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Rubric for a 5 Section Essay

☺☺☺☺ Now I know what to do to get a 4! ☺☺☺☺


Check your work: Revisions Done! ☺

1. My title tells about the main idea
2. My opening is interesting and hooks the reader
3. The introduction tells the main idea
4. The 2nd paragraph tells about the 1st detail and gives
5. The 3rd paragraph tells about the 2nd detail and gives
6. The 4th paragraph tells about the 3rd detail and gives
7. The 5th paragraph is my conclusion. My ending
summarizes the main idea
8. I added something new I learned in my conclusion or
a new thought (chocolate milk)
9. I varied my vocabulary so words don’t repeat
10. I varied my sentences to make my writing
interesting(., !, ? )
11. I used transition words (first, next, in addition, also,
another example, finally, in conclusion, in short, in summary)
12. I indented/separated ALL 5 sections
13. ALL of my words are all spelled correctly
14. I have checked for capitalization (DMINTS)
15. I added a simile or a metaphor into my writing
16. My writing is clear and makes sense
17. I conferenced with my teacher or a friend
Add 1 point for all of your Done! checks and revise as needed
Created by L. Trujillo

16-17=☺☺☺☺ 14-15=☺☺☺ 13 or less ☺☺

My score __________________________

My teacher’s score _________________

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