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Additive Manufacturing Letters 4 (2023) 100106

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Short Communication

Thermal conductivity of 3D-printed continuous pitch carbon fiber

Sinan Olcun, Yehia Ibrahim, Caleb Isaacs, Mohamed Karam, Ahmed Elkholy, Roger Kempers∗
Department of Mechanical Engineering, York University, Toronto, Canada

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Keywords: A new method was developed to 3D print high-thermal-conductivity, pitch-based continuous carbon fiber com-
Thermal conductivity posites. This process uses a dual extruder to selectively print polylactic acid (PLA) or PLA-coated pitch carbon
3D printing fibers. The effective thermal conductivity of unidirectionally 3D-printed specimens was characterized experi-
Pitch carbon fiber
mentally for samples fabricated from fibers with different conductivities and at different volume fractions: Three
grades of pitch carbon fibers were used with conductivities ranging from 140 to 800 W/mK. Carbon fiber volume
fractions ranging from 6.25% to 11.7% were investigated. A maximum thermal effective thermal conductivity of
37.1 W/mK was measured for a 9.5% volume fraction of the K13D2U pitch carbon fiber which is significantly
higher than that of any 3D-printed carbon-based composites measured previously. However, the measured effec-
tive thermal conductivities were significantly lower than those predicted by the parallel model. Breakage of the
fibers post-printing was confirmed using micro-computed tomography and suggests that higher effective thermal
conductivities can be obtained by better mitigating fiber breakage during the printing process. Future directions
for this technology are discussed.

1. Introduction conductivity represents a limitation to the thermal performance of these

devices: the discontinuous nature of the filler limits effective thermal
Thermal dissipation from electronics requires heat sinks and heat conductivity due to the interfacial interaction and adhesion between
exchangers with large surface areas, especially air-cooled technologies the particles (or chopped fibers) and the matrix [16,17]. To address this
where the convective heat transfer coefficients can be limited. How- shortcoming, continuous fillers such as fiber yarns can be used to fabri-
ever, large and heavy thermal management technologies are not accept- cate continuous fiber polymer composites (CFPCs).
able in many applications (e.g., automotive, electronics, aerospace, etc.) Because the fibers are continuous, the composites to be better influ-
[1,2,3,4]. enced by the filler material [18] and the dominant factor defining the
Lightweight polymer heat exchangers and heat sinks are a growing composite properties is the fiber volume fraction. Analytical models can
technology and, when appropriately designed, are suitable for many ap- predict the properties of CFPCs as a function of their matrix and fiber
plications [5]. However, their limiting performance factor is typically properties the fiber volume fraction [19,20], however, because fibers
polymer thermal conductivity which limits their wider adoption [6]. have a very high aspect ratio and significantly different properties in
The additively manufacturing (AM) of polymer composites can help ad- different directions, CFPCs are highly anisotropic materials. The prop-
dress the need for lightweight and effective heat exchangers in two ways: erties of these composites depend greatly on the direction of the fibers
First, thermally conductive polymer composites can offer a lightweight relative to the applied stress for mechanical applications or direction of
alternative to metals because of their significantly lower density and heat flow for thermal applications [21,22]. As such, placement and ori-
their thermal conductivity can be sufficiently high to spread heat from entation of the fibers for a given application is crucial and 3D printing
the heat source to the extents of the heat sink for dissipation to the can be leveraged to control fiber parameters.
surrounding fluid [7]. Secondly, AM affords design freedom to fabri- Continuous fibers have been implemented in fused filament fabrica-
cate complex geometries which can be used to enhance convective heat tion (FFF) to create robust CFPC components [23,24]. In FFF printers,
transfer [8–11]. it is common to coat the fibers with a polymer layer prior to printing;
To this end, several studies have examined the 3D-printing of ther- this allows the pre-coated fiber rasters to stick to adjacent printed layers
mally conductive discontinuous polymer composites for heat exchange [25]. Several FFF approaches have been extensively used to print CFPCs
applications [12–15]. However, the relatively low solid-phase thermal and can be broadly categorized into two main techniques: The first ap-

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (R. Kempers).
Received 22 June 2022; Received in revised form 24 November 2022; Accepted 26 November 2022
2772-3690/© 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
S. Olcun, Y. Ibrahim, C. Isaacs et al. Additive Manufacturing Letters 4 (2023) 100106

proach uses a single nozzle to print pre-coated fiber filaments such as perature applications, polyetherimide (PEI) or polyether ether ketone
in [26, 27]. In this technique, the printing process offers little control (PEEK) could be employed.
over the volume fraction of the fibers and only simple structures can be
fabricated unless a cutting mechanism is utilized [28]. The second ap- 2.2. Fiber pre-coating
proach implements two printing nozzles where one extrudes the fibers
and the other extrudes the polymer matrix [29,30]. This technique has Pitch-based CFs offer very high thermal conductivities, tensile
been adopted by different commercial 3D printer manufacturers because strength, and modulus. However, they have relatively very low flexural
it offers more flexibility and control over fiber location and volume frac- strength which makes processing these fibers challenging. To facilitate
tion. the 3D printing of the continuous pitch-based CFs in Table 1, the fiber
Characterization and improvement of mechanical properties have tows were first coated with molten PLA, as shown in Fig. 1a, to create
been the primary focus of much of the research on 3D-printed CFPCs pre-coated carbon fiber filaments which are easier to handle and can be
with the focus on polyacrylonitrile (PAN) carbon fibers (CF) and glass extruded by the 3D printer. A pultrusion process was used to draw the
fibers [31,32]. However, some fibers have very attractive thermal prop- CF through a bath of molten PLA through a 0.8 mm diameter nozzle; the
erties, such as pitch-based CF and carbon nanotube yarns whose ther- CF was subsequently cooled to create a relatively stiff polymer-coated
mal conductivity along the fiber axis can reach up to 1100 W/mK and CF filament. The temperature of the polymer bath was held constant at
6000 W/mK, respectively [33]. 235 °C to ensure that the PLA was completely molten and that minimal
The effective thermal conductivity of PAN CFPCs manufactured us- shearing forces would result from the viscosity of the polymer. Upon
ing the commercially available Markforged Mark One 3D printer was pultrusion, the coated CF filament tended to expand to approximately
investigated and shown to improve the thermal conductivity of the 1 mm in diameter. A cross-section of the coated fiber filament is shown
composite material significantly in the direction of the fibers (up to in Fig. 1b. The resulting filament was not uniformly round, and the fibers
2.97 W/mK at a volume fraction of 32.2% compared with 0.265 W/mK tended to accumulate slightly more towards the outer perimeter of the
for the pure nylon samples) [34]. In another study, a modified open- filament (this may be related to the slight expansion after exiting the
source FFF printer used a single nozzle to co-extrude continuous copper 0.8 mm nozzle prior to cooling). The fibers were distributed relatively
wire with polylactic acid (PLA) to create continuous wire polymer com- evenly within the PLA in the azimuthal direction.
posites (CWPCs) which demonstrated thermal conductivities of up to
9.4 W/mK using a volume fraction of 2.7% [35]. In both studies, simple 2.2. Printer modification & hotend design
thermal resistance network models were shown to accurately predict
the effective thermal conductivity of the 3D-printed composites, sug- In a previous study, Ibrahim et al. modified a low-cost printer to co-
gesting that fiber conductivity and volume fraction play a direct role in extrude metal wires with a polymer to increase the tensile and flexural
the effective thermal conductivity of the composite [34,35]. To illustrate strength of the printed components [37,38] and other researchers have
this, Ibrahim et al. [34] fabricated a proof-of-concept pitch-based car- modified printers to print with continuous fibers [39,40]. In these stud-
bon fiber hand layup sample which exhibited a thermal conductivity of ies, the continuous printed wires or fibers are extruded from the nozzle
23.6 W/mK for a volume fraction of only 4.3% pitch CF and showed that at a 90° angle to the printing bed. This sharp angle can exacerbate fiber
high effective thermal conductivities can be achieved using pitch-based breakage during the extrusion of pitch-based CF due to its lower flexu-
CF or other highly conductive fibers. ral strength, especially compared with metal wires and PAN fibers used
Here again, the ability to leverage 3D printing to directionally con- in previous studies. Breakage of the continuous fibers must be avoided
trol the placement and quantity of continuous pitch-based carbon fiber because discontinuities reduce the effective thermal conductivity of the
would allow for the design of components with high and direction- fabricated composite.
ally controllable effective thermal conductivities. Together, these ad- An open-source FFF printer (Prusa MK2 i3, Prusa Research) was mod-
vantages would help further the development of high-performance, ified to print with the pre-coated pitch-based carbon fiber filaments de-
lightweight heat exchange technologies such as heat sinks, heat ex- scribed above. To help address the challenge of pitch CF breakage, a
changers, or low-temperature evaporators for thermosyphons and other custom printing head angled at 45° to the printed bed was designed
two-phase applications. In addition, 3D printing could afford control to help lower fiber breakage by reducing the bending stress on the CF
over conductivity anisotropy, enabling the creation of heat exchangers filament during extrusion. The custom heating block was made of alu-
with thermal pathways customized for specific applications. minum and designed to allow for the use of dual extrusion nozzles as
In this study, the first ever method for 3D printing CFPCs using high- shown in Fig. 2b. The right nozzle was used to extrude the polymer ma-
thermal-conductivity pitch-based CF is described and used to investigate trix at 90° to the bed, while the left nozzle printed the pre-coated fibers
the effect of fiber conductivity and volume fraction on the effective ther- at 45° In this way, the fibers were subjected to less bending stress during
mal conductivity of unidirectionally fabricated samples. An analytical printing, and the use of dual nozzles allowed for more control over the
model is used to predict the thermal conductivity of the fabricated ma- fiber-to-polymer ratio and print quality.
terials and deviations from the theoretical predictions are discussed. A second feed motor allowed for independent control fiber and poly-
mer extrusion. The fiber feed motor was fixed directly in front of the
fiber printing heat sink, allowing for optimal control in feeding the fibers
2. Materials and methods into the printing nozzle, with the shaft of the motor wrapped in rubber
to ensure feeding traction. The coated fibers were fed through the heat
2.1. Materials sink with a PTFE tube to guide the filament until it was extruded; this
insulated the fiber filament to ensure it did not melt and clog inside the
Three grades of pitch CF manufactured by Mitsubishi Chemical Car- nozzle. The polymer was fed separately using the conventional Bowden
bon Fiber and Composites were investigated and are summarized in extruder mechanism specified by the Prusa multi-material expansion kit.
Table 1. The polymer matrix used in this investigation was a transparent Standard 30 mm cooling fans were used to cool the polymer and fiber
PLA (1.75 mm PLA filament, ColorFabb, Netherlands). Despite being a filament heat sinks (not shown in Fig. 2a). Also, while the figure shows
relatively low-temperature thermoplastic, PLA was used because of its both nozzles extruding simultaneously, in practice only one nozzle was
relative ease of processing and 3D-printing. From an application stand- used at a time for a given layer, as explained below.
point, the composites printed using this method would be useful for low- The fixed position of the extruders relative to the motion of the ho-
temperature heat sink applications or two-phase applications which use tend restricted fiber printing to the x-direction only and therefore af-
low-boiling point refrigerants such as thermosyphons. For higher tem- forded the creation of only unidirectional samples. One solution for this

S. Olcun, Y. Ibrahim, C. Isaacs et al. Additive Manufacturing Letters 4 (2023) 100106

Table 1
Pitch Carbon Fiber Grades [36].

Fiber Grade Fiber count per Single fiber diameter Tensile modulus Tensile strength Density (g/cm3 ) Thermal Conductivity
tow (𝜇m) (GPa) (MPa) (W/mK)

K1352U (52 U) 2000 10 620 3600 2.12 140

K1392U (92 U) 2000 10 760 3700 2.15 210
K13D2U (D2U) 2000 11 935 3700 2.20 800

Fig. 1. a) Fiber coating setup showing main components, b)

cross-sectional photo of a coated pitch CF filament.

limitation is to implement a rotating bed which would allow for fiber Table 2
placement in any direction in the x–y plane while keeping the CF ex- Printing Parameters.
truder at a 45° angle relative to the printing bed. Another potential op- Fiber filament diameter (mm) ≈1
tion is to mount the extruders to a 5- or 6-axis robotic arm which can
Fiber nozzle diameter (mm) 1.5
articulate to provide further control of the CF printing angle and di-
Fiber printing speed (mm/s) 50
rection and further minimize bending stress on the fibers during extru- Polymer filament diameter (mm) 1.75
sion. However, for the present study, the objective is limited to quantify- Polymer nozzle diameter (mm) 1
ing the effective thermal conductivity of simple unidirectionally printed Polymer printing speed (mm/s) 20
Extruder temperature ( °C) 200

2.3. Printing parameters

samples printed in the present study, the fiber was sufficiently brittle
The printing parameters are summarized in Table 2. For the approx- such that inclusion in the printing code of a sudden movement of the
imately 1 mm coated fiber filament, a nozzle diameter of 1.5 mm was printing head in the reverse direction was sufficient to break the fibers.
used to help minimize friction between the fibers and the nozzle. A poly- This allowed for the printing of different fibers and polymer rasters in
mer nozzle of 1 mm was selected to match the filament diameter; how- the same printing layer. In addition, the simplicity of the cutting mecha-
ever, it can be changed to any size. The printing temperature was set to nism made it possible to print relatively thin fiber walls compared with
200 °C which is recommended for PLA. The lower printing speed was those printed by printers with cutting mechanisms [34].
selected (20 mm/s) to allow for the solidification of the PLA within the
fiber filament while printing; it also helped the geometrical quality of 2.4. Sample dimensions and configurations
the printed components.
To facilitate full control over fiber and polymer layers, a fiber cutting Three samples with varying pitch fiber content were fabricated for
mechanism is often implemented [34]. However, for the unidirectional each of the fiber grades listed in Table 1. The sample dimensions and

S. Olcun, Y. Ibrahim, C. Isaacs et al. Additive Manufacturing Letters 4 (2023) 100106

Fig. 2. a) Dual nozzle hot end assembly, b) detailed view

of heating block.

Table 3 number of PLA layers, N, between the fiber layers, as shown in Fig. 3b.
Sample Parameters. The samples with the lowest volume fraction consisted of four layers of
Height (mm) 40 PLA between each layer of pitch CF (N = 4), the mid-volume faction
samples had N = 3 layers of PLA between the fiber layers, and the high-
Width (mm) 40
est volume fraction samples had N = 2 layers of PLA between each CF
Thickness (mm) 25
Polymer layer height (mm) 0.4 layer.
Polymer raster width (mm) 0.4 For each volume fraction, three grades of pitch-based carbon fiber
Fiber layer height (mm) 0.8 (listed in Table 1) were printed. All the samples were printed with a
Fiber raster width (mm) 1
transparent PLA matrix to easily differentiate between the polymer and
Infill percentage (%) 100
Fiber orientation (°) 0
the fibers.
Polymer orientation (°) 0
2.5. Thermal conductivity measurement

The effective conductivity of the samples was measured using the ap-
layer parameters are listed in Table 3, a photograph of sample and paratus developed in [41] and [42] which directly quantifies the steady-
schematics of the layer configurations is shown in Fig. 3a, and pho- state thermal resistance within the sample and calculates thermal con-
tographs of the cross-sections of each fiber volume fraction are presented ductivity using Fourier’s law of conduction.
in Fig. 3b. The sample geometry was designed with a 40 × 40 mm cross- A schematic of the apparatus is shown Fig. 4. Input power is con-
sectional area to fit in the testing facility. A relatively large layer height ducted from the primary heating block, through the sample, to the
(0.4 mm) was used for the PLA layers to accommodate the large noz- primary cooling block. Two calibrated thermocouples are embedded
zle size (1 mm). For the pitch CF layers, a layer height of 0.8 mm was 10 mm apart within each sample (denoted by Ta and Tb in Fig. 4).
sufficient to create uniform rasters with good adhesion to the polymer This removes contact resistance from the conductivity measurement.
layers below. The thermal power is provided electrically by four cartridge heaters em-
The printing G-code, which defined the printer movements and the bedded in the main heating block. To achieve a one-dimensional heat
amount of the extruded material, was customized to fabricate samples flow through the sample and eliminate heat loss to the ambient, the pri-
with the desired aspects. The code was generated using the default slic- mary heating block was enclosed by a secondary heating block which
ing software of the printer (Sli3er) and then manually modified to fab- served as a guard heater. The power supplied to the guard heater block
ricate samples with the required dimensions. was independently controlled to achieve the same temperature as the
The samples were fabricated with a range of pitch carbon fiber con- primary heating block, ensuring that all input power to the primary
tent to investigate the effect of the fiber volume fraction on the effective heating block flowed through the sample. Consequently, at steady-state
thermal conductivity on the samples. This was achieved by varying the conditions, the sample thermal resistance was measured using according

S. Olcun, Y. Ibrahim, C. Isaacs et al. Additive Manufacturing Letters 4 (2023) 100106

Fig. 3. a) Sample photograph and schematic of the build layer approach, b) cross-sectional photographs of the samples for the different volume fraction configurations.

ing Eq. (1) as

𝑘𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑠 = [ ] (2)
(𝑇 𝑎 − 𝑇 𝑏 )

where 𝐿 is the distance between the thermocouples (10 mm), and 𝐴 is

the sample cross-sectional area perpendicular to the heat flow.
Additional details regarding design, construction, and uncertainty
analysis for this apparatus are presented in [41,42].

2.6. Fiber breakage analysis

Micro-computed tomography (microCT) was used to investigate the

morphology of the printed samples and assess the existence and de-
gree of fiber breakage. A Bruker SkyScan 1272 MicroCT was used to
image the sample. Images of the printed samples had a resolution of
4904 × 3280 pixels with an individual pixel size of 0.5 μm in length.
In total, 3600 images were captured at rotational steps of 0.1°, with the
full scan taking 5 h to complete. Sample images were then reconstructed
into cross-sectional scans using NRecon (Bruker-MicroCT) to create 500
Fig. 4. Schematic for the thermal conductivity measurement approach. images perpendicular to the z-axis. These images were used to recon-
struct a 3D representation of the sample in which only the fibers were
visible; this could be further examined for printing errors.

3. Thermal conductivity modeling
( )
𝑇𝑎 − 𝑇𝑏
𝑅𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑠 = (1) With knowledge of the fiber volume fraction and the directional-
𝑄 ity, analytical models can be used to predict the effective thermal con-
ductivity of the composite material. Previous investigations of similarly
where (Ta -Tb ) is the measured temperature drop within the sample, and unidirectional PAN 3D-printed CFPCs and 3D-printed CWPCs show that
𝑄 is the input power to the primary heating block measured electrically the parallel model predicts the effective thermal conductivity with good
(𝑄 = 𝐼𝑉 ). Thus, the thermal conductivity can be calculated by rewrit- agreement [34,35]. Because the fibers are aligned parallel with the heat

S. Olcun, Y. Ibrahim, C. Isaacs et al. Additive Manufacturing Letters 4 (2023) 100106

Fig. 5. Sample thermal conductivity (measured and predicted by the parallel model) as a function of fiber volume fraction for fiber grades a) 52 U, b) 92 U, c) D2U,
and d) comparison of measured thermal conductivity of all three fiber grades.

flow direction, as shown in Fig. 3a, the parallel model can be utilized to ume fraction of 9.5% pitch CF. That said, the effective conductivities
compute the effective thermal conductivity of the sample as tended to plateau (and slightly decrease in the case of the D2U fiber) at
( ) the highest volume fraction.
𝑘𝑒𝑓 𝑓 = 1 − 𝑣𝑓 𝑘𝑝 + 𝑣𝑓 𝑘𝑓 (3)
The corresponding thermal conductivity predicted using the contin-
where vf is the fiber volume fraction, and kp and kf are the polymer and uous parallel thermal model (Eq. (1)) is also plotted in Fig. 5a–c and
fiber thermal conductivities, respectively. Here, the thermal conductiv- predicts a linear variation in effective thermal conductivity as a function
ity value reported by the carbon fiber manufacturer was used (Table 1). of volume fraction. For all the samples tested, their measured thermal
For the polymer, kp =0.2 W/mK was used in the model, according to conductivities are lower than that predicted by the parallel model: The
[42]. Volume percentage of carbon fiber in each sample was calculated 52 U samples had average keff values that were 33% lower than pre-
by finding the sum of the cross-sectional area of all the individual fibers. dicted by Eq. (1), the 92 U samples were on average 38% lower, and
A layer of carbon fiber found in the sample consisted of 40 rasters, with the D2U samples were on average 61% lower.
each raster theoretically containing 2000 fibers. Three separate G-code One possible reason for the discrepancy between the experimental
files were created with 16, 19, and 25 layers of CF evenly distributed results and model prediction may be the accuracy of the fiber ther-
through the sample. With knowledge of the cross-sectional area of a mal conductivity or cross-sectional area—number of fibers and diame-
single fiber and the total number of fibers in the sample, the volume ter—specified by the manufacturer (fiber diameters are particularly im-
percentage of the fibers was calculated. portant because this parameter is squared). These parameters should be
independently quantified.
4. Results and discussion The parallel model (Eq. (3)) represents an idealized thermal model
where there is no breakage of fibers and therefore no discontinuity in
4.1. Effect of fiber grade and volume fraction the conduction paths. Because pitch-based CF are relatively brittle com-
pared with PAN fibers, the deviation between the model and the ex-
The three grades of pitch CF listed in Table 1 were each printed at perimental results is conjectured to be caused by fiber breakage during
three different volume fractions using the layer configurations shown the coating and/or printing process, causing discontinuities in the fibers
in Fig. 3. Their effective thermal conductivity as a function of volume of the 3D-printed CFPC samples and therefore fewer continuous path-
fraction is shown in Fig. 5. ways for effective conduction. There are several points during the pro-
Generally, the samples with higher fiber conductivities tended to cess where breakage to the fibers may occur (including the fiber coat-
have higher measured effective thermal conductivities at a given vol- ing/impregnation process, the printer feeding mechanism, and at the
ume fraction. Also, broadly speaking, the effective conductivity of the exit from the extrusion nozzle where the fibers make a 45° turn) and
samples tended to increase with volume fraction. The highest measured the effect of each of these steps should be investigated systematically
thermal conductivity was 37.1 W/mK for the D2U sample with a vol- to assess their effect on fiber continuity. The relative deviations from

S. Olcun, Y. Ibrahim, C. Isaacs et al. Additive Manufacturing Letters 4 (2023) 100106

Fig. 6. Photograph comparing the layers upon which the pitch CF layers are printed for a) the lowest and b) highest volume fraction samples, highlighting difference
in relative roughness.

Fig. 7. MicroCT images of Sample D2U at 9.5% fiber volume fraction showing fiber breakage.

the model predictions suggest that the relative degree of fiber break- by the polymer extruder passing over the layers and pushing down on
age depends on the grade of fiber used: The pitch-based CF grades with the previously printed CF layer causing the breakage.
lower thermal conductivities and tensile modulus exhibit less breakage
than the samples printed with CF with higher thermal conductivity and 4.3. Comparison with other 3D-Printed carbon composites
tensile modulus.
Another notable feature of the results is the plateau or relative de- Many investigations have 3D-printed polymer composites which
crease in effective thermal conductivity at the highest volume fractions contain some type of carbon-based filler; however, most of these have
for every fiber grade (Fig. 5d). Fig. 6 compares the layers upon which focused on the mechanical properties of the printed components. Several
the pitch CF layers are printed for the lowest and the highest volume studies characterized the thermal conductivity of 3D-printed carbon-
fraction samples. For the low vf samples, the four polymer layers left based composite samples, and the maximum thermal conductivity from
a smooth surface for the next CF layer. However, at the highest vol- these investigations are summarized in Table 4.
ume fraction, there are fewer polymer layers (N = 2), and the CF print In all cases, the thermal conductivity of the 3D-printed composite
surfaces remain relatively rough, likely contributing to additional fiber was higher than the base matrix material. Most previous studies used
breakages in the higher vf samples. discontinuous filler particles which were premixed with the matrix ma-
terials in the desired volume fraction prior to extrusion. This allowed
for good control over the filler fraction and generally required mini-
4.2. Analysis of fiber breakage mal modification to the printing hardware itself. Investigations which
combined CF with other filler materials, such as graphene nanoplatelets
An 8 mm x 8 mm x 20 mm section of the 3D-printed D2U sam- (GNP) [46] or alumina [48] exhibited somewhat higher measured ther-
ple (9.5% vf ) was cut from the larger 3D-printed sample for microCT mal conductivities (e.g., up to 7.46 W/mK measured by Ji et al. [48]).
scanning. Images of the 9.5% vf D2U sample are shown in Fig. 7. Here, In the study by Ibrahim et al. [34], 3D-printed composites which used
fiber breakage and misalignment are distinctly visible. This provides a continuous CF yielded a maximum effective thermal conductivity of
reasonable explanation for the somewhat lower keff measurements than 2.97 W/mK but required a volume fraction of 32.2% because of the
predicted by the parallel rule-of-mixture model. Analysis of the images relatively low thermal conductivity of the PAN fibers used.
revealed that breakage of the pitch CF tended to occur more on the upper The present work differs from [34] by using nominally continuous
side of the CF layers, which is hypothesized to be due to forces exerted pitch CF, which have significantly higher thermal conductivities than

S. Olcun, Y. Ibrahim, C. Isaacs et al. Additive Manufacturing Letters 4 (2023) 100106

Table 4
Summary of Thermal Conductivities of 3D-Printed Carbon-Based Composites.

Fiber/Filler Material(s) Matrix Material Filler Type Filler Fraction Max. Thermal Conductivity Ref.

Carbon Fiber PLA Discontinuous Unspecified (Robo 3D) 0.36 [41,42]

Carbon Fiber PLA Discontinuous ≈15% by wt. (Protopasta) 0.502 [41,42]
Carbon fiber Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene Discontinuous 1.7% by vol. 0.22 [43]
Graphite ABS Discontinuous 4.3% by vol. 0.37 [43]
Carbon fiber Polyether ether ketone (PEEK) Discontinuous 30% by wt. 0.61 (at 25 °C) [44]
Carbon fiber Polypropylene (PP) Discontinuous 10% by vol. 0.869 [45]
Graphite nanoplatelets EPON 862 Discontinuous 7.6% CF and 9.3% graphite by 1.83 (at 25 °C) [46]
(GNPs) and carbon fiber wt.
GNPs and carbon Polyamide 12 (PA12) Discontinuous 15% GNP and 0.73 (at 30 °C) [47]
nanotubes (CNTs) 1% CNT by wt.
Carbon fiber and Silicone rubber Discontinuous 12% CF and 30% alumina by 7.36 [48]
alumina vol.

CNTs Polyphenylene sulfide (PPS) Discontinuous 0.9% by wt. 0.264 [49]

CNTs ABS Discontinuous 6% by wt. ≈0.19 (at 25 °C) [50]
≈0.21 (at 75 °C)
Nano-graphite PLA and thermoplastic Discontinuous 12.5% by wt. 0.47 [51]
polyurethane (TPU)
Short carbon fiber (SCF) Polycarbonate (PC) Discontinuous 10% by vol. ≈0.22 [52]
Carbon fiber Polyethylene terephthalate glycol Discontinuous Unspecified (Nanovia PETG CF) 0.2146 [53]
Carbon fiber (milled) PLA Discontinuous 30% by wt. 0.209 (at 70 °C) [54]
0.212 (at 90 °C)
CNTs PLA Discontinuous 12% by wt. 0.320 - 0.365 [55–58]
GNPs PLA Discontinuous 12% by wt. 0.662 - 0.664 [55–58]
PAN carbon fiber Nylon Continuous 32.2% by vol. 2.97 [34]
Pitch carbon fiber PLA Continuous 9.5% by vol. 37.1 Present Work

PAN fibers and therefore require less fiber volume fraction filler to fecting fiber breakage and to improve the pitch CF extrusion process to
achieve 3D-printed composites with higher effective thermal conduc- mitigate fiber breakage.
tivity. However, the main drawback of this approach is the increased In addition, the design freedom and motion control offered by more
brittleness of the fiber, which results in a significant degree of break- advanced 3D-printing platforms (e.g., 6-axis robotic arm [59–61]) can
age during printing and limits the thermal conductivity of the samples. be fully leveraged with high-conductivity fibers to create composites
However, despite having lower than predicted values, the thermal con- with strategically designed fiber orientations to control anisotropy and
ductivities measured herein are significantly higher than any previously offer heat transfer directionality control and conductive pathways for
3D-printed carbon-based composite and show promise for potential heat specific heat exchange applications.
transfer applications. For example, the thermal conductivities of the
D2U 3D-printed composites are significantly higher than those of stain- Funding
less steel (k ≈ 18 W/mK).
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, Grant
No. RGPIN-2018-05879.
5. Summary and outlook
Declaration of Competing Interest
A method for 3D printing pitch-based continuous CF was developed
and used to fabricate unidirectional pitch carbon fiber and PLA compos- On behalf of all authors, the corresponding author states that there
ites. The effective thermal conductivities of 3D-printed CFPC samples is no conflict of interest.
fabricated from fibers of different conductivities and at different vol-
Data Availability
ume fractions were characterized experimentally and compared to the
parallel effective conductivity model. The key findings are:
Data will be made available on request.
• Effective thermal conductivity increased with pitch fiber conductiv-
ity. Acknowledgment
• Sample thermal conductivity generally increased with fiber volume
fraction; however, for the highest volume fractions, keff tended to The authors acknowledge the support of the Natural Sciences and
plateau due to rougher layers on which the CF layers were printed. Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC).
• A maximum effective thermal conductivity of 37.1 W/mK was mea- References
sured using a 9.5% volume fraction of pitch carbon fiber.
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