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Carol ann Duffy

She was born on December 23rd 1955, she is bisexual and she wrote about homosexuality as a
form of love and not a tragedy. She was a bureaucrat for Britain. She is a postwar writer and is
one of the best, she was also a teacher who taught

1. An unseen
2. The war photographer
3. Big ask
4. Last post
5. Exit wounds
6. The wound in time
● The world's wife
● Mrs Midas Love- might not be done

In his darkroom, he is finally alone

with spools of suffering set out in ordered rows.
The only light is red and softly glows,
as though this were a church and he
a priest preparing to intone a Mass.
Belfast. Beirut. Phnom Penh. All flesh is grass.

He has a job to do. Solutions slop in trays

beneath his hands, which did not tremble then
though seem to now. Rural England. Home again
to ordinary pain which simple weather can dispel,
to fields that don’t explode beneath the feet
of running children in a nightmare heat.

Something is happening. A stranger’s features

faintly start to twist before his eyes,
a half-formed ghost. He remembers the cries
of this man’s wife, how he sought approval
without words to do what someone must
and how the blood stained into foreign dust.

A hundred agonies in black and white

from which his editor will pick out five or six
for Sunday’s supplement. The reader’s eyeballs prick
with tears between the bath and pre-lunch beers.
From the aeroplane, he stares impassively at where
He earns his living and they do not care.
He is a photographer who is reflecting on his work, he is reminiscing of the war photos he has

3 things you learn about a photographer:

1. He is alive before technology “ Something is happening. A stranger’s features faintly
start to twist before his eyes”
2. He works at a newspaper station “from which his editor will pick out five or six”
3. He does not like his job
3 things you learn about war
1. The trenches explode under children's feet
2. The war causes suffering
3. The war is in different countries: Beirut, Belfast and Phnom Penh

War photographer:

● A soldier who is at home working at his photography booth- “The only light is red and
softly glows” “A hundred agonies in black and white”
● reminisces about his job as a war photographer. “spools of suffering set out in ordered
● He gets haunting memories of war “to ordinary pain which simple weather can dispel,”
● huge numbers of death “A hundred agonies in black and white”
● man's wife “He remembers the cries of this man’s wife”
● exploding grounds “to fields which don’t explode beneath the feet”
● dead bodies.”All flesh is grass.”
● He contrasts between war zones & peaceful neighbourhoods- “though seem to now.
Rural England. Home again to ordinary pain which simple weather can dispel,”
● The places affected by war are Beirut, Belfast, Phnom Penh “Belfast. Beirut. Phnom
Penh. All flesh is grass”
● He doesn't have a choice - earns his living through taking photographs “He earns his
living and they do not care”
● He has PTSD. “Something is happening. A stranger’s features faintly start to twist before
his eyes, a half-formed ghost” ''which did not tremble then though seem to now.”


Dispel- make (a doubt, feeling, or belief) disappear.

Agony- extreme physical or mental suffering
Supplement- something that completes or enhances something else when added to it.
Impassively- not feeling or showing emotion
Spools-a cylindrical device on which film, magnetic tape, thread, or other flexible materials can be wound;
a reel.
Intone-say or recite with little rise and fall of the pitch of the voice
Slop-(of a liquid) spill or flow over the edge of a container, typically as a result of careless handling.
Notes from yesterday's class

The poet vividly captures the horrors and agonies of war

It captures the sorrow that the photographer goes through at war
The reader empathises, with the war victims
The metaphor
Sorrow is something the photographer experiences. - that is captured in the last line of the poem
“pre-lunch beers” The use of the word prickle shows that the level of emotion caused by the
images shown, and the number of tears caused by the poem are disturbing.
The length of time the photographer has been working in the industry shows that he has
become numb to the situation.
The long-lasting impact of war has lasted with him and will continue to haunt him of the events
of the war front of everything that has happened
The author uses weather to differentiate or contrast the settings within the poem.
Bombs exploding beneath their feet.
The use of short sentences encapsulates the amount of pain, and the intensity, the use of
different countries is also very important, to show how many areas are being affected.
Lack of concern from outside war zones, through the concept of tears in the eyes. People who
have never been in war will never know the intensity of the war, thus for the use of the prickle of
the eyes.
The use of dead bodies as the grass is a way to metaphorically symbolise the countless number
of deaths that were witnessed by the photographer.
Bloodstained in foreign dust, shows how many places he has travelled to and represents the
amount of bloodshed, the foreign journalist.
Comparison is used with the priest line

The HL syllabus has 2 aspects: The literary- the books, the poems
The non-literary- articles, documentaries, photos,
advertisements, brochures,, etc.

Individual oral- speak for 10 minutes, asks 5-minute question: war photographer non-literary
No comparison or contrast between the 2, however, we look at the global issue being
presented in both.
So if you have a poem, you have to find a corresponding material
There is two of Me
You know me as the strong one the one who holds everyone together,
the one who makes sure everyone is okay before I am.
You can break me all you want
For all I know I won't shed a tear in front of you
So I ask, do you know me?
Or you know one of me the one you like
The one who makes you feel happy
It is almost like there is two of me
One I hide the one I know
The one I know sheds tears in the dark
Voices in her head screaming the one I know is quiet on the outside
But has a pool of never-ending thoughts that consume her
So I ask again, do you know me?
Or do you know the cover of the book, not the hidden story?

Themes: inner self,

Stylistic devices: written in first person, Rhetorical questions, repetition, enjambment
Global issues: Mental Health
Quotation Style Effect

1. Spools of suffering Personification Large numbers of people suffering in

war. Large deaths

2. Solutions slop in trays Visual Imagery This shows that the liquid is not steady,
but moving

3. A hundred agonies in black Metaphor Shows a large amount of death

and white

4. as though this were a church Simile Highlights the relation between his area
and he a priest preparing to of work and a priests area of work
intone a Mass.

5. All Flesh is grass Reverse personification and Shows how much flesh there was

6. Nightmare heat Hyperbole To show just how hot it was

7. sought approval without words juxtaposition This shows the desperation of the

8. bloodstained into foreign dust

If you have a quotation and you do not know what stylistic device is using the word “the

How does the writer portray the effects of war?

Writing essay: P.E.E.L

Point. Quotation. Explanation. Link

Point Evidence Effect

The writer portrays Strange eyes twist The phrase The soldiers will
the long-lasting never fully recover
effects on soldiers,

The huge number of Spools of suffering Symbolic So many people have

suffering huge shed

So many wars going Bloodstained in

on foreign dust

The hopelessness of sought approval juxtaposition This shows the

the people in the war without words desperation of the

Make 5 points about the war photography

The hopelessness sought approval juxtaposition This shows the

of the victims in the without words desperation of the
war people

The portrayal of spools of suffering set Symbolism red is associated with

violence and war is out in ordered rows. blood. Similarly,
represented through The only light is red 'ordered rows' would
common day things and softly glows, make us think of
This is to make the graves, or bodies
reader visualise the waiting to be buried.
amount of
destruction that war
has caused.

Rule of three Intensity of war

Non Literary text

1. Pick a non-literary text of your choice

2. Aspects of that non-literary texts would you teach DP, HL English class? For example, if
you choose a photo you would teach: Camera angle, Colour scheme, title etc


6:45 minutes of the film 1:06 meaning

Colour scheme- what mood does it give to the watcher? What message does the colour have?


● Do not start a paragraph with a quotation
● Must show evidence
● A page is 3 paragraphs
● The paragraph is no less than 10 lines
How does the poet portray the horrors of war in “war photographer”?

One sentence that Rewrite this Write the Which style is Write 2 sentences to show
shows the horror of war sentence in 2 evidence this evidence the effect of using this style
different ways

Those who have The trauma “A Metaphor The man in the picture
experienced war experienced by stranger’s has died but remains
come back with those who had features alive in the picture,
PTSD that clouds experienced the faintly start showing that the
their heads. war is immense. to twist half-formed ghost is alive
before his but dead at the same
The eyes, time
remembrance of a
the war brings half-formed The photographer sees
back disturbing ghost” the picture as a way to
images to those remember the
who experience he had with
experienced it

The poet portrays the horrors of war by highlighting the trauma of those
who experience first-hand its disturbing nature. The metaphor “A stranger’s
features faintly start to twist before his eyes, a half-formed ghost” shows
that the man in the picture has died but remains alive forever in the mind of
the photographer through an image.
Pick 5 pictures of your choice and look at the stylistic devices and show how they
portray war.
Choose one of the 3 photographs and explain how these photographs portray the global issue
of war? 5 points (Picture 1)
● That war has no time limit, it happens throughout the day, because of the light in the
picture it does not appear that the sun has fully come out yer
● The closeness has to people, the men in the image are merely a few miles away from
the trench that exploded
● Death is around the corner
● War usually happens in undeveloped areas, the sand shows you that it is not in a city or
● The body language of the men seems very fearful or scared of the events, as they have
their heads down

The photograph displays a troop of men wearing their army gear as they sit beside

The tone of the colours in the image display that the time of day within the picture is
quite early, The sun has not come out yet and the light blue tint of the sky indicates that
the army officers are fighting war before most people have woken up.
How to write an essay (Final format) HL

Introduction- thesis statement, looking to introduce what specific thing you are looking
for e.g the writer uses language to bring out the horrors of war, you can twist the
question to fit how you will answer your question it is not a must to keep the same
You must include the title of the text, writer of the text, and where it appeared- (For
example the collection of, or the newspaper of) Finally the summary of what it is about-

Purpose and Audience-

● Who wrote the text?
● Who was it written for?
● Why did the writer write it?
Who is the author writing to and what is the purpose of them doing so?

Context- add something from an outside source (e.g. Kamikaze of Japan) not a must to
do the essay
Content- Normal essay that we have written (war photography)
Conclusion- no specific way of writing it.

Each one is a paragraph

You can start the essay with the word ‘The’ to help create continuity and compact the
essay as a whole
End your introduction with a thesis statement.
Paper 1
1. What am I answering? What is the question? This is the basic breaking down of
the first question, look at what aspects are being asked in the question. What are
you technically writing, this is where it all goes downhill, if you are unable to
answer this, you can't answer anything. Take 5 minutes of your time to break
down and structure what you are going to be writing in the essay.
2. Introduction- This place you have to introduce the work, You should be able to
summarise the work. In a few sentences. This should be the part where you
introduce what you will be doing.
● what is the article about? -3 sentences
● What does the writer want to achieve? - 2 sentences
● Write your thesis statement (the things you will be answering)- 1 sentence
3. What is the purpose of this text? Why was it written,
4. Who is the audience? Who was it written for, who is going to read this?
5. 5 other paragraphs body answering the question
6. What tone has been used and why? Relate
7. conclusion (later)

Thesis statement-

Give a summary of the text in 3 paragraphs

Every single paper, you should always ask yourself why the paper was brought, what
am I supposed to answer in this paper?- in the first paragraph

waxaad u baahan tahay inaad fahanto su'aasha

The article “showing off” created by Tim Wesley, in the Aga khan magazines looks at the
constant need Children have to show off whatever new thing they have been given. The
child in the text has been given a new iPhone 13, as Apple creates new products yearly,
he has been able to get the latest technology. This leads us to explore the
consequences of giving children technology, and how
Through the use of body movement, the writer can show the excitement encapsulated
by the child.

Throughout the text, the writer explored the consequences of….

Through the use of language, the writer can……
The audience of the text is young children who do not………..
The purpose of the text is to warn children
Introduction- a summary of what the passage is about, where, when it was written or
appears. The purpose of the text. The thesis statement is a rewrite of the question

Audience- 2 layers of audience. Face value than the deeper audience.

Tone- don't say the tone, give me the reason why the tone is suitable, why is it angry?

Structure- comment on why the passage begins the way it begins, how the middle/ body
contributes to the purpose of the text, and why it ends the way it ends.

Choice of words- pick 3 and explain each one of them, and how they contribute to the
purpose of the text. Why did the writer use this word, his reason

Imagery- this includes the direct images, use of colour + the images you will get

Stylistic device- use 3 of them, separate or combine the paragraphs, depending on you

*Context- Challenging, if you cannot connect it don't do it

Pathos and Logos- emotions and logic, how do you appeal to the emotion of the reader,
the audience. Do not say the writer uses pathos or logos. bring the word, just bring it by
saying the writer technically evokes pathos or the writer appeals to logic by……

Does not have to go in order, after the audience it goes in any way.
Shooting stars By Carol Ann Duffy

After I no longer speak they break our fingers

to salvage my wedding ring. Rebecca Rachel Ruth
Aaron Emmanuel David, stars on all our brows
beneath the gaze of men with guns. Mourn for the daughters,

upright as statues, brave. You would not look at me.

You waited for the bullet. Fell. I say, Remember.
Remember these appalling days which make the world
Forever bad. One saw I was alive. Loosened

his belt. My bowels opened in a ragged gape of fear.

Between the gap of corpses, I could see a child.
The soldiers laughed. Only a matter of days separate
this from acts of torture now. They shot her in the eye.

How would you prepare to die, on a perfect April evening

with young men gossiping and smoking by the graves?
My bare feet felt the earth and urine trickled
Down my legs until I heard the click. Not yet. A trick.

After immense suffering someone takes tea on the lawn.

After the terrible moans a boy washes his uniform.
After the history lesson children run to their toys the world
turns in its sleep the spades shovel soil Sara Ezra …

Sister, if seas part us, do you not consider me?

Tell them I sang the ancient psalms at dusk
inside the wire and strong men wept. Turn thee
unto me with mercy, for I am desolate and lost.

Salvage- to save something valuable from damage


A jewish woman is about to be killed ( maybe during a war: Holocaust), she narrates her
experience as being tortured by a soldier. In Nazi Germany. There is suffering

Appears: Standing female nude

Who: Carol Ann Duffy
When: was written before 1985, and I included it in Duffy's debut poetry collection. Standing
female nude.

Purpose- To inform people of the brutality of Nazi Germany and specifically what women faced.

● Primary - general public to educate everyone about the whole situation so more attention
is drawn to it.
● Secondary - female- The woman in the poem refers mainly to how the women are being
affected. The Holocaust usually is written in the perspective of men. Directing the
audience to women tells us how women were affected during the holocaust.

Tone- Fearful, Sinister, desperate

Structure- Abrupt beginning, Scattered thoughts because of death

Continuation of the line from the last paragraph could show continuous pain, never ending.
Ending, acceptance of her death, her last wishes are placed. It evokes sympathy from the

1. What the poem is about

The poem is written to look at how women experienced the holocaust. An event that caused
great turmoil to the jewish people who were murdered by the Nazi regime led by
Austrian-German leader Hitler. It looks at a lady who is still alive as she watches the death of a
young lady as she tries to hide but she is found by a soldier. She narrates what happens after

2. Audience
Primary - general public to educate everyone about the whole situation so more attention is
drawn to it.
Secondary - Political leaders and activists to reform change

3. Purpose
To highlight the trauma, violence, sorrow and suffering induced by people during the holocaust.
As well as to educate people on the holocaust, war and inhumane mindsets.

4. Tone
The tone is dark, somber, emotive and painful.

5. Context
Nazi germany.
Set in 1940
Extermination of the jews
Femal perspective
Factors: Politics, conflict, genocide, religions

6. Stylistic devices

From whose perspective is the story told? Why?

Why is the first person narration pronoun (I) used, then second person(you) and they. What
effect is given?

Our involvement in the story

I- Personal story that becomes authentic. Feel first hand how the situation
You- connection- audience to create empathy and place us in the situation. Makes teh situation
They-Symbolic representation of those who love evil, war and violence.

Soldiers are evil and disgusting.

Syllabus + my work
How to write an essay format
Vocabulary shooting stars
Notes on the 9 items-shooting stars
Vocabulary-war photographer
Notes-war photographer
Essay on war photographer
non-literary texts notes.






Choice of words-


Stylistic device-


Pathos and Logos-

How does the writer achieve his purpose?

(Stylistic devices, language techniques, other literary devices)

(Spread awareness= hardships-women-afghanistan)

How does the writer use Stylistic devices, language techniques and other literary devices to
spread awareness about the hardships women face in Afghanistan?

Nail polish
Woman fighting even though islamic stereotypes
Use of numbers- logos
Protection children

Pathos, logos and stereotypes (Islam)

Pathos- Emotion- the sub

Through salience the image is able to portray emotion, as the author places Saba sahar in the
middle of the image to ensure that when you read the story, you place her face to the situation a
lot of women go through, her straight face is ironic because she is in a rocky situation but she
manages to maintain strength.

Day 1
1. Read the poem individually( 1st for reading, second for notes)
2. Write 3 things you learn about the poem( individually or in partners)
Day 2
3. Write the vocabulary that you don't understand
4. 9 things (groups)
Day 3
5. Brief group presentation

In all paper 1’s there will always be 3 thing

1. Purpose/reason
2. audience/target
3. How that purpose is achieved - how is the use of several different

● The word- the meaning- its effectiveness in achieving the purpose of the poem
● Every point you write in paper 1 must show its impact in achieving the writers or
poets purpose





Choice of words-


Stylistic device-


That moment when the soldier's soul
slipped through his wounds, seeped
through the staunching fingers of his friend
then, like a shadow, slid across a field
to vanish, vanish, into textless air . . .
there would have been a bell in Perth,
Llandudno, Bradford, Winchester,
rung by a landlord in a sweating, singing pub
or by an altar-boy at Mass - in Stoke-on-Trent,
Leicester, Plymouth, Crewe, in Congresbury,
Littleworth - an ice-cream van jingling in a park;
a door pushed open to a jeweller's shop;
a songbird fluttering from a tinkling cat - in Ludlow,
Wolverhampton, Taunton, Hull - a parish church
chiming out the hour; the ringing end of school -
in Wigan, Caythorpe, Peterborough, Ipswich,
Inverness, King's Lynn, Malvern, Leeds -
a deskbell in a quiet, dark hotel; bellringers' practice
heard by Sunday cricketers; the first of midnight's bells
at Hogmanay - in Birkenhead, Motherwell, Rhyl -
there would have been a bell
in Chester, Fife, Bridgend, Wells, Somerton,
Newcastle, in city and in town and countryside -
the crowded late night bus; a child's bicycle;
the old, familiar, clanking cow-bells of the cattle.

The cycle of war “there would have been a bell in Perth, Llandudno, Bradford, Winchester”
Death of soldiers “soldier's soul slipped through his wounds”
The ringing of bells-symbolic of death- “like a shadow, slid across a field
to vanish, vanish, into textless air . . . there would have been a bell in Pert”
Ignorance of the citizens- a parish church chiming out the hour; the ringing end of the school
Religion-a parish church chiming out the hour
Contrasting settings- a parish church chiming out the hour; the ringing end of the school

Purpose: Educate the audience about the horrors of war

Experience of soldiers (frontline)
Persuade the audience to stop the war
War is not worth it.

Purpose drives the analysis- gives it direction.

Metaphor- what is the purpose of that metaphor?
Why has the poet used the metaphor?
Prose paragraph- make the examiner understand the poem.

The poem passing-bells by Carol ann Duffy discusses the continuum of war as she takes us on
a journey throughout the UK highlighting the amount of death caused by an avoidable
occurrence. She aims to show the re-occurring horrors of war experienced by frontline soldiers
through the juxtaposition of situations faced by people.

Choice of words:

having no text; consisting only of illustrations etc. Another definition of textless is having no
printed or written words. Textless are also having no short passage from the Bible that is used
as a starting point for a sermon or adduced as proof of a doctrine.
the original exact wording of work, esp. the Bible, as distinct from a revision or translation
6 a short passage of the Bible used as a starting point for a sermon or adduced as proof of a

Seeped- flow or leak slowly through a porous material or small holes.

Slipped- to cause to move easily and smoothly

Parish- Church that has its priest. Not open to the public.
Hierarchy in the church that
A parish is a local church community that has one main church and one pastor.

Jingling- make or cause to make a light metallic ringing sound.

Pub- an establishment for the sale of beer and other drinks, and sometimes also food, to be
consumed on the premises

Never say anything about white people as international students. Make the audience of the text
think about the other side in terms of perception

to portray how Africa is portrayed to the western world.

The juxtaposition shows the confusion and misinformation brought up of the content and
ignorance of non-Africans
It is a 10-minute presentation on one literary and non-literary text. Under a common global
issue. 5-minute discussion between student and teacher. Total 15 minutes.
5 minutes for each extract, how the author explores global issues.
You select the text and global issue, you then prepare a 1-page outline, which should not be
more than 10 bullet points.
Bring an extract which you have annotated
IO is internally assessed but later on internationally moderated
30% of your overall grade
Look at the 9 points and expound on them. For example, stylistic devices how they are used in
your text.
It is not a comparison
Extract should not exceed 40 lines.

Every Io is based on the same prompt. Examine the ways in which the global issue of your
choice is presented through the content and form of the literary works, and another one of the
non-literary bodies of work.
It has to be significant, it has to be transnational, it must be relevant to the local context,
recorded digitally, Work will not be discussed in class.

Criteria A- Knowledge, understanding and interpretation.

To what extent does the oral show
To what extent does
To what extent

1. What's 'a body of work'?

A body of work is a general piece of art, literature or composition compiled by a singular

A longer text or a series of shorter texts from the same author, a passage from a play, a poem
from a collection of poems can be a body of work, a print advertisement from a campaign by the
same advertisement agency.

2. Why do bodies of work matter?

They help form our mindsets whether it be socially, politically, educationally etc. In a way that
can impact how we see the world as they usually have a core theme that discusses a specific
issue, so we can identify ourselves within the body of work and grow with them.
They also give you a viewpoint held by the creator

In IO the student must comment on how the global issue is presented by the author

3. Can the non-literary extract be in translation?

It is technically impossible to fully translate something because of context, wording and

formation. A word maybe 4 to 5 words in another language. Mistranslation can also avert the
meaning of the text or may exclude the same amount of emotion


4. Which extracts are literary and non-literary?

Literary are bodies of work that are written down, things like books, poems, scripts, blogs etc.
However non-literary are usually visual and auditory. Do not involve aspects that are usually

N.L: Photographs, brochures, reports, music videos, documentaries,

L: Novels, scripts, plays, poems, graphic novels, song lyrics. Letters,

Dove beauty commercials hw

You need to introduce the 2 extracts that you will be using

Identify the global issue, so the examiner knows exactly what you are exploring and a short
reason why you chose that topic
Thesis statement- to show how the author showcases this. Comfortable, what you are
presenting summed up
Provide your examiner with a text, annotated and outline.
Outline plus annotated document

Beauty industry:

1. How are the ideas from these commercials and ads connected to what you already
knew about the beauty industry, self-esteem and related topics?
The distortion of natural features to better sell a product
That money and earning is more important than emotions, you are told you look ugly to increase
revenue, the uglier you feel the more money magazines and beauty products sell because more
people will have the need to buy products.
Self-esteem issues are what's beneficial to these companies they sell solutions to problems they
cause. You see advertisements with people who have nice teeth and a white smile so that you
feel bad and want to have that exact feature so you buy their product.
Beauty standards that have been created, to alter our looks to fit the standard.
2. What new ideas did you get from these commercials and ads that extended or pushed
your thinking in new directions?
That the way you see yourself is extremely different to how others perceive you
That beauty is not linear, you don't have to look the same to feel the same
Define our own beauty.
3. What is still challenging or confusing about these campaigns? What questions,
wonderings or puzzles do you have?
The contrast of the ads and what they sell
Why sell beauty products but campaign for naturality

Paper 1:
Familiarise yourself with the criteria of the paper
Grammer, vocabulary, the correctness of language. Criteria A- who is the audience, purpose,
how are you going to relay the message.
Introduction- text type, audience and purpose. Clear thesis, state what is going to be used. For
example metaphors or structure etc.
4 criteria are marked here- 5 marks each.
Write 4 pages.

You will be given 2 texts to analyse. For 2 hours and 15 minutes

Text a will be given one spot to write and the other another
Highlight areas, you are going to analyse
Annotate the points or the styles that you see.
What the purpose is so that you can get the evidence.

Thesis statement- it is a summarisation of your main points to be discussed within your paper. It
is written in one sentence. You should include stylistic devices that you have chosen and the
author's purpose.
The effect will always be one but the
Çreate a mindmap.- do so in the first few minutes. Use PEEL.
Intro: Identify a text type, the author, when and where, purpose identification, thesis statemen,
Audience is included.
Body paragraph one- Use the correct transition words.
Purpose relates to the text type.

Do not limit yourself. Read other text types

Never speak about alliteration, it is too simplistic for HL.


Purple hibiscus-

In the text you must show that you are well aware about the different parts of the book show
your knowledge, go beyond the 4 lines,

Context- who, what, where, when
Audience- who was it written for
Style- themes, tone, stylistic devices

Juxtaposition of situations

Living lavish next to people who are witnessing rubble

Darkness and light, facing reality, social mobility, temptation and destruction

Who- people in a car, who are rich, while people are living 4

Tone: devastating,

oblivious . Dark

Someone could think they are spoiled and have no regard for human life


Caricature- a picture, description, or imitation of a person in which certain striking
characteristics are exaggerated in order to create a comic or grotesque effect.
Symbolism-Symbolism is a literary device that uses symbols, be they words, people, marks,
locations, or abstract ideas to represent something beyond the literal meaning.
Heading- a title at the head of a page or section of a book.
Symmetry- A relationship in which there is correspondence or similarity between entities or
Dialogue- any communication between two characters—generally spoken out loud
Voiceover- one hears a voice (sometimes that of the main character) narrating the events that
are being presented to you
Memoir-a genre of literature where the author writes about his or her memories, usually going
back to childhood.
Cartoon-: a preparatory design, drawing, or painting
Satire- Satire is the art of making someone or something look ridiculous, raising laughter in
order to embarrass, humble, or discredit its targets.
Uniformity- the state or quality of being uniform; overall sameness, homogeneity, or regularity:
uniformity of style.
Point of view - the vantage point from which a story is presented.
Juxtaposition- placement of two things side by side so as to highlight their differences
Use and effect -
Symmetry of panels

Tone- Feeling of the writer as they were writing the text, should look at the mood at the same
Use of language- The type of language being used, is it colloquial, informal, formal- this can
also bring out the tone.
Tone is under style

How does the author use different language features to deliver the message?

The article titled meet the dumbest creature on earth featured in the hindu group magazine,
was written on world wildlife day on March 3rd 2020. The article explores the implicit damage of
human involvement in the endangerment of the sea turtles. The past few decades have seen a
reduction in the amount of sea turtles and an increase in the amount of plastic in the ocean thus
leading to the large-scale deaths of sea turtles. This was fueled by human activities in the
oceans and on land. The Hindu group gearing its message to the general public tries to
persuade the audience to invest in sea turtle conservation. Through the use of allusion,
personification, irony and parallelism the author instils guilt in the reader in order to gain their
commitment in the cause and further donate to the organisation

● Modernity- The mom, daouda dieng

Friendship- aissatou bought a car, naming a child after her

Religion vs Tradition:
● Shaving the head of thw widow- tradition
● Buying gifts for the family- tradition
● Quran reading- religion
● The women dont attend the funeral service- religion

Examples: To what extent does Mariama Ba showcase the effects of the patriarchy to
Senegalese women in so long a letter?

To what extent religion and traditions used as a tool of oppression to the women in so long a

To what extent does Modernity and education tool of freedom?

Smoking and the girls-

Bring in being an African woman

How do the witches

Culture or representation

Billing for effect, he was also there to juxtapose most of the ideas, play a devil's advocate. He is
a heathen and sees no issue in being a Viking.

Billing, the town newspaper’s sub-editor, is a radical who really supports dr stockman.

He assumes he is a hard worker, he is a sinner. Billing suggests that Morten should become a
“pagan” like him;
Notes on HL essay

● Start hl essay in 5 different ways

● A quote which moves towards questions, can be taken from any place or text
● An illustrative
● Reader is able to see background or context of text
● Tell us why is whatever you are going to discuss
● Show a thesis with how you are going to explore your work

Paper 2:

Similarities and differences in audience, context, pov, themes, structural differences

● Enemy of the people
● So long a letter
● Things fall apart
● Purple hibiscus

ThiNgs fall apart and An enemy of the people context

TFA: Things Fall Apart is set in the 1890s and portrays the clash between Nigeria's white
colonial government and the traditional culture of the indigenous Igbo people. Achebe's novel
shatters the stereotypical European portraits of native Africans.
Things Fall Apart reminds its readers—and particularly its African readers—that the precolonial
past can be a resource for navigating the postcolonial era.
When Chinua Achebe wrote Things Fall Apart in the late 1950s, he was responding to centuries
of European writing that had portrayed Africa as a “dark continent,” plagued by savagery and
superstition. Negative European representations of Africa functioned in multiple, contradictory
ways. They situated “darkest Africa” in contrast to an Enlightened Europe, which affirmed both
the spiritual and material superiority of European civilization. Negative representations of Africa
also proved useful for European nations that were engaged in imperialism and the slave trade.
These nations needed to justify their involvement in such despicable practices in order to
preserve their moral superiority, a problem that could be solved by producing dehumanizing
images of African peoples.

EOP: An Enemy of the People, five-act drama by Henrik Ibsen, published in 1882 as En
folkefiende and performed in 1883. An Enemy of the People concerns the actions of Doctor
Thomas Stockmann, a medical officer charged with inspecting the public baths on which the
prosperity of his native town depends.
bsen wrote An Enemy of the People shortly after Ghosts, a play about adultery, siphilis and
hypocrisy in Norwegian society. Ghosts infuriated many. Ibsen was called "immoral" and
"degenerate". This is how he got the idea to write a play about someone telling the truth and
being punished for it.
It is about truth, freedom and tyranny. It deals with the loner versus the group, the role of the
elite and the power of the majority.


Intro- Hook, basics-context of the authors, background-just bits, Author and title of the work,

Body paragraph 1- purpose of the text, comparing the purpose of the text, mention the styles of
writing similarity, pov. Quote evidences or paraphrase, explain the evidences and how they
connect to purpose, effect on the reader ]

Point- Make a point about the authors purpose in writing and comment on their shared use of
style, this is the topic statement , evidence- get it to support the first point. Paraphrase or quote
it, whatever floats your boat, illustrate authors style and technique. Analysis-explain how the
evidence supports the point the point that is the topic sensentc. Establish a relationship
between writers style and purpose, describe the affect of the language.

Body paragraph 2- comparing the differences and similarities between the text. Talking about
how similar or different they are. How different and similar they are in purpose

Compare- compare how the second work is similar to or different from the 1st paragraphs topic
sentence about style and purpose

Evidence- offer evidence from the second work to

Paragraph 3 and 4, Paragraph 5 and 6- follow the peace act

Conclusion- to conclude offer a clear signpost that the essay is coming to an end e.g to
Reiterate- use language from the essay question and/or thesis statement to reiterate the
authors purpose
Wise words- try to end with a generalisation that is not too sweeping and connects to the
opening of the sentence of the essay.

Readers are often intrigued by war stories, because they want to know if people can persevere
in adverse circumstance. “The things they carried” by Tim O'brien and “Slaughterhouse” by Kurt
Vonnegut both show soldiers struggle to deal with war and its aftermath. The authors both use a
disjointed and non-linear narration to show readers how soldiers remember, experience and
suffer from the horrors of war.

Chapter 4: English

Women are seen as interchangeable,

Ikemefuna becomes more loved by okonkwo, even more than his youngest son
The breast feeding is the symbolism of cycle of life, okonkwo passes the symbolic stage

Fate vs Free will-ikemefuna

Paper 1- 35%
Paper 2- 25%
IO- 20%
HL essay- 20%]

Stylistic devices

Confused- explanation, evidence, link

Analysing prose
Differentuiating some types of writing
Symbolism as main device instead of

As a grade, we were all put in groups to breakdown all titles,given the opportunity i i had chosen
title 3 because it made the most sense and in our discussions interesting conversations arose
on bubbles driving me to pursue a larger understanding on this title I decided to break down my
essay in terms of intro then receiving feedback, followed by individually looking at my 2 AOKs in
terms of claims and counter claims. I felt thoroughly engaged within the group converstaion I
had and chose to do History and Natural sciences, due to my love of history and interest in
Natural sciences
Writing my essay proved to be taxing, i required silence to write anything and i constantly
confused my points. After reciving feedback, it has shown me that my intro is quite well written, i
am happy with knowing i am on the right track, i however need to focus and form better topic
sentences. I have decided to edit it in by making my argument more centered because i am
constantly diverting from the conversation at hand. I have gained historical insight that I did not
have before, which i will use in the future as conversation starters.
I have gotten my final feedback that has guided me in my understanding. I seem to have
understood the propmt, however i have missed my focus, the way in which i was analysing my
source was a bit broad and so i will narrow it down. Throughout writing the essay i have gained
insight on the bubbles the world has curated to gain knowledge, i have seen the importance of
distinguishing power in history and irrationality in sciences. Critical thinking skills, research and
communiaction skills were important ATL skills that i have used to understand the prompt and
write my essay

Raise awareness- so what? - what action you want society to take- the impact on society

Device + an immediate effect has bearing on the question/purpose. Thesis statement.

Pick choices by the exact term- the adjective

English commandments

● Thou shall never approach them in isolation

● Thou shall not use a quotation in the link
● Thou shall not give context in its own paragraph
● they love each other so much that subconsciously you have to bring them together

The persuasive devices can become a main tec

Ethos- matters, trust, morality

imager y is a key sty;listics device - hyperbole, personification etc will fall under
Manipulation of the voice of narratipm- P.O.V- pronouns

structure / layout

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