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Today we live in difficult times, and to move forward we need an important quality,

courage. What is courage? It is a spiritual, emotional and moral strength to speak

and act without fear of difficulties and dangers. The courageous person is energetic
and determined, this does not mean that they will never feel fear, but rather that
they are capable of acting despite their fears.
We are going to see how two servants of Jehovah, a married couple, demonstrated
this quality and how Jehovah rewards courage and how the example of this couple
helps us to be courageous today.

Jerusalem, the city where Jehovah's temple was located, was in a terrible situation.
But why? Because they had just killed King Ahaziah. Athaliah, the mother of
Ahaziah, can't think of anything else but to order the killing of all of Ahaziah's
children, all of her grandchildren. And why did she do such a terrible thing? Because
she didn't want anyone to reign in her place. There is a saying that says, like father
like son. She was just as wicked as her mother, Jezebel. But in the midst of this
terrible situation there was hope. her grandson Jehoash, who is barely a baby,
survives the slaughter, without Athaliah finding out about him.
But how was this possible? Let's see how in
2 Chronicles 22:11

11 However, Je·ho·shabʹe·ath the daughter of the king took

Je·hoʹash+ the son of A·ha·ziʹah and stole him away from among the sons
of the king who were to be put to death, and she put him and his nurse in
an inner bedroom. Je·ho·shabʹe·ath the daughter of King Je·hoʹram+ (she
was the wife of Je·hoiʹa·da+ the priest and a sister of A·ha·ziʹah) managed
to keep him concealed from Ath·a·liʹah, so that she did not put him to

We see how Jehoshabeath and her husband, Jehoiadá, quickly decide to act, risking
their lives. And as we see in the image, without anyone noticing, they hide Jehoash.
And as we see in their expressions, it seems that they are afraid, but the fear did
not paralyze them. They acted despite fear. But what else they did, let's read now:
2 Chronicles 22:12
12 He remained with them for six years, hidden at the house of the true
God, while Ath·a·liʹah was ruling over the land.

So they raise him in the temple for 6 years, hidden from his grandmother. But in
addition, they talk to him and teach him about the laws of Jehovah.

Today in Jehovah's people there are many brothers and sisters who are like
Jehosabeat and Jehoiada. Very courageous, because despite their health problems
or their age, they preach the good news of the kingdom and attend meetings
prepared to give their comments.
There are brothers who are imprisoned because they simply obey Jesus' command
to make disciples.
There are also elders in the congregations who protect the youth of this world from
satan, dedicating their time and energy to train them.
And we young people do well to listen to them, being patient and humble.

Let's go back to the case of Jehoash. After what happened, Jehoás is already 7 years
old, so Jehoiadá and his wife decide to go one step further.
Jehoiadá acted with courage so that Jehoash would become king. Do you know
what Jehoiadá did and what happened to the wicked queen Athaliah? Well, he
makes a plan, and in 2 chronicles 23: 1-8, we see how Jehoiadá secretly gathered
all the chiefs of the guards and the Levites, and explains to them that he and his
wife have saved one of the sons of Ahaziah. Given this, they accept the plan and
support Jehoiadá.
Let’s read,

2 Chronicles 23:9-11
9 Je·hoiʹa·da the priest then gave the chiefs of hundreds+ the spears and
the bucklers* and the circular shields that had belonged to King
David,+ which were in the house of the true God.+ 10 He then stationed
all the people, each with his weapon* in hand, from the right side of the
house to the left side of the house, by the altar and by the house, all around
the king. 11 Then they brought the king’s son+ out and put on him the
crown* and the Testimony*+ and made him king, and Je·hoiʹa·da and his
sons anointed him. Then they said: “Long live the king!”+

as we see again in the image and as we have read, we see that Jehoiadá puts the
crown on the young king Jehoash.
Do you know who hears the screams and the noise that this caused in the town?
Yes, the evil queen athalía who comes running and accuses them of betrayal. And
what do the chiefs of the guards do? Well, let's read it please at:

2 Chronicles 23:14, 15

14 But Je·hoiʹa·da the priest brought out the chiefs of hundreds, those
appointed over the army, and said to them: “Take her out from among the
ranks, and if anyone follows her, put him to death with the sword!” For
the priest had said: “Do not put her to death in the house of
Jehovah.” 15 so they seized her, and when she reached the entrance of the
Horse Gate of the king’s house,* they immediately put her to death there.

We see that she ended up the same as her mother for being mean and selfish. The
people of Judah rejoiced because they could finally serve Jehovah free from the evil
queen Athaliah and false Baal worship.
Thanks to the courage of Jehoiadá and his wife, the royal lineage of David through
which the messiah came was preserved.
What is the lesson for us? Jehovah rewards those who put God's will and the well-
being of others before their personal well-being.
Now let's see how Jehovah rewarded Jehoiada for being courageous. Well, he had
a very special honor, let's read it at:

2 Chronicles 24:15, 16

15 When Je·hoiʹa·da was old and satisfied with years, he died; he was 130
years old at his death. 16 So they buried him in the City of David along
with the kings,+ because he had done good in Israel+ with respect to the
true God and His house.

The high priest Jehoiadah was the only person known to receive such an honor, not
belonging to the royal lineage, to be buried in the city of David along with the kings.
And there is a question we should meditate on: In what areas of my worship
would I like to show more courage?
Let's continue to be courageous despite living in a world full of evil and problems.
This year's April broadcast song says as follows:
Im not going to sing it, don’t worry. It says.
So stand tall; give your all.
Jehovah’s right there with you; he won’t let you fall.
He has done this in the past, he does it today, and he will do it forever.
Don’t forget! Jehovah Rewards Courageous Acts.

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