Module 1 Phy

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| LASER AND OPTICAL FIBRE® > Lasen = Ugh Amaplifation by Stimubelid. Bilssion Radin 4 anol = incase un nturdcty of tla s Cstreng an — charackerishies | properties of SER: Highly directional | Uni-directiomal 6 > ® High. intenaity 2 mowehromakic (Sot oD) tsingle wawlengttt af light) ay cowwnk > We dn Vigne ith Wave sami phase , brrtayaiacys, ad came direction. Xe AN SF RADIATION _iTH_ MATTERS. A Styper oh Interaction. @ Induced Absorption @ Spewkroutous emission @ Stimulalid emission - bopuces. ABSORPTION * > [absorbs _phobn highs —Fe ————— co, ey towel ry ed ——— ——— ZF patoce excikalion EAs exsikalktes Tay et ae a prow is whic boussibion of obo take place ot Gate, from enmay Stale — mE by absorting Me Aout aid} wl a wad tor babe Lape Z tor see © SPONTANEOUS. Emission og . Ws abort Stoys eat fo Losec ban Esa a coma tak ( & OO | a by renooteg Proton feno-gy ) [ veliares proton 4 enngey | c - 2 erway er te G by Teluasing a phokos of eutngy inet By _ Teasing paton of Smngy ua incohoremr g 4 renner Dawhe hex © STIMULATED EMISSION [be aberrbs “3 _ ies | DP ten akonis slay Tagen dwt cow & & . @ we odd pact ow Eehy \ peated 7 we NS do force Tae okom be coma: phate tay = + Capp) \ apie | - - bic She ie CHROME monor ge 7! - - - - oy-nlbied ik i aprons “Mm bolic transition & Otome take place Yor Erte Ei by applying serosa pecton of enigy 30 tak it emibs tuphotow of Cagy which ww hawing Sawa peney direckion Samr womlonatr and can be Wed for losers _ * EIssTEINS AG B COEFFICIENT Desiatlion ie cavgy dursity in LASERS . De — fee ad Ee pele eaab dna Mi > mo gf atom grok tn EL Na > _np q_ okow on pros in which bromaitio. adaweo bolus plow trom 2? | Uy [Sy > Bargy dadwad par unde vearne, or Eapay daonuiky © ms INDUCED ABSORPTION a "poms ur Ke pan unit volume aa alstorption OX Nivy Rat gh absorption = Big Ni Uy. eer ant | Cinstecas induad absorption Corkkicud @®_ SPONTANEDUS — Enassion > NO Vy cuz us von ion, Rod gf Spontantous emrissim &% No -= Ay Na @_snmousted Enncsion Rott gf ee o% No Vy = BavNo uy > Ae Burma) equilloriun Rot di Aserplion = Rade do Spontantour emission + Ratt & Stimulated emission. * BuadiVy = Aay, + BaN2 Dy 7 Ba Niy —Ba Nip = Ay Ng > by (Bans — Bains) = Ann, 2 Opes Aa Na Ss v VF. A - Bu Ni-Ban ac a ab eneeee Bays [ BN 1 7 tans) a Vy = Ary Ba (Bia Nv oo Ba Na =“ © We Aucrding * BoM” Q ee" ie ay Sassttubing e © > wy S21) gat some -') By Planck's loro n= par y = anny? (4 = @ yas C3 ete -\ oe : 3 es: > From 4® - pis ie ai Sin hp An = 8&hv? Bu (i - Sina Br = Ba, SwAvipts an waglected <4 co-efhicients on tomaidsmd os A YB eae 4 - y) ew = EN > Eimateins Aw B conics Conditions fox LASER ACTION D> Populakion. Inversion > Metastable sta > POPULATION INVERSION & Population wwtrson ig Mu sta ¢ a Sytem of which te population fo pertiostar nig oars Skolt in mort tron that f a own enngy —_—_ Shot. th ¥ > pou in whith alowa arr troited foma Ino sing sign Orgy tach called pumping - > rch Eangy ik used (induced) for pumping, vom light is used > optical pumping, dlubicty sued 7 dechical puumping > The act G aeibing obwwas from lover doa highin snug. Aoki by supplying euungy from on extikation sour a callid pumping The energy inpd might be light energy , this kiwd of pumping is called Opheal pumping . tue Pumping ie achieud by eleckreal energy impuk > dadread pumping. > METASTABE STATE . fines ZoMh be Ea ahora Son . 1, po fs fort ste - ; rieriigre re | Te 10° Feec.) ~ Peebasiolsty lal id loser beo en. a Ce ew ho Dioqrarn Cy oe: mndastable shalt . eee wownide Was atone, shaigt for & tong, How, pa ord Q wrt bo Oo ste population wsosio + > Requisites for LASER system . © Biitakion Sour for pumping, ae @_ Ackive wadiume 4 wal @ Laser cowity. (ROO vor) madiven poet > musor putakion | 4 Retuchnd, waren Laser BEAM — ertitation sow provid envgy — for -pusping- 4e_akows — We ockive widiun ib bound bebutun too mirrors, Hat _ mines -neftuck tee photons ke and fro Haroug Ane ack -_ A pwolon moving, imo Porviouar direction certaunia a ght won vapving in Bat Same divecktion Haus Uae 2 mirrors along with Ha askive watddium form a lamer _coartty. counduckivity tia bby waulater 4 caductor f 7 > sEmiconpyeror vasen CPN) junction diode; Semiconducsy loser nO pon junction diode , 1 Tha diods emits Xe ea Bighk uur Xk iw Joncard bianah - \ARYS PR ywesPLE oho a pom junction dinds ig jorcard biased ne electrons fram W region and the hele from ue poregion eros ar junction. and vores os oe During Wo reosmbinakion prmura Hat dike Light radiation (photons) ls releaned from. diveck band — QAR Sumiconduckor . : > mL Suniterduch wed in Ga -“AS> This Ligutr radiation ih Unoion os CTabmibination radiation) — Dar gob emitted dng, baka Stinwulalia seen elubrons ond Wold bb recombi od (O resukk skimulotod ps talus pla olrida produna loan. pp Beads A cont mat == Forward The eaten contac iopyunts SENG LEVEL DIAGEATS a a Sree eecbons So Bows’ Bede wogy A Sraaet eo fre holes Valence Band (vee 2 hv zy) Ne peas] * &9 whe Ey * Band qh eavaty te Soule > andra, 242 ssok (of we Loser) ONSTRIEMW. ML figue shoves ty basic tonatruction ol. gumlcondachor laren Sa active widium is a pom junction diedt mad. wp Gf Singt Ouptal of Ga-As [Aplliun Arsomit) HL oystal vmsict 3 parts nating an alice vondaactivily Cn- type) amd g WoL conductivity ( p-type’) Ta eluebrcal voltage & applid fo tt Unptal drmugh As ebicbrodt bxed oa tet MH swfaw. In wd four f tt jumction dinds are voll polish ond parol fe ear chin. Tuy ack os aa a resonator conty [laser conihy) Homgh Which ae vibe Light cont’ Rae’ De, Hawt coos Ue emngy dtl diagra $ . fy sts MARCEL pow junction a onward biased “with taege appl vikoge , Garbo G hei are injucted ado. jumion The Nm couidnobt, Gon amdation . Te naion avon Baron Lantains a large comount A dadrou in th L z=, mo —.... « ee a © _ taser Barcode Scanner / Reader Eg panallet Lina wing sie conduction band G Urge Ammoume ef Malia “on tit valomce. ~ bond Wo ae ib Wigh a condition eet invedion vw adrieved. Thr eleckrms o hots Ste sia tach ota. ARA Hk recombination produc ~abia _vodiokion un tat Apr qh light . Wim tat fonoard bia veltage _& woused , more 4 more Light protons ore emithed 4 MAL light production betows Shonger . Vawe photo will bigges stinmutabbed recombinakion Meabting iw weleake Gf prota on phane Photons moving at a plane x} BL junction rawds back & forth by yepiction beboean boo —- cates ee med tama uate ngs. Yu ie givta vid ta lass totam APPLOATION OF LASERS DM ie wed wm bibr Dein. snearnunication @ tke Ww used WW loan pros Boe tw wed CD - woking 4 reading 3. Application. f wasters _ / _ to — A toad @ printed, sokies Box ~thok std for anbiring data Uusto o Compu. Syston. A kon — nde. ease usta dua with, JighG need a. sonasr frak decodis 4, capture 46 information combaiatd isa barcode Moaus ScauWn use lays locam a4 a Lighk cour, 6 eputlaking mirrors] rotating deem be scom tae Loder beam bade ond fpr. A paptodiodt sensor waders tae dfiucted ligt from WAL bareodt 1a, analog Spal is ovalid om ts Pustediodt and & _ orn Se : ae Taser Seamnuna, Laney, prinkos oY \ si Diechay ge Larmp Fuser AL vad ke cuoke ° 1 ge Quality txt worl serum graphica on plaiAe Printer > ORKING: ; A baer eam prec —er. scare am image & tler Fage fe be prinked on am etecbacally raged pla roboting Pale Sumitive drum coatd with Gelemiuums = Prato Photo Conductivity (e inessanen electrical Leeda Cixtat, walrriala stun uy ant exposed to Light suffices evgy)- Picte - a - Poh a Ailes tial chgeme chal uses from fw Omos Lshids oxi A de ta posed RPE ho oma ge 4 re ~ Toner povkicles absorb Ht dows charged areas olaicht bun empased by Light Ube due xk priv ne ‘cline 4 ‘Game “Umoge onto paper direc Contook y best voWich fuse ter unk iad mee meus PROCESS: ow > <—O REISIOIOL we lasvs photon, Jorn absorbs photon Syn slowed a copew Cmonuntum ep stowed TOI) > A Spontaneous _tyaission Wn = rondiom direction. + Le twa wow atta oF Loh are chucked jor Quai toon prince: If on obom of ion is toweling towards O laser beam % absorbs a proton from te lao , ik will be Slowed down by Us momentum a Cera 2) ; - —___—_— ae: : Coram Vk woutA tole a large no. fi such absorictians to trot opde te atoms to war zero Kebsin (0k) — Froblems: a a yx SE = Pout 9 [N* sE* — CP hctos nk) a . (sx 10%) Bah 107 1ga x10"° 2» A pulsed ar emnittes plsctoms gf oavelengtn 480 wm vith pmeage. poss per pulse. « Coleudakl Tas no: g photons cote Wy cach pulse ye pubs durakion te lo ns - ar 182 nm © tson1o7%m } pe aomw + 20 zion b= lone = 10x10" nach protons contained tn each pulse N~ 2? BE= ne - Gerexio7**» 3x08) he (reo x 10-9) _ per a.ssxio't = not v Eepe Entry tach pulme « & = PE FROVIO™E A 1D x10 = Ae ISS No - Of protons absorbed in eaar plan. = nx a NEE Nee * Caxio'?) > We 784 x 1ot “ae BE (2-85 x 10°") - : F DS We ratio f Poputakion of bo enugy Wels iw \-054% 107% find tua voarelungitn qf light emitled by Sportanaeue —emdaroms a a 330 ‘ “a a - =e eS Ni Rakis oh population Ne = 1.05 x 107° Ry ae? T > 33016 pe 2 oS: 5 a > 430s = ae. 1. 059 x10™= @ Egan so"? x 330%) =(1a.8a x 10° 26) ze 458-4 «107% 23 - BpABE KIDS x > wls054 x10) © = 0-94 36x10 : x DF TO O4seyio® = 4 O-3EX 10” Wyatcsaxto™) —*ta-020 OPTICAL. Finmer ie a wane guidt thrugh which light ib propogated bom ou ead foe othr ed - = Optical fiber A mode up dl thin fixible glass or plastic used tor conumamnacation. CONSTUCTION ! —— Sus | SF uaddingl vrade % gions /poute> TBE wads F 910.4 | piahe> tore + Rakroskive wats is HighCn Cladding. * sig bows (na) - nha shind > peas Pe corrmsion _, protects from light bAETpion G natting oe > Mk commicts of on iamtn Cydindsr wads of qlaia_o plastic called core. Wat Gort haa igh refrackive indus, my. Thi core, ia summed ley Cpfindnical skull & qass or plastic cath 4 dadding . dae dotlding hor lao R-1,Na- Wis dadding i covered by a jacket of bhissh vohich & wade poly unithows. Ht probed Hae lag _ from mpigkure % abiorplion « oF Principle of propagation of light im on @lrs%e | ‘Crkicak row \ - — ik traverses along the io" imterfaw So that al of ao nm Teal a Wee rebraction ik ao® ® kel an | ae totally retecked wack imto tne denser mediur > Me bigt laud mide the tore ak one end of tar fiber _popogain tote ollun end dint to total iutrreal sablackiion oF dt wore G% adding wbrface TIR will cco When if coksfie, 2 conditions + O The refractive index Qf a Core watuial shenid be grater than RI cf = adding watevol 2 ni>r @ We Ark imncidimce wat be great thon witicak AW. Br >8e w~ when i OC, Apply anita leno nysini & Np Bin Ao” nisin Oct nad > [firtenae Cobunl amgl ni x Propagation flight im an Optical filore, (Beaptnnce angle Marerical Apertune deviation”) acted AID Lek np be RT of core — na be Rb addin Fiber end ho be RL & oubside ras i Lek i be tae Wcident angle. i te oy he We neyo lad avg le. Ve 6 be the angle bho core € claddiy wberLau . I= Cao") ie ue kerja ang) ot ine: “8 Agply Sua low for Mt roy AO Nosini = n,sin ® sini = m1 sin0 % Shri = mi Vi - cos*® no No _ Apply Srutla tomo Ok pei “BY nysn b = Nsin 0° n, sin(ao- 8) = nalD o mmonne —® Suatluding U8 ia CO” oO Simi = oe ok No ni pe Tn peat ® nox mM sind = Tint -ni' No > sni 5 Tne na If met 1Gir) , Dun sinh = i= Accopkomu mals. cue Alt in defined a6 {He marivnunr —anad “eal a liglsk Yay enters into tts optical {ioe 4 vy 9 TR 18 |i ]22 % Numerical axpeseeeGgERAR oporachore NALS Sin ise ng on > Numwanical aptnabire ia 0 parameter im voliich ik fells abe Uylt gpiwwiva, capacity ch te ber, ushich dupuads on He acceptor ought . He is obo J&B, dafimid ox, Mat Sin HAL accoptance ong of He fbn. NA = An? =n,” ¥ AeeptanGe cone Aeceptonce cone age = ar ~ ss > he mods of propogation are represented am ow mauris lignt rast 2 propagated. we au Opticnh Fibax. Vf a Single 704 propogakign ccows. im. cptical fib thon DE. more tram ont rou propagasts im on OF Xan > Depending on te moda propagation oF oPTIcAL FIBER @F opricnt FIBER oPncaL “FMBER @. Grades Ina raunlimg ar OF 3s are claasied. into 3 Hyper @ Sinwt— ModE @ step INDEX MULTI MORE @ GRADED INDEX MULTI MOPE QQ. beomeby of sale moge tot, t oF ae eon Pofrackive - Ay Ne inde Nn ae ero 21a — Radiol distance waateriah use Writer, =A single wade fib ha a cot ws ; Raprackive \adix, 2 chadding War % wrakeriah f waiter, index uk of Usa volun: addin, “WAU Uw tL volar d py Qe rauts iw aS from dadding to coco» Ow a step. The diamein 5} Hua usa i about bp w1opm. Boor f tre diamatin st dadding names coro ib aun gee Sond only Sing molt Gi propa, ax shoum im figure. pplication — He ik wad WA Sulsnaariva Cable system a RIT priv foles Wat Shap B told Pm & ® Geometry Sf yaultinodt Shep index ot ~ \ “Ms comshmckion is Sitar te thak da Siugle modt fib, but for Bae difjearnu tra: Us Gore has % MUL bomen larger din go bak &b will be ab b Support qr pooption dl large mp-st racckie aa shown im figure - ~ lk ik wie We data: links ponich nas lower band width requirmunls dee _Mulhine (arin > 6. Geomekn, R_ Poded DEANE: > Attuuation in He tess af Joroin safush by ee ophieal Attenuation [erose ne | > Absorption loss @ Mosorfphion buy Trapuattion © Intrinsic Absorption. > Scattering, toss Y oe Cafter hitting pro tue impurity {a ght is seth on af pas) > iepunby cccurs dua to bending OF) > Radiation os Crending? mit ® Macrascepic Bending———* Saas : . ay 5) microscopic Bending vx ; 2 Ot - ~~ a / ~ — > Attonmation ~ehickent 7 tote bas) L> ungth oF te fiber Pout > p/P power ah oF Pin > TIP power oh OF : (28 > (Pout) = Ip a Pin i , Goble © Fim Aha altenmakion Pout is atsays las than Pin fn gn DP oh Eergit_S00 ms hla, gut Signad oh powtr [00m Omlrgen eu ch Ay YOU HK a ponstr A mn bo Lt SDO Mm s00x 10> km = 0.5!em _P;, Peak * Om = Pat Bey = ADmMW_ = os ~ptson[ Rat) = ob wom ( 9 L Pin oo e107 apz ip 0.5 100 = 7 .Qp x-0.-D46 = 6.918 dB] Am @ mw atkuauokion us an OF 3.6 dB] kim. Wohak. fraction oh yaikiod usbuaniley Yumainn after se Ahem __— sks Mechanisins § abbenuation » Abvsemptin los Vm AeA cane, dass of Signal yous CeeAre dak fo asorphion ef a, Ouaniahs wilh be signal % S Aesopion by pani * Qewallly Aoaaikion Mllnly tora ort preaunk Side md ron cy + daning Signal popgakion protons udeaadk with thine imnpiiy © ww AL apuritie alderb tut protma 4 ook Cruted sigan Gmrgy lech * AMA dae” give up tauir olderaed Gringy 2ithitn. an Wal or Kepk * Tk elles, tangy ef ae wat ib wsith uawablay lac i adi Saweliagth | ok toot iw dh plow wsith Mépuk tp Hak Sigval sag — ® ole. - - > Anstiun Uapivity i OM( hydroxy) iim, whaler enfin wake Sas fy ak Me time & Hoa falriakion D. lntrouic —akserption 7 hs Hil eh os a Mabel Wwe a trtiny be alaorl Light ts horaatrSerolh ay he * da aloption that lol pa Ww fibu watanal © aiming Bart Ont no ‘umpuritid “wn ik § Haak te atucial ve fra gf all wr hens quskits ty calli “Ubrinsic absorption. » SeolKthing Losses : 2 The Sigrals sehen towel in the for Ala plist way bi Kater ~ & sharp changes in reprachive Wnt volun (raid Wha! distance tok ont small conpantd ty wartugth # light — ¥ Tw ype Scatleting is Soma an Raxjuighs saltsieg Scoring, omOE occ won 0. igh swe rare ne owed Navin Sathering Mac these dimwriow dt Bron tht wowdwrath des tue Ba boss. Kr 2)e Radiation loss 0) Macroscopic Sead . They ane trends with adil mud WAG compared te Ala bilan Atomik. Thu bends scour tshilt Mer Abping ht fiber ™ a spurt ov tuming amund a conver. The le wil be - ve Aer small beds but Ent rapidly unit bending reads o carton crilical roding & arvakare. Any bud OF rodins tors thon this trrrdld, maps te loss become extremely vurae vohich role aimee, of 7.1 BL Microscopic bends - - SMise fypt of beds Ona vepetitive small ecole Yackvokion in ios. Ainoriby Hf fibm axle. Thuy occure due to Tham -waifermity in manatackurivg St tu fbi or by mem men ttitoon labrab Preaaua conte Baring carling of Bae PhO. Thu micro bets Count ‘opeguon Tekttckions Sy Some of hum Veale Hough tan Afbon 1k Gan be minimized ‘ ven te fibu , Me jada WAU Shen be obte a ae of Gplicah fiber did. optic. Nekworbing © print to point commumication TAN) + Local rea Newer busy BRIN] patti Swoikerued - Telephone network GAN) + cabu Tv fost} > Optica’ Nehoosk Tenmiviol TL goth ce ToNU) pkical Nebwoerk Una = Passive optical LAN ee 5 ae ony asta tandk— atel the” ey] Oe (exe) Yossie wu enh al ‘phi hi sles rr aap pt td See Wok Area Dehostking ik tye ob compultA thor drab weer mattis umpubere 4 compuber driver. davicer ® yartiular pays cation Passive Optica) An - ee i bt opting | combining & fou cone” cea FAL UAW Wore on lay concept of opkical wks Ti neem “A Passive. ophiad spithens Helark suit” ik at fave OHH ad tommatiat nes Ob opi NiO. “y BPRS ork Tomine Conn, in veal ne Of passive Optical Woy CaN asia Tits J od WAC = aol. rater PreisLems @ Ve wefradive Wins ge Find Ae Wambricoll aR dodding & AS WV AR ey ere a oe A OR OF. = teh ny 2s nye 1-48 ——————— is Sig Anz 9 u Acuptana Alu wae Pintene » Ios? © Aw optical floes har a core maberiol with refrackine iMdye Ls G iS addins wottrial Vos O rehrocktve wdix of 1.50 Ty light & Loumchad to air ; Colaoltd 2 ay NA austin Aes nF ISS _ 421-50 = PA = VGh-ss) > —G-so)? no = 1 Coir) - = VBA war? a is? Le sin'(wa)= 22.4° © TMs vumsrical apprture ob om opfcal fiber ig o.2 tun 20 by abr Adamin tue Tebrockive, wd BIS core given HE RT dG dading W159 oho find the acceptance AL bn a fiber a tn Sof Cotaunu the RAE oh ania aa 1.32 4a) NA=Tn ERP 02 b> sin’ (way ° Nt 189 nn (0.23 (Rigg? as)? seo s nt - sz 2% nie YR5t * Le fe} dt) sets, —= eee yin Net l3B ho to bet 1 (ey? - Uesay* * Sin! (0-2 > 6.58" 1.33 - NBR @ Teak of aceeptona GF an oF is 30°; whim wept We our find te A gf acceptance whan ik in a wad of RT 1-33 LF 30° A=? vowin 1.335 N° - a > gots gin) > ao” = sint(wA) > NA: Bin 30" 2055 > jesin*(p-5) when RDA3R

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