Organization Change Theory and Practice 5th Edition Warner Burke Test Bank Download

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Burke, Organization Change, 5th edition

SAGE Publishing, 2018

Test Bank for Organization Change Theory and Practice

5th Edition Burke 1506357997 9781506357997
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Chapter 6: Levels of Organization Change: Individual, Group, and Larger


Test Bank

Multiple Choice

1. “Training and development” is an example of organization change at which level?

A. individual

B. group

C. larger system

D. it spans all levels of the organization

Ans: A

Cognitive Domain: Comprehension

Answer Location: Changes in Organizations at the Individual Level

Difficulty Level: Easy

AACSB Standard: Systems processes in organizations

2. The most important subsystem within an organization is ______.

A. the individual

Instructor Resource
Burke, Organization Change, 5th edition
SAGE Publishing, 2018

B. the primary work group

C. the reward system

D. none of these

Ans: B

Cognitive Domain: Comprehension

Answer Location: Changes in Organizations at the Individual Level

Difficulty Level: Easy

AACSB Standard: Systems processes in organizations

3. Change at the individual level ______.

A. works only if changes are made concurrently at the larger system level

B. can occur without necessarily triggering changes at other levels of the organization

C. is the primary focus of all organization change

D. none of these

Ans: B

Cognitive Domain: Comprehension

Answer Location: Changes in Organizations at the Individual Level

Difficulty Level: Easy

AACSB Standard: Systems processes in organizations

4. An insufficient sense of urgency is a resistance response to change at which level of


A. individual level

B. group level

C. larger-system level

Instructor Resource
Burke, Organization Change, 5th edition
SAGE Publishing, 2018

D. executive level

Ans: C

Cognitive Domain: Comprehension

Answer Location: Individual Responses to Organization Change

Difficulty Level: Easy

AACSB Standard: Group and individual behavior

5. According to research, which of the following is the most effective in making a

positive change in executive performance?

A. executive coaching

B. multirater feedback

C. multirater feedback combined with executive coaching

D. coaching for skills

Ans: C

Cognitive Domain: Comprehension

Answer Location: Individual Responses to Organization Change

Difficulty Level: Medium

AACSB Standard: Leadership in organizational situations

6. Feedback from executive coaches requires which of the following in order to be

effective in the context of an organization change initiative?

A. to be congruent with the organization change goals

B. to be congruent with the leader’s attitudes

C. to be congruent with the organization’s mission and values

D. to be congruent with the demands of the external environment

Instructor Resource
Burke, Organization Change, 5th edition
SAGE Publishing, 2018

Ans: A

Cognitive Domain: Comprehension

Answer Location: Individual Responses to Organization Change

Difficulty Level: Medium

AACSB Standard: Leadership in organizational situations

7. Resistance as a response to organization change is, in many cases, is due to


A. losing the known and tried and true

B. having to move into the unknown and untried

C. a lack of choice, because change was imposed on the employee

D. all of these

Ans: D

Cognitive Domain: Comprehension

Answer Location: Individual Responses to Organization Change

Difficulty Level: Easy

AACSB Standard: Group and individual behaviors

8. An effective response to counter blind resistance to change is to ______.

A. provide as much reassurance as possible and allow time to pass

B. use coercive tactics

C. strong persuasion backed with as much data, facts, and substance as possible

D. negotiate and trade something of value for the perceived loss

Ans: A

Cognitive Domain: Comprehension

Instructor Resource
Burke, Organization Change, 5th edition
SAGE Publishing, 2018

Answer Location: Individual Responses to Organization Change

Difficulty Level: Medium

AACSB Standard: Group and individual behaviors

9. An effective response to counter political resistance to change is to ______.

A. provide as much reassurance as possible and allow time to pass

B. use coercive tactics

C. strong persuasion backed with as much data, facts, and substance as possible

D. negotiate and trade something of value for the perceived loss

Ans: D

Cognitive Domain: Comprehension

Answer Location: Individual Responses to Organization Change

Difficulty Level: Medium

AACSB Standard: Analytical thinking

10. An effective response to counter ideological resistance is ______.

A. provide as much reassurance as possible and allow time to pass

B. use coercive tactics

C. strong persuasion backed with as much data, facts, and substance as possible

D. negotiate and trade something of value for the perceived loss

Ans: C

Answer Location: Individual Responses to Organization Change

Cognitive Domain: Comprehension

Difficulty Level: Medium

AACSB Standard: Analytical thinking

Instructor Resource
Burke, Organization Change, 5th edition
SAGE Publishing, 2018

11. Highly cohesive teams are ______.

A. important to an overall change effort

B. potentially detrimental to an overall change effort

C. both A and B

D. neither A nor B

Ans: C

Cognitive Domain: Comprehension

Answer Location: Individual Responses to Organization Change

Difficulty Level: Easy

AACSB Standard: Group and individual behavior

12. Self-directed groups (a.k.a. self-managed groups) are found in ______.

A. hierarchically structured organizations

B. flat-structured organizations

C. evolutionary systems

D. revolutionary systems

Ans: B

Cognitive Domain: Comprehension

Answer Location: Change in Organizations at the Group Level

Difficulty Level: Easy

AACSB Standard: Systems processes in organizations

13. According to Burke, an effective strategy for helping work units embrace change is

Instructor Resource
Burke, Organization Change, 5th edition
SAGE Publishing, 2018

A. to tie making the change to a group-level monetary reward

B. to tie not making the change to some form of group-level punishment

C. to model the desired new behaviors at the top leadership level

D. to involve the group in planning and implementing the change effort

Ans: D

Cognitive Domain: Comprehension

Answer Location: Change in Organizations at the Group Level

Difficulty Level: Medium

AACSB Standard: Systems processes in organizations

14. Which of the following is an example of group-level responses to organization


A. turf protection and competition

B. closing ranks

C. changing allegiances

D. all of these

Ans: D

Cognitive Domain: Analysis

Answer Location: Change in Organizations at the Group Level

Difficulty Level: Medium

AACSB Standard: Group and individual behavior

15. Using closure and participation to help facilitate change applies to the ______.

A. individual level

B. group level

Instructor Resource
Burke, Organization Change, 5th edition
SAGE Publishing, 2018

C. individual and group level

D. larger-system level

Ans: C

Cognitive Domain: Comprehension

Answer Location: Change in Organizations at the Group Level

Difficulty Level: Medium

AACSB Standard: Systems processes in organizations

16. Which of the following statements is true?

A. An organization change effort rarely begins all at once with the total system.

B. An organization change effort always begins with the total system.

C. An organization change effort always begins at the individual level.

D. An organization change effort always begins at the group level.

Ans: A

Cognitive Domain: Comprehension

Answer Location: Change in Organizations at the Larger-System Level

Difficulty Level: Medium

AACSB Standard: Systems processes in organizations

17. Changing the entire systems is a ______.

A. first-order change

B. second-order change

C. third-order change

D. fourth-order change

Ans: C

Instructor Resource
Burke, Organization Change, 5th edition
SAGE Publishing, 2018

Cognitive Domain: Comprehension

Answer Location: Change in Organizations at the Larger-System Level

Difficulty Level: Medium

AACSB Standard: Systems processes in organizations

18. Large-group interventions and survey feedback are examples of ______.

A. change focus

B. change processes

C. change phases

D. orders of change

Ans: B

Cognitive Domain: Comprehension

Answer Location: Change in Organizations at the Larger-System Level

Difficulty Level: Medium

AACSB Standard: Systems processes in organizations

19. Larger-system change occurs, typically, as a result of ______.

A. mergers and acquisitions

B. strategic alliances

C. joint ventures

D. all of these

Ans: D

Cognitive Domain: Comprehension

Answer Location: Change in Organizations at the Larger-System Level

Difficulty Level: Medium

Instructor Resource
Burke, Organization Change, 5th edition
SAGE Publishing, 2018

AACSB Standard: Systems processes in organizations

20. Which one of the following is false?

A. Organization members need time to mourn the old way of doing things in order to
reduce their resistance to implementing organization change.

B. Change leaders should involve organization members in the process of planning and
implementing the change.

C. Change leaders should never remove saboteurs from their jobs or the organization
because they need them to play devils advocates during change efforts.

D. Change occurs differently at different levels of the organization.

Ans: C

Cognitive Domain: Comprehension

Answer Location: Change in Organizations at the Larger-System Level

Difficulty Level: Medium

AACSB Standard: Systems processes in organizations

21. Witherspoon has enhanced his treatment of the executive coaching by ______.

A. incorporating double loop learning

B. executive coaching using remote technology

C. promoting executive coaching of undergraduate students

D. group coaching

Ans: A

Cognitive Domain: Comprehension

Answer Location: Coaching and Counseling

Difficulty Level: Medium

AACSB Standard: Systems processes in organizations

Instructor Resource
Burke, Organization Change, 5th edition
SAGE Publishing, 2018

22. Double loop coaching has incorporated a way of learning ______.

A. by repetitive action

B. thinking in action and applying that learning in a manner that performance and
leadership will improve

C. 360-degree feedback loop

D. therapeutic counseling

Ans: B

Cognitive Domain: Comprehension

Answer Location: Coaching and Counseling

Difficulty Level: Medium

AACSB Standard: Leadership in organizational situations

23. The essence of Witherspoon’s double coaching is ______.

A. applying the idea that the way leaders act and the results they get begin with the way
they think

B. a different form of 360-degree feedback loop

C. a methodology for teaching undergraduate students

D. none of these

Ans: A

Cognitive Domain: Comprehension

Answer Location: Coaching and Counseling

Difficulty Level: Medium

AACSB Standard: Leadership in organizational situations

Instructor Resource
Burke, Organization Change, 5th edition
SAGE Publishing, 2018

24. When a cultural change is attempted and is only partially successful, the
organization can ______.

A. fallback to its old ways

B. use the partial success to stimulate evolutionary change

C. merge with another organization

D. none of these

Ans: B

Cognitive Domain: Comprehension

Answer Location: System Responses to Organization Change

Difficulty Level: Medium

AACSB Standard: Systems processes in organizations

25. When making the case for change is not compelling, the result can be ______.

A. lack of motivation of people in the organization to take on the change process

B. an insufficient sense of urgency

C. employees can develop a lackadaisical attitude, skepticism, or disbelief about the

need for change

D. all of these

Ans: D

Cognitive Domain: Analysis

Answer Location: System Responses to Organization Change

Difficulty Level: Medium

AACSB Standard: Systems processes in organizations

26. When a series of organization change, each of which is underdeveloped, occurs,

the result is ______.

Instructor Resource
Burke, Organization Change, 5th edition
SAGE Publishing, 2018

A. relegating the change to the “change”

B. finally convincing members of the organization that the change is necessary

C. counterproductive to change

D. none of these

Ans: A

Cognitive Domain: Comprehension

Answer Location: System Responses to Organization Change

Difficulty Level: Medium

AACSB Standard: Systems processes in organizations

27. One prevalent form of resistance is ______.

A. diversionary tactics

B. loss of personnel

C. shift of focus

D. none of these

Ans: A

Cognitive Domain: Comprehension

Answer Location: System Responses to Organization Change

Difficulty Level: Easy

AACSB Standard: Group and individual behaviors

28. A system response to organization change, where members of the organization are
not in sync with nor supportive of leadership is ______.

A. sabotage

B. lack of followership

Instructor Resource
Burke, Organization Change, 5th edition
SAGE Publishing, 2018

C. demonstrative of weak leadership

D. indicative of the need to downsize

Ans: B

Cognitive Domain: Comprehension

Answer Location: System Responses to Organization Change

Difficulty Level: Medium

AACSB Standard: Systems processes in organizations

29. The failure to make a compelling case for the need to change can be the result of

A. the absence of a deep commitment on the part of upper management

B. salvaged by additional efforts to obtain commitment from upper-level management

and leadership

C. due to the change for failure

D. A and B

Ans: D

Cognitive Domain: Comprehension

Answer Location: System Responses to Organization Change

Difficulty Level: Medium

AACSB Standard: Systems processes in organizations

30. To combat apathy and responses of resistance for members to just wait out the
program for organization change, leaders must ______.

A. remove such employees from the organization

B. demonstrate as clearly and strongly as possible that this change initiative is different

C. change

Instructor Resource
Burke, Organization Change, 5th edition
SAGE Publishing, 2018

D. none of these

Ans: B

Cognitive Domain: Comprehension

Answer Location: System Responses to Organization Change

Difficulty Level: Medium

AACSB Standard: Leadership in organizational situations

31. If revolutionary change is the goal, the structure of the organization must be
changed and ______.

A. change of culture is mandatory

B. new leadership with the mission strategy should be executed

C. addressing the more transactional aspects of the organization’s structure will be


D. all of these

Ans: D

Cognitive Domain: Comprehension

Answer Location: System Responses to Organization Change

Difficulty Level: Medium

AACSB Standard: Systems processes in organizations

32. The complexity of organizations can be incorporated in the organization change

plan by ______.

A. simplifying the organization into three levels

B. incorporating into the plan the fact that interactions across organization levels are
very important

C. abandoning the plan

Instructor Resource
Burke, Organization Change, 5th edition
SAGE Publishing, 2018

D. none of these

Ans: B

Cognitive Domain: Comprehension

Answer Location: Summary

Difficulty Level: Medium

AACSB Standard: Systems processes in organizations

33. In considering the broad three levels of organization, it can demonstrate ______.

A. that organization change must start somewhere

B. it can start at each of the levels

C. understanding the level at which it starts in leading and managing the overall change

D. all of these

Ans: D

Cognitive Domain: Comprehension

Answer Location: Summary

Difficulty Level: Medium

AACSB Standard: Systems processes in organizations

34. Larger system organization change comes by way of ______.

A. mergers and acquisitions

B. strategic alliances

C. joint ventures

D. all of these

Ans: D

Cognitive Domain: Comprehension

Instructor Resource
Burke, Organization Change, 5th edition
SAGE Publishing, 2018

Answer Location: Interorganizational

Difficulty Level: Medium

AACSB Standard: Systems processes in organizations

35. In support of an overall change effort, organization-wide survey helps to achieve


A. data points that can serve as milestones

B. establish priorities and explanation for the importance of change

C. involve a large segment of members of the organization in the change effort and
incorporate data on that effort

D. all of these

Ans: D

Cognitive Domain: Comprehension

Answer Location: Change processes

Difficulty Level: Medium

AACSB Standard: Systems processes in organizations


1. The three levels of change covered in this Chapter are the individual, the group, and
the total system

Ans: T

Cognitive Domain: Comprehension

Answer Location: Summary

Difficulty Level: Easy

AACSB Standard: Systems processes in organizations

Instructor Resource
Burke, Organization Change, 5th edition
SAGE Publishing, 2018

2. The assumption that changes at the individual level are designed and implemented to
help the organization move in a new direction is critical to understanding how
organization change works.

Ans: T

Cognitive Domain: Comprehension

Answer Location: Individual Responses to Organization Change

Difficulty Level: Easy

AACSB Standard: Group and individual behavior

3. For Citicorp in early 1977, they focused on the bottom line as the corporation
continued to grow instead of focusing on the “people problems” that has developed,
resulting in a high rate of employee turnover.

Ans: F

Cognitive Domain: Application

Answer Location: Change in Organizations at the Individual Level

Difficulty Level: Medium

AACSB Standard: Systems processes in organizations

4. Coaching for skills focuses on tasks that a person has to accomplish and the
competencies required.

Ans: T

Cognitive Domain: Comprehension

Answer Location: Change in Organizations at the Individual Level

Difficulty Level: Medium

AACSB Standard: Leadership in organizational situations

Instructor Resource
Burke, Organization Change, 5th edition
SAGE Publishing, 2018

5. The primary work group means that this group manages the most important subgroup
in the company.

Ans: F

Cognitive Domain: Comprehension

Answer Location: Change in Organizations at the Group Level

Difficulty Level: Medium

AACSB Standard: Group and individual behaviors

6. First-order, second-order, and third-order change was thought up by Citi group to

address the complex larger-system change problems.

Ans: F

Cognitive Domain: Application

Answer Location: Change in Organizations at the Individual Level

Difficulty Level: Medium

AACSB Standard: Systems processes in organizations

7. Double loop coaching is a way of learning how to think in action and then applying
that learning to improve executive performance and leadership.

Ans: T

Cognitive Domain: Comprehension

Answer Location: Coaching and Counseling

Difficulty Level: Medium

AACSB Standard: Leadership in organizational situations

8. Organizations are far more complex than three levels.

Ans: T

Instructor Resource
Burke, Organization Change, 5th edition
SAGE Publishing, 2018

Cognitive Domain: Analysis

Answer Location: Summary

Difficulty Level: Easy

AACSB Standard: Systems processes in organizations

9. Blind resistance is a form of resistance in which individuals are intolerant of any


Ans: T

Cognitive Domain: Comprehension

Answer Location: Individual Responses to Organization Change

Difficulty Level: Medium

AACSB Standard: Group and individual behaviors

10. The phenomenon of resistance to change involves resisting the change being

Ans: F

Cognitive Domain: Comprehension

Answer Location: Resistance

Difficulty Level: Easy

AACSB Standard: Group and individual behaviors

Short Answer

Instructor Resource
Burke, Organization Change, 5th edition
SAGE Publishing, 2018

1. Resistance to change can take many forms. Name and describe three forms of
resistance to change at the individual level of organization, and three ways to help
individuals cope with organization change.

Ans: Blind resistance to change refers to a fear to or intolerance of change—just

because they don’t like the idea of change. Political resistance to change occurs when
people believe that they are losing their power base, status, job, income, or something
else of status value. Ideological resistance to change refers to people who truly believe
that there is something wrong with the change initiative. One way of helping them cope
is conceptually: give them a way of thinking about what they are experiencing, such as
letting go of the old and looking forward to what they can gain by the new. Another
coping mechanism is to achieve closure, perhaps through a ceremony, such as a mock
funeral. A third way to help them cope with change is to get them involved in planning
and implementing the change.

Cognitive Domain: Analysis

Answer Location: Individual Responses to Organizational Change

Difficulty Level: Medium

AACSB Standard: Group and individual behaviors

2. Where should an organization start a change effort if the needed change is

determined to be revolutionary? And if the needed change is determined to be

Ans: For revolutionary change, the focus should start with a big picture, transformation
issues, such as the reason for the organization’s existence, its purpose, mission,
strategy, and leadership. If the needed change is evolutionary, the change effort should
start with transactional issues: organizational design and structure, information systems,
and management practices, for example.

Cognitive Domain: Analysis

Answer Location: Individual Responses to Organizational Change

Difficulty Level: Hard

AACSB Standard: Systems processes in organizations

Instructor Resource
Burke, Organization Change, 5th edition
SAGE Publishing, 2018

3. According to Burke and Biggart (1997), what are some of the necessary conditions
for a successful change effort when two different organizations join or merge?

Ans: Having a superordinate goal; a balance of power, expertise, and status; creating
mutual gain; having a committed leader; aligning the reward systems; respecting
differences; achieving equity; having realistic assumptions about what can be
accomplished in a particular timeframe; and having good luck.

Cognitive Domain: Comprehension

Answer Location: Change in Organizations at the Larger-System Level

Difficulty Level: Hard

AACSB Standard: Analytical thinking

4. According to Burke and Biggart (1997), what are some of the conditions that
contribute to the failure of mergers and acquisitions?

Ans: Insufficient clarity about goals and how to measure progress toward the goals; an
imbalance of power and control between the two organizations when they merged or
joined; an imbalance of expertise, status, or prestige between the parties; overconfident
and unrealistic ideas about future success of the relationship; lack of a contingency
plan; and lack of perceived equity.

Cognitive Domain: Comprehension

Answer Location: Change in Organizations at the Larger-System Level

Difficulty Level: Hard

AACSB Standard: Systems processes in organizations

5. It is important to distinguish between real conflict between groups and phony conflict.
Making the distinction clarifies what action to take. What is that difference?

Ans: Real conflict involves substantive differences. Phony conflict consists of negative
or hostile blaming behavior that occurs when agreement for change is mismanaged.
Action to resolve real conflict involves dealing with the substantive correction.
Responses to phony conflict become conclusory and is reduced to personal charges of
incompetence. A phony conflict is a symptom of what the real conflict may be.

Instructor Resource
Burke, Organization Change, 5th edition
SAGE Publishing, 2018

Cognitive Domain: Analysis

Answer Location: Intergroup

Difficulty Level: Medium

AACSB Standard: Group and individual behaviors


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