Week 3 - Task 1A 1B

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Week 3: Mobile Learning

Quiz Task 1B: 3 Common Educational Approaches

a) Information transmission is when a teacher gathers the knowledge/degree prior; and

teaches/transmits the knowledge to future students. Then this knowledge is tested at a later
period via standardized testing.

For example: Attending lectures and acquiring knowledge, which I will be eventually examined
on at the end of the semester. Attending my Psychology: Life Span Developments lectures, and
learning new knowledge, which I will be examined on in the future.

b) Behaviorism involves the process of classical or operant conditioning; and discusses learning
through a psychology point of view. Operant conditioning involves punishment, and positive
reinforcement to induce a specific behavior. Classical conditioning involves learning through
the association of a neutral stimulus with an unconditioned response; creating an
association between conditioned stimulus; therefore, creating a conditioned response.

For example: Behaviorism can be associated with attendance to tutorial classes, where we
receive marks for attending. These marks are free and encourage attendance. Another example
is associating a good learning experience with a tutor, therefore creating a conditioned response
of enjoying learning experiences when you attend that tutor’s class.

c) Social constructivism views learners as people with prior experiences, prior knowledge; and
acknowledges that social factors are crucial for learning. Group collaboration and
constructing knowledge together; rather then one person telling the other. Based on active
engagement with ideas and materials, and students add to or change their previous
knowledge set.

For example: In my first-year units, we had many group collaborative assessments which we worked
together on where we needed to present an argument to the class or work on a set of problems
together. We combined our group knowledge
Quiz Task 2B:

Come up with a multiple-choice quiz question to test the understanding of educational approaches:

QUESTION: You are tasked with a group presentation assessment with 3 other people. Which of the
following education approaches do you think would best be suited for this assessment task?

A) Social Constructivism

B) Information Transmission

C) Inquiry Based Learning

D) Behaviourism

Correct Answer (A)

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