EGN3321 HWK 6 Sum20

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Problem 14.

79 Suppose you are designing a monorail

transportation system that will travel at 50 m/s, and you
decide that the angle θ that the cars swing out from the
vertical when they go through a turnEGNmust
3321not be larger
(Summer 2020) – Homework 6

than 20 . If the turns in the track consist of circular arcs
of constant radius R, what is the minimum Submission
value of R? (See Active Example 14.6) 14th July (Tuesday) midnight

Write your name and page number at the top right-hand corner of each page of your homework.
Scan your homework as a single pdf document and upload it in canvas by the submission
Note the homework solution is given to you. Yet you need to submit the homework so that I
understand you have gone over the material before taking the Final Exam.

Solution: The 1) equations

A circularofdisk rotates
motion are with a constant
counterclockwise (CCW) angular velocity
Fy : T cos θ − mg = 0
of 4 rad/s. The disk lies in the horizontal
plane. vThe
2 slider A is supported
F n : T sin θ = mahorizontally
n = m by the smooth slot and the
Solving we have string attached at point B. The slider’s mass
is20.5 kg.
v (50 m/s)2
R= a)= What is the tension=in700
g tan θ (9.81 m/s2 ) tan 20◦
b) Determine the magnitude of the
force exerted on the slider by the
R = 700 m.

2) The airplane turns at a constant velocity of 600

Problem 14.80 ft/sAnandairplane
at a constant WThe
of weight = weight of the
200,000 lb 15°
makes a turn at plane
constant altitude and at constant velocity
is 200,000 lb and the bank angle is 15°.
v = 600 ft/s. The bank angle is 15◦ . (a) Determine the
lift force L . (b)a)WhatWhichisone theof radius of curvature
the following statements ofabout
the L
plane’s path?
this problem is true?
i) Since the airplane turns at a constant
velocity it's not accelerating.
ii) There are no forces acting in the tangent W
direction on the airplane.
iii) The weight of the airplane is
Solution: The weight is W = − jW to
perpendicular − j(2
= the × 105 )component
normal lb. The normalof acceleration.
v 2

acceleration is an = iiv) All .of The the above.
lift is L = |L|(i cos 105 +
◦ v) None
j sin 105 ) = |L|(− 0.2588i of the above.
+ 0.9659j).
b) What is the lift force L?
(a) From Newton’ c)s What
second is the radius Fof=curvature
law, L + Wn = ofma
then ,plane’s
from path?
which, substituting values and separating the j components:
2 × 105
|L|(0.9659) = 2 × 105 , |L| = = 207055 lb. Page 1 of 13

(b) The radius of curvature is obtained from Newton’s law:

|L|(− 0.2588) = − m , from which
3) If a car is traveling up an incline shown
with a constant speed of 80 km/h,
determine the normal reaction of the
road on the car when it reaches point A.
The car’s mass is 1.8 Mg. The car’s size
can be neglected.

4) A circular freeway ramp shown has a radius of 60m. The ramp’s slope (β) is 15°. The coefficient
of static friction between the tires of the car and the road is μs=0.4. What is the maximum speed
that the car can enter the ramp without losing traction?

Page 2 of 13
Problem 14.94 The center of mass of the 12-kg object y
moves in the x ’y plane. Its polar coordinates are
given as functions of time by r = 12 − 0.4t 2 m, θ =
0.02t 3 rad. Determine the polar components of the total 5) A car is passing over the curved
force acting on the object at t = 2 s. road shown. Point A is the top point on the
vertical curved road and Point B is the
lowest point. r
a) What is the maximum speed that the car
can have at point A so that it remains inx
contact with the road?
Solution: b) If the car maintains this speed from A to
B, what is the normal reaction the road
r = 12 − 0.4t 2 , θ = 0.02t 3
exerts on the car at point B?
r = − 0.8t, θ = 0.06t 2

r̈ = − 0.8, θ̈ = 0.12t

Set t = 2 s

Fr = m( r̈ − r θ̇2 ) = (12 kg)(− 0.8 − [10.4][0.24]2 ) m/s2

= − 16.8 N

Fθ = m(r θ̈ + 2ṙ θ̇) = (12 kg)([10.4][0.24] + 2[− 1.6][0.24]) m/s2

= 20.7 N

6) A large disk rotates with constant angular velocity ωo

Problem 14.95
= 0.3 rad/s. A 100-lb
A person walks person walks
on the disk withon a large
disk that rotates with constant angular velocity ω0 =
speed v =5 ft/s along a straight radial line which is w0
0.3 rad/s.oHe walks at a constant speed v0 = 5 ft/s along 0
painted on
a straight the disk.
radial The person’s
line painted on theweight is 100 lb. the
disk. Determine
polar are the polar
components of components
the horizontalof force
the horizontal
exerted onforce
exerted on the person when they are 6 ft from the are
he is 6 ft from the center of the disk. (How
these forces
center exerted
of the on him?)
disk? How are these forces exerted on
the person?

r = 6 ft, ṙ = 5 ft/s, r̈ = 0, θ̇ = 0.3 rad/s, θ̈ = 0
100 lb
F r = m( r̈ − r θ̇2 ) = (0 − [6 ft][0.3 rad/s]2 )
32.2 ft/s2
= − 1.68 lb
100 lb
Fθ = m(r θ̈ + 2ṙ θ̇) = (0 + 2[5 ft/s][0.3 rad/s])
32.2 ft/s2
= 9.32 lb
The forces are exerted as friction between the disk and the
man’s feet.

Page 3 of 13
7) What is the maximum constant angular
velocity that the turntable can turn without
causing the block to slip? The coefficient of
static friction between the block & turntable is μs
and the block has a mass m. (Solve

8) An airplane executes a vertical loop, part of

which is in the shape of a cardioid:
𝑟 = 600(1 + cos 𝜃) 𝑓𝑡
At point A (θ=0°) the plane’s speed is constant
vp=80 ft/s. If the pilot weighs 150 lb, determine
the vertical force the seat belt must exert on her
to hold her in the seat when the plane is upside
down at A.

Page 4 of 13
9) A car is moving at 40 mph when the driver starts applying an increasing force on the brakes. The
magnitude of the resulting frictional force exerted on the car by the road is given by:

𝐹 = 250 + 6𝑠 [𝑙𝑏]

Here s indicates the car’s horizontal position in feet relative to its position when the brakes were
initially applied. The car’s weight is 3,000 lbs and the car’s tires do not slip.

a) Find the distance required for the car to stop using Newton’s 2nd Law.
b) Find the work done by this frictional force.
c) Find the distance required for the car to stop using the principle of work and energy.
d) Compare the two solutions from parts a & b. Are they different or the same? Why?

10) Recall that the force of gravity is given by:
𝑀𝑒 𝑚
𝐹=𝐺 2
Here Me is the mass of the earth, G is the
gravitational constant, m is the mass of an object,
and r is the distance between the object and the
center of the earth. A rocket is fired vertically
from the surface of the earth where r=r1. Assume
that no mass is lost as the rocket travels upward.
What is the work the rocket must do against
gravity to reach a distance r2? Solve

Page 5 of 13
11) A collar slides along a
smooth bar as shown from
position 1 to 2. The y-axis is
in the vertical direction. The
collar’s mass is 10 kg. The
spring constant k is 100 N/m.
The spring has an unstretched
length of 2m. If the collar
starts from rest, find the
velocity of the collar when it
reaches position 2.

12) A 200 kg roller coaster car is launched

from point B with a speed that is just
sufficient for it to round the top of the
loop at C without leaving the track. The
radius of curvature at C is 25m. Find the
height h that the car will reach up the
incline D.

13) The skier is moving down the path shown.

If the skier’s mass is 60 kg and he passes
point A with a speed of 5 m/s, find:
a) Skier’s speed when he reaches point B.
b) Normal force exerted on the skier by
the slope at point B.

Page 6 of 13
14) Determine the power input for a motor necessary to lift 300 lb at a constant rate of 5 ft/s. The
efficiency of the motor is  = 0.65.
In addition which of the following statements would be true about this problem:
a) The power input required will increase as the efficiency decreases.
b) The power input required will increase as the constant speed of the object increases.
c) The power input required will increase as the weight of the object increases.
d) In this problem, since the both the force and velocity are constants, the power output is
independent of the position of the object.
e) All of the above.
f) None of the above.

15) A vehicle is moving up an inclined road. The driver increases the car’s speed uniformly from rest
to 25 m/s in 30 seconds while traveling up the incline. If the car’s mass is 2 Mg, find:
a) The maximum power that must be supplied by the engine given that the engine’s efficiency is
b) The average power supplied by the engine during the 30 second period.

16) A car is traveling at 80 mph when it hits a crash barrier. The car is brought to rest in 0.11 seconds.
The car’s weight is 5000 lbs. What is the average power transferred from the car during the

lb car hits the crash barrier at

o rest in 0.11 seconds. What
red from the car during the

er is equal to the change in kinetic

88 ft/s
80 mi/h
60 mi/h
= 9.72 × 106 ft-lb/s. Page 7 of 13
.11 s

Solution: Note that dS = dr . The work done in stretching the
spring is

V = − F · dr + C = − F · (dr er + r dθeθ ) + C

17) A ball is released from rest at position 1 and swings to

= [k(r − r 0 ) + q(r − r 0 ) 2 ] dr + C,
position 2, where the angle θ is 40°. The ball’s mass is 2
kg and the length of the string L is 1m.
V = [kS + qS3 ] dS + C.
a) What is the magnitude of the velocity at position 2?
b) Sketch graphs of the potential energy, kinetic energy,
and total energy for angles θ from 0 to 180°.
Comment k on the
q graphs. How does total energy
V = with
change S2 time?
+ S4 Why?
, What if you changed the
2 4
datum for the potential, then how would the graphs
where C = 0, since F = 0 at S = 0.

Problem 15.97 The 20-kg cylinder is released at

the position
18) The figure shown
shows a spring andbottom
at the fallsofonto the linear
the chamber and a spring
20 kg
(k = 3000 N/m). Use conservation of energy to
cylinder at the top. The spring shown is “nonlinear” – meaning its
determine how far down the cylinder moves after
resistance is not linear with stretch. The potential energy in this
contacting the spring. 2m
nonlinear spring is given by:
1 1
𝑉 = 𝑘𝑆 2 + 𝑞𝑆 4
2 4
Where S is the stretch of the spring, k is a constant with a value 3000
N/m and q is a constant with a value 4000 N/m3. If the cylinder is
Solution: Choose the base of the cylinder as a datum. The potential 1.5 m
released from
energy of the position
the piston shown
at rest is V1and falls onto
= mg(3.5) the spring,
= 686.7 N-m. Thewhat is
the velocity ofenergy
vation of the cylinder when
condition afterthe
thespring hascompressed
spring has been compressed 0.5
to the point
m? that the piston velocity is zero is mgh + 12 k(h − 1.5) 2 = mg(3.5),
where h is the height above the datum. From which h2 + 2bh + c = 0,

3 mg
b= − −
2 k

7 mg
and c = 2.25 − .

The solution is h = − b ± b2 − c = 1.95 m, n = 0.919 m. The value
h = 1.95 m has no physical meaning, since it is above the spring. The
downward compression of the spring is

S = 1.5 − 0.919 = 0.581 m

Page 8 of 13

c 2008 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all co
19) Scientists believe that the force generated by a bird during take off is of the form:
𝐹 = 𝐹𝑜 (1 + sin 𝜔𝑡)
Where Fo and ω are constants. From observations, it is estimated that ω=18 inverse seconds, the bird
takes 1.42 seconds to take off, and the bird starts from rest and is moving at 6.1 m/s at the end of take off.
The bird’s mass is 0.2 kg. Using the principle of impulse & momentum, determine the constant Fo.
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t =(<mv 20) To test the energy absorption of a car’s bumper, the car is driven into a barrier. The duration of the
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(<6A7 ,ω )+
< ωtF = mv
(< − 0$, E(<@)(<.A7)F)
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impact is 0.4 seconds and the car’s weight is 2,800 lbs. The car’s initial speed is 5 mph and its speed
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a) What is the magnitude of the average horizontal force exerted on the car during impact?
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A girl weighing 80 lb stands at rest on
platform. She starts running at 10 ft/s
tform and runs off the end. Neglect the
xerted on the platform by the water.

arts running, what21)is Crates A andrela-

her velocity B are attached by a rope. Their masses are mA=40 kg and mB=30 kg. Both crates are
water? released from rest. The coefficient of kinetic friction between crate A and the surface is μk=0.15. What is
s running, what isthethe velocity of
magnitude the velocity of the crates 1 second after they are released from rest? You may assume
of the
nter of mass of the girl and the platform
that the
he water? (See Active time it16.4.)
Example takes to overcome static friction and start moving is negligible.


vp , vg/ p = vg − vp

(325 lb)vp , (10 ft/s) = vg − vp

= 8.02 ft/s.

right. 22) Railroad car A is full of maple syrup, but car B is only partially filled. The weights of the cars are
WA=120,000 lb and WB=70,000 lb. The cars collide with the velocities shown and become coupled
m is conserved, the velocity of the center of mass
together. When they collide, the syrup in B sloshes back and forth violently.
a) What is the velocity of the common center of mass of the two cars just after the impact?
b) What is the velocity of the two cars after the sloshing in B has subsided just after the impact?

Two railroad cars with weights WA = 2 ft/ s 1 ft/ s

WB = 70,000 lb collide and become cou-
r A is full, and car B is half full, of
en the cars collide, the acid in B sloshes

y after the impact, what is the velocity

mon center of mass of the two cars?
oshing in B has subsided, what is the
he two cars? 23) The boy in the wagon begins throwing bricks out of the
Problem 16.49 An 80-lb boy sitting in a stationary
wagon to simulate20-lb rocket
wagon propulsion. The wagon
wants to simulate rocketbegins at by
rest, and the boy throws
throwing threeout
bricks bricks.
of theThe boy’sNeglect
wagon. weighthorizontal
forces on the wagon’s wheels. If the boy has three bricks
80lbs, and the ft/s)
weight of
(120,000 lb)(2 ft/s) + (70,000 lb)(1weighing 10the wagon
lb each andisthrows
20 lbs.them
bricks weigh
a horizontal
= velocity of 10 ft/s relative to the wagon, determine the
(120,000 lb10lbs each,
+ 70,000 lb) and he throws them with a horizontal velocity of
velocity he attains (a) if he throws the bricks one at a
= 1.63 ft/s 10 ft/s relativetime
to the
(b) if heNeglect horizontal
throws them forces on the
all at once.
wagon’s wheels.
ing stops vcars = vcenter of mass a) What
= 1.63 ft/svelocity does the boy attain if he throws the
bricks one at a time?
b) What velocity does the boy attain if he throws all
three Solution:
bricks at once? Solving, vw3 = 2.51 ft/s.
c) Compare the results of parts a) and b). What does this
(a) The boy (B) in the wagon (w) throws one brick (b) at a time.
suggest about rocket propulsion? Why
(b) All the bricks are thrown at once.
are these results different?
First brick: 0 = (mB + mw )vw + 3mb vb ,

0 = (mB + mw + 2mb )vw1 + mb vb1 , vb − vw = − 10.

vb1 − vw1 = − 10. Page 10 of 13

Solving, vw = 2.31 ft/s.

Solving, vw1 = 0.769 ft/s.

Second brick:
ation, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they
24) The two cars shown collide and stick together while moving
with a speed of 50 km/h as shown. The mass of the cars are mA=2
Mg and mB=1.5 Mg. What are the magnitudes of the velocities vA
and vB before the collision?

25) You are the investigator for a collision in which a moving car (A) struck a parked car (B). You
deduce that all four of car B’s wheels were locked and, from skid marks, you can see that car B slid 20 ft
after the impact. You have estimated the coefficient of kinetic friction between B’s tires and the road to
be μk=0.8 and the coefficient of restitution to be e=0.2. The cars’ weights are WA=3,400 lb and WB=1,960
lb. What was the velocity of car A just before the impact? (Assume that only one impact occurred.)

6 Suppose that you investigate an acci- vA

a 3400-lb car A struck a parked 1960-lb A B
r of car B’s wheels were locked, and skid
e that it slid 20 ft after the impact. If you
oefficient of kinetic friction between B’s
oad to be µ k = 0.8 and the coefficient of
the impact to be e = 0.2, what was A’s
st before the impact? (Assume that only

can use work-energy to find the velocity of car B

act. Then we use conservation of momentum and the
26) Balls A, B and C each have a mass m. B and C are connected by an unstretched spring. B and C are
tution to solve for the velocity of A. In general terms
initially at rest. Ball A moves toward B with a velocity vA. The impact between A and B is perfectly
B gd = 0 ⇒ vB = elastic
2µ k gd

mB v B , evA = v B − vA a) Just after the impact, find the velocity of the common center of mass of B & C.
mbers we have b) Assume no other forces act on the system. Find the velocity of the common center of mass of
B & C at time t after the impact.
.2 ft/s2 )(20 ft) = 32.1 ft/s,

400 lb)vA + (1960 lb) (32.1 ft/s)

t/s) − vA
wo equations simultaneously we have

23.7 ft/s, vA = 42.2 ft/s (28.7 mi/h).

7 When the player releases the ball from

ht of 5 ft above the floor, it bounces to a
t. If he throws the ball downward, releas-
bove the floor, how fast would he need to Page 11 of 13
at it would bounce to a height of 12 ft?
27) Estimate the coefficient of restitution
Problem 16.70 By making measurements directly
from the the ball
photograph andbouncing
of the ground golf
by taking
ball, estimate
the coefmeasurements directly from the photograph of
cient of restitution.
the bouncing ball shown below. How would
your results change if the picture was
magnified by on
For impact a factor of 10?
a stationary surface, the coef cient of
restitution is de ned to be e = − vA / vA . (Since the impact and rebound
velocities have opposite signs, e is positive.) (See Eq. (16.19)).
From the conservation of energy, 12 mA (vA ) 2 = mA gh, the velocity
is proportional to the square root of the rebound height, so that if
h1 , h2 , . . . h N , . . . are successive rebound heights, then an estimate

of e is e = hi + 1 / hi . Measurements are h1 = 5.1 cm, h2 = 3.1 cm,
from which

e= 3.1/ 5.1 = 0.78

Problem 28)16.71
As in theIf you throw
picture the golf
shown, ball in
the 2-kg ballProb-
lem 16.70 horizontally at 2 ft/s and release
thrown so that it travels horizontally at 10 m/s it 4 ft above
the surface,
when what is thethe
it strikes distance
6-kg blockbetween as itthe
travels rst two
bounces?the smooth inclined plane at 1 m/s. If the
coefficient of restitution between √ and
Solution: The normal velocity at impact is vAnthe
= −ball 2g(4) =
the (downward).
− 16.04 ft/s block is e =The0.6, and the
rebound impact
normal occurs
velocity in
is (from
Eq (16.19)) vAn =s, −determine
evAn = − (0.78)(−
the average impulsive
16.04) = 12.51 force
ft/s (upward).
From thebetween
and for block.
free fall the rst rebound height
is h = (vAn ) / 2g = 2.43 ft. From the solution of Newton’s second
law for free fall, the time spent between rebounds is twice the time

to fall from the maximum height: t = 2 2h/ g = 0.778 s from which
the distance between bounces is:

d = v0 t = 2t = 1.56 ft

Problem 16.72 In a forging operation, the 100-lb

weight29)is lifted
A and1Band released
each have afrom
0.4Itkg. Pool ball A hits
falls and strikes a workpiece in position 2. If the weight
ball B direct-on and then ball B hits the cushion and rebounds at
is moving at 15 ft/s immediately before the impact and 1
the coefan cient θ. The
angle of initial is
restitution velocity of A
e = 0.3, is 5 ism/s.
what theIf the coefficient of
velocityrestitution between
of the weight A and Bafter
immediately is e=0.8
impact?and that between B and C
is e’=0.6, determine the velocity of B and the angle θ after 16 in

Solution: The strategy is to treat the system as an in-line impact k k

on a rigid, immovable surface. From Eq. (16.16) with B’s velocity
equal to zero: vA = − evA , from which

12 in
vA = − 0.3(− 15) = 4.5 ft/s

Page 12 of 13
30) Two disks slide on a smooth horizontal surface with the velocities as shown. Disk A has a mass of 6
kg, and disk B has a mass of 4 kg. The coefficient of restitution between the two disks is e=0.6. What are
the speeds of the two disks just after impact (vA and vB)?

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