Joseph Delaney Series

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Last Apprentice Series

By: Joseph Delaney Young Adult Fantasy/Horror

Old Gregory has been the Spook for the county, ridding the local villages of evil.
Now his time is coming to an end. But who will take over for him? 29 apprentices
have tried–some floundered, some fled, some failed to stay alive. Only Thomas Ward is left. He's the last
hope; the last apprentice. Can Thomas succeed? What will happen if Thomas accidentally frees Mother
Malkin, the most evil witch in the county? (Excerpt from

#1 Revenge #2 Curse #3 Night #4 Attack #5 Wrath

of the Witch of the Bane of the Soul Stealer of the Fiend of the Bloodeye

#6 #7 #8 #9 Grimalkin #10
Clash of the Demons Rise of the Huntress Rage of the Fallen the Witch Assassin Lure of the Dead

Fury of the Seventh COLLECTION:
Slither I am Alice Spook’s Tale and
Son Coven of Witches
Other Horrors

Sequel Series:
Starblade Chronicles
Tom Ward is an apprentice no longer.
He is a full-fledged spook battling boggarts,
witches, and other creatures of the dark.

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