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Pizza, the World’s Food

Today’s Spotlight is on a food people
eat all around the world. It is pizza!
Very simply, pizza is a food made by
……………. meat and vegetables,
called …………., on top of bread. But
pizza is not the same everywhere. All
around the world, people enjoy
different toppings on their pizzas.
In Brazil, green …………… are
popular on pizza.
In Japan, food from the sea, like
…………. and …………… are
In Italy, the bread, or ………….., of
the pizza may be the most important
part. It can be more important than
anything that goes on it!
But in the ……………… toppings are
very important! A popular pizza in the
Netherlands is called the “Double
Dutch.” It has two ………….. the
cheese, two times the onions, and two
times the ………….! It has two times
the toppings!
As you can see, there are many
different ……………. to eat pizza.
And each way is correct! The simple
design of pizza is the
…………………. all over the world.
But everyone likes something different
on top of it. It is ………….. for
different …………… to have their own
kinds of food. A food that is popular in
one culture will not always be popular
in ……………. culture. But pizza
seems to ……………. all these
…………... Pizza is popular in almost
every part of the world! So, why is
pizza so popular? Where did it even
come from?
No one really knows ........................ the
idea for modern pizza started. But
………………………. do agree that
the design, or …………….., for
modern pizza was ………………….
put together using different ideas from
different cultures. A few cultures
already had a simple common recipe
for pizza almost 2000 years ago!
Even before that, ………………
cultures had something similar to
pizza. Babylonians, Israelites, and
Egyptians liked to eat ……………,
cooked bread. They would add
…………………………and good
tasting ………………. to the bread.
Then they cooked this flat, spiced
bread in hot …………………. made of
earth or on top of hot, flat
…………….. It was a small food that
people ate between meals. Or they
added it to a meal.
Another version of this flat round bread
was also popular in Greece. The
Greeks called it “plakountos.” They put
vegetables and meat on top of the flat
But many experts believe that the
…………………. of pizza that people
know best today started in the city of
Naples, in Italy. It was a street food.
Poor people there spent a lot of time
outside of their very small homes. They
could buy this food and eat it easily as
they …………………. outside.
One more thing added to the
…………………. of the modern pizza.
They put tomatoes on their pizza street
food. Today, this soft, red fruit is the
most popular fruit in the world. But
back in the …………………., people
thought it was ………………….. But
that did not stop them from eating it!
Finally, the …………………. of pizza
began to grow.  Shops opened where
people could buy pizza. In
…………………. ,the first pizzeria
opened in Naples, Italy. This restaurant
only sold pizza. But the pizza of that
time still looked a little different from
the modern pizza we know today.
However, in 1889, Don Raffaele
Esposito created the first
…………………. pizza. Katy Blake
tells the story.

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