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Assessment Task 1


Topics that I will present.

Recommending studying in Australia

Why study in Australia

When people think of Australia, they see wide open spaces of outback bush,
kangaroos, koalas, and clean air and water. Australia has much more to offer than
the usual expectations. Many international students are choosing to study in
Australia because of its friendly, laid-back nature, excellent education system, and a
high standard of living.

 Presentation planning template

Title of presentation:

Recommending studying in Australia

Audience profile:

Thai student

Desired outcome and purpose of the presentation:

it is important you choose the right university. Especially for students on exchange in Australia. In which
case, here is our list of the top universities in it’s important you choose the right university! Especially for
students on exchange in Australia. In which case, here is our list of the top universities in University of

Based in the suburbs, the University of Sydney’s main campus has often been called one of the most
beautiful in the world. The top-ranked institution’s buildings are modeled on the traditional English
collegiate architecture seen at the universities of Oxford and Cambridge, but they are made out of
Sydney sandstone.

Presentation strategies to suit audience needs and purpose:


Show my Passion and Connect with my Audience

Focus on my Audience’s Needs

Keep it Simple: Concentrate on my Core Message

Smile and Make Eye Contact with my Audience

Remember the 10-20-30 Rule for Slideshows

This is a tip from Guy Kawasaki of Apple. He suggests that slideshows should:

Contain no more than 10 slides.

Last no more than 20 minutes; and

Use a font size of no less than 30 points.

(Room layout, opportunities for engagement)

Visual aids

Presentation materials and aids

PowerPoint (or equivalent)

Overhead projector slides/transparencies

White or black board

Paper handouts

Flip chart

Video (DVD or VHS)

Artefacts or props

Legislative, regulatory, and organizational requirements:


A number of stakeholders will have requirements in place that must be taken into account in any risk
management process. This is especially so where the environment or human life is at risk. Legislators
and regulatory bodies are stakeholders in any risk management process.

legislation dealing with

 key provisions of relevant legislation from all forms of government, standards, and codes that may
affect aspects of business operations, such as:

 anti-discrimination legislation

 ethical principles

 codes of practice

 privacy laws

 occupational health and safety.

Evaluation techniques

Self-Reflection. Self-reflection is important in any evaluation, but it is particularly difficult for


Audience Reaction. As a buildup to audience evaluation, most public speaking experts recommend
practicing your presentation multiple times.

Audience Evaluation.

Presentation Rubrics.

Time Content Resources

09.00am Introduction Staff, Budget,

To Australian educational courses are taught in English. In some
cases, you may need to provide results of an English
09.10am language test. We require proof of your English language
capabilities to ensure you can understand the course content.

09.10am Topic Body-point 1 Staff, Budget,

to Top Courses to Study in Australia for Getting Jobs and Post-
Study Work Opportunities
09.30 am


Actuarial Science.

Agricultural Sciences.


Biomedical Engineering.

Core Engineering.

Earth Sciences and Related Fields.

Computer Science & Information Technology (IT)

09.30am Topic Body-point 2 Staff, Budget,

to Accommodation for students

09.50 am Students typically enjoy finding Sydney student

accommodation at places like Scape Abercrombie, Western
Sydney University Village Parramatta Campus, Urbanest
Glebe, Macquarie University Village, and more. Each area
has unique qualities, but all of them offer excellent housing
choices close to the various Unis.

09.50am Topic Body-point 3 Staff, Budget,

to Working while on a student visa - The University of Sydney

10.10am If you are on a student visa, you are limited to working up to

40 hours per fortnight during the semester and unlimited
hours during university holidays. A fortnight is calculated as a
14-day period starting on a Monday. You won’t be able to
work until after your course has started. If your employer
requires confirmation of the university holiday period, you can
submit a request for a letter.


10.10am Conclusion/summary/Call to action Staff, Budget,

to Careers Centre

10.30am The University’s Careers Centre offers a range of resources

and services to help you find employment, both during and
after your studies.

The center provides advice on looking for work, writing your

resume and cover letters, improving your interview and
communication skills, and long-term career planning.

Key (Use the following symbols as prompts for certain actions.)

! emphasizes  link to
 graphic #1  check time
 Link back to ? call for questions
Q ask for comments

 Briefing for other involved in the presentation

Give an Organized Briefing

Start the briefing by presenting a big-picture outline of the information me about to
present. A good idea is to simply reference the main points in my briefing outline.
The body of the briefing should reference objectives in the order presented in that

 Complete the materials checklist template provided

Name: Jaruwan Date of presentation: February /25/2022

Checked Working order

 Seating arrangement and room layout
 Projection system
 Projection screen
 VCR and TV
 Placement of light switches
 Location of room temperature controls
 Sound amplification system
 Internet connections
 Location of power points


 Tables for equipment

 Decorative elements/flowers
 Laptop
 Power cords
 Connecting cables, including Ethernet cable
 Back-up of presentation on portable drive
 Laser pointer
 Data projector
 DVD player
 Remote for DVD player
 Microphone and cords
 Speaker
 Interactive whiteboard
 Speaker notes and plan
 Slide list
 Reference material
 Audience materials/handouts
 Master hard copy of all materials
 Evaluation forms
 Presentation file saved to laptop
 Pens, markers, whiteboard markers
 Flip charts
 Model
 Props
 Diagrams, charts and posters
 Presentation software on laptop
 Recording-DVD-sound-music
 Attendee list/name tags
 Special requirements – disabled toilets, lift, die
 Venue/organization contact list in case of emergency


 Collect feedback using the evaluation method

feedback questionnaire

Your Name (optional) Jaruwan

Presentation Title Recommending studying in Australia

Candidate Name Peter

Presentation Date/Time February /25/2022 09.00am – 10.30 pm

1 = strongly disagree 2= disagree 3 = unsure 4 = SCALE

agree 5 = strongly agree
Presentation 1 2 3 4 5

Matter: Presentation 

An overview was given 

The content was organized logically 

The main points were backed up with evidence 

The main points were backed up with evidence 

I was able to follow all the points made 

Manner: 

The presenter: 

-was well-groomed 

- spoke clearly 

-stood and moved with purpose 

- used vocal techniques to create interest 

-engaged the audience through eye contact 

- developed rapport with the audience 

Method: 

The layout of the room assisted delivery 


Presentation aids supported the content 

The delivery method held my attention 

Visual material was well constructed and added 

to the presentation
The presenter handled Q&A session effectively 

The presenter finished on time 

 Aspects of the presentation that were effective included:

A speaker's ideas are accepted as believable only to the degree that the speaker is perceived to be
credible. The speaker's credibility depends on his or her trustworthiness, competence, and good will.
The speaker who is well organized will usually be considered competent. The speaker who is
attractive and dynamic will be seen as more credible than one who is not.

 Aspects that were not effective included:

You must never overrun your allocated time. In other words, don’t outstay your welcome. Almost
every speech or presentation is better if it is shorter. Nobody minds going for coffee early or
finishing before they expected to do so. Everybody minds being held up.

 To improve the effectiveness of future presentations the Presenter



Naturally, you'll want to rehearse your presentation multiple times. While it can be difficult for those
with packed schedules to spare time to practice, it's essential if you want to deliver a rousing
presentation. I’m famous around the office for staying up late the night before a big presentation,
practicing over and over. If you really want to sound great, write out your speech rather than taking
chances winging it – if you get nervous about speaking, a script is your best friend.

 Other comments


One of the most important aspects of your presentation is the actual delivery and how you project
yourself in front of your audience. Relax and be confident—everyone responds well to a confident-
looking individual. Screen the audience at all times and keep them engaged by maintaining eye


contact. Be aware of the body language and avoid distracting gestures and mannerisms. Don’t block
the screen, and never turn your back to the audience.

Reflection presentation

 As I look back on my presentation and the preparation that when into it I am

amazed by the amount I’ve learned from this one small exercise. This was my
first proper presentation in a long time therefore I didn’t have much practice
presenting in the last few years and had to do a lot of work preparing for it.
Although there was a lot of work in preparing for this exercise, improvements
can always be made.

 Before I started this exercise, I really didn’t know the amount of work that
would go into a presentation. I thought I could put together a presentation in
20 minutes and look over it once and be ready to present it. I now know that
this isn’t realistic if you want to make a good presentation. My slide show
alone took nearly an hour to decide what was going to go into it and make it. I
then had to look over it and look into things I was going to say during each
slide as the slides contained only small bullet points that needed to be further
explained. Usually, a lot more time would have to go into researching the topic
of the presentation as I was very familiar with the topic and only had to
research some small parts concerning the history of the sport and a how big
the NFL is in the world.

 In the rest of this reflection, I am going to write reflecting on different parts of

my presentation and how I could have done it better and improve it for the
next time.

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