ES2 Module1

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This unit covers Module 1 entitled Fundamental Concepts of Engineering



Fundamental Concepts of Engineering Mechanics

This module will present the definition of terms, concepts and principles which are
essential in the study of engineering mechanics.

Engineering Mechanics

- Science which deals with the external effects of forces on rigid bodies.

- It does not consider the deformation of the bodies the forces act upon.

Subject of Engineering mechanics is divided into two (2) parts:

1. Statics- is the study of the effects of forces on bodies at rest or in a state of


2. Dynamics- is the study of particles and bodies in motion.

Rigid body – a specific amount of matter whose particles are fixed in position relative to
each other.

Fundamental quantities of mechanics:

1. Force- is commonly considered as a push or a pull exerted by one body on another.

 Are classified according to their method of application.

a. Concentrated or force- is one which may be considered as acting at a given


P (concentrated load)

2m 2m

b. Distributed- is one which acts over an area, such as water pressure against
a dam, earth pressure on a retaining wall.
(Distributed load)


2. Distance – a scalar quantity and a numerical measurement of how far apart objects
or points are ( In SI system of units is measured in meters
(m), millimeter (mm) or centimeter (cm).

3. Time- commonly used is the second, although in some cases larger units of
minutes and hours are used.

4. Mass- is the quantity of matter which occupies space and is measured in kgs.

5. Weight-is a vector quantity and in science and engineering, the weight of an object
is the force acting on the body due to gravity ( In SI units,
Weight is in Newtons (N), KiloNewtons (KN).


 Was devised to aid in the analysis of problems in Mechanics. It enables the analyst
to visualize the forces acting on the body under consideration. The free-body
diagram shows the body or a particular part of it isolated or separated from physical
contact with any other body or other parts of the same body.


 Scalars – are quantities which possess magnitude only and can be added

 Vectors – are quantities which possess direction as well as magnitude.


1. Principle of transmissibility

 The external effect of a force on a body is the same regardless of the point of
application along its line of action.
Example: What is the value of F on the point cut by section a-a?

Fig. 1.a

Consider Free Body Diagram (FBD) of Left portion of Section a-a:

x P F=? x

Fig. 1.b


Summation of Forces along x – axis equal to zero:

Consider the right force ( ) to be positive and the left force ( ) to be negative
or vice versa:


(Therefore, the force acting on the point cut by section a-a is also equal to P).

2. Two (2) forces are in equilibrium only when they are equal in magnitude, co-linear,
and in opposite direction.

Consider Fig. 1.b (Principle of Transmissibility)

F is equal to P, co-linear and in opposite direction, it means that the FBD is in the state
of equilibrium (It is fixed in position) and therefore the equations of equilibrium can be
applied, e.g. summation of forces along x=0.

3. The Parallelogram Law:

a. The resultant of two forces is the diagonal of the parallelogram formed from the
vectors of these forces.
R (resultant)

(Force) P Q (force)

(Fig. 3. a)

b. The Triangle Law:

Consider Fig. 3a, the second force (Q) must be drawn from the tip of the first force
or vector (P) and the resultant is the force or vector drawn from the tail of the first vector
to the tip of the second or last vector.


Force V Force Q

Resultant R
Tail (Fig. 3.b.1) Force P (Fig. 3.b.2)

c. Moment of a force

Moment of a force about an axis is measured by the turning effect produced by the
force. It is the product of the magnitude of the force and its perpendicular distance from
the line of action of the force to the axis of rotation.

FF r

Fig. 3.c

The Moment of the Force F with respect to the axis oy is the product of the force
F and the distance r. Consider moments that produce clockwise motion along the
known axis of rotation to be positive and those that produce counter-clockwise
motion to be negative. The unit of moment is in Nm, Kgm, KNm, etc.

From the Figure:

Moy = F r

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