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NN a ue Corte ® artowers | HEN 7aSME 78-1701 QUESTIONS RELATED TQ SEC.VIIL D1Vst Get Rules for construction of pressure vessels are given int s a) Section v LA Section VILL Dive tt €> Section VizE Div.2 dT b & © noth ' i : colause'No.) UGH a @.2 materiale fer skiete need not confirm to the spec. of the material to which they are attached or to a spec. Sec.11. Ad true b> Fatae parmitted in Celause Ne, UGY 2 . EaG.S The difference between the maximum and minimum inside Gianeters at any cross section shall nol exceed oF the Fominal diameter al the cross section under Consideration. wos hm et 1 CClause No. UG to Q.4 What is the permissible deviation for inner surface of ellipsoidal head? (Over crowning and under crowning) a2 Cinder 11 Colause Now UGB) a Q.5 a) What ts the maximum permissible out of roundness of « cylindrical shell of ‘A’ I/D at the manway” opening of “he 1/D? - TL OGHS AT ea he by Upto what distance fram the centre ‘line of — manway shall hove the above permdssille cut ef roundness? EClause No. UGB, UGay F @.6 Concurrence of the Inapector (Al) prior to any repairs te required: gr true YGF b) False 3.7 Materials used for non-pressure parts of pressure vessels are necessarily to be identified with the relevant mill test a) True aS False G.8 Partially identified material for veswel fabrication shall be recertified by tha vessel or part manufacturer after necessary testing. Trus b) False Celause No-, Ug 1¢@>(2 1 an Ouar crprorning V%, Sey G9 YRT2" marking en a completed vessel means all long seame with full “radiography, examination and circular) seams (category B lype Joints) with @ partial radiography examination. LAD True b> False CClause No. (4G //@ a @.10 Impact testing is required for a 4" thick GASIS normalised + plate which is to be used in.a vessel where minimum design metal temperature is ~20F. a) True US False COlause No. CS 66 a Q.i1 What is the hydrostatic teat pressure at which a vessel designed for internal pressure is to be tested during a hydra test? WY Camas COhause New UG 99 a @.12 What is the pneumatic test pressure at which a vessel designed for internal pressure is to be tested during an air test? 12S Camas COlause Ne. US Joo 3 @.13 A gauge of 0-400 Kg/ range can be used to measure a maximum of SOO Kg/ test pressure. a) True Ut) False | ’ fe 4 Cmts Cerause Now UG/or 3 @.14 What is the maximum and minimum range of pressure gauge graduation permissible for measuring a maximum Lest Pressure of ‘P*, Kg/ | Mae Uy Cine VGlor @.15 Gauges shall be recalibrated after! a) 2 months b) 4 months @) 6 months Ld) None of the above. CClause No. U/G/o1. a Ost Marking PHT on & completad vessel indicates thate a) the whole vessel has been postweld heat tres Led. Lyf only part af the vessel es been post weld neat Created: <> Parts of ‘vessel are suitable for high pressure and temperature condition. dy) Parts of vessel are suitable for high “Pressure, — heat and temperature condition’. ce1ause New UGIIb g.17 Weided Joint category (A,B/C,D) defines the , Location and wet ejoe of Joints ee ate pb Bee iT , 43 cyst b) False aa hash — ets coiause Now UWS @** US Gp, ca, - eds g.18 A circumferential welded joint between a hemisphertcat Drend land the adjoining shell in a vessel is? LA) Category A type Joint b? Category B type joint c) Gategory C type Joint d) Category D type Joint ce1ause’ No. UW a a.t9 @ butt joint between a WNRF flange with the nozéle pipe 1% & Category C type Joint. vat True . b) False cCelause No. UY > a g.20 A tapered transition is essentially te be produced between Sajacent surfaces of abutting Sections of different thickness ist ty EStethan 178th of the thinner sections oF W/S" whichever is lesa. JA morethan 1/4Un of the tninner sections or 478" whichever is Less+ : ce) morethan 1/44th of the thinner sections oF 4716" whichever is less. d) morethan 3/4th of the thinner sections oF W716" whichever is less. rorause Now UW a beat The ungth ef taper mentiongd in the previous question shart 4) Lessthan 2 times the offset between the adiaeent Surfaces of abutting sections. AA essthan 2 tings tne offset between the adjacent Surfaces ef abutting sections. F Le) Lessthan 4 times the offset between the adjacent Surfaces of abutting sections. 4x Leeethan 6 times the ofteet ety asurtaces of abutting sectione the adjacent Mow } at ee Yo 9.22 Welded intersection Ccron# veld joints) of two shell cours Shall, be necessarily staggered or seperated by atleast § fines tha thickness of the thicker section if no radiography Io "pequired for the weld. . teraw X) Tous b> False {craves wo. U/LY 9(ol) 1 0.23 Categories B and ¢ butt veldu in nozslee and Y communteating ceaneees enat “ngianar “oxowed NESIO ner 14/8 neh all thiexnoee ac not require radiographic examination > True b) False Hig dt - feaseae no. UW Ib ) 0.24 Cut outs can bo made in, partially in or very near to veld Stines df ene wold Joint i» radiographed and cleared LA) Tous b> Fates tc1awe we. VW IG(B) 1 Q.25.unat 19 the winimun distance required to be kept between “eno uae of openings and the edge of a category A,B or C. void on au" thick shell? val ause No r1y( 5 Vy) tereuse ve. Liv IY (d) a 0.26 Performance qualification testing {# not ceauired for tne Uline Operators used in automatic velding of nenq pr biacing attachoonte, whien have eugenbially no load-carrying peeetien “Caueh ae” extended heat transfer ourinces, inowlation support pina, etc.), to pressure parte, eA) True bv) Faloe (crauae wo, Dv 22 (2) L Q.2reae the at For cleaned oF welding. Le recomended that no velding of any kind be done temperature of environment im lower than OF, Fapecelwbes wot US run Ai Fatse Celause No. UIV37 all materials either side of the weld joint is to be to remove ail scale, rust, greese or oil prior to start at True by False AME eek Sl bee wtp Ce1ause Ne, Wt 3 0.27 uhat is the upper tolerance for an offset of a Category A obne op a anetT on ON onan eed 1 AL wy” afu- fe Ve | Lame an hf 142") COlause No, UW 3d 3 4.30 Te reduction tn thickness adjacent to finished tA bnaitudinal or circumferential joint shall be limited tor a i/16" of 5% of the nominal thickness of adjoining burtace. 4/22". or 103 of the nominal thickness of adjoining ourtace. 1/32" or 5% of the nominal thickness of adjoining surface, 1/16" or 10% of the nominal thickness of adjoining ourfaca, {crause wo. UWS (b/g ee DEED ys cys Meade cae a Sh. Yor ~~ n Y c ii : % wy op wu Yu ve a bs a Q.31 Pec & eleoumterential Joint the thickness of the) veld wane ep ayer VS arte ae ayn 38 end [clause No. (WS ( 1 Q:34. Hash Wetdae!_ chai) lorenp /ipie ddentseroacton| |liunver tO and at intervals of not morethan a) 2 foot along the velds which he makes. b) 2 feat along the veldw which he makes. 8) 3 feet along the veldw vhich he mak 4) Atleast one otamp/ joint. (clases vo. Veo 37 (P) 1 9.33 AIL weld metai build up on dace material must be examined over the full surface of the” depomit by either MPF) orb: 9 True by Fates) Semen AP VAG TH {Clause No, ULYG2- i 9.34 All walded Joint to be radtographed aa per Sec. VIEI Diva hall be examined in accordance witht ay AptLcle 4 Section VV) Article 2 Section v ©) Sec. vIIT Div.z 2) Section 1x (c1ause Ne. WS) 1 0.35 A 7mm long elongated indication, in @ radiogcaph of @ wolc between two i" thick plates le asp Section VIII Div.t not he ry" 24% AS Accoptavie — b) Not acceptable [Clause No. WS) z adjac 0.36 Acceptance standards for rounded indication Accop in radiographs ig given in: a) Appendix 2 of Sec. VIII Div. 1. b) Appendix 3 of Sea. viIl Div. 1. eS Appendix 4 of Sec. VIII Div. 1. . @) Appendix 5 of Sec. VIII Div. 1. [Clause No, Ulo S) 1 Q.37 Rounded indications are not a factor in the acceptability of welts not required te be fully radiographed ae per Sec. VIII Div.dy ok pew Ope recliogaphy. a) True _) Faleo [Clause No. UWS 1 0.38 In spot radiography, if a spot fails in RT then: 7 1. One more epot ia to be radiographically tested. -@. Two more spots are to be radiographically tested. 3. Three more spots are to be radiographically tested. 4, Four more epota ace to be radiographically tented. [Clause No. Wws2- \ i 9.39 Tie heating band width in local stress relieving (L.S.R.) of a circumferential joint shall be more than x thickness cf the shell on either side of the wald edges. s e oe) 4 a5 2 yl € [Clause No. Wwye 1 9.40 NDT requicemente of weld Joints on vessels subjected to air test instead of hydrotast are: PT check on all welde around openings, all attachment welds, including welds attaching non-presoure parts to pressure parts, having a throat thickness greater than asan, RT of all category A,8,C,D butt joints. RT of category A and B joints, RI/UT of category A and B jointe. [clause No. LWISO : Q.41 Requiromonts pertaining to classes of materials for prenoure vessels are given int 1, Section VIII Div, 2 Sub Section aCenal eg. 2, Seotion VIET Div, 1 Sub Section Blea fab. Melied, LAY Ssetion VITT Div. 1 Sub Section © Rey Male qtucls 4. Section rrr. Gruss in wrin Corts [Clause No. Q.42 Requirements for pressure veagele constructed of cacbon and = & low alloy steele are given int a UNF of Sub Section C, Saction VIIS pDiv.t UCS of Sub Section C, Section VIIT Div.1 ¢) Part UCI of Sub Section C, Section VIII Div.t 4) Part UCL of Sub Section C, Section ViI1 Div.i Gis acne. cones [Clause wo. ; Xe hun ur Joy ALLO beat hav norathan by beat anal Velded” gunwivadtions ad 0.208 b>) 9.908 @o0.3 [clause No. 0.44 When peoceur, joined “by welding, the PUNT ghall be the higher postweld temperature: tte hw vaeton yale ehelh By dO. 40k vues parte of two different P-Nunber for Q.45 thon non-prossure parte are velded to preseurs pootweld heat treatment temperature of the non-pressur: shall centrol PuuT. 2) Teer AF Faiwe [clause No. 0.46 Ihe temperature of A oe Uc se the ‘me the veovel or part 19 placed in it. 4) SIF C2600) b> GooF, (3150) l the parte PUHT furnace shall not exceed adup © nor «arse Gbye0cr tazecs — laed of [Clause No. a.47 paring PHHT of carbon steel vessel, heting shall — net. be morethan maium etal thickness of the shell in inches, but cae morethan 400F/ hrs a:700F shee b> 200F Hr. © S008 /hr. 43 400F /hr Uelauee Noe ves St 0) above B00F, ais oY ves $6) Hot ba umed tw material at p 6 a the rate oF ded by the oy a WeAb Durdna Lhe heating pertod ut POT, here aliatt nue e greatar variation in temperature through out the peetion” ws he 6.8. vensel being heated than eee se aye Pt interval of lengthy =) 100, 10 b> 280, 10 Ut 250, 15 © 100, 45 7 | pep weet bt \ — Clause No. UCSSS (2) 2 G49 During the holding period ef PYHT, tnere shall not be a greater difference than "between the highett wand Lowest temperature through out the portion of the vessel oeing heated: @) 200F (4420) b> ear case) ©) 400F (55¢) Lr 150F (B30) dang be COlause NOUCSEL (a) a @.50 During heating and holding perious of PUNT. excesive exidetion of tne surface of the vessel and diect. impingement of [he Plame on the vessel shalt net be objectionable : a) True 5) False | Eetause noe UCS 56 bly) 2 @.54 Above 800F, cooling during PuHT shall be done in aloe Hurnace or’ cooling “chamber at a” rate, net) greater: tan diviged’ “by tne maximum metal” thickness ofthe. SRST e head tn’ineheay ‘uive Inne "ease morethaan "Soff snr. Ln? Tee praise Que # cctause wer UES SECS)? BOOF snes plate Bebe Spon OO the venuel way be cooled in at4it adr during punt of A carbon steel vessels : AI TH by False ferawe Ko. CS SES) 9.83 The total repale depth ghall not exceed for P.No. cord ee gNO81, 1:2 and 3° materiais. the Totaldenen 7 eN°z Se2a PePAie shall be taken ae ‘the wun of the “dontha’ con Fepaira made from both sides of a weld ats given teensiose aan Ta a a a tee (Clause No. UCg Si(2)> a Q.54 The total repaic depth shall not ox. Group Nos. 1,2 and 3 watorials. for.) P.Ne.3 a0 3/4" tye" eS sya" ay ae [Clause No. UCSSL (2) 3 2-58 during [copatr of a wold, after romoval of the defect, the groove shall bo examined, using F a) RT b) our 62 MT ayTnr or Pr (Clause Me. Gesce ts) } 2.56 Above nominal thickness, the butt velded joints Botwoon @.No, i Group 1,2,3. materials shall be ‘cathe radiographad: a2 1/2" bb) ayan oom Va a ayan > ceraw wo. UCS ST 1 9.87 For P.No. .3 Group 1,2,3 butt valded joints above nominal thickness shall be fully radLoscaphed eae Saree ae ay ara [Claus Ne. Ves 57 1 +5 For welded conatruction the welding procedure quaii¢ication shall include Impact tests of velds and IlA2 when the sane gaterial ia required to be impact tested by the raise or Soe.VIII piv.a. Ve True b) Falee {Clause wo. Ucs 67 i 9.57 Carbon and low alloy atsel plates ahall not be formed cola by blows. 2 4) Tews b) False [Clause ne vcs 79 Cb) 1 i 0.60 Carbon and low alloy steel plat nay be formed by blows at a forging tomperature provided the blovs| de not objectionably deform the plate and it in subsequently post wold heat troatod. otrue b) Feiss | [e1ause No. UVCS75 (ed z 61 PUHT ig mandatory fer P.No. 1 Gr.Noo. 1,2,3 materials eroove welds of not over 1/2" in size and fiilet welds having a throat thickness of 1/2" or less used for attaching non- presgure parte to preawure parte and where preheat. to a minimun temperature of Z200F is applied when the thickness of the pressure part exceeds 1 tgiza", a) True 4) raise cerau M- Ucese G) 0.62 PHHT is mandatory onn P.No- 3 Gr.No. 3 material in all Thickness. Ua) True b) False Ceiause No. UCS SEC) a Q.60 Please specify the minimum holding time fer the PUNT of following as per alternative postweld feat} treatment requirements. a) Material P3. by Thickness - a". €) Soaking temperature ~ 1000% (sgac). a) Shes. | BY Ghee. (e) Shes. di a 1/2 hes. we CClause No. UCS Sb) q G.64 The impact test as per UG&4 shall be made white qualifying the follawing walding procedura. Material P1 to P&, 1" thickness Process SMA Conumabie E809 PUHT - Yes at- 6000-for 1 hes, operating temp. ~ RT True b) False ' Colause No. UMA SIC) 5 3 @.65 The spot radiographs as per fT2 of UGE 11 to be interpreted as per UW 52. LAI True >) Faise celause Now ws f(b) yu wie | @

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