Bahan Interview - Chief Officer Offshore

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1. Introduce Your Self
2. Responsibility onboard
3. PMS
4. MARPOL (Annex 1-6)
5. ISM Code
-Purpose ISM Code
-Element ISM Code(ada 16 Element)
6. BRM
7. Colreg Rule of road
8. Solas
-Purpose of SOLAS
-Purpose of STCW
10. GMDSS- procedure, log,test and Maintenance
11. GM calculation
12. Cardinal Marks
-Purpose of Cardinal Marks and explain All cardinal
13.1 Passage Plan-Preparation & exacution Guide line
passage plan
-Chart Publication
-Chart Catalog
-Last Update chart
-Present Position
13.2 Chart correction & publication list
14. Signal of Vessel Underway poor visibility
15. Light and Shapes Vessel NUC
16. Light and Shapes Vessel restricted ability To
17. Light and Shapes Vessel constrained by Her draft
18. Light and shapes Vessel aground
19. Action to take over other vessel
20. UKC
21. OWS
22. How you do if you sail to heave weather Or poor
23. Ship Certificate
-Flag Registry
-Certificate of class
-Minimum safe certificate
-International tonnage certificate
-International load line certificate
-Document of Compliance
-IOPP (International oil pollution prevention)
24. Different between Incident and Near Miss
25. Solas have 14 chapter
26. Chapter 3 (life saving appliances)
1. Lifebuoys and life jackets
2. immersion suits
3. lifeboats
4. Life raft
5. Rescue boats
6. Rocket Parachute flares
7. Red hand flares
8. Smoke Signal
9. Launching and embarkation appliances
10. Line throwing appliances
11. General emergency alarm system
12. Public address system
27.ISPS Code
29. SOLAS - LSA & FFE - drill/maintenance
30.According the rule LIFE RAFT must be
Can carry 100 % each side the vessel
31. According the rule Life jacket must be 100% for all
crew and passenger onboard and 20% for spare
Please tell me about introduce your self ?
You tell to client company about your full name, COC
ticket, last ship experience and location / trade sail. And
other. For example : I am Thery Alamanza , Have holding
Deck COC Class 2 , my last experience as Chief officer on
AHTS vessel of Bourboun company at Malaysian water.
Duties and Responsibilties ( Main Job )
1) Vessel maintenance report
The reports to be submitted to Vessel Superintendent for
“Deck & Engine”. Report from Deck deparment consist of the
i. Monthly report form
ii. Deck/Hull Condition Report. If any.
iii. Deferred Maintenance report. If any.
iv. NCR form for every defect raised. This form to be
submitted to DPA.
2) Vessel’s certificates are to be reviewed regularly. Any due
for renewal to be reminded to Vessel Superintendent for
further action. The certificates are to be kept safely under
Master custodian. 3 monthly certificate status report to be
submitted to Vessel Superintendent

3) To prepare duty roaster for deck officers.

4) To conduct familiarization and training for officers joining

the vessel. Regular familiarization and training to be
conducted for all officers and crews.

5) Every bridge watch-keeping clear instruction to be posted

on the bridge.

6) Proper and adequate mandatory drill to be conducted in

timely manner as according to drill schedule.

7) To conduct safety meeting every monthly. Agenda stated to

be observed and discussed during the meeting.

8) Equipment defect and critical equipment defect

9) To prepareToolbox meeting, Risk assessment or JSA/JHA,

Company’s safety standard, Crew involvement.

10) To ensure ship security implements all the instruction in

compliance to the rules as follow : Security drill, Enforced
Restricted Area on-bopard, Managing visitor, Security
monthly report, Monthly report, 6 mthly SSAS test, Identify
ship security level.

11) Garbage Management Plan to be observed regularly.

Garbage bin segregation to be identified and displayed on-

12) SEEMP ( SOPEP ) and IMDG Code to observed and

implemented on-board.

13) Vessel’s hygiene and cleanliness inspection to be

conducted and implemented.

14) Any incident to be reported immediately to DPA whether

there is injury or no injury, property damage or not without

15) Position fixing to be plotted on the chart regularly if vessel

engage in voyage or standby steaming within platform vicinity
and when approaching ports or platform.

Duty and Responsibility onboard ( Additional Job )

Main duty
-Watch keeping duties at sea, anchor, and principal executive
officer in charge of deck department as per master standing
Secondary duty
-Ship stability management ( calculation and monitoring of
stability, GM and trim calculation, stress and trim of vessel
during loading de ballasting/ballasting and voyage( SEE intact
stability booklet and damage control booklet ) record,arrange
cargo plan also safety and security of cargo, sounding all
water tank/fresh every morning after to requirement report
to charter.
- Maintenance and supervision for safe working practice
during deck operation(procedure to work in any job type-
working comply the manual, test and inspection cargo gear
and deck lifting appliances-hull and deck equipment( SEE
cargo securing manual ), hygiene and housekeeping and
sanitation on board, safe keeping all deck store, equipment
and store, repairs and dry docking plan, than report and
return as per Company procedure c/w check list at ship filling
2.Understanding with the Bridging documents onboard:
-ISM Manual:- Marine Safety Management Manual
Part1(Process/QMS), Marine Safety Managment Manual Part2
Vol.1 & 2 (Work instructions /procedures/guidelines), MSMM
Part 3 (Form & record checklists), SOLAS Training Manual,
SOPEP Manual, Marpol 73/78, SOLAS, Standard of Training,
Certification and Watchkeeping (STCW),IMDG Code, IAMSAR
Manual, ISPS Code, Code of Safe Working Practice for
Merchant Seaman, COLREG 1972 (Edition 2004), Nautical
Publication including tide tables, Bridge procedure guide
3.To prepare classification and statutory surveys.
-Have 2 type of ship certificate Classification survey (
classification certificate and flag state certificate ).Internal /
external audit as SMS manual, Charter party (client ) survey/
standard survey ), OVID ( Offshore vessel inspection database
) with vetting inspection.
4.Have skill boat handling and theory/feel characteristic and
acknowledgement regarding with tide table-calculation
associated with draft and clearance, calculation of compass
error, procedure when alongside at platform, general
acknowledge of own vessel ( vessel specification, number,
location and function of LSA/FFA, statutory document )
6.Navigation of chart work (include chart correction, meaning
of symbol and abbreviation, special characteristic of structure
the platform, beacon, buoy etc, course plotting and position fix
, IALA buoyage system
7.Reporting procedure and action to be taken during
emergency base on emergency contingency respond plan
manual ) and drill attended ( grounding , collusion, emergency
break down-generator set failure, ME failure, sinking, other )
8.Shipboard operation for Contrubution for all crew about on
board familiarization will crew new joining the vessel, drills and
monthly safety commute meeting, tool box meeting, job
hazard analysis, and procedure to work in any type of job
Chief officer duties and responsibilities
1) Chief officer is responsible for familiar him self with
procedure safety management system and comply with
2) Chief Officer is responsible for on duty when
condition as follow :
A.Vessel on sail and location : to conduct OOW for
watch keeping at bridge ( watch : 04-08 and 16-20
hours navigational watch )
B.Vessel at anchor : to conduct of officer on duty for
anchor watch assist by AB duty ( safety around made
and security patrol )
C.Vessel at berth : Supervisor of cargo watch, safety and
security also mooring line watch to be maintained
3) Chief Officer is responsible for shall assist the Master
and Designated Person and is the overall in-charge of
the Deck Department, supervise and command the
Deck Department by implementing the rules,
regulations and maintain discipline onboard
4) Chief Officer is responsible for management onboard
ship, help the master in matters related to garbage
management plan, water ballast management relating
to procedures for access to office report.
5) Chief Officer is responsible for maintains close
contact with the different departments onboard and
ensures that duties are carried out smoothly, matters
relating to the safety of the ship, stowage of cargo,
cargo handling plans, document and signing of cargo
6) Chief Officer is responsible for monitors the
condition of the hull at all times and maintains the trim
and allowable sharing force and bending moment of the
ship regarding ship stability calculation report , ensure
that life-saving appliances, fire-fighting equipment and
waterproofing equipment are maintain properly

7) Chief Officer is responsible for checks the status of

the hull, machinery and deck equipment, anchor
handling equipment, lifting gear equipment under the
management of the Deck department and Maintenance

8) Chief Officer is responsible for helps prevent marine

pollution, status of storage and maintenance of
mooring equipment, custodian of important documents
not falling under the responsibility of the Master

9) Chief Officer is responsible for checks the status of

hull, anchor chain, mooring equipment, cargo gear,
navigation instruments and accommodation spaces and
perform duties related to dry-docking
10) Chief Officer is responsible for submit periodical
reports from the Deck Department educates, guides
and evaluates his subordinated and submits evaluation
report to the Master ( crew appraisal report )

11) Chief Officer is responsible for manages work

schedules performed outside regular working
hours, assign tasks for deck hands and crew members,
Plan replenishment of fresh water supply and inculcate
the economical consumption of fresh water

12) Chief Officer is responsible for inculcate the

economic use of consumable of ship’s store under his
responsibility, continuously monitor the status of the
ship ( certificates, on/off hire charter ) and carry out (
Class / OVID / Hire Charter ) inspection.
13) Chief Officer is responsible for safety and health
management onboard ship, help the Chief Engineer in
matters related to shipboard repairs, arrangements
relating to procedures for access to shore and
communication procedures when the ship is in port
14) Chief Officer is responsible for ensuring regulation
and safety of persons other than crew and passengers
on ship, visitors and cargo handling personnel
15) Investigate and plan measures for prevention of
thefts, piracy and stowaways, educate and guide
subordinates related to Ship Security Officer on board
16) Chief Officer is responsible to comply with
applicable terminal, port, dock safety and STCW


- PMS (Plan Maintenance System) is a paper/ software
base system which allow the ship’s owner and /or
operator of the vessel maintenance in intervals
according to manufactures and class/ classification
society requirement.
- The maintenance, primarily supervised by on board
personnel, is then credited towards inspection required
by periodic surveys.
- The planning and scheduling of maintenance as well as
its document must be made according to a system that
is approved by classification society.


The MARPOL Convention is the main international
convention covering prevention of pollution of the
marine environment by ships from operational or
accidental causes. It is a combination of two treaties
adopted in 1973 and 1978 respectively, and updated by
amendments through the years.

Annex Marpol :
1. MARPOL Annex I – Prevention of Pollution by Oil
2. MARPOL Annex II – Control of Pollution by Noxious
Liquid Substance in Bulk
3. MARPOL Annex III – Prevention of Pollution by
Harmful Substances Carried by Sea in Packaged Form
4. MARPOL Annex IV – Prevention of Pollution by
Sewage from Ships
5. MARPOL Annex V – Prevention of Pollution by
Garbage from Ships
6. MARPOL Annex VI – Prevention of Air Pollution from
7.MARPOL Annex VII- Ballast Water Management.


- Entered into force on 1st July 1988 as SOLAS Chap.IX
- The ISM provides an international standard for the
safe management and operation of ships and for
pollution prevention.
- Its objectives are ensuring safety at sea, preventing
human injury and fatalities and avoiding damage to the
- It is applicable to all oceangoing ships over 500 GT and
to the owner or management company that has
assumed the ship operation responsibility.

Service Details
*The ISM Code requires owners and operators to set in
place a Safety Management System (SMS) embracing its
objectives and involving the totality of the Company’s
operations and managed ships.
The SMS allows a Company to measure its performance
against a documented system, and it enables a
Company to identify areas of improvement in safety
practices and pollution prevention measures.

A Document of Compliance ( DOC ) is a safety certificate

issued to the shipping companies; in compliance with
the ISM Code 1998 under chapter IX of SOLAS. ... The
main objective of such audits is to verify company
compliance; to provide for safe practices in ship
operation and a safe working environment.
*The ISM certification procedure consists of the
following steps.
For the Company: Document of Compliance (DOC):
•review of Safety Management System documentation
•interim audit for issuance of interim DOC (valid one
•initial audit and issuance of full term DOC (valid five
•after the full term certificate issuance, 4 annual audits
and DOC renewal audit after 5 years.
For the Ship: Safety Management Certificate (SMC):
•after DOC issuance to the company, Interim audit for
issuance of interim SMC, valid six months
•initial audit and issuance of full term SMC (valid five
•intermediate audit follows 3rd year of the certification
•SMC renewal after 5 years.

- DPA ( Design Person Ashore )

- What is function of DPA ?
1. To ensure the safe operation of each ship and to
provide a link between the company and those on
board, every company, as appropriate, should
designate a person or persons ashore having direct
access to the highest level of management.
2. The responsibility and authority of the designated
person or persons should include monitoring the safety
and pollution prevention aspects of the operation of
each ship and to ensure that adequate resources and
shore based support are applied, as required


- Bridge Resource Management (BRM), or as it is also
called Bridge Team Management (BTM), is the effective
management and utilization of all resources, human
and technical, available to the Bridge Team to ensure
the safe completion of the vessel's voyage.
- The BTM is intended to help all Masters and Deck
Officers refresh their skills in conducting safe and
prudent navigation, and allowing them to enhance skills
within the BTM concept, to ensure that risk of human
error is minimized.
- Every individual can contribute in his/her best possible
way and come up with better ideas when working as a
team. Decision making: This is a key skill in effective
BRM. Decision making seems to be an individual
matter. We all agree that captain is the final authority
on board the ship
- Watchkeeping or watchstanding is the assignment of
sailors to specific roles on a ship to operate it
continuously. ... On a typical seafaring vessel, be it
naval or merchant, personnel "keep watch" in various
locations and duties across the ship, such as the bridge
and engine room.


- The COLREGs include 41 rules divided into 6 sections :
Part A - General; Part B - Steering and Sailing; Part C -
Lights and Shapes; Part D - Sound and Light
signals; Part E - Exemptions; and Part F - Verification of
compliance with the provisions of the Convention.
- There are 4 ( four ) Annexes containing technical
requirements concerning lights and shapes and their
positioning; sound signalling appliances; additional
signals for fishing vessels when operating in close
proximity, and international distress signals.
Note : See rule 5,6,9,10,13,14,15,22,23,24,27,28,30,35
& Shape, Sound, light signal
-The main objective of the SOLAS Convention is to
specify minimum standards for the construction,
equipment and operation of ships, compatible with
their safety.
SOLAS : Divided into 14 chapters. (Chap.1: General
provisions, Chap.2 pt1: Construction pt2:Fire safety,
Chap.3:LSA,Chap4: Radio communications,
Chap.5:Safety of navigation, Chap.6: Carriage of
cargoes, Chap.7: Carrige og D.G, Chap.8: Nuclear ships,
Chap.9: Safety Management of ship (ISM), Chap.10:
High speed craft, Chap.11pt.1: Maritime safety pt.2:
ISPS,Chap.12: Bulk carrier safety measures. (Only
chapters 5 – applies to all vessels on the sea), Chap.13:
Verification of Compliance, Chap.14: Safety Measure for
ship operating in polar water


- Purpose STCW certification was created to promote
safety of life and property at sea and to protect the
marine environment. It establishes internationally
accepted standards of training and certification of
seafarers, ensuring that crew are qualified and fit for
duties at sea.
- Standard of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping
(STCW) 2010 in Manila , Amendments on:
1.New rest hours for seafarers, New grades of C.O.C for
AB in deck & engine
2.New and updated training, refreshing requirements,
Mandatory security training
3.Additional medical standards, Specific Alcohol limits in
blood or breath.


- This amended Chapter IV applies to all passenger
ships, irrespective of size, and cargo ships of 300 tons
Gross Tonnage and upwards engaged on international

- All ships complied with the regulations concerning

NAVTEX and satellite EPIRB before 1s1 August 1993.

- All ships constructed on or after 1st February 1995

now comply with all the applicable requirements.

12). ISPS CODE ( International Ship and Port Facility
Security )
In based on SOLAS Chapter XI-2, Requirement for ship
passangger and tanker ship have GRT 300 Tons more
must be installed AIS ( Automatic Identification System ,
as per IMO convention on 1st July 2004, divided by 2
section ( part A & part B ), in 3 level – level 1 ( normal
):level 2 ( medium ):level 3 ( high ).

13). MLC( Maritime Labour Convention) 2006

Contains - A),Maximum hours of work shall exceed 14
hours in 24 hours period and 72 hours in any 7 days
period B).Minimum hours of rest shall not be less than
10 hours in 24 hours period and 77 hours in any 7 days
15). UKC ( Under Keel Clearance )
17). IALA ( International Assosiation Light House
Authority )
IALA sytem Devided by Region A and Region B (
indonesia region B ) with ( top mark,buoy
colour,flashing light indicated ). And also divided by
provides six types of marks : Lateral marks, Cardinal
marks, Isolated danger Marks, Safe Water Marks,
Special Marks, Emergency Wreck Marking Buoy
Note : See lateral mark & Cardinal Mark ( for interview )
18). SOLAS Chapter 3 LSA (life saving appliances) and FFA
(Fire Fighting Appliances), Drill and Exercise on board.
Company periodically drills carried out as follow Fire,
abandon ship, MOB and personnel injury ( Monthly ), Oil
pollution and steering gear failure ( every 3 month ),
Collision, grounding , main engine / generator set failure
& power failure ( Twice a year ), Explosion ( yearly ).

19). Passage Plan-Preparation & exacution Guide line

passage plan
Chart Publication (Nature of the sea bed, symbols
and abbreviation used on BA charts-NP 5011 ), Chart
Catalogue ( NP 131 ), NTM ( Notoce to Mariners – 52
weekly edition in yearly ) added annually summary , Last
Update chart ( Chart Correction Record book ) Present
20). Acknowledgement about Deck Record Book daily
- Master Standing / Night Order book, Deck Log book,
Ship Condition Report, GMDSS Log book, Compass Error
record book, UTC timer and Local time ( Timing
Synchronism ) book, Radar Log, Navtex record book, Bell
book, Garbage Record book, Water Ballast Record
etc…regarding log, test, procedure, and maintenance
concerned the implementation.
21) Ship Document on board
*List of certificate for all types of ships (Statutory
1.Certificate of Registry
2.International Tonnage Certificate
3.International Load Line Certificate
4.International Load Line Exemption Certificate
5.International Ship Security Certificate
6.Intact Stability Certificate
7.Minimum Safe Manning Document
8.Certificates For Masters Officers Or Rating
9.International Oil Pollution Certificate
10.Document Of Compliance
11.Safety Management Certificate
12.Damage Control Booklets
13.Oil Record Book
14.Garbage Record Book
15.Cargo Securing Manual
a). Class Certificates ( under Class issued )
Certificate of Classification, International Tonnage
Certificate, Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate,
Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certificate, Cargo Ship Safety
Construction Certificate , International Load Line
Certificate, International Oil Pollution Prevention
Certificate, Document of Compliance For The Carriage of
Dangerous Goods (IMDG), International
Sewage Pollution Prevention Certificate, Safety
Management Certificate (SMC), International Ship
Security Certificate (ISSC), etc.

b). Trading / under Flag control Certificate ( country

issued )
Domestic Shipping Licence, Safe Manning Document,
Medicine Chest Certificate, Apparatus Assignment
(Station), Ship Sanitation Control Exemption Cert
(Derating), GMDSS Shore Base Maintenance Certificate,
Certificate of Insurance for Bunker Oil; Pollution Damage,
Document of Compliance, etc
1.General Arrangement Plan
2.LSA Plan
3.FFA Plan
4.Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan
5.Garbage Management Plan
6.Antenna Rigging Plan
7.Shore Based Maintenance Plan
8.Capacity Plan
9.Expansion Plan
10.Ship Security Plan
11.Ballast Water Management Plan

Permit to Work
-The permit-to-work is a documented procedure that
authorises certain people to carry out specific work
within a specified time frame.
- It sets out the precautions required to complete the
work safely, based on a risk assessment.
- There are seven main types of work permits: Hot Work
Permits, Cold Work Permits, Height Work Permits,
Confined Spaces Work Permits, Excavation Permits, and
Chemical Work Permits. Each work permit is categorized
depending on the nature of the job and the hazard
involved in it.
Different between Incident and Near Miss

a).An Accident is defined as an unplanned event that

results in personal injury or property damage.
b).A near-miss is usually caused by a series of dangerous
conditions that when unnoticed will eventually result in
an accident.

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