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Genetic Continuity After the Collapse of the

Wari Empire: Mitochondrial DNA Profiles from Wari
and Post-Wari Populations in the Ancient Andes
Brian M. Kemp,1* Tiffiny A. Tung,2 and Marshall L. Summar3
Department of Anthropology and the School of Biological Sciences, Washington State University,
Pullman, WA 99164
Department of Anthropology, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN 37240
Center for Human Genetic Research and the Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, TN 37240

KEY WORDS mtDNA; ancient DNA; bioarchaeology; Huari; Peru

ABSTRACT The Wari empire flourished in the central, evolutionary scenarios. None of these simulations allowed
highland Peruvian Andes from AD 600–1000, and although the rejection of continuity. In total, at both the haplogroup
the events that led to its demise are unknown, archaeologi- and haplotype levels these data do not allow us to reject the
cal evidence indicates that Wari control waned at the end of hypothesis that post-Wari individuals sampled in this study
the first millennium. Here, we test the hypothesis that, de- are the maternal descendants of those sampled from the
spite the major shift in social and political organization at Wari era site of Conchopata. However, genetic homogeneity
the fall of the Wari empire, the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) in the mitochondrial gene pool, as seen in the late prehis-
composition of populations from the Ayacucho Basin, the for- panic southern Andes, may also characterize our study
mer imperial heartland of the empire, remained essentially region. But, prior to this research, this was unknown. If our
unchanged. Results show that mtDNA haplogroup fre- new data show mtDNA homogeneity, then this could limit
quencies among the Wari and post-Wari groups differ, but the detection of female migration if, in fact, it occurred.
the difference is not statistically significant (v2 5 5.886, df 5 Nonetheless, the novel mtDNA data presented here cur-
3, P 5 0.1172). This is the first study in the Andes to use rently do not support the hypothesis that there was an
haplotypic data to evaluate the observed genetic distance influx of genetically distinct females into the former Wari
between two temporally distinct prehispanic populations heartland after the Wari collapse. Am J Phys Anthropol
(FST 5 0.029) against modeled expectations of four possible 000:000–000, 2009. V 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

Analysis of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) has been from an influx of genetically distinct females into the
instrumental in aiding the reconstruction of Native Amer- heartland population after Wari collapse. Gene flow is
ican prehistory by documenting genetic relationships the explanation for evolutionary change, when one has
between various precontact populations. The study of an- controlled for the evolutionary forces of mutation and
cient DNA (aDNA) combined with archaeological data pro- genetic drift, as explained in the simulations in the
vides a unique way to reconstruct the past because Methods section. Also, a fluctuation in the gene pool in
assumptions about particular aspects of genetic continuity this short time span is likely not due to natural selec-
or discontinuity based on cultural proxies can be directly tion, as mtDNA is under weak selection (Kivisild et al.,
tested. As a complementary view to archaeological and 2006). In contrast, if the mtDNA compositions of the two
osteological data that shows the collapse of the Wari sample groups do not significantly differ, then this could
empire in the Peruvian Andes about AD 1000, we examine suggest that there was no influx of nonlocal females (i.e.,
if this significant cultural transformation led to altera- female population remains essentially unchanged). How-
tions in the mtDNA composition of those living in the ever, if mtDNA homogeneity of late prehispanic Andean
Wari imperial heartland from Wari to post-Wari times. populations, as detected in Southern Peru and Northern
Specifically, we inquire if natal populations living in the Chile (Lewis, In Press), extends to our study region,
imperial heartland were heavily obliterated or pushed out then it is possible that long-range population movements
of the region after Wari collapse, perhaps to be replaced by and/or replacements might not be detectable based on
groups that carried substantially different mtDNA pro-
files. Alternatively, the subsequent inhabitants in the for-
Grant sponsor: Vanderbilt University Interdisciplinary Discovery
mer Wari imperial heartland could have been descendent Grant. Grant sponsor: Vanderbilt University Center for Americas.
populations of those that lived at an earlier Wari settle-
ment. To address this, we compare mtDNA variation *Correspondence to: Brian M. Kemp, Department of Anthropol-
exhibited by Wari and post-Wari populations. The Wari ogy, Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164-4910, USA.
samples come from the site of Conchopata in the modern E-mail:
city of Ayacucho, and the post-Wari samples are from the
Late Intermediate Period (post-Wari) sectors at the site of Received 21 July 2008; accepted 29 December 2008
Huari, located 10 km north of Conchopata.
We propose that, if there are distinct mtDNA composi- DOI 10.1002/ajpa.21037
tions between the Wari (ca. AD 600–800) and post-Wari Published online in Wiley InterScience
sample (AD 1100–1400), then this could have resulted (

C 2009

Wari’s widespread influence and control in parts of the

Andes may have partly succeeded through religious
indoctrination (Menzel, 1964), but Wari military cam-
paigns, or the threat thereof, appear to have been a par-
ticularly successful strategy for expansion (Lumbreras,
1974; Feldman, 1989). Evidence for this is seen on state-
produced Wari ceramics that depict warriors in uniforms
carrying shields and weapons (Ochatoma and Cabrera,
2002). Moreover, analysis of cranial fractures demon-
strates that adults from the site of Conchopata and other
Wari affiliated sites in the Majes valley of southern Peru
frequently engaged in violent acts, as 30% show head
trauma (Tung, 2007b). In short, the Wari empire exerted
much influence throughout the Andes, affecting architec-
tural design, material culture, ritual practices (Cook,
2001; Tung, 2008), road systems and trade networks
(Schreiber, 1991), food production (Goldstein et al., In
press; Tung, 2007a), and morbidity profiles of subject
and ruling groups (Drusini, 2001; Kellner, 2002; Tung,
2007b). Throughout this process, diverse groups of peo-
ple were brought under the umbrella of Wari authority,
but current evidence suggests that foreigners were not
brought to the Wari heartland as immigrants. Although
iconographic and strontium isotope evidence suggests
that Wari military agents traveled to distant hinterland
regions, current strontium isotope ratios from Concho-
pata skeletons suggest that no immigrant groups settled
at the site (Tung and Knudson, 2008; Tung et al., 2008).
Thus, it is unlikely that ‘‘foreigners’’ at the Wari site of
Conchopata are included in our Wari era samples.
For reasons yet unknown, the Wari empire came to an
end approximately four centuries after its inception. The
subsequent era (Late Intermediate Period) has been gen-
Fig. 1. Map of Peru showing the locations of Conchopata, erally described as a time of political and social instabil-
Huari, Nawinpukio, and other sites mentioned in the text. ity characterized by a political power void within which
various polities jockeyed for authority (Willey, 1991;
mtDNA analysis alone. This study does not present data Arkush, 2005). In the Wari imperial heartland in partic-
that bear on the question of genetic admixture from ular, there was a concomitant increase in violence, as
males (i.e., as could be assessed from patterns of Y-chro- evidenced by antemortem cranial trauma frequencies of
mosome variation). more than 70% (Tung, 2009). There was also a major
increase in the number of individuals with cranial modi-
fication from Wari to post-Wari times; this was a practice
BACKGROUND ON THE WARI EMPIRE whereby the shape of an infant’s head was altered by
placing small boards and cordage around the cranium.
This kind of body modification was a visible marker of
The Wari originated in the central highland Andes in ethnic identity in the prehispanic Andes (Torres-Rouff,
the Ayacucho Basin of Peru about AD 600, and contin- 2002; Blom, 2005), and the increase of this practice in
ued to flourish throughout the Middle Horizon, altering post-Wari times suggests that either new corporeal
many aspects of social and political organization and expressions of identity were created or a distinct popula-
influencing change in material culture. Wari domination tion moved into the former Wari imperial heartland.
is apparent in the wide distribution of Wari architecture Given changes in material culture, incidences of vio-
throughout many parts of the Peruvian Andes (Feldman, lence, and physical expressions of identity, we investi-
1989; Isbell, 1989; Anderson, 1991; McEwan, 1991; gate whether there was a significant shift in mtDNA
Moseley et al., 1991; Williams, 2001). In particular, the variation from one time period to the next. If mtDNA
sites of Azangaro (Anders, 1991) and Jincamocco haplogroup and haplotype frequencies significantly differ
(Schreiber, 1992), located on the fringes of the Wari between the Wari and post-Wari samples, then this may
heartland, display Wari architecture, as do more distant suggest that outsider females (and perhaps their kin and
sites such as Viracochapampa and Honcopampa in other community members) migrated to the former Wari
northern Peru (Isbell, 1989; Topic, 1991), Pikillacta near heartland after the collapse of this once dominant
Cuzco (McEwan, 1991), and Cerro Baúl in southern Peru empire. In contrast, mtDNA continuity between the tem-
(Feldman, 1989; Moseley et al., 1991; Williams, 2001) porally distinct populations would suggest that the post-
(see Fig. 1). There are also numerous Middle Horizon Wari peoples were descendents of the Wari who contin-
sites that have Wari ceramics and textiles intrusive to ued to reside and reproduce in what was once the core of
the local style, illustrating the extent of Wari influence Wari imperial territories.
(Menzel, 1964, 1968; Stone-Miller and McEwan, 1990; Given the potential confusion between the terms
Schreiber, 1992; Cook, 1994; Cardona Rosas, 2002; Cook ‘‘Wari’’ and ‘‘Huari’’, we follow Isbell’s (2004) nomencla-
and Glowacki, 2003; Owen, 2007; Tung, 2007a). ture and use ‘‘Wari’’ to refer to the culture and cultural

American Journal of Physical Anthropology


Fig. 2. Map of Conchopata showing the locations of architectural spaces from which osteological samples were taken. (Based on
map created by Juan Carlos Blacker).

material, and ‘‘Huari’’ to refer specifically to the capital P 5 0.658), and thus, were not indicative of any signifi-
site. The site of Huari was used during both the Middle cant gene flow. Moreover, Lewis and colleague’s (2007)
Horizon (Wari era, AD 600–1000) and the Late Interme- comparison of mtDNA variation between the Chen Chen
diate Period (post-Wari, AD 1000–1450). Huari was the skeletal samples and 58 ancient and extant South Amer-
capital of the Wari empire, and in the subsequent post- ican populations revealed that haplogroup homogeneity
Wari era, parts of the site, such as Monqachayoq and has dominated the central Andean region of southern
Vegachayoq Moqo, were reused as mortuary areas. Peru and northern Chile since at least the time before
Radiocarbon dates obtained directly from human bones the Middle Horizon when the Wari empire and Tiwa-
at these two sectors at Huari confirm that they indeed naku state flourished. Whereas statistically different
date to the Late Intermediate Period (Tung, 2009). patterns of mtDNA variation can be detected across time
and space among Andean populations, Lewis et al. (In
BACKGROUND ON ANCIENT DNA STUDIES Press) have recently demonstrated that genetic drift,
IN THE ANDES and not population replacement or gene flow, is the sim-
plest explanation for these interpopulational discrepan-
Our approach to addressing prehistory in the central cies. For our case study, it is possible that mtDNA pat-
Peruvian Andes with mtDNA evidence is similar to terns observed in populations of the central Peruvian
genetic studies previously conducted on prehistoric popu- Andes may be similar to those observed in the Tiwanku
lations in the southern Peruvian Andes, for example, polity during the Middle Horizon (Lewis et al., 2007). If
studies of the Tiwanaku-affiliated site of Chen Chen there was wide-spread homogeneity during this time,
(Lewis et al., 2007) and various Northern Chilean sites detecting genetic discontinuity based solely on variation
dating from the Late Archaic to the Late Horizon in the mitochondrial genome may be difficult over the
(Moraga et al., 2005). In the latter case, Moraga et al. time period considered in this study, regardless of the
(2005) observed a major change in ancient mtDNA hap- magnitude of any possible population movement wit-
logroup frequencies in Northern Chilean valleys over a nessed at the local level. However, this is unknown and
3,900 year period. They suggested that this change could remains to be tested in our study. To further evaluate
have resulted from the migration (gene flow) of individu- this possibility, our study includes haplotypic data which
als from the Andean highlands, a scenario consistent provides a higher power of discrimination over simply
with observed craniofacial morphological change (Roth- screening the samples for the defining markers of the
hammer and Santoro, 2001). However, Lewis et al. four most frequent Native American mtDNA hap-
(2007) found that the frequencies reported by Moraga et logroups (A, B, C, or D), which provides only three
al. (2005) from the Late Archaic to Late Intermediate degrees of freedom in the chi-square test, as highlighted
Period did not differ significantly (Fisher’s exact test, by Lewis et al. (in press). Here, for the first time, haplo-

American Journal of Physical Anthropology


Fig. 3. Aerial photo of Huari. The sectors of Monqachayoq

and Vegachayoq Moqo are outlined. Photo courtesy of Servicio
Aerofotográfico Nacional de Peru.

typic data are used to evaluate observed genetic distan-

ces between two temporally distinct Andean populations
against the modeled expectations of four possible evolu-
tionary scenarios. With our sampling strategy and focus
on mtDNA, this haplotypic approach stands as the best
possible means for evaluating population dynamics in
our study area given the samples at hand.
Fig. 4. Underground, stone-lined burial gallery at the
MATERIALS AND METHODS Monqachayoq sector at the site of Huari.

The samples
preservation. In contrast, the Conchopata burials were
Seventy-four osteological samples were collected from interred in shallow cylindrical tombs, only some of which
69 archaeological individuals for genetic analysis. To test were stone-lined, whereas other bodies were placed in
the reliability of the techniques, two or three bone and cavities cut into the bedrock. We hypothesized that the
tooth samples from the same individual were taken by post-Wari Huari remains would provide a higher rate of
Tung, but not reported to Kemp, who conducted the successful mtDNA extraction relative to Nawinpukio and
DNA extraction and mitochondrial DNA haplogroup and Conchopata, due in large part to their distinct burial
haplotype determination, until all mtDNA results were environments.
available. The samples come from three archaeological In the years between excavation and analysis, Concho-
sites in the Ayacucho Basin: 1) Nawinpukio (Wari era pata remains were stored in acid-free paper and alumi-
samples, n 5 6), 2) Conchopata (pre-Wari samples, n 5 2 num foil and stored in cardboard boxes. The Nawinpukio
and Wari era samples, n 5 47), and 3) Huari (post-Wari remains were stored in plastic bags, and the Monqa-
samples from two sectors at the site known as Monqa- chayoq and Vegachayoq Moqo bones were wrapped in
chayoq (n 5 15) and Vegachayoq Moqo (n 5 4) (see Fig. newspaper and stored in cardboard boxes. None of the
3). Tung excavated the Conchopata burials as part of the human remains were washed with water. In cases where
Conchopata Archaeology Project, directed by William dirt adhered to the bones or teeth, the dirt was brushed
Isbell and Anita Cook, and was thus able to select osteo- off with a synthetic fiber brush or picked away with a
logical samples that were the most intact and had the wooden dowel.
least disturbed associated contexts (many of the burials
had been looted) (see Fig. 2). Nawinpukio burials were Molecular methods
excavated by Martha Cabrera in the mid-1990s. These
burials were placed in simple circular pits without any All of the pre-PCR methods described below were con-
stone-lining. Enrique Bragayrac excavated the post-Wari ducted in the newly established ancient DNA laboratory
Vegachayoq Moqo remains in the 1980s; those burials in the Center for Human Genetics Research at Vander-
derive from the base of a stone wall and in stone-lined bilt University, wherein the equipment and reagents are
niches in the Vegachayoq Moqo sector. Francisco Solano dedicated for processing degraded specimens alone. This
excavated the post-Wari Monqachayoq human remains pre-PCR lab is physically separated from the labs where
in 1977–78. The Monqachayoq human remains come modern human DNA studies are conducted and from
from Gallery 3, an underground, stone-lined mortuary that of the post-PCR lab. Access to this laboratory is
gallery that measured 12 m in length and averaged 2 m restricted to ancient DNA researchers and precautions
in height (see Fig. 4) (Solano Ramos and Guerrero to minimize contamination were always practiced. These
Anaya, 1981). These large, stone-lined galleries that precautions included: 1) wearing clean lab coats, hair
were constructed underground created a cool microcli- nets, and disposable latex gloves, 2) regularly decontami-
mate, which we hypothesized would lead to better DNA nating the workspaces with a 0.6% sodium hypochlorite

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

solution, and 3) once having worked in the post-PCR lab, fied and sequenced in four, small (\175 bp) overlapping
only returning to the ancient DNA lab after taking a fragments using primers sets ‘‘D-Loop 1, 2, 3, and 4’’ and
shower and changing clothes. the PCR conditions described by Kemp et al. (2007). A
fifth pair of primers was designed and optimized during
this study to complete sequence overlap in samples that
DNA extraction
exhibit a cytosine (C) at nucleotide position (np) 16189.
Before attempting DNA extraction from the tooth sam- This mutation results in a poly-C stretch in the amplicon
ples (Table 1), the crowns and roots were carefully sepa- targeted by the primer set ‘‘D-Loop 2’’ that currently
rated by sawing through the tooth at the cervix. A new cannot be sequenced through. In the case that a sample
saw blade was used on each individual sample to avoid exhibits a transition at np 16189, with no additional
cross contamination. From the remaining tooth root and mutations to ‘‘anchor’’ the region, the reverse sequence
bone samples, 0.1–0.6 g of material was removed from of the ‘‘D-Loop 2’’ amplicon fails to overlap with the
the whole for DNA extraction. Because aDNA often ‘‘D-Loop 1’’ sequence. To fill in this gap, the following pri-
occurs in low copy number and is highly degraded mers were used to amplify and sequence a fifth overlap-
(Pääbo, 1990; Lindahl, 1993), aDNA extractions are ping amplicon: 16001F (ATTCTAATTTAAACTATTCT-
highly susceptible to contamination from modern sour- CTG) and 16181R (TTGATGTGGATTGGGTTTTT). For
ces. Therefore, the samples were submerged in 6% this amplicon, 30 lL reactions contained: 0.32 mM
sodium hypochlorite (full strength Clorox Bleach) for dNTPs, 13 PCR Buffer, 1.5 mM MgCl2, 2.4 mM primers,
15 min to remove any surface contamination (Kemp and 0.3 U of Platinum Taq (Invitrogen), and 3.0 lL of DNA
Smith, 2005). The bleach was poured off and the samples template. This reaction was subjected to 60 cycles of
rinsed with DNA-free ddH2O (Gibco) 1–3 times to PCR, as follows: 3 min denaturing at 948C, followed by
remove any remaining bleach. The samples were trans- 15 second holds at 948C, 508C, and at 728C, followed by
ferred to a 15 mL conical tubes and demineralized by a final 3 min extension period at 728C. Sequence prepa-
gentle rocking in 2-mL molecular grade 0.5 M EDTA, pH ration followed that described by Kemp et al. (2007). All
8.0 (Gibco), for [48 h at room temperature. Three milli- sequencing products were submitted for direct sequenc-
grams of proteinase K were added to the sample, fol- ing to the DNA Sequencing Facility at Vanderbilt Uni-
lowed by incubation at 658C for at least 3 h. DNA was versity. Sequencing was performed in both directions
then extracted from 1 ml of the EDTA using the MagNA and sequences were read off both strands. Sequences
Pure LC DNA Isolation Kit (large volume). The MagNA that represented contamination arising from the author
Pure system is an automated one that uses magnetic that performed the molecular work (B.M.K.) were dis-
silica beads to bind DNA and carry it through the carded. In addition, heteroplasmic sequences that could
extraction process. The settings and preparation of not be confirmed were also discarded, as these most
the MagNA Pure system followed the instructions of the likely arose from either mixed sequences (i.e., a mixture
manufacturer. Extraction blanks, consisting of EDTA of contamination and authentic aDNA) or post mortem
and proteinase K, accompanied each set of extractions to damage to the template DNA (e.g., deamination).
allow for the detection of contamination originating dur-
ing the extraction. Confirmation of molecular results
A second DNA extraction was performed, as described
Haplogroup determination and sequencing
above, on all of the samples that yielded positive hap-
The samples were screened for the defining mutations logroup and sequencing results. These extractions were
of Native American mitochondrial haplogroups A, B, C, screened for the molecular markers and sequenced as
and D (Schurr et al., 1990; Forster et al., 1996). Samples described earlier.
were not screened for the markers definitive of hap-
logroup X, as this mitochondrial type has not been Haplogroup and haplotype analysis
described in any South American populations (Dornelles
et al., 2005) and all of the sample in this study were The haplogroup frequencies exhibited by the Concho-
determined to belong to either haplogroup A, B, C, or D pata and Huari populations were compared using a chi
(see Results). Screening of these molecular markers was square test conducted in SPSS. An alpha value of 0.05
conducted according to Kemp et al. (2007). Those sam- was selected as the level of significance.
ples that failed to produce amplicons during this initial As a measure of genetic distance between the two pop-
screening process were tested for failure due to the pres- ulations, FST was calculated in Arlequin (v 2.000)
ence of coextracted PCR inhibitors, as described by (Schneider et al., 2000). Samples Concho 08, Concho 34,
Kemp et al. (2006). For initial inhibition tests, DNA and Huari-MQ-02 (Table 2) were not included in this
re-extracted from previously described Aztec populations estimation of FST due to large amounts of missing data
(Kemp et al., 2005; De la Cruz et al., 2008) as just in their respective sequences. To assess whether the
described were used as ‘‘positive aDNA controls.’’ In later observed FST value was not larger than expected due
tests for PCR inhibition, DNA extracted from Concho- simply to the evolutionary forces of genetic drift and
pata and Huari samples were used as ‘‘positive aDNA mutation, Serial SimCoal (Excoffier et al., 2000; Ander-
controls.’’ son et al., 2005) was used to model evolution over the
Nucleotide positions (nps) 16011–16382 of the first 800 years that separated the Conchopata and Huari pop-
hypervariable region (HVRI) of the mitochondrial ulations. As 800 years represents the maximum time
genome were sequenced in those samples that were separating the two populations, the simulations are con-
determined to belong to haplogroup A, B, C, or D. servative in allowing for a maximum amount of evolu-
Sequencing was not attempted in those cases when a tionary change. A generation time of 20 years was
sample failed to produce amplicons during the screening assumed, amounting to 27 generations separating the
of the haplogroup defining mutations. HVRI was ampli- two groups. This input parameter again results in a con-

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

TABLE 1. List of the osteological samples and their archaeological contexts and the mtDNA results when available
Excavation Osteology mtDNA
Site Time period Lab ID Architect. space Locus burial code Lab Code Bone/tooth Hg
Conchapata MH 950.01 44A 950 950.01 Molar 3 ?
Conchapata MH 2095.02 105 2095 2095.02B Rib ?
Conchapata MH 2112.01 110 2112 2112.02 L Md molar 1 ?
Conchapata MH 2095.01B 105 2095 2095.01B Rib ?
Conchapata MH 2095.01T 105 2095 2095.01T Tooth ?
Conchapata MH 2095.04B 105 2095 2095.04B Rib ?
Conchapata MH 2095.04T 105 2095 2095.04T Tooth ?
Conchapata MH 2095.06B 105 2095 2095.06B Rib ?
Conchapata MH 2095.06T 105 2095 2095.06T Tooth ?
Conchapata EIP Eb-3 Rib Tomb 5 5.01 Rib ?
Conchapata EIP Eb-3 Tooth Tomb 5 5.03 R Mx premolar 4 ?
Conchapata MH 1993.01 110 1993 1993.01 L Md molar 1 B
Conchapata MH Concho 01 150 2981 94.04 2981.04 metacarpal ?
Conchapata MH Concho 02 Ochatoma Ind. 1 L metacarpal D
Conchapata MH Concho 03 44A 950 950.02 R humerus frag ?
Conchapata MH Concho 04 150 2981 94.02 2981.02 R ulna ?
Conchapata MH Concho 05 205 3521 104.01 3521.01.64 L fibula ?
Conchapata MH Concho 06 205 3521 107.03 3521.03.66B R hand phalanx ?
Conchapata MH Concho 07 205 3554 106 3554.01.44 R fibula ?
Conchapata MH Concho 08 205 3521 105.02 3521.02.55 L rib C
Conchapata MH Concho 09 Ochatoma Ind. 1 L metatarsal D
Conchapata MH Concho 10 150 2981 94.01 2981.01 LB frag ?
Conchapata MH Concho 11 143T3 2985 21 2985.21.01 Cranial frag ?
Conchapata MH Concho 12 187 3335 3335.155 R Mx canine B
Conchapata MH Concho 13 39A 1818 1818.01 Cran frag ?
Conchapata MH Concho 14 39A 1818 1818.02 Md molar 1 ?
Conchapata MH Concho 15 Airport tower Airport tower Md molar 3 ?
Conchapata MH Concho 16 39A 1818 1818.03 Cran frag ?
Conchapata MH Concho 17 39A 1818 1818.04 Md molar 1 ?
Conchapata MH Concho 18 72 Ochatoma trophy D Md molar 1 ?
Conchapata MH Concho 19 72 Ochatoma trophy C Md molar 2 ?
Conchapata MH Concho 20 205 3521 107.03 3521.03.18T R premolar 3 ?
Conchapata MH Concho 21 208 3547 108.03 3547.03.05 L incisor 2 B
Conchapata MH Concho 22 88 3032 54.03 3032.03.06 R canine C
Conchapata MH Concho 23 208 3547 108.01 3547.01.13 L Mx molar 2 A
Conchapata MH Concho 24 208 3577 108.05 3577.05.01 RM1 ?
Conchapata MH Concho 25 20 1371 1371.01.05 L Md canine B
Conchapata MH Concho 26 151 2858 51.01 2858.01 R Mx premolar 4 A
Conchapata MH Concho 27 Ochatoma Ind. 1 Md molar 3 D
Conchapata MH Concho 28 110 2112.1 2112.01 L Md molar ?
Conchapata MH Concho 29 39A 1728 1728.01 Md LP3 A
Conchapata MH Concho 30 39D 2026 2026.01 Md molar B
Conchapata MH Concho 31 110 1993 1993.02 R Md molar 1 A
Conchapata MH Concho 32 Surface 1799 1799.01 Md molar ?
Conchapata MH Concho 33 ? 2200 2200.01 Mx molar ?
Conchapata MH Concho 34 39D 2045 2045.01 B
Conchapata MH Concho 35 6 2004 2004.01 ?
Conchapata MH Concho 36 ? 2400 2400.54 Md molar 3 B
Conchapata MH Concho 37 105 2095 2095.03B Rib ?
Huari-MQ LIP Huari-MQ-01 AY Radius frag ?
Huari-MQ LIP Huari-MQ-02 1 II 2-5 1 II 2-5 Rib frag C
Huari-MQ LIP Huari-MQ-03 50 50 C
Huari-MQ LIP Huari-MQ-04 Q A
Huari-MQ LIP Huari-MQ-05 30 30 C
Huari-MQ LIP Huari-MQ-06 8 8 C
Huari-MQ LIP Huari-MQ-07 2 2 Mx molar 2 A
Huari-MQ LIP Huari-MQ-08 15 15 Mx molar 2 B
Huari-MQ LIP Huari-MQ-09 23 23 Mx molar 2 C
Huari-MQ LIP Huari-MQ-10 51 51 Mx molar 1 C
Huari-MQ LIP Huari-MQ-11 69 69 Mx molar 3 C
Huari-MQ LIP Huari-MQ-12 70 70 Mx molar 1 C
Huari-MQ LIP Huari-MQ-13 M Mx molar 3 D
Huari-MQ LIP Huari-MQ-14 P L Mx molar 2 A
Huari-MQ LIP Huari-MQ-15 S R Mx molar 2 B
Huari-VM LIP Huari-VM-01 66 66 C
Huari-VM LIP Huari-VM-02 4 4 B
Huari-VM LIP Huari-VM-03 58 58 C
Huari-VM LIP Huari-VM-04 1001 R Mx molar 2 B
Nawinpukio MH 1 Fosa 2 F2.02.01 F2.02.01 R Md premolar 3 ?
Nawinpukio MH 2 Fosa 2 F2.02.02 F1.01 Md R molar ?

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

TABLE 1. (Continued)
Excavation Osteology mtDNA
Site Time period Lab ID Architect. space Locus burial code lab code Bone/tooth Hg
Nawinpukio MH 3 Fosa 2 F2.01.01 F2.01.01 Cran frag ?
Nawinpukio MH 4 Fosa 2 F2.05 F2.05 Cran frag ?
Nawinpukio MH Naw-1 Fosa 1 F1.01 F1.01 Molar ?
Nawinpukio MH Naw-2 Fosa 2 F2.04 F2.04 Cran frag ?

servative approach to modeling population evolution, as Table 2). We also note that the absence of positive results
generation time in contemporary humans has been esti- was not due to the coextraction of PCR inhibitors; rather,
mated to be 30 years (Siguroardottir et al., 2000). Input using the methods described earlier, those samples that
parameters that varied in the simulations were effective yielded no results appear to be void of analyzable mtDNA.
female population size (Nef) and mutation rate. In the case The Conchopata population (n 5 14) exhibited 28.6%
of Nef, input values of 100 (‘‘Small’’) and 1,000 (‘‘Large’’) haplogroup A, 50% haplogroup B, 14.3% haplogroup C,
were used to explore the expectation of FST over an order and 7.1% haplogroup D (see Fig. 5). The post-Wari Huari
of magnitude difference in female population sizes. Impor- population (n 5 18) exhibited 16.7% haplogroup A,
tantly, this range of effective population sizes nearly 22.2% haplogroup B, 55.5% haplogroup C, and 5.6% hap-
encompasses that estimated for recent populations by Hey logroup D (see Fig. 5). The haplogroup frequencies
(2005) to that estimated more recently by Mulligan et al. between the two sample populations are statistically
(2008) for the founding Native American population. The indistinguishable (v2 5 5.886, df 5 3, P 5 0.1172).
rate of molecular evolution was also varied in the simula- HVRI sequences were obtained from 10 of the 14 Con-
tions to consider rates derived from pedigree studies chopata individuals and 18 of the 19 Huari samples
(‘‘Fast’’) and phylogenies (‘‘Slow’’) (see discussion by Kemp (Table 2). Missing sequence data in Table 2 stem from
et al., 2007). Importantly, consideration of the range of failed amplification in one or more amplicons; sequences
evolution rates helps control for the recent debate about determined in one extraction, but not confirmed in the
decaying rates of observable evolution (Ho et al., 2005; Ho second, are not reported. Two haplotypes are shared
and Larson, 2006). The ‘‘Fast’’ rate input was 0.0035 across the populations. The first, shared by Concho 02
mutations per generation over the 373 bp region, which and Huari-MQ-13, is a haplogroup D haplotype exhibit-
was calculated from a pedigree-estimated rate of 47.5%/ ing transitions at nps 16223, 16325, and 16362, relative
bp/myr (Howell et al., 2003) and the assumption of 20 year to the Cambridge reference sequence (CRS) (Anderson
generations. This rapid rate of evolution estimated from et al., 1981; Andrews et al., 1999). This sequence repre-
pedigrees has been shown to hold over the past 10,300 sents the founder type of subhaplogroup D1 in the Amer-
years (Kemp et al., 2007), and thus is likely a good estima- icas (Tamm et al., 2007). Concho 22, Huari-MQ-02, and
tion for the time period under consideration in the present Huari-MQ-09 share the second type, which belongs to
study. The ‘‘Slow’’ rate input was 0.0011 mutations per haplogroup C; it exhibits transitions at nps 16223,
generation over the 373 bp region, which was calculated 16298, 16325, and 16327. This sequence represents the
from the average of phylogenetic-estimated rates, 15%/ founder of any one of the three subhaplogroup C1s car-
bp/myr (Bonatto and Salzano, 1997; Stone and Stoneking, ried to the Americas (Tamm et al., 2007).
1998), and the assumption of 20 year generations. In total, All results reported here were confirmed from two
there were four starting conditions for the simulations: 1) extractions of each sample and rigorous decontamination
Small, Fast, 2) Small, Slow, 3) Large, Fast, and 4) Large, of the samples was conducted before extraction. All of
Slow (See Appendix for the ‘‘Small, Fast’’ Serial SimCoal HVRI sequences are consistent with the samples respec-
input file). Each of these respective simulations was run tive haplogroup assignments, in that they exhibit hap-
10,000 times. An alpha value of 0.05 was chosen as the logroup specific motifs (Tamm et al., 2007). Moreover,
level for significant departure from expected FST values. the HVRI sequences were compiled from overlapping
fragments from multiple amplifications that strongly
suggest that the results are authentic and unaffected by
RESULTS DNA damage or contamination.
The genetic profiles The estimated FST between the two populations is
0.029. This observation falls within the 95% confidence
None of the six Nawinpukio samples yielded DNA. Six- interval of expected values for all four simulations per-
teen of the 49 Conchopata specimens (33%), representing formed in Serial SimCoal (see Fig. 6)
14 individuals, and 18 of 19 Huari individuals (95%) con-
tained analyzable mtDNA. There was a significant differ-
ence in the long-term preservation of DNA in the Concha- DISCUSSION
pata and Huari samples (v2 5 21.1, df 5 1, P \ 0.0001). All
samples that contained aDNA could be assigned to one of The much higher success rate of DNA extraction for
the Native American haplogroups (Table 1). Three individu- the Late Intermediate Period Huari samples was likely
als for whom bone-tooth pairs were tested yielded no results related to their burial environments. Nawinpukio and
(2,095.01, 2,095.04, and 2,095.06), but one individual for Conchopata burials were in shallow tombs and in direct
whom two bones (Concho 02, 09) and one tooth (Concho 27) contact with soil, factors that likely contributed to the
were tested all yielded haplogroup D, confirming the reli- low success rate in recovering ancient mtDNA (0 and
ability of these methods (Kemp was unaware that these 33%, respectively). The post-Wari burials at Huari, in
three samples were from the same skeleton). Moreover, contrast, were primarily surrounded by stone. In partic-
the sequence data retrieved from Concho 02, 09, and 27 ular, the Monqachayoq skeletons were buried in an
(all from the same individual) were identical (see note in underground, stone-lined gallery (see Fig. 4) that created

American Journal of Physical Anthropology


TABLE 2. First hypervariable region (HVRI) sequences exhibited by individuals sampled from the sites of Conchopata and Huari

American Journal of Physical Anthropology


Total stretch of each sequence is indicated on the right.

?, missing sequence data; y, C/T heteroplasmy detected in the sample.
This observation was confirmed in sequences generated from multiple extractions from the sample. Concho 09 and 27 (Table 1) represent a bone and tooth, respectively, sampled
from the same individual represented by Concho 02 in this table. Sequences from these samples, determined through only one extraction on each, match the haplotype exhibited
by Concho 02, Concho 09 was sequenced from nps 16,011–16,032, and exhibited: 162,23T, 163,25C, and 163,62C. Sequence data from Concho 27 was only retrievable from nps
16,250–16,382 and exhibited the 16,362C transition.
once-living population against which the deviations are
being measured. Notwithstanding the limited sample
size, another assumption holds that immigrants to the
former Wari heartland carried a significantly different
mtDNA profile, which thereby would have provided the
means for genetic analysis to detect the population
influx. In other words, if a population replacement
occurred in the Ayacucho Basin in the post-Wari era, but
there exists spatial continuity in mtDNA variation
throughout the Andes, as suggested by research in the
southern Andes (Lewis, (In Press); Lewis et al., 2007), a
significant chi square value may not be obtainable with-
out large and representative samples sizes. Although we
could not sample additional Middle Horizon populations
to examine the haplogroup homogeneity more generally,
we could compare our Wari samples to others of similar
antiquity from elsewhere in the Andes. These previously
published samples include the population that resided at
Fig. 5. Haplogroup frequencies for Conchopata and Huari.
the Tiwanaku-affiliated site of Chen Chen around AD
785–1000 (Lewis et al., 2007), and the 1000-year-old
a cool microclimate, apparently ideal for long-term DNA Middle Sicán burials from the northern Peruvian coast
preservation (95% recovery of mtDNA). (Shimada et al., 2004). In both comparisons, the popula-
The Conchopata and post-Wari Huari burial samples tions are statistically indistinguishable from the Concho-
cannot be statistically differentiated at the haplogroup pata samples (Conchopata vs. Chen Chen v2 5 0.69,
level and, thus, the former cannot be excluded as being df 5 3, P 5 0.875, Conchopata vs. Sicán v2 5 4.0, df 5 3,
directly ancestral to the latter on the direct maternal P 5 0.26). It is evident from these tests that, at the hap-
line. However, this conclusion is contingent on the logroup level, the major spatial genetic continuity
assumption that our samples are representative of the existed across Peru during the latter part of the Middle

Fig. 6. Distribution of expected FST values from the four Serial SimCoal simulations. The observed FST between Conchopata
and Huari was 0.029.

American Journal of Physical Anthropology


Horizon. In this case, our conclusion that the post-Wari new populations with distinct haplogroup frequencies
individuals buried at Huari are the descendants of those did not move into the former Wari imperial heartland.
buried at Conchopata will require further testing with Thus, based on the current mtDNA data, there is no evi-
larger samples sizes and, if possible, by screening dence to suggest the influx of genetically distinct females
genetic markers in the nuclear genome. into the former Wari capital after Wari collapse.
At the haplotype level, each population exhibited a
large number of unique haplotypes (Table 2), with only ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
two shared lineages. However, the observed FST between
We thank William Isbell, Anita Cook, Jose Ochatoma,
the populations was rather low (0.029) and simulations
and Martha Cabrera for allowing us to examine the Con-
conducted here demonstrate that under varying condi-
chopata human remains, and we thank Jose Ochatoma
tions of effective female population size and mutation
for granting us access to the Monqachayoq samples,
rate the observed FST is not outside the 95% range of
Martha Cabrera for access to the Nawinpukio samples,
expected values (see Fig. 6). Thus, at the haplotypic
and the Peruvian National Institute of Culture-Ayacucho
level, the individuals buried at Conchopata cannot be
for access to the Vegachayoq Moqo specimens. We thank
excluded as being directly ancestral on the direct mater-
Cara Monroe and two anonymous reviewers for their
nal line to those post-Wari individuals interred at Huari.
helpful comments and critiques. We also thank the Peru-
However, given the discussion above concerning genetic
vian National Institute of Culture-Lima for approving
continuity across much of the Andes during the Middle
Tung’s request to export the samples to the US. Lastly
Horizon, we must also investigate whether this observa-
we thank the Council of American Overseas Research
tion holds at the haplotypic level. In this case, compara-
Centers (CAORC) for their support.
tive mtDNA sequence data are only available for the
Middle Sicán sample. At the site of Sicán, 21 individuals
were observed to exhibit 15 haplotypes belonging to one APPENDIX: EXAMPLE OF THE SERIAL
of the four major Native American haplogroups. Only SIMCOAL (EXCOFFIER ET AL., 2000;
one Sicán haplotype is shared by an individual at Con-
chopata (Concho36), that of the founder haplotype of
Native American haplogroup B2. The genetic distance IN THIS STUDY FOR THE SIMULATION
estimated between Sicán and Conchopata (FST 5 0.055), ‘‘SMALL, FAST.’’ VARIABLE PARAMETERS OF
while greater than that observed between Conchopata EFFECTIVE FEMALE POPULATION SIZE WERE
and Huari, is not significantly different (P 5 0.065) than INPUT UNDER ‘‘DEME SIZES’’ AND VARIABLE
the expectation of no difference between the populations, MUTATION RATES WERE INPUT UNDER
evaluated with 10,000 permutation of the data as calcu- ‘‘MUTATION RATE.’’
lated in Arlequin 2.0 (Schneider et al., 2000). As dis-
cussed earlier, it appears that there was widespread //Input parameters aPeru 1) small, fast:
genetic continuity in the Middle Horizon Andes at the 1 population with ancient DNA data
haplotypic level as well. //Deme sizes:
//Sample sizes:
CONCLUSIONS 2 sample groups
17 0 0 1
This study highlights the strength of combining
8 27 0 0
archaeological and osteological data with molecular data.
//Growth rates:
Based on culture history alone, one might argue that
major shifts in material culture, settlement patterns,
//Number of migration matrices:
incidences of violence, and bodily expressions of ethnic
identity observed from Wari to post-Wari times was asso-
//Historical event:
ciated with an equally large shift in the mtDNA compo-
sition of the population (e.g., population replacement of
//Mutation rate:
maternal lineages). Ancient DNA evidence allows for
such hypotheses to be directly tested, and in the case of
//Number of loci:
the present study the cultural and political transforma-
tion that occurred from the Wari to post-Wari period was
//Data type:
not concomitant with a major transformation in the
mtDNA profile of the local communities. Rather, this
//Mutation rates gamma distribution shape parameter
time of political upheaval appears to have occurred
against a backdrop of mtDNA continuity. Although it is
possible that foreign groups with similar haplogroup dis- LITERATURE CITED
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