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Table of Contents................................................................... 1
Crakateg ................................................................................ 2
A City of Metal ............................................................................... 2
The Ghost in the Machine .......................................................... 2
The Listing ..................................................................................... 2
People of Crakateg.........................................................................3
Harvesters .................................................................................3
Gear Priests .............................................................................. 4
Deniers ...................................................................................... 4

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CRAKATEG the Great Machine. Reconfiguring the city’s ancient
structures into geometrically perverse spires and
sculptures, the enthralled inhabitants have made an
The Lost Arc, the Listing Place unearthly monument of Crakateg.


Mired in ennui, travelers to Crakateg face not death but
spiritual decay. Their missions forgotten, hope abandoned,
they become part of the machine of the forlorn city, The artificers who remained on the Lost Arc repaired their
spinning their gears for no discernable purpose. A few damaged arcane devices as best they could, but few
know the truth—that the wreckage of this master-crafted resources were spared in the reconstruction and
city houses the spirit of an eldritch being—but soon innovation of the Twilit Spyglass, a telescope that could
enough, all who come to Crakateg find that the worst kind peer through the Astral Sea to adjacent pockets of
of madness is seeing unfathomable truth, then giving up. Wildspace. When the artificers used the improved Twilit
Crakateg, the Listing Place, is all that remains of a ring- Spyglass, however, they saw nothing—no stars, nor the
shaped city that held open a portal to the Astral Plane. colorific radiance that beckons adventurers to Wildspace.
When the portal collapsed, so too did the city; violent So they further improved upon the telescope, dismantling
astral winds hurtled its remnants to the farthest reaches of other precious creations in the process, and when they
Wildspace. The Gear Quarter (Crakateg in Gnomish) looked through once more, they saw a single distant star.
survived the destruction thanks to the quarter’s renowned They iterated on the telescope, diverting all other arcane to
artificers, though most abandoned the doomed city before the task, even those to contact whatever fragments
it faded further into the Black. Those who remained, remained of the lost ring-shaped city. All that mattered
however, embraced their isolation to tirelessly tinker and was seeing the star clearer. When their obsession with
toil, and one day their greatest creation—a grand machine perfecting their machine could seemingly go no further,
at the heart of the broken city—was given life by an entity they peered through one final time, and the viridian sun
from the darkest depths of Wildspace. Now, none leave the stared back. Its leer infected the Twilit Spyglass, tethering
Lost Arc—or want to. a portion of its consciousness to it. Those who spied the
eldritch sun through the telescope could then see its

A CITY OF METAL emerald light in the glowing indicators of their grand

device, flooding their minds with a relentless truth: to
Visitors of Crakateg are immediately struck by the twisted,
build is to see and know the star in the void. And so they
jagged metal form of this listing city. About a mile wide
build, not a telescope, but a home for the mind of the sun.
and several long, it bends in a slight arc, an architectural
With each bit of scrap erected as a monument or
vestige of the ring city it once belonged to. Other hints of
semifunctional affectation upon the machine, the mind in
Crakateg’s past life as the Gear Quarter remain—towering
the machine grows, influencing those on Crakateg to
wizard towers, clockwork fountains, hollowed-out
abandon all pursuits except expanding and revering it.
magical foundries—but a great shadow (literal and
This effect, known as the Listing, bypasses immunity to
figurative) hangs over this previous hub of genius and
charm and threatens all who come to Crakateg.
The Twilit Spyglass, the lens of truth, no longer points
Not only marred by the catastrophe that blasted
into the void, having become enclosed by the ever-
Crakateg through Wildspace, the city has also become a
expanding Great Machine. If one were to let it gaze among
place of harvest. Its denizens, who once scrounged
the stars again and peer through it, however, they would
through the wreckage for survival, now do so at the
see the sun is not some distant light. It is blazing across
bidding of an unseen force—the eldritch power they call
the void and will soon arrive, possessing the stats of a
cosmic horror with the following ability in place of the
poison jet legendary action:
Cosmic Radiance (Costs 2 Actions). Brilliant light emits
from the horror. Each creature within 20 feet of it
succeed on a DC 21 Constitution saving throw or take 14
(4d6) radiant damage and become blinded for 1 round.

The cosmic consciousness residing in the Great Machine
exerts its influence on all creatures within 1 mile of
Crakateg. Every 12 hours a creature remains in that area, it
must make a DC 10 Wisdom saving throw. The DC of this
saving throw increases by 1 for every 12 hours they spend
in the affected area. (Clever characters may attempt to use
their spelljammer as a base of operations outside of this
area to mitigate the risk of being affected by the Listing.)
On a success, a creature is merely filled with a sense of
unease. On a failure, they gain one level of Listing, the
effects of which are described in the table below. Creatures
with resistance or immunity to charm gain advantage on
these saving throws.

The pull of the Great Machine is strong; even a slight tug modrons, clockwork oaken bolters, clockwork iron
on the mind is enough to ensure coax an unknowable cobras, and other constructs. Once the Twilit Spyglass is
loyalty. Those in the early stages of Listing maintain an destroyed, the fragment of the cosmic horror’s
element of their will and personality, but they nonetheless consciousness within is freed and attempts to those who
find themselves drawn to take inexplicable actions, from helped destroy the Spyglass. It has the statistics of an allip
scraping unknown shapes and glyphs on walls to stacking but is an abberation (not undead) and has 72 hit points.
objects in ways that seem to defy gravity. Once a creature (For higher-level parties, use the statistics of a star spawn
reaches the fourth level of Listing, they consciously know seer with an allip’s incorporeal movement trait.) Once the
their purpose is to support the creation of the Great consciousness is destroyed, the cosmic horror’s psychic
Machine. Those who maintain their wits call these poor link to Crakateg is severed, ending the Listing. The cosmic
souls Listers. horror, however, may still seek out Crakateg and attempt
to regain its psychic grasp on its inhabitants.

Level Effect
The majority of Crakateg’s people belong to the Great
1 Advantage on ability checks related to building or Machine, and their society, if it can be called that, reflects
creating art. Disadvantage on all other ability checks. this fact. All that matters is the ceaseless construction of
2 Speed halved except when defending the Great the Great Machine, and the castes of Crakateg enable this
in their own ways.
3 Disadvantage on attack rolls and saving throws except
against enemies of the Great Machine.
These nutrition technicians operate the Great Machine’s
4 Charmed by the Great Machine, regardless of immunity nourishment contraptions, turning organic waste into a
to being charmed. potable if unappetizing slurry called mort. If a character
5 Charmed (regardless of immunity to being charmed) by studies the complex mort-making machinery for more
the cosmic horror sun approaching Crakateg and than 1 hour, a successful DC 17 Intelligence (Arcana) check
inhabiting the Great Machine. reveals that “organic waste” includes the bodies of the
dead. Anyone who arrives at this revelation must succeed
6 Gain an indefinite madness: “I am a cog in the Great
on a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw or be afflicted by a
Machine, and I would die to further its expansion.”
random short-term madness.
Per the Great Machine’s command, the Morters
Visitors of Crakateg, whether by choice or circumstance, confiscate unsanctioned food sources. Creatures that
must act quickly to not become Listers themselves. Calm consume mort have disadvantage on their next saving
emotions can suppress the effects of the Listing, while throw against the Listing.
greater restoration reduces a creature’s Listing level by 1. A group of modrons arrived in Crakateg many years ago
Ending the Listing is a major task and likely will require and have since gone rogue. They are the most passionate
the PCs to ally with those yet unaffected by the Listing. of all the Morters.
Defeating the eldritch horror ends the Listing, but such a
confrontation is beyond most characters. Delving into the HARVESTERS
Great Machine and destroying the Twilit Spyglass is
Building requires materials, and the old Gear Quarter
another option, and doing so is sure to involve facing a
provides plenty. Harvesters work to dismantle various
slew of enemies and traps. Foes within the machine might
pieces of the old city so they can be repurposed by the Gear
include clockwork horrors, crazed Listers (cultists), rogue
Priests and subsumed into the Great Machine. Visitors who

An entire party affected by the Listing does not mean game
over for your campaign. Use this as an opportunity to run a
rescue one-shot where your players play NPCs or temporary
characters to liberate their Listing heroes.

know of Crakateg’s past might assume the piles of debris Far from her god’s domain, Isabella and two of her
throughout the city stem the magical catastrophe that knights became Listers. Her remaining knights entered the
rocketed Crakateg through Wildspace, when in fact such depths of the Great Machine in an attempt to stop the
refuse is the result of the Harvester’s constant Listing and save their companions, only to fall to
deconstruction efforts. The largest of the Harvesters is a clockwork horrors. Shivoshim escaped the onslaught and
cadaver collector that does not hesitate to destroy anyone has so far avoided the effects of the Listing, but Isabella
it perceives as disrupting the harvest. and mage inquisitors hunt him. He refuses to fight Isabella
or any Lister, and he will not return home until the Listing
GEAR PRIESTS is lifted.
All others in Crakateg spend their time building in service
of the Great Machine, and the greatest among them—the
Reavers blitz about this part of Wildspace, and the
Gear Priests—recognize this work as a religious enterprise.
Crakateg’s defense system—an enormous arcane
This caste, made up primarily of the Gear Quarter’s
cannon—frequently mistakes incoming spelljammers for
original artificers, leads major building projects that
the asteroids it was designed to destroy. One well-placed
require arcane skill to complete. Anyone who threatens the
shot can unattune spelljammer pilots from their helms.
important work of the Great Machine draws the ire of the
This is what happened to cambion pirate Narliki Sateer,
Gear Priests, who do not hesitate to send inquisitors
who lost all but four of her crew (bandit captains) to the
(mages) to root out the threat.
Listing soon after they crash-landed on Crakateg. Her ring
The Gear Priests regularly commune with the
of protection has shielded her mind for the most part (she
consciousness in the Great Machine to learn its will. They
has only two levels of Listing), but she feels the clock
rightly believe that their building efforts strengthen it, and
ticking. She eagerly accepts help to take out the defense
the Gear Priest and artificer Gobidivir believes that in
system, which is guarded buy an artificer’s snake
giving his life for the betterment of the Great Machine, he
construct (a spirit naga that lacks rejuvenation and is a
might allow its spirit to inhabit him. Nearly all the pieces
construct, not a monstrosity). As long as the cannon is
of the ritual are in place, and should it succeed, Gobidivir’s
operational, no one is leaving Crakateg.
body will become an in-the-flesh extension of the cosmic
horror’s mind, gaining the statistics of a star spawn seer.
Knowledge is power, and Crakateg has it in spades. The
DENIERS trick is getting it. Adventurer Eloise Pomadoro recently
This is not an official caste in Crakateg but a catchall term acquired a treasure hoard, including a key wrapped in a
for those who have not succumbed to the Listing. complex star chart and navigational equations. According
to a note on the back of the map, the key unlocks a
LOST PRIEST storeroom where a once-forgotten artifact can be found.
Isabella Clarion, a knight from the Order of the Divine Pomadoro solved the equations and learned the location of
Chalice, received a prophetic message about an evil at the Crakateg but has hit a dead end. The storeroom is now
farthest edges of Wildspace. To fulfill the prophecy, she surrounded by the edifice of the Great Machine.
rallied Clarion’s Call, a zealous coterie of Order members
and enthusiastic clergy from the Rock of Bral’s temple
district. Shivoshim Cirillioc, a priest of the pacifist god
Ilmater, joined the Call.

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