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Natural Disasters Canadian 4th

Edition Abbott Test Bank

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Esst MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the

1) Silicon and oxygen link up to form the silicon-oxygen .

A) dihedron B) hexahedron C) tetrahedron D) trihedron
Answer: C

2) In magma the most abundant dissolved gas is .

A) hydrogen sulfide (H2S) with its rotten egg smell
B) water vapor (H2O)
C) carbon dioxide (CO2)
D) sulfur dioxide (SO2)
E) carbon monoxide (CO)
Answer: B

3) The presence of water the melting point of rock.

A) raises B) does not change
C) lowers D) may raise or may lower
Answer: C

4) The viscosity of magma is lowered by .

A) increasing temperature B) decreasing SiO 2 content
C) all of the choices are correct. D) decreasing crystal content
Answer: C

5) Spreading centres are an ideal location for volcanism because .

A) the oceanic plates pull apart causing hot asthenosphere rock to rise and undergo decompression
melting to form magma that continues to rise
B) the asthenosphere rock has low percentages of SiO 2

C) all of the choices are correct
D) none of the choices are correct
E) they sit above the high-temperature asthenosphere
Answer: C

6) The typical trend in a rising plume of subduction-zone magma is to increase .

A) temperature B) the percentage of SiO 2
C) all of the choices are correct D) the viscosity
Answer: C

7) Rock may melt by .

A) all of the choices are correct
B) none of the choices are correct
C) raising its temperature
D) increasing its water content
E) lowering the pressure on it
Answer: A

8) The dominant volcanic gas (commonly 90% or more of total gas) is .
A) sulfur dioxide (SO2)
B) hydrogen sulfide (H2S) with its rotten egg smell
C) water vapor (H2O)
D) carbon dioxide (CO2)
E) carbon monoxide (CO)
Answer: C

9) Molten rock released at the Earth's surface is called .

A) plutonic B) lava C) granite D) magma
Answer: B

10) Slow flowing, more viscous lava commonly has a rough, blocky texture called .
A) cc B) pahoehoe C) aa D) bb
Answer: C

11) When magma cools so quickly that crystallization cannot take place it produces .
A) obsidian
B) pahoehoe
C) aa lava
D) granite
E) metamorphic rock
Answer: A

12) The three Vs of volcanology are .

A) viscosity, volatiles, volume
B) volatiles, velocity, variability
C) viscosity, volatiles, velocity
D) volatiles, volume, variability
E) viscosity, velocity, volume
Answer: A

13) Why does the magma from some volcanoes flow smoothly and relatively peacefully, while the
magma from other volcanoes blasts forth violently?
A) Different geographic positions with respect to plate tectonic setting
B) Differences in the chemical and mineral makeup of magmas
C) None of these are correct
D) All of these are correct
E) Variations in the temperature, water and gas content, and viscosity of magmas
Answer: D

14) A shield volcano has a great .
A) width compared to its height
B) amount of pumice
C) proportion of pyroclastic material, compared with lava flows
D) height compared to its width
Answer: A

15) Which of the following statements about shield volcanoes is true?

A) They develop from violently explosive eruptions.
B) They are found in shield areas of the Earth e.g. the Canadian Shield.
C) They produce massive amounts of pyroclastics.
D) They form from basaltic magma.
Answer: D

16) Hawaiian volcanoes capable of eruption include .

A) the growing but still sub-sea volcano of Loihi
B) Kilaueau on the island of Hawaii
C) any of the five volcanoes that make up the island of Hawaii
D) all of these are correct
Answer: D

17) The most peaceful eruptions are .

A) Vulcanian eruptions B) Strombolian eruptions
C) Plinian eruptions D) Icelandic type
Answer: D

18) Volcanic material which has a lower density than water is called .
A) Obsidian
B) Volcanic glass
C) Pyroclastic bomb
D) Plinian rock
E) Pumice
Answer: E

19) The volcanic explosivity index (VEI) measures size of volcanic eruptions on a scale of 0 to 8.
Between 1500 and 1981, one VEI 7 eruption occurred. This was .
A) Mt. St. Helens in 1980
B) Mt. Pelee in 1902
C) Mt. Vesuvius in 1631
D) Krakatau, in 1883
E) Tambora, in 1815
Answer: E

20) Scoria cones are built mainly from type eruptions.
A) plinian
B) icelandic
C) none of these are correct
D) strombolian
E) ultra-Plinian
Answer: D

21) Some of Earth's most beautiful mountains are _ , including Mt. Kilimanjaro in Tanzania,
Mt. and Mt. Fuji in Japan.
A) cinder cones B) calderas C) stratovolcanoes D) shield volcanoes
Answer: C

22) are steep-sided, symmetrical volcanic peaks built of alternating layers of pyroclastic
debris capped by high-viscosity andesitic to rhyolitic lava flows that solidify to form protective caps.
A) Shield volcanoes B) Stratovolcanoes C) Calderas D) Scoria cones
Answer: B

23) eruptions are common first phases in the eruptions of volcanoes as they "clear their
throats" before emitting larger eruptions.
A) Hawaiian-type
B) Vulcanian-type
C) None of these are correct.
D) Icelandic-type
E) Plinian-type
Answer: B

24) Which of the following best describes the common pattern of a major eruption sequence?
A) An Ultra-Plinian precursor, a Strombolian main event and a magma plug conclusion.
B) A Plinian precursor, a Strombolian main event and a lava dome conclusion.
C) A Vulcanian precursor, a Plinian main event and a lava dome conclusion.
D) An Hawwian precursor, a Plinian main event and a magma plug conclusion.
Answer: C

25) A caldera collapse occurs .

A) before the eruption starts
B) at any of these times
C) in the middle of the eruption
D) after the magma chamber is mostly empty
E) millions of years after the volcano's final dying eruption
Answer: D

26) eruptions are the most violent types of explosive eruptions.
A) Ultra-Plinian
B) None of these are correct
C) Vulcanian
D) Plinian
E) Strombolian
Answer: A

27) in the Aegean Sea underwent an explosive series of eruptions around 1,628 B.C.E. that
buried the Bronze Age city of Akrotiri on Thera to depths of 70 metres.
A) Vesuvius B) Krakatoa C) Mt. Pele D) Stromboli E) Santorini
Answer: E

28) A mantle hot spot has generated a long-lived plume beneath Yellowstone National Park, and the
North American continent is drifting above it about 2 to 4 cm/yr.
A) northeastward
B) southwestward
C) northwestward
D) in random directions
E) southeastward
Answer: B

29) The formation of a giant continental caldera includes all but which of the following?
A) Magma pours out in high-volume pyroclastic flows, causing the ground surface to sink into a
B) Rising magma forms a low-density cap rich in SiO2 and gases, bulging the ground surface
C) Basaltic eruptions begin from circular fractures surrounding the bulge.
D) Removal of magma decreases the pressure on the magma below the caldera, causing new
magma to bulge up the caldera floor.
E) All of these are correct.
Answer: C


Figure 5.18

The origin of the holes on this rock surface from Hawaii is:
A) unknown, the rock could come from another planet.
B) rainfall impact during solidification.
C) gas that escaped during lava solidification.
D) microbiological action, that is, microbes decompose organic material which is incorporated
into solids.
E) all of these.
Answer: C


Figure 5.14

In this figure, A represents a and B represents a _ type of volcanic eruption.

A) Plinian; Icelandic
B) Icelandic; Plinian
C) Hawaiian; Vulcanian
D) Strombolian; Vulcanian
E) Hawaiian; Icelandic
Answer: A


Figure 5.30

This figure shows the facade of the church of Paricutin, engulfed in a field of lava flows. Based on th
of this basaltic lava, we can determine that it is .
A) aa B) pillow C) pahoehoe D) tephra
Answer: A

33) The major characteristics of rhyolitic magma are:

A) low temperature of magma, higher viscosity, and higher water content.
B) high temperature of magma, higher viscosity, and higher water content.
C) low temperature of magma, lower viscosity, and lower water content.
D) high temperature of magma, lower viscosity, and higher water content.
E) low temperature of magma, lower viscosity, and higher water content.
Answer: E

34) Spreading centres are ideal locations for peaceful volcanism because:
A) the magma is low-viscosity basalt that allows gases to escape easily.
B) all of these.
C) the asthenosphere has low percentages of SiO2.
D) they sit above the high-temperature asthenosphere.
E) the oceanic plate pulls apart, allowing hot asthenosphere rock to rise.
Answer: B

35) The factors evaluated in volcanic explosivity index (VEI) include:
A) population density.
B) pyroclastic flow.
C) volume of lahars.
D) duration of continuous blast.
E) volume of gas released.
Answer: D

36) Magma at depth does not contain gas bubbles because .

A) of the lower pressure
B) of the low density of gas bubbles
C) of the higher pressure
D) no dissolved gasses are detected
E) of the high magma density
Answer: C

TRUE/FALSE. Write 'T' if the statement is true and 'F' if the statement is false.

37) Although there are 92 naturally occurring elements, a mere eight make up more than 98 percent of
the Earth's crust.
Answer: True False

38) Oxygen and silicon are so abundant in the Earth's crust that their percentages dwarf those of all
other elements.
Answer: True False

39) If the magma cools and solidifies below the surface, it crystallizes as volcanic rocks.
Answer: True False

40) If the magma reaches the surface, it forms volcanic rocks, named for Vulcan, the Roman god of fire.
Answer: True False

41) When it comes to volcanic hazards, the key problem is how easily the dissolved gases can escape
from the magma.
Answer: True False

42) No magmas contain dissolved gases.

Answer: True False

43) The higher the viscosity of a magma, the more fluid is its behavior.
Answer: True False

44) The highest temperatures and highest SiO2 contents are in basaltic magma, giving it the lowest
viscosity and easiest fluid flow.
Answer: True False

45) The lowest temperatures and highest SiO2 contents occur in rhyolitic magma, material so viscous
that it commonly does not flow.
Answer: True False

46) About 80 percent of the magma reaching the Earth's surface is basaltic, with only about 10 percent
andesitic and 10 percent rhyolitic.
Answer: True False

47) Basaltic magma has the lowest viscosity, so more of it reaches the surface; the more viscous
rhyolitic magmas are so sluggish that they tend to be trapped deep below the surface where they
cool, solidify, and grow into the larger mineral crystals of plutonic rocks.
Answer: True False

48) At oceanic spreading centres, magmas are rhyolitic in composition.

Answer: True False

49) Basaltic magmas have low contents of SiO2, low temperature, low viscosity, and allow easy escape
of gases, producing peaceful eruptions.
Answer: True False

50) Beneath continents, rising basaltic magmas are contaminated by sediments and continental-crust
rocks, altering magma compositions; the resultant andesitic-to-rhyolitic magmas have high contents
of SiO2, relatively low temperatures, and high viscosity, which make it difficult for gases to escape,
causing explosive eruptions.
Answer: True False

51) The primary reason magma forms at subduction zones is that the subducting plate carries a cover of
sediments, water, and hydrated minerals down with it, which lowers the temperature required for the
adjacent overlying mantle lithospheric rock to melt.
Answer: True False

52) Magma rising in a subduction zone tends to get more "contaminated" with high-silica minerals than
does magma rising in a spreading ridge.
Answer: True False

53) Magma at depth does not contain gas bubbles because the high pressure at depth keeps gas
dissolved in solution.
Answer: True False

54) Gas bubbles decrease in number and volume as magma keeps rising upward to lower pressures,
helping to propel magma upward through fractures or pipes toward an eruption.
Answer: True False

55) At a depth of 32 kilometres, basaltic rock melts at around 1430C but this same rock will melt at
only 1250C at the Earth's surface.
Answer: True False

56) When magma nears the surface, gases come out of solution and help cause volcanic eruption.
Answer: True False

57) The most abundant dissolved gas in magmas is water.

Answer: True False

58) Highly fluid basaltic lava may cool with a smooth, ropy surface called pahoehoe, whereas lower
temperature, slower flowing, more viscous basaltic lava commonly has a rough, blocky texture
called aa.
Answer: True False

59) The process of mineral formation in a cooling magma is called crystallization.

Answer: True False

60) When gas escapes quickly and violently from lava it may produce a frothy glass full of holes left by
former gas bubbles; this porous material, known as pumice, contains so many holes it can float on
Answer: True False

61) Flood basalts are the largest volcanic events known on Earth.
Answer: True False

62) Hawaiian volcanoes produce andesitic lava.

Answer: True False

63) The Volcanic Explosivity Index (VEI) ranges from 0 to 10.

Answer: True False

64) A scoria cone is likely to form if lava is low in gas content and high in viscosity.
Answer: True False

65) Icelandic-type eruptions only occur in Iceland.

Answer: True False

66) Lava domes form when high viscosity magma with low volatile content cools quickly, forming a
hardened dome a few metres to a kilometre or so in height.
Answer: True False

67) In the last 200 years, three catastrophic eruptions have occurred at Yellowstone at about 100 years
ago, 50 years, and last year.
Answer: True False

68) Most of the rocks that melt to form magma do so because heat is added, not because the pressure on
it decreases.
Answer: True False

69) When basaltic magma reaches the continental surface its composition never changes.
Answer: True False

70) There is a linear relationship between the Volcanic Explosivity Index and fatalities.
Answer: True False

Answer Key
Testname: UNTITLED5

1) C
2) B
3) C
4) C
5) C
6) C
7) A
8) C
9) B
10) C
11) A
12) A
13) D
14) A
15) D
16) D
17) D
18) E
19) E
20) D
21) C
22) B
23) B
24) C
25) D
26) A
27) E
28) B
29) C
30) C
31) A
32) A
33) E
34) B
35) D
36) C
37) TRUE
38) TRUE
40) TRUE
41) TRUE
45) TRUE
46) TRUE
47) TRUE
50) TRUE
Answer Key
Testname: UNTITLED5

51) TRUE
52) TRUE
53) TRUE
55) TRUE
56) TRUE
57) TRUE
58) TRUE
59) TRUE
60) TRUE
61) TRUE
66) TRUE


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