Authentic Text

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Assignment C - Part 2.

Authentic Text
 Check the Class Description and Notes on Part 2 on the assignment platform before you begin.
 The text should be 500 - 700 words long. (4-5 minutes for listening texts).
 In this document, provide a copy of the reading text or a transcript of the listening text you
have chosen.
 Ensure the text is referenced, and if you have selected a listening text or video, provide a link.
 If you choose a reading text, you can shorten and/or adapt it slightly.
 Please supply a copy of the original and your adapted version.
 If you have adapted the text, briefly explain the decisions you've made about changing the text
in section b) of the essay.

 Highlight 12 vocabulary items (words or phrases) which would be useful to pre-teach.

Managing Mental Health While Abroad

When you're preparing to study abroad you generally hear all sorts of warnings
about things like culture shock, reverse culture shock, and homesickness as common
causes of depression and anxiety during and after your trip. These warnings are all
relevant and you should definitely take them into account if you start to feel uneasy
or have trouble coping while abroad. However, those of us with preexisting mental
health issues need to be vigilant to make the most of our study abroad opportunities
and not have them morph into prolonged bouts of suffering. When it comes to study
abroad, the list of things that exacerbated my anxiety were endless. The threat of the
unknown, limited access to friends and family, limited ability to communicate, a new
and unfamiliar environment, a new schedule...everything was different from the life I
had established at my home university, so it took a lot of preparation and foresight
to even get myself to a place where I truly felt comfortable enough to enjoy the
majority of trip.

Here are some things to consider as you prepare for your journey abroad:

1.Do you have specific coping mechanisms?

Do you do yoga? Do you pray? Do you have specific morning and night routine? A
comfort item? Don't stop using those just because you're abroad. Although being
abroad is the perfect time to try new things, that doesn't mean you should
necessarily give up on tried and true methods of making your days tolerable.

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2. Monitor your medications.
If you take medications, do NOT stop taking them unless you are advised to do so by
your psychiatrist. Also, do some research on your host country. For example, in my
host country, Japan, every single substance I was prescribed was illegal according to
Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare. Furthermore, to bring large amounts
of prescribed drugs into Japan (even if they are allowed), you need permission from
the Japanese consulate. Be aware of the laws of your host country and communicate
them with your psychiatrist.
3. Will you need access to therapy while abroad?
If so, communicate this with your psychologist as well as your study abroad advisor.
At my university, my advisor told me about a service that would connect me to
services in Japan that could meet my needs. If you aren't comfortable sharing your
situation with your advisor, do some research yourself!

4. Keep track of classroom policies regarding attendance.

How many absences are you allowed? How many tardies are you allowed? I will
admit that I am someone with a history of missing class because I am feeling
overwhelmed or simply can't make myself move that day. Knowing my absence and
tardy limit helped assuage my guilt in some cases where I really, really needed the
day off, and in other cases compelled me to go to class, because it wasn't worth it to
waste a tardy or absence when I didn't feel that bad.

5. Stay in touch with family and friends back home.

Facebook, Skype, and WhatsApp are just a few examples of how technology today can
you help stay connected to everyone back home.

Hopefully, these tips shed some light on how I managed to have an incredible time
abroad, regardless of my mental health issues. I was able to overcome some of my
biggest challenges, and still enjoy my time living and studying abroad. Again, this is
not professional advice, but rather some insight that I wanted to share. Make sure
you always speak with the people you trust most to ensure that you have both a
memorable, and safe time abroad.

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