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Horizontal Tie-in Systems

Horizontal Tie-In Systems

Horizontal Tie-in may be used for both first-end and second end tie-in of both flowlines, umbilicals and Jumper spools. The Termination Head on the line may be hauled in to the Tie-in point by use of a subsea winch, or parked on the subsea structure. Horizontal Tie-in may be made up by Clamp Connectors operated from a Tiein tool, by integrated hydraulic connectors operated through the ROV, or by non-hydraulic collet connectors with assistance from a Connector Actuation Tool ( CAT ) and ROV. Horizontal connections leave the flowline/ umbilical in a straight line, and is easy to protect if overtrawling from fishermen should occur. FMC Technologies has developed a range of Tie-in tools and methods to make any Horizontal Tie-in effective.

FMC Horizontal Connection Systems

FMC has developed Horizontal Tie-in Systems to handle anything from small fragile Subsea Umbilicals, to large 30 Export lines. Each Tie-in system has unique features to fulfill the clients specific needs. Either the lines Termination Head is directly parked in a position on the subsea structure ready for connection, or The pullin function is based on a subsea winch mounted on the Tie-in tool. By use of Horizontal Tie-in systems, the Tie-in Tool does not need to be retrieved to surface in between each connection operation. Consequently, the Tie-in tool may perform a series of tie-ins of pre-layed lines, jumpers or spools in one single subsea campain. This makes Horizontal tie-in a very efficient solution when several lines shall be connected continuously.

FMC Tie-in Experience

As development of Subsea fields reach the depth limit for diver operation, diverless Tie-in systems become an issue. FMC designed and operated the first diverless Tie-in & Connection system ever on the Gullfaks field for Statoil in the North Sea in 1986. Since then, many new innovative Tie-in solutions for deep and ultra-deep waters have passed through our work-shop to satisfy clients world-wide. FMC have now a family of Tie-in & Connection systems, all based on standard interfaces. These reach from the smallest hydraulic Flying Leads, to large bore Export lines in both Vertical and Horizontal, and Monobore or Multibore configurations.

Size & configuration table

Tie-in SySTem

Life of Field Service

mulTi-Bore Bore Hydr. Size lineS
10 + 3 6 + 2 6 + 2 14 14 14

HorizonTal HydrauliC/ Single Bore ColleT meCHaniCal max nom. max ConneCTor operaTion pipe Size Bore-Size
KC4 KC4 Mechanical Mechanical Mechanical 18 12 12 3/4 16 10 11

inSTallaTion Tool requiremenTS

Rovcon Mk2 + ROV Rovcon Mk1 + ROV Stabcon Mk1 + ROV


Tie-in SySTem

HorizonTal HydrauliC/ Single Bore Clamp meCHaniCal max nom. max ConneCTor operaTion pipe Size Bore-Size
Mechanical Mechanical 30 14 27 12 KL3 2

mulTi-Bore Bore

Hydr. lineS

inSTallaTion Tool requiremenTS


Installation of advanced Subsea systems require skilled offshore personnel and high quality equipment. Testing of equipment and training of personnel onshore is vital to success in this offshore operation. FMC has developed a Subsea School for training of Clients representatives alongside training of own service personnel. The good chemistry developed during this training period has resulted in a unique track record of successful offshore operations. The Customer Support headquarter in Bergen is the single point of contact for all service expertise, personnel, systems and tools needed for installation and life-of-field management and support. We provide service and strategic life of field planning and solutions designed to deliver immediate and long-term satisfaction to operators worldwide.


22 + 2 + 2 + 2

Tie-in SySTem

HorizonTal HydrauliC/ mulTi quiCk meCHaniCal ConneCTor operaTion

MQC Mechanical

Hydr. lineS

inSTallaTion Tool requiremenTS

Torque Tool + ROV

Horizontal Tie-In Systems

Horizontal Tie-In Systems

STABCON Tie-in System

The Stab and Hingeover Connection System (STABCON) is designed to install and horizontally connect Rigid and Flexible Flowlines, Umbilicals and Rigid Spools in deep and ultra-deep waters. A hinged stab on the termination head enters a receptacle on the subsea structure before the termination head is moved into horizontal position for connection by the ROV carried Connector Actuating Tool ( CAT ).

UTIS Universal Tie-in System

UTIS Tie-in system is designed for both first-end and second-end tie-in of Flowlines and Umbilicals. The UTIS tool carries the clamp-connector to the tie-in area, and lands on the porch/inboard hub. The ROV attaches the pull-in rope to the Termination Head pre-laid some distance from the structure, and the Termination Head with the outboad hub is then pulled in, and the clamp is made up. UTIS may also connect pre-laid Rigid Spools. The UTIS tool is run on guidelines, and is controlled from the surface located control container. The UTIS Tie-in systems have connected hundreds of Flowlines and Umbilicals for major oil companies worldwide.

ROVCON Tie-in System

The ROV based Tie-in & Connection System ROVCON is designed for second-end tie-in of Flowlines and Umbilicals. ROVCON is attached underneath a Work class ROV. The Tie-in skid package perfoms tie-in using two winches. Final pull-in and closing of the connector is by using stroking cylinders. The system comes with a set of ROV operated tools for hub preparation prior to connection. Advantages of the ROVCON Tie-in system is that it is designed to perform a series of tie-ins and connections of prelaid lines without returning to the surface. The system is very compact, requires minimal mobilization, and is air transportable. The ROVCON Tie-in systems have connected hundreds of Flowlines and Umbilicals for major oil companies world-wide

FLYCON Tie-in System

The Flying Lead Connection System (FLYCON) is designed to install and connect Hydraulic and Electrical Umbilicals (Jumpers) between subsea modules and structures by use of a standard Work class ROV. Jumpers are launched to the location in tailor-made baskets. Various configurations of Hydraulic Jumpers and Flying Leads can be supplied to suit a variety of applications. The FLYCON connection system is very compact, requires minimal mobilization, and is air transportable world-wide. The FLYCON Connection systems have connected hundreds of jumpers for major oil-companies world-wide.

FMC Technologies April 2008 - 3D illustrations by ID - print by Prinfo Vanberg

FMC Technologies 1777 Gears Road Houston TX 77067 USA Phone: +1 281 591 4000

FMC Technologies P.O. Box 1012 NO-3601 Kongsberg Norway Phone: +47 3228 6700

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