Artur's Kisi Kisi

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Telling days in a week

Indonesia In English Dibaca

Senin Monday Mondei
Selasa Tuesday Cusdei
Rabu Wednesday Wetnesdei
Kamis Thursday Tersdei
Jumat Friday Fraidei
Sabtu Saturday Saterdei
Minggu Sunday Sandei

Telling Family
Indonesia In English Dibaca
Bapa Father Fader
Mama Mother Mader
Kaka Perempuan Sister Sister
Kaka laki-laki Brother Brader
Kakek Grandfather Grandfader
Nenek Grandmother Grandmader
Orangtua Parents Perents
Anak-anak Children Cildren
Paman Uncle Ankel
Bibi Aunt Ant
Anak Laki-laki Son San
Anak Perempuan Daugther Douter
Asking Permission : Minta Izin

Indonesia In English
Minta Izin ke Toilet Excuse me theacer, may I go to the toilet please
Minta Izin minum air Excuse me theacer, may I drink the water please
Minta Izin Buka Botol Excuse me theacer, can you help me to open my bottle

Doa dalam Bahasa inggris

Tanda Salib :
In the name of the father and of the sun and of the holy spirit. Amen

Salam Maria :
Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee; blessed art thou amongst women,

and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for

us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen

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