From The Heart

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he Oxford bus was late. I looked at Dad and he looked at me. I didn’t speak. What could I say? It was good that Jane was there. ‘Phone me when you get to the university, Anna,’ Dad said. bus a big car that ‘or , lots of people use Of course, Dad. to go from’one * 7 4 Place to another Jane smiled and took my Dad’s arm. ‘Derek, Anna’s f going to be OK. She’s ‘I know,’ said Dad. ‘But there are lots of not very nice foreigner a people out there. Foreigners, most of them.’ person who is not ‘Dad!’ from your country ee ” university people a big girl now. study here after they finish school Powered by CamScanner We alll said 1 on. I sat down and watched Jane and J, smiling at me. I liked Jane, \d with it I left Jane and on the bus It was a present from Dad, for go climbing again when cd to go back to Wales the bus window and thought about to be a student at Oxford University,’ I at am I going to like days at Oxford were exciting. Everyt new room to live in, I bought lots of books i was ts of new people. There were two girls living nd Magda. Penny was from Manchester from Germany. We were soon good friends. of the first week, there was a dance for the nts, Penny, Magda and I went to it. The music ‘was good and I danced with some of the boys there, but "ey were all very young! Most of the time Penny, Magda I danced together, ‘Is hot in here, AL lew stu said Penny, ‘Let's go and get a drink.’ bar 8 pisce “Yes, sa eda. ‘ . SES jy YES! sald Magda, ‘'m thirsty, ts OK,'T said. ‘Leave it to me!” beth tno Thi i rae lots of people at the bar, but Ipushed to the ports ane man behind the bar was tall with dark ‘ooking.’ I thought. Just then he looked at me. He had beautiful blue eyes! Then he si “What would you like?" he asked. He spoke nicely, but he wasn't English. He was a foreigner. Where was he ftom? “Two beers and a Coke, please,’ I said, “Two beers and a Coke,’ he said, and he gave me the drinks, “That's three pounds forty’ he smiled at me. I gave him the money and I began to take the drinks back to Penny and Magda. ‘Can Thelp you with those?" someone asked, ‘One small young girl with three big drinks to carry. It isn't right! looked up and saw a young man with a red face next to me at the bar. He looked drunk. I don’t like drunk men. I was angry but I spoke quietly. ‘I can carry my drinks without your help, thank you very much.” brown erin frank when sameone drks 8 tan cant speok well or Sand without help CamScanner ed by Power stag kr you don't understand” the man said. © YOUNG man prays iepa young woman. fy father tok me once, must alway y ian, my boy.” he said cba (ok, Sebastian.” I said or in you, Can I get past? Theyan to walk past him, but he put his hand out to stop ime, I pushed his I'm not interested in your father ‘arm away: Coke went all over Sebastian's shirl.y rei y uate You stupid ginit Sebi paeaeel he cried. ‘Look at my beautiful shit Sebastian was very a Nas very angry. He stood in front of me. His ight arm went up, s aft be Went up. Suddenly [we 7 gto hil me." I thought, P. Suddenly | was afraid. ‘He's going to hi “Stop that at once!’ someone said quietly. It was the man behind the bar, ‘Don’t hit that young woman. ‘Are you talking to me?" asked Sebastian. H redder than before. “Yes, Lam,’ the barman said. ‘And ask you to be nice to that young woman. Men do not hit women in my country.’ 10e our country? And what is your country?” “Lome from Bosnia.’ the barman said. ‘Oh so you're an immigrant,’ Sebastian said. ‘Well, Tell you something? We don’t want lots of immigrants ‘do the police our country thank you very much. I si know you're here? Or are you an illegal immigrant?" ‘The didn't si ything, “Do you know something? said S going to call the police— Just then a young wom ebast m. here you are,’ she said. ‘Come on, Sebastian. Klaus and a are waiting for us. They're over there. I say, did you do to your shirt?” astian. “T think I'm an came up to the bar. She took an, whi in began to walk away. ‘That he young woman and S ‘tell you, Ginny. I'm going to call the police barman— “Don't be stupid. Ginny and Seba: at the barman. ks for your help. all right. he said. that true?” I asked. Are you from Bosnia?’ “Yes, I am. I come from Sarajevo and my name is Selim. iby. Come along now. n went back to their friends. [ looked Powered by (9 CamScanner Immigrant sean who femes trom te ene coutry vena aires ce they ooh for people who break law Megat sometni thats aint tow READING CHECK re these sentences true or false? Tick the boxes. True False fa dane is Anna's mather. bb Anna sometimes goes climbing with her father: Penny and Magda are Anna's friends in Oxford. Anna dances with Selim. ‘Sebastian helps Anna to carry her drinks. Sebastian is angry with Anna. oooo0oo0o0n oooooo08 Selim hits Sebastian. LELLEDI Use the letters in the blue squares to make one more Word from Chapter 1. Anna and her father like doing this. Use the words from Activity 1 to complete the sentences. 4 Anna isa student at Oxford University Selim isnt from Britain. He's an © Sebastian thinks Selim can't workin Brita tell the from Bosnia, in. He's going to about him, Anna's cost is a from her father. He gave it to her before she left for Oxford, Anna's father doesn't like British people He only likes Selim is working in Oxford. He's @ there, g itis ‘to drive a car when you are drunk. fn it’s usually cheaper to go by than to go by train, Use these words to complete the sentences. drunk stupid uy push dance beer bar ‘a_I'm going to the shops to ......DUy...... some bread, You cant talk and you can't stand up — and what’ that bottle in your hand? | think you're © Donttbe Two and two aren't five! Oh, this is nice music, Would you like to with me? It’s hot and I'm very thirsty. Let's have a Last summer | worked in a in ttaly, selling drinks to foreigners, I'm carrying all these bags and | need some help to get out, Can you a door open for me? GUESS WHAT What do we learn about Selim in the next chapter? Tick four boxes. a) He is an itlegal immigrant. b C1 Itwasn't easy for him to stay in Bosnia © [1 He learned English in Bosnia, dC] He came to England to be with his friends. @ (1) His mother and father live in Bosnia. He likes climbing, Powered by CamScanner per you write tis Selim’s story elim smiled at me again. Just then Penny and Magda came to the bar. “Have you got the drinks?” Penny asked. “Someone pushed me and I lost the “Yes, sorry,’ I said. Coke.” “Here you are,’ said Selim. And he gave me a new Coke, He quickly put a small paper into my hand too. I put the paper in my bag and gave the Coke to Penny. ‘We sat and finished our drinks. Some time later Magda looked at her watch. ‘Td like to go now,’ she said. ‘I'm tired.’ So we went. When I got home, I took the paper out of my bag and opened it, It had a telephone number on it and next to it, inbis Next day I phoned Selim. I wanted to see’him again. I wanted to know more about him. I knew something about Bosnia, but I wanted to know more. Why was he in Britain? Was he an illegal immigrant or not? I was interested in Selim's story. But there was something more. I remembered his blue eyes and his nice smile. When I thought of Selim, I felt excited! ‘We met one afternoon and walked along the river. It was a sunny day. We came to a café next to the river. We had some coffee and sat and talked. I asked him about Bosnia. ‘Do your mother and father live in Sarajevo?" Selim closed his eyes. ‘My mother and father are dead,’ he said. ‘They died in the streets of Sarajevo. One day they went to the shops to buy things to eat. There was a bomb in the street and it killed them.’ ‘Ob, Selim, I'm sorry,’ I said. What could I say? café aplec were peop red by CamScanner Power angers 2 onal Sore tt eso batyeueon ‘mein ey ane al esesate fm yee ne pe ey sg hk tog snBosniato find work. But there was no Work in ‘it was dangerous for me there. People ime, There was nothing for me in Bosnia, | school. So I came to Britain’ He .nd a lot of money to bring me here, “stayed Sarajevo. An wanted to kill knew English from 1 fie laughed. ‘I gave @ y " put now, herein Britain, they say, “Go back to Bosnia, “Bat it was dangerous for you to be in Bosnia, You said that.’ “Yes, I tell them this, but then they say, “You are in Britain because you want to work here, not because Bosnia was dangerous.” So now I am an illegal immigrant and Iam afraid of the police.” “But how can you find work here?” ‘It's not easy to find work. And the work is not good. When there was work in Bosnia I worked with computers. Here I work in bars and cafés. I say, “I am Greek.” Greek people can work here, but not Bosnians. So here in Britain Tam Greek.” Selim laughed again. But it wasn’t a happy laugh. We rank our coflee and looked at the river. ‘Do you miss Bosnia?’ I asked, ‘Sometimes. I miss the mountains. In Bosnia every ‘weekend I went to the mountains. [love climbing.” “Bat that's wonderful!’ I said. ‘T love climbing too. My Dad and I are climbers’ Ree Mountains here,’ Selim said. | No. But there are mountains in Wales. That's not ver far aa ‘ InValsnot a at MY Dad and are going to climb Then I thought of g It ‘ain, note something listen,” 1 sai 'sten.’ said. ‘There's a climbing wall in the university. It's good fun. Let’s go and climb there next week.’ So next week we met at the university climbing wall. Selim looked up at it. “This is new to me,’ he said. ‘We don’t have climbing walls in Bosnia.’ ‘It's easy’ I said. ‘Watch me. I climbed one of the easy routes up the wall. Selim watched me, Then he did it. He was good. I could see that. He moved easily up the wall. When he came down, he smiled. ‘T liked that,’ he said. “You're right. It was fun. But it was very easy. Let's try a different route’ So we tried a different, longer route. This time we had ropes. I went first. Selim came after me. I'm a good climber, but Selim was better than me. When we finished, Selim said, “That was good. Can we do it again? Pethaps next week? Hooked at him and smiled happily. ‘T'd like that,’ Isaid. Powered by (9 CamScanner READING CHECK i ences. finish the sem jt words 10 ‘choose the rie! Selim says that his parents died q 1 C1 intheir house. ae ones rae : 4 phones 2. [1] ina Bosnian café. Sem 2 Eel a 3 [1] ina street in Sarajevo, se Anna asks Selim 1 CJ to go climbing with her. 2. [1] to goto the cinema with her. 3 (1 to study at the university with her. 3 [) meet inthe university ‘do in Bosnia? What does he do in Oxford? Tick the boxes. D Bosnia ' CO Bosnia = 0 Oxford . O Oxford Bosnia Bosmie O oxtora Oxford ‘ ie a Ee O Bosnia Bosnia oxford By O ovtorg woRD WORK 4 Match the words with the pictures. a wall b paper ‘© mountains d rope e café 2 Use the words from the climbing wall to complete the sentences. a | ike watching TV in Britain. t's a lot of fun b Ireally ‘my country. often think of my home and want to be there. © Let's try the easy Up this climbing Wall. Climb up on the left and then climb across to the right. 4 Life in Sarajevo was for Selim. There were in the street and many people died GUESS WHAT in the next chapter, Anna speaks to her Dad on the phone. What does she say about Selim? b C] Imeta very nice boy. He's called Selim and he's from Bosnia. aC ‘meta nice boy. He likes climbing” ¢ C Nothing Powered by (9 CamScanner

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