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Science of the Total Environment 794 (2021) 148629

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Heavy metals in soil from gangue stacking areas increases children health
risk and causes developmental neurotoxicity in zebrafish larvae
Fenglong Yang, Yang Yun, Guangke Li ⁎, Nan Sang
College of Environment and Resource, Research Center of Environment and Health, Shanxi University, Taiyuan, Shanxi 030006, PR China


• Heavy metals vary according to the

stacking characteristics of coal gangue.
• Long-term stacking of gangue enhances
the non-carcinogenic risks to local chil-
• Village soil leachate alters the locomotor
behavior of the zebrafish larvae.
• Village soil leachate inhibits the expres-
sion of neurodevelopment-associated

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Coal is the main energy source in China, with 4.5 billion metric tons of coal gangue accumulating near the mining
Received 7 April 2021 areas in the process of coal mining. The objectives of the present study were to identify the health risks to children
Received in revised form 16 June 2021 from soil pollution caused by coal gangue accumulation and to clarify the possible developmental neurotoxicity
Accepted 19 June 2021
caused by this accumulation using zebrafish (Danio rerio) as a model. The results reveal that As and seven other
Available online 22 June 2021
heavy metals in soil samples from the gangue dumping area to the downstream villages exhibited distance-
Editor: Jay Gan dependent concentration variations and posed substantial potential non-carcinogenic risks to local children. Ad-
ditionally, soil leachate could affect the key processes of early neurodevelopment in zebrafish at critical windows,
mainly including the alterations of cytoskeleton regulation (α1-tubulin), axon growth (gap43), neuronal
Keywords: myelination (mbp) and synapse formation (sypa, sypb, and psd95), eventually leading to hypoactivity in the
Coal gangue stacking zebrafish larvae. These findings suggest the possible health risks of soil pollution in the coal gangue stacking
Heavy metal-containing soil areas to children, particularly affecting their early neurodevelopment.
Non-carcinogenic risk © 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Zebrafish embryos
Developmental neurotoxicity

1. Introduction mines in the form of cones and valley dumps adjacent to residential
areas. The Chinese government has already promulgated several poli-
The solid waste produced and discharged in the process of coal min- cies and regulations regarding the management and utilization of coal
ing and dressing constitutes 10–15% of raw coal production and is called gangue, but the comprehensive level of utilization of coal gangue is
coal gangue (Zhou et al., 2014). Coal gangue is usually stacked near only 15% (Yun et al., 2017). A large amount of coal gangue has accumu-
lated on the earth's surface via air-soil exchange from contaminated air,
dry/wet deposition, and surface runoff (Bandowe et al., 2018; Jiang
⁎ Corresponding author at: College of Environment and Resource, Shanxi University,
et al., 2014), releasing several toxic and harmful substances (polycyclic
Taiyuan, Shanxi 030006, PR China. aromatic hydrocarbons, trace elements, heavy metals, and other organic
E-mail address: (G. Li). pollutants) into the surrounding environment (Fan et al., 2013).
0048-9697/© 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
F. Yang, Y. Yun, G. Li et al. Science of the Total Environment 794 (2021) 148629

Average concentrations of Mn, Fe, Ti, As, Zn, Nb, Pb, Fe, Rb, Zr, and Sr in the gravel was removed from all the soil samples; the samples were
the soils from mine drainage and the surrounding agricultural fields of the then passed through a 100-mesh sieve (<150 μm) (Gu and Gao, 2018).
Barapukuria Coal Basin, Bangladesh, have exceeded the world averages Following pre-processing, all the samples were packed in polyethylene
(Bhuiyan et al., 2010). Moreover, Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn, Ni, Mn, Fe, and Cr have bags and stored in a cool-dry place for subsequent analysis.
been detected in groundwater samples from the Dingji Coal Mine in the The village soil leachate composed of 100 mL deionized water and
Huainan field in China (Zhang et al., 2016a). Owing to bio- 100 g village soil sample (1 g/mL) was shaken at 145 rpm on a thermo-
accumulation, the content of Pb (0.38 mg/kg) in rice in the vicinity of static oscillator at 28 °C (3 d). The mixture was then centrifuged at
coal gangue piles in the Guqiao Coal Mine, China, has exceeded the max- 3000 rpm for 10 min after standing overnight. The supernatant was fil-
imum permissible limit of 0.2 mg/kg (Wang et al., 2013). Another study tered using a sterilized filter to avoid any contamination due to expo-
observed that the concentrations of Sr, Se, and Ni are elevated in female sure to microorganisms, and the filtrate was stored at 4 °C until
southern toads collected from the coal combustion waste-contaminated subsequent experiments.
area and that high levels of Cu, Pb, Sr, and Se are transferred to their
eggs (Metts et al., 2013). These strong evidences demonstrate that resi- 2.2. Content analysis of the elements
dents living in regions with coal gangue contamination will have indirect
or direct exposure to environmental heavy metals in the mining area First, 0.1 g of the sample was weighed into a pre-cleaned Teflon micro-
through eating contaminated crops and drinking contaminated water wave tube. The samples were then digested overnight with a typical con-
and through hand-to-mouth oral ingestion during outdoor recreational centrated acid mixture (HNO3-HCl-HF-HClO4) using a microwave
activities (Gu and Gao, 2018). Recent studies have demonstrated that digestion instrument. After cooling, the digestion solution was diluted
heavy metal contaminants in soils derived from mining areas pose a with 1% HNO3 and filtered through a membrane filter (0.45 μm). Follow-
high non-carcinogenic risk to children living in the vicinity (Li et al., ing a modified procedure by (Hadzi et al., 2019), the filtrates were mon-
2014). itored by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (NexION350X;
The nervous system is known to be very sensitive to many sub- PerkinElmer, USA); the contents of eight elements (Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, V,
stances during the early stages of development, and heavy metals As, and Zn) in the coal gangue samples and soil samples were determined.
have proven to be one of the key culprits (Rice and Barone Jr, 2000;
von Stackelberg et al., 2015). Previous epidemiological studies have 2.3. Quality assurance and quality control
shown the relationship between heavy metals in coal mine environ-
ments and abnormal neural development (Huang et al., 2011). A previ- The China National Standard Reference Soil (GBW07401, GSS-1) was
ous study has demonstrated that excess concentration of Cd in the blood used for quality assurance and quality control purposes, and the test re-
(0.54 μg/L) of pregnant women living near a coal combustion factory sults were consistent with the standard values. Reagent blanks were
could lead to a high prevalence of neural tube defects (Jin et al., 2014). used throughout the analysis and applied to correct the analytical results.
A prospective cohort study of 455 Mexican children between 1 and The accepted recoveries of the eight elements ranged from 89% to 109%.
3 years of age has found that the interactions between Mn and Pb at The detection limits of Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, V, As, and Zn were 0.0025,
high blood levels increased neurodevelopmental deficiencies in early 0.0175, 0.005, 0.0175, 0.015, 0.0025, 0.0025, and 0.09 mg/kg, respectively.
childhood, particularly during critical windows of development (Claus
Henn et al., 2012). In view of the increasingly severe pollution caused 2.4. Assessment of the non-carcinogenic risks
by coal gangue accumulation in China, a comprehensive assessment of
the potential health risks and neurodevelopmental toxicity in gangue The heavy metals in soils pose serious health risks to humans pri-
accumulation areas is urgently needed. marily via three routes of exposure, namely ingestion, inhalation, and
In this study, we determined the possible health risks of heavy dermal exposure (Gu et al., 2016a). Based on an assessment method de-
metals in soil samples from gangue stacking areas to children, and fur- veloped by the United States Environmental Protection Agency
ther clarified the neurodevelopmental disruption of village soil samples (USEPA), we assessed the non-carcinogenic health risks to the local res-
at the critical windows using a zebrafish (Danio rerio) model. The work idents in the coal gangue dumping districts after chemical exposure and
aimed to identify the status of soil ecological pollution and estimate the quantified the risk using the hazard quotient (HQ) (USEPA, 1989; Zhang
possible health risks of the coal gangue stacking areas. et al., 2016b). The total potential non-carcinogenic health risks of all
metals via the three routes are represented by the total exposure hazard
2. Materials and methods index (HIt). If HQ or HIt ≤ 1, the non-carcinogenic health risks can be ig-
nored; if HQ or HIt > 1, it indicates the presence of potential non-
2.1. Field sampling and sample processing carcinogenic risks (Cao et al., 2015; USEPA, 1989). The probability of
non-carcinogenic risks tends to increase as the HQ or HIt value increases
Three areas were selected for the present study: Qinyuan County (Gu et al., 2016b). The formulae for HQ and HIt are presented in Text S3.
(QY, 36°34′12.24″N, 12°8′55.67″E), Gujiao City (GJ, 37°59′18.38″N,
112°4′37.80″E) and Yangquan City (YQ, 37°52′14.33″N, 113°27′47.90″E), 2.5. Zebrafish husbandry
these are the key coal production bases in the Shanxi Province. We
collected samples from three coal gangue hills and from the representative Mature wild-type zebrafish (AB strain, 6 months) obtained from the
downstream soils in these three areas. These three coal gangue sampling China Zebrafish Resource Center (CZRC) were kept in a 14/10 h light/
sites represented a long-abandoned, recently abandoned, and functioning dark cycle in a continuous flow-through system at 28 ± 0.5 °C. Normally
coal gangue hill, respectively. Details regarding sample collection are developed embryos were immediately selected after fertilization (≤ 2 h
provided in Text S1. post fertilization (hpf)) and randomly divided into different treatment
The sampling was initiated from the gangue hills adjacent to the vil- groups. The E3 culture medium (containing 0.17 mM KCl, 5 mM NaCl,
lage, and the downstream soil samples were collected according to the di- 0.33 mM MgSO4, and 0.33 mM CaCl2; pH = 7.4) was used for the dilu-
rection of flow of the local river, as shown in Fig. S1. We collected a total of tion of the soil leachate and the control group.
19 coal gangue samples or soil samples from the three study areas. At
each sampling site, the surface soil was removed and 0–20 cm of the top- 2.6. Real-time quantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction
soil was collected using a small plastic shovel. Each soil sample was com-
posed of three subsamples, which were thoroughly mixed to obtain a For gene transcription analysis, the zebrafish embryos were exposed
representative soil sample. After natural drying at room temperature, to the village soil leaching solutions at various concentrations (V leachate:

F. Yang, Y. Yun, G. Li et al. Science of the Total Environment 794 (2021) 148629

V E3 culture medium = 1:27, 1:9, 1:3, or 1:1). The treatment and control carcinogenic health risks by calculating the HQ. The HIt values in gangue
groups were collected at 24, 48, and 72 hpf, respectively. Each treatment from QY, GJ, and YQ were 3.01, 4.07, and 5.83, respectively, and those in
concentration contained six replicates, and each replicate had 30 nor- village soils from QY, GJ, and YQ were 4.81, 5.95, and 5.50, respectively
mally developed embryos; 50% of the exposure solution was renewed (Fig. 1). The HIt values for children were approximately 3–6
with fresh solution every day. Details regarding the extraction, purifica- (3.01–5.95) times higher than the maximum acceptable level (1.0), sug-
tion, and quantification of total RNA from the zebrafish embryos/larvae gesting that As and other heavy metals from village soils around gangue
and the first-strand cDNA synthesis are provided in Text S4. β-actin was stacking areas in QY, GJ, and YQ pose potential non-carcinogenic risks to
chosen as the internal reference gene in the present study (Tang et al., local children. The HIt values for adults in QY, GJ, and YQ were lower
2007; Xu et al., 2019). The primer sequences for each selected gene are than the maximum acceptable level (1.0), indicating that As and other
provided in Table S3. heavy metals in coal gangue samples and village soil samples had no
significant non-carcinogenic risk to adults. Among the eight elements,
2.7. Locomotor activity assay the HQ value of Cd for children ranged between 1.45 and 2.91, which
exceeded the typical risk index of 1.0. The HIt values for the adults are
We quantified the locomotor activities of the zebrafish larvae at presented in Table S4.
120 hpf using a Video-Track system (Danio Vision; Noldus Information
Technology, Netherlands), as described previously (He et al., 2011). Be- 3.2. Soil leachate affects locomotor activities of zebrafish larvae
fore monitoring, the larvae were maintained in 96-well plates at 28 ±
0.5 °C for 10 min. The swimming behavior was monitored based on Children's bodies are in a stage of dynamic development; they are
the larval responses to dark-to-light transition stimulation (10 min more vulnerable to harm from exposure to environmental factors than
dark, 10 min light, 10 min dark). The data (distance moved, velocity, adults. Previous studies have demonstrated associations between expo-
and the cumulative duration of movement) were collected every 60 s. sure to environmental pollutants and several health outcomes in chil-
Each treatment concentration was tested in six replicates (eight larvae dren, including increased risk of cardiovascular and respiratory
per replicate, 48 larvae per treatment concentration). The data were an- diseases, skin diseases, allergies, and neurodevelopmental disorders
alyzed using the custom Open Office. Org v.2.4 software. (Ait Bamai et al., 2020; Haryanto, 2020; Oliveira et al., 2019; Zeng
et al., 2020). The developing nervous system is extremely sensitive to
2.8. Statistical analyses xenobiotics, and neurodevelopmental abnormalities are considered im-
portant indicators of health risk in children (Grandjean and Landrigan,
All data were analyzed using SPSS v.23.0, and the results are pre- 2006; Tsuji et al., 2015). Thus, we used zebrafish larvae as a model to de-
sented as the mean ± standard error. One-way analysis of variance tect locomotor activities using a photoperiod stimulation test. Locomo-
(ANOVA), followed by Fisher's least significant difference (LSD) test tor traces and average swimming speed of the larvae are shown in Fig. 2.
was used to evaluate the mean differences between the treatment The swimming activity of the larvae was much slower during the light
groups and the control group. Statistically significant differences were period than during the dark period (Fig. 2A-C). In addition, the soil
established when p < 0.05. leachate from QY at a concentration of 1:27 resulted in the hyperactivity
of larvae whereas higher doses caused sedation. The swimming activity
3. Results of larvae exposed to high concentrations of soil leachate from QY, GJ,
and YQ increased much more slowly than that of larvae in the control
3.1. As and other heavy mentals from gangue stacking areas pose non- group during the transition from light to dark period.
carcinogenic risks to children The average swimming speed of larvae exposed to 1:1 soil leachate
from QY, GJ, and YQ was significantly slower than that of larvae in the
We first determined total contents of the eight elements in gangue control group during the first and the second dark periods (Fig. 2D–F).
and soil samples around the coal gangue dumps with different accumu- Specifically, the average swimming speed of the larvae exposed to 1:1
lation characteristics, and the contents are presented in Fig. S2. To con- soil leachate from QY, GJ, and YQ significantly decreased to 0.63-,
firm whether As and other seven heavy metals in the village soil 0.45-, and 0.35-fold of that of the control larvae, respectively, during
samples posed health risks to local children, we evaluated the non- the first dark period and significantly decreased to 0.59-, 0.53-, and

Fig. 1. Non-carcinogenic risk analysis for children residing in the coal gangue stacking areas (A) Qinyuan, (B) Gujiao and (C) Yangquan.
a Hazard quotient (HQ) represents the potential non-carcinogenic risk of a single element via the ingestion, inhalation, and dermal exposure pathways.
b Total exposure hazard index (HIt) represents the total potential non-carcinogenic effects of all the eight elements from the three exposure pathways.

F. Yang, Y. Yun, G. Li et al. Science of the Total Environment 794 (2021) 148629

Fig. 2. Locomotor behavior of the zebrafish larvae after exposure to the village soil leachate for 120 h. (A-C) Locomotor traces and (D\
\F) average swimming speed of the larvae. Values are
represented as the mean ± standard error of the mean (SE) and expressed as the fold change relative to the control. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, and ***p < 0.001 versus the control group.

0.36-fold of that of the control larvae, respectively, during the second and 0.64-fold of those in the control larvae at 48 hpf and those in the
dark period. During the 10 min light period, the average swimming 1:1 group significantly decreased to 0.64-fold of those in the control lar-
speed of the larvae exposed to 1:9, 1:3, and 1:1 soil leachate from QY vae at 72 hpf. The expression of mbp remained unchanged at the early
significantly decreased to 0.34-, 0.40-, and 0.24-fold of that of the con- neurodevelopmental stages (24 and 48 hpf), but it significantly de-
trol larvae, respectively, and that of the larvae exposed to soil leachate creased at 72 hpf (Fig. 3C). At 1:9 and 1:1 concentrations, the expression
from GJ significantly decreased to 0.43-, 0.30-, and 0.15-fold of that of levels in the larvae exposed to QY soil leachate were reduced to 0.69-
the control larvae, respectively. Additionally, during this period, the av- and 0.63-fold of those in the control larvae, respectively, and the levels
erage swimming speed of the larvae exposed to 1:3 and 1:1 soil leachate in the larvae exposed to YQ soil leachate reduced to 0.75- and 0.65-fold
from YQ significantly decreased to 0.40- and 0.21-fold that of the control of those in the control larvae, respectively. At 1:1, the levels in the larvae
larvae. The above results showed neurobehavioral alterations in exposed to GJ soil leachate were significantly reduced to 0.55-fold of
zebrafish larvae upon exposure to soil leachate. Hence, the heavy metals those in the control larvae.
in the soil from the coal gangue stacking areas may have a risk of devel- Next, we tested whether synaptogenesis-associated genes, including
opmental neurotoxicity. synaptophysin a (sypa), synaptophysin b (sypb), and postsynaptic den-
sity protein 95 (psd95) were restricted (Fig. 4). At 24 hpf, the expression
3.3. Soil leachate affects the expression of neurodevelopment-related genes level of sypa was slightly elevated upon exposure to the YQ sample, sig-
nificantly increased to 1.38-fold of control level at 1:1 by the QY sample,
To clarify the possibility of developmental neurotoxicity caused by and significantly decreased to 0.69-fold of control level at 1:3 by the GJ
heavy metals in village soil samples, we detected the expression levels sample. At 24 hpf, the expression level of sypb significantly attenuated
of neurodevelopment-related genes in zebrafish embryos from 24 to to 0.62- and 0.59-fold of control level at 1:3 and 1:1, respectively, by
72 hpf. α1-tubulin, growth associated protein 43 (gap43), and myelin the GJ sample. The levels of psd95 significantly increased to 1.34-fold
basic protein (mbp) were selected to clarify the effect on the growth of control level at 1:1 by QY, 1.29-fold of control level at 1:3 by YQ,
of axons after village soil leachate exposure. Our results confirmed and significantly decreased to 0.53-fold of control level at 1:1 by GJ. At
that α1-tubulin levels decreased in a concentration-dependent and ex- 48 and 72 hpf, the expression levels of sypa, sypb, and psd95 decreased
posure duration-dependent manner after all sample treatments following exposure to the QY, GJ, and YQ samples. Specifically, the levels
(Fig. 3A). The levels of α1-tubulin in 24 and 48 hpf larvae exposed to of psd95 in 48 hpf larvae significantly decreased to 0.58-, 0.59-, 0.68-and
1:1 concentration from QY significantly decreased to 0.75- and 0.66- 0.65-fold, respectively, of the control level and those in 72 hpf larvae sig-
fold of those in the control larvae, respectively, and those in 24, 48, nificantly decreased to 0.60-, 0.56-, 0.57-, and 0.58-fold, respectively, of
and 72 hpf larvae exposed to 1:1 concentration from GJ significantly de- the control level by the GJ sample.
creased to 0.63-, 0.76-, and 0.62-fold of those in the control larvae, re-
spectively. Following exposure to 1:3 and 1:1 soil leachate from YQ, 3.4. Heavy metals in the soil leachate activate metallothioneins (MTs)
the expression level of α1-tubulin in 48 hpf larvae significantly de-
creased to 0.73- and 0.74-fold of that in the control larvae, respectively, MTs are metal-binding proteins that are induced by heavy metal
and its expression level in 72 hpf larvae significantly decreased to 0.70- toxicity, and alteration of MT levels could be a useful bioindicator for
and 0.71-fold of that in the control larvae, respectively. After exposure heavy metal exposure in organisms (Kim and Kang, 2017). To confirm
to soil leachates from QY, GJ, and YQ at 24 hpf, the mRNA level of the possible developmental toxicity of metals from soil, we exposed
gap43 was slightly increased in a concentration-dependent manner zebrafish embryos to the soil leachates from different gangue stacking
but not significantly (Fig. 3B). At 48 and 72 hpf, the levels of gap43 de- areas and detected the mRNA expression of mt at early developmental
creased in a concentration-dependent manner after all sample treat- stages (24 hpf). The results showed that mt levels were elevated in a
ments. Especially after exposure to soil leachate from GJ, the levels of concentration-dependent manner after all sample treatments. Specifi-
gap43 in 1:3 and 1:1 leachate samples significantly decreased to 0.57- cally, the content markedly increased to 1.37- and 1.50-fold of the

F. Yang, Y. Yun, G. Li et al. Science of the Total Environment 794 (2021) 148629

Fig. 3. The expression levels of various axon growth-associated genes at different developmental windows in the zebrafish larvae. Values are represented as the mean ± SE and expressed
as the fold change relative to the control. *p < 0.05 and **p < 0.01 versus the control group.

control level at 1:1 concentration of the QY and YQ samples and in- 4. Discussion
creased to 1.26-, 1.33-, and 1.44-fold of the control level at 1:9, 1:3,
and 1:1 concentrations of the GJ samples, respectively (Fig. 5). These Coal gangue has become a chief solid waste in China. Heavy metals
data suggest that heavy metals in the soil samples combined with MTs are the main hazardous components of coal gangue, which can be
and activated mt expression, ultimately causing neurodevelopmental discharged into the surrounding environment, causing ecological dam-
toxicity. age and exhibiting potential health risks to the local residents (Fan et al.,

Fig. 4. The expression levels of various synaptogenesis-associated genes at different developmental windows in the zebrafish larvae. Values are represented as the mean ± SE and
expressed as the fold change relative to the control. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, and ***p < 0.001 versus the control group.

F. Yang, Y. Yun, G. Li et al. Science of the Total Environment 794 (2021) 148629

neurodevelopmental toxicity of the village soil samples. The locomotor

behavior of zebrafish is generally considered an important indicator of
neural development, which can indicate the toxic effects of environ-
mental pollutants on nerve development (Drapeau et al., 2002). At
120 hpf, zebrafish larvae are almost fully developed and can move freely
and respond to changes in the surrounding environment (Brustein et al.,
2003; Saint-Amant and Drapeau, 1998). In the current study, swimming
behavior was monitored as the larval response to dark-to-light transi-
tion stimulation periods. A notable decrease in swimming speed was
observed, which is indicative of the developmental neurotoxicity of
soil leachate from the coal gangue stacking area. Our results are consis-
tent with those of previous studies in which zebrafish larvae were ex-
posed to heavy metals and accompanied by neurobehavioral changes
(Chen et al., 2012; Zhu et al., 2016).
Previous studies have shown that alterations in locomotor behavior
can be the result of changes in gene expression in the central nervous
Fig. 5. The expression levels of metallothionein (mt) in the zebrafish embryos after
system (Irons et al., 2013). Following the above results, we used
exposure to the village soil leachate. Values are represented as the mean ± SE and
expressed as the fold change relative to the control. *p < 0.05 and **p < 0.01 versus the zebrafish as the model and selected several neurodevelopment-
control group. related genes to determine the potential neurodevelopmental toxicity
induced by heavy metals in soil samples surrounding the gangue stack-
ing areas. The gene α1-tubulin encodes an intermediate filament pro-
2013). After years of weathering, the lattice structure of minerals (such tein that forms the microtubule cytoskeleton during the development
as the silicate minerals) in the coal gangue is destroyed, producing a or regeneration of dendrites and axons (Baas, 1997). α1-tubulin is exclu-
large amount of metal oxides that can easily release heavy metals sively expressed in the nervous system of early developing zebrafish
(Yang et al., 2018). In addition, metals in coal gangue are easily precip- larvae (Brosamle and Halpern, 2002). Soil leachate significantly down-
itated under weakly acidic conditions (pH = 5) (Hua et al., 2018). regulated the transcription of α1-tubulin, implicating interference with
Therefore, the distribution characteristics of heavy metals in down- cytoskeletal regulation and axonal growth and affecting brain structure
stream soils varied among the three study areas, which can be attrib- and function (Guo et al., 2018).
uted to the different accumulation times and pH values of the gangue gap-43, a nerve tissue-specific glycoprotein, guides the growth of
piles (da Silva et al., 2018) (Fig. S3). Numerous epidemiological and ex- axons for regeneration after damage (Ren et al., 2014). A previous
perimental studies have indicated that, in typical rural communities of study showed that the expression of gap-43 is a good biomarker of neu-
coal mining areas, the level of heavy metal exposure is usually higher ronal damage in the developing CNS in zebrafish (Shi et al., 2018). The
in children than in adults owing to their higher outdoor activities, upregulation of gap43 expression after soil leachate exposure at
body surface areas, respiratory rates, and gastrointestinal absorption 24 hpf might be an adaptive increase to maintain overall brain growth
of toxic elements (Jiang et al., 2017; Li et al., 2014; Rout et al., 2013). and offset the direct effects of the toxicant. However, at later
Our results confirm that both the coal gangue and the village soil from neurodevelopmental stages of zebrafish embryos (48 and 72 hpf), the
the three gangue areas with different stacking characteristics have po- downregulated gap43 level indicates that its function might disrupt
tential non-carcinogenic risks to local children. Specifically, the highest the process of neurite formation, regeneration, and plasticity in re-
non-carcinogenic risk presented by the village soil sample from GJ was sponse to the treatment.
attributed to the high content of heavy metals in the village soil. The rel- The accumulation of mbp is an essential part of the myelination of
atively high risk level of the YQ village soil sample might be attributed to axons in the CNS of developing zebrafish (Brosamle and Halpern,
the high content of heavy metals in village soil owing to the short dis- 2002). In general, both synaptogenesis and myelination occur during
tance between the village and the gangue dump. In addition, as gangue later stages of nervous system development (Fan et al., 2010). In our
waste piles (in QY and GJ) have been used for a long time before being study, mbp expression showed a concentration-dependent decrease in
abandoned, heavy metals have entered the downstream soil via later embryonic development, suggesting that exposure causes defects
weathering and leaching for many years, and the non-carcinogenic in myelination, thereby destroying the physiological functions of
risks of village soil are higher than those of coal gangue. YQ represents neurons.
a functioning coal gangue hill where the stacking time is relatively During the process of neurotransmitter release and synaptogenesis,
short, heavy metals have not penetrated the downstream soil, and the PSD-95, SYPa, and SYPb are chosen as markers of synapse formation
non-carcinogenic risks of village soil are lower than those of coal (Sarnat and Born, 1999; Zheng et al., 2012). For QY and YQ samples,
gangue. the increased psd95 and syp expression during synaptic formation dur-
Cd in the village soils from QY, GJ, and YQ pose a high non- ing early neurodevelopmental stages in zebrafish (24 hpf) might be due
carcinogenic risk to children (2.18–2.91); this may be because accumu- to the dramatic increase in presynaptic synaptic vesicles induced by vil-
lation of Cd in the soil was the highest near the gangue hills. Similar to lage soil leachate, which stimulates the presynaptic membranes, re-
our results, Tian et al. (Tian et al., 2012) indicated that emissions of Cd leases a large number of excitatory glutamate transmitters, and
in China were derived from coal burning and were highly concentrated induces excitotoxicity. With prolonged exposure time, more toxic sub-
in provinces in the northern and eastern regions, such as Shanxi, Hebei, stances penetrated the chorion and significantly inhibited the gene ex-
and Shandong. Pan et al. (Pan et al., 2016) also reported that Cd accumu- pression of psd95 and syp, which might have an effect on
lation in soil samples collected from Xiangfen County, Shanxi, was at- synaptogenesis, neurotransmitter release, and neuronal differentiation
tributed to anthropogenic sources. This may be the main reason for (Sánchez-Martín et al., 2013; Shi et al., 2018; Yuki et al., 2014). More-
the excessive Cd content in the soil environments of the three study over, at 24 hpf following exposure to low doses of GJ soil leachate,
areas in Shanxi Province. the expression levels of psd95 and syp were significantly reduced, veri-
Given that heavy metals in village soil samples around the coal fying that synapse formation was disrupted during the early
gangue stacking area have a high health risk for children, developmen- neurodevelopmental stages. These data indicate that the neurotoxicity
tal neurotoxicity is considered to be an important indicator of health of GJ village soil leachate might be greater than that of the soil leachates
risk in children (Tsuji et al., 2015). Therefore, we investigated the from QY and YQ. The thiol groups (-SH) of MT cysteine residues have a

F. Yang, Y. Yun, G. Li et al. Science of the Total Environment 794 (2021) 148629

high affinity for bonding to particular heavy metals; MT can combine Amiard, J.C., Amiard-Triquet, C., Barka, S., Pellerin, J., Rainbow, P.S., 2006. Metallothioneins
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Declaration of competing interest
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Huang, J., Wu, J., Li, T., Song, X., Zhang, B., Zhang, P., et al., 2011. Effect of exposure to trace
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Acknowledgements Irons, T.D., Kelly, P.E., Hunter, D.L., Macphail, R.C., Padilla, S., 2013. Acute administration of
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Pharmacol. Biochem. Behav. 103, 792–813.
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blood and associated factors in rural areas in Shanxi Province, China. Environ. Int.
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