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Agents For The Constant Of Destructibility.

“Mankind its own worst enemy”

The MALTHUSIAN view of doomed world (Mankind its own
worst enemy) based 0n Scientific Graphs of world population
increasing Geometrically i.e. One give birth to two and two
produce four and four give sixteen etc. And that the world is
doomed to choke by its own over population.

Not so sayth the lord (God)Or nature (If you insist).

Provisions have already been made to balance and to check any

runaway growth by mechanism such as epidemics etc but the
most lethal mechanism of all is The Constant Of Destructivity
discussed with mathematical expressions iside various sections
of my TEN BOOKS.

Now to keep this constant constant agents are required with

insatiable appetite for destruction: Surely, it’s not difficult to
see how the ANGLOSAXOS comes out the number one
candidate the very first in this category?? Judge For Yourself:

The GERMAN speaking branch of the Anglo-Saxon the AUSTRIA

HUNGARIAN empire DIRECTLY responsible for the killing of at
least Eighteen Millions in first world war! To be followed only
few years later by the second world war again the GERMAN
branch of the ANGLOSAXON directly responsible for the death
of FIFTY MILLIONS.As for the English Spiking Branch of the
ANGLOSAXONS They killed at least Seventeen Millions in
SOUTH-EAST Asia including the GENOCIDE of Australian
Aboriginary !Plus at least Six Millions in the Middle East !!In
Africa the British were directly responsible for the killing of
Ninety-Five million (Official Figures by African institutes) As for
INDIA The figures are not known because successive Indian
governments consisting mostly of Diehard British agents refuse
to publish such blood curding figures! However its been
compiled by historians to be as in Africa in the order of tens of
millions ! ! ! ! ! And now we have the Latter Day Anglo-Saxons
Of AZOV who may have already had triggered nuclear war
victims will be counted in Billions Not Millions.

Inside the USA itself the Mass Killing During their(Traditional


OR Inside England itself the ( Slow Sneaky But Systematic

Poisoning )Of Foreigners Continues unabated.

Now I ask you: If this not a Killer Race As In Killer Whale

Keeping Numbers Of The Species Constant ? What is ??

AS you see nature could not find better Agents for this :

Constant Of Destructivity than these International Thugs,

(Search----Killer Race Parts 1-64 )?

(Search—The Constant Of Destructivity Parts 1,2,3,Etc)?
“The habits of Individuals may wither away !But national habits
never die ! Only changes from one form to another.”The Red Monk
“The world is bullied by Thugs: e.g The Anglosaxons !Built by
Donkeys e.g The Irish?The Poles?And Mountain Turks (Kurds)!!
And enjoyed by Creeps e.g. The Jews !!!” The Red Monk

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