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Pakistan Green Building Guidelines Rating System

Project Checklist
Project Type: Project Name:

Project Area: Certification Body:

Y ? N Credits points
0 0 0 Integrative Project Management Process 5
Prerequisite Integrative Project Planning and Design Required
Credit Integrative Process 5
0 0 0 Sustainable Transportation and Location 15
Credit Sensitive Land Protection 1
Credit Surrounding Density and Diverse Use 5
Credit Access the Quality Transit 5
Credit Bicycle Facility 2
Credit Reduce the Parking Footprint 2
Sustainable Site Assessment 12
Credit Site Assessment 3
Credit Site Development- Protect or Restore Habitat 3
Credit Rain Water Management 2
Credit Open Space 2
Credit Heat Island Effect 2
0 0 0 Water Management and Efficiency 12
Prerequisite Outdoor Water Use Reduction Required
Prerequisite Indoor Water Use Reduction Required
Prerequisite Building Level Energy Metering Required
Credit Outdoor Water Use Reduction 3
Credit Indoor Water Use Reduction 5
Credit Cooling Tower Water Use 2
Credit Water Metering 2
0 0 0 Energy Efficiency and Monitoring 28
Prerequisite Fundamental Commissioning and Verification Required
Credit Minimum Energy Performance 18
Credit Building Level Energy Metering 2
Credit Fundamental Refrigerant Management 2
Credit Advance Energy Metering 3
Credit Renewable Energy Production 3
Natural Resources and Material 10
Prerequisite Storage and Collection of Recyclables Required
Credit Building and Material Reuse 4
Credit Building Production Disclosure & Optimization-Sourcing of Raw Materials 4
Credit Building Production Disclosure & Optimization-Environmental Product Declaration 2
0 0 0 Indoor Environmental Quality 14
Prerequisite Minimum Indoor Air Quality Performance Required
Prerequisite Environmental Tobacco Smoke Control Required
Credit Enhance Indoor Air Quality Strategies 2
Credit Low Emitting Material 2
Credit Construction Indoor Air Quality Management Plan 2
Credit Indoor Air Quality Assessment 2
Credit Thermal Comfort 1
Credit Interior Lighting 2
Credit Daylight 2
Credit Quality View 1
0 0 0 Innovation 6
Credit Innovation 3
Credit Green Building Guideline Accredited Professional 3
0 0 0 Total 102
Green Guideline has four levels of certification, which depends on the point thresholds achieved
1) Silver, 40-49 points 2) Platinum, 60-69 points
3) Gold, 50-59 points 4) Titanium, 70 points and above


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