a consider- Photocatalysis plays an essential role in exploiting renewable
able load decrease in river water and municipal wastewater was energy by converting light radiation into chemical energy. One of the
observed for primary water quality parameters such as turbidity, most critical uses of photocatalysis with ultravioletevisible (UV-VIS)
BOD, COD, TDS, TSS, total Fe, and total Cr [166]. light is to break down harmful aqueous compounds into less
M.E. Elhalwagy, A.S. Elsherbiny and A.H. Gemeay Materials Today Chemistry 27 (2023) 101344

Table 4
Illustrative examples of photocatalysts nanomaterials based on TiO2 and ARPs.

Photocatalyst Light source Pollutant Efficiency (%) Optimum Condition Ref.

Time (min) Photocatalyst dose (g/l) Pollutant dose (mg/l) Temp. (ᵒC) pH

TiO2/CS Visible light Rhodamine B 65 180 0.3 4.98 e 3 [170]

TiO2/CS Visible light Congo red 57 180 0.3 4 e 11 [170]
TiO2/L-tyrosine Visible light Methylene blue >70% 100 0.4 3.19 e e [171]
TiO2/PDA Ultravioletevisible Rhodamine B 99.28 90 1 10 R.T e [172]
TiO2/PDA Visible light Rhodamine B 77.40 90 1 10 R.T e [172]
TiO2/PANi Visible light Methylene blue 99 360 1.12 1.6 e e [173]
TiO2/PANi Visible light Bisphenol 96.2 120 0.8 5 e e [173]
TiO2/PPy Ultravioletevisible Methyl orange 100 20 1 500 e e [174]
TiO2/PPy Visible light Methyl orange 70 240 1 500 e e [174]
TiO2/PPy Ultravioletevisible Phenol 100 20 1 50 e e [174]
TiO2/PPy Visible light Phenol 55 240 1 50 e e [174]
TiO2/PAM Ultraviolet Orange II 100 110 0.5 30 25 9.3 [175]

mischievous compounds or natural elements. Photocatalysts are 7.3.1. Intrinsic photocatalytic activity
mostly semiconductors, where they absorb light energy, allowing the Some ARPs with organic backbones might show photocatalysis
transfer of negative electrons to the conduction band (CB), leaving by themselves, e.g., PANi and PPy [176,177]. Contrastly, PPD has
behind the positively charged holes in the valance band (VB). ortho, meta, and para isomers, only PoPD-based copolymers and
Elevated electrons produce superoxide anion radicals ( O 2 ) by re- nanocomposites contribute to photocatalysis applications [178].
action with oxygen, while holes produce active hydroxyl radicals Few studies have been conducted combining other forms (PmPD
( OH) by reaction with water or OH, Eqs. 2e11. Active radicals target and PpPD) with photocatalytic materials, casting doubt on their
organic pollutants through an oxidative degradation reaction [169]. ability to enhance photocatalytic performance. Further criticism
can be levelled at its capacity to scavenge the radicals responsible
Photocatalyst þ hn/hþ þ e (2) for degradation [179].
Taymaz et al. examined, for the first time, the catalytic activity of
PANi itself and deprotonated PANi (DPANi) in the degradation of
hþ þ H2 O/   OH þ Hþ (3) two dyes. PANi was synthesized by polymerizing ANi in acetonitrile
by chemical oxidation with periodic acid. Furthermore, DPANi was
produced by adding a solution of tetrabutylammonium hydroxide
hþ þ OH / OH (4)
to PANi colloidal to achieve a thorough deprotonation process.
Under UV light irradiation, both PANi and DPANi were able to show
hþ þ pollutant/ðpollutantÞþ (5) excellent photocatalytic activity. They completely degraded MB and
malachite green dyes in the presence of DPANi after 60 and 75 min
and after 45 min for both dyes when using PANi. The presence of
e þ O2 / O
2 (6) the hetero nitrogen of amine and imine groups in addition to the p-
conjugated network in PANi allows the electronic transitions
O þ 
2 þ H / OOH (7) responsible for photocatalytic activity. The bandgap for PANi and
DPANi was calculated as 4.43 eV and 5.06 eV, respectively. Although
the DPANi photocatalytic reaction was slower than PANi, it is ex-
2 OOH /O2 þ H2 O2 (8) pected to be more practical at degrading pollutants due to its ability
to absorb sunlight [177].
H2 O2 þ  O  
2 / OH þ OH þ O2 (9) Curiously, the number of experiments in which plain PPy was
used for photocatalysis has been nil until recently. Lately, Yuan et al.
revived the subject through a comparative study of several polymer
H2 O2 þ hv/2  O H (10) forms under different synthesis conditions. They reported three
PPy nanostructures: (1) bulky PPy through common chemical
 oxidation, (2) spherical nanostructures (40 nm) through chemical
pollutant þ 
OH ; hþ ;  OOH or  O
2 /degradation Product
oxidation in the presence of swollen hexagonal mesophases tem-
(11) plates, and (3) nanoballs (400 nm) by direct gamma irradiation
Table 4 shows illustrative examples of photocatalysts nano- polymerization. All the resultant nanostructures were used for
materials based on titanium dioxide (TiO2) and ARPs. Although not phenol and MO photodegradation. The spherical nanostructures
many ARPs possess a photocatalytic activity, they might also play exhibited the highest photodegradation under UV light illumina-
other roles, including shifting adsorption to the VIS region, tion. At the same time, the nanoballs showed superiority under VIS
pollutant attractant, and protective coating. The amino groups on light, with no notable photoactivity for the bulky PPy. The result
the polymer provide anchoring sites for photocatalytic materials. was attributed to (1) more defects in the bulky polymer that
The repulsion between the positive chains carrying these photo- encouraged e-h recombination, and (2) conductivity increased with
catalysts prevents aggregation and increases photo-contact. The the decreased surface area [176].
amine groups often act as absorption sites to increase the con-
centration of pollutants near the photocatalyst. The nitrogen of the 7.3.2. Red shifting
amino group might also contribute to heterojunctions that enhance Chemical bonding and related charge transfer at the interface
the charge separation and shift the photo-response to the VIS light between the photocatalyst and ARP support are anticipated to be
region. exploited to fine-tune the electrical and chemical features of the
M.E. Elhalwagy, A.S. Elsherbiny and A.H. Gemeay Materials Today Chemistry 27 (2023) 101344

active sites. For example, TiO2 is a frequently used photocatalyst for to produce superoxide and hydroxyl radicals responsible for dye
pollutant degradation. Still, its activity is limited by absorption in degradation [189].
the UV range due to the wide bandgap, and photo-generated Mittal et al. developed a MoSe2-PPy photocatalyst using a two-
electron-hole pairs undergo fast recombination. Shifting the ab- step approach, including the hydrothermal production of MoSe2
sorption to the VIS light area allows the exploitation of the sun's nanosheets followed by the in-situ formation of the PPy compo-
rays to activate the photocatalyst [180]. nent. Induced photocatalytic with VIS light was investigated to
Nonmetal and metal components have been employed to tune degrade the cationic Rhodamine B and anionic congo red dyes. The
the electronic structure of TiO2 and boost its photocatalytic activity as-prepared composite effectively separates photo-generated
in the VIS light region. A modified sol-gel approach was used to charge carriers, thereby improving photocatalytic activity. For de-
create photocatalysts employing amine-terminated PAMAM den- tails, when exposed to VIS light, electrons from the valence band of
drimer (0th generation) as a template and source of nitrogen in N, Pt MoSe2 and PPy are excited into the CB, leaving holes behind. Photo-
co-doped TiO2. Within the TiO2 energy bands, N established an generated electrons could easily be gathered into the CB of MoSe2.
inner band closer to the valence band, while Pt established another Following that, electrons in the MoSe2 CB might combine with
band closer to the CB. The resultant sol-gel showed a redshift in the dissolved oxygen to create superoxide anion radicals, which could
adsorption over plain TiO2 [181,182]. oxidize organic dyes to non-toxic products. Meanwhile, PPy's
Other photoactive materials exhibited the same gap-contracting valence band holes might directly or indirectly destroy organic dyes
effect upon functionalization with PAMAM dendrimer. Mousavi by forming hydroxyl radicals. Creating this type II heterojunction is
et al. immobilized CeO2-NPs onto a nanofiber mat made from responsible for separating charge carriers and enhancing photo-
pullulan, poly (vinyl alcohol), and poly (acrylic acid) blend. Then, catalytic activity [190].
CeO2-NPs were functionalized with (3-Glycidyloxypropyl)trime- The accumulation of excess photo-induced electrons/holes on
thoxysilane as a linker with the 3rd generation PAMAM dendrimer. the semiconductor surface might cause photo dissolution. For
The modified CeO2-NPs showed a reduced bandgap of 2.91 eV instance, cadmium sulfide (CdS) upon illumination, electrons and
compared with 3.11 eV for pristine CeO2-NPs. The final structure holes are generated from the CB and VB, respectively. Photoex-
demonstrated triplicate reactivity toward azorubine and phenol cited electrons are smoothly transferred to the surface, while
photodegradation [183]. holes could be enriched on the outer surface, causing photoelec-
Saad et al. synthesized two CS-based composites, CS/ZnO and tric corrosion whether in the presence, Eqs.12e15, and the
CS/CeeZnO, under 900 W of microwave irradiation. Morphological absence of oxygen Eq. (16) [185]. Yang et al. developed a stable and
investigation showed ZnO and Ce-doped ZnO as unique nanoflower regeneratable nanosized CdS-based catalyst for VIS light-induced
petals surrounded by CS leaves. The bandgaps of ZnO, CS/ZnO, and photocatalytic degradation of Eosin B dye and phenolic com-
CS/CeeZnO were 3.3, 2.85, and 2.5 eV, respectively. The synthetic pounds. Nanosized CdS first confined in hexagonal mesoporous
composites were applied to the photocatalytic degradation of silica before adding a PDADMAC PEL protection layer. Without the
malachite green dye under a VIS light source. Over the immaculate PDADMAC coating, the photocatalyst ceased to be active in the
ZnO, the synthetic CS/ZnO and CS/CeeZnO composites boosted the third round, but the coated photocatalyst completed over 22 cy-
degradation of malachite green by 54% and 87%, respectively. After cles of organic pollutant removal. Moreover, the regeneration of
five photocatalytic breakdown cycles, the synthetic composites catalysts was accomplished by resulfurizing the exhausted cata-
remained stable and reusable [184]. lyst powder with a stream of H2S. After regeneration, the catalyst
showed the same activity as the new catalyst for six regenerations
7.3.3. Heterojunction formation and photo-corrosion inhibition cycles. The PEL layer resisted cadmium leakage as it prevented the
Semiconductor photocatalysts are a cost-effective and environ- photo-corrosion of CdS by a retrograde process involving residual
mentally friendly method of removing organic pollutants and bac- photoelectrons [191].
teria from water. However, the rapid recombination of optical charge
carriers and photo-corrosion limit the efficiency of semiconductor CdS þ hn/hþ þ e (12)
photocatalysts [185]. Coupling conductive materials with photo-
catalysts to form heterojunction photocatalysts allows the transfer of
photo-generated charge carriers to/from conductive materials and CdS þ 4hþ þ 2H2 O þ O2 /Cd2þ þ SO2
4 þ 4H
effectively hinders electron-hole pair recombination [186]. There-
fore, heterojunction formation is expected between conducting ARP O2 þ 4e þ 4Hþ /2OH (14)
and photoactive semiconductors [187,188]. Moreover, hybridization
with conductive polymers inhibits the photo-corrosion of the
semiconductor-based photocatalysts by consuming the charges The overall reaction : CdS þ 2O2 /Cd2þ þ SO2
4 (15)
responsible for the instability [185].
Sivakumar and colleagues employed LaVO4/PoPD and BiVO4/
CdS þ 2hþ /Cd2þ þ S (16)
PoPD nanocomposites for photocatalytic degradation of MB dye
and textile effluents. The degradation of MB reached 70.4% by Ma et al. enhanced the stability and photocatalytic activity of
LaVO4/PoPD and 96.3% by BiVO4/PoPD after 120 min of VIS light Ag3PO4 by using PANi and waste tobacco stem biochar. Plain
irradiation. Moreover, textile effluents were degraded by these Ag3PO4 has difficulties in practical application because of its
two composites at a rate of 97% and 94%, respectively. The sche- intense photo-corrosion, Eq. (16). The coating of PANi reduced the
matic structure of the composite energy levels is shown in water solubility and self-reduction of Ag3PO4. Biochar and PANi
Scheme 17. Upon VIS light irradiation, electrons were excited enhanced the charge separation by capturing electrons and holes.
from the highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) to the Moreover, their synergistic effects reduced the particle size,
lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) of PoPD before be- enhanced adsorption, and improved light utilization. Holes were
ing transferred to the CB of MVO4, leaving holes behind. Also, the main active species during the photocatalytic reaction. Triclo-
electrons migrated from the VB of MVO4 to the HOMO of PoPD, san was degraded efficiently by the optimal photocatalyst (1%T-
leaving holes in the VB of MVO4. These electrons and holes were Biochar/Ag3PO4/1% PANi) with an 85.21% removal rate in 10 min.
absorbed by oxygen and water molecules on the surface of MVO4 Furthermore, the apparent rate constant was 2.38 times that of
M.E. Elhalwagy, A.S. Elsherbiny and A.H. Gemeay Materials Today Chemistry 27 (2023) 101344

Scheme 17. Photoproduction of superoxide anion and active hydroxyl radicals through type II heterojunction over PoPD/MVO4 nanocomposite. (Redrawn with modification from
Ref. [189]).

plain Ag3PO4. The hybrid was more durable than plain Ag3PO4 increase was observed between the 1st and 2nd generations.
during three cycles [192]. However, the use of higher generations was accompanied by a
higher loss of photocatalytic activity [195].
Agþ þ e /Ag0 (16)
7.3.5. Pollutant attractant
Hou et al. fabricated PDA-coated TiO2 nanofibers via an elec-
7.3.4. Dispersity trospinning process and subsequent treatment with an alkaline DA
The photocatalytic efficacy could be increased by a trace amount solution. The polymerization duration tightly controlled the shell
of monocharged polymer that prevents the active NPs from ag- thickness between 1.1 and 6 nm. Once the solution pH exceeded 7,
gregation due to electrostatic repulsion. Krehula et al. synthesized the photocatalyst's surface charge turned negative, causing an
PPy/TiO2 nanocomposites with photocatalytic activity under VIS electrostatic attraction with MB. Moreover, the PDA shell absorbed
light to degrade reactive red 45 azo dye. The pH level of 6.6 was VIS light, exciting electrons that rapidly transferred to TiO2, where
optimal for the photocatalytic degradation reaction. The removal they reacted with water and oxygen to form hydroxyl and super-
efficiency was 96% and 98% for TiO2 and PPy/TiO2, respectively, but oxide radicals. Herein, PDA shells served as both a photonic sensi-
the degradation rate was enhanced. The small fraction of the PPy tizer and a cation attractor [196].
immobilized onto TiO2 prevented the latter aggregation, more VIS PEI in hybrid photocatalysts could contribute to the charge
light photon utilization, and more contact with pollutant molecules transfer mechanism. For instance, graphite carbon nitride (g-C3N4)
[193]. is a metal-free photocatalyst for drinking water disinfection.
However, the coating thickness is an important and influential However, its low activity denatures it. Zeng et al. showed that PEI
factor and should be optimized. Mao et al. studied the effect of TiO2/ enabled electron transfer from its amine groups to g-C3N4, thereby
PDA-coating of different thicknesses on developing the photo- facilitating charge separation and the generation of long-lived
catalytic performance on the degradation of Rhodamine B from an reactive oxygen species (O 2 and H2O2). Meanwhile, the posi-
aqueous solution. Initially, the encapsulation showed superior tively charged PEI might electrostatically attract negatively charged
support for the aforementioned catalytic performance due to the bacteria cells to the photocatalyst surface. Under simulated sun
increased light absorption capacity. However, increasing the layer irradiation, the PEI/g-C3N4 combination efficiently inactivated the
thickness above 1 nm leads to a decline in performance due to Escherichia coli by 6.2 logs in 45 min and the Enterococcus faecalis by
charge transfer [194]. 4.2 logs in 60 min with no discernible adverse humic acid effect on
Jung et al. functionalized TiO2 with successive generations of the process [197].
PAMAM magnetic dendrimers. The surface amine groups promoted
the water dispersion, and the magnetic character enabled the facile 7.3.6. Template material
separation. The combination was used for aqueous MO photo- ARPs are also used as a template to control the morphology of
degradation. The reaction rate increased as the PAMAM generation photocatalysts, particularly dendrimers and branched structures.
around TiO2 NPs increased from 0 to 3. The most significant The inner nanocavities are used as hosts that prevent aggregation,
M.E. Elhalwagy, A.S. Elsherbiny and A.H. Gemeay Materials Today Chemistry 27 (2023) 101344

obtain a narrow distribution of stable NPs, and increase surface Faisal et al. synthesized a ternary photocatalyst using ZnTiO3
area. Zhao et al. used PAMH as templates for constructing micro- nanostructures doped with PANi and Ag NPs via a modified sol-gel
flowers of Ag/AgCl/BiOCl-X photocatalysts with the solvothermal method followed by an ultrasonication approach. Under VIS light,
method, where X indirectly represents the polymer content. The the as-prepared Ag/PANi/ZnTiO3 nanocomposites were effectively
formation of Ag particles results from two processes: the AgNO3 used to photodegrade MB and imidacloprid aqueous molecules.
reduction and the surface AgCl reduction after VIS light exposure. The ternary photocatalyst composed of Ag (1%)/PANi(10%)/ZnTiO3
The degradation of Rhodamine B and tetracycline under VIS light showed exceptional efficiency, removing 95.6% of the target MB
irradiation (l > 400 nm) was used to assess the photocatalytic ac- molecule and achieving a degradation rate 1.85 times that of
tivity of the as-fabricated composites [198]. undoped ZnTiO3. With VIS light, conducting polymer PANi feeds
Kim et al. coated electrospun polyurethane nanofibers with PDA electrons to the CB of ZnTiO3. Hence, surface plasmon resonance
via the dip-coating method. The resulting nanofibrous was occurs, causing the equilibrated Fermi level of Ag to flow rapidly
immersed in an aqueous ZnO NP solution to seed the metal oxide into the ZnTiO3 conduction band, Scheme 18b [204].
particles on its surface. Later, ZnO nanorods were grown on the
ZnO-seeds via a hydrothermal process. The PDA catechol group 7.4. Filtration membranes
worked as an electron trap, reducing electron-hole pair recombi-
nation and increasing photocatalytic effectiveness [199]. Microfiltration (MF), ultrafiltration (UF), nanofiltration (NF), and
BiVO4 is a VIS light active n-type semiconductor with three reverse osmosis (RO) are used to describe different types of filtra-
forms: tetragonal scheelite, tetragonal zircon, and monoclinic tion membranes depending on the pore size used to reject various
scheelite. The monoclinic phase was recommended for VIS light contaminants. The primary contrast between reverse and forward
applications due to its narrow bandgap of 2.4 eV. Mahlalela et al. osmosis (FO) is how water is driven through the membrane. In RO,
synthesized {010} monoclinic BiVO4 facets with plate-like hydraulic pressure forces water through the membrane, whereas
morphology with the addition of 0.5 M NaCl and 0.15 mM hyper- natural osmotic pressure is dominant in FO. The fundamental
branched PEI for the decomposition of aqueous atrazine. The sur- membrane characteristics are the water contact angle (WCA), water
face area was increased by 88% from 0.7 m2/g for 0.5NaCleBiVO4 to flux, fouling tendency, surface charge, roughness, and pore size.
1.32 m2/g for 0.15PEIe0.5NaCleBiVO4. However, after forming p-n Porous MF and UF membranes are manufactured by controlled
junctions in 0.15PEIe0.5NaCleBiVO4eBi2O3, the bandgap was deposition of membrane components in layers or hollow fibers in a
increased to 2.43 eV. Hence, the decomposition of atrazine in process known as phase inversion. MF and UF membranes are
wastewater remained higher in 0.5NaCleBiVO4eBi2O3, which usually applied in cross-flow or dead-end flow configurations to
warrants further study [200,201]. remove suspended particles, large organic compounds, bacteria,
and viruses. The composite NF and RO membrane is usually made
by condensation polymerization at the interface between the
7.3.7. Coupling multiple active sites aqueous and organic phases. NF and RO are applied cross-flow
Photo-generated carriers might be transported in many phases configurations for salt rejection and small organic compounds
through the induction mechanism to separate electrons and holes [205].
throughout the ternary catalytic reaction process, extending pho-
tocatalytic activity beyond the binary catalytic system. Li et al. 7.4.1. Hydrophilicity
utilized a PDA bridge to crosslink ZnAl-layered double hydroxide Membrane fouling is defined as a decrease in flux caused by the
(ZnAl-LDH) nanosheets with g-C3N4 to create a VIS light Z-scheme accumulation of contaminants on the surface, which causes pore-
heterojunction photocatalyst, Scheme 18a. Under VIS light, elec- clogging. Contaminated materials include inorganic, organic, and
trons from each of the VB of the active materials were excited to biological materials that might permanently or temporarily
their respective CB. The photo-induced electrons of CB on g-C3N4 obstruct flux depending on their interaction with the membrane
will be transferred to the VB of ZnAl-LDH via the PDA p-p* tran- surface [206]. The deposition of ARP with abundant amine groups
sition to provide additional electron transfer channels. The holes in onto the membrane surface increases the hydrophilicity of the
VB of g-C3N4 and electrons on the CB of ZnAl-LDH, as well as the membrane. A hydrophilic membrane is preferred because of the
abundant electrons on the PDA, contributed to radical formation. low fouling that arises from the ability of the amino group to form a
While all active species have developed, their impact on the hydration layer that weakens the adhesion of the hydrophobic
degradation reaction differs with the order (hþ > OH > O 2 ) [202]. foulants.
The PDA generally does not show photocatalytic activity by it- The WCA indicates a membrane's hydrophilicity and wetting
self. Therefore, conductive ARP with photoactivity might contribute behavior; as the WCA decreases, the hydrophilicity increases.
to other effective ternary heterostructures. Balakumar et al. syn- However, the WCA is also influenced by the surface morphology of
thesized ternary porous g-C3N4/PPy/montmorillonite (MMt) via an the membrane, such as roughness and pore size [207]. For instance,
in situ oxidative polymerization method. The photocatalytic per- the PDA-intercalated thin-film nanocomposite polysulfone (PSF)
formance towards the mineralization of metronidazole antibiotic membrane showed a diminishing WCA from 92.6 ± 5.3 to

under VIS light was studied. The g-C3N4/PPy/MMt(10%) nano- 35.3 ± 2.6 with the PDA coating time from 0 to 24 h due to the PDA
composite exhibited the best performance than the g-C3N4/PPy/ hydrophilic amine and catechol groups [208].
MMt(5%, 15%, 20%), g-C3N4/PPy, plain g-C3N4/PPy. This enhanced
photocatalytic capability has been linked to synergistic interactions 7.4.2. Pores reforming
between constituents, Scheme 18c. During VIS light irradiation, the Numerous approaches for the modulation of membranes have
VB of MMt and g-C3N4 captured the photo-generated electrons of been devised, including surface and bulk modification. Surface
PPy. Affluent ( O 2 ) radicals were produced by the electrons in the grafting and coating were often utilized to increase the membrane
CB of g-C3N4 and MMt, whereas water produced ( OH) radicals by fouling resistance by providing a hydrophilic character [206].
the holes in the VB. The holes in MMt's VB and PPy's HOMO were However, these approaches alter just the membrane's outer surface
directly implicated in metronidazole degradation. After five pho- and often result in a decrease in the size of the pores as a result of
tocatalytic cycles, the photocatalyst was still very effective and polymer deposition. Controlling the pores' size through polymer
stable [203]. deposition contributes to the membrane's selectivity. Chajanovsky
M.E. Elhalwagy, A.S. Elsherbiny and A.H. Gemeay Materials Today Chemistry 27 (2023) 101344

Scheme 18. (a) Z-scheme of ZnAl-LDH/PDA/g-C3N4 photocatalyst mechanism under visible light; (b) conductive type heterojunction of Ag/PANi/ZnTiO3 photocatalyst; (c) sensi-
tization mechanism of g-C3N4/PPy/MMt under visible light irradiation. (Redrawn with modification from Ref. [202e204]).

et al. prepared a buckypaper membrane by in-situ reverse emulsion instead of covering it. Chen et al. synthesized RO membranes by
polymerization in ethanol under ANi sonication in the presence of grafting linear PEI with varying Mwt (0.6, 1.800, 10, and 70 K) onto
CNTs. The permeability of the PANi-grafted CNT was much less than Dow Chemical's LE-400 polyamide surfaces. The WCA of the
the CNT reference. However, the declined water permeability membrane surface fell significantly from 65 to 36 as the Mwt of PEI
shifted the membrane filtration to the UF region with an average increased. However, as the surface got denser, the water flow across
pore size of ~119 ± 28.3 nm. The 2.56 mm thick films showed high the PEI-modified membranes was reduced from 64 to 51.50 L/m2h.
salt removal properties at low-pressure drops, making them Grafting with a low-Mwt PEI might flatten the surface and reduce
promising in low-energy areas [209]. the roughness. In contrast, the higher the PEI chain length, the
On the other hand, the bulk modification includes blending the surface retained more roughness. The modified RO (70 K) mem-
membrane substrate with hydrophilic ARP additives with a bene- brane demonstrated a decontamination factor of 114.23 for Cs(I)
ficial change in hydrophilicity and pore size. Díez et al. developed and 3306.88 for Co(II) nuclides, which was more significant than
polyvinylchloride (PVC) UF membranes with a hyperbranched the decontamination factor of some commercial RO membranes
PAMAM (Helux-3316) through a nucleophilic chlorine substitution [211].
in the casting solution. The non-solvent induced phase inversion Ma et al. prepared PPD/polyacrylonitrile NF membrane by in-
method was used. The casting solution had a 15%w/w PVC base situ PPD growth directly on the polyacrylonitrile substrate. The
material, pore-forming PVP (0e5%w/w), N, N-dimethylacetamide, polymerization rate varies according to the monomer, sorted in the
and Helux-331 (0, 0.8, 1.6%w/w). Amino groups boosted the plain following declined order: pPD, AN, mPD, and oPD. Most PoPD
PVC membrane hydrophilicity as the WCA decreased from produced were oligomers with some water solubility. Hence, the
78.4 ± 2.7 to 69.3 ± 1.9 with 1.6%w/w Helux-331. The finger-like polyacrylonitrile substrate could not be fully covered, resulting in
pore diameter increased from 35.5 ± 1.0 nm in the bare PVC higher permeance of pure water and minimal dye rejection. The
membrane to 47.1 ± 0.6 nm in the PVC/PVP/Helux-331, as did the PpPD/polyacrylonitrile NF membrane had superior water per-
permeability, which increased from 89.5 ± 2.7 to 149.4 ± 0.6 L/m2. meance of 297 Lm2/h/bar. Between pPD and oPD, the ANI and
hr.atm [210]. mPD monomers polymerized at a moderate pace, leading to a high
polymerization degree and uniform coverage. As a result, the pro-
7.4.3. Surface roughness duced membrane exhibited low permeance to clean water but
The surface roughness of the modified membrane depends on significant dye rejection. The pure water permeance of all these
the modification polymer, method, and coverage. For example, the composite membranes was more than 170 Lm2/h/bar, and the
surface could be rougher if polymer scraps grew on the surface congo red and direct red 23 rejection was more than 99% [212].
M.E. Elhalwagy, A.S. Elsherbiny and A.H. Gemeay Materials Today Chemistry 27 (2023) 101344

7.4.4. Control surface charge retaining water (  OH;  NH  ; and  NðCH3 Þþ 3 ). As a result, pure
From fouling vision, membranes' surfaces are often negatively water flow rose dramatically from 139 Lm2/h for plain membrane
charged. It seems reasonable, given that most colloidal particles at 1 bar, reaching 270 Lm2/h for membrane with 6 wt% loadings at
that deposit on the membrane surface are negatively charged (e.g., 1 bar. The rejection of the 6 wt% hybrid membranes reached 98% for
NOMs, BSA, and NaAlg). However, efforts have been made to pro- BSA and was unaffected by enhanced flux. Quaternary ammonium
duce positively charged membranes. Positively charged surface moieties also caused a strong antibacterial action against Escher-
membranes act as barriers for cationic pollutants by an exclusion ichia coli. Their positively charged surfaces attracted the negatively
mechanism (section 7.4.7). Thus, layer-by-layer (LbL) deposition, charged bacteria and degraded their cell membranes [75].
copolymerization, and zwitterion formation might be more effec- Khoerunnisa et al. developed another polyethersulfone (PES)-
tive in introducing both charges while maintaining notable based UF membrane by a phase inversion method employing CS/
performance. NH4Cl solutions. The modified membrane demonstrated bio-anti-
Nayak et al. synthesized a series of PVDF membranes based on fouling capabilities, killing 99.2% of Staphylococcus aureus and
the reactive nature of PDA to graft short-chain amino alkanes (EDA, 83.3% of Escherichia coli. The surface's hydrophilicity was also
diethylene triamine (DETA), triethylene tetraamine (TETA), and enhanced, as the WCA dropped from 82.3 to 64.4 . Finally, the
tetraethylene pentaamine (TEPA)). The surface was then reacted membrane porosity rose from 49.6 to 70%, and the mechanical
with 1,3-propanesultone for zwitterion formation. After a 5 s in- strength increased from 0.57 to 8.7 MPa upon modification [217].
terval, the dynamic WCA drops from 107.8 ± 1.28 for PVDF to
59.3 ± 2.49 for PVDF-PDA membranes, where the lowest value was
7.4.6. Sorption
31.58 ± 1.27 for the zwitternized PVDF-TEPA membrane. The alkyl
Rather than sieving action, sorption membranes could retain
amine developed a more positive charge, thus shifting the iso-
pollutants from wastewater during filtration based on their
electric point towards a higher pH level. Further functionalization
adsorption groups and unique morphology. Kalita and others had
with 1,3-propanesultone slightly lowered the isoelectric point due
manufactured GO papers with different charges for use in selective
to the incorporation of negatively charged sulfonate groups. The
vacuum filtration of solutions of anionic and cationic dyes. The
high BSA adsorption on the PVDF membrane with a negative zeta
negative charge of GO was related to the oxygen-rich functional
potential could be owing to the surface's hydrophobicity, resulting
groups. In contrast, a PAM-functionalized GO solution with a
in strong hydrophobic-hydrophobic interaction. In contrast, the
cationic character formed the positively charged paper. In both
zwitterionic membranes demonstrated a high level of anti-fouling
cases, GO was used in conjunction with a polycarbonate film to
activity. The relative BSA solution flux data indicates that a clean
filter MB and MO dyes. The two-charge stacking structure suc-
PVDF membrane reduces flow by more than 40%, whereas zwit-
ceeded in removing 99.8% and 99.5% of dyes, with maximum
terionic membranes reduce flux by only 2e3% [213]. The anti-
adsorption of 311 and 340 mg/g for both MB and MO dye, respec-
fouling effect due to the hydrophilicity effect often overcomes the
tively. The rejection mechanisms included adsorption through
counter effect of the electrostatic attraction between opposite
electrostatic interaction between the dye and the charged GO pa-
charges. Furthermore, the fouling transformed from irreversible to
pers [218].
reversible [213,214].
Sun et al. successfully prepared a PVAm-modified poly-
Li et al. fabricated an NF membrane with 2.5 bilayers of poly
propylene cationic adsorption membrane using a two-step
(styrenesulfonic acid) PSS and PAH through a layer-by-layer
approach. Free radical polymerization was carried out for the
deposition. The as-prepared membrane was further modified via
grafted N-vinylformamide. The Amino groups were regenerated by
H2O2/CuSO4 triggered co-deposition of PDA/PEI. Subsequently, the
hydrolysis poly (N-vinylformamide). The solution of Cr(VI) ions was
membrane was crosslinked with a glutaraldehyde solution. The
allowed to flow downward through the membrane by gravity. The
WCA of the plain substrate (PES) dropped from 80.0 to 20.0 in the
maximum adsorption capacity of Cr(VI) was 208.3 mg/g at
crosslinked composite membrane, indicating enhanced hydrophi-
pH ¼ 2e3 and 40  C, with a 55 wt% inoculation rate and a 70e80%
licity. However, the water permeability drastically decreased from
hydrolysis degree. Under acidic conditions, the protonation of
110.0 to 13.1 Lm2/h/bar. The PDA/PEI layer improved the anti-
pendant amino groups increased the charge attraction for Cr(VI)
fouling performance of the NF membrane. The membrane water
anions. At high solution pH levels, the adsorption of Cr(VI) species
flux dropped slightly to 10.2 and 9.7 Lm2/h/bar within 10 h and
on the aminated surface was most likely due to the formation of
50 h, respectively. The membrane rejected ~90.6%, 76.9%, 95.6%, and
hydrogen bonds and surface complexation. Additionally, the
40.4% of TOC, Ca2þ, Mg2þ, and Naþ feed content, respectively, which
fibrous membrane demonstrated good recycling properties owing
was better than the NF membrane of Dow Chemical (FILMTEC™ NF
to the reversible protonation of the PVAm grafts' amine groups.
270) [215].
After ten adsorption-desorption cycles, 90.6% of Cr(VI) was
removed [219].
7.4.5. Biofouling resistance
Biofouling is the unplanned deposition and proliferation of
microorganisms. They might pollute water, cover and plug active 7.4.7. Ion repulsion
areas, host diseases, and assault the surface [216]. The cationic Negative-charged membranes frequently have difficulty reject-
amine and quaternary ammonium groups possess a disinfectant ing polyvalent cations compared to monovalent ions, as the latter
character. The disinfectant properties arise from the positive charge take on anionic forms in solution. Deon et al. described a surface
that makes them bindable to the microbes' surfaces with the modification of the commercial polyamide membrane (Desal GK)
opposite charge. by allylamine plasma polymerization. The cationic surface rejected
Ismail et al. constructed a nanohybrid using quaternized silica the positive cations, whereas the negatively charged pores led to a
(GTMAC) and DA in a single step using mussel-inspired GO high rejection of the anions. This allows for high selectivity of
tailoring. The UF hybrid membranes (rGO/GTMAC/PDA/PES) were divalent and monovalent ions regardless of their sign [220].
fabricated from PES (58 kDa), nanohybrid, and pore-forming Creating an ammonia-selective FO membrane is crucial for
polymer (PVP, 40 kDa) through induced phase separation. The dy- treating home wastewater. Nevertheless, it is complicated due to
namic WCA dropped from 64.9 for the plain membrane to 22.6 the equivalent ammonium polarities and hydraulic radii of water.
after 8% modification due to functional moieties capable of Bao et al. tested PAMAM dendrimer to improve ammonia rejection
M.E. Elhalwagy, A.S. Elsherbiny and A.H. Gemeay Materials Today Chemistry 27 (2023) 101344

and anti-fouling properties of the thin-film composite (TFC) FO UF with an MWCO of 10 kDa. In the PDADMAC-MO system, the
membrane. The grafted membrane demonstrated ammonia rejec- positive charge of the polycation was progressively increased at
tion enhancement due to electrostatic repulsion [221,222]. acidic pH levels, which allowed it to attract more MO molecules.
Mahmoudian and others polymerized DADMAC in the presence The authors validate the polymer's reusability after four sorption-
of carboxylated-MWCNT before incorporating the resultant com- desorption cycles [229].
posite with different weights of 1, 3, 5, and 7 wt% into the PES
membrane matrix to separate salts, metal ions, and dyes from 7.4.9. UV resistance
water. The polymer's repeated positive increased the membrane In materials science, “oxidative degradation” always refers to
hydrophilicity. Hence, the WCA decreased from 87 in the plain PES polymer degradation. This self-stimulating process includes the
membranes to 62 in the 7% modified membrane, resulting in formation of hydroperoxides as a result of hydrogen atoms' attack
increased water flow. Salts and MB dye rejection were enhanced by by oxygen on the carbonic backbone. The stability of polymers
increasing the modification from 1 to 5%wt owing to the size against oxidative degradation depends on saturation degree,
optimization and Donnan exclusion. However, rejection deterio- branched structure, crosslinking, and crystallization [230]. Polymer
rated at higher modification ratios due to the extended pore size oxidation is often accelerated by sunlight, ozone, heat, radiation,
and sponge structures. The charge variations of the quaternary N mechanical stress, traces of transition metal ions, water, pollutants,
were consistent with the membrane response at different pH levels and microorganisms. For instance, the PDA layer was used as a UV
[223]. protective layer for the polyvinylidene difluoride (PVDF) mem-
brane. PDA's UV protective properties were ascribed to the high
abundance of catecholamine groups. The latter could capture free
7.4.8. Polymer enhanced filtration radicals and inhibit the membrane's UV-induced photodegradation
Only pollutants with an Mwt of 300 to 1 KDa can be removed [231].
through UF membranes. Hence, they cannot reject most heavy
metal ions and organic pollutants. The water-soluble polymers 7.4.10. Acid resistance
were suggested to assemble contaminants to relatively higher Zeng et al. created an acid-resistant NF membrane by interfacial
Mwts than the Mwt cut-off (MWCO) to easily undergo UF, i.e., polymerization of 1,3,5-(tris-piperazine)-triazine on the surface of
polymer enhanced UF (PEUF) [224]. MWCO is the lowest Mwt that a PSF UF membrane with TMC. The composite membrane was
the membrane retains at a sufficient percentage (90e100%). equipped with a smooth and highly crosslinked poly (amide-s-
Diallo and his colleagues proposed using soluble dendrimers in triazine-amine) skin layer with an isoelectric point near pH ¼ 3.5.
the adsorption of cations and anions before the filtration process. The membrane had a water permeance of approximately
The process utilises filtration processes at the micro- and ultra- 8.68 Lm2/h/bar and a salt rejection of greater than 97% for 2 g/l
scales rather than NF and RO, which occur at high pressures divalent salt solutions at 100 psi pressure. Salts were rejected in the
[225]. For instance, Diallo et al. proposed using 5th generation PPI order of Na2SO4 > MgSO4 > NaCl, as was typical for negatively
dendritic macromolecules to generate selective, high-capacity, and charged membranes. After 720 h of exposure to 0.05 M H2SO4, the
recyclable ligands to recover perchlorate anions (ClO 4 ) from membrane blocked more than 94% of MgSO4 with no noticeable
aqueous solutions. The 5th generation PPI dendrimer with a ter- chemical or morphological changes in the membrane skin layer
minal (NH2 ) groups and a DAB core exhibited perchlorate [232].
adsorption equivalent to perchlorate-selective ion-exchange resins
but with faster kinetics as the equilibrium was reached in less than 7.5. Miscellaneous roles
1 h. Only an alkaline water solution (pH ¼ 9.0) is required to liberate
over 90% of the bound ClO 4 anions [226]. 7.5.1. Solubility
Moreover, Lin et al. also employed cetyltrimethylammonium While chitin is insoluble in numerous organic solvents, CS is
(CTAB) and PDADMAC for sulfate removal with the regenerated highly soluble in dilute acidic solutions below pKa. The pH signifi-
cellulose membrane through micellar-enhanced UF (MEUF) and cantly affects the charged state of amino groups and the charac-
PEUF. UF performance was studied at various starting sulfate teristics of CS. These amines get protonated and positively charged
(0e20 mM) and CTAB/PDADMAC (0e100 mM) concentrations. In at low pH, transforming CS into a water-soluble cationic PEL. On the
dilute solutions, more than 99% sulfate retention was attained. At other hand, as the pH increases, CS amines are deprotonated;
high sulfate concentrations (e.g., 10 mM), a dose of 50 mM CTAB or hence, the polymer loses its charge and becomes insoluble [233].
PDADMAC might retain around 90% of the sulfate ions. PEUF out- Moreover, the degree of CS deacetylation refers to the ratio of the
performs MEUF in sulfate retention at lower polymer-to-sulfate acetyl groups that were converted to amine groups during the CS-
ratios and cleaner effluent, but with lower flux and higher fouling chitin conversion. By definition, the degree of deacetylation directly
tendency. However, the membrane fouling was reversible, and the expresses the density of amine groups on the CS constituent. With
membranes could be reused [227]. increasing the degree of deacetylation, the repulsion between the
Huang et al. have focused on discarding heavy metal ions from amine charges increases. As a result, the viscosity of the polymer
an aqueous solution by PVAm-enhanced UF across a PES membrane decreases and the solubility increases [96].
(MWCO ¼ 10 kDa). Cu(II), Fe(III), and Pb(II) gave nearly complete Numerous ARPs exhibit analogous behavior owing to their
rejections, while Ni(II), Mn(II), Co(II), Cd(II), and Zn(II) were much functional group dependency. Kawakita et al. exploited the solu-
weaker. The metal rejection in PEUF was highly correlated to metal- bility and reduction capability of Poly (Tyr) to recover gold ions
amine-polymer complexes. The ascending polymer-to-metal ion from aqueous solutions, Scheme 19. First, the aqueous solution was
ratio increased the rejection process; however, the flux across the acidified with HCl (pH ¼ 1). Then, poly (Tyr) was dispersed in the
membrane decreased. Crosslinking of PVAm with the sulfate anions solution. Poly (Tyr) phenolic groups reduced gold ions into particles
in the solution would cause precipitation. Hence, PVAm could be separatable by filtration. Poly (Tyr) precipitates at pH ¼ 7 as the
handled as either a flocculant for high concentration metal ions or amine group can no longer acquire protons. As a result, the gold ion
an enhancer of UF for low concentration metal ions [228]. reduction process was based on the hydroxyl and amino groups.
PDADMAC was also used to aggregate anionic MO dyes in the Moreover, the polymer separation was based on the solubility
PEUF process. A regenerated cellulose membrane was applied for change as the amine group environment changed [234,235].
M.E. Elhalwagy, A.S. Elsherbiny and A.H. Gemeay Materials Today Chemistry 27 (2023) 101344

7.5.2. Demulsification 7.5.3. Encapsulation material

The emulsion is a two-phase system composed of two liquids Water instability, limited sorption capacity, and selectivity are
that do not mix homogeneously, one of which is dispersed in the common drawbacks of adsorbents based on metal-organic frame-
other phase as globules. Demulsifiers are a class of chemicals or works (MOFs). Yuan et al. coated the MOF-199 core with a PANi
surfactants used to separate the two phases. Water-soluble shell and used it for the adsorption of Cu(II) ions to eliminate these
demulsifiers are used to destabilize oil-in-water emulsions and issues. The encapsulation process aimed to protect the structure of
vice versa [236]. Zhang et al. synthesized two PAMAM with 1,3- the MOF and provide additional adsorption sites. The isothermal
propanediamine and EDA initiators for the demulsification of oil- data suited the Langmuir model, and the predicted adsorption ca-
water emulsions. The demulsifier based on 1,3-propanediamine pacity was 7831.34 mg/g. The porous architecture of MOF-199 and
has excellent performance, achieving an oil removal ratio of up to the complexation between Cu(II) and N atoms of PANi might have
92% after 30 min. This superior demulsification performance was contributed to the excellent adsorption [240].
due to the synergistic effects of the hyperbranched structure and
the appropriate Mwt. Hence, the PAMAM demulsifiers showed high 8. Future perspectives
interfacial activity, capable of destabilizing emulsions and floccu-
lating oil droplets to facilitate phase separation [237]. Following is a demo of the most important future aspects for
In the petroleum industry, two spaced Mwts of branched PEI optimizing the utilization of ARPs in water treatment:
(10 k and 60 k) coupled with an anionic sodium dodecylbenzene
sulfonate surfactant (SDBS) were used to treat oily water. As the [1] The performance optimization of ARPs and their roles in
concentration of SDBS in the medium increased, it accumulated on standalone, hybrid, and composite nanomaterials requires
the surface of the oil droplet until saturation, corresponding to the determining the surface/bulk amine group densities. Despite
maximum removal efficiency. The higher the cationic demand, the the variety of techniques available, surface group quantifi-
lower the Mwt required for efficient flocculation of oil droplets. The cation remains an obstacle. In most instances, only a quali-
oil removal efficiencies of the PEI were equivalent to those of the tative identification of the surface groups was performed.
reference polymer in low concentrations of SDBS and better in Therefore, a simple, reproducible method or protocol for
greater concentrations [238]. determining the amino group's density remains a challenge.
Soluble pEPI-DMA contains hydrophobic methyl and hydro- [2] There is a general trend in the scientific community toward
philic quaternary amine groups, making it a distinct coagulation the use of environmentally friendly materials and green
agent. Additionally, the polymer has a controllable charge density, a polymers. In this context, CS and PDA have recently received
low Mw, and cost-effectiveness. Mineral salts are used to destabi- a great deal of attention. However, natural polymers such as
lize the colloids in dishwasher wastewater. Cationic polymers are PDA analogs and PAAs are not given the same level of
examined as a potential alternative to the commercial metallic consideration. Despite the fact that the latter has a high
alum salt used for this purpose. Recently, pEPI-DMA showed amine group content and the capacity to form dendrimers.
excellent removal efficiency compared to alum and other cationic [3] Most ARP nanomaterial synthesis is straightforward. How-
polymers. At a small dose of 0.1 mg/l, the polymer removed 87% of ever, more analysis and optimization for critical factors are
oil and 90% of turbidity. The removal efficiencies were increased still required. For instance, reaction parameters and stability
when the polymer was used in conjunction with the alum, but issues can influence the nanomaterials' behavior, morphol-
there was a performance disturbance with samples of varying ogies, and pollutant removal performance. In addition,
strengths or pH levels [239]. further attention is encouraged to polymers with synthesis

Scheme 19. Poly (tyramine) cycle for gold recovery. (Reprinted with permission from Ref. [234]. Copyright © 2010 American Chemical Society).

M.E. Elhalwagy, A.S. Elsherbiny and A.H. Gemeay Materials Today Chemistry 27 (2023) 101344

complications that limit their study and application, such as PEUF process. Finally, the presence of an ARP coating might provide
triazine dendrimers. extra protection against chemicals and UV radiation.
[4] Creating a greater diversity of nanocomposites based on
ARPs through permutations and harmonics of dendrimers,
quaternization, and copolymerization. Declaration of competing interest

9. Conclusion The authors declare that they have no known competing

financial interests or personal relationships that could have
The design and development of highly reactive nanomaterials appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.
have emerged as one of the most promising strategies for water
purification and pollution control. Here, the focus is on ARPs, where Data availability
it was necessary to carefully study their behavior to determine their
roles in water treatment applications. No data was used for the research described in the article.
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