Program - DELMIA - Operations Engineering - Articulate

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Partner program - DELMIA Operations Engineering – Articulate level 1


Consists of five disciplines:

1. Robotics.
2. Virtual factory.
3. Fabrication: sub-disciplines, machining, and additive manufacturing.
4. Ergonomics.
5. Process Engineering.

Business processes description

Operations engineering as a business process. Definition of business process and Wikipedia definition are:

Operations engineering focuses on the model aspect. (Model, optimize, perform and collaborative). Business
processes is positioned on the asset planning and operations planning enterprise levels and it focuses on the tactical
planning and operational planning time horizons.

OE (Operations engineering) Business Process, consists of the two Macro Processes:

1. Process definition and validation.

2. Resource Layout, simulation, and programming.
Macro process: resource layout, simulation & programming, and Process definition & validation.

Tactical and operational planning.

Asset planning and operations planning

Landscape, users and values

Macro process: process definition and validation.
DELMIA Robotics
Robot simulation, why is it so important?

What are some benefits of robot simulation?

The professional that might use robot simulation: mechanical engineers, manufacturing engineer and automation
programmers. Every professional has challenges in your discipline.

See exactly what the robot and equipment look like
and function like, accelerate the time to marker
through efficiency by engineering production up-
front; program robots offline while production is
running; engineer the production system right – the
first time, mitigate risk of cost issues, cycle time and
floor space.

Types of applications: --------->>>

These are some of the most crucial DELMIA Robotics

 Reduced time to market: shortens the project timeline by performing production engineering concurrently
with design; reduce the number of iterations and re-work and validate the productions system to build it
right the first time.
 higher production yield: optimize the robot cycles; virtual prove-out provides better designs for better
 better resource utilization: optimize the floor space used, balance workloads across robots, select the right
resource for the job.
 better standard processes: collaborate on robot programming practices across multiple sites, simulate using
the current productions robot parameters, template-based robot programming re-uses best programming

Potential value
 Shorten the overall project timeline: -> 20-30%.
 Reduce required floor space: -> 10-25%
 Fully utilize resources: -> 20-30%.
 Greatly reduce rework: -> 30-40%.
 Less programming time: -> 15-25%.
 Better product quality: -> 15-25%.

DELMIA – Virtual Factory

Helps to engineer the equipment and systems for the manufacturing facility so tool designs and systems throughput
can be validated up-front, that is before the actual system and its components are built. Virtualizing the factory helps
to ensure that the designs and layout of the equipment will work harmoniously together to achieve the goals of the
factory for cost ease of operations, throughput, serviceability, and safety. It also ensures that the floor space in the
factory is fully utilized.

Benefits of Virtual Factory

1. Prove out of the component and system design.

Manufacturing components such as grippers, tool fixtures, and welders are all purpose-built components.
That is, each one is designed to perform a specific task which operates on a specific product, working within
a specific set or conditions. Every design needs to be validated by comparing the product, the process and
resource designs to be certain that each component can perform the intended task within a prescribed time

2. Prove out of the manufacturing systems throughput:

Manufacturing systems come in all kinds of speeds, sizes, and technology. Some require manpower to
operate while others can be fully autonomous. Having the capability to design and operate manufacturing
systems virtually allows the manufacturing company to visualize and optimize the production system. They
can ensure that all the equipment will work together as it was designed, and they can be certain that that
the production rate is achievable.

3. Perform what-if production scenarios:

Working with a virtual factory allows engineers to experiment and innovate. They can introduce multiple
constraints and try new designs to engineers the most optimal manufacturing system.

4. Maximize the investment in the factory equipment.

When the simulation of the systems and the factory are complete, the manufacturing company has
confidence that the factory can be built correctly the first time. They are also certain that the required
production rate can be achieved, so when the real factory is built, minimal rework will be performed since
the systems was already engineered virtually.

Description virtual factory

The layout of footprint of the manufacturing facility can be imported, or it can be built in DELMIA Plant layout
design. A point cloud can also be imported to represent the manufacturing facility as it exists today. Using the 3D
design, users can add motion characteristics of the
CAD representation using equipment design. Some
of these motion characteristics are kinematics
(Motion), speed, acceleration, home positions.

The simulation capabilities come in 2 forms; first the

ability to mechanically simulate machines and tools
at the workcell level. This capability allows user to
utilize the motion characteristics of machines and
tools and simulate them by making them interact
with one another. The second form of simulation
comes in the factory flow simulation application.
This is where the machine cycle time are input, and each machine is connected to represent the product mapping.
The user inputs the cycle time of each machine into the 3DEXPERIENCE platform to perform the process flow
simulation. This gives the user the capability to examine machine and system production rates, examine bottlenecks,
and perform what-if scenarios to enhance production.

The professional that might use robot simulation: mechanical engineers, manufacturing engineer, industrial engineer
and automation programmers. Every professional has challenges in your discipline.

DELMIA Virtual Factory enables users to build virtual 3D
model of existing or planned manufacturing systems. This
digital asset can be used to predict and optimize
production rates, material flow, resource utilization and
layout. DELMIA virtual factory solutions allow customers

See exactly what the equipment looks like and function

like, accelerate the time to marker through efficiency by
engineering production up-front; conceptualize the
factory layout 3D; mitigate risk of cost issues, cycle time
and floor space, examine system throughput.

These are some of the most crucial DELMIA Virtual Factory values:

 Reduced time to market shortens the project timeline by performing production engineering concurrently
with design; reduce the number of iterations and re-work and validate the productions system to build it
right the first time.
 Improve equipment design validate equipment and tooling designs in the virtual world; shorten cycle time
to improve performance; simulate equipment motion to avoid real world problems.
 Better floor space utilization optimizes the floor space used, collaborate with other engineers to maintain
the layout, reserve space on the layout.
 Optimize Throughput find bottlenecks up-front, verify routings and flow; find the best solution to enhance
production rates.
Potential value
 Shorten the overall project timeline: --> 20-30%.
 Reduce required floor space: --> 10-25%
 Fully utilize resources: --> 20-30%.
 Reduce rework: --> 30-40%.
 Better collaboration: --> 50-75%.
 Better throughput: --> 15-25%.

DELMIA – Machining
Machining is a process in which a material is cut to a
desired final shape and size by a controlled material-
removal process. The processes that have this common
theme are collectively called subtractive
manufacturing; in distinction from additive
manufacturing, which uses controlled addition of
materials. Machining is a part of the manufacture of
many metal products, but it can also be used on other
materials such as wood, plastic, ceramic and composite

Machining, using programming with simulation

features, enables users to: ---->>

The professional that might use machining: NC programmer, Machine/fabrication engineer, Shop Floor Operator.
Every professional has challenges in your discipline.

DELMIA Machining solutions allow customers to
minimize risk of product recall and liabilities;
leverage the efficiencies of a single data repository;
reduce project management time; increase
productivity; reduce new product time-to-market;
manage change, costs and delays with end-to-end
traceability; perform optimized global production
at lower cost. Now it is an achievable goal.

Types of applications: --------->>>

These are some of the most crucial DELMIA Machining values:

 Reduced time to market. Reduces programming times due to accurate data accessibility, online
collaboration with the engineering team, managers and shop floor makes decisions faster, reduce number of
prototypes and rework.
 higher production yield. Re-use proven NC programs to machine similar parts faster, dedicate strategies for
hard material cutting with respect of tool life and effectively manage the life cycle of the program resources
and processes.
 better resource utilization. Create virtual models of cutting tools, holders, inserts, etc. - directly from tool
manufacturers website, create NC program in context of shop floor resources to ensure accessibility and
reachability, protect factory investment and avoid damage through machine or robot simulation.
 better standard processes. Capitalize and standardize machining best practice in software. Allow new NC
programmers to re-use best practices to be compliant with company standard. Increase the automation
level to speed up NC program creation and reduce errors.

Potential value
 NC programming time reduction: --> 30-40%.
 Machine time reduction: --> 10-35%
 Reduction in rework cost: --> 10%.
 Faster validation meetings: --> 15-40%.
 Quicker search time for past project´s data: --> 50-75%.
 Capitalize and reuse processes: --> 20-50%.

DELMIA – fabrication-additive manufacturing

Additive manufacturing (AM) is the industrial production name for 3D printing, a computer-controlled process that
creates three dimensional objects by depositing materials, both metal and polymers in layers.

AM allows engineers to:

 Prepare a part for printing.

 Position the part(s) in optimal orientation.
 Generate various types of supports.
 Generate scan paths on NC code.
 Simulate and validate a build-up.
 Generate machine specific output.

AM mostly use for: product prototyping, reducing weight of the part, reducing manufacturing costs, to print it right
the first time based on our physics simulations.

The professional that might use AM: process engineers, Mechanical engineer, Manufacturing engineer and
simulation engineers. Every professional has challenges in your discipline.

AM allows to standardize-capture-reuse print parameters reusable slicing and support rule strategies saves time
during set-up, ensure better quality print mitigates errors through standardization, see distortions and stresses
virtually before real print physics based build up simulation, analyze change impact process change can be
accommodated without having to rework. DELMIA can support 3 techniques as highlighted below: powder bed,
directed energy deposition and material extrusion.
These are some of the most crucial DELMIA AM values:

 Faster print prep with rules. Faster print preparation with REUSE. Capture printing knowledge as rules.
Collaborative and share knowledge with rules. Rule automatic based 3D nesting of variety or parts will
ensure maximum use of the build chamber and reduce the initial set up time.
 Save time with virtual machine templates. Templatize real machine parameters with virtual machine. Reuse
and save time, mitigate redundancies, and reduce lead time.
 Print it right the first time. Simulate and validate builds for thermal and structural. Resus proven libraries to
verify and save time. Print it right the first.
 Mitigate design change impact. Change impact notifications to stay in sync. Faster update of prep set -up
following design changes. Change management.

Potential value
 REUSE print Set-up rules: --> 80-90%.
 Significantly reduce rework: --> 30-40%
 Reduced print-prep times: --> 15-25%.
 Printing parts right the first time: --> 60-70%.
 Rule based 3D Nesting: --> 90-95%.

DELMIA – Ergonomics
What is virtual ergonomics? Ergonomics (or human factors) is the scientific discipline concerned with the
understanding of the interactions among humans and other elements of a system, and the profession that applies
theoretical principles, data, and methods to design to
optimize human well-being and overall system
performance. In a 3D environment it is virtual
ergonomics. User of virtual ergonomics challenges is
to make sure their workstations are safe and efficient.

Virtual ergonomics components: virtual environment,

instructions, analysis, anthropometry, reports.

Ergonomics is useful anywhere where there is

interaction between human and it’s work environment (workers with their workstation, operators with their
machines, users, and product).

The professional that might use AM: process engineer is responsible for the process planning, balancing and
workplace design of production lines. While continuing to optimize the existing stations, they must plan in detail the
necessary modifications to the assembly stations, to build the new product in a safe and efficient way.

Ergonomics allows to find problems early in the designs process when
changes can be made at low cost, build workplaces that are safe for a
targeted population with manikin of different sizes and shapes, evaluate
workers vision reach, space, and posture with digital manikins so that
real workers are safe, run What-if scenarios to find the best compromise
between efficiency and safety.

Types of applications: --------->>>

These are some of the most crucial DELMIA ergonomics values:

 Analyzing workplace safety before tooling go to reduce cost of design change . Knowledge capitalization
with planning capabilities expansion: direct link with the Model Based planning. Time savings with One click
realistic manikin positioning powered by the smart Posturing engine technology.
 Finding the right balance between efficiency and safety. Ergonomic guidance to edit the workstation
layout/cadence to lower the risk of worker while improving production line quality and efficiency.

Potential value
 Manual time spent on worker task creation: --> 20 min to 30 seconds.
 Cost of Musculoskeletal: --> 5-20%
 Cost of workplace redesign: --> 5-20%.
 Cost of tooling redesign: --> 5-20%.

DELMIA – Process engineering

Process engineering is a way to transform engineering information into
readable information for a shop floor. It is also a way to define the list of
components and /or raw materials which need to be ordered to start the

1&2, process engineering

consists in defining the
manufacturing bill of materials
(MBOM) of a new product to
make using engineering

3. Then from this bill of

material, the sequence or operations needed to build the product
are defined. For each operation, we will know which component
from the MBOM is used,
which resources are
necessary to do the
operations: workstation or
workplace, machine,
worker, tooling, etc.

4. In addition each of these operations can be analyzed using process

simulation features or by the simulation tools available in our operations
engineering simulation domains like robotics, machining virtual factory or
ergonomics simulation, to anticipate and avoid potential issues.
5. Finally each of those operations can be detailed with associated work
instructions including text, alerts, sign offs, data collects, 2D or 3D views.
MBOM can be released to ERP or any other external systems for
procurement or e.g. supplier exchanges. Process plans can be released to
DELMIA solutions or any external systems for any specific usage such as
supplier exchanges, scheduling, and execution. Work instructions can be
released for execution usage at the shop floor.

Process engineering capabilities

Generate manufacturing BOM automatically from the engineering design and leverage all Design Engineering inputs
that are useful for manufacturing.

Support multi plant MBOM and process plans definition for a given engineering product definition, to consider each
production site specific way or producing it.

Anticipate routings and operations times (or duration), workstations, workplaces, machines workload, at the earliest
possible steps to evaluate costs and return of the new product introduction investment.

Detects errors before it costs money and consumes time.

The best-in-class manufacturing tool to handle frequent product changes thanks to the digital continuity, ensuring
the design engineering changes will be properly propagated thought associated MBOMS process plans, etc.

The professional that might use AM: process engineers, manufacturing engineer. Every professional has challenges
in your discipline.

Leverage 3D design data to create, visualize and document
manufacturing plans; connect the dots from engineering to
manufacturing through agile change management; optimize
workload across the production line for different product variants;
easily generate manufacturing works instructions form the assembly
plan; use the virtual twin experience to validate manufacturing plan
and launch product On-Target.

Features ---->

These are some of the most crucial DELMIA process engineering values:

 Reduced time to market. Connect the dots from engineering to manufacturing through agile change
management. Virtual twin experience to validate manufacturing plan and launch product On-Target. Reduce
or eliminate physical prototype builds.
 Improve process definition accuracy. Increase planning accuracy with smart working sessions of necessary
data. Leverage 3D design data to create, visualize and document manufacturing plans. Deliver first time right
with 3D validation of the assembly process.
 Shorten the learning curve for workers. Easily generate manufacturing works instructions form the assembly
plan. Shorten learnings curve for workers with 3D works instructions. Reduced effort and better quality for
work instruction authoring.
 Optimize productivity. Maximize resource utilization with line balancing. Reduce time and effort to optimize
the productivity of workers and efficiency of the production system. Optimize workload across the
production line for different product variants.
Potential value
 Shorten the overall project timeline: --> 20-30%.
 New product introduction: --> 15-25%
 Increase process definition efficiency: --> 20-30%.
 Reduce or eliminate physical prototype: --> 30-40%.
 Better collaboration: --> 50-75%.
 Shorten the learning curve: --> 15-25%.

Industry process experiences (IPEs).

Industry solution experiences are the solution experiences comprise of the IPE. IPE are made up of the processes
performed by roles, where roles are composed of the DELMIA operations engineering applications. Each industry
process experience supports a business process.

Resource layout, simulation & programming.

Plant layout Design. At this step of the process workflow, customers are defining their plant layout design:

 Resource structure definition. Customers detailed resource model, how many lines they have, how many
stations and works areas are in each line, etc.
 Equipment design. More than just a 3D shape of the tools, information is also needed how equipment
moves, what are its speed, reach, capacity, etc.
 Resource layout. Summarizes all knowledge we posses of the plant layout.
Plant and production validation and simulation. In this step customers are provided with simulations. Our
differentiator is that DELMIA solutions provide not only mechanical (Equipment) simulation, but we also simulate
the flow of the product throughout the plant, through each of its completion stages. Customers can simulation how
product changes, from a raw material being put on the production line, through in-process parts flow, to their final

Resource programming. The last process workflow step is where we deliver programming for customer´s resources.
We deliver 3D printers and NC machines programming based on product design input. Equipment simulation from
the previous step provides a base for robot programming, e.g. in Robotics or Machining disciplines. We use Virtual
Commissioning feature to run virtual tests on a PLC – an industrial computer that has been adapted for the control of
manufacturing processes.

We can simulate how an entire production line composed of many elements will behave, to validate their
interactions and predict problems that many occur when all these elements start to work according to given
sequences. This functionality increases workers safety and minimizes equipment damage risks when starting a
production line that has not been tested yet.

IPE: additive manufacturing.

 The collaborative digital thread that connects, integrates design materials and manufacturing to facilitate
print right- first-time approach.
 Reduce lead time and material cost savings by accelerating the speed of incorporating engineering and
manufacturing change.
 Accurately predict part distortions, residual stresses and as-built material behavior.
 Maximize ROI with increased accuracy and output through efficient use of machine and material.
 Reduce lead time and print parts as needed on demand.

IPE: Assembly Robot Programming and simulation

 Body: support drill and rivet guns as well as servo guns for simulation/dedicated function speeds up weld
 Chasis: simulation controller-specific weld profiles /quickly generate weld seam trajectories based on
product design.
 Choose the right robot and weld gun.
 Deliver validated and optimized robot programs to the shop floor.

IPE: drilling and riveting for assembly.

 Ensure future production rate and quality by robot programming, simulation and optimization in the
3dexperience twin of the production system.
 Accelerate the speed of incorporating engineering change to the assembly robots, cells and line.
 Enabling customer to transform their structure assembly lines to a flexible and highly efficient automated
robotic line.

IPE: line virtual commissioning

 Allows engineers to virtually validate an industrial automated system including production performance
prior to physical commissioning.
 Reduce commissioning time.
 Improve time to market.

IPE: manufacturing virtual commissioning

 The virtual robot’s cycle time and trajectory can be simulated with nearly 100 % accuracy compared to the
physical robot.
 3Dexperience platform supports hardware-in-the-loop cell simulation – actual hardware components such as
robot controllers can be integrated into the simulation.
IPE: Mold and die machining.
 Ensure tool path are collision-free with machine tool simulation.
 Improve programming accuracy with advanced machining strategies.
 Smarter and faster programming through integrated machine programming and simulation with
automation and precision.
 Improve efficiency with collaborative change management between engineering, manufacturing and
production execution.
 Use the 3Dexperience twin of NC manufacturing with integrated material removal and machine
simulation based on tool path and ISO code.

IPE: NC programming and simulation.

 Reduce programming time though automation of the machining process and templates reflecting the user
 Create and simulate your NC program in machine tool context.

IPE: painting line definition and validation.

 Reduce material waste by the robot process.
 Easily creation of robot trajectories for painting, spray sealant, flaming and shot peening.
 Implement the correct robot strategy for optimal surface coverage.
 Deliver validated and optimized robot programs to the shop floor.

IPE: plant and production line layout pre-study.

 Plant and/or production line are designed according to forecasted industrial organization.
 Anticipate equipment commissioning constraints and issues.
 Validated process plan for assembly line.
 Optimal resource utilization across the production line.
 Best practices are captured and leveraged.
 First time right after start of production.

IPE: production automation.

 Reduce labor hours and cost.
 Decrease problems during manufacturing phase.
 Improve delivery times: simulation before production execution.

IPE: business value /benefits.

 Creation of simplified equipment catalog (resources).
 Fast and efficient layout definition, use catalog of predefined and parameterize resources.
 Simulate and analyze multiple production scenarios, in a realistic 3D environment.
 Optimize process performance and resource utilization.
 Eliminate bottlenecks.

IPE: Production line definition and validate.

 Define and validate the assembly process to avoid any issue during production.
 Plant and /or production line are designed according to the forecasted industrial organization.
 Equipment commissioning constraints and issues being anticipated and solved.
 Process plans are validated in the right factory context for End to End production.
 Resource utilizations are optimized across the production line(s).
 Best practices are captured and leveraged.
 No big surprises after start of production (first time right).

IPE: Robot programming and simulation.

 Ensure future production rate and quality by robot programming, simulation and optimization.
 Accelerate the speed of incorporating engineering change to the assembly robots, cells and line.
 Enabling customers to transform their structure assembly lines to a flexible and highly efficient automated
robotics line.
 Increase production and maximize resource utilization with offline programming of complex robotic systems.
 Avoid costly damage and rework through virtual validation of the tools and processes.
 Fully exploit the agility or robotics systems to optimize robot processes.

IPE: Virtual commissioning.

 Reduce debug time and costs at manufacturing sites.
 Reduce risk of errors and damage during ramp-up result in maintaining quality of the product.
 Manage and minimize plant commissioning risks.
 Facilities easy maintenance of control software.
 Improve the quality of delivered PLC code by validating all possible scenarios.
 Reduce immobilization.
 Reduce downtime by running what-if scenarios.

Process definition and validation

Here are the four main steps (Process flow) and its related deliverables:

1. Manufacturing or service BOM (Bill of materials) is a view of customers product, to indicate make, buy or
services decisions per plants, while including the management of product variants, options and evolutions.
BOM is the mandatory deliverable for an Enterprise Resource planning (ERP) and execution.
2. Sequence of manufacturing or service operations that is performed during a shop floor execution or a
product maintenance. Key aspects are the duration, the specification of who will be executing (Worker with
specific skills, robot, machine), with which tools and in which preferred location (specific workstations). High
level Process Plan definition is a mandatory deliverable for scheduling, while detailed Process Plan definition
is necessary for execution.
3. Process simulation performs some feasibility studies of most complex assembly or disassembly steps. It also
checks the accessibility or parts, tools, and workers manually or automatically, with path planning (track
computation without clash). Deliverable: process simulation provides executable processes to the shop floor
and allows to avoid costly issues during execution.
4. Work Instructions are detailed information describing the manufacturing operations or maintenance tasks
activities. They provide some consistent instructions for shop-floor execution, with either 2D or 3D
illustrations. Deliverable: avoiding errors and minimizing the security and quality risks, by providing the
accurate information for execution.
IPE: Assembly process engineering and virtual build.
 Ensure future production rate and quality by planning, authoring, simulating and optimizing the complete
manufacturing dossier.
 Accelerate the speed of incorporating engineering and manufacturing change to the final assembly lines
based on the digital continuity of engineering design, manufacturing planning and execution data.
 Increase the authoring speed and quality significantly.
 Reduce manufacturing preparation time and cost around 30%.
 Ensure first time right when launching production.
 Improve learning curve for production worker.

IPE: Boat manufacturing.

 Gain market share.
 Reduce manufacturing cost.
 Improve delivery times.
 Improve customer satisfaction.

IPE: Body line definition and validation.

 Define & validate the Body Assembly process to avoid any issue during production.
 Optimize resource utilization across the assembly line.

IPE: Building process engineering.

 Improved design quality – collaborative engineering, resolve conflict for outcomes with mutual interests.
 Improved design efficiency – computational design, improved design efficiency with design automation
methods, knowledge capture & reuse, template proprietary design for future efficiency.
 Reduced risk – mode- based design, common framework for communication though design process.

IPE: Civil construction process engineering.

 Improved design quality – collaborative engineering, resolve conflict for outcomes with mutual interests.
 Increased customer satisfaction – Visual 3D communication, involve experts and stakeholder in 3D for buy in.
 Increased contract with rate- Model bases design, common framework for communication through design

IPE: Collaborative engineering to manufacturing.

 Continuous manufacturing development improves collaboration between engineering and manufacturing
departments, thought a common referential and shared governance.
 Full traceability and consistency between product engineering definition and product manufacturing
definition including configuration.

IPE: Design for service.

 Optimize the new design in a maintenance for new product introductions and retrofit projects in order to
minimize downtime by assuring visibility, reachability, safety or demount ability.

IPE: Equipment virtual build.

 Improve manufacturing plan accuracy with 3D enabled visualization of the assembly process.
 Improve first time right equipment assembly metrics to accelerate delivery timelines.
 Shorter learning curve for production workers and improved product quality though 3D enabled visual
documentation and work instructions.
 Reduce errors and rework with 3D virtual simulation.

IPE: Final assembly process engineering and virtual build.

 Define and validate the final assembly process to avoid any issue during production.
 Optimize resource utilization across the final assembly line.
 Review the whole assembly sequence step to step to detect any potential issue.
 Capture any issue and collaborate between the different actors to solve it within the same environment for
more efficiency.
IPE: Manufacturing process engineering and virtual build.
 Involve manufacturing engineering early in design /change process.
 Offer better understanding of relationships between product, resource and manufacturing systems.
 Make it easy to share relevant manufacturing information to downstream stakeholders.
 Enable early detection of manufacturing and production flow issue.

IPE: Material industrialization.

 Offer a seamless solution to define the compound of a semi finish material and its key characteristics with
the associated manufacturing process.

IPE: Outfitting production preparation.

 Reduce labor hours and cost.
 Decrease problems during manufacturing phase.
 Improve delivery times.

IPE: Part fabrication process engineering.

 Ensure future production rate and quality by planning, authoring, simulating and optimizing the complete
manufacturing dossier for part fabrication.
 Accelerate the speed of incorporation engineering and manufacturing change to the part fabrication lines
based on the digital continuity of engineering design, manufacturing planning and execution data.

IPE: Plant construction planning.

 Validate and optimize construction schedule in 3D.
 Collaborative construction innovation though plan, visualize and execute in 3D.
 Concurrent engineering where construction is going on in parallel with engineering.
 Enhance health & safety with human simulation and detailed ergonomic analysis.
 Capture and reuse knowledge and best practices using “Single versions of truth” platform.

IPE: production engineering.

 Reduce labor hours and cost.
 Decrease problems during manufacturing phase.
 Improve delivery times.

IPE: Service process engineering.

 Digital continuity from engineering item structure to service item structure.
 Define the services process, validate its feasibility and document it in one single environment.
 Get benefit of the 3D, to evaluate accessibility for workers and their tools, document any detected issue
early enough in the design phase, and define the work instructions.

IPE: Service tools.

 Improve tooling supply chain performance and reduce inventory.
 Reduce the cost of ownership and LCC or aircraft systems and their support tooling.
 Increased fleet availability and readiness with improved tooling and service manuals.
 Maintenance execution with first time quality and the correct tooling.
 Improved tooling supply chain collaboration and resilience.

IPE: Shipyard layout and simulation.

 Improve delivery times.
 Reduce manufacturing costs.
 Reduce production errors.
 Increased production capacity.
 Reduce the number of non-compliant reports.
IPE: Structure production preparation.
 Reduce scrap and procurement costs.
 Reduce labor hours and cost.
 Decrease problems during manufacturing phase.
 Improve delivery times.

Business overview
Competitors and top objective handling

Operations engineering consists of 5 disciplines:
Here are examples of the benefits achieved by our customers:

What should you keep in mind?

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