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Module 1-Reflection Paper 1:

Reflection Question. As an education leader, what knowledge and understanding of the modalities can
you confidently impart to the school heads? Which aspect of the modalities do you need to improve
your understanding on? Describe your answers briefly and include your plan to address your area of

The new normal education has imposed a large scale reform in education and entailed new demands
to the entire workforce of the Department of Education. As an education leader, it is Paramount that
one has a full understanding of the new learning delivery modalities within the new normal learning
paradigm. This knowledge will ensure the effective implementation of LDM consistent with policies and
COVID-19 response framework so that quality education will continue to be provided to the learner’s
despite the absence of face to face learning.

As an educational leader myself, I have immersed my time learning the different LDMs through LCP
Capacity Building provided in the LDM course for school leaders. This training mechanism has equipped
school leaders like me to have a full understanding on the nature and features of Distance learning, the
different types of DL including the policies, method of implementation, and the non negotiable
minimum requirements for each type. I am confident that my newly-gained knowledge will help me
extend proper technical assistance to my school heads in their crafting and implementation of their SLCP
for this school year.

However, I need to gain more understanding on how to support my school heads assist their
teachers in translating classroom curricula into engaging and meaningful distance learning modalities
considering the apparent limitations and constraints faced by each school.

On the other hand, I believe I can address this management woes by working closely with my
school heads as we go about the learning activities and supplementary readings in the LDM Course 1
through collaborative learning and constant monitoring of outputs. Our outputs will be instrumental in
giving me informed decisions on what kind, in what form, and how much degree of support shall I
provide so that my school heads can be effective school leaders as they implement the LCP – DLMD.
Effective, efficient, and competent leadership precedes effective instructional delivery and quality
teaching-learning experience.

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