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TAISEI CORPORATION SAFETY MANAGEMENT MANUAL PREPARED BY, _ 7 Me ae AC fog Ae an APPROVED BY bob SAFETY OFFICER OSMERA MOHAMAD DATE : 25-Feb-2008 DEPUTY P. MANAGER S. NARAYANAN DATE : 25-Feb-2008 PROJECT MANAGER, MASASHI ITO DATE : 25-Feb-2008 Jimah1-TSI-B0-HSE-D00001-Rev.1 TAISEI CORPORATION 5 | CONTENTS SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Table of Content Introduction | 1.0 | Company Profile 1 Company Safety Policy ae 2.0 | Policy Statement 2 ** ! Safety Organisation 3.0 | Organisation Structure 3 3.1 Project Safety Organisation (HSSE Committee) 3 ” |32 General 4 3.3 Safoty Management Committee 4 3.4 Duties and Responsibilities 4 3.5 Safety and Health Roles and Responsibilities 5 3.51 Function & Responsibilities of Project | 7 aa Director / Project Manager 3.52 Function & Responsibilities of 7 a Construction Manager / Department Head 3.5.3 Function & Responsibilities of Site 7 a Engineer and/or Supervisor | 3.5.4 Function & Responsibilities of Safety 6-7 Officer 3.5.5 Function & Responsibilities of Employee 7 - 3.5.6 Function & Responsibilities of Sub- a 7-8 contractor 3.6 Safety Requirement for Sub-Contractor 8 ~ Revised all contents 6 Revised! certain contents anh Jimahl -TSI-BO-HSE-D00001-Rev.1 Page 1 of 7 pages ‘TAISE] CORPORATION SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM CONTENTS Health and Safety 4.0 | Health and Safety —_ HH 9 [ 4.1 Safety Compliance 9 4.2 Safety Committee Members 9 | 43. Safety Briefing to Workers 9 44 Daily Site Progress Meeting 10 i (| 48 Weekly Safty Patrol 10 46 Sub-Contractors Cooperation 10 4.7 Safety Training 10 4.7.1. Safety Induction Training 10 4.7.2 Toolbox Talk by Sub-Contractors 1 » | 4.73 Skill Training il 4.7.4 Personal Protective Equipment 1i~13 ae 4.1.5. Excavation B~14 4.7.6 Welding and Fabrication i4~15 i 4.7.7 Scaffold and Ladders 15~16 4.7.8 Crane and Rigging 16~17 4.1.9 Plant, Tools and Equipment 17~18 + Revised all contents Revised certain cei ents on Jimah1-TSI-B0-HSE-D00001-Rev.1 Page 2 of 7 pages TAISE] CORPORATION 4 CONTENTS SAPETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM . | ise | ins | 4.7.10 Work Over Water 18 4711 Erection and Removal of Temporary nei Hoarding 4.7.22 Piling 1» 4.7.13 Housekeeping / Work Area 20 4.7.14 Conereting Works 20 4.7.15 Personal Behaviour at Workplace 20 47.16 Generators, Electrical Equipment and te Compressors 4.7.17 Air Compressor a 4.7.18 Painting a 4.7.19 Aleohol, Drug and Gambling 4 4.7.20 First Aid 1 5.0 | Housekeeping 2 ” 6.0 | Medical 23 7.0 | Machinery Registration m~2s | 8.0 | Accident Reporting 26 8.1 Accident Reporting Procedure 26 | 8.2 Fatal Accident 6 a Revised ail conrents - Revised certain contents only Jimahl-TSI-B0-HSE-D00001-Rev.1 Page 3 of 7 pages ‘TAISE] CORPORATION 4 SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM CONTENTS 8.4 Investigation Guidelines 28 85 Incident / Acckdent tobe Investigate 28 8.6 Accident Prevention Plan & Control Measures 6 8.7 Job Safety Analysis (JSA) 29 9.0 | Emergencies 30~31 * | 10.0 | Security | | oa. Security Procedure 22 10.1.1 The Security Passes in Force 2 10.1.2 Application form 2 10.2. Vehicle Sticker 33 FH 103 Site Material Removal and Rubbish Disposal | 33~34 7H [110 | Environmental 35~36 Guide for Penalty System 37 * 1.0 | Policy 37 * 2.0 | Introduetion 7 * 3.0 | Enforcement 7 * 3.1. The enforcement on Safety and Health 37 * 3.2 The flow chart 38~43, * “Revised all coments Revised certain coments only Jimahl-TSI-BO-HSE-D00001-Rev.1 Page 4 of 7 pages | i ' : : : TAISEI CORPORATION 5 CONTENTS SAFETY MANAGEMENT. SYSTEM ‘The Schedule of Safety Breaches and the Penalty bl f 4.0 | Schedule and Penalty of Breaches 44 * 41 Category I~ Offences (By Sub-Contractor | 4, 4g = Employees) 4.2 Category 2~ Offences (By Sub-Contractor) |. 45~47 * 43 Category 3— By Individual (Penalty per aay : Offence) ef 5.0 | Process and Procedure 50 * 6.0 | Recommendation st * 7.9 | Conclusion 52 * Emergency Action Plan for Injury * Annex Bi | Accident / Incident Flow Chart 3 * Emergency Action Plan for Fire * ‘Annex B2 | Fire Emergency Flow Chart 34 * | Emergency Action Plan for Fight/Riot/Theft . Annex B3 | Fight / Riot /‘Theft Flow Chart 35 . Emergency Action Plan Annex B4 | Incident Reporting Flow Chart 56 a ‘Monthly Inspection Colour Coding 37 Revision 1 (25 February 2008) "© Revived certain contents only Jimahl-TSI-BO-HSE-D00001-Rev.1 Page 5 of 7 pages, TAISEI CORPORATION, CONTENTS SAFETY MANAGEMENT. SYSTEM Attachments HSSE Induction Request 1 sheet 2. | HSE Induction Attendance List. AZ 1 sheet | 3 | Permit to Work AS 1 sheet 4 | Confined Spaces Entry Permit Ad | 1 sheet 5 | Working at Height Permit AS 1 sheet 6 | Plant / Machinery Mobilisation Request AG 1 sheet | 7 | Environmental / Sanitation AT 1 sheet j 8 | Scaffolding / Ramps / Walkways AS 1 sheet | 9| personal Protective Equipment Ag 1 sheet 10 | Personal Protective Equipment Issuance Record AAO 1 sheet | 11 | Daily HSSE Observation & Checklist Report —_ All I sheet 12 | Incident / Accident Report : Ald 1 sheet 13 | Incident / Accident Investigation Report AZ 3 sheets 14 | sigue Init inspection Checklist Ad 1 sheet 15 | Crane Initial Inspection Checklist AIS 1 sheet 16 Tock een Gheaine Welding Set / Hand Ad 1 sheet 17 | Construction Equipment Inspection Checklist Aa7 | 8 sheets sion € (25 Febreary 2008) ed all contents © _ Revised certain contents only Jimah]-TSI-BO-HSE-D0000]-Rev.1 Page 6 of 7 pages eee eee TAISE CORPORATION : CONTENTS ; SAFETY MANAGEMENT : SYSTEM ee a eee | 18 | Job Safety Analysis A18 1 sheet 1p | Hazara entficato, Rik Anesment & Risk ieee tel eraaiy See 20 | Appointment Letter A20 | 1 sheet | 21 | HSSE Committee Attendance A21 | 1 sheet 22 | SSE Committee Inspection A22 | 1 sheet 23 | Daily Toolbox Meeting A23 | 1 sheet 24 | Notification of Overtime and Rest Day / Public Holiday | A.24 1 sheet : 25 | Site Material Exit Form eS Aas | sheet 26 | Materials, Equipment & Tools Declaration Form A26 | 1 sheet 27| Safety Observation Report aat | Asheet 28 Safety TInduetion Form & Application for Site Seeurity | > | 2 Ree 29 | Regular Vehicle Gate Pass Request A29 | 1 sheet 30 | Confirmation Note 430 | 1 sheet 31 | Zone Andit A31 | 2 sheets 32 | Overall Comments A32 | 1 sheet 33 | Monthly Health Return A33 | 1 sheet Revised all contents +“ Resived cevtain comens only Jimah1-TSI-B0-HSE-D00001-Rev.1 Page 7 of 7 pages eee ‘TAISEI CORPORATION INTRODUCTION SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM COMPANY PROFILE TAISEI CORPORATION is the Civil Contractor for Engineering, Procurement and Construction of 2 x 700MW Coal Fired Power Plant, Jimah, Negeri Sembilan, As Civil Contractor for the project, the company is overall responsible for the construction of civil aspect of the project, right from the mobilisation stage to completion, and handover. We are responsible for the works performed by subcontractors engaged by us, including those appointed by the client and his principle consultant for the project, throughout the duration of the contract. It is also our responsibility to address any remedial work within our scope, arising during the Defects Liability Period after handover. Taisei Corporation is complying with CIDB Act 520 1994 on the compulsory registration in the category as a foreign contractor. Jimahl-TSI-BO-HSE-DO0001-Rev.1 Page 1 of 57 pages | i j Pee eee ‘TAISEI CORPORATION x COMPANY SAFETY POLICY. SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 2. POLICY STATEMENT. “Safety Assurance” is an essential requirement of corporate activit responsibility to be carried out towards society by an enterprise. , which is a ‘We, TAISEI CORPORATION, through our slogan “CONFIRMATION FIRST" is one of our basic policies of our management, ensuring the spread of “SAFETY FIRST” into every comer of the workplace. ‘We have been making efforts towards achieving a more conducive working environment for all the personnel from our employees to subcontractor, wherein they can work with peace of mind. In ensuring safety, itis absolutely necessary to be able to:- Foresee risk and danger Propose and recommend preventive measures ‘Implement appropriate preventive measures Enforce compliance of safety nules and regulations Securely performed appropriate actions to be in accordance with each employee's role ‘and position, amidst constant changing conditions To be in fine with our “Basic Direction and Targets”, we should emphasize Total Safety Management” by:~ © Providing and maintaining adequate safety facilities * Organizing regular and effective safety meetings ‘+ Bohancing further safety awareness through safety education ‘The effective implementation and operation of the Safety Management System is the responsibility of everyone. ‘The main objective of the Safety Management System is to achieve and maintain “ZERO ACCIDENT RATE” Masashi Ito Project Manager © - Revised certuin contents ont Jimah1-TSI-B0-HSE-D00001-Rev.1 Page 2 of 57 pages TAISE] CORPORATION SAFETY ORGANISATION SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 3. ORGANISATION STRUCTURE 3.1 Project Safety Organisation (HSSE Committee) ** Chairman (Project Manager) Vice Chairman (Deputy Project Manager) Secretary (Safety Officer) Civil Section Building Section (Construction Manager) (Construction Manager) Subcontractor Subcontractor Project Workers Safety Project Workers Safety Manager Representative || Representative Manager Representative |] Representative Revised certain contenis ont Jimahl-TSI-B0-HSE-D0G0O1-Rev.1 : Page 3 of 57 pages | 1 | i | ‘TAISEI CORPORATION 5 SAFETY ORGANISATION SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 32 General ‘TAISEI CORPORATION recognises the fact that effective safety management can only be achieved through the corporate effect of all parties. ‘To ensure a safe, healthy and conducive working environment, itis therefore necessary to establish the duties and responsibilities of the management, the staff and the subcontractors and their workers. 3.3 Safety Management Committee ‘The “Safety Management” committee shall comprises the following:- Project Manager Construction Manager Chief Engineer Safety Officer Civil Engineer and Supervisor Subcontractor Representative 3.4 Duties and Responsibilities Formulate and establish the “Safety Management System” Ensure that the safety policy is communicated to all levels of staff ‘Monitor the implementation of the “SMS” at the project site Conduct safety management review Implement the company “Safety Management System” at work site Ensure that works and other related activities are in compliance with the “Statutory Regulations and Requirements” Disseminate safety information to all workers Ensure compliance of the company “Safety Rules and Regulations” Formulate and implement corrective and preventive measures Conduct hazard analysis, incident / accident investigation and prepare safe work practice whenever necessary Jimah| -TSI-BO-HSE-D00001-Rev.1 Page 4 of 57 pages TAISEI CORPORATION SAFETY ORGANISATION SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Safety and Health Roles and sibilities 3.5.1. Function & Responsibilities of Project Director / Project Manager ** ‘The maintenance of a safe and healthy working environment Establish and promote safe practices and procedures to prevent accidents and injuries. Conscientious observances of all Company’s safety regulations and local statutory requirement pertaining to Occupational Safety and Health, including the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994, The formation of Safety Committee end keen participation in safety activities. ‘The upgrading of safety standards and control Responsible in the implementation of this policy at their project site, 3.5.2. Function & Responsibilities of Construction Manager / Department Head ** To maintain safe working condition and practices for all employees under his supervision ‘To ensure good housekeeping in the section ‘To ensure that adequate personal protective equipment is issued, maintained and used in accordance with safety rules and regulations. To encourage safety suggestions are complied with and explained to the employees and contractor in his section. To rectify all unsafe conditions and hazards when required to do so by members of the Safety Department or Committee. To conduct regular Safety Meeting To identify training needs in respect of skills of his employees. To carry out investigation against his employees of all serious, fatal and significant incidents including compiling reports and recommendations to prevent recurrence. In case of serious or fatal accidents, to follow up and ensure recommendations made are complied with. To conduct audits or survey whenever required or when he it to be necessary. Jimahl-TS1-BO-HSE-D00001-Rev.1 Page 5 of 57 pages ‘TAISEI CORPORATION SAFETY ORGANISATION SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 3.5.3.Kunetions & Responsibilities of Site Engineer and/or Supervisor ** 3.8.4.Function - Revised certain consents only Responsibilities for the prevention of accidents in his section Accountable for all occurring in his section To enforce all general and Section’s Safety rules and regulations To investigate accidents ‘To inspect his worksite under his jurisdiction, regularly ‘To ensure that all persons reporting to him are trained in safety working procedures, To inspect his worksite tools and equipment regularly ‘To conduct regular Section Safety Meeting at worksite To take stop-work against any person working unsafely To rectify hazards pointed out to him by safety Personnel or other person. To ensure good housekeeping at his work areas. ties of Safety Officer Formulating, administering and making necessary changes to the safety & health programs. Submitting directly to the Managing Director/Project Manager regular monthly, weekly or daily reports on the status of safety and health, ‘Acting in an advisory capacity to the management on all matters a pertaining to Occupational Safety and Health. Maintaining accident records system, conduct accident investigation and prepare reports for submission to management and relevant government departments and propose corrective actions. Coordinates safety work with the Medical Doctors. Making personal inspections and supervising inspection for the purpose of identifying and correcting unsafe conditions or unsafe work practices. Maintaining constant contact with changes in Occupational Safety & Health matter in the country. Making certain that laws, ordinance or orders bearing on Industrial Safety and Health are complied with, Securing necessary help or advice from the Occupational Safety and Health Department, Insurance Companies, Safety Council or others on matters pertaining to safety and health. Promote activities that will stimulate and maintain employees, Jimahl-TSI-BO-HSE-D00001-Rev.1 Page 6 of 57 pages TAISEI CORPORATION SAFETY ORGANISATION SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Safety and Health, Conducting/supervising fire fighting activities and emergency respond procedures. Setting safety regulation that may be needed for the proper handling of this machinery. Provide Safety and Health posters relevant to working conditions. Asa Secretary in the Safety Committee meeting. 3.5.5.Function & Responsibilities of Employee To obey all company’s safety rules and regulations so as to prevent himself and his colleagues from bodily injuries. To report all unsafe acts and conditions to his Supervisor immediately. To check surrounding areas for potential hazards before commencing work. To report all accidents to his Supervisor immediately. To seck first aid treatment for all injuries. To seek advise from his Supervisor immediately * When an unusual situation develops which may appear wrong to him. * When he does not know to do job * When he does not understand the instructions To utilize all Personal Protective Equipment provided. To maintain good housekeeping in the work are. Not to create unsafe condition ‘To cooperate with the supervisors and manager to achieve a healthy and safe work place and to take reasonable care of themselves and others 3.5.6.Runction & Responsibilities of Sub-Contractor To ensure that all the respective agents and employees conforms to the Company's safety rules and regulations. ‘To supply his entire employee with suitable personal prospective equipments and appliances when working at construction site. To rectify all unsafe conditions and hazards when required to do so by members of the Safety Committee or Safety Officer. To ensure good housekeeping To report all accidents to the Safety Officer immediately Jimah1-TSI-BO-HSE-D00001-Rev.1 Page 7 of 57 pages TTT ‘TAISE] CORPORATION SAFETY ORGANISATION SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM © To seck first aid treatment for all injuries from the Safety Officer. © To be entirely responsible for the implementation of safety measure and full compliance with safety rules and regulation of the Company in respect of both himself and his employees. 3.6 Safety Requirement For Sub-Contractor ‘The contractor shall confirm with the entire safety requirement as laid down by the Company and the Department of Occupational Safety and Health, ‘A Supervisor responsible for the work force must be appointed and he must liaise effectively with Safety Officer/Safety Committee. Singh -TS/-B0-HSE-Do0001-Rev.1 age 8 of 57 pages | TLE ‘TAISEI CORPORATION HEALTH AND SAFETY SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 4. HEALTH SAFETY 4.1 Safety Compliance ln order to achieve safety completion of the project, the following items shall be Exccuted to all civil work onshore or offshore: i, The proper PPE shall be worn at site at any time ii, Warning and safe condition signs shall be observed and followed at site. iii, Tool box meeting shall be held before commencing of work in each working group. iv. Machinery, tools, equipment and vessels shall be checked carefully before ‘commencing of work. v. Proper work procedures shall be complied at site. vi, The existing structures facilities onshore or offshore shall be observed and keep them not to damage. vii, Communication tools onshore and offshore shall be available and maintained at site at anytime Failure by any party to comply with the Safety Rules and Regulations will be noted. The followings ate the actions that will be taken against offending Sub-Contractors ot individuals: 1. Notice of Reminder via official letter ; 2. Penalty (Refer to guide for Penalty on Page 35) 3. Dismissal from site @ 42 Safety Committee Members Each Sub-Contractor must designate a staff member to be a member of the Safety Committee. The Committee will hold its monthly meeting on the designated day of every month which you will be notified prior to the meeting. Attendance is compulsory. 43 — Safety Briefing to Workers All workers shall have PPE properly at site. The Safety Committee holds a Monthly briefing to workers at the Site. All Sub-Contractors are required to ensure their maximum workers attendance at designated hours on the designated day of each month. Attendances are recorded. Jimaht-TSI-B0-HSE-D00001-Rev.1 Page 9 of 57 pages TTT TAISEI CORPORATION SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM HEALTH AND SAFETY 44 Daily Site Progress Meeting All Sub-Contractors representatives must attend the site Progress meeting at 1:00 p.m. at the Site Office Meeting Room. The intent of the meeting is to brief the site staff on the work progress of the day and the work programme of the next day. It also serves to clarify and rectify any doubts/problems encountered by both parties (Main Contractor and Sub-Contractors). Attendance is compulsory. 48 Weekly Safety Patrol Safety Patrol will be carried out on a weekly basis. The purpose of this patrol is to cneble ‘management staff of one work area to learn or exchange views on Safety aspects of other work areas. Through this method of intercommunication or rapport between the Sub- Contractors and the Main Contractor, the quality of Safety of the project will be enhanced. 4.6 Sub-Contractors Cooperation TAISEI CORPORATION intends to maintain the highest standard of Safety. This can only be achieved with the sincere support and cooperation from-all Sub-Contractor's staff and workers alike. 4.7 Safety Training ‘TAISEL CORPORATION has a safety training programme in place to instil the workers with safe and correct working methods/habits. The following elements comprise these training programmes: 4.7.1 Safety Induction Training Sub-Contractors are required to send their workers to a Safety induction training lecture prior to placement at worksite. Special training such as usage of rescue boats and life rings shall be done to all workers on board in offshore works. An Induction Training Card will be issued to all workers who have undergone this training. ‘Those who do not undergo this training may be discontinued from working at the site, Jimabl-TSI-BO-HSE-D00001-Rev.1 Page 10 of 57 pages TAISEI CORPORATION HEALTH AND SAFETY SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 4.7.2 Toolbox Talk by Sub-Contractors ** Toolbox talks, by Sub-Contractors to their own workers, are deemed necessary and must be recorded. The Toolbox mecting shall be carried out on a daily basis 15 minutes to 30 minutes prior to commencement of the works. (See attachment for Daily Toolbox Record Form). 4.7.3 Skil nin; Skill training is provided / arranged by the Main Contractor's Safety Office. The Skill Training programme for the year is issued and Sub- Contractors must enrol their workers for the programme. 4.7.4 Personal Protective Equipment ** Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to be provided to workers involved in ‘specific job functions to prevent injuries/bodily harm. i, Head Protection a) All personnel shall be issued with safety helmets, which shall be ‘wom at all times those personnel, ate on the SITE. where helmet zones are designated, b) Safety helmets shall be checked periodically for signs of wear, and in particular for cracks in resulting the helmets being discarded, and a replacement issued. ©) Helmets should not be painted as this may result in embattlement ii, Hand Protection a) Gloves shall be issued by personnel involved in works for possibility of the following hazards: « Risk of abrasion « Risk of cutting © Risk of tearing ** Risk of chemical, burn or other + Risk of infection 'b) The wearing of gloves should be avoided if possible, when works are being carried out on, or immediately nest to rotating ot ‘moving equipment, #8 Revised certain contents only Jimah1-TSI-B0-HSE-D00001-Rev.1 Page 11 of S7 pages Peet TAISEI CORPORATION HEALTH AND SAFETY SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ii, Foot Protection a) Suitable safety footwear should be worn by personnel, considering the nature of works and such hazards as + Risk of crushing by heavy objects ‘ Penetration by sharp objects ‘ Penetration by chemicals or harmful liquids + Weld spatter iv. Hearing Protection ‘a) Hearing protection shall be worn by personnel involved in works in areas high levels, or when working with equipment that generate high noise levels (above 90 dBA). ) Hearing protection is available in 2 (two) basic types, being an internal ‘cup-type’ defender which fits over the outside of the car, and an internal ‘plug-type’, usually made of compressible foam, which fits inside the ear. ©) Selection of the correct type shall depend upon: ** The nature and source of the noise ‘* The assumed or known level of the noise (measured in decibels, and recorded as dBA) ‘* The pitch or frequency of the noise © The attenuation (or protection factor) offered by the defender 4) Whenever practicable, equipment generating high noise levels shall be located the maximum distance from any works being performed and sound ‘mufflers’ fitted. v. Bye Protection a) All personnel shall be provided with suitable eye protection wherever there is a risk from: + Flying particles ‘« High speed flying particles + Dust ingress * Chemical splash * Radiation glare + Hot sparks or metal spatter ‘+ Harmful vapours ) The correct selection of eye protection shall depend on the assessment of the risk, or combination of risk based on the foregoing. ©) Eye protection with scratched or ‘fogged’ lenses shall be discarded and replacement issued. Jimah}-TSI-BO-HSE-DO0001-Rev.1 Page 12 of 57 pages ‘TAISEI CORPORATION HEALTH AND SAFETY SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM vi. Respiratory Protection a) Respiratory equipment whether static bottled-type or self contained breathing apparatus shall only be worn by trained and qualified personnel. 'b) Person with beards shall not permit to operate with respiratory equipment. ©) Self contained breathing apparatus shall generally be used in emergency situations, whilst scheduled works shall utilize the static bottled-type. 4) All equipment should be thoroughly checked prior to use to ensure: ‘* Cylinders are fully and gauges function correctly + All connections are proven ‘tight? « Pace masks show no sign of damage or possible leakage ©) All operatives shall be fitted with life-lines when entering hazardous areas. 1) Operatives shall be ‘rotated’ at regular intervals, depending upon the nature of the works being performed, vii, Safety Hamess ** Safety belts shall be worn by all personnel working above water or at a height greater than 2.0m above the immediate safe landing area when properly constructed working platforms are neither available nor risk of falling cannot be eliminated 4.7.5 Excavation i) if) iv) Before commencing excavation works the following must be establish a) Nature of the ground water b) Level of ground water ©) Existence of buried services i.e power cables, pipelines, ete Wherever there is risk of trench or pit sidewall collapse, adequate protection ‘must be provided by means of shoring. Acceptable shoring shall make of wooden planking or steel sheet piling and shall be properly braced to give the necessary support to the trench or pit sidewall. Altematively, the trench slope shall be cut to a designed safe slope. The exposed slope shall be protected from rain using plastic sheets. Alll trenches and pits shall be kept free of ground water at all times. Must provide with water pump. Free standing water in excavations can seriously affect the stability of the edge of the excavation. Al excavated materials shall be-deposited a minimum of 1.0m from the edge of the excavation. #8 ~ Revised certain contents ony Jimah|-TSI-BO-HSE-DOOOO1-Rev.1 Page 13 of 57 pages | : | ‘TAISEI CORPORATION HEALTH AND SAFETY SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM vi) Adequate access to and egress from the trench or pit must be provided at all vii) viii) times and this may be by installing and securing ladders at regular intervals in any event not more than 100m apart, or by stepping the edge of the excavation, In the event that an electric cable or other buried services is exposed, all works shall halt immediate. Under no circumstance shall work resume until so advised by an appropriate authority. Allexcavation greater than 2.0m shall be protected by the installation of barriers 4.7.6 Welding and Fabrication i Gas Cutting and Welding a) Gas cylinders used in cutting and welding shall: ‘+ Be stored separately depending on the type of gas contained and whether empty or full Be stored upright and shielded from direct sunlight or other neat source Be stored in a well ventilated area Be fitted with safety caps when not in use Be properly secured during transportation * Not be lifted by the nozzle rolled or used as rollers themselves b) When handling cylinders, ensure hands, clothes, gloves, ete are free from oil, dirt, grit and grease. Under no circumstances shall oil be allowed to contaminate s cylinder containing oxygen. ©) Joints fitting on acetylene cylinders must be made of copper or silver as when in contact with the gas, these metals from explosive compounds. @ All gas and oxygen regulations shall be fitted with Flashback Asrestors, being non-return valves designated to prevent and explosive mix developing in either cylinder. Such explosive mixes can occur due to loose connections, leaking hoses, etc. ©) Prior to use all equipment shall be thoroughly checked to ensure thet: * Allconnections are © All fittings such as gauges, flashback arrestors, ete are functioning correctly. ‘+ Hoses are in good conditions and free from signs of cracking or perishing Checking for leaks shall be by means of soapy liquid applied to each joint. Under no circumstances shall a naked flame be applied to any part of the cylinder or hose arrangement to detect leaks. h) The cutting and welding of certain metals or metal coatings such as zine galvanized surface give off harmful fumes and such works must, where possible be carried out in a well ventilated area. i) When working at height, do not place cylinders beneath the work area, as molten metal may fall onto hoses, causing leaks and possibly igniting the gases. eo Jimah1-TSI-BO-HSE-D00001-Rev.1 Page 14 of 57 pages ‘TAISEI CORPORATION HEALTH AND SAFETY SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ii) _Blectric Are Weldin; a) During the electric arc welding process, very high ultra-violet radiation is generated. Suitable eye protection must be worn by the welder and ‘any other persons working in a close proximity to the welding works in order to prevent permanent damage to the eyes. 8) When not in use the current to the holder and electrode must be tured off. b) All equipment must be properly earthed and cables securely connected. ©) All equipment must be thoroughly inspected prior to use and cable connections shall be completed insulated to prevent injury from electric shock. iii) Housekeeping a) Ensure the work area beneath or adjacent to fabrication or welding works is free from combustible materials and cordoned-off to prevent personnel being injured by weld spatter or molten metal. b) Retain a dry chemical fire extinguisher at the location of fubrication or welding works at all times. 4.7.7 Scaffold and Ladders i) Use of Scaffolding a) When scaffolding is to be used the following must be ensured: Allscaffolding and scaffold materials must comply with government regulations. Scaffolding must be erected by competent persons. Monthly inspection must be carried out on scaffolding to identify and correct any defects, Inspection must be recorded, Good foundations to be established, wooden planks are used. They must be of hard wood of 40mm thickness. The minimum width of the platform shall be 600mm, Planks to be secured using wire. Cross bracing are properly secured. ‘Metal parts, tubes and fixing should be corrosion free. Scaffolding must be firm and must not wobble. Handrails and toe boards are to be fitted. Safe access to and from scaffolding shall be provided and the access should be kept clear of any obstruction, Design of scaffolding to comply with IKKP requirements. ii) Ladders a) Wooden ladders shall be checked for defects such as splits in the rungs or tiles unduly worn rungs. Loose wedges or tie rods and split or fryer feet. b) Wooden ladders shall be protected from ‘weathering’ by means of a clear preservative, Wooden ladders shall not be painted as this disguises defects. ©) Metal ladders shall not be used where overhead electric cables are present. Jimah1-TSI-B0-HSE-D00001-Rev.1 Page 15 of 57 pages ‘TAISEI CORPORATION 4 HEALTH AND SAFETY SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 4d) Ladders to scaffolding shall be clamped at a minimum of three points, and shall extend a minimum of 1.0m above the level of the platform it accesses. ©) If the nature of the works is such that both hands are required to perform those works, a safety belt secured to ladder must be worn at all times. 4.7.8 Crane and Rigging i) ii) iii) iv) vi) All machinery and vehicles intended to be used for the purpose of construction within the project site must be in possession of valid licenses and permits (PMA). Machinery and vehicles to be maintained in good order and roadworthy at all time, Owner or authorized person in charge of machinery at all time and vehicles to ensure these machines is in operation conditions at all time. Record of maintenance and repair shall be kept Drivers and operators shall regularly inspect the machines and vehicles, which are used and shall be responsible for reporting any defect to the assigned person in charge. Any defect shall be immediately rectified before use. Drivers to comply with permissible speed limit at the sites. All operators must have crane operator certificate from DOSH. All works involving the use of a crane shall be properly planned in advance and @ ‘rigging study’ carried out to ensure that a) The crane is capable of lifting the load, given the known working radius, boom length, weight of the load, etc. * The condition of the ground at the crane location is satisfactory to support the crane and the load. ‘The rotation of the cab and therefore the boom is not restricted. Suitable ‘matting’ or plates are available to protect underground services ‘and paving. © All slings, shackles, hooks, etc of the correct rating are available and in good condition, ») Crane and lifting equipment must be inspected and carry a valid test certificate issued by an accredited testing agency. ©) Cranes hooks are to be fitied with properly functioning safety clips to prevent the displacement of the sling from the hook during the lif, 4) The contractor shall appoint a suitably qualified and experienced person to act as “Supervising Rigger’ and his responsibilities will include the preparation of the “rigging study’ and the safe, rigging and lifting of the load at the location. ©) Loads must always be slung with the center of gravity directly beneath the crane hook to prevent uneven tensions being applied to the sling legs. £) The angle between slung legs shall not, under any circumstances exceed 120°, as this double the tension on each leg, thereby reducing the lifting capacity of the sling by 50% Jimahl-TSI-BO-HSE-DO0001-Rev.1 Page 16 of 57 pages | j | ] | TAISEI CORPORATION HEALTH AND SAFETY SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 2) One person only, usually the Supervising Rigger shall give instruction to the cerane operator. hh) For wheel cranes, outriggers shall be used for each lit regardless of the size and shall always be fully extended. i) A “trial” lift shall be catried out, raising the load a short distance above its pick-up point to check the stability of the crane, and the efficiency of the brakes. i) The load shall, at all times be kept es close to the ground as possible. Kk) Whenever possible, and after lifting the load from its pick-up point, the radius of the lift should be shortened to increase the crane’s lifting capacity and stability, 1) Wire slings, which show signs of excessive wear, kinking, or broken wires shall be discarded and not use further. m) Shackles shall be completed with the original pin, and under n0 circumstances shall a substitute bolt be fitted. n) At no time whilst the crane’s machinery is ranning shall the operator leave the cab, 6) At no time whilst a load is suspended shall personnel perform any works directly beneath. p) Particular consideration shall be given to the presence of low-level structures such as pipe bridges, where crane is to move about the site. 4) Consideration shall be given to prevailing weather conditions and where a greater than normal risk exists, the lift shall be postponed until more favourable conditions develop. 4.7.9 Plant, Tools and Equipment ii) i) iv) » ‘The following four basie principles shall be applied to and govern the safe use of hand and power tools and which principles are: 8) To choose the right tool for the job. b) To.use only tools in good condition. ) Touse the tools correctly and only for the purpose they were intended, 4) To maintain and store tools properly. Electrical tools shall be checked to ensure the supplied voltage is comparable to the machine’s design. Electrical leads and connections shall inspect for sign of damage or wear and repaired or replaced accordingly. At no time shall two or more power tools be connected to a single power plug. Where required/provided, electrical tools shall be properly earthed. Jimah1-TSI-B0-HSE-D00001-Rev.1 Page 17 of 57 pages ‘TAISEI CORPORATION 5 HEALTH AND SAFETY SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM vi) Hoses supplying air to pneuinatic tools shall be inspected for signs of wear or vii) viii) ix) x) xi) damage and connecting clamps proved secure. High speed rotating equipment such as grinders shall be fitted with protective guards. Grinding discs are rated by the speed at which the disc rotates, and this must be compatible with the rotational speed of the grinder itself. Power tools shall never be left operating unattended and the power switched off disconnected or when not in use. Sparks arrestors shall be fitted to all equipments exhausts where a risk of combustible gases in the atmosphere exists. ‘The contractor shall carry our periodical inspection of plant, tools and equipment. 47.10 Work Over Water i) ‘Where employees are exposed to the hazard of falling into the water in which ‘one may drown, there shall be provided at all times during the exposure, adequate equipment and personnel with appropriate training for keeping persons a float and for prompt rescuing persons. The following minimum shall be provided where drowning hazards exists: a) All places of work from which a person can fall into water with a risk of drowning must be fitted with rigid guard rails. 0) Lifebuoys fitted with buoyant rope of sufficient length shall be strategically positioned on work area over water and also on board all vessels ©) Life jackets shall be provided and properly worn by workers who work on edge of water. Life jackets shall be worn by everybody during journey over water. 4) Platforms must be kept clear of all unnecessary materials and clear passageways must be maintained at all times. Care must be taken to avoid oil accumulation on deck or platform. Rescue boats shall be manned and cary spare life jackets, lifebuoys and fitted with sport lights. 8) Work shall stop immediately during rough or turbulent water condition and workers remove to shore immediately. h) Installation of safety nets may be necessary over dangerous water where ‘works are being carried out. Ge 4.7.11, Erections and Removal of Temporary Hoarding i) Wherever practical or at wherever applicable locations, the site will provide, erect and maintain hoarding of minimum height 2.5m within the vicinity of the contract boundary before the commencemeiit of the works. Jimah-TSI-B0-HSE-D00001-Rev.1 Page 18 of 57 pages TAISEI CORPORATION HEALTH AND SAFETY SAFETY MANAGEMENT : SYSTEM ii) The hoarding will be designed using suitable material of adequate strength and will be constructed in accordance with the engineers drawing. iti) All exposed surfaces of hoarding will be painted with at least 2 coat of approved enamel paint and maintained at all times. iv) ‘The hoarding shall be maintained to be in good conditions. vy) No parking or hawking activities shall be allowed at surrounding perimeter of the boarding especially near the entrance. vi) Gates of suitable design and adequate strength shall be provided at the entrance to and exit from the works site. vii) Adequate signs shall be displayed at the entrancé and exits of the work { site to prevent entry of unauthorized persons. : viii) On completion of the work, the hoarding will be dismantled and removed. 4712. Piling i) Where they are any question of stability of structures adjoining areas to be plied, the structures will be supported where necessary by appropriate means in accordance with the design of a Professional Engineer to prevent injury to any person. Where necessary these means will include under pinning, shoring, bracing or sheet piling. fi) _ All percussion piling machines/pile-driving equipment will be inspected daily by a designated person before the start of work and every defect will be immediately corrected before work commences, iii) _ Percussion piling machines/pile-driving equipment will be operated. only by competent atid authorized operator. iv) The operator of every percussion piling machine/pile-driving equipment will be protected from failing objects by a substantial covering. Y) Each member of the piling/pile-driving crew will be properly j instructed the work he is to do and the operation will be in the charge : of a designated person who will personally direct the work and give ; the operating signals. vi) Before placing or advancing a pile driver the ground will be inspected by the site engineer to check for firm and level footing. After placing or advancing a pile driver, inspection and correction of the footing shall be made where necessary to maintain stebility. vil) The testing of piles will be conducted under the direct supervision of designated person. xii) Warning signboards will be prominentiy displayed at strategic locations to wam, Jimahl-TS1-BO-HSE-D00001-Rev.1 Page 19 of 57 pages TAISEI CORRORATION HEALTH AND SAFETY SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 47.13 Housekeeping / Work Area §) Good housekeeping is basis for a safe work environment, it prevents accidents and it ereates a business like work places. ii) Pile or stack materials in stable manner. iii) Remove rubbish, scrap and debris from work area as soon as practicable. Do not allow unsafe accumulation. iv) Combustible material such as oil-soaked or paint covered rags, waste, rubbish etc shall not be allowed to accumulate except in areas specially provided for this purpose. ) Never leave materials and supplies in walkways on road or where they will interfere with other work. Clean up after each work assignment. vi) Where welding cables, electrical leads ete aro used at walkways, measures shall be taken to ensure that they do not create tripping hazards, 47.14 Concreting Works i) Adequate precautions are to be taken while carrying out concreting work. All workers involved in the work should be fully equipped with rubber gloves and rubber boot and other necessary PPE. ii) Rubber gloves are to be provided while handling concrete, Conerete ‘cement may cause skin inflammation. iti) Ensure that a good foundation established while handling a vibrator engine, iv) While carrying out concreting by the roadside, concrete trucks to be parked as near as possible by the roadside. v) Slings for concrete skip should be checked before lifting by crane is allowed vi) Excess concrete overflowing from the mixer to road surface should be Se cleared as soon as possible. = 4.7.15 Personal Behaviour at Workplace i) Fighting, horseplay or practical jokes is not permitted at the workplace. Appropriate disciplinary action will be taken against employees who indulge in such practices. 4.7.16 Generators, Electrical Equipment and Compressors i) Generators and electrical equipment. ii) Only competent personnel arc allowed to operate or maintain a generator. Lubricants, water level and fuel should be checked out. Generators should be properly earth and termination point checked. a) Do not attempt to repair defective equipment, which should only be repaired by an authorized electrician, b) Extra care should be taken when operating any equipment in wet condition. ©) All exposed electrical wires, damage conduits, plugs or switches ‘must not be used until fully rectified. ) Switch off the main power supply whenever equipment is not being used. Jimah-TS1-B0-HSE-D00001-Rev.1 Page 20 of 57 pages : ' | | |: TAISEI CORPORATION HEALTH AND SAFETY SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 4.7.17 Air Compressor i) Compressor shall only be operated by competent persons ii) Regularly inspection and maintenance is required to ensure unit is safe for use iii) Do not use compressed air to dust clothing of to cool the body. iv) Ensure that the air hose is suitable for its intended pressure; proper connections should be used to join the hoses. ¥) Hose coupling to be properly secured before operating or disconnecting the air hose. Pressure from the hose may cause the coupling to shoot out and cause bodily harm. i) The material safety data sheets for the paint, solvents, etc in use must be available at the site and reviewed with all involved workers. All required steps must be taken to protect painters and other workers in the area from any toxic material present. Necessary ventilation, respirators or breathing apparatus shall be provided by the sub-contractor. ii) Paints and their associated thinners, solvent, ctc in quantities greater that that needed for one day's works must be stored outside of the work areas in proper storage bins. Smoking and/or other sources of ignition are not allowed in the areas where paints are being stored or used. 4.7.19 Alcohol, Drug and Gambling i) Alcohol, drinks, drug taking and gambling are strictly forbidden at worksites. Disciplinary action will be taken against employees under the influence of alcohol, drugs and gambling 4.7.20 First Aid k) First Aid facilities to be made available at all construction sites to treat minor injuries. ii) They must be regularly replenished by the safety officer/safety supervisor. iv) First-Aider person must be on site during all working hours and identified as such. ¥)_Assick bay is to be provided and fitted. Jimah-TSI-B0-HSE-D00001-Rey.1 Page 21 of 57 pages - Pee TAISEI CORPORATION HEALTH AND SAFETY SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM HOUSEKEEPING ** ‘TAISEI CORPORATION maintains a strong standing on good housekeeping at the worksite at all times. Good housekeeping requires all Sub-Contractors and workers to recognise activities that could cause eny Safety, Health and/or environmental hazards. All Sub-Contractors are to provide their fullest cooperation to ensure that the following requirements are carried out: 1 Keep the worksite clean and tidy at all times, All wastes including food packages, plastics, cans etc. are properly disposed into the waste bins provided to prevent scavenging by wild animals/pests. These wastes are classified as scheduled waste in the Environmental Quality Act 1974 and shall be disposed to the approved contractor only. Construction waste like steel bars, cables, timbers, etc., must be properly sorted and stored in a systematic manner. Waste must be regularly disposed off to avoid excessive accumulation, Construction materials and equipment must be properly stored and protected, All area must be kept dry as much as possible to prevent mosquito breeding. Any water puddles or ponding of water must be removed. Any unwanted containers or structures with water shall be removed or pumped out. Petroleum, oil and fubricants and other chemicals must be properly located and managed to avoid contamination to the environment. Proper spillage protection like bund well must be provided for fuels, oils etc. Educate the workers to play their part on housekeeping and assist the Main Contractor in enforcing the housekeeping requirement. The Weekly Housekeeping Period will be organised on the designated day and time. All normal activities must stop in order to allow the total workforce to patticipate in the housekeeping activity. It must be emphasised that no efforts must be spared to keep the worksite clean at all times. = Revised certain contents only Jimah1-TSI-B0-HSE-D00001-Rev.1 Page 22 of 57 pages ] ; | | | ‘TAISEI CORPORATION MEDICAL SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 6. MEDICAL, Me id TAISEI CORPORATION will provide a Medical First Aid facility within the Site Office and First Aid posts at the work area. All. accidents/incidents, however minor, must be referred to the First Aid Post immediately, The injured person must be accompanied by his immediate Supervisor who shall report the accidentfincident to TAISEL CORPORATION Safety Officer. (Refer to the Section "Accident Reporting"). Page 23 of 57 pages TAISEI CORPORATION MACHINERY REGISTRATION SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 1 MACHINERY / EQUIPMENT ** ‘The factory and Machinery Act 1967 stipulates that all machineries/equipment used at site must be in fully serviced condition, All sorvicing/maintenance must be properly documented, Particular attention is drawn to cranes and lifting/hoisting devices where a Certificate of Fitness (PMA Registration) must be obtained before operation/use. All Sub-Contractors must be fully aware of the above regulation and requiremet failure to comply will warrant action being taken by the Main Contractor agai offenders. Any st the Subcontractor to submit the required forms at least 1 week prior to mobilization Machinery / Equipment with CF or PMA | PMT ~ eg:- Cranes / Piling Rig / Boring / Auger / Skylift / Lorry Mounted Crane / Gondola / Matcrial or Passenger Hoist / Air Compressor / Wire Rope/ Sling Wire / Lifting Accessories / etc: ‘+ Valid PMA / PMT (to be verified with Original) © Crane Transfer File Letter to DOSH ~ the Subcontractor / Crane Owner has to arrange with DOSH Negeri Sembilan for inspection © Operators Competency Certificate ~ Registered with DOSH (to be verified with Original) © Certificate of fitness for lifting accessories / wire rope, ete * For plants / equipments which do not require competent operators, the concerned subcontractor shall provide other form of documents on the operators” level of experience in handling the said machinery Machinery / Equipment without CF = e.g.:- Excavator / Backhoe ( Shovel / Dozer / ‘Welding Set / Gen Set / et © Operator Training Certificate / License (JPJ) for machinery operator © Machinery document and / or valid JPJ Road Tax (if any) Prior to mobilization, a Request for Inspection (RFI) shall be submitted. All such machineries are subject to inspection by HSSE after which a sticker will be issued. Machinery will not be allowed into the site without the RFI. Subcontractor shall provide a monthly summary of all machineries and equipment at site including the servicing program or permit expiry. = Revised certain contents a Jimah{-TSI-BO-HSE-D00001-Rev.1 Page 24 of 57 pages TIL ieee TAISEI CORPORATION MACHINERY REGISTRATION SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ‘The basic procedures for the entry of cranes/lifting/hoisting devices are: 1 Stop transport at guard post parking area 2 Request from Security guard a copy of the Vebicle/Machinery Entry Permit Application Form (A.4) providing all relevant details including the PMA Certificate or proof of PMA application. 3 Machineries which do not conform to the above will be refused entry into the worksite. Jimah1-TS1-B0-HSE-D00001-Rev.1 Page 25 of 57 pages ; | ‘TAISEI CORPORATION I ACCIDENT REPORTING SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 8. ACCIDENT REPORTING General Accidents do not simply result from ‘bad luck’, They are generally caused by persons who indulge in unsafe practices or create unsafe conditions. Most accidents can be prevented if every employee conscientiously tries to avoid and eliminate unsafe practices and conditions. Every employee has the responsibility to act positively to prevent accidents from occurring 8.1 Accident Reporting Procedure a) _ All incident and accident occurring on site must be reported to the Employer Safety Officer / Project Manager immediately. b) Safety Officer/Project Manager shall report the incident/accident or dangerous occurrence to the nearest occupational Safety & Health Department (DOSH) by the quickest means available. ©) A formal accident Notice Form (JKJ127) must be submitted to DOSH within tumnery form (24) hours following the accident for the necessary investigations. 8.2 Fatal Accident a) A serious incident is defined as a serious life endangering event such as ‘major actual collapse or structural work, false work plant or any incident causing multiple injuries to workers. b) Inthe event of a fatal accident or serious incident, work on site shall be stopped immediately in orderly and sequential manner except for ‘completion of any concrete pure that require continuity to prevent cold joints or fature structure problem, Jimah1-TSI-BO-HSE-D00001-Rev.1 Page 26 of 57 pages TLL TAISEI CORPORATION ‘ ACCIDENT REPORTING SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ©) An immediate systematic safety check of the entire construction areas shall be implemented. This check will be monitored and audited by company project Safety Officer and Manager. The objective of this check is to ensure are safety and that there is no use a repetitive or Similar accident. Any unsafe areas/act shall be remedied immediately. 6) Work shall not resume until the contractor has signed off the construction areas, sector by sector, as being in all respects safe. This sign off shall be conner signed by the Company Project Manager who will authorise a resumption of work, sector by sector if necessary. The Company Project ‘Manager shall be assisted by and take advice from the Company Safety Department. ©) Inthe case of fatal accident work shall not resume at the scene of the accident until the police and the Department of occupational Safety and Health (DOSH) have made their inspection and given their authority for a resumption of work in the accident areas. 8.3 Authorities Reporting Procedure In the event of a fatal accident, the Registered Safety and Health Officer shall make an official report to the Police and the Department of occupational Safety and Health (DOSH). Contact details are as below. a) Police Station Port Dickson - 06 - 647 2222 Lukut = 06-651 1143 b) Department of Occupational Safety and Health. (Gabatan Keselamaten dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan) ‘Tingkat 11, Wisma Persekutuan Jalan Datok Abdul Kadir 70000 Seremban Negeri Sembilan Darul Khusus. Tel : 06-761 2828 Jimabl-TSI-BO-HSE-D00001-Rev.1 Page 27 of S7 pages Te eee eee See TLE : eee TAISEI CORPORATION SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ACCIDENT REPORTING 8.4 Investigation Guidelines a) Tools - Checklist report form for basis question, hour, who, what, when, why, where. - Note book, camera, measuring tape and special equipment for specific investigation (such as gas detector, oxygen musk/gas) etc. b) Witness = _ Eye witness/circumstantial witness - Must be conducted in private and free blame 85 Incident /Accident To Be Investigate a) Fatal/Scrious b) Near Misses c) Cases that have medical leave more than 3 days by Medical Officer. - Involved property damaged - Occupational disease and food poisoning 8.6 Accident Prevention Plan & Control Measures a) Training Purpose “The purpose is to provide Safety and Health training to all levels of employees and to instil greater awareness pertaining to Safety and Health matter. Video Show ~ Weekly Safety Poster ~ Display at workplace Safety Instruction/Memo ~ notice board B3G9a8 Safely Seminar ~ by CIDB, DOSH, NIOSH b) Audit/Inspection The purpose is to ensure all equipments are good operating condition to censure all safe procedure/rules are followed and to identify evaluate and control hazards at work places. Jimab1-T'SI-B0-HSE-D00001-Rev.1 Safety Induction ~ all new works prior start work ‘Tools Box Meeting ~ Weekly by SUP/PM/SHO. Page 28 of S7 pages ‘TAISEI CORPORATION 5 JOB SAFETY ANALYSIS SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 8.7 Job Safety Analysis (JSA) * ISA shall be monthly reviewed carefully by the senior management in the consultation with the responsible safety personnel identified that involved. The JSA shall then be assessed by carrying out during inspection at site every month to find out if any deficiency discovered on safety related and shall be improved upon and the plan shall be updated accordingly. Any deficiency condition discovered that occurs at site (ex. accident, injury, fatality, unexpected damages or loss and etc...) shall be recorded by the safety personnel on the JSA form shown in Attachment 7 in this manual. ‘The importance of this JSA is that the management can decide to take precautionary and immediate action either to prevent from any reoccurring problems / hazards or to sot new standards or guideline to better the work conditions and for future work expansion program and effective safety implementation program at site, Jimah ]-TS1-B0-HSE-D00001-Rev.1 Page 29 of 57 pages ‘TAISEI CORPORATION EMERGENCIES SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ‘The emergency/contact phone number as follow: BUKIT PELANDOK POLICE STATION 06-667 3217 PORT DICKSON POLICE STATION 06-647 2222 LUKUT POLICE STATION 06-651 1143 FIRE & RESCUE DEPARTMENT(BOMBA) PD 06-647 1444 GENERAL HOSPITAL PD 06-662 6333 BUKIT PELANDOK HEALTH CLINIC 06-658 1964 DEPARTMENT OF OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY & 06-761 2828 HEALTH (DOSH), NEGERI SEMBILAN PORT DICKSON MARINE DEPARTMENT 06-647 7993 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT 06-764 9018 (DOE), SEREMBAN CONTRACTOR'S OFFICE 06-659 2000 Revived all contents Jimah1-TSI-B0-HSE-D00001-Rev.1 Page 30 of 57 pages TTT = TAISEI CORPORATION 5 EMERGENCIES SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM i) For injury - Emergency Action Plan (1) ii) For fire— Emergency Action Plan (2) iii) For fight/riottheft— Emergency Action Plan (3) 9, EMERGENCIES ‘An Emergency Action Plan has been formulated to provide the basic guidance for those employed at worksite and workers’ accommodation. ‘The Emergency Action Plan (Refer Annex BI to B4) is divided into 4 categories as follow: Bl, FORINJURY B2, FOR FIRE B3. FOR FIGHT/RIOT/THEFT B4. FOR DAMAGE TO PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT. * — Revised all contonts Jimahl-TSI-B0-HSE-D00001-Rev.1 Page 31 of 57 pages TAISEI CORPORATION SECURITY SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 10. SECURITY 10.1 Security Procedure TAISEI CORPORATION has established it’s Security Procedures at the work site to waich al staff, Sub-Contractors and workers must comply: 10.1.1 ‘The Security passes in force a A Permanent Pass for workers employed full time at worksite. A Temporary Sticker for workers employed part time/short period. (within 2 weeks). No photograph is required, 101.13 {A visitor's pass for visitors only to be issued by Security Post. 10.1.2 Application & 2 are in A.28. The following are required: Four (4) personal photographs (coloured) Photocopy of Identity card (for Malaysian only) or Photocopy of passport and valid work permit for non Malaysian (original document must be presented for verification) Note: Application form duly completed must be submitted to Security Office for processing as soon as possible 2. Visitor pass holder cannot enter the work site unless accompanied by a member of the Consortium staff. 3. No illegal worker is allowed to enter and work at the worksite. Action shall be taken ‘on any Sub-Contractor doing so. Jimahl-TS1-B0-HSE-D00001-Rev.1 Page 32 of 57 pages : | Revived all contents Jimahl-TSI-BO-HSE-D00001-Rev.1 Page 47 of 57 pages ‘TAISEI CORPORATION GUIDE FOR PENALTY SYSTEM SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 43° Category3 - By Individual (Penalty per Offence) For Workers - RM 50.00 ( Ringgit Malaysia : Fifty per offence) 43.41 Supervisor & Above - RM 100.00 (Ringgit Malaysi Failure to wear provided Personal Protective Equipment 43.2 Smoking while performing gas welding / han flammable materials g chemical or 433 Do not comply to verbal / written warning on any offence 43.4 Performing sub standard act / condition determined by the Safety Officer which effect own safety or others 43.5 Failure to carry out cleaning/maintain good housekeepingilittering at working place 43.6 Camry out repair / modification to machinery / tools without authority 43.7 Misconduct / horseplay at site 43.8 Non compliance to speed limit at site or driving dangerously at site 43.9 Throwing materialslequipmenVobjects from heights 43.10 Refusal to wear security pass 43.11 Sleeping in construction site / dangerous structure 43.12 Indiseriminate parking of vehicle 4.3.13 ‘Tampering with electrical appliances and fitting 4314 Improper use of tools & equipment 43.15 Using unsafe tools equipments or vehicle + = Revised all contents Jimah-TSI-BO-HSE-D00001-Rev.1 Page 48 of 57 pages, a ‘TAISEI CORPORATION GUIDE FOR PENALTY SYSTEM. SAFETY MANAGEMENT. SYSTEM 4.3.16 | Ignoring safety signage’s 4.3.17 | Working on improper working platform and unsafe scaffold erection 43.18 Using abus words / showing threatening signs to Safety Personne! “S18 | in the course of his duty 4.3.19 | Interfering or impending emergency operations 43.20 | Riding on load or moving construction equipmentimachinery (¢.9. forklift, back hoe, excavator etc) 43.21 |USing unsafe vehicle / machinery / tools / equipment / lifting is equipment 4.3.22 _| Fallure to attend Safety Induction / Toolbox Meeting / Briefing & S28 | others 4.3.23 _| Failure to remove gas hoses or switch of machinery during break _ time or at the end of sift 43,24 | Cfeating hazard which may resulting in dangerous occurrence / fa serious accident and or damage to company property 4.3.25 | Place loose materials / tools at working platform / edges of building 3-29 | which potential to fell from height 4.3.26 | Graphic on wall (drawing of vulgar signs on completed walls 4.3.27 | Urinating indiscriminately at work site + = Revised all contents Jimabl-TSI-BO-HSE-D00001-Rev.1 Page 49 of 57 pages TAISEI CORPORATION GUIDE FOR PENALTY SYSTEM SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM All safety breaches resulting in monetary penalty must be supported by evidence of proof Upon 3 violation of same offences, “DISMISSAL” action would be instituted against the employee and “BAR” for indirect employee should the word dismissal or bar not spelt out earlier on PROCESS AND PROCEDURE 5.1 TAISET CORPORATION shall have the right to suspend or dismiss employees and sub contractors for non compliance of the Safety Rules and Regulation after due enquiry 5.2 All supervisors and above, safety personnel shall be empowered to stop substandard acts and substandard condition being performed at work site. 5.3. The Project Director, Project Manager and Safety Manager shall have the right to “BAR” sub contractor's employee for non compliance of the TAISET CORPORATION Safety Rules and Regulations 5.4 Any fine on sub contractors’ employees shall be charged to sub contractors” and deducted from their progress payment, 5.5 The amount of penalty fines received will be used for HSE promotion and awareness program, 5.6 TAISEI CORPORATION Safety Department shall maintain proper account for the amount received. Updated account shall be handed over to Account Department 5.7 TAISEI CORPORATION Contract Manager will issue Debit Note to respective contractors. Revised all cantents Jimabl-TSI-BO-HSE-D00001-Rev.1 Page 50 of 57 pages | ! | ‘TAISEI CORPORATION GUIDE FOR PENALTY SYSTEM SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 60 RECOMMENDATION 6.1 The fines collected by Safety Department will be kept a side by Contract Department via a separate account. 6.2 The fines collected will be utilised back for HSE awareness, promotion and training program such as ~ a. HSE Campaign b. HSE Week cc, HSE Seminar d. HSE Promotion e. HSE Award f. Purchase PPE when required g. Purchase Safety Signages / Poster / Banner h. Best Workers Award in safety i. Any things done in the interests of safety, health & environment 63 DOSH (Department of Occupational Safety and Health) also will be notified on the penalty system and the fines collected to be used solely for safety awareness training and program. 64 The penalty system is a very effective form to control safety discipline and to censure sub contractors are not complacent. > Revised all contents Jimah|-TS1-B0-HSE-D00001-Rev.1 Page 51 of S7 pages ‘TAISEI CORPORATION GUIDE FOR PENALTY SYSTEM SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 7.0 CONCLUSION 7.1 Itis not the intention of the Safety Department to bog down the progress of the project, but to instil safety discipline with Zero Accident in Mind. 7.2 The Safety Department needs the cooperation of all parties concemed to implement the penalty system to make the work site is safe and environmental friendly. TOWARDS SAFE WORKING CULTURE AT CONSTRUCTION SITE Revised all contents Jimahi -TSI-BO-HSE-D00001-Rev.1 Page 52 of S7 pages TTL ‘TAISEI CORPORATION EMERGENCY ACTION PLAN FOR INJURY SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Annex BI * ‘CIDENT / INCIDENT FLOW CHART ACCIDENT / INCIDENT OCCURS ¥ (Eyewitness /Tavolved Party have to report Immediate Superior / Supervisor / HSSE Officer + ‘Bring the injured person to site First Aid ‘oom / Medical Assistant (M.A). M.A wil decide whether the case needs further treatment or not **If serious / major *If not serious / minor + Sent to HOSPITAL Give treatment & Medical Assistant to record particulars: q Continue to work (WNommal / Light Duty) ** Inform / Notified DOSH Inform Jimah Energy Ventures * "Minor — Cus, wound, Bruises “Major - Fatal, Critical Body parts injury, deep cut or wound wee Refer to forms as in Guidelines in Safety & Health (Notification of Accident, Dangerous Occurrence, Occupational Poisoning and Occupational Disease) Regulations 2004 (NADOPOD) © Revised of content Jimahl-TSI-BO-HSE-D00001-Rev.1 Page 53 of 57 pages ‘TAISEI CORPORATION EMERGENCY ACTION PLAN FOR FIRE, SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM : ‘Annex B2 * : FIRE EMERGENCY FLOW CHART 4 FORE HAPPENS If serious / major J | | Eyewitness immediately informs Eyewitness tries to extinguish the immediate Superior / Supervisor / fire with Fire Extinguisher, Water HSSE Officer or call BOMBA or Sand, J | ‘Assemble at designated Assembly, Report to Supervisor / HSSE Point Officer *Safe condition Workers allowed continuing work a *FHISSE Dept. prepare report & findings for record & Submission Tnform Notify DOSH Jimah Energy Ventures fotes: * "Safe condition is based on Risk Assessment conducted after emergency action taken place + Refer to forms as in Guidelines in Safety & Health (Notification of Accident, Dangerous Occurrence, Occupational Poisoning and Occupational Disease) Regulations 2004 (NADOPOD) - Revised all contents ' Jimah1-TSI-BO-HSE-D00001-Rev.1 Page 54 of 57 pages TAISEI CORPORATION EMERGENCY ACTION PLAN FOR SAFETY MANAGEMENT FIGHT/RIOT/THEFT. SYSTEM ‘Annex B3 * FIGHT / RIOT / THEFT FLOW CHART Fighit / Riot / Theft Inform Security on Duty SSS see ECCS EESEePESELe Se EEE Call & Inform HSSE Officer Isolate the involved workers and take particulars HSE Officer / Duty Security Call & Inform HSSE, Officer to call Police Officer immediately Inform Project Manager Inform Project Manager for further action * Conduct Investigation Inform Jimab Energy Venture * - Revised all contents Jimah-TSI-B0-HSE-D00001-Rev.1 Page 55 of $7 pages | | | { TAISEI CORPORATION SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM EMERGENCY ACTION PLAN INCIDENT OCCCUR DOSH (if required) C-HSSE MANAGER J JIMAH ENERGY VENTURES ‘Yen Adnan (019 - 652 8005) ‘Osmera Mohammad (013-486 4653) CONSORTIUM SITE MANAGER S. Matsuzawa (017-373 3162) Shafiq T. Abdullah (012 — 317 1086) PERSON DISCOVERING |__| Annex B4 INCIDENT REPORTING FLOW CHART ‘NOTIFY IMMEDIATE SUPERVISOR) SAFETY OFFICER/ SECURITY POST 1 CONTRACTOR HSSE PERSONNEL ‘TAISEI CORPORATION ‘Mohd Yusoff Shah (013-639 5460) Kamal Ariffin Mansor (016-406 9466) | CONTRACTOR PROJECT MANAGER ‘TAISEI CORPORATION M. Ito (012-370 3266) 3) PD FIRE & RESCUE DEPARTMENT 4) DOSH SEREMBAN 5) JIMAH ENERGY VENTURES EMERGENCY CONTACT & TELEPHONE NO, 1) BUKIT PELANDOK POLICE STATION - 06- 6673217 2) BUKIT PELANDOK HEALTH CLINIC — 06- 6581964 — 06- 6471444 — 06- 7612828 — 03- 20953622 *— Fujikura will notify Taisei Corporation HSSE Department in regards to any incidents involving Transmission Towers Erection ** —Taisei Corporation is responsible for forwarding such reports to C-HSSE and Jimah Jimah1-TSI-BO-HSE-D00001-Rev.1 Page 56 of 57 pages ‘TAISEI CORPORATION MONTHLY INSPECTION COLOUR CODING SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM COLOURS BLUE a BD AUGUST Jimah-TSL-B0-HSE-D00001-Rev.1 Page 57 of $7 pages ATTACHMENTS: TAISEI CORPORATION CONTENTS SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Attachments 1 | SSE Induction Request Al I sheet 2| HSE Induction Attendance List AZ 1 sheet 3 | Permit to Work AS 1 sheet 4| Confined Spaces Entry Permit Ad I sheet 5 | Working at Height Permit AS sheet 6 | Plant / Machinery Mobilisation Request AG 1 sheet 7 | Environmental / Sanitation “oar 1 sheet 8| Scaffolding / Ramps / Walkways AS 1 sheet 9 | Personal Protective Equipment Ad 1 sheet 10 | Personal Protective Equipment Issuance Record Ado | 1sheet 11 | Daily HSSE Observation & Cheeklist Report All | Isheet 12 | Incident / Accident Report Al2 | Lsheet 13 | Incident / Accident Investigation Report A13 | 3 sheets 14 | Skylift Initial Inspection Checklist Ald 1 sheet 15 | Crane Initial Inspection Checklist AAS | I sheet 16 | A Compressor 7 Genarstor/ Welding Set/ Have Rees | eoaleaoeee 17 | Construction Equipment Inspection Checklist AI7 | 8 sheets Revision £ (25 February 28) © - Revised all conten ' Jima -TSI-BO-HISE-DO0001-Rev. Page 6 of 7 pases / TAISEI CORPORATION x CONTENTS SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ee 18 | Job Safety Analysis 18 | 1 sheet 7 a Teeateon Risk Assessment & Risk vera ney ore 20 | Appointment Letter A20 | 1 sheet 21 | HSSE Committee Attendance A21 | Isheet 22 | HSSE Committee Inspection A22 | I sheet 23 | Daily Toolbox Meeting A23 | sheet 24 | Notification of Overtime and Rest Day /Public Holiday | | A.24 | 1 sheet 25 | Site Material Exit Form A25 | 1 sheet 26 | Materials, Equipment & Tools Declaration Form A26 | sheet 27 | Safety Observation Report A2T | I sheet 8 Safety Induction Form & Application for Site Security |" 4 55 | > sheets 29 | Regular Vehicle Gate Pass Request “a29 | A sheet 30 | Confirmation Note A30 | Isheet 31 | Zone Audit 7 ABL | sheets S 32| veratl Comments i A32 | I sheet 33 | Monthly Health Return “| nas | 1 sheet * Revised ait © Revised cersain contents only Jimahl -TSI-BO-HSE-D00001-Rev.1 Page 7 of 7 pages TAISEI CORPORATION 2 700MM COAL FIRED POWER PLANT PROMECT, JIMAH, N. SERBIAN TaIse! i HSSE INDUCTION REQUEST DATE | REQUESTED FOR (COMPANY): CONTACT NUMBI CIDB NO: NAME IC/ PASSPORT JOB TITLE (IX) a POSTPONE TO: (A.D Page Lofl

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