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GENRE Social Function Generic Structure

Recount To retell events for the • Orientation: provides the setting and introduces participants
purpose of informing or • Events: tell what happened, in what sequence.
entertaining • Re-orientation: optional-closure of events
Report To describe the way things • General classification: tells what the phenomenon under
are, with reference to a discussion is.
range of natural, • Description tells what the phenomenon under discussion is like in
manmade and social terms of (1) parts, (2) qualities, (3) habits or behaviors, if living;
phenomena in our uses, if non-natural.
Narrative To amuse, entertain and to • Orientation: sets the scene and introduces the participants.
deal with actual or • Evaluation: a stepping back to evaluate the plight.
vicarious • Complication: a crisis arises.
experience in different • Resolution: the crisis is resolved, for better or for worse.
ways. • Re-orientation: optional.

Procedur To describe how • Goal

e something is accomplished • Materials (not required for all Procedural texts).
through a sequence of • Steps 1-n (i.e., Goal followed by a series of steps oriented to
actions or steps. achieving the Goal).
Descripti To describe a particular • Identification: Identifies phenomenon to be described.
on person, place or thing. • Description: describes parts, qualities, characteristics.



PRESEN Kebiasaan, sering Sedang dilakukan kini Sudah dilakukan kini
T (+) S+V1 (s/es) (+) S+is/am/are+Ving (+) S+has/have+V3
(–) S+don’t/doesn’t+V1 (–) S+ is/am/are not+Ving (–) S+have/has not+V3
(?) Do/does+S+V1 (?) is/am/are+S+Ving (?) have/has+S+V3
R.U.S.A.S.E.N.O. Now, at the moment Just now, already, yet
Once, twice …
PAST Kejadian lampau Sedang dilakukan lampau Sudah dilakukan lampau
(+) S+ V2 (+) S+was/were+Ving (+) S+had+V3
(–) S+didn’t+V1 (–) S+ was/were not+Ving (–) S+had+V3
(?) Did+S+V1 (?) was/were+S+Ving (?) had+S+V3
Last…, yesterday, … ago When, while
FUTURE Akan dilakukan Akan sedang dilakukan Akan sudah dilakukan
(+) S+will+V1 (+) S+will be+Ving (+) S+will have+V3
(–) S+will+V1 (–) S+will not be+Ving (–) S+will not have+V3
(?) will+S+V1 (?) will+S+be+Ving (?) will+S+have+V3
Next…, tomorrow, tonight

Question tag
(+) (-)
(-) (+)
is, am, are, was, were  idem
will, can, may, must, shall  idem
v1  do/does
v2  did
ajakan (let’s…)  shall we
perintah  will you

Degree of Comparison
Positive comparative superlative
(1–2) as+adj+as adj+er than the adj+est of all
(3<) more+adj the most+adj
good better the best
bad worse the worst
many/much more the most
little less the least
far further/farther the furthest/the farthest

agreement : I agree, that’s right, that sounds good, that’s true, that’s a good idea.
disagreement : I disagree, that’s wrong, that’s not a good idea
asking permission: Can I go out? May I use your phone?
request : Will you close the door? Can you turn on the TV? Would you turn off the radio?
Could you open the window? Would you mind making me a cup of coffee?

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