Notes For Radio Physics

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chapter 29 distrotion

in audio file, snip out my talking at 52:00-56:00

remember geometric properties allow us to visualize those details

distortion is the second quality affecting details

this is a misrepresentation of size or shape.

maximise detail minimize distortion, very important.

inverse relationship

evaluation requires knowledge and experience.

two types of distortion

1. size
-distance affects size
-more perciscley magnification, this is due to the divergence of the beam
- magnification is inherent. it is our job to minimize it.
- magnification is directly related to distorition and inversley related to
- all size distortion is controlled by SID/OID
-OID is once again, the critical variable.

regarding SID in size distortion

- inversly related to magnification. think of the light moving away from the hand,
it reduces the shadow and thus increases detail.
- compensate for increase in OID by increaseing SID
- SID est. by radiographer presets i.g 40, 52, 72 etc.
- when increasing SID, the beam narrows.

regarding OID in size distortion

- inversly related to resolution but directly related to distortion/magnification
- this is the critical distance for magnificaiton and detail
- OID establishes the entrance skin distance, which affects the dose. i.g the
distance from the tube decreases mean does increases.
- when OID increases, the SOD decrease. which would result in increase
magnification and decrease in detail resolution.

regarding SOD in size distortion

- changes in SOD will affect magnification.
- SOD is inveresly related to distortion.

calulating size distortion.

answer will never be 1.00 or smaller than 1.00 beause this would mean 0

calculating object size

O= image size/magnification.

percent of magnification:
(Image size-Object size /Object size) 100.
2. shape
- misrepresentaion by unequal magnification of actual shape of structire being
- the types of distortion
-elongation, occurs when tube, AOI, and IR are improperly aligned

-foreshortening, which will only occur if the AOI is not parrell to IR

- has to deal with equipment.

- there is an inherent and natural distortaion, it is our job to minimize it.

central ray:
- improper CR centering will incrase shape elongation
- CR should be perpendicular to IR and part
- further from CR = greater distortion
- can be used to avoid superimpostion.

anatomical part:
-improper alignment increases shape distorition (foreshortening)

image receptor:
IR should be perpendicular to CR, parallel to part

when object is not paralle to ir

-foreshortening and magnification

when CR no centered to object

-elongation occurs

when IR not parallel with object

-elongation and magnification


will always cause elongation

any change in SID will decrease IR exposure

direction in the longitudal direction is the most common

degree describes the exact amount of angulation

MAS does not affect distortion detail

entranse skin exposure increases for larger patients because they are larger to the
x-ray tube.
penumbra increases with distortion, due to magnifaction.

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