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What is standard?

- A Word Definition From the Webopedia Computer Dictionary

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Term of the Day Last modified: Thursday, October 31, 2002
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A definition or format that has been approved by a recognized standards organization or is accepted as a
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de facto standard by the industry. Standards exist for programming languages, operating systems, data
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formats, communications protocols, and electrical interfaces.
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From a user's standpoint, standards are extremely important in the computer industry because they allow
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the combination of products from different manufacturers to create a customized system. Without
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standards, only hardware and software from the same company could be used together. In addition,
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standard user interfaces can make it much easier to learn how to use new applications.
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Most official computer standards are set by one of the following organizations:

● ANSI (American National Standards Institute)

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● ITU (International Telecommunication Union)

talk to us ● IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers)

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Suggest a Term ● ISO (International Standards Organization)
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● VESA (Video Electronics Standards Association)
IEEE sets standards for most types of electrical interfaces. Its most famous standard is probably RS-
International 232C, which defines an interface for serial communication. This is the interface used by most modems,
Internet Lists and a number of other devices, including display screens and mice. IEEE is also responsible for
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designing floating-point data formats.
Linux/Open Source While IEEE is generally concerned with hardware, ANSI is primarily concerned with software. ANSI
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has defined standards for a number of programming languages, including C, COBOL, and FORTRAN.
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xSP Resources ITU defines international standards, particularly communications protocols. It has defined a number of
Search standards, including V.22, V.32, V.34 and V.42, that specify protocols for transmitting data over
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In addition to standards approved by organizations, there are also de facto standards. These are formats
E-mail Offers that have become standard simply because a large number of companies have agreed to use them. They
have not been formally approved as standards, but they are standards nonetheless. PostScript is a good
example of a de facto standard. (1 of 4) [23/4/2004 12:19:22 à«]

What is standard? - A Word Definition From the Webopedia Computer Dictionary

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Sponsored listings Standards

TÜV America: Quality Standards - Provides ISO-accredited quality systems

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registration and training services, including ISO 9000, TS 16949, and ISO 14001

American Standard: American Standard Products - Supplies air conditioners,

gas furnaces, heat pumps, air handlers and packaged gas and electric cooling
systems for home and business.
American Standard: American Standard Company - Provides an online
application and information on becoming an American Standard dealer. BIOS


For pages about

standardSubmit. Also check out the
following links! compatible

de facto standard
Related Links

Computer and communication standards index

Electronic Industries Alliance
Extensive collection of links to computer and communication standards
information available on the Web, including committees, protocols,and GPRS
testing information.
ANSI Catalog and Standards Information
Contains links to ANSI standards documents and home pages of IEEE
international and regional standards organizations

ANSI standards resource page

Internet Society
Contains an index of U.S. and national standards organizations,
committees, associations, and other related links.

European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI)

Home page of the European Telecommunications Standards Institute
(ETSI). Look here to find out current standardization projects, ETSI MGCP
publications, papers on the challenges of standardization, and other
resources. open architecture

FAQ on IEEE standards SAA

Provides a list of acronyms and buzzwords to help identify an IEEE
standard or a standard belonging to another standards-developing VESA
organization. In addition, there are answers to obtaining standards for
various items like household appliances, DIN, and ISO 9000. VSB

IEEE 1284 Parallel Port information page Web Standards Project

Contains links to an introduction to the IEEE 1284 standard and operating

modes, parallel port standards information, activities and news, FAQs,
compatible products and links, and the IEEE standards organization home
page. (2 of 4) [23/4/2004 12:19:22 à«]

What is standard? - A Word Definition From the Webopedia Computer Dictionary

IEEE Standards home page webopedia

This site hosts the IEEE SPAsystem, a set of information technologies Give Us Your
intended to streamline the IEEE standards development process. Here, you Feedback
can find links to FAQs, announcements, information on development
standards, and guidelines.
Index of current internet drafts Compare Products,Prices and
Contains links to current Internet drafts. The drafts are listed alphabetically Stores
by working group acronym and initial post date. Shop by Category:
Standard Televisions
1049 Model Matches
ISO OSI standards page
Sport and Outdoor
This site lists OSI standards by reference number. Look here to find out
17202 Store Offers
which standard you need, but you can't download it - the standards must be
purchased from the ISO. Furniture
12315 Store Offers

Network Standards Organizations
11690 Store Offers
Descriptions and links to the major international, regional, and national
Business and Productivity
network standards institutes.
1628 Model Matches
Overview of formal standards
Describes what a telecommunications standard is and gives an overview
and links to telecommunications formal standards organizations.

Standardization - ANSI
Explains why there is a need for ANSI and standardization.

Standards and standards organizations

Provides a collection of links to standards organizations, consortia, and
information on specific sets of standards.

Structured Cabling Standards

Provides standards related to structured cabling. This page is hosted by
Anixter Inc.

VESA home page

The VESA site contains association and membership information, news
and events, published standards, committee activities, and technical

Yahoo!'s computers and Internet standards page

Yahoo!'s directory of computer and Internet standards.

Yahoo!'s Internet Standards page

Yahoo!'s directory of Internet Standards.

Sponsored listings

Excel Partnership Standards and Publications - International standards and

business-critical handbooks and guides; includes ISO 9000, ISO 14000, audit and
risk management, and corporate governance. (3 of 4) [23/4/2004 12:19:22 à«]

What is standard? - A Word Definition From the Webopedia Computer Dictionary


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Hoover's: American Standard Companies Inc. Company Research - Find

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Hoover's: Standard Management Corp. Company Research - Find information

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competitors and more at Hoover's Online.

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officers, competitors and more at Hoover's Online.

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