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Prologue September 28, 2025 You must protect the book son, no matter what happens, no matter what

you see or hear, stay hidden and protect the book. But daddy . . . Just do as I ask son, do you understand me? Yes daddy . . . Good, and remember, I love you son. I love you too daddy. The boy wanted to tell his dad how afraid he was, but something told him to keep it inside, to be brave, and to do as his father asked. He had been asleep in his bed when his father had roused him, told him to get dressed, and then dragged him up on deck where cold rain blown by the howling wind stung his cheeks. His father had tucked him into this pile of rigging and told him to stay hidden no matter what. The boy didnt know how long he had been hiding, but he had been wet through to the skin for so long that all he felt now was a warm stinging sensation where his wet clothes rubbed against it. He knew that somewhere ahead of the ship lay land and the snow capped peaks that were a part of the Alaska Range. If only they could stay ahead of the soldiers who pursued them and make it to Drift River, an old filling station at the end of a now debunk oil pipeline. Someone would meet them there to guide them through a mountain pass where they would join other fugitives like themselves. He tried to keep hold of the book his father had entrusted to him but his fingers wouldnt cooperate. Tony tucked the book under his coat and pulled his hands into his sleeves. They were still cold and wet, but at least the wind wasnt blowing against them anymore. Suddenly the ship seemed to lurch sideways in the water, voices began to yell, and popping sounds filled the air. Theyve found us. A voice cried out. After that all the boy could hear was a chaos of sound. Tony squeezed his eyes shut in a failed attempt to stop his tears. God, he whispered Please help us The boy sat shivering in his hiding place for an eternity, occasionally he heard voices call out, but eventually everything grew quiet. Surely his dad would come for him soon. He looked up to see the silhouette of a man coming out of the smoke.

Daddy? You come out of there right now boy! The boy jumped up and with a feeble cry tried to run, but his feet tangled in the rigging and he fell and began to slide toward the railing of the severely listing ship. He reached out to grab one of the ropes, but as he did so, the book he had tucked into his coat flew out and landed on the deck. What is that!? One of your books of lies and hatred! Desperate to recover what his father had entrusted him with, the boy let go of the rope and grabbed hold of the book at the same moment as the sneering stranger. Now they were both sliding toward the railing. The boy slid off the edge, and for a fraction of a moment, he hung in midair, holding tight to the book. Then the binding gave way and he fell, his half of the book still gripped in his hands. Another man appeared at the railing. Captain, we gotta get off this ship before it sinks! Yeah, Im coming. Lets get the live prisoners back to base and into a cell where they belong. What about the boy? Forget him; hell never survive that cold water. Just one less crack pot to grow up and cause us trouble if you ask me Yes sir. And throw this trash into the fire. The Captain threw his half of the book at the soldier. Yes sir

Chapter 1 The Legend of the Bearer September 28, 2085 Angelica was in big trouble, she raced through the woods, expertly jumping over roots and fallen trees. The sky was beginning to turn a purplish gray, it would be dark soon. She had to make it in time. She could see the orange glow of the sacred fire periodically through the trees. Almost there, she pushed herself to run faster. She heard voices start to sing just as she cleared the tree line and raced up and tried to blend into the crowd. Her heavy breathing and pounding heart

seemed to betray her as several people turned to stare at her, some shook their heads sadly, others shot her icy looks, but they all parted, forcing her to move toward the front. All hope of arriving unnoticed disintegrated. Daughter, you are late, again. Sorry Father. We will talk later. He reached up and pulled a leaf from her hair, flicking it away as he returned to his spot on the Great Chair in front of the Sacred Fire. Everybody quieted as her father stood, regal looking it his priestly garments, bells tinkling among the tassels of his blue robe as he moved. In his hands he held a package wrapped carefully in seal skin. He held it up so all could see it. The Legend of the Bearer of the Book. He announced, carefully setting the book in its place upon a stand that stood to the left of the great chair. Many generations ago our ancestors could worship as they pleased. Their right to do so protected by law. The Fathers of a great country had guaranteed this right when they formed a new nation called the United States of America. They were men of The Book, and they believed in the importance of The Book, and the code it contained. That great countrys first President, George Washington, said It is impossible to govern the world without God and the Book and Patrick Henry, one of the founding fathers said The Book ... is a book worth more than all the other books that were ever printed. These were great men, the fathers of that country, and we honor them with our silence. Placing his hand upon one of the stones on his breastplate, the High Priest paused and bowed his head for a moment. Then he began again, his hands moving animatedly as he spoke. Over the generations things began to change. First the government said it was unlawful to use The Book as a textbook in school, and then to pray in school. Eventually it became politically incorrect to be a follower of The Book, but our ancestors were sleeping, unaware, they did not realize what was coming. Eventually the hatred toward those that followed The Book influenced those in the government who made laws. The Book was outlawed. Soldiers went throughout the land, searching for and burning any copies of The Book they could find, and throwing those who refused to stop following the code into prison. One man however had hidden a copy of the book, and with his young son fled the city where he lived to come here, beyond the mountains. To bring the book to those who still longed to follow its code in a place where the government could not reach them. Soldiers pursued the man and his son, and as they were crossing the Cook Inlet and almost to the place where they would rendezvous with those who would lead them across the mountains, the soldiers caught up with them. The man entrusted The Book to his son, telling him to guard it with his very life. This man fought to his death to protect

The Book from being found, and when the battle ended, the soldiers found the boy. The bearer knew that he must protect The Book with his life and so he threw himself over the railing and into the icy waters of Cook Inlet, The Book clutched in his hands. Angelica had heard the story many times, yet it still moved her. Her throat tightened as she thought about the sacrifice that the bearer had made to bring them The Book. Such great love from one so small. Her mind wandered as her father finished the story, telling how those waiting had seen what happened from their hiding place on shore, jumping into their kayaks to reach the Bearer in time. When they pulled him from the water, already half dead from the cold, he had struggled to tell them what happened between chattering teeth, but lost the battle against the cold before even reaching shore. The men had taken the Book from the Bearers frozen hands and brought it across the mountains to our people. Now generations later, we lived and died by the code it contained; living as fugitives from a government who hated us and wished us all dead. Angelicas father finished his story and then sat solemnly in the Great Chair. Music started up again and the people began singing, joyously celebrating the presence of the Book. Angelica tried to share in their joy, but she kept thinking about how angry her father had been; and his promise that they would talk later. She couldnt keep from worrying about what punishment her father had in mind for her this time. Chapter 2 Exile Angelica trudged halfheartedly home, dragging her moccasins in the dirt of the trail, and looking down the whole way. Anxiety built as she got closer to home, her mouth grew dry, and her palms started to itch. She inched around back of the neighbors cottage, trying to get an idea of what was happening in her own little cottage that she shared with her dad, and his widowed mother, Katarina, her nana. The windows of the kitchen and front rooms were glowing a soft orange from the fireplace light but other than that, there was no sign of anyone being home. Slipping silently into her own backyard she climbed into the doghouse and curled up into a ball in one corner, digging her toes under the hay. Almost immediately, a shadow filled the doorway of the little doghouse and Angelica jumped. Oh, Chugiak, you scared me! she exclaimed, reaching out the rub the Malamutes muzzle. His eyes danced happily inside a black mask against white fur. He wagged his curled tail excitedly and tried his best to squeeze his huge bulk inside the doghouse with her. Angelica laughed as her furry companion tried his best to get as much of himself onto her lap as possible. The young pup seemed to have no idea how big he already was at nine months old. Angelica remembered the day she had picked Chugiak out from the little of tiny malamutes. Half wolf, half-husky, they all held the promise of growing to be powerful and strong work dogs, but Angelica had not cared about that. She craved a companion and had fallen immediately in love with this determined pup who stepped on the heads of his brothers and sisters in his attempt to reach where Angelica was leaning over the box they were in. His brown eyes twinkling out of

the Raccoon like mask that surrounded them promised mischievousness, but also adoration and loyalty. Im sure glad youre not mad at me for leaving you behind, I knew you knew the way home; and I was late. Youre so lucky to get to come and go as you please, nobody cares if you want to run through the forest, or when, or for how long. A soft sigh escaped Angelicas throat and she buried her face into the warmth of the animals neck. Can I live out here with you? Her time in peace was cut short however as she heard the unmistakable baritone of her fathers voice calling her name. Got to go boy, say a prayer for me, this is going to be bad. Angelica climbed out of the doghouse to find her father standing outside it. Yes father. Go inside and wait for me, we have your punishment to discuss. Yes father. Chugiak come! Her father ordered the dog out of the doghouse and to his side, then reached down and attached him to the chain staked into the ground beside it. Bile rose into Angelicas throat. Chugiak always went crazy when he heard her cry out, that must be the reason her dad was chaining him. Please God, she prayed silently Mercy, just a little mercy No mercy was to be given however. Angelica tried her best to stay silent as her fathers rod repeatedly struck the backs of her thighs. After a few times she could no longer hold it in and she cried out with pain and humiliation, almost immediately hearing the unmistakably barking of Chugiak chained in the back yard, and as the minutes passed Angelicas cries of pain turned to sobbing and Chugiaks barking became a mournful howl in the night.

The next few days Angelica stayed in her room, lying on her stomach with the backs of her thighs exposed to the air. Nana would come in several times a day and clean the open welts, which caused Angelica to cry out. Chugiak, who Nana had let into her room while her father was away, would whine mournfully along with her, as if he too could feel the stinging. You must try harder to honor your Fathers wishes. Nana pleaded one day as she applied the swabs of disinfectant to Angelicas wounds.

No good can come of it if you continue to displease him this way. I dont mean to Nana, really I dont, the forest was just so alive and there was a bald eagle on a fallen log just a few feet from me. I couldnt make myself move, it was so beautiful and majestic, and I just know if Id had more time to get closer he would have let me touch him. Young girls of 14 must outgrow such foolishness Angelica. It is time for you to learn the duties of caring for a home and hearth. Your father will be arranging a marriage for you soon enough and its best to be prepared. How can you expect your father to get a young man to agree to take you as a bride if your hair is tangled with leaves and you smell of the forest and dog? I dont care about getting married Nana; I just want to run through the forest, in the middle of Gods creation. The trees and the mountains and the bears, they do not care how I look and smell. They are never disappointed in me. I just belong, me, just how I am. Angelica propped her chin on her hand and gazed out her window at the snowy peaks. I wish I were a wolf, a bear, or an Eagle! Nana, I want to be an Eagle and soar high above the world. Please, you must stop these foolish imaginings, you are much too like your mother, no good can come of it child, take my word! How am I too much like my mother Nana? Why do you say it like its a bad thing? I remember my mom, she was kind and good, and she loved me no matter what! Thats a conversation for another time child; another time. The old woman sighed and began to put away the medical supplies. No Nana, tell me now. Please. I am 14 now, not a little girl anymore. Do not think I dont hear all the whispers too much like her mother they all say, well I want to know, how am I too much like my mother, what does that mean? Why is that bad, what was wrong with my mom? The old woman sighed and sat resignedly down on the chair beside the bed. She folded and refolded the damp white cloth in her hands, trying to decide what to say. Youre right; youre not a little girl anymore. My better judgment tells me to keep this all to myself, but if it will help you see why you must obey your father, well then it will serve the higher good. Did my father get angry at my mom a lot too? Like he does with me; is that why she ran away? Did he strike her with the rod too? Youre mother did not run away child, she was sent away. Your father had to send her into exile. Exile! angelica gasped Why Nana, why would he do that?!

Your mother liked to be in the forest too, just like you do. That is probably where you got it from. She often took you with her. All I can figure is she must have met somebody out there in the forest. One of the exiles from generations passed, or their descendents. A memory rose into Angelicas mind at her Nanas words. The last memory she had of her mother. She had come into Angelicas room to tuck her into bed. I love you sweet Angelica, dont ever let anybody ever tell you any different. I wont mama, I love you too! I know you do, and someday . . . Her mothers words trailed off as she smoothed Angelicas unruly curls back from her face. Someday what Mama? asked Angelica Someday you will meet a handsome boy, and he will steal your heart away, and you will forget all about me. Her mother laughed, tickling Angelica under her arms. Never mommy, gasped Angelica between her giggles Ill never love any icky boy better than you, not ever. I wouldnt either, smiled her mom theres only one person I would ever love more than you, and once you know him youll feel exactly as I do I promise. Who mommy, who do you love more than me; Daddy? No not daddy, his name is Jesus, whispered her mom Jesus? Can I meet Jesus Mommy? Who is he? Its late little Angel, you go to sleep. I will tell you all about him tomorrow. Maybe youll even get to meet him. Ok mommy. Angelica yawned, Love you I love you too sweetie, always and forever. Then her moms soft lips gently touched Angelicas forehead as she drifted into sleep. Was this Jesus the person her mom had met in the forest? She didnt have the chance to ask as her Nana continued her story. She began to question your father about things in The Book. She had always asked many questions, wanting to learn about what the book said, and youre father was more than happy to share it with her. It changed though at some point, eventually she began to question whether the Book was all there was, whether the Code was as important as they had believed it

was. Youre father was young and easily angered. There were many times she said things about the Book she should not have, bordering on heresy, and your father struck her. I begged her to let it go, leave it be, just be the obedient wife God asked her to be, but she wouldnt listen to me. Angelica wondered at how much worse her father must have been if he was more easily angered then than now, but she kept her thoughts to herself. One night, after your mother had put you to bed, she headed out to the sacred fire to confront your father. This time it was in front of the entire council. She was talking crazy; saying things about God having a Son; and this son saving us from the judgment of the Code. Your fathered ordered her to be quiet but she ignored him and just kept going on about this supposed son of God dying on a tree and coming alive again after three days. She called him Jesus. Youre father had no choice, she had disrespected him in front of the counsel, questioned the Book and spoke heresy right there in front of them all. The counsel wanted to stone her on the spot. Your father however had compassion for your mother; and instead of allowing the counsel to stone her he sent her into exile. She had to leave that night, saying good-bye to nobody. Rumors ran rampant that your mother ran away; and your father never bothered to correct them. He never spoke of her again. How could he Nana? How could he send my mama away like that? How could he make me think that she had run away and left me? And why is he so angry all the time? I dont have any answers for you child. We simply must accept things as they are and try our best to follow the code. Now, I have things to do. You need to work on your lessons. Yes Nana. Angelica found it impossible to work on her lessons though because her Nanas words kept swirling around in her head. The more she thought about it all the more questions she had. She didnt understand any of it. Its not fair God. She whispered How could he send my mom away like that? Is Jesus really your son? Is my mom out there with him somewhere now? How I wish you could answer me. Tears of sadness and frustration rolled down Angelicas cheeks. She pushed aside her books and lay her head on her arms and cried herself to sleep. Angelica spent the following week in a fog. At mealtime she moved her food around on her plate, even her favorite dishes couldnt whet her appetite. When she was supposed to be working on her lessons her mind wouldnt quit thinking about her mother and where she might be, if she was ok, who she with was. She daydreamed about running away and finding her. By the end of the week she was healed enough to go back to school. She sat in the one room schoolhouse with the other children, barely noticing they were there. The teachers voice droned in her head like a hive of bees. Nothing could penetrate the fog, nothing but her mom; it was the

only thing she thought about. Nothing else mattered to her anymore. When she was not thinking about running away and finding her, she was lost in her memories, all the happy moments, bedtime stories, hugs, singing songs together, their adventures in the woods. People shook their heads when she wandered by, barely watching where she was going, noticing nobody, and not hearing when people called out to her. Just like her mother. They would whisper to each other sadly, and then turn back to their own lives with little thought or knowledge of the turmoil in Angelicas mind and heart that kept her up at night, and turned her stomach sour at the thought of facing each new morning.

I am worried about Angelica. Katarina whispered to her father, Antonio, one evening after Angelica had gone off to bed. She doesnt eat hardly anything anymore, and all she does is mope around. She hasnt even played with Chugiak for weeks now. Young ladies shouldnt be running around with smelly old hounds anyway. Antonio replied. She is just pouting over getting punished. She must grow up and stop being such a child. Katarina laid her hand gently on top of his. Dont be so hard my son. She IS still a child after all; a child who needs the love of her father. What she needs is to learn obedience and discipline! He snapped And I would appreciate you not telling me how to run my home old woman! With that, he stood up and walked briskly to his room, shutting the door firmly behind him.

Once alone inside his room Anthony sank onto his bed and put his arm across his eyes. The pounding of another migraine pulsed behind them. These women will be the death of me. He mumbled to himself. His mind wandered to how his daughter had looked that night at the dinner table. Head down, eyes glazed over, uninterested in her food. He was at a loss as to what to do about her. To make matters worse the older she got the more she looked like her mother. Why did she have to be so much like Christina, it only made the emptiness hed felt since her exile worse. Some days it seemed to be more than he could bear. To distract himself from the ache he began to recite aloud the words of the book; And Moses and the priests, the Levites, spoke to all Israel, saying, Keep silence, and hear, O
Israel: Today you have become the people of Jehovah your God.

Therefore you shall obey the voice of Jehovah your God and do His commandments and His statutes which I command you today. And Moses charged the people the same day, saying, These shall stand on Mount Gerizim to bless the people when you have crossed over the Jordan: Simeon, and Levi, and Judah, and Issachar, and Joseph, and Benjamin. And these shall stand on Mount Ebal to curse: Reuben, Gad, and Asher, and Zebulun, Dan, and Naphtali. And the Levites shall answer, and shall say to all the men of Israel with a loud voice: Cursed is the man who makes a carved and molten image, an abomination to Jehovah, the work of a craftsman's hands, and who sets it up in a secret place! And all the people shall answer and say, Amen! Cursed is he who dishonors his father or his mother! And all the people shall say, Amen! Cursed is he who removes his neighbor's landmark! And all the people shall say, Amen! Cursed is he who makes the blind to wander out of the way! And all the people shall say, Amen! Cursed is he who perverts the judgment of the alien, the fatherless, and widow! And all the people shall say, Amen . . . After a restless night filled with dreams of Christina, Anthony left the house before first light and made his way toward the tabernacle. As he trotted through the icy morning the cold north wind blew the fog of his breath out behind him like smoke from the stacks of steam boats that could sometimes be seen in the Cook Inlet on the other side of the mountains. He quickly reached the High Priest tent that stood just southwest of the Tabernacle entrance and knelt to build a fire in the hearth. He built up three small logs into a tee pee and then filled the center with a handful of small dry twigs, and some tinder fungus. Pulling out his flint it wasnt long before he had a small fire going and the tent began to warm up. Anthony pulled off his parka and hung a small pot filled with water from the trammel and crane over the fire. On a wooden side table to the left of the hearth Anthony found his can of tea leaves and filled his infuser with the Labrador leaves given to him by his Athabascan friend Nicolai. Savoring the aroma of tannin and earthy bog Anthony sat in his straight back chair made of young birch logs and stared into the flickering fire. Memories of Christina floated through his mind. Her laughing brown eyes, her long dark brown hair with its auburn highlights. The way her laugh that had always made him feel warm and loved. The way the look in her eyes had faded from excitement to hurt that fateful night he had last seen her. A solitary tear rolled slowly down his weather worn cheek.

Anthony didnt see Donavon slip into his tent. The light from the fire accented eyes the color and temperature of ice. The lack of any pigment in his skin or hair made him almost glow in the firelight. Donavon watched Anthony silently through narrowed eyes. This man is weak Donavon thought to himself. The high priest should be strong and immovable. A slow smile spread across his pasty features. All the better to control you with my dear. He thought, putting his own twist on the line from the old but eternally popular fairy tale. Softening his features, Donavon approached Anthony and placed a hand on his shoulder. What troubles you Rabbi? Donavon asked with a gentle voice. Old memories my friend replied Anthony Old regrets.

Regrets Rabbi; surely you must not have many of them; after all, you are a great man of God? Even great men of God can have regrets Donavon. It seems the more one is given the greater one must suffer for it. Anthony sighed and sipped his tea thoughtfully. What regrets do you speak of Rabbi? Donavon tried to hide the suspicion in his voice as alarm bells rang loudly in his head. Perhaps . . . Anthony, being in deep in thought, did not finish his sentence. Perhaps? Donavon coaxed nervously. Perhaps it is time, to go find Christina, and bring her back. It has been ten years now; and my daughter seems to have need of her mother. Startled, Donavon quickly hid the alarm on his face, and grabbed the high priest by the shoulders as gently as his self-control would allow. Rabbi, I dont think that is a good idea. Have you forgotten how she disrespected and defied you in front of the entire council? Have you forgotten the heresy she tried to convince us all to commit? Surely, she has joined up with the other heretics and is now even more steeped in their ideas than ever before. Surely, she would return here only to spread those ideas among the people here, turning them one by one from the code. What about your own daughter? Oh Rabbi, forbid it that her mind be turned to the ideas of her mother and you lose her as well! How will it look if you do this thing? It will make you seem weak! Who would respect you if you give in now? I am worried Rabbi, about what this could mean for the future of The Book, the future of the Code, and most of all, your future as High Priest. As Donavon spoke, Anthony allowed the words to strengthen his pride and harden his heart. By the time Donavon finished speaking, Anthonys heart had forgotten its loneliness and ache for his wife, and he stood suddenly and grabbed his Parka off the coat stand by the door. You are right of course Donavon. I must spend more time in prayer and selfdeprecation; I must deny myself in order to root out this weakness. I will fast for 3 days from meat and milk. Come, it is time for the morning sacrifices. Donavon breathed a sigh of relief at the narrowly averted crisis and followed the High Priest to the tabernacle.

Chapter 3. Plans

Angelica stood at the kitchen sink drying dishes and staring out the window at the mountains in the distance, lost in her fantasies. An Exciting day today! Nana placed another dish in the rinse water. Youre 18th birthday. Such a big day! You must be anxious to find out what wonderful things you will be getting as gifts. Mmmm hmmm Angelica was not really hearing what her Nana had said, only sensed a response was needed. Angelica! What! Angelica shouted, startled out of her reverie. You have not heard a word I have been saying to you. You are an adult now; you must stop your childish daydreaming. And do not shout at me again! Nana plopped the plate in her hand too forcefully into the rinse water sending a plume of it up and all over the front of Angelicas shirt. oh Angelica exclaimed, and rushed to her room to change so her Nana would not see the tears threatening to spill down her cheeks. Leaving her Nana to finish the breakfast dishes alone, Angelica sat on her bed and pulled a book out from under her pillow. Bowing down close to the page and writing feverishly, she added the latest part of her elaborate escape plan to the pages of her journal.

Angelica . . . Her nana called a little later from the kitchen. Yes Nana, coming! Angelica called, hiding her journal back under her pillow, quickly pulling on a dry shirt and hurrying out to see what she wanted. Since you left me to finish the dishes alone, you can go to the trading post and get these items I need for your party tonight, Nana said, holding out a list written on the familiar homemade paper they made from tree bark every fall. Of course Nana, I would be happy to Angelica took the list from her Nana and went to get her beaver trimmed beaded moccasins and cape made of the tanned skin of a mountain goat. Closing the door carefully so the brisk south wind would not blow it open she headed north through the camp toward the trading post. Though it was late spring on the Alaskan Tundra the air was nippy and soon turned Angelicas cheeks and nose a rosy red. It would soon be time to break winter camp and leave their cozy cabins just inside the tree line at the base of the mountains of the Alaska Range. They would head west toward the Kuskokwim River for a summer of fishing and living in tents. The journey to the river was an annual time of celebration. It was a time of freedom unlike any other time of the year for Angelica. The men and women

would travel separately from each other in large groups, sleeping in communal tents at night, the women following a trail blazed by groups of their men in the daytime. This was when Angelica had decided would be the perfect time to slip away unnoticed. If things worked out like she hoped nobody would realize she was gone until the journey was over and they had reached the river and set up the more permanent camp, each family returning to their own tent. Where are you headed all by yourself on this beautiful spring day? Angelica looked up to find Adrian standing in front of her and inwardly cringed. All the girls admired him for his almost feminine good looks, his shiny dark hair hung over his forehead almost to his eyes and never seemed to fall out of place. A set of puppy dog brown eyes and full red lips served to make him one of the most popular young men in the whole camp. Angelica however, was not interested or impressed with his charming ways. Of all the bad Birthday luck, she thought as she sidestepped him and kept on going. Personal business. She called out vaguely behind her as she continued on her way. Well, perhaps I could escort you. You may need help with your personal business Adrian said with a wink and a smile. Thats ok. I wont need any help. Angelica called and picked up her pace toward the trading post, hoping that he would not follow. Unfortunately, she soon heard his footsteps behind her as he trotted to catch up. Well Im headed this way anyway so Ill just keep you company on your way. Great, just what I need. Groaned Angelica silently. Whatever. She mumbled. You know Angelica; you should try to be nicer to me. Rumor has it our fathers have made a marriage contract, and they were heard toasting their good fortune and newly formed family ties. I certainly cant have my bride being cold and standoffish to me on my wedding night, so perhaps you should start practicing treating me with affection now, that way when the time come . . . He left the sentence hanging in the air between them and Angelicas rosy cheeks heated to a deeper shade at the innuendo. I promise you will never have to worry about my affection for you, or lack of it, on your wedding night. Angelica smiled and thought to herself. Because it will not be me who will be your bride, I will be long gone by the time that ever happens. Angelica suffered Adrians presence for the rest of the walk to the trading post, and he continued to follow her through the small building as she gathered the things on her Nanas list. He insisted on carrying the bundles home for her, and since she had no choice but to put up with him, she figured she might as well give herself the luxury of not having to carry anything. Adrian

continued to make remarks regarding their future married life and its possibilities. Angelica refused to respond and instead filled her mind with plans for her escape, and the beginning of her search for her mother and the man Jesus. Adrian carried the bundles into the cabin and greeted Nana warmly, kissing her on each cheek. Thank you for your help Adrian. Angelica held the door open, hoping hed take the hint and leave quickly. Anything for my future bride. He whispered as he passed by her and out onto the porch. See you tonight! He called from the bottom step, and before angelica could reply, he had bounded down the trail and disappeared. What did he mean by that? angelica sputtered as she turned to where her grandma stood opening her bundles. Your father has invited Adrian and his parents to your birthday party. Nana informed her. Oh great; Just great. Huffed Angelica Young lady, you need to grow up and lose this childish attitude. Your father has your future in mind. You ought to be grateful. Now come and help me put these things away. Yes, Nana. Angelica complied with her Grandmas wishes, but inside she secretly longed for the day when she would be free from this place, out from under her fathers thumb, and even free from the code. Guilt rose inside her as she relished the thought of freedom from the code; but it wasnt enough to keep her from wanting that freedom, so she pushed it back into the recesses of her mind...

The party was just as bad as Angelica imagined it would be. Even with a spray of her favorite tundra flowers nestled among evergreen leaves decorating the mantle above the hearth the room seemed uninviting and cold. She could smell the Caribou Sausage sizzling from the hearth stone and it made her stomach rumble, but when the hunger pangs mixed with the sourness of her anxiety it only served to make her feel sick to her stomach. Angelica put on a happy face for the sake of her guests. Her father seemed to be watching her more closely than usual. When Adrian and his family arrived Anthony met them at the door with enthusiasm, grabbing Nicolais hand and enveloping him in a hug like they were long lost brothers. The two men sat together of to one side near the hearth, laughing and toasting each other with their mugs of hot Russian Tea.

Young men and women she had sat in the same one room schoolhouse with all her life greeted Angelica and handed her gifts wrapped in homemade paper died various shades of pink. None of them would have dreamed of not attending a party at the High Priests house, but none of these kids had ever been considered Angelicas friends. Some of them had made attempts at friendship but Angelica had always been able to see through their act and knew it was only because she was the High Priests daughter that they made the effort. Therefore, over the years she had slowly withdrawn from them. She couldnt understand their giggling whispers about the boys from the good families, and the malicious gossip about other girls that they felt were beneath them. Those other Girls were not invited to the party by her father; because of who their families were. Angelica felt she had more in common with those outcast girls than she did to any of these girls from the upper crust, but the few times she had made a friend of one of them her father had disapproved so strongly that it just hadnt seemed worth effort to maintain the friendships. The time dragged on forever and soon people began to get restless to leave. Angelica would be glad to see them all go so she could retreat into the solitude of her room, write in her journal, and dream about her plans. Adrian moved to her side and grabbed her hand, tucking it into his elbow. Smile Angel, and brace yourself, here it comes. Before Angelica could ask him what he meant by that, both of their fathers rose from their seats and began clinking their spoons on the side of their mugs. Excuse me everyone, if we could have your attention, boomed Adrians Father. We have some very special news for everyone tonight . . . Rabbi . . . Adrians father turned and bowed to the Rabbi who stepped forward to speak. Angelica felt her knees go watery and there seemed to be a rushing sound in her ears. She groaned aloud without meaning to. Adrian put an arm around her waist and gripped her hand in his, keeping her on her feet seemingly only through the power of his determination. Hang on; itll all be over in just a minute. He whispered. I would like to announce to you all the betrothal of my daughter Angelica to the Son of? Adrian. They will be married two months from now in August beside the Kuskokwim River. I am very proud to count Adrian and his family as one of our own and welcome them into our family And we welcome you to our family as well Rabbi, it is our honor to do so. The guests all applauded and called out their congratulations. Angelica was too wrapped up in her despair at the announcement to notice the jealous looks or shaking heads of the other girls when they found out the camps most eligible son had just been promised to the High Priests daughter, a girl who did not even seem to want him. Its so unfair. They whispered to each other as they gathered their things to leave. Adrian escorted Angelica out the side door off the kitchen and into the yard.

Are you ok Angelica? I dont want to get married! I am not ready for that! I barely even know you! Angelica stammered. I can see that. Replied Adrian soberly. Im sorry. Angelica said as the cool air calmed her and cleared her head. I dont know why I reacted like that. I knew what was coming; I dont know why I wasnt more prepared for it. I guess I panicked, please forgive me. Dont worry about it. I understand. You know Im not all that eager to be tied down for the rest of my life and plagued with a family myself. I just do not see that either one of us have any choice in the matter. We may as well make the best of it, dont you think. Adrian pulled Angelica toward him in the moonlight and lowered his mouth toward hers until their lips very softly touched. Angelica gasped and jumped out of his embrace. Then lifting her deerskin skirt in her hands she turned and rushed back into the house. fleeing to the sanctuary of her room. Adrian stood out in the yard for some time after Angelica had fled back inside. He had not been all that thrilled when his father had informed him of the marriage he had arranged. Adrian understood that having their family united to the family of the high priest was a big deal. Since the high priest had no sons, Adrians own potential son would someday be the High Priest. It was a very big deal indeed. Adrian however had no desire to be stuck in a loveless marriage; he enjoyed the presence and charms of the softer sex far too much. He preferred their passion to match his, and did not relish the thought of having to force his affections on an unwilling wife. Angelica was beautiful after all, and he had always been able to charm the most beautiful girls. Judging from the reaction hed just witnessed, two months would be more than enough time to win this quiet girls heart. He would simply have to tread softly and take things slower than usual. Pleased with himself Adrian headed home, whistling softly, and with a spring in his step. Angelica lay in bed for a long time that night thinking about what had happened. She could not understand why her dad would make arrangements for her to marry and then announce it to everyone without ever talking to her about it. She was smart enough to have figured out that their two fathers were making plans and talking about it, but to actually make an agreement without her having any say or even being informed. This was just one more reason why Angelica couldnt wait to get away from this place and out from under the infernal code. Her mind wandered to the moments in the moonlight with Adrian. He had seemed genuinely concerned. Looking back at his actions Angelica realized he knew exactly what was going to happen and he also knew she had no idea. He had held her up when she couldnt stand and had whisked her away and into the privacy of the back yard. His voice had been kind, and up until the moment when his lips touched hers she hadnt questioned his motives at all.

Heat flooded Angelicas face at the memory, and it seemed she could still feel the warm brush of his lips on hers. The tightening in her chest and fluttering of her stomach worried Angelica. She was not one of those silly giggling girls, she was different, she wasnt a fool easily swayed by a man turning on the charm, or a handsome face. It was a good thing she would be leaving soon, a very good thing. Angelica forced her thoughts to future possibilities and dreams of finding her mother and eventually fell asleep.

Chapter 4: Deception Donavon paced back and forth in the courtyard of the tabernacle, deeply disturbed by the events of the following evening. The marriage of Angelica and Adrian was a major obstacle in his plans for becoming high priest. If something were to happen to the high priest Donavon would be the obvious choice to replace him, especially since the Rabbi had no male heirs. This marriage was a problem; the council might decide that Adrian could replace Anthony. He had been raised to be a priest in the temple, taught all the tenets of the code and all of the ceremonial rites and sacrifices. He was young, but the council might be more inclined to choose family, even an in law, over Donavon, even though he clearly had age, wisdom, and experience on his side. However, if something were to happen to both the High Priest and Adrian. Donavon smiled, and who better to marry the grieving widow and daughter than her fathers closest confidant, then the heir would be his son as well. Donavon stopped his pacing and strode over to the entrance of the Holy Place; he ducked inside and moved to the spot in the veil that allowed entrance to the Most Holy Place. Boldly pulling the flap aside; he stood before the Ark fashioned exactly to the specifications in the book. The Cherubim glowed in the soft light and Donavon traced the lines on the right ones wing with his finger. I have entered and still live. Donavon challenged the invisible God whose presence was said to hover between the Cherubim. I have offered no sacrifice for my sins, yet here I stand in your presence. I must truly be your chosen one. I must be more favored than any other in your eyes. Donavan spent several minutes in front of the ark, but hearing no reply, smiled, and turned back the way he had come, into the courtyard, to wait for the arrival of Rabbi Anthony and the performing of the morning sacrifices. I will be High Priest, God himself has ordained it, thought Donavon, then turned, and humbly greeted his Rabbi who was just then entering the courtyard.

Angelica placed pine boughs across the opening of an old bear den and used another to walk backward and brush away any sign of her footprints from the path. Cmon Chugiak, lets go home. Angelica took off at a brisk pace toward home. It would not do her any good to be late; it would only draw suspicion and a possible command not

to leave the camp. She just could not risk such a thing this close to the day of her escape. She still had a few things to add to her cache of supplies for her journey. It had not been easy sneaking the snowshoes out of the camp without anybody noticing. If anybody thought the parka she was wearing was unusual dress for this time of year they hadnt mentioned it. Angelica had left the parka, along with the snowshoes, hidden in the old bear den deep in the forest near the base of the mountains. It was highly unlikely anybody from the camp would ever stumble upon it accidentally. The hunters had put their guns away. They were busy getting ready for the trek to the Kuskokwim River; and fishing season. The meat from last seasons hunt had all been preserved and stored away in caches; most families had no need of hunting this time of the year. Chugiak stood sniffing the wind, ears flattened against his head. He whined softly but then wagged his tail at Angelica as she started down the trail. He seemed reluctant to leave, and kept turning and heading back down the trail in the direction they had come. Chugiak, cut it out, Commanded Angelica. Lets go home! With one last look behind them, Chugiak turned and obediently fell in step with his master. Adrian stayed where he was; hidden behind a stubby black spruce, the top half, split by lightning, lay on the forest floor beside it. He was a few hundred yards up the slope from Angelicas hidden cache. What in the world is she up to? He wondered. He waited long enough to be sure that Angelica, and especially her dog, would not return. Then he slowly made his way down the slope to where he had seen Angelica hiding something under spruce branches. Inside the old bear den Angelica had hidden a pack, a big one, like the hunters used. A parka, mukluks, some snowshoes, and a small sled; the kind that could be pulled by one dog, and modified for use in either summer or winter. On the seat of the sled sat a harness of a size sufficient to fit Chugiak. Looking inside the pack Adrian discovered clothes, and personal supplies that a female might need. What are you planning to do Angelica? Adrian wondered aloud.

Donavon stood in the middle of the room and tied the leather string on his caribou skin pants, then reached for the matching shirt lying in a heap on the wooden floor. Are you leaving already? You just got here. Annoyed, Donavon stopped and looked at the young girl sitting on the bed, holding the bedding against her bare chest to cover it. She was starting to get too attached, it would be time to move on soon, but he still had need of her for other reasons. I cannot afford to be seen either coming or going. I must leave while the camp is still dark and sleeping. When will you come to see me again? the girl asked sadly.

Tomorrow we leave for the Salmon run. I cannot afford to be seen near you during that journey. I dare not come to your tent in summer when the midnight sun is shining, you know that. A silent tear rolled down the girls face. Now, none of that, Donavon sat on the bed and wiped the tear away with his thumb. The summer will be over before you know it, and you will be busy with the job I have given you to do. You do remember what that is dont you. Yes Donavon, but I dont think . . . Donavon rose from the bed, anger flashing in his eyes. Dont think, just do as I ask. I would hate for your reputation to be soiled. One small rumor and no father would dream of making a marriage contract for his son to marry you. Ok. Ok. I am sorry. Dont worry, by the time fall comes around I will have Adrian lured into my bed and eating out of my palm. Good girl

Chapter 5: Journey The base camp was alive with activity. Families packed their provisions on sleds, and in packs to be carried on the mens backs. Most had dogs; huskies or malamutes; that were trained to pull the sleds, which were equipped with summer wheels that lifted them up high enough not to get bogged down in the tundra. After the cabins were secure, the families gathered into groups of around 40 people. Each group would travel to a different fish camp so that they wouldnt all be fishing in the same spot, making it easier to find space along the river. Canoes cached at each of the fish camps would carry some of the families across to the other side of the river, making even more space to fish available. Children chased each other as the groups gathered, excited for this favorite time of the year and freedom from lessons. It was a time to play with their friends, eat fresh salmon, and stay up late under the light of the midnight sun. Angelica used to love this time of year also, but today all she felt was anxiety and fear. She would slip away and head out into the wilderness with her dog, possibly never seeing her father or Nana again. Even if she found her mother and returned here would they even be welcome, or would her father exile her the way he had her mother. Angelica wondered if she was doing the right thing, but she pushed those thoughts to the back of her mind, took a deep breath, and stepped forward to begin her elaborate plan of escape. Nana, where is Father? She asked brightly. He has already gone to the gathering spot for the men. The cabin is secure, and Im sure we wont see him again until the meal is served this evening.

I dont know what to do Nana. Do you remember old lady Olivia from the East side of camp? Yes my child of course I do. She is very old and has no children. We must pray for her on this journey, it may be very difficult for her. Hopefully she has found someone to help her. Well thats just it Nana, she has asked me for my help just now, and she wants to use Chugiak to pull her sled, but if father has already gone how can I ask him? Who will help her? Katarina thought for a moment and then answered. You just go child, go help old Olivia. How could your father object to such a thing? I will tell him I gave you permission. Oh, thank you Nana. I was so worried how she would make it without my help! Well, the journey wont be the same without you to share it with, but its for a good cause. She goes to a different fish camp than us; will you accompany her all the way? Yes Nana, and I was thinking, shell need help to get settled in also, perhaps I should stay with her until then? Yes. Perhaps you should. Replied her Nana thoughtfully. I will mention it to your father tonight, and if he objects I suppose he can send someone to fetch you back once we reach the Kuskokwim. Angelicas smile was genuine this time; the first part of her plan had gone off without a hitch. She kissed her grandma once on each cheek and then gave her a long hug. I love you Nana, I will miss you. I love you too child and I will also miss you. I dont suppose a couple weeks apart will kill us. Nana laughed. No I dont suppose it will. Good-bye Nana! Angelica called to Chugiak and they hurried away to where old woman Olivias cabin was. Two girls from her class stood beside a sled in the front yard, arranging packages so they wouldnt fall off. Hello Angelica! they called to her. Aiyana and Makita were old friends Angelica hadnt seen since she had finished school. Since her father did not approve of them, she had not been allowed to visit them since. Well Can you come with us? they asked excitedly. Im afraid not, father wouldnt allow it. I am sorry. Do you think bear can handle the sled all by himself Angelica motioned to Aiyanas malamute that lay patiently at the bottom of the porch steps.

Yes of course, but I am so disappointed. It would have been such a great journey to be able to do it together. I am disappointed to. You will give Miss Olivia my regrets? Yes of course. Have a wonderful summer Angelica. Hey, just think, by next fall you will be married! Do you suppose Adrian will object if we visit? asked Makita excitedly. Thats a great idea! I will certainly ask him when the times comes. Angelica smiled and waved to her friends and headed back in the direction where her group would be gathering, but once she was out of sight she ducked between the cabins and made her way east and eventually south to the trail that led the her cache in the old bear den. Chugiak ran ahead of her, already knowing the way, and excited to run in the forest as usual. Which is why she did not sense the presence of the young man who had been watching every move Angelica had made, and was now following several hundred yards behind her?

Aiyana was secretly relieved that Angelicas father had not allowed her to join them in helping Old Olivia, Aiyana had gone to great lengths to get to travel with the same group as Adrian. She could have strangled Malika for suggesting to Angelica that she come along and help; but she certainly could not let on that she was not thrilled by the idea. Luckily, it hadnt worked out and Aiyana had all summer to do Donavons will and get Adrian into her bed. Aiyana was already annoyed by Malikas bellyaching about Angelica not being able to come with them, and the old woman complaining about her joints aching. Donavon had better be very grateful to her for doing this; very grateful indeed. Mush Bear. Called Aiyana to her dog and the dog picked up his pace, jostling the old woman and causing her to cry out. Aiyana kept her back to the other two so they wouldnt see her sadistic smile and pretended not to hear. By the time they reached the place where they would camp for the night Aiyana had heard just about all the complaining she could take. After unharnessing Bear she gave an excuse about seeing if the cooks needed any help and left Malika to deal with the old woman alone. Aiyana didnt really do much to help but she made sure she was available when it was time to serve the men from Adrians family and then quickly moved in to help carry the plates. She balanced the plates on her arm as delicately as she could and made sure to walk with just the right amount of sway to her hips. It was obvious to her that her ploy had caught the eye of more than one man in Adrians family, but when Aiyana searched their faces, she did not find Adrian among them. Where is he? wondered Aiyana. Shouldnt he be here with the rest of them?

One of the other men seemed to have read Aiyanas mind because he called out to Nicolai at just that moment. Where is your son Nicolai? Where is the future son-in-law of the High Priest? I wanted to toast his good fortune and shake his hand for good luck. Adrian requested permission to travel with the High Priests group. He said he wanted to use this summer to be more acquainted with his future bride. I decided to grant his request. A bride and groom sharing affection before the wedding has its advantages as Im sure youll all agree. Chuckled Nicolai. However, we shall toast his good fortune anyway, and you can shake my hand for good luck. After all, I will be grandfather to the heir of the High Priest before too long, if all goes as planned. The mens laughter filled the air around the fire and Aiyana plopped her plates down in front of the closest men she could find and promptly retreated. She cursed her luck. Now she would have to spend the whole summer with the Old woman and Malika with nothing to show for it. Perhaps she should try to get word to Donavon. No, better not to have any contact, and since Donavon already traveled with the High Priests group he would know very well that Adrian was there, and would understand that the circumstances were beyond Aiyanas control. She headed back to the womens area and sulked the rest of the night.

Adrian kept far back from Angelica and her dog, it was not difficult to track them, and besides, he already knew where they were headed. He decided to head up the slope and take a straighter trail, making it possible to even get there ahead of them. As he got higher, the trees thinned out some and he was able to pick up the pace even more. After a while, he got to the place where he knew he could head down and come out right near Angelicas secret hiding place. As he came around a tree at the bottom of an especially steep incline, he heard a familiar snorting sound and stopped dead in his tracks. A cow moose stood just off the trail about 20 yards ahead of him. Adrian held his breath and waited. Sure enough, there was the answer from her calf. Adrian knew it was suicide to keep going down this trail. a cow moose with a calf was the most dangerous animal in the Alaskan wilderness. She would not hesitate to attack and stomp to death anything she felt endangered her calf. Adrian backed as slowly and quietly as he could back up the trail. He could either wait for the cow and her calf to move away from the trail, which could be minutes or it could be hours, or he could retrace his steps and take the lower trail that Angelica had taken. It didnt take him long to decide. Even if he missed her at her hideout, how hard could it be to track a girl and her dog with a wheeled sled? He turned and headed back the way he had come. Angelica had reached her secret hiding place with plenty of light left in the day. It wouldnt be getting dark until much later than even a week ago. So she pulled her already packed and ready to go sled out of the small cave and quickly attached it to Chugiak.

The sled was a small one, with runners each made of a single piece of birch that was only 6 feet long. Made in the tradition of the Athabascan Indians and typically called a basket sled because of its shape, it had just enough room for Angelicas provisions. The bottom of the runners; called a shoe; were made of iron and protected the runners from rocks or other things that they might encounter on the trail. Two straight stanchions connected the runners to the top rails, with a 45-degree stanchion that connected the two straight ones for stability. There was a brush bow at the front of the sled made by a curved piece of birch covered in thick rawhide, which served as a bumper against trees and rocks. The bed slats or cross pieces ran from the front of the stanchions to the rear. These formed the basket part of the sled and were made of birch. All of the pieces were joined together using mortise and tenon joints. Rawhide made of moose hide, and called babiche by the natives, was soaked in water to make it pliable and easy to stretch. As it dried, it shrank and pulled the joints tightly together, but with the ability to still flex, making Angelicas sled both strong and flexible. A separate framework with wheels sat under the sled already, and would allow the sled to be pulled over ground with no snow without damaging the sled itself. Placing her left foot on the runner, Angelica called out for Chugiak to mush, pushed off with her right foot, and they were off, moving quickly and expertly down the trail. The wind blowing against Angelicas cheeks exhilarated her and the smell of spruce trees made the forest feel like home. Mushing a sled was hard work, with each turn Angelica would lean her body in the direction of the turn making it easier for Chugiak to make the turn. They kept going until a light rain started to fall and Angelica began to feel the fatigue of a full day wearing on her. She spotted a giant spruce just down the slope whose bottom branches brushed the ground and promised a warm and dry canopy to protect them from the elements. Whoa boy! Angelica called out to Chugiak, and stepping on the brake, the sled came to a stop. She unhooked Chugiak and pulled the sled down the slope, lifting up the giants branches and sliding the sled underneath into the canopy beneath. Pine needles carpeted the ground and the smell of sap filled the space. Rummaging through her things, she found her sled bag made of Caribou hide and attached it to her sled. Angelica moved her provisions aside put a blanket made of furs in the bag to lie down on. Climbing inside the bag, Angelica reached into a leather pouch, pulled out three strips of salmon jerky, and slowly chewed on them while she thought about all that had happened that day. By the time the soft sounds of the rain changed to a roar, Angelica was fast asleep. Chugiak lay beside the sled in the soft pine needles. Ears up, he occasionally lifted his nose to sniff the air. He stayed by her side the whole night, alert and on guard, ready to protect her from any intruders. Adrian finally made it to where Angelica had hidden her cache of supplies, but she was already gone. It was not hard to find the wheel tracks on the trail, see exactly which direction they had gone, and follow their trail. A light mist clung to his skin, eventually become rivulets that were running off his nose and chin. The runoff cascading down the slope washed all signs of Angelica and her dog from the trail... It had gotten quite dark, and twice already Adrian had

almost slid off the trail in the mud. Realizing it would be foolish to continue, he found a spruce tree. Crawling beneath the canopy of its branches, he settled down in the soft pine needles for the night. He shivered against the cold, angry with himself for not being more prepared and bringing provisions and extra clothes. The truth was he had never expected Angelica to be able to get away before he stopped her. In the morning, he would need to build a fire and dry out his wet clothes. With any luck, Angelica would also need a morning fire and the smoke from it would lead Adrian right to her. Keep her safe Lord. Adrian prayed. This forest is a dangerous place for a young lady alone and unprotected. Adrian couldnt help but imagine the dangers Angelica might face from bears, moose, or wolves. Even Chugiak, who was well over a hundred pounds, would be no match for a grizzly bear, or a pack of wolves, or even for an angry cow moose protecting her calf. The best Chugiak would possibly hope to do would be to allow Angelica time to escape, but a female alone in the woods, and without an animal to pull her sled. Adrian tried to push the thoughts from his mind, but they continued to haunt him through the cold, wet, and sleepless night. Where are you going Angel, and why? Adrian asked aloud, before finally falling into a fitful sleep just a couple of hours before dawn.

Gradually the horizon changed from black to gray, and then a ribbon of pink appeared above the mountains in the distance, getting deeper and pinker moment by moment, until the whole sky turned crimson and the snow on the peaks of the mountains seemed to glow beneath it. The forest came more alive with each moment that the ribbon of pink made its climb toward the sky. The call of an Arctic Loon woke Angelica from her dreams, and she lay in the peaceful warmth of her sled bag for several minutes, listening to the calls of red-necked grebes, and the warbles of willow ptarmigans. Chugiak whined softly from his pine needle bed. Go ahead boy, go take care of your business, Ill be fine. Angelica called softly to him. He rose silently, slipped from beneath the canopy, and then disappeared into the trees. Angelica stretched and took her time crawling out of her warm cocoon. She pulled some cold sourdough biscuits from her food pouch, chewing them slowly and washing them down with water from her canteen. Angelica carefully packed her provisions inside the sled bag in case it rained again today, and then pulled the sled from beneath the giant black spruces protective canopy. Drops of water still dripped from the tips of tree branches, and the mossy forest floor squished beneath Angelicas feet. She made her way up the slope to the trail they had been following the previous day. She saw that it was still wet and muddy in many places and would be difficult traveling. Angelica turned and headed down the slope hoping to find another trail with less mud. She hadnt gone far when she found a small creek running in the direction she wanted to go. It wasnt very deep and the pebbled bottom promised more stability than the muddy trail above. Angelica

went back to the sled and called for Chugiak. It did not take him long to come bounding out of the woods; his breakfast had left a streak of blood as evidence on his chin. Well Im glad one of us got to eat something better than cold stale biscuits, Angelica teased as she hooked her gee pole to the sled. Chugiak wagged his curled tail happily and tried to lick her face. Uh uh, no way, not this morning, tartar just isnt my thing. She laughed, pushing his muzzle away. Angelica pulled the sled down the slope, using all her strength to keep it from coming down too fast behind her. Upon reaching the creek bed, she pulled out a set of leather booties and put them over Chugiaks paws. The big dog tried to yank his paws out of her hand and licked at the booties once she had them on. I know boy, but trust me, youll be thanking me after youve been walking in this creek for an hour or two. The dog obediently allowed Angelica to attach him to the harness of the sled and took off enthusiastically down the creek bed when she called Mush!

Adrian awoke just as the world began to soften to a purplish gray and quickly built a fire on the driest patch of ground he could find. Pine needles still dry and warm from being slept on made perfect kindling, but produced an abundant amount of smoke. Still, it wasnt long before Adrian had a fire blazing and had rigged some dead tree branches to hold his wet clothes over it. He danced around the fire trying to stay warm as his clothes dried and laughed at the thought of what someone might think if they happened to stumble upon him, naked, and sockless, in an untied pair of boots, and dancing around the fire. Once his clothes were dry, Adrian found a tree with branches low and strong enough to hold him and climbed up to see if he could see any smoke from a fire. Off in the distance to the north, far beyond the tree line, he could see the smoke from several fires that would have to be from the campfires of those headed to fish camp. Closer to him, however, where Angelica should be there was none. The mountains that ran from the east to south of where he was, still had snow atop their peaks. Angelica had been heading south yesterday when hed lost her trail. What are you looking for in the south? Adrian thought to himself. Surely, she was not planning to travel all the way to Cook Inlet, which was far too dangerous. He had heard rumors of settlements of exiles living to the south around a Lake called Iliamna. Is that where she was headed? Was she running away because she didnt want to marry him? Did she find him that repulsive? Adrian had heard the stories of Angelicas mom running away, and wondered if maybe that was what she was doing. Not running away from him, but running to her mom. Still, this wilderness was a dangerous place and no matter where she was going, or why, he needed to catch up with her and convince him to come back with him. If she refused, he would have to either force her to come

with him, which would not be a very pleasant way to start a marriage; or go with her to assure her safety. Either way he did not intend to leave her out here alone. A betrothal was a binding contract; breakable only by divorce, and divorce was something he did not intend to be guilty of. That made Angelica his responsibility whether she liked it or not. Adrian followed the path for quite awhile but couldnt find any sign of Angelica or her sled having come that way. He began to get concerned; surely, she hadnt been that far ahead of him. He should have found something by now. Where are you Angel? He asked aloud, but the only answer he heard was the wail of an arctic loon in the distance.

Eventually the creek bed they were following curved off to the west, headed out of the forest and across the marshy tundra toward lower ground. Forced to leave the creek Angelica, climbed off the back of the sled, and went out front to help to find a better trail. Chugiak had no problem following, pulling the lightweight sled over the uneven ground, he had been bred to be a working dog and pull heavy loads. Much of his one hundred and ten pounds was hard packed muscle, developed from the almost 5 years of work and training hed already had. Finally, Angelica found a trail that followed just inside the edge of tree line and headed south, the direction she wanted to go. Black spruce interspersed with birch and willow trees just beginning to bud made the forest an inviting and familiar place to Angelica. I suppose we should stop for lunch soon Angelica called to Chugiak as she looked at the position of the sun in the sky. I suppose you are still full from breakfast though. Angelica laughed. Chugiak wagged his tail but continued forward without slowing. Okay, have it your way! Angelica called as she reached for her food pouch, keeping both feet on the runners and resting against the driving bar. She pulled out some caribou jerky and another cold biscuit. I might as well have some variety in my diet. She joked with a porcupine that had wobbled out from behind a cottonwood as they rounded a corner. The small mammal just looked at her for a minute, then sensing no danger; it bent its nose to the ground and continued the hunt for its own lunch. As the afternoon wore on the trees began to thin out, and Angelica found herself looking down a small slope at a lake below. She could see the outlet where the water from the lake formed a small creek headed toward the inlet to the south. Calling out for Chugiak to stop she led him and the sled down the slope to a nice area of beach beside the lake. She unhooked Chugiak from his harness and let him roam. Then she began to set up camp for the night. It was still early

in the day but that would give her time to do some fishing for the lake trout she had no doubt lived in the lake, Maybe, if luck were on her side, she would eat a fresh cooked meal tonight. After placing some rocks in a circle for her fire pit, gathering some kindling and logs and stacking them nearby Angelica started the fire. She filled a small teakettle with water and set it over the fire to boil. The water had to be boiled before she could drink it so she would not get beaver fever from it. While she waited for the water to boil she took a long straight stick about half as big around as her wrist and began whittling the end to a sharp point with a wooden handled knife made of bone. By the time the kettle started to whistle, her stick was sharp and deadly. Setting the kettle aside to cool, Angelica grabbed her newly whittled spear, a small net and a stringer to put her fish on, and headed to an area of the lake just to the north of her camp where some trees near the shoreline shaded the water, and a couple fallen logs formed a natural pool. Angelica was sure she would find fish in there. Sure enough, a handful of good-sized lake trout swam lazily near the fallen logs. An old hand at spear fishing it was not long before Angelica had speared two good-sized fish and put her stringer through their mouth and out their gills. She gathered her things, and headed south toward the small stream that served as an outlet for the lake. Using her knife, she sliced them along the entire length of their belly, cut off the head and tail, and cleaned all the guts out into the stream. Leaving the heads and tails to float down stream she wrapped her fish in some large leaves and headed back to camp. She set them down on a stump near the fire while she dug through her packs looking for her cast iron skillet. Suddenly a low warning growl rumbled from behind her. Angelica dropped her skillet as she spun around to see Chugiak, ears plastered to his head, which he held down low, all his teeth were bared, and he continued to growl menacingly as he inched forward toward a giant brown grizzly bear. The bear reared up on its hind legs and roared its answer to Chugiak. Angelica had never seen a grizzly so large, its giant paws were as big as Chugiaks head, and its claws were the length of Angelicas fingers. No! Chugiak! The terror in Angelicas throat seemed to force her voice up several octaves. Angelica felt her knees weaken as tears of panic streamed from her eyes. The giants right paw seemed to move in slow motion as it swept toward her beloved dog and tossed him violently aside. Chugiaks body landed near the water line and lay still and unmoving. Chugiak! Suddenly thunder boomed in Angelicas ears and she watched in disbelief as the giant grizzly dropped to all fours and took off at a faster pace than she had ever imagined something that size could go. Relief flooded through her body as the last of her strength gave out and she fell to her knees. Are you ok? A familiar male voice asked from behind her. Then he was in front of her, holding her hands in his, helping her to her feet.

Adrian? Angelica whispered in disbelief. Angelica? Are you ok? Adrian asked again, as he inspected her for signs that the bear had made contact. Im fine, but Chugiak . . . Adrian left Angelica kneeling near her sled, walked over, and squatted at the dogs side. Angelica could not move. She felt like she could not breath as her heart pounded in her throat, she closed her eyes and waited for the words she knew were coming but that she could not bear to hear. Please God. Angelica pleaded, Please dont take Chugiak, he is a good dog, he was protecting me, and he doesnt deserve to die. Angelica put her face in her hands and surrendered to the sobs that racked her body. Adrian picked up the giant malamutes limp body and carried him over near the fire. He went over to Angelicas sled and rummaged through her things until he found a shirt that could be torn into bandages, a bone sewing needle, and a blanket. From his own pack, he took out a razor knife and some fishing line. Earlier that day Adrian had remembered a hunting cache that was nearby, and had taken a detour to find it. Inside he had found several guns, ammunition, changes of clothes, and some other provisions. Taking a pack that he had also found in the cache, he filled it with supplies, clothes, and ammunition. Then he chose one of the large hunting rifles as well as a smaller one used for hunting rabbits or birds. After carefully packing everything to take up the least amount of space, he had started back toward the trail he thought Angelica would be traveling. He had decided to take a short cut, which is how he had ended up on the shore of this lake at the exact moment that grizzly bear had reared up and tossed Chugiak aside like a childs ragdoll. Adrian heated the razor knife in the flames of the fire for several minutes, and then used it to shave the hair around the large gash along Chugiaks rib cage. He used some white cotton cloth he had found and the still hot water from Angelicas teakettle to carefully clean the shaved area. Then, after sterilizing the needle in the same manner that he had the knife, he threaded it with fishing line and began to carefully sew the gash closed. He tore the shirt hed found into long strips and gently wrapped them around Chugiaks chest, covering the now closed wound. The dog remained unconscious through the entire procedure, which was probably a good thing anyway thought Adrian. Angelica had gotten up and crawled into the basket of her sled. She was curled into the fetal position and sobbing softly. Adrian picked up the cast iron skillet Angelica had dropped, retrieved the fish, and put them on the fire to cook. He pulled some Cattail roots from his pack that he had found when he had first approached the lake earlier, and added them to the pan. It would be so much better if he had butter, but it was dinner, it would fill their bellies and give them energy for the journey home tomorrow. Cmon Angel, sit up, time to eat something. Chugiak is resting; I think he will be fine. He is going to need you to keep your strength though; hell need you on the journey home.

Dont call me that. Angelica said in a small and tired voice. My mom called me Angel. Dont call me that. Okay Angelica, Im sorry. Now cmon and sit up and eat. Youll feel better if you do. Do you really think Chugiak will be ok? Angelica looked worriedly at the still form of her dog lying near the fire on a blanket. I think he will hurt for a while, and I dont think hell be wearing a harness or pulling a sled anytime soon, but I think he will eventually be ok. Adrian handed Angelica a plate of crispy fish and steaming cattail roots once she was sitting up on her sled. The rumbling of her stomach overruled her fear and sorrow and she began eating the food eagerly. Putting her empty plate down on the sled Angelica stood and went near the fire to fill her tin cup with water. She sat on the ground near her dog and watched the slow rise and fall of his chest. Im sorry boy, I never meant for this to happen to you. She whispered. Adrian gathered up the dishes from dinner and headed to the water to wash them. Angelica knew she should help but she was still numb from the shock of what had happened so she stayed quietly by Chugiaks side until he returned. Im not going home. She said to him as he sat on a log near the fire. I dont think you have any choice. Adrian replied. Your dog is injured and cannot be of any help to you, and youll never survive out here on your own. I will be fine as soon as I find my mom. Insisted angelica. So, thats what this is about. Adrian replied. I had a feeling. Im going to find my mom, and Im not going back until I do. Angelica, your mom ran away and left you. What makes you think she wants to be found? She did not run away! She did not leave me! My father, it was his fault, he sent her away; he sent her into exile. If I go back, he will probably do the same to me. I do not plan to give him the chance. I am NOT going back! Angelica crossed her arms over her chest and turned her back to Adrian, determined not to speak another word to him. Adrian sat and stared into the fire, this certainly was not what he had expected. Oh he had thought maybe Angelica had some foolish notion about finding her long lost mom. The news that she had been sent into exile, and by Angelicas own father no less, was not something he had

expected at all. Adrian believed that Angelica meant what she said and had no intention of going back until she had found her mom. He could physically force her to return if he wanted, but the idea of doing so left a bad taste in his mouth. No, he would not do that to her, and that left him no choice. He would have to help Angelica find her mom, or at least find some answers about what happened to her. Maybe then, after she had found the answers she was looking for, she would be ready and willing to return home, be his wife, and start their family. Adrian looked over at the Malamute sleeping next to Angelica. They certainly wouldnt be able to travel for at least several days if they were going to go on, Chugiak would need time to heal, and if they were going to be here more than one night, then a small sled bag was not going to be sufficient shelter, they would need something bigger and more secure. With his mind made up, Adrian got up and headed off to find what he would need to make a proper shelter before it got dark.

Angelica watched Adrian as he lashed two ridgepoles to a couple of trees that were nearby. Then he placed two smaller sticks diagonally at the end he had lashed to the tree and lashed them to the ridgepole. The other end of the ridgepoles sat on the ground. He put several sticks along the ridgepole from the front to back making it resemble the ribcage of some long dead animal. The he began placing the boughs of spruce trees against the ridgepole and spines, their tips facing toward the sky, he criss-crossed them building up protection against cold, wind and rain. On top of the spruce boughs, he placed large clumps of moss, disappearing occasionally into the woods to get more, until both shelters were completely covered. After that, he brought more moss and placed it on the ground inside the shelters to make a soft bed to lie on and keep them off the cold ground. Once the two shelters were finished, Adrian pulled the sled over beside the shelters and unloaded the supplies. He put Angelicas fur blanket inside one of the shelters, and carried the rest of the supplies over and set them below a third tree. Angelica was surprised when she saw Adrian quickly climb the tree with yet more poles, and lash them to branches to make a platform. He tied the packages to a rope, pulled them all up onto the platform, and covered them with a caribou hide. After that, he gently picked Chugiak up, blanket and all and slid him gently into the empty sled bag. He had more pine boughs and he covered the sled in the same way he had the shelters, leaving the opening to the sled bag only covered by two large boughs that could easily be moved for access. By the time the western sky had faded from crimson to purple to black Adrian had everything done and another kettle of water on the fire boiling for tea. Gather up any food that we have so I can put it in the bear bag. Adrian said to Angelica. Do you think the bear will come back? Angelica peered into the dark. The further south we go, the more into grizzly country well be. We need to take precautions. If were careful they will probably leave us alone for the most part. Why didnt this one just leave us alone? Angelica asked.

He smelled the blood from your fish you cleaned upwind from where he most likely was. The scent led him right to that spot. He probably smelled the fish you had set down on that log. So its my fault. Angelica said softly. No. You did everything right. It was just bad luck is all. Adrian stood and put a hand on Angelicas shoulder. Why dont you go ahead to bed, Ill take care of the fire and food. Ok. Angelica rose and headed toward the shelter Adrian had put her fur blanket in. Adrian . . . Adrian looked up from where he was squatted next to the fire at Angelica who stood in front of her shelter, the spruce bough door in her hand. Thank you . . . for everything. Youre Welcome. He smiled, and then bent back to his task.

On the second night of the journey to fish camp, the High Priest sat by the fire and slowly chewed his food. There was nothing wrong with it really. The problem was he was craving fresh fish so badly he could almost taste it. Two more days and they would be having salmon baked in the coals of a fire and filled with onions and butter. The thought of it made the stew made of cured moose meat pale in comparison. Donavon sat beside the rabbi also not interested in his food, but for an entirely different reason. He was worried about the news that Angelica was traveling in the same group as Adrian and his family. He knew it would make the task he had given Aiyana that much harder, and he needed her to be successful. He must convince the rabbi that this arrangement was a bad idea and that Angelica should be fetched back to her own family; tonight if possible. Rabbi, I am concerned about this arrangement with your daughter. What do you mean? It isnt proper for her to travel in the same group as her betrothed, think of her reputation. What will people think? She is not unchaperoned, she is with Old Olivia. Old Olivia? Everybody knows that senile old woman doesnt have a clue whats going on around her half the time. On top of that, shes almost blind and very nearly deaf. Whats to stop

your daughter with running off with that boy every night while the old woman sleeps, oblivious to it all? My daughter would not behave that way. Are you sure about that? She does seem to have a habit of running off into the woods against your wishes. What else is she doing against your wishes? The Rabbi shot him a dark look, but before he could say anything Donavon quickly added. And even if shes completely innocent, that wont stop people from talking and saying that she is. Her reputation would be equally ruined, whether it was true or not. The rabbi sighed, Yes, I suppose you are right. Perhaps we should fetch her back. I will go immediately. Declared Donavon, as he stood and handed his half-eaten plate to one of the women. No, No, said the Rabbi She is my daughter, I will go. Well then, I will go with you. If you wish.

Aiyanas heart pounded as she watched Donavon and the Rabbi approaching. The minute she saw the rabbi with Donavon, she knew this was not the visit she had been hoping for. She wondered if she would get the chance to speak with Donavon alone, but knew it was unlikely. Aiyana did her best not to look straight at Donavon as they came up before her and the rabbi spoke. I need to see Angelica. He said. Angelica? She is not here; you didnt give her permission to come with us. Declared the surprised Aiyana. I didnt, but it seems her grandmother did. Are you telling me that she didnt come with you then? Asked the confused rabbi. No, she didnt, she told us you wouldnt allow it and then left to go back to your group. When I found out Adrian had been invited to travel with you I thought maybe that was the reason she couldnt come, because you wanted them to get better acquainted with each other. Donavon was alarmed but did his best to hide it and remain silent. Aiyana kept sending him questioning glances but he ignored her.

The Rabbi was also silent as realization crept into his mind. Which way to Nicolais tent? That way. She pointed In the center of the camp, near the fire.

Rabbi . . . Donavon started as they walked briskly toward the center of the camp. No. retorted the Rabbi Remain silent, I dont wish to discuss this until I know more. The silence did not last long because it took them only a minute or so to find Nicolai, sitting by the fire, his laughter bellowing and echoing through the camp. Rabbi Anthony, to what do I owe this pleasure! Boomed Nicolai. We need to talk . . . NOW! Where is your tent? ordered the Rabbi. Suddenly sober and concerned Nicolai led the men to his tent, shooed the women away and they all stepped inside. Where is your son? Asked the Rabbi without preamble. My son? Exclaimed the surprised Nicolai What do you mean where is he? He is supposed to be with you! Well then we have a problem. The rabbi explained the situation to Nicolai whose face turned a lighter shade of pale with each new revelation. Suddenly his future as grandfather of the next High Priest looked to be in jeopardy. When he got his hands on that boy he would be sorry he had embarrassed his father this way. I cant believe this. Do you really think they ran off together? Decided to defy the code of how marriages are to be arranged and take things into their own hands? That is certainly how it appears, and if I find that your son has laid one finger on my daughter before the prescribed time, we will be having a funeral instead of a wedding. Fumed the Rabbi. We need to send someone to search for them. Suggested Donavon Perhaps there is an explanation. Yes, but who will we send? asked Nicolai. I will go sir. Offered Donavon I will find your daughter and her fianc and I will bring them back to you for you to deal with as you see fit.

Yes, you should go Donavon, go and find my daughter and bring her back to me. The defeated and tired looking Rabbi left the tent and sadly headed back to his own camp and tent. It hardly seemed worth it, to be the High Priest, only to have everything important to him slip through his fingers. The price was too high, and his heart dreaded the idea of doing it for even one more day. Perhaps it was time to step aside, let Donavon take over as High Priest. He would endure it for just a little longer until Donavon returned, and then he would make him High Priest and retire to the peace and serenity of a quiet existence. Those thoughts comforted him as he laid his head down that night, and fell into a sleep filled with dreams of Christina and Angelica running wild and free through the forest side by side.

Donavon stayed by the fire with Nicolai until late in the night, on the pretense that he wanted to discuss strategy for how he would find the missing couple. Finally, well after dark, Nicolai yawned and excused himself for bed. Youre welcome to stay for tonight. Offered Nicolai Not much you can do in the dark anyway, so no use leaving till first light. No, I think Ill head out tonight. I need to go back to base camp first, gather supplies, and look for clues. If I can make it there by morning I can use the light to search for tracks or any sign of where they may have gone. Yes, yes, youre right of course; good idea and good luck. Cuff that boy a good one for me when you find him. Yawned Nicolai. Ill do that for you. Laughed Donavon. And much more he thought to himself as he headed back toward Old Olivias tent to find Aiyana. Aiyana was sitting by the fire alone as Donavon had hoped. He walked by as if ignoring her but motioned for her to follow him. He made his way well outside the camp and into a natural depression in the tundra. Aiyana ran up to him as she reached the depression where he waited, but Donavon grabbed her roughly by the arms. When were you going to let me know that Adrian wasnt here? He demanded, shaking her violently as he spoke. I thought you knew! I thought he was with you, in your group, with Angelica! I am sorry! Donovan youre hurting me! Cried Aiyana. Donavon knew she was right, but he was angry, so angry that he felt ready to explode. He slapped her hard on the face, it eased some of the pressure he felt inside, and so he slapped her again but harder. The pleasure he felt at her cries, and the sight of the blood that gushed from her nose, was so intense that he gave in to his rage, and threw her roughly to the ground, violently

taking from her the thing he had summoned her here for in the first place. Afterwards he left her lying bruised and sore, with her torn clothes pressed to her body while she wept, and headed off into the dark toward base camp. Aiyana lay weeping on the ground for a long time after Donavon left. She had made him mad; it was her own fault. Angry with herself she swiped at the blood that was dripping from her nose with the back of her hand. Why are you so stupid, why cant you just do what he tells you to do? He needed you and you let him down. She scolded herself. Ill make it up to you Donavon, youll see. She called out into the dark after Donavon. I may not be able to get to Adrian now, but I know where to find the High Priest. His wife has been gone over ten years, and Im sure what I have to offer will be more than enough to tempt him. Pleased with her idea, Aiyana jumped up and hurried back to camp to get cleaned up before anybody saw her.

Donavon had no problem making his way back to the base camp quickly in the dark. The path was a familiar one. Near dawn, he approached the now deserted base camp and made his way toward his cottage. He knew that Adrian and Angelica had several days head start on him but he also knew that he would be better off taking some time to sleep a few hours now than to try and go after them having had no sleep in 24 hours. So removing his boots and outerwear, he lay down on his bed to catch several hours of sleep. The bed was familiar and comfortable and he had no problem falling asleep almost as soon as his head hit his pillow.

Aiyana, why must you leave me here with Old Olivia? It is not fair! I do not understand! I thought we were going to have a fun girlfriends summer! First Angelica and now you! whined Malika. Im sorry Malika, I dont want to go either, but Rabbi Donavon has ordered me to go to the High Priests camp. With Angelica missing and now Donavon off to go find her, I am needed there more than here. I must do my duty, no matter how much Id rather stay with you and have a fun girlfriends summer. Yes, I know youre right. I am just sad and disappointed. Well keep your chin up, and say a prayer, and maybe Donavon will find Angelica quickly and bring her back and I will be able to return to you. Yes. I will pray! And hope beyond hope! Brightened Malika, smiling for Aiyanas sake. After all, she was the one who had to go be a servant to the High Priest, who was sure to be

demanding and grumpy, instead of staying here with Old Olivia, who slept most of the time anyway, and was too senile to be demanding or grumpy. Malika determined to put on a happy face for Aiyana, at least until she was gone.

Adrian and Angelica spent two more days and nights by the lake, so Chugiak could heal from his wound. By the second day the dog was up and disappearing into the woods. It was impossible to keep his bandages from falling off and so Adrian finally gave up and just removed them. He inspected the area closely but there was no sign of infection and it seems to be healing nicely. On the morning of the third day they packed up the sled with all their belonging and with Adrian pulling it using the gee pole they found a trail headed south and were on their way to find Angelicas mom. As the day wore on what had started out as a gray morning grew darker and colder. A brisk cold wind blew into the travelers faces, forcing them to don their parkas and pull their fur hoods will over their head and open up the fur trim that created a buffer against the cold and wind. It started with a few white flakes blown by the wind gusts, but slowly began falling thick and fast and quickly covered the trail upon which they were traveling. Angelica loved the snow and always enjoyed the beauty of a snowfall, but this one seemed to have teeth. The travelers ducked their heads against the wind and struggled on through the quickly accumulating drifts. Adrian was not at all alarmed when the snow first started. It was not that unusual to have a snowfall in late spring, especially in the interior, and this close to the mountains. He was beginning to get concerned though as evening drew near and the snow continued to accumulate and the wind continued to blow, it was a lot darker in the woods than usual at this time of day, and the blowing snow limited visibility to a just few feet in front of them. I think we should look for a spot out of the wind to set up camp for the night. This storm seems to be getting worse by the minute. Angelica, who was cold and tired only mumbled a reply, and followed on behind the sled. Adrian decided to take a left fork in the trail hoping it might lead to a natural windfall or cave they could stay in for the night. As they got closer to the base of the mountains, visibility got even worse. I think we better head back down away from the base of the mountain, the snow is worse up here. Adrian called back to Angelica, and then he took a right fork in the path that seemed to head in that direction. The drifts got deeper across the path, making each step they took seem like it would take all their energy and they would not be able to take another. Maybe we need to get out our snowshoes? Angelica called to Adrian.

You get the snowshoes out while I get this wheel frame out from under the sled; it keeps getting stuck in the deeper drifts. Adrian called back. By the time Adrian had the wheels off the framework and the framework collapsed down and in the sled, and they put on their snow shoes the snow was at least a foot deep, the snow falling through the trees seemed to be coming from all directions at once. Angelica could not see in front of her at all now so she held on the back of the sled so she would not fall behind and get lost. Chugiak trudged along beside her, head and tail down and looking miserable. Im not sure which direction is south anymore. Adrian thought aloud, but the wind grabbed the sound of his words and whisked it away before it could reach Angelicas ears.

Adrian trudged on through the snow, barely knowing where he was going, to tired and cold to care. The snow continued to swirl around them limiting visibility to inches in front of his. Please help us God. Adrian prayed out into the swirling storm I cant do this on my own. Suddenly a tunnel seemed to clear through the swirling air in front of him and Adrian saw a man standing several yards in front of them in a Caribou Parka, buckskin pants, and Mukluks trimmed with rabbit fur. The mans hood hid his face from Adrian, but his voice traveled clearly through the air to Adrians ears. Stop! The man ordered. Do not come this way! Go that way! The man lifted his arm and pointed to Adrians right. Adrian looked and there to his right was a trail he had not noticed moments before. Adrian turned and followed the trail, to weary to question the bizarre thing that just happened. Perhaps if he had realized that only feet in front of him was the edge of a cliff that rose at least 30 feet above the forest floor below, and that there was no solid ground on the spot where he had seen the man standing, but that the ground lay 30 plus feet below his feet. Perhaps then, he would have questioned it. Adrian followed the trail for what seemed like an hour, several times the swirling snowflakes opened up allowing Adrian to see the man ahead of him, guiding him, at one point they turned sharply to the left, and it seemed to Adrian like they had turned completely around in a circle. Still, he kept catching glimpses of the man ahead of them and he continued to follow him. Adrian was not able to see the wall of the cliff that now rose to his left, and he was unaware that they were now walking just below the spot they had been when the man had first appeared. All he could see was white flakes blowing like a wall around him. Suddenly the storm cleared again and he saw the man duck behind a stand of spruce trees, Adrian followed and soon found himself standing at the mouth of a cave, the warm orange light of a fire glowed from within. As he entered the cave he saw the man, squatting before the glowing fire, poking at it with a stick.

To weary to speak, Adrian and Angelica pulled the sled into the cave and made their way to the fire, where a pot of bubbling stew waited for them. They both sat and ate silently, each lost in their own tired thoughts. Adrian set his bowl down and made his way over to the man, who was now squatting at the mouth of the cave. Chugiak lay on his belly beside the man, tail thumping happily and whimpering in pleasure as the man stroked his head and neck. Ive never seen Chugiak act like that before. Remarked Adrian as he approached. Ive never pet him before, answered the man, Of all my creations the dog is the most skilled at adoration and worship and I am well pleased with this one. The strangeness of the mans words swirled in Adrians brain like the snowflakes in the storm. Tomorrow the storm will have passed, the man continued, There will be enough snow for Chugiak to be able to pull the sled quickly to your destination. Chugiak is . . . Before Adrian could finish the man pointed to Chugiaks side and said He is well. Adrian bent and examined the spot on Chugiaks ribcage that he had sutured closed just a few days earlier. Strangely, the spot that should have been bare from being shaved, was covered in fully-grown hair, and when Adrian ran his fingers through it to examine the scar that should have been beneath, he could not find it. Hook Chugiak to the sled and follow the path I have marked for you. The man handed Adrian a strip of orange plastic that he had been holding in his hand. It will lead you to the area near Lake Iliamna where you will find Angelicas mom Christina, and my people she lives with. They will teach you great Truth about the book and the code you follow. You will have a choice to make. When you make the correct choice, you will be blessed, as will your children and your childrens children. The man stood and Adrian stood with him, to dumbfounded to speak. The man reached out and grabbed both of Adrians shoulders in his hands. When he did, the hood of his parka fell back revealing his face. None of the plain mans features registered in Adrians mind. The only thing he saw was the great Love emanating from the mans eyes. It hit him with such force it was as if someone had elbowed him in the gut. Adrians chest and throat grew tight and tears threatened to spill from his eyes as a feeling of peace, joy, and love overwhelmed him. The man broke his gaze with Adrian and looked over at Angelica who was now laying on one of the mats near the fire. Take care of your wife my son, and love her well. She will be the mother of a chosen generation.

After he had spoken, he once again looked Adrian in the eyes, and the emotion of it so overwhelmed Adrian that he felt his knees give way. Before Adrians knees reached the floor of the cave, the man had put his hood back up and stepped toward the mouth of the cave. Adrian watched from his hands and knees as the snow swirled around the man and seemed to make him disappear into thin air the moment he stepped from the mouth of the cave. Chugiak stood and lifted his nose in the air and howled repeatedly. It was a deep and mournful, as if his whole heart and soul were being poured out in the sound. Angelica tiredly watched Adrian and Chugiak near the mouth of the cave, at one point Adrian bent down and examined Chugiaks side. I hope hes ok. Angelica worried tiredly. She watched as Chugiak stood suddenly and began to howl into the stormy night. Silly dog . . . She thought to herself. Then she heard an answering howl, high and melodic, from somewhere far away in the stormy night. For a moment, she wondered at how that howl could have reached them when words spoken from just a few feet away had been whisked away by the wind, but she was asleep and snoring softly before the thought ever completed itself in her brain.

Donavon knew that Angelica would be on her way to find her mom, and he knew the way to where her mom was very well. Donavon had been born and raised in the very settlement Christina now lived in. All his life Jesus had been pushed on him by his parents, his teachers, and the pastor where they worshipped. He had been weak for a short time as a teenager and even said a prayer to ask Jesus into his heart. He had lived for a couple years with his head lost in the clouds of that myth. When the excitement wore off though, Donavon had chaffed at the humility following this particular myth required of him. He knew he was better and smarter than most of the people around him. He deserved to be recognized for it; having to give the credit for his accomplishments to some invisible spirit didnt seem fair. Eventually he had all he could stand and he had left the settlement. The High Priest had found him alone and hungry in the woods when he was barely 17. He had taken him to the tabernacle and let him live in a tent nearby. Donavon had easily impressed the Rabbi with how quickly he learned the tenets of their code. Of course, Donavon had never told the Rabbi where he had come from, or that he had grown up having these same scriptures crammed down his throat. He also never bothered to tell the Rabbi that they were missing the supposedly crucial second half of the Bible. They did not even know it was called The Bible. Donavon found it ironically funny that Donavon had exiled his own wife to the very settlement where Donavon had grown up for trying to tell them all the truth about their precious, stupid, ripped, and water damaged book. When the strange late storm hit Donavon was not prepared for it. He had not brought winter gear since it was almost summer, so he had only moccasins on his feet, which did not offer much protection from the cold snow he was walking in. Donavon found an old hunting shack that he

knew was nearby and built a fire in the hearth. He pulled an old cot up close to the fire. He climbed in, pulling two thin blankets he had found left in the shack over him for warmth. Some would think that God was trying to prevent me from catching up to my quarry. Donavon chuckled. But I know that He is just an ancient myth with no power at all. Nothing will stop me. I am the one with the true power! Announced Donavon to the empty shack, then he lay on his cot and went to sleep. The snow kept falling for two more days, slowly accumulating along the sides of the old shack Donavon was in and obliterating any sign of the path he had been on. Donavon sat grumpily shivering in front of his small fire and muttered at his bad luck. He had no choice, he either had to go on unprepared for this unseasonal weather, or he would have to head back half a days journey to a hunters cache he knew about and hope it contained winter gear. He decided that half a day with wet feet was far more acceptable than several days, so he put out the fire. Wrapped the two thin blankets around his shoulders and made his way out into the snow to find the hunters cache. Like a tiny log cabin sitting high up on stilts, Donavon spotted the cache while still some distance away. His feet stung for the cold snow that had long soaked through his moccasins. His teeth chattered in the cold and his nose was red and dripping. Finally, he made it to the cache and climbed up the ladder made of birch tree limbs. The rungs of the ladder burned into his cold feet making each step excruciating. It took several minutes for Donavons cold fingers to unlash the tiny doors that swing out to the right and left. Donavon was relieved to find some old mukluks, a parka, and some mittens lined with rabbit fur in the cache. There were no snowshoes, but he would make do without them. He noticed several guns sitting off to the side and started to grab the biggest of them when he realize that the cache didnt contain any ammunition for it. Donavon looked for the special tools used to melt down lead or iron to make bullets but that also was missing from the cache. Looking more closely Donavon noticed several areas of the floor less dusty than the rest where the outline of snowshoes and a box the ammunition and bullet making tools were in would have been. Somebody had been here recently and removed them. Adrian! muttered Donavon. No matter, thought Donavon, I will catch up to them and he is still no match for me even with a gun and bullets. Donavon decided to take the gun anyway, when he caught up to Adrian he would just take what bullets he had for himself. Donavon lashed the doors of the cache closed behind him, and pulling on a fur lined hat he had found, donning parka, mukluks and mittens, Donavon headed out onto the familiar path toward the Lake Iliamna settlement.

Aiyana caught up to the High Priest just after his group arrived at their fish camp and were in the process of unpacking.

Donavon sent me sir; he said that I am to serve you in whatever way you need while he is gone. She smiled demurely at the Rabbi. The Rabbi was distracted with his worries over his daughter and didnt pick up on the invitation in Aiyanas words. That really isnt necessary. The High Priest insisted. You may go. Im sorry sir, I dont mean any disrespect, but Donavon may get angry with me if I dont do as he asked. I wont get in your way, whatever you ask I will do, just please dont send me away. Pleaded Aiyana Oh very well. Muttered the annoyed Rabbi, Go and find my mother Katarina, Im sure she could use some extra hands with Angelica being gone. Yes sir, thank you sir. Aiyana gushed, putting her hand softly on his forearm, I am in your debt. Your welcome, the Rabbi softened and patted the girls hand as he thought she must be about the age of his daughter. Then he turned and bent to his task of unpacking the sled.

Katarina gave the girl Aiyana the task of unwrapping and putting away the dishes in the cabin set aside at fish camp for the family of the High Priest. There was something about the girl, something in her eyes, which Katarina did not trust. She determined to keep a close eye on the girl while she was in their household. Katarina prayed silently while she wiped down the dusty windows and swept away the cobwebs that had accumulated since they had left in the fall. Keep Angelica safe Lord, and bring her home to us soon. Thank you Lord.

The trail that the man had marked with orange plastic flags was easy to follow, and Chugiak seemed to be stronger and faster than ever before. How do you know where to go? asked Angelica from the basket of the sled. From the orange flags the man left for us. Adrian replied from his spot on the runners, pointing to one of the flags tied to the branches of a tree ahead. What man? Angelica asked. Dont you remember the man from the storm and the cave; the one that saved our lives last night?

What are you talking about? I never saw any man. Angelica turned and gave Adrian a puzzled look. He looked back at her at first confused, and then realization flooded his mind and he smiled at her. Never mind, Ill tell you all about it later.

By that evening, they could see the houses of the Lake Iliamna settlement in the distance. Most of the houses had been grayed by the weather, but instead of making them seem shabby and old, it only gave them a quaint feel. Flower boxes full of bright pink Salmonberry and pale blue forget-me-nots hung from windows and porch railings. Fireweed bloomed in the fields surrounding the settlement, and the smell of wood smoke filled the air. The snow had disappeared over an hour ago and Adrian had put the wheel framework back together and under the sled. As they came nearer the settlement, they noticed an old rotting sign beside the path. The words Welcome to Lake Clarke National Preserve- Lake Iliamna could still be read on the faded and tilted sign. They were not very far past the sign when a group of men came out to meet them on the trail, rifles in their hands. Who are you and what is your business here? Asked the man who seemed to be in charge. He looked to be in his mid forties. He had dark hair and a short beard and mustache. He dressed in the traditional Athabascan style, just like Adrian and Angelica. His voice was deep and commanding, but there was kindness behind his eyes. Angelica stepped forward and bowed slightly to the man. My name is Angelica (Lastname); I am looking for my mother. Her name is Christina (lastname). My father, Rabbi Anthony (ln); the High Priest; exiled her ten years ago and I believe she may be somewhere around here. She talked about a man named Jesus. He may live around here too. Can you tell me if you have ever heard of my mother or this man Jesus, and if so, where I might find them; please? The men all look at each other and chuckled. With a broad grin, the leader laughed and said to Angelica. Well young lady, I can tell you with some surety, that we all know Jesus quite well, and would be more than happy to introduce you to him. In addition, we also know your mother; and have heard her speak of you often. Her home is not far from here and we would be glad to show you the way. I have a feeling she will want to introduce you to Jesus herself. Thank you so much! gushed Angelica, rushing forward to hug the man, relieved and excited all at the same time. The surprised man hugged Angelica back, and then asked. And who are your friends?

This is Adrian, and my dog Chugiak. Answered Angelica Adrian, what is your business here? asked the man? Angelica is my business. I am her fianc; I didnt think it was a good idea for her to running off in the wilderness alone. I see. Said the man thoughtfully Yes, and I suppose I have to admit he was right about that, said Angelica, After all hes already saved my life at least twice on the way here. We arent in the habit of letting just anybody in here. We have had trouble in the past, with outsiders who came here and disagreed with our lifestyle and beliefs. If it makes you feel any better, I believe I met one of you in the forest. It was actually he who saved both our lives in the storm last night. He told me to come here; he said his people would tell me great Truth and that after I heard it I would have to make a choice. He said if I chose correctly I would be blessed, as well as my children and my childrens children. Angelica stared at Adrian in astonishment. Adrian looked back at her and said. He said you would be the mother of a chosen generation. Then he reaching out, he took her hand in his, and turned, facing the men to await their decision. The men were just as astonished as Angelica; they all stood and stared at the couple for several moments. The lead man motioned to the couple and said, Come. Then he led them into the village. A crowd began to gather as they made their way down the narrow road. As they came around a turn Angelica saw her. Christina, her mom, was running down the middle of the street toward her. She stopped in front of Angelica and simply stared at her for a moment, then moved forward and enveloped Angelica in her arms. My Angel, how Ive longed for this day for so long. I never thought it would come! cried Christina Mama . . . was all that Angelica could say through her tears of joy. Adrian stood back and watched the reunion with mixed emotions. He was happy for Angelica, that she had found her mom, but he was also feeling jealous, and protective and worried all at the same time. Chugiak jumped in circles around the embracing mom and daughter and barked happily, sensing their joy and sharing in it.


The village of Believers lay silent in the pre-dawn darkness. It was one of the last nights that would see any darkness at all until the fall. Although it was still dark the men of the village had all quietly slipped out onto the lake in their canoes to check their fish traps. Chugiak stalked the shoreline happily following the canoe that Adrian had gone in. Loons called to each other from over near the far shore, and the sounds of the water slapping the side of the canoe were comforting to Adrian. The peace he had felt inside ever since the moment he had accepted Jesus as his Savior was unbelievable, and his heart swelled with joy just being out in His creation. In her tent Angelica wasnt experiencing the same peace and joy. Her dreams were dark and strange. Angelica had never read the book Alice in Wonderland, but if she had, her dream would have reminded her of it. She was chasing an elusive rabbit through a multi-colored forest, when suddenly the rabbit turned and hopped into her mouth. Angelica tried to reach up and remove the rabbit but found that she was sitting on her hands and was unable to get off them because somebody had sewn her moccasins together with thick strings made of caribou hide. Suddenly she felt a snake slithering up her leg and over her thigh. She tried to scream but the cotton tail of the bunny was in her throat making her gag instead.

The fly amanita Donavon had dripped into Angelicas mouth while she was sleeping had done its trick. She thought she was dreaming as he gagged and bound her. The toadstool mushroom had been used for a psychedelic drug for centuries, and had been referred to as shrooms as late as just 100 years ago. The nightdress she was wearing had rode up to the tops of her thighs and he couldnt resist the urge to run his hand up her leg to the inside of her thigh. She started thrashing violently, so he scooped her up and quietly carried her out of the cabin she was sharing with Christina, and put her into the sled he had waiting outside. He put her inside a sled bag to conceal her and hurriedly zipped it closed. He jumped on the back runners of the sled, which rested on a wheeled framework similar to the one Angelica had used, called to the team of 6 dogs to mush, and was well away from the village before any of the women began to stir from their sleep. A sinister smile covered his face as the sled and dog team flew down the path back toward the forest and base camp. He would convince the High Priest that Adrian was unfit to marry his daughter; after all he had stolen her away from her father and brought her to the village of heretics. He would offer to marry the scandalized girl immediately, and the deed would be done long before anyone knew any different, guaranteeing him to be the next High Priest. After the wedding there would be plenty of time to fulfill the lustful fantasies that filled his mind since snatching the girl from her bed. Of course it would be much more fun to do it now, guaranteeing shed put up a fight, but he had too much to lose, and would have to forego that pleasure in order to secure his future as High Priest.

Christina hummed happily to herself as she helped the other women fix breakfast. The men would come back hungry from their early morning fishing trip and would want a big spread. Sourdough biscuits were baking in the brick fire oven, smelt sizzled in a cast iron pan. Christina flipped over the sourdough flapjacks filled with plump blueberries, a bowl of spruce hen eggs sat off to one side waiting to be scrambled when the men returned. With an ulu one of the women sliced a large piece of King Salmon into paper thin slices and fanned them out on a plate. The smell of coffee filled the hall. She heard the stomping of boots on the wooden porch and mens voices as the door opened and the men filed inside. Something smells wonderful and Im starving! One man called. Well you wont be disappointed there is lots of food here for you, were your fish traps full today? answered one of the women. Yes, the Lord has blessed us today! The smoke houses will be full and the village will be filled with the scent of smoking fish. Another man informed them. Praise Him! A litany of male and female voices called out. Some of the men found their spots at the long tables, others lined up for coffee, several went into the cooking area to playfully tease their wives and pretend to steal bites of food before it was time to eat. One woman swatted her husband with a towel as he popped a fried smelt into his mouth and tried to scurry out of her reach. Suddenly a young girl slammed open the door, Shes gone, she wasnt in her bed, and I found this on the floor! The frantic girl cried. One of the men took the damp cloth from the girls hand and held it up to his face to smell it. Scowling, he quickly pulled it away from his face. Whos gone? Christina asked the girl as she approached, drying her hands on her apron. Panic and suspicion rising into her throat, Christina stopped grabbed the girls shoulders and shook her a little. Tell me, whos gone! Christina asked again. Angelica, Angelica is gone! The girl cried as she burst into tears. She tore herself out of Christinas grip and ran into the arms of her father, who stood nearby. Adrian and Christina raced each other to the door of the cabin where Angelica had been sleeping. The door stood open and both beds were empty. Angelica and her blankets were gone.

Christina turned and noticed several men squatting down near the path. Hurrying over, she saw what they were looking at; wheel marks and dog prints in the dirt. Adrian, who had come up beside Christina and saw the tracks also, put to voice what Christina was thinking. Donavon! He announced glumly. I knew it was a mistake to let him go. Lamented Christina as tears began to course down her cheeks. It was the right thing to do. Now, you gather the women and go to the prayer tent, the wonderful breakfast you have prepared will go uneaten until Angelica is returned. Russel said, and then he turned and began to give orders to the men who all scrambled to their appointed tasks. You will come with us Adrian, we know where hes headed, and we will get there ahead of him. How can we do that? Adrian wondered aloud Faith; my friend; faith.

The women in the prayer tent fell down on their faces on the ground and began to pray, some wailed, some moaned, and some called out their prayers with voices of authority. Christina sat Indian style in the middle of the room, numb and in shock, she was unable to find any words to pray. She couldnt believe that after so many years without her precious Angel, after finally having her back in her life, now she was gone again. Christinas heart felt like a stone in her chest and her shoulders sagged in defeat as she wept openly. Rhoda came and sat beside her, taking Christinas trembling hands in hers. I have no words to pray. I am empty. Christina sobbed. It is okay, soothed Rhoda The Holy Spirit will intercede for you in groanings that you cannot understand. And I will pray for you too. Thank you . . . Dear Lord, You know this mothers heart is breaking for her child. We know you are a merciful and loving God, and that your love for Angelica does not compare to the love Christina has for her. We also know that you work all things together for the good of those who love you and are called according to your purpose. So we call on you right now to protect Angelica and bring her safely back to us, and hold this mother and her heart in your hands and let your grace be sufficient for her. We may not understand what your plans are Lord, but we ask that your will be done in all this . . .

Adrian couldnt contain the gasp that escaped his mouth when he realized what he was seeing. A dozen Caribou were being led toward them with bridles and bits in their mouths, and saddles on their backs. Men were checking the cinches on the saddles and patting their muzzles lovingly. These were not the smaller sized Reindeer that men had been domesticating for centuries, but actual full sized Caribou that ran free throughout the Tundra of Interior Alaska. How in the world . . . Adrian gasped I told you my friend; have faith. Chuckled Russel. These boys can run across the Tundra at speeds you cannot imagine. We can head straight to the fish camps as the crow flies and arrive there days ahead of your boy Donavon. But what about Angelica? What if he hurts her before then? I dont believe he intends to hurt her, but we must put her in the Lords hands either way. He can do what we cannot. Come, you will ride behind me on Rudolph. Rudolph? Are you kidding me? Adrian stared at the giant antlers on the animal. Wheres his red nose? Just get on. Russel held out a hand to help Adrian up. Nobody appreciates my sense of humor around here. He mumbled as the coaxed Rudolph to join the others now mounted up on their Caribou. Adrian turned and stared forlornly down the trail he knew Donavon had taken Angelica. Then he grabbed hold of ??s waist as the animal suddenly lurched forward and the group raced off at breakneck speed across the Tundra.

Donavon kept moving until late in the day. He figured that as soon as the villagers figured out Angelica was missing they would take off after him, but he also knew that he had a good head start. Even when he heard Angelica start to moan and knew she was coming down off her psychedelic trip he kept moving. Finally, in late evening he stopped and pulled the sled off the path into a grove of black spruce trees that would hide them from view. He pulled two bear traps from the sled and walked back down the path a couple hundred yards. He set them just beyond a curve in the trail where they wouldnt be seen until the last minute, and covered them with branches and leaves. Even if they saw the suspicious looking mound in the path and yelled for their teams to halt, the chances of them being able to stop in time were slim. Back at the sled he pulled Angelica from the sled bag. He couldnt stop himself from grinning with pleasure at her reaction when she realized who it was who had taken her. He pulled the gag from her mouth and offered her a drink which she greedily chugged down her throat. Youll never get away with this! They will come after me! threatened Angelica.

By the time they catch up to us, Ill have returned you to your father where you belong, like he sent me to do. What happens after that is none of my concern. If you would cooperate this trip would be much more pleasant for you Angelica. I am not your enemy. Angelica only glared at him in stubborn silence, but she had to use the bathroom and it was getting harder and harder to hold it. I need to use the bathroom. She finally conceded. Go ahead. Donavon replied, not looking up from the stick he was whittling, just stay where I can see you. What! How can I go where you can see me? I need some privacy! She stammered. And you need to untie my hands so I can hold my gown up. If you think I am going to let you out of my sight you are crazy. Replied Donavon calmly. Then he stood. Come on, I will hold your skirt up for you. The very thought of it sent ripples of pleasure up Donavons spine. No way! Ill pee myself first! Angelica yelled back at him. Suit yourself. He said and he sat back down and continued whittling his stick. Angelica sat down too and bowed her chin to her chest. The bindings on her wrists were cutting into her skin, and the ones on her ankles made it impossible to get into a comfortable position, plus she really had to go to the bathroom now and it was becoming unbearable. Donavon watched Angelica as she squirmed in obvious discomfort; it gave him great pleasure to watch it so he prolonged it as long as he could. Finally he went over and pulled Angelica to her feet. It would not be good to bring her to her father smelling of urine, or to give him any reason to think her treatment had been any harsher than necessary. He pulled her to a clear area just beyond their campsite, cut off the ties binding her ankles and wrists with a large knife, and then he yanked her nightdress up over her head. She tried to fight him but he was much stronger than her, throwing her over his shoulder he grabbed the back of her underpants with one hand and yanked them off, then he stood her back up, naked and embarrassed in front of him. Squat and go, or stand and go down your leg. Either way we will stand here until you go. Take your time if you like; itll give me a chance to enjoy the view. The look in Donavons eyes sent shivers of fear down Angelicas spine. She realized he was dead serious, and the way his eyes were wandering over her bare body horrified her. This man was pure evil; Angelica closed her eyes, squatted down, and relieved herself. The shame she felt was overwhelming and tears coursed silently down her cheeks.

After giving Angelica her clothes to put back on and binding her ankles and wrists again he put her back into the sled bag. Lying inside the bag alone, she thought about what her mom had told her about praying to Jesus, and silently she began to talk to him in her head, asking him to wash her clean from this dirty feeling she had inside and to protect her from this evil man. A peace settled over her and a joy that made no sense in the midst of these circumstances, but Angelica didnt question it. Thank you Jesus. She whispered with a smile and drifted off to sleep.

Aiyana brought Anthony his dinner and sat down beside him while he ate. He barely seemed to notice her as he stared at the wall, his dinner untouched. Fresh Salmon, coaxed Aiyana I am sorry. Anthony, seeming to notice the girl for the first time, replied. She had long straight dark hair, and the piercing blue eyes of her white mother, the almond shape of her eyes and the regal facial features she got from her Athabascan father. Her figure was one most women dreamed of and the clothes she was wearing accented every curve. I am just so worried about Angelica. Anthony sighed, Your presence comforts me, you must be about her age? I am glad to be of comfort to you. Replied Aiyana as she moved around behind his chair and began massaging his shoulders gently. She leaned the entire length of her body against his back and leaned over so her long hair cascaded over his shoulder and against the side of his face. I know exactly what you need. Just relax and try not to think of all your worries. She crooned in his ear. Anthony relaxed against her as she massaged the tension out of his neck and shoulders. She gently began to kiss his neck, sending ripples of electric pleasure through his body. It had been such a long time since he had felt such pleasure that he let out a moan that slowly turned to a low growl. Aiyana moved around and sat in his lap, kissing his neck and chest and lips. He wrapped his arms around her delicate frame and lost himself in the sensations. Which is why he thought the pounding of Caribou hooves outside was the pounding of his heart, and it was only when Aiyana looked up at the door with an annoyed expression that he realized that somebody was pounding on the door. Who is it? He yelled at the door in annoyance, not releasing his hold on the girl. Its Adrian sir! I need to speak with you! Its important! Anthony jumped up so suddenly that Aiyana was sent sprawling onto the floor. She barely had time to stand and straighten herself when Anthony threw open the door to reveal Adrian and several strange men standing outside it.

Where is my daughter? Demanded Anthony Donovan took her. Replied Adrian Aiyana gasped loudly, causing both Anthony and Adrian to turn and stare at her for a moment. We need to talk about this sir, and we need to do it before Donavon returns with Angelica Please come in, all of you. Anthony stood to the side, allowing Adrian and the men to enter the cabin. Aiyana, will you please leave us. Yes sir, Demurred Aiyana, making her way toward the door. Unless you want me to stay and fix you and your guests some food and drinks? She offered, trying to find a way to stay and hear what was going on. That wont be necessary. You may go

?????LARGE PART OF STORY NOT WRITTEN YET????? Donavan could see the fish camp now where the High Priest was. He had stopped beside a stream earlier and freshened Angelica up, removing the sled bag and setting her in the basket. She was still bound at her ankles and wrists but that would be understandable when Donavon told the High Priest the story hed come up with about how Angelica had tried to escape from him. His prize was in sight now and he was getting more and more anxious to claim it. The desire inside him to take all hed dreamed of had worked itself into a frenzy inside him that raged like a hurricane. As the trip progressed it had gotten harder and harder to control his fantasies. He entertained the different ways he could end the High Priests life. He could smell and taste the coppery blood as he imagined it spilling from the Rabbis lifeless body. Then he would have all the power and control the colony, and eventually he would get them to worship him, the one with real power, instead of some invisible myth in a ripped and water damaged book. He would own Angelica; her body would belong to him and bear him many sons. Perhaps he would take another wife also, or three or four. The more wives he took the more sons he could produce. Of course he would keep Aiyana or someone like her on the side for his baser desires. Perhaps several like her would be even better. He spent most of the last day of the trip imagining the ways he could make the Rabbi suffer before he killed him. The possibilities were endless and the thoughts made him smile. As he entered the camp the people started to spill out of the doorways of their cabins. At this time of day they should have been at the river fishing. As Donavon pulled up in front of the High Priests cabin the Rabbi emerged from within. Rabbi! Donavon called happily I have brought your daughter back to you!

Let her out of there. Ordered the Rabbi. ?????LARGE PART OF STORY NOT WRITTEN YET????? The End-Donavon Donavon ran through the night away from the fish camp. He knew that he didnt have long before the bodies of the guards he had killed would be discovered. Anger burned inside him at the ignorance of the people he left behind. They were so weak and stupid to believe in an ancient mythical God and his supposed son. He would have his revenge. He would go to the settlement at Lake Iliamna and kill as many as he could before they could kill him. Let their ancient mythical god protect them from my wrath. Donavon laughed to himself. Then we will see who holds the true power. About an hour after he had reached the forest edge it started to get dark and cold, flakes of snow began to fall thick and fast quickly covering the ground and starting to pile up. What in the world is going on with this crazy weather. Muttered Donavon Im sure it has nothing to do with any ancient myth controlling the weather. Donavon yelled into the sky. Donavon kept on through the storm, never slowing his pace, even when the swirling wall of snow made it almost impossible to see. He didnt stop at night to rest but kept on running as if the hounds of hell were at his heals. Well into the evening of the second day the storm suddenly stopped. Donavon heard the crunching of the snow behind him. He turned and saw a man standing there. He was wearing a caribou parka, buckskin pants, and mukluks trimmed with rabbit fur. He pushed back his hood to reveal his face. The mans plain features didnt register in Donavons mind because the love and sadness he saw emanating from the mans eyes hit him suddenly like somebody had elbowed him in the gut. It is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God! the man announced sadly. At the mans words, Donavon turned and ran, terror clutching at his throat. He never saw the edge of the very cliff Adrian had almost stumbled over several days before. The next thing Donavon knew he was falling through the crisp cold air toward the forest floor thirty feet below. When Donavon came to sometime later, he found himself lying near the mouth of a cave. When he tried to move, he realized his legs both were broken. He pulled himself slowly into the cave until he lay on someones old bed mat near the cold remains of a fire. Despair filled him as he realized he had been wrong. God did exist after all, and Donavon had been found unacceptable in His eyes. Donavon wept bitter tears as he lay in the cave and waited to die.

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