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Pitching A

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Pitching a Project
Nowadays, the internet has created
sophisticated platforms for people to pitch their
projects so that people who are interested in
helping out can easily invest with a click of a
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7 Steps to
Pitching a
Perfect Project
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7 Steps to
Pitching a Perfect Project
To stay in business, you’ve got to earn business.
You have to train your ears to listen to your clients
and your eyes to identify gaps or shortcomings in
their processes, content, or other areas—
problems they may or may not recognize
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1. Know Your Client
The better you understand your client inside and
out—their goals, audience, obstacles, successes,
frustrations, personalities, approaches to
problem-solving—the better your odds are of
finding the right project.
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2. Tie your Pitch Directly to your Client’s
Business Goals
They have a need you can satisfy or a problem you
can solve. Maybe they know it; maybe they don’t. Make the
connection clear, and make it often. It’s a win-win; we
boost our chances of scoring meaningful work, and they
home in on the conversions they need most.

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3. Inject a “wow” Factor

And, that doesn’t necessarily mean the scale of the

project you’re pitching. After all, not every solution is a
monumental, life-altering one. It could be as simple as a
new button on a website or a week’s worth of targeted
Instagram posts that moves the right dials for your client.

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4. Keep it Simple

In business, as in baseball, the faster the pitch,

the better. Few people have the time or
patience for a long dog-and-pony show. Edit
yourself. Aim to be comprehensive yet concise.

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5. Consider Providing Options
For nonprofit or startup clients, especially, having two or
three levels of service to choose from with corresponding
price tags is beneficial. In addition to showcasing your
team’s creativity and agility, it also reinforces to the client
that you understand the importance of their bottom line
and that you’re willing to partner with them to achieve it.

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6. Play Devil’s Advocate

Be prepared to address them and to do so

confidently. Before your pitch, assemble your
team and anticipate any objections the client
might throw your way.

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7. Be Passionate

How you deliver your pitch is often just as

important as the pitch itself. If you don’t believe in
what you’re selling, then you can’t expect the
client to.

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Thank You :)

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