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Tdentification of soil types, In situ and laboratory tests to characterise problematic soils, Mechanical,
Hydraulic, Physico-chemical, Electrical, Thermal methods and their applications


To be able to understand the coricepts related to,
Objectives of ground modification.
Laboratory tests to characterise problematic soils.
Electrical and thermal method along with their applications.
ldentification of soil types.


When faced with difficult ground conditions at a project site, an engineer has a number of possible strategies to
employ in order to achieve the project objectives. The most obvious is to find another site, but this is oly very rarely
practicable. Pressure on land, the need to use poor sites, and the location of many cities in estuaries or river situations
make this option increasingly difficult. Another option is to redesign the building or structure to accommodate the
prevailing difficulties arising from the ground, and where possible this is a good solution.

Ground improvement is normally understood as the modification of the existing physical properties of the ground
beneath a site to sufficient depth to enable effective, economic, and'safe permanent ar temporary construction in
practical timescales.


SOLUTIONS UNIT-1 Introduction to Engineering Ground Modification

for engineers. Oma GW Well graded gravel

improvement techniques
Q1. Explain the need for SW Well grades sand

AmSwer Techniques SC -Clayey sand

Need for Engineering
Grund Improvement engimeers is very
important because when a roject is undertaken
SP- Poorly graded sand
improvement technmiques for that various al
ground applied on the ground surface. For alternate solu to
need for
The foundation to be
problems in ML -Low compressible silt
consaruct, it faces various
CL Low compressible clay
taken They ae,
is to be avoided.
( The paricular site taken according to it (i.e,
plan). MI - Intermediate compressible silt
structure is designed
en the plan, the should oe suppoied by the piles and
Based is designed by using a raft foundathon that
CI -Intemediate compressible clay
In these, stracture damaged by the setlement criteria MH-High compressible silt
designed thst should not be removed.
cither replaced (or)
for the structure are CH High compressible clay
Umsuiable soils which are not fit structure.
(i) varnous attermptsthat are suitable for the
modiied by taking
() Theaxisting
modification techníques.
N-SPT (Standard Penetration Test) valuc after correction.
types of ground What are problematic solls?
02 List the various ModelPaperA, Q4.
C April-18 (R13), 01(6)
Answer Answer
Classification af Groand Mediication groups. They are, Problematic Soils
can be modified by four
ground modification techniques
The classifñicatian af The soil which creates problems in construction of engineering works either due to its composition (or) because of variations
1 Mechanical modificatian in conditions of environment is knowm as problematic soil. Some of the common problematic soils are

2 Hydraulic modification 1. Expansive soils.

3 Puysical and chemical 2. Marine soils.
4 Modiication by inclusions and cominements.
3 Collapsible soils.
23 Write about identification of type of soil. April-18 (R13),0 Q5. List the factors that contribute for the ground modification.
Answer May-16 (R13), 01(a)
dentiication af Sol Type distribution, N value(Standr
using 'soil classification, based on grain size The factors that contribute to ground modification are:
ealatg shear wave velocity ar by geophysical
methods, employed tor detemining shear wave velocity

etntions) sal type is identified. The vanious () More compressibility resulting in settlement
follows ci) Low strength that influences stability, bearing capacity (or) durability
c cone penetromete
9 Se
(ii) High permeability in soils allowing ground water fow
Supesian logge
iv) Low permeability that restrict draining.
mUp hole
Q6. Write short notes on laboratory tests to determine free swell index of an expansive soil.
v Cronle, ee
1) 2016, clause, Table 2 is mentiocel
Based on grain size distribution, soil classification as per IS 1893 (part

Answer : May-16 (R13), 016)

bela Free-swell Index Test

Lypes of soi
In this test, 10 CC of dry soil is poured through 425 micron sieve into a graduated cylinder of 100 CC filled with water.
After 24 hours, the swelled soil volume is read from the graduations of the cylinder. The detemination of free swell value in
Type D
percent is carried out by,
Type A Type B TypeC
(Liquifiable,unstable and Final volume Initial volurme
(urd Reck) (Sif ls or Medium soils (Soft solls) collapsible soils) Free swell Index (%) = x100
Initial volume
SC ar SPiae3 Stiff-Medium siff fme grained 0 All soils except SP having Based on the conditon
stuuy r
sols wih N nging berween N value as less than 10. site, treatment and Bentonite soil containing montmorillonite is a high swelling soil and may have a free-swell value differing from 1200-2000
áaan 10-30
Eg: CL CH, MH, MI, (CI-
soil varies for different pe
percent. Whereas kaolinite differs about 80 percent and illite from 30 to 80 percent. The soils having free swell values as low as
S daya wih N 30
Eg CL ML CH oO7 MI-MH), (MH- sO 100 percent may show change in volume considerably under light loads
SWrGW ges S
(SP havng very low fines or no
The free swell values of soils having below 50 percent will not have any problems even under light surcharges. The free-
fines with N value ranging be- swell test by itself may not be adequate to forecast the Swelling potential and must be boosted by other tests.
twen 10-30
WARNING:Xerz Phstocpying el this beok
ia CRIMINAL act. Anyone found guity is LIABLE to face LEGAL proceoig
GROUND UNIT- Introduclion to Enginooring Ground Modification
mechanical modification
What do you know about Papara9 PART-B ESSAY QUESTIONS WITH soLUTIONS
Wite short notes on
mechanical modification Apri-1 .1
Mechanical Modiicatio tnciudung vanous compaction s
of mechanical foraes and a12. Explan the tradlilonal objoctivos and omorging tronda ln ground Improvomont tochnigquos.
modification, by the application qus e applied to the soue
n these mechamical deep compacton A increase
vibrations, static vihraory and Model Paper4, 22
yes by mpact rollers plate Answer
density Traditional Objectives and Emerging Trends
Q8. List out various application of mechanical May-17
The various radnttonal objectives and emerging trends applicd on foundation soil (or) construction is to
of materials
Amswer v
improve dilterent properties of the soils.
Applicaties ef Mechanical Method
()Shrinkage and swelling over the soils should be controlled.
ts the most simplest method of soil stabilization in case
ion in case of roadways and
ot roadways
used in the embankments consinuctton and railway (i) Strength of soil is increased.
Mechamical method of soil stahilization is widely
course, sub-base course and surface
course of road.
roads. Permmeability over the soil is to be controlled.
of base (ii)
hs method s commonly used for the construction
1s having iess beanng capucigy iv)Water pressure on the
to enhance the sub-grade capability which soil reduced and understress distortion is reduced.
Salso ed of the soil
Q8.Wrte short notes on hydraulic modification. (v) Compressibility is reduced.
Amswer Paper,Q10 (vi) The soil foundation (or) construction materials should adopt to different climatic conditions.
Hydraulic Modiicationa (vii) Natural variation on foundation soils should be reduced.
present On the soil forced out.
n these bydraulic modification, by using drains (or) wells, the pore water tnat
1s 1s
(vii) Erodibility of the soil is to be decreased.
Hydlic modification for course grained soils is achieved by maintaining the low ground water level which sis pumped
Dur Cix) Volume stability should be improved.
either from boreholes (ar) renches These are the dillerent obyectives and emerging trends that are applicable to foundation soil (or) construction materials
In case of ime grained soilks, electro kinetic stabilizaion (extermal forces) or pre-loading (Cxtermal loads) are appl used for construction of a various structures on soil.
lang lierm to the soil to achieve finc grained soils 013. Explain about the current and future developments of ground improvement techniques.
010. Explain briefly about physical and chemical modification. :
Answer Model Paper4, Q3
Current and Future Development
Physical and Chemical Modißication
Ground improvement techniques (GI) are used from past 2000 years. Today also these techniques are used with significant
The physical nd chemical modification technique is obtained by the soil stabilization process advances made in recent years. These advances covers several aspects.
The sabilizanion process is generally obtained by mixing the various additives with different surface layers of the 0 For deep compaction techniques, new machinery are developed.
sol present on the ground.
(i)Geosynthetic materials is used for new construction structure.
*The vanous additives are natural soils, industrial waste materals (or) cementations (or) vanous chemicals that react (011) Computer modelling techniques are used for ground improvement technique.
with each othes
(iv) Modified soil can be evaluated and performed by techniques süch as,
*Under certaun pressure is upplied for the additives that are injected into the ground surface to fill the empty spaces
Pressuremeter tests and
pores spaces (or) voids on the soils, these prOcess of filling and injection is called
Soil stabilization is also obtained by thermal methods of modification such as heating Seismic shear wave velocity.
and freezing the ground surtac
011. Write short notes on modification by lInclusions and confinement. (For GIT, best geotechnical process is involved and appreciated for their construction sequence.

Answer In 1978, ASCE committee placed and reported the survey results of Delphi on the improvement of soils are as follows,
Model Paper, 01)
Modification by Inclusions and Confinement 0) In Boreholes and trenches, the membranes are dewatered by osmotic pressure.

In thesc ground modibication technique, the inclusions (1) Several bacteriological agents are used tor soil stabilization.
is provided by reinforcement of bars, strips, meshes, hbes
fabrics that should impart the tensile strength on (11) Impermeable barriers and reinforcing clements are formed by the in-situ stabilization of the soils.
a constructed soil mass. It is also achieved
nails and anchors by the in-situ soil reinforcemenl oy
(iV) Self dispersing grouts are released by exploded and driven probes.
The ground surface soil should be
confined with concrete, steel (or) fabric elements Ground modification technique also considers its economic (cost) for vanous construction techniques such as mining,
Stnicture. to obtain a stable earth re
Toundation, roads and dams.
WARNING:XruPhotocopyimg of this
bookis s CRiIMINAL act. Anyone found guilty
to Engineerin Ground Modification
Dased on the soll
raln slze. Explain the factors Influencing the cholce of | Vane Shear Test
modification methods a1 method of ground improvement for proJect. undrained
ground Dec-19
(R16), Vane shear test is conducted to determine the
Discuss the applicability of various 0 May-16 (R13), 02 shear strength of soft clays. The shear vane comprises of Tour
Answer thin stainless steel blades fixed at the bottom bf the vertical stee
method of ground
Soil Grain ire The factors iniuencing the choice of
Ground Modification Methods Based on vement technique
are, rod.

Gaval o provement needed to improve the IS: 2720-XXX - 1980 recommends,

Type and extent
roperties of sol like beanng capacity, increasing the () Height of the vane, H= 2D
liquefaction resistance, permeability and reducing the (in) Length of the rod, L = 60 mm
(ii) Diameter of the rod, d = 2.5 mm.
variation of soil properties such as pore pressure,
The Set-up of Pressure Meter Test
seepage and geological conditions from fine grained to
pressure meter comprises or
coarse grained soils. The Menard instrument of
independent chamber one above the other, with
Experiencea proectrelated personnel, extent of project,ree bottom
() user membranes. Carried by steel discs at top and
SOI030On affordable transportation costs, availability of materials Middle chamber a rigid hallow tube is placed.
chamber, and at
and cquipment. cells and protect
The top and bottom chamber acts as a guard
shear G) The selection of technique also depends on the cost,| the middle chamber from end product developed due to
the end
Reinforccncnl (TcrsioE, guidelines, speciications and supervision of work. length of the apparatus. This middle chamber along with
are known as probe. Therefore pressure Meter invoves
()The time available tor construction and utilization of cells parts they are (1) prob (2) control unit and (3) tubing. The
alternative and accelerating methods of approach. three
and below
Control unit and tubing is the guard cell acting above
0.001 (vi) Environmental conditions Iike water pollution, disposal
0.001 e proo.
0.01 of waste erOsion also affect the selection of technique.
In menard pressure test, probe is
positioned below
(vii) Limited deformation of structure and acceptable
levels The
se the ground by drilling a hole with a suitable drilling ig.
compression upon wetting? DiScuss witn clear illustrations of loading also take part in deciding the technique. diameter of bore hole should satisfy the condition that
it should
Q13. Why collapsible soils undergo sudden Dec-19 (R16),
020 (vil) Reversibility or irreversibility processes ike adding Orbe in the range of 1.03 D,< D,<120Dp
is lost
Answer When ntermal structural support of soil lime to soil in tne presence of sulphate.
volume due to applied stress.
reters to decrease in which is deriv Where,
undergo sudden volume reduction. Internal
structural soil support provides temporay strength (ix) Government restrictions on the usage limits of harmful
collapsible soils a fine grain Dp-Diameter of probe
which gives temporary strengn O parualy saturated chemical additives while execution of project.
rom different sources. One of the source like capillary tension, D-Diameter of bore hole.
cobesionless soils, cementing agents etc. breaks down the soil arrangemen (x)Adoption of favourable methods of testing, analysis and
capillary bonds, softens clay bonds, Procedure for Pressure Meter Test,
when a collapsible soj becomes wet and destroys design.
Wettingg can be occurs in two ways either local shallow wetting The probe is positioned down the hole after drilling to the
leaches out cementing agents and bridges in an open structure. occurs from imrigation (xi) Requirement of performance and quality control (i)
wihich occurs from surface flooding, broken pipelines and the
other one is intense deep local weting which documents may be required. suitable height and held in position by using clamping
and industnal efifuents (xii) The effect a technique on the durability, maintenance
settlement or sudden collapse due to weakened of sol After positioning the probe, open the valve in the control
Duc to applied load, suturation increases and it can result in gradual and operational requirements.
when the bonds break in brite measurng
bonds. Sudden collapse of the soil structure can occur due to applied load of critical magnitude unit and allow the water and gas to pass in the
xiin) Reusability of materials like concrete, steel and plastics.
cell and the guard cell respectively.
tailurc eveCn at natural water content Q18. Explain in-situ tests to characterize problematic pressure
Q16. Explain about the suitability, feasiblity and desirability methods for the ground improvement
techniques (11) Keep the pressure in measuring cell equal to in

Model Paper-,0
soils. guard cell.
Answer: May-17 (R13), 016)| Model Paper-1, Q2
iv) The pressure in measuring cell is employed through equal
Suitability, Feasbility and Desirability pressure increment method (or) equal volume increment
These suitability, feasibility and desirability methods for ground improvement on a desired object will depend on te method.
following factors. They are, Explain about in-situ tests for the identification
(V) In equal pressure increment method, cach increment of
Suficient time is available for construction. and to characterize problematic solls.
0) pressure is kept constant for a fixed length of time say
April-18 (R13), 22
(i) Different materials involved have the durability and expected life to the structure against various environmentaf and stress Answer: one minute. After one minute note the volume reading
conditions The following are the in-situ tests to characterize tor obtaining the limit pressure ten equal increments of
) There should be suffñcient and enough amount of materials and equipments provided and the work handled should be problematic soils (soft clays): pressure are implemented and maximum probe volume
quality in nature. to be adopted in the test are achieved.
1 CPT (Cone penetration test)
(V) Ground water resources can cause polution (or) damage to the adjacent structure. (vi) If the pressure in measuring cell is employed through
() The various components in these methods can be reusable. Vane shear test
equal volume increment method, then volume of probe
(vi) For the analysis and design, the ground improvement methods should be reliable. 3. Pressuremeter test is increased 5% of the nomal probe volume and kept
(V) f can mvolve both reversible (or) ireversible for ground improvement process by suitability, feasibility and desirabiliy constant for 30 seconds. After 30 seconds the pressure
4. Borehole sampling
(vin) Itshould consider about geological structure, its sepage conditions and the type of soil, their degre of ground improvem
() Cost and toxicity (or) corrosivity of different chemical additives.
. Trail pits reading is noted. This procedure is repeated till the
maximum probe volume is obtained and used in the test.
6. California Bearing Ratio (CBR)
At last, if soil is moist, frezing is applicable to all ype of soils.
WARNING: Xerex Photocopying of this book is a CRIMINAL act. Anyone found guilty is LIABLE to face LEGAL proceedings.) SPECTRUM ALL-IN-ONE JOURNAL
GROUND IMPROVEMENT UNIT-1 Introduction to Engineering Ground Modification
re gauge . It can be employed lor tnjecting
grouts into soil.
It can be applied in the treatment of soils, which are affected by salts.
Dredged soil can be dewatered using electrical method
of soil stabilization.
This method is employed to enhance the strength of backfill.
This method of soil stabilization will eliminate or remove
ground water and
soil contaminatb0n.
20. Explain the various electrical methods of densifying
cohesive soils.
Answer May-17 (R13, a3
The followng are the vanous electrncal methods used for the densification
of cohesive soils:
Electroosmo0sis method
Electrokinetic method
Gas Cylinder Electrochemical method
Electro heating
-Bore Hole 5. Electrokineting fencing
6. Bioclectrokinetic injection
-Grd Cell
. Electroosmosis method
Guard Cell
In this method, soil stabilisation is carried out under the influence of electrical fields, when the coetficient of permeabii
Figare Menard Pressure Meter Apparatus (K) lies between 10 and 10 cm/s. This method is adopted to create seepage pressure and for providing consohidanon.
Anahsis of Data number or electrodes are placed in the soil for stabilising and a direct current is passed through them. Water flows from anode
r e rends in the ficld, A cunve is plonad on the graph by taking abscisa as volume of the water 'v' to cathode due tao inducd electric cuTent, because of atraction betwen the cations and unbalanced negatively charged clay

resBresT r
los pe
p. The pressure the value of,
meter test measures
particles, towards the anode The anode used is genernlly a rod and cathode is a perforated pipe employed to rermove water
from soil. With this process, consilidation of fine grained soils is produced.
(a) Volme less vc Advantages of Electroosmosis Method
( Dierence m bydroscabc pressure bead 'Hw. 0 Applicable, where gravity drainage is too slow
Suitabillity ef Pressure Meter Test ) Applicable, for inmproving the stability of trenches and cuts.
rom presure meter test are usad in the design of foundation and on the walls of bore hole. This pressue () This method is seful to rise the bearing capacity of friction piles and to consolidate, dewater soft soil deposits
5 stu-stress sn lest 2 Electrokinetic Method
Q19. Explain about need and objectives of ground improvement by electrical methods and
discuss its This method is used to increase the pile capacity of friction piles. The capacity of pile is generally increased by the electro
osmosis process, which is completely based on insitu pile load tests. This test is conducted on soft varved clay and loess silt
Answer April-18 (R13, a deposits. By implementation of this method, there is no decrease in the bearing capacity of the friction piles, which is observed
Need and Objectves af Ground Improvement by Electrical Method
from the studies conducted on foundation of bridge.
To decrease the cumpressbility of silry, soft clayey soils lying underneath
the foundation. Electrochemical Method
To enhance the sheur stength of sihy and soft clayey soils lying undermeath
the foundaton. Itis similar to the electrokinetic method, but new ions which are positively charged such as AI), Ca, Mg, cte, are introduced
oertan sions whcre adoption of pules (iLe. piling) is not possible, electrical method is used by either considering to the soil through anode pipe made by perforated iron. Further, this process of soil densification is limited to laboratory stage
not comsidenng clectrochemical bardenimg
fthe value of k (Le. coefhcient of permeability) is in berween the range of 10
cm/s- 10 cm/'s, electrical method can 4. Electrokinetic Injection Method
De Sd o Srie secpage preSsure and also to prodiace consolidation.
In this method chemical stabilizers are used at the anode and electrons are allowed to moved towards the cathode by
gy s VEy slow and not prctial, this method is used
electroosmosis because, in silty soils, stabilization cannot be achieved by adding chemicals or admitures due to lack of
To mhance the sability of trencbes and cuts, clectrical method of soil stabilization
is essential. confinement. For this process DC (direct curent) electrical gradients ranging from 50 to 100 volts 'm are used.
To cmbance he beanng pacity of fnction piles, electnical method
is used
To comsclidate und emhance soft clayey soils which are saturated Q21. Why soils are required to be modified? list out various ground modification methods.
this method is used in which fine grained soils are
dewalered so that saremgth of soft sois will be increased Answer Dec-19 (R16, 02a)

To densify the cobesisonless soils and 1o enbhance the sheur strength, various engincening For answer refer Unit-L, Q1, 02, 07, 09,Q10 and Q11.
properties off soil, this method or
sabiizn s mployed Q22. Explain, briefly the need and objectives of ground modification.
Applicaties ef Electrical Methods of Seil Stabilizationa Answer: May-17 (R13), a2
Elcnial method of ground improvement is used for stabilization of slopes For answer refer Unit-1, Q1 and Q7.
023. Explain the classification of ground improvement techniques.
k beps n he camsolidion of soil
Answer: May-16 (R13). Q3
3 tan be used to improve the stability of excavabons and cmbankments which are unstable.
For answer refer Unit-1, Q2, Q7, Q9. Q10 and Q11.
Anyane found galty s LIABLE to face LEGAL proceedings SPECTRUM


1. Explain in-situ tests to charecterize problematic solls.
May-17 (c
characterire probiemauc SolIls. Apr-18 (RL
pain about in-situ tests for the identification and to
Ans: Refie QI&
index of an expansive soll
ot notes on laboratory tests to determine free swell
Important Question
Ans: Rcier Q6
improvement techniques.
n the braditional objectives and emerging trends in ground MECHANICAL MODIFICATION: Shallow Compaction
Techniques- Deep compaction techniques
important Quesior Blasting-Vibrocompaction Dynamic tamping and compaction
Ans: RefQ12 -
tor project.
Explain the factors influencing the choice of method of ground improvement
Ans: portant Question
Explain about need and objectives of ground improvement by electrical
metnods and discuss its
Ans: ReiQ19 on To be able to understand the concepts related to,
0& Explain the various electrical methods of densifying cohesive soils. Shallow and Deep Compoction Techniques

Ans: Reir 020 mportant Qoesso Blasting

EXERCISE QUESTIONS Dynamic tamping and compacion piles

0L E gund mgromt nehods ar nded for cat and Sl wals

E yd nce a n ngarant far ground inpovenet nethas


Mecharical ground modificction refers to sol densificaion by extermcl forces h mest proctical applicetios
in t byraie me modifcation is synonymous wih compoction Compoction refers to densification of an unsctrted sol by a reductio
in he volume of voids filed wih air, while the volume of solics and wcter content remcin
esseicl e same
covers the concept of deep compoction techniques, blasing cnd vbrocompocion t clso inciudes
This unit
procedure of dynamic tamping and compoction piles Principle cf soil densification, Propersies cf compated
Compoction Control tests cand their specificctions cre ciso expicined

12 GROUND IMPROVEMENT UNT 2 Mechanical Modiflcatlon
Ifmoisture content w ), hen he moist unit weight is ecqual to the dry unit weight.
01. What are the aims considered for the compactlon of soll YYaw-0)Y
Model PaperA,
Answer Q1¢)
Aims of Compacting Soil
The v cight ot soll sonds inereases as the higher moisture content
Tbe main aim of compacting sol are, and the same compactive effort is utilized for compacton.
() Shear strength should be increased. Atw- 1

(a) Compressibility of the soil should be reduced.

(n) Permcability of the soil should be reduced. The dry unit weight at this moisture content is given by cquation.
(Ov Laquefaction potential over the soil should be reduced.
Yaw- 1Yaw=0)tAY
()Shrinkage and swelling properties of the soil should be controlled and
(v7) ft Q6. Write a note on OMC and MDD
should have an adequate prolonged durability.
(v) To cnhance engineering properties Answer:
02. What are the steps (or) strategies adopted for optimizing densification process OMC
Answer :
The waler conient coelated to maximum dry density is known
as Optimum Moisture Content (OMC). This is also caica
Steps for Optimizing Densiication Process as oplimunm water content.
C vanous steps developed for optimizing the soil densification process are as lollows,
1. For human construction fills, we must specify the placement location such as water content, densigy, depth of layers ete.
When the soil is compacted at varned moisture contents, a high density is obtained. This density
e e placement condition located, selecting appropriate cquipmentsrolier, tamping, VIoro compaction.
dy density.
iS Known as maximum

ethod of compactorpatierms of tamping, number of phases ctc.

Q7. Bring out the usefulness of compaction test in the laboratory in soil engineering practice.
At last adegquate control procedures are set up for the type and number of tests, statistical cvaluation etc,
Q3. Define water content. Answer
0 Soil compaction is the process through which the particles of soil are rearranged artificially
Answer and closely packed with the
help of mcchanical techniques.
Water Comtent
Soil compaction decreases the porosity and increases
Water content is defined as the ratio of weight of water to the weight of solids in a specified mass of soil. It is generally the dry density of the soil.
expressed in terms of percentage. It is also known as moisture content. Mathematically, it 1s expressed as, () The compaction test is done,
(a) To determine the relationship between moisture content and dry
W- I00 (6) density of a soil.
(6) To evaluate the suitability of a soil.
The natural water content of fine-grained soils possess high percentage of moisture when compared to coarse grained (11) The main objective of these tests is to achievea gunde anda basis of comparison dunng held compaction.
S0ll (V) The compaction tests used in the laboratory are as follows,
04. Write a short note on compactive effort.
(a) Standard proctor test
Tbe amount of energy applied to the soil in the process of compaction is called compactive effort. When the amount of (b) Modified proctor test
compaction increases, the maximum dry density increases and the optimum water content decreases. If the optimum water content (c) Harvard miniature compaction test
IS less, then the infiucnce of incTeased compaction 1s Signihcant and if the optimum water content is more then the iniuence o
increased compactian is not important and the volume of air vo1ds become constant. (d) Abbot compaction test
The compactive effort is imparted to the soil with the help of mechanical techniques. ()Jodhpur-mini compactor test.
Q5. What do you mean by degree of compaction? Q8. What is meant by relative density?
Answer Answer
Degree of Compaction Relative Density
Degree of compaction iIS the amount of soil solids packed in a unit volume of the soil. The degree of compaction is calculated
It is defined as the ratio of the difference of maximum void ratio and natural void ratio of the soil to the difference of
m terms of dry unit weight. When the water is poured in the soil during compaction it acts as a softening agent. Due to which, the
soil partucles forms n a densely packed position. Afier compaction, the dry unit weight increases due to increase in water conienl. nLImum void ratio and the minimum void ratio of the soil.

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Shallow penetration tests
(a) It is given by the formula 4.
() Proctor penetrometer test
(ii) Perth sand penetrometer

Where. 5. Plate bearing tests

maumum void rabo Impacttests.

ot sonl in the loose condition
15 minumum void ratio of soil in the dense condition e is void ratio. q13. Name somo doop compaction control tests .

b)Relative density is the most crucial index property of a cohesionless soil.

(c)Engineering properny of a cobesionless soil depend on its relative density Few deep compaction control tests are
(d tn companson with void ratio, relative density provide better information about denseness ot soil 1. Deep Penetration Test
a9. What are different types of compaction? Explaln them.
To deterimine,
Model Paperd, a1(¢)
) Relative density, over burden pressure and
standard penetration resistance.
Types ef Compaction
(i) Relative density, over burden pressure
The compaction can be divided into two types. They are, and cone penetration resistance
Shallow surface compaction 2. Compressibility estimates trom penetration tests
()Deep surface compaction. () From the result of standard penetration
test (SPT) and modulus
of soil.
Shallow Sarface Compaction (ii) From the parameters of stress and strain from
cone penetration resistance.
Shallow surface compaction is achieved either by static pressure (or) dynamic pressure which is caused by impact (or) 3. Pressure Meter Test
() Menard pressuremeter
The rollers used for static pressure and the impact on the surface can be caused by various cquipments are as tollows,
(ii) Selfbroing, pressuremeter
Static Rollers Impact (or) Vibratory quipments
rollers and pneumatc tired rollers amper, rammers and plate compactors 4. Flat Dilatometer Test
Smooth steel
2 Sheep foot rollers Vibrating rollers 5. Shear-wave Velocity Test
3 Grid rollers Impact rollers. Q14. What Is the productlon rate and howit is calculated In compaction equlpments?
Q10. Write about impact of using vibratory rollers for shallow compaction. Answer
Model Paper-, 01(0)
May-16 (R13), a1(¢)
Answer Production Rate
Impact of using vibratory rollers for shallow compaction are as follows, The production rate is also known as compaction capacity.
Production rate is defined as the percentage ratio of
The introduction of vibrational loads disturbs the particle arrangement so that the frictional resistance between them drum width (B), roller speed (S), thickness of layer (1) and product of
etficiency (E) to the number of passes of the roller needed to achieve
IS Overcomne. required compaction. ltis the most (or) best suitable
compaction equipments that has to be selected and used in different
condiuons. operating
()Vibration rollers cause continuous ground vibration with the source energy equal to the dynamic weight and roller
vbratian amplitude. The production rate can be given as,
() The energy at the location of vibration probe varies with change of soil density
011. What is compaction control?
P 100
Answer Where,
In field, Compaction control has an essential feature of checking the water content with respect to optimum moisture content
and the field dry density with reference to the laboratory maximum dry density obtained from a standard compaction test, Each P -Production rate, in m'/hour
Isyer is checked far compaction control after is compaction. B -Drum width, m
Q12 Name some shallow surface compaction control tests .
E -Efficiency
S-Speed of roller, km/hr
Few shallow surface compaction control tests are
T-Thickness of layer, m
Field tests like determination of direct density and water con
N -
Number of passes.
Hilf apid method
Here efficiency factor =0.75 to 0.85 for all adjacent passes.
Nuclear meter method
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JNTU-HYDERABADI UNIT 2 echanical Modification
6 1ype of Sol Vibro Compactionn
a15. Why blasting ls common In coheslonless solls?7 Sands Excellent
Dec-19 (RT0).
Answer Sity sands Good
especially in remote places where the
compared to oher demsification methods
Ts method proves to be economical when
vibmhions produced does not affect the surroumding rcas. Silts Poor

(a) Does not require ay sperial equipment for densification Clays Not applicable
around 70- B0
(a Relatne density of the soil obtained afler densificaion is
Mine spoils Good
qurte low.
( Labour and cost of iplemcntation required for the process is Dumped fill Depend on nature of fil
greater depths i.e, 20m atleast
plemenlp blasing techmique soil can be compacted to
By Garbage Not applicable
216. What is bottom feed and top feed method of stone column?
Dec.-19 (R16), a1(c) Q18. What is the relative efectiveness of vibro
replacement based on different types of soils.
Botom Fed Method Answer
aggregates through a tremie pipe and pressurized air along the vi- Replacement
The botiom fecd method involves feeding stone other hand, the stability ot holcs 1s
method preferred. On the
broiot When the soil is highly collapsible and unstable, this is
For different types of soils,
acpendie depth, boundary conditions, and groundwater conditions
Type of Soil Vibro Replacement
Sand and garbage Not applicable
Dumped fill, silts and clays Good
Mine spoils and silty sands> Excellent

a19. Tabulate the typical compaction requirements of soil

as filling material, used in different aspects?
The following table give the typical compaction requirements
of soil as filling material.

Figare Bettam Feed Method SLNo Range of water content

Aspect Modified maximum dry
W.r.t optimum content density in percentage
Tep Feed Method
and compressed air Roads
In the top feed methodthe stone aggregates are fed the hole from the top. Under its own weight

penctrated to the target depth. However, waler jeting 15 also done,

especially ) Depth: 0 to 0.5 m -2 to+ 2
jeng, the probe s imseried into the ground and drains the fine materials out of the
90-1 105
diameter of the stone columns and (i) Depth> 0.5 m
when the sail s unstable. This also helps in increasing the 2 to+2 90-95
holes Railway Embankments
-2 to+ 2
Foundation of structures -2 to+2
Largedams 1
Small earth dams I to+ 3
0 -
6 Lining of canals 2 to+2 0
7Back fill (Retaining wall, trenches) -2 to+.2
020. Write briefly about compactlon piles in
Answer 1

May-15 (R13), 01(4)

Fgure: Top Feed Method Compactlon Piles
for different types of solls.
C17. Write the relative effectiveness of vibro compaction In this method, granular soils are densified by installing compaction piles.
These pules are constructed at various locations
Model Paper4, C in the form of grid
pattern. This results forming uniform deposit of soil which is densier than the original soil. Densification of
Answer Cnd

depends upon the demander of pile and radius of infuence. Ideal results are achieved by controlling the silt
Vibr Compactias content in the
soil to less than 15
Far dilerent ypes af soil,
CRMINAL actL kayore found gulty is LI4BLE to faca
LEGAL procedings.
WARNING:araui Pstocying al tio bolk iss
INIT-2 Mechanical Modification
a21. List out the functions of compaction plle. PART-B ESSAY QUESTIONS
Answer: May-17 (R13), wITH SOLUTIONS
Functions of Compaction Pile S
a25. the factors affecting compactlon
The main fiunction of compaction pile is to compact the loose granular soils, thus increasing their SBC. on soll propertles.
Compaction piles directly transfer their selfweight to the soil through the concept of skin friction, making the soil compacted Model Paper - 1, Q4
properly Soll
Soil compaction is the process through which
By driving the compactioppiles adjacent to each other, soil properties such as porosity and compressibility decreases which mechanical techniques
the particles of soil
are rearranged artificially and closely packed
help of with tne
make the soil fit for cotruction.
Soil compaction decreases the porosity
a22. Write the applications of dynamic tamping? and increases the dry
density of the soil.
Answer May-17 (R13), a1(¢) Factors Affecting the Compaction of Soil
The factors affecting the compaction of soil are
Far answer refer Unit-11,047,Topic:Dynamic Compaction. as follows,
) Admixture
a23. Why stiff clay has low compressibility?
Dec.-19 (R16), a1) (i) Amount of compaction
(i) Compaction method
For answer refer Unit-11, Q26, Topic: Compressibility,
(iv) Type of soil
a24. How do you estimate density index of sand? content.
AnsweT: Dec.-19 (R16), Q1(6)
) Admixture
For answér refer Unit-11, Q8. Admixtures such as lime, cement and bitumen
are added to soil for improving
density of the soil depends upon the type its compaction properties. 1he achieved ary
and amount of admixtures.
() Amount of Compaction
When the amount of compaction increases, the
maximum dry density increases
If the optimum water content is less, then the influence and the optimum water content decreases.
content is more then the influence of increased of increased compaction is significant and
if the optimum water
compaction is not important and the volume
of air voids becomes constant.
If the compactive effort increases then the maximum dry
final stage, there will be no rise in the
density does not increases regularly and becomes very small. At
dry density when the compactive effort
increases further.
Ul) Compaction Method
The achieved dry density rely not only on the
amount of compaction but also on the compaction method.
action, dynamic or static action of soil varies the The kneading
dry density for same amount of compactive effort.
(v) Type of Soll

The achieved dry density also rely on the type soil.

of Figure indicates the maximum dry density and
content for different soils the optimum water

(1) Well-graded sand
(2) Low-plasticity silt
G) Low-plasticity clay
(4) High-plasticity clay


Figure: Comipaction Curves for Various Soils

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(JNTU-HYDERABAD UNIT-2 Mechanical Modification
soil results in higher dry density. When small quantity of hnes
are added in coarse In addition to this, So compressnbility also depend
upon factors like degree of saturation compaction
ne compacton of coarse grained coase-grained so1ls, hore quantity of fines degree of saturation increases, Sol compressibility
methoa e the
grined sols, the soil achieves much higher dry density. To fill the voids of the pe, more disperseu structure will be lormed (1.e. moreincreases. Iff compaction method adopted is oI mpact ou
are added. Due to which, the maximum dry densiry decreases. compressibility). On the other hand, i1
due to compaction, therc will be an increase
in the compressibility large stresse
Density Water Optimum Content Orcakdowm. of soil due to greater particle orientation and surutu
pe of Soil Dry
I.Well-gradedsand High Shrinkage
Cohesive soils Low High
pon drying. ne sos are compacted at water content less than optimum moisture content will
Heavy clays low Very high nic
when comparcu o sous wnicn are compacted at water exhibit iess snnna
content more than optimum moisture content.
soils compactea wet Or opimum possess dispersed This is DeCaus
()Water Content structure in which particle orientation is parallel
efficient packing, TCaalng to more shrinkage. and hence resu
water content tn the soil is low, then it provides more resistance to compaction. The soil particles get lubricated when
there ts an water content. Relation Between Stress and Strain
increase in
he dry density of the soil increases due to increase in the water content. This water content increases till the optimum
If compaction ot soil 1s carricd out at water content less than
optimum water content (i.e. dry of optimum), steep
water content is achieved. strain curve 1s obtained. Due to this, soils sires
compacted dry of optimum exhibit greater
Hence the failure ot abOve type ot soils is brittle. Example values of moduius or CiSy
The dry density of the soil decreases and the total voids increases when there is more increase in water conteint. By removing are over-consolidated clays or dense
the optimum sands.
thie air rom the soil voids, the higher dry density is attained upto the optimum water content. After reaching On the other hand, soils which are compacted at water
water content, it will be dificult to take out air and to further decrease the air voids. content more than optimum water content willexhibit
strain curve. Hence elasticity modulus will be less flatter stress
for the above type of soils and the type of
Q26. Explain in detail about the properties of compacted soll. failure 1S plastic.
Shear Strength
Generally, 1or any given water content, as the
effort of compaction increases, shear strength of soil
Solil Structure the point ot citical degree or saturation iS obtained. If also increases unt
compactive effort is further increased, shear strength
0 Siructure of coarse-grained soils is always single-grained irespective of increase in water content i.. for any However shear strength of compacted soil will depend on
several factors. They are
value of water content or void ratio, coarse-grained soils always exhibit single grained structure
) Type of soil
() Structure of the compacted composite soil rely upon fines and relative proportions of particles over than fines (e
Coarse particles). However, after compaction, structure of compacted composite soil can be cither ot conesve (ii) Moulded water content of soil
matrix type or of grained skeleton type
(ii) Conditions of drainage
mIn case of clays (Le. cohesive soils), if the soils are compacted at dry of optimum (i.e. if water content optimum
water content), then the soils will exhibit flocculated structure. On the other hand if the soils are compacted at wet of
(iv) Compaction method adopted.
optimum (ie. Water content> optimum water content), the soils will exhibit dispersed structure.
As the compaction
In case of clays and silts (cohesive soils) strength of
enort increases, paruicie onentation also increases resulting in higher values of dry density.
soils compacted at water content less than
more when comparcd to soils compacted at water content optimum water contcnt 1s
more than optimun water content, at lesser
Fermeability at higher strains, strength will be approximately same for soils strains. However,
compacted either dry of optimum or wet ot optimum. In
case of earth dams, in orde. to resIst greater
Void size key factor on which permeability of soil will depend. By compaction, dry density of soil increases, particle
is a settlements, cores of clay are generally compacted at water content more
also decreases. optimum water content,
onentation increases and voids deCrease. Due to decrease in voids, permeability of soil
When compaction of fine grained soils is carried out at water content less tban optimum water content (dry of optimum), 027. How is compaction control achieved in the field7
to compacted at water content more than optimum water
peneabily ot sol 15 more when compared fine grained soils
content (wet of optimum).
If the size of individual pores is more, permeability also will be more, for given ratio of
a voids. The results obtained through laboratory tests are with respect to the ideal conditions
which doesn't match with field
situations. 1Thus, there isa necd to ensure the sol properties
in the held, in order to achieve required degree ot
exhibit swelling when Therefore, the compaction control
Soils compacted at water content less than optimum moisture content (dry of optimum) is achieved by veritying the unit weight and the moisture content ot the comparted soil
comparcd to soils compacted wet of optimum. This is due to
greater deiciency of water and high random particle eld.

Oncntanom o1 soils compacted dry of optimum. *To find the unit weight (or) dry density of compacted soil, the tests preferred should
be quick and accurate. Thus, the
4. Pore Water Pressure most common methods used are core-cutter method and sand replacement method.
content is always
Pore water pressurC 1or the soils which are compacted at water content less than optimum moisture To find the moisture content of field compacted soil., proctor needle
more than optimum moisture content. This is due to less is used over the oven drying method. "This is
less than the same soils which are compacted at water content because, though oven drying method gives accurate results, it requires 24 hours while, using proctor
needle the results
moisture conient ot soils compacted dry of optimum. obtained are quick with accuracy.

Compressibility *There are also few non-destructive methods called nuclear methods are available to find dry desity and
wet ot optimum) are more compressibie when moisture
Soils compacted at water content more than optimum moisture content (1.e. content.
water content (1.e. dry of optimum).. This is due to the
compared to soils compacted at water content less than optimum
pressure required will be more in order *These methods are very convenient to perform but are rarely preterred.
tlocculated structure exhibited by the soils compacied dry of the optimum. Hence
towards compression when compared to soils
to develop paraliel particlc onentation and thus olfering higher resistance Thus, this is how a compaction control is achieved in the lield.
compacted wet side of optimum.
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cases when deop compactlon technlque ls used
Q28. What ls shallow and deep compaction? Discuss the W Y, 100
for soll modification.
Dec.-19 (R16). 04()
w -)
Answer Nx100
Shallow Compaction Deep Compaction
Where, -1oai weight of soil mass
is an insitu process where an exIsting subsurface
Itis a process, where compaction done at ground t The moisture content in a soil affects its strength and stability. It is used for the determination of consistency inmnt au

surface i.e at shallow depths, in layes. of soil are compacted. ork

used in deep The methods uscd lor aetctmining
A horizontally rotating vibrator
is the moisture content in soil samples are,
2 A vertically oscillating vibrator is used in shallow 2.
(a) Oven-drying method
compaction compaction.
dynamic (6) Pycnometer method
Shallow compaction is also done by rollers (or) 3.Decp compaction is also done by using deep (C) Rapid moisture tester method.
ampers, apPplying impact loads, static loads, and compaction, blasting. vibro-compaction, compaction Oven-drying Method
vibrations (or) soil kneading grouting methods. The procedure of detemining the moisture content in a soil by oven-drying method is as followS,
This type of compaction has less radial infuence This type of compaction has wide radial A container with a lid is taken and cleaned. The weight of the container with lid is
taken and noted down. Let it be ""
distance compared to decp compaction. distance. The lid is removed ana a small quantity of moist soil is filled into the container. The weight of container with soil and la
change compared to shallow is then detemined. Let it be "W2'.
It has large uniform volume
S.It has relatively less uniform volume change.
3 The lid of the containet 1s Temoved again and the container is placed in an oven which is maintained at a
compaction. temperarure
ranging between 109 il0. -
1he container is taken out after a duration
of 24 hours and is subjected to cooling prOCess
Mostly suitable for fine-grained soil. 6. Suitable for coarse grained soils. in a desiccator.
The lid is placed again and the weight of container with dry soil is taken. Let this weight be "
Deep Compaction Techniques
as follows, Now,
Ihe various techniques applied on the densification of deep soil deposits are
Weight of dry soil, W, = W,-W
of surcharge load on the surface in an
array Weight of water, W = W2- W
In this technique, the site is pre-loaded (or) precompressed by the application
ol boreholes, causing a ground to consolidate. W =weght of water
Water content, Wcight
technique is adopted mostly for cobesive soils. eight of
of dry
o soil
an aTay ot boreholes.
-,), * 100
Explosives are also denoted on the soil surface, when denser arrangement of particles
are developed in
lt causes a loose soil structure to collapse.
Heavy Tamping
In beavy tamping, large quantity of mass is dropped on the ground
surface that causes compaction on the ground suriace
Q30. Explain the "Pycnometer method" of determining the molsture content In a soil sample.
and iongterm consolidation is obtained on the soil (1Le, ground surtace).

Heavy tamping is also known as the dynamic consolidation. Answer

Pycnometer Method
Soil densifñication is obtained by vibration of piles on the ground surface. Pycnometer melhod is generaly applied to coarse-grained soils. The specific gravity of soils should be obtained before
this method is carmed out. 1he procedure o1 determining the moisture content 1S as tolows,
5. Compaction Grouting
say 25 mm slump mortar.
An empiy Pycnometer is tagen and its weight (with cap) is determined. Let this weight be "W"
This type of grouting is applied to very stiff mortar,
there is a possibility to form a grout bulb. The pyenometer is then filld with soil sample to a depth nearly equal to
1/ to 1/4 ofits total depth. The weight ofpycnometer with
The 25 mm slump/stifif mortar is injected to loose sand, where
soil is calculated. Let this weight be
surrounding ground soil dense and displaces without
any penetration into soil poresS. "2
The grout bulb makes the for determining molsture content in soll sample. The remaining depth of the pycnometer is filled with water. The water should be poured gradually with stiring by means
Q29. What is "moisture content"? What are the methods used oT a glass rod. The exterior surtace of pyenometer is dried using a cloth and it is weighed again. Let this weight be "V3"
Explain "oven-drying method" in detail.
contents in the pycnometer are thrown out and it is cleaned thoroughly. It is then filled with water for its full depth
Answer Theand weighed. Let "W" be the magnitude of this weight.
Moisture Content
It is generally represented Now
Moisture content is defined as the ratio between the weight of water and the weight of solids (soil).content "w is
represents the weight of soil, then the moisture
as percentage. 11 "HTepresents the weight of
water and W-W-,+Y,
epressed as tollows,
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0Callbratlon of ylinder
Where, -Volume of solids ne process of calibralion involves the determination
of weight of sand and the bulk unit weight of sand to be ica
evlinder. The proccuurc Caibration is as follows:
-Weight of solids The cylinder 1s initanly nilca with sand at a level
very near to its top. The weight of cylinder with sand hiica in t
detemined and noted as "P".
The shutter at tne ooom or the cylinder is opened and the sand is
allowed to run out. When the sand stops falling iro
he shutter, the shutter is closed and the cylinder is weighed.
Let this weight be "W2.
The cylinder is then placed over the calibrati ng ci
bottom should
rface of conical bottom
surface with the f COnciding with the axis of the container. The bottom
should coincide with the top surface of the container.
The shutter at botom orcyinder (above the cone) is opened
and both the container and the conical portion o
allowed to fill complctely. Atter the container cyindr
and the conical portion is filled completely with sand, the shutter 15 close
or - and the cylinder is weighçd (with remaining sand). Let
Now, ight of sand conical porion, Wa = Wi W2
Weight of sand in conical portion and the
this weight be "W".

calibrating container,
Weight of sand in calibrating container, W=2-W
Weight of water,
(-W)-(V -W)
F-(W-)-W, Let Vee-Volume of calibrating container
Moisture content, Then, unit weight of sand,

Weight of water
Waght of soil

()Actual Measurement of Insitu Density

The procedure ot measuring the insitu density of soil at sight is given
as follows:
The site from where the sand is to be collected is cleaned and levelled thoroughly.
(W-) then drilled tor a length approximately cqual to the length of the calibrating
A hole of about 10 cm in diameter is
cylinder. The soil taken out from this hole iS
weighed. Let the weight of soil be "W.
The cylinder is filled with sand to a length of about 3/4 th ofits length
and is placed on the hole concentrically. The shutter
W, at the cylinder's base is opened and the sand is allowed to fall into the hole. The shutter
is closed after the hole is completely
filled with sand. Let "W, be the weight of cylinder initially (with
sand) and "W be the weight of cylinder after the hole
(W- is filled.

G -1
-Wa(G-1) Now, weight of sand in test hole and conical portion, W,=
Weight of sand in test hole,

w -,G)-1|x100
-(W-W)-(W - W)
Volume ot hole, V= 10
a31. Define Insitu density. Explain the "sand replacement method" for determination of Insitu density of sol.
Answer : Insitu unit weight,

Insitu Density
The unit weight or density of soil in its undisturbed condition is known es "insitu density. The insitu density of soil

and nence e the core cutter method of determining the insitu density of sol.
determined for soils in borrow-pits. This is due to the reason that this soil is employed 10r 1iling tne emoankncns 2. Discuss
arnountoft compaction to be done should be known.
Core Cutter Method
Sand Replacement Method
The determination of insitu density by sand replacement method involves two main procedures, he core cutter method is recommended to calculate the insitu density of soft cohesive soils. It is unsuitable for sandy
SOls, stilf clays and soils containing gravel particles.
0 Calibration of cylinder Apparatus
(11) Actual measurement of insitu density. Core cutter, dolly, metal rammer.

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[UNTU-HYDERABADI Mechanical Modificat
o34. Explaln In detall thetest setup and procedure of plate
data and its limitations.
load test as per IS:1885 Including the anay sls of
of 10 cm. The core cutter is
The corc cutter is a cylindrical shape container having a length of 12.5 cm and diameter
shaped and has a height of 2.5 cm. it fhts on the
Spenee to a beght ot about cm at its bottom. The dolly a cylindrical14 cm and it is used for ramming he soil.
1 is also
top ol tbe coe cuttr. The rammer ia made up of metal and has diameter of
Procedure Platè Load

The procedure of determining the insitu density of this method is as follows: plate load test i5 a ield test to estimate the allowable
The plat bearing pressure of soil. To conducta plate load test, a-pie o
Tbe core cuter is weighed and its empty weight is noted as " x bpmildwhere"bp' 1s the size ot the plate
is excavated upto a depth of foundation (d). The plate is either circuaro
of steel of not less than 25 mm in thickness
and varying in size from 300 to 600 mm are employéd tor
The dolly is fitted to its top and the assembly is pushed into the soil with the help of metal rammer ntre hole of the size OP * op Is excavated in the pit. the est.
and the soil surface get in lev l with each ther, the ramauing is stopped and the soil the cutte:
3. AEdolly
aken oul Procedure

The cutter with dolly Is then removed from the soil and the extra soil over both the top and bottom of the cutter is trimmed. A suitable size of the plate is
selected for the test and the plate is placed
Tbe weight of core cutter with soil is then calculated and noted as "W hydraulic jack. The reaction of jack is provided
in the central hole. The load is applied on the
ymeans of a by a cross beam or steel truss at both the ends as shown
Weight of soil, W= W-W, erating load of about
u S rst applied and released after few minutes.
festimated safe load and settuements are recorded by means of the
in hgure.A
The load is then applied in increment of one-tilth,
Volume of soil = Internal volume of cutter dial guages. Observatións on every load increment shall De
n until the rate of settlement is less than 0.25 mm per hour.
Waght of soil The test is conducted until failure or at least until the settlement of about
Insitu density, Y 25 mm. An average of these four reading iS taken
Volume of soil
s the settlement of platefor the applied load.

a33. Explain proctors penetrometer test with neat sketch.
Steel girders
Proctor Needle (or) Penetrometer Test
Tie rod
The proctor needle method is mostly used in the field. It consists of inter changeable needle tip attached to a spring loaded
plunger with graduated needle shank. The needle is fixed with a tip of known cross-sectional area so that maximum penetraton
resistance can be measured during the test. The force of penetration is calculated by load gauge atacied to the handle. Thus, tne Hydraulic
caliration curve is plotted between the penetration resistance as ordinate and water content as abscIsSsa. 1The proctor necale 15 JaCK

forced tnto the compacted layer and penetration resistance is recorded.

Scale -
raban PIpe
Dial gauge
Ncedie Shank
Needie Pan

Figure: Proctor Needle

Pencurauon Test plate

- Reststance Test plate
--- Central hole
-- Section

Figure (1: Plate Load Test

Analysis of Data

wac est data of thie plate load test isplotted as load intensity Vs setlement on the log-log plot as sbown in figure (2). The ultimate

Proctor needle is used to determine the unit

Figure: Calibration Curve
weight and moisture content of a soil sample on the field. n0 the plate
angent method.
is indicated by a dotted line between '' and settlement. The ultimate load is obtained by intersection-

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BAD) UNT2 Mechanical
tandard penetration test 29
San is stoppcd if the number blows for,
Load (kNn-) 9,P) of 150 mm drive goes beyond s0.
The two types ol correcuons, applicd to the standard penctration
test valucs (i.c., N) are as follows,
) Dilatancy correction

b) Ovcrburden pressure correction

lacancy Correction
Sands (i.c., silty tine sands and hne sands) beneath
the water table create pore pressure,
ndard penctration nunmoer increases, when the pore pressure which is not casily disappeareu.
increases the resistance of the soil.
Figure (2) Following are the corrections recommended
by Terzaghi and peck fine sands,
Limitation of Plate Load Test IN>15, (in case of silty fine sands)
The following are theptead test limitations, Corrected penetration number,

1 Time Effect
Ne- 15(,-15)
It is essentially a short diaration test of short duration. For cobesive soil it does not give the ultimate setlement.
Size Effect Where, N-Recorded penetration number
For a clay soils the pressure for a large foundation is the same as that for the test plate, hence the plate does not IfNS 15,
epresent the actual conditions if the soil is ISentropic and not homogenous.
Corrected penetration number,
Reaction Load
The load cannot exceed more than 250 kN on trusses, hence the plate of size larger than 0.6 m width is diticult.
b)Overburden Pressure Correcti
Water Table
In case of granular soils, the resistance ot penctration is
The plate load test šhould be performed at the water table level, if it is above the level of footing it has to be lowered by affected by the overburden pressure. If two soils possess
density but varying connning pressures are examined, the soil same relatve
pumping before performing test. Since the level of water table affects the ultimate bearing capacity of sandy soils. with higher confining pressure imparts a langer
renetration number tor sOils at shalow depths and greater penetration number Ihe
depths is underestimated and overestimated respectively
Tnterpretation of Failure Load ressufe rises with the depth. The corection when confining
recommended by Gibbs and Holtz for dry
or moist clean sand is as follows,
An error of personal interpretation may be involved with other type of tailure CoTected penetration number,
Q35. Explain in detail about the standard penetration test (SPT).
Answer CRG, +70 S 280 kN/m

Standard Penetration Test Where, Ng-Observed penetration number

Standard penetration test is an in-situ tiest widely used in India and many other countries. 1 his test is applied for calculating
the relatve density and angle of shearing resistance of cobesionless soils. O-Effective overburden pressure in kN/m*
Procedure According to Bazaraa,

Standard penetration test is carried in a borehole with the help of standard split-spoon sampler 4N o
Sampler Hea
Flat for Wrench
plit Spoon Dnve Shoe C 1+0.01 lo if S 75 KPa

Nc 3.25+0.010 I G>75 KPa
According to Peck, Hanson and Thornburn,

Nc0.77 o810 *R
Figure: Standard Split Spoon Sampler

With the help of drling tools, the borehole has been drilled to a suitable depth and then the split spoon sampier 5 cn ao
mass at a height of
escribe the procedure for conducting the static cone penetration test and state its use.
and rested at the base of the bore hole: Now, the sampler is driven into the soil by falling a drop hammer of 63.5 kg Answer 2

blowsiminute. The number of hammer blows neceded for driving 150 mm of the sampler is recorded.
750 mn aarate of 30
Onaucting the Static Cone Penetration Test
sampler and once again the number of blows
The mumber of hammer blows are again recorded by driving 150 mm of the
and the last two recorded blows In the cone penetrometer, the cone is attached with sounding rods and these rods are
are recorded by driving 150 mm of the samples. The blows recorded for the first time ignored
is preserved by mantie tubes.
are taken Into consideration, giving the standard penetration number (W).
With the aid of hydraulic pumping unit and ram, the assembly of sounding rod and
mantle tube is inserted into the soil.
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UNIT-2 Mechanical
30 GROUND IMPROVEMENT Pressure gauge
the cone and the friction jacket assemble together pushed, and final
n this test, the cone is first forced into the soil, then
the entire assembly upto a particular depth is penetrated. olun Unit
The resistance is noted down in initial stages which is limited upto the design
for every 20 cm of penetration
Fnctional resistance of soil and the data of end bearing is recorded by noting down the reading
Tbe results obtained from this test are in relation with the bearing capacity and settlement
of shallow loundation and piles

sands is very diflicult, due

The experience of pushing the cone and the anchorage system in gravels and very dense to
which the static cone penetration test is unsuitable in these sands. O0
Tbe unlity of the test is increased with the correlation of static cone resistance and the 'N values attained irom standard
penetrahon test Gas Cylinder

Uses - Bore ole

The consistency of soil is evaluated by using the static cone penetrometer Measuring. Guard Ccll
2 Itis also used to determine the level of compaction and the bearing capacity of shallow foundation and pavementsubgrades Guard Cell

3 It is used for fine grained soils. Figure: Menard Pressure Meter Apparatus
Ln case of soft soils, a cone of 60° inclination and an area of 1.5 cm penetrometer is used. Analysis of Data
By observing the readings in the field, A curve is plotted on the graph by taking
5 For extremely soft soils, an optional cone having an area of 3 cm is used. abscissa as volume of the water v and
ordinate as pressure increment p. Ihe pressure meter test measures the value of,
Q37. Explain in detail the test set up and procedure of "pressure meter test" including the analysis of data Pressure loss 'pe"
and its suitability.
i) Volume loss 'v
Answer: (i) Difference in hydrostatic pressure head H,
Set up of Pressure Meter Test Suitability of Pressure Meter Test
The data obtained from pressure meter test are used in the design foundation
The Menard instrument of pressure meter comprises of three independent chamber one above the other, with enlarge user of and on the walls of bore hole. This pressure
meter test is an in-situ-stress stain test.
membrunes Camied by steel discs at top and bottom chamber, and at Middle chamber a rigid hallow tube is placed. The top
and bottom chamber acts as a guard cells and protect the middle chamber from end product developed due to finite length of the Q38. Explain the applicability of soil based on different compaction eauioments
apparatus. This middle chamber along with the end cells are known as probe. Therefore pressure Meter involves three parts they Answer
are (1) probe (2) control unit and (3) tubing. The control unit and tubing is the guard cell acting above and below the probe Applicability of Compaction Equipments
In menard pressure test, probe is positioned below the ground by drilling a hole with a suitable drilling rig. The diameter The applicability of compaction equipments of different types is based
on the identification of the least suitable soil for
ofbare hole should satisfy the condition that it should be in the range of 1.03 Dp < D, < 1.20 D, compaction. The different types of compaction equipments
are as follows,

Dp-Diameter of probe Most suitable Well graded sand, gravel

soil is mixtures, asphalt
D,-Diameter of bore hole. Smooth wheel
roller either static- Typical Used in running
Procedure for Pressure Meter Test or vibrating application surface, based coarse
The probe is positioned down the bole after drilling to the suitable height and held in position by using clamping device
>Least suitable Uniform sand
After positioning the probe, open the valve in the control unit and allow the water and gas to pass in the measuring cell soil
and the guard cell respectively.
1) Keep the pressure in measuring cell equal to pressure in guard cell
PMost suitable Coarse grained
v)The pressure in measuring cell is employed through equal pressure increment method (or) equal volume increment method soil is soils with some fineness
Rubber tired
(v)In equal pressure increment method, each increment of pressure is kept constant for a fixed length of time say one minuic Typical Road and airfield
After one minute note the volume reading for obtaining the limit pressure ten equal increments of pressure are implemente application sub grade
and maximum probe volume to be adopted in the tfest are achieved.

(vi) If the pressure in measuring cell is employed through equal volume increment method, then volume of probe is increasg
>Least suitable Coarse, unifarm
soil and cohesioness
5% of the normal probe volume and kept constañt for 30 seconds. After 30 seconds the pressure reading is noted. 1
procedure is repeated till the maximum probe volume is obtained and used in the test sois
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Mechanical Modification
Application Sub grade and Most suitable All types ofsois
sub base
Vibrating tampers
Grid roller- >Most suitable Weathered rock, vibratmg ramimers Typical
Itso access
well graded coarse sois application an arca

Least suitable Chys, sity chys Least suitable->

sois Equlpment-5
aS9. Explaln the suitablity and applications of different equipmonts adopted in sheepsfoot rollers.
Answer i Most suitable-> Saturated soil
Sheepsfoot Rollers wih moist condit ion
The suitabiliy and applications of different equipments adopted in shepsfoot rollers are as follows, Vibrating impact
Application Subgrade works
Equipment-I rolers

Most suitablk- Fme grained soil

soil with>20% fineness Least suitable Dry soilsand
SoIS cohesion less soils

Statics roller- Typical

Used in dams, What is compaction control? Discuss any one of the
approaches of in-situ compaction control.
embankments and sub
application Answer
grade layers of Dec.-19 (R16), Q4(b)
highways and airficlds For answer refer Unit-lI, Q1l and Q27.
Least suitable Clean coarse 041. Discuss in detall the factors affecting shallow compaction.
soils gramed soils
Answer: Dec.-19 (R16), Q5(b)
For answer refer Unit-II, Q25.

Most suitable Fine grained soil 2.2 BLASTING VIBROcOMPACTION, DYNAMIc TAMPING
soil with>20% fineness and AND COMPACTION PILES
Q42.Describe the method of densification by Blasting? Explain its
sand gravel mixtures effectiveness.
Vibrating rollers- May-17,(R13), a5
Typical Sub grade layers
Write about blasting technique for densification of granular
Answer Aprl-18 (R13), a1(d)
Importance of Blasting
Least suitable
soils (0 The densification of soil can be carried out to a great depth.
(Gi) Series of explosions can be taken at place at a short period of time,
Equipment-3 Procedure of Blasting
In this method, explosives are kept at certain depth in the soil and then it is made to cxplode.
Most suitable Coarsed grained
soil soil with fineness
in between4-8%
Connecting wre

Vibrating plate Typical Small patches PhugILIIA

rollers applications
Least suitable Cohesive soils
Figure: Installation of Explosives
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A pipe 7.5 to 10 cm is driven into the ground and dynamite electric exploser are covered in a waler proo1 material and Speed, N= 1800- 3000 t/min
suspended through it. Now, casing is removed and wood is placed against the explosive to protct rom mishre. hen the hole
t Frequency.S-30-50 Hz
Is backfilled with sand in order to gain the full force of the blast electrical circuit is then closed to lire tho cxplosivC. A scries of
or screw plates lixed at certain Centrifugal force, P=160-220 kN
consecutively. The settlements are measured by taking the levels Irom
depth below the ground surface. Usually explosives are arranged in a horizontal grid. The spacing betwecn tnc chargCs should be Amplitude, A-4-16 mm
more than m and it depends on the depth of stratum size and overlapping of charges. When explodcu, ne upper aycs arc less
densified than the inner layers. Depth of penctralion, D=Can be taken upto 35 m

Weight of the charge, W- 164 RC Total depth per day, d 200- 500 m
Where, The above characterisucs should have the mortar/crane for the vibro compaction
and vibro replacement on the gro
surface of soil.
R-Radius of influence (m)
The above three figures ol()a, b, ) show how the vibro compaction is done on the soi/ground surface.
C-Coeficient (0.025 for 60% explosives).
Vibro compaction 1s iess nazardous in structural and personnel safety point of view.
9S. Explain about the vibro compaction and vibro replacement at certain depth and its Impact on the ground
surface. Vibro replacement method is uscd to improve the soil condition of cohesive soils.

Answer: Eficiency is improved by stone columns.

Vibro Compaction In the vibro replacement method, 1t reduces liquefaction potential.

vibro compaction is also called vibro flotation. In this the vibrating unit is inserted to a certain depth and then it is vibrated The materials are compacted by the penetration of vibrator and is withdrawn after reaching the required depth ot resulung
horizontally. cavity and iS generally thilled with stones/gravels.

Vibro Replacement
vibro compaction is successful in case of loose sand soil with the original standard penetration test value of
about 5 to 10 at the surface.
The vibro replacement method is the most etfective method adopted in cohesive soils with an undrained shear strengtn
value in the range of about 20 to 60 kPa.
The vibro compaction is not applicable to the clays

The relative density upto 85%% is achieved. In the vibro replacement it has various stabilizing agents that are used as a compaction grouting

The steps involved in vibro replacement are,

The machine that is adopted for vibrating the ground surface should have the following characteristics.
Output of motor 35-120 K watts
1. Boring the hole

2 Compaction and
P-Power35- 120 K watts
3 Fully compacted zone and result is obtained.
Extension tubes
The three steps are as shown in figure (2) (a, b, c).

Eneson tube

Backil Suppy a
Backil amuhrso
sand Sand materal Backf
cs0D tube
olaro wo

wateti dateltonl

Cobesionkss sois
Cobesioness soik Vbrator

c Bearing stratum
Figure (1: Vibro Compaction o) Boring the Hole

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P 37
Compaction is carried out in four basic steps,
ae vibroflot is placcd over the arca to be compacted
() and its lower jet is opened,




Water is pumped at a laster rate to create a momentary

quick condition below the jet. This allows the vibroflot to
(b) Compaction settle because of its own weight and vibration.



(c) Result Fully Compacted

(c The pressure is reduced and the water is switched from bottom to top jets to permit water to return to the surface.
Figure (2: Vibro-Replacement
This facilitates continuous feed of backfill by climinating any arching of backfill material.
Q44. Describe the vibroflotation technique of densifying granular soil.
July-14, (RO9), Q3 (a)

How can you densify cohesion less soil with the help of vibro compaction technique?
Answer : May-17 (R13), 04

It is an organised technique for densifying insitu non-cohesive soils with simultaneous vibration and saturation. The
cquipment consists of a vibroflot probe, accompanying power supply, water pump, crane and front-end loader. A vibroflot probe
includes cylindrical penetrator of 2 m in length and 400 mm in diameter having eccentric weight in the cylinder which develops
a horizontal centrifugal force of about 100 kN at 1800 rpm. A typical vibroflot is formed consisting of a lower part and an upper
part The lower part is the horizontal vibrating unit which is connected to the upper part of the follow up pipe. The vibroflot probe
is freely suspended froma crane.

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Mochanical Modificalion 39
en s00 mm per minute lifts, compaction takes place and the vibroflot returns to the surtace. Initinlly, the vibrator
1.26 wh<D<3.16 Vwh
a the botom of crater densilying the particles to highly compact form. The total depth of uhe soil compacted into Where,
a harud coe by raising the vibrator step by step and backfilling with sand.

h-Height of drop
D-Efective depth.

This mcthod of compaction improved the soil properties of different types of soils.

Q45. Explain the Impact at ground surface method of densitying granular sol.
Answer [July-14, (Ro9), asb) | Model Paper-l, 04

The method adopted to denaify the granular soil by impact is known as "Heavy Tamping" This method is also knowna
Dynamic compaction or Dynamic consolidation

In this method, the soil is compactod by dropping the heavy weight of 400 kN frecly on the ground surface from a height
of IS to 40m. This produces impact on the ground
The technique utilized in this methods is the vibration and shock causcd due to the impact of heavy weight. The soil gets
dense duc to displacement of grains. The tamping is repeated over the arcas that are required to be stabilizod.
The impact energy causes liquefaction in the case of non-cohesive soils. This is followed by settlement as water drains.
varnous pes of soils have been successfully treated by this method. It can also be applied to density soils above and below
the water table. The expressions for the range Figure: Dynomic Compaction
of efective
depth in energy is given by
terms of impact and
Dobson Slocombe
126/Wh <d< 316/Wh. Q47. Compare vibratory probe compaction and dynamic compaction.
Answer: Apri-15, Set-1, a3t)| Model Paper-1, 05)
Where, -Weight being dropped in kN
h-Height of drop in m Vibratory Probe Compaction Dynamic Compaction

d-Effective depth in m 1.Itintois athesub-surface method as the probe is driven .| It is a surface method as no excavation or drilling

Ifa static load is upplicd,thistechnique produces equal settlementsatafasterrate.

Vibrtory probe compaction is more suitable for 2. Dynamic compaction is cffective for all types of soils.
Q46. Explain with neat sketches mechanism and principle of dynamic compaction techniquos.
loose cohesionless soils.
May-15, (RO9), a3p) | Model Paper4, a5]
Effective compaction can be achieved for depth 3. Soils can be compacted for depths upto 20 m.
OR ranging for depths.
Explain mechanism of dynamic tamping technique with the help of a neat sketch. 4.
It is also known as terra probe method. This method was first used by Schultz and Mohs.

Answer: April-18 (R13), Q5 It is not as simple when compared to dynamio This is considered to be most basic and simple method
compaction method. 1or compaction.
Dymamic Compaction
This method is eficient for soils with ground Dynamic compaction can be used for soils above
In dynamic compaction method, a heavy weight is dropped frecly from 40 m height to the ground. It leaves the
15 to water level of2 to 3 m below the surface. or below ground water level.
impact af it on the surface. This impact will cause liquefaction followod by settlement. The process is repeated for stabilizing the
soil at 5 to 10 m spacing. The upper layers are compacted again using small weight with large contact area and is dropped from 048. Explain step by step procedure for the installation of compaction piles in cohesionless solls with
a small beight Energy per blow varies from 135 x 10° to 450 x 10 kgm, and sometimes it varies from 900 x 10' to 1800 x 10 the help of a neat sketch.
kgm. Totl tanping cnengy of 2 to 3 blows per sq.m is used. If impact velocity excecds wave velocity then efficiency could be
April-18 (R13), 04
increased. By considering the effective dgpth, the depth of penetration may ranges from,
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40 Modification
BAD)NIT-2 Mechanical
Answer Q50.
Vhy dynamic compaction is different than vibro compaction? Discuss the limitations of both the
Ompaction piles are installed in cohessionless soils in order to improve stability of ground, reduce the settlements, preve.
phcnomenon ofliquefaction and other applications These piles are installed into the soil either byvibratory systcm ie,
Answer: Doc-19 (R16), Q5[a)
o vbo-hammer (on) non-vibratory system ie, with the help of driving and lifing devices. Vibratory system of compac.
For answer refer Unit-1l, Q47, 1opic: Dynamic compaction, and Q43, Topic: Vibro compaction.
suitable in urban areas, locations which are situated nearby the existing structure, as it generates more vibration
while installation. This creates disturbance in the surrounding environment. Hence this metnod is not preferred
s Limítations of Dynamie Compaction:
modern areas, The procedure in
for installation of compaction piles using non-vibratory system 5 s 1ouowd he vibrations induced due to the neavy weight, causes disturbance
to the other structures present within the
Hopper surrounding compacted area.
Lufting (or) driving device/Vibro hammer
This method produces large vibrations which leads to noise pollution and permanent soil deformations.

LTID LTTI It is time taking and costly process

a. Explain the densification process of deep soil deposits using explosion of blasting methods.
Casing pip Sand
Answer May-16 (R13), Q5
Explosives are also denoted on the soil surface, when denser arrangement of particles
Compacted are developed in an array of boreholes.
It causesa loose soil stucture to collapse.

G.L 1 Sand/Pile
Foranswer refer Unit-I, Q42.
o52, Explain deep compaction technique by vibro-compaction method with a neat sketch.
Answer : May-16 (R13), Q4
Cobesionless soil
For answer refer Unit-1, Q43, Topic: Vibro Compaction.

Figure: Installation of Sand Compaction Piles

Clean and fat the surface where, compaction piles
are need to be installed.
Setup the driving (or) lifting device and arrange the steel
casing pipe accordingly.
With the help of driving devices, the casing pipe is inserted
into the soil.
When the steel casing pipe reaches the required depth, it is filled
with sand through a hopper fixed at top of casing pipe.
With the help of lifting device, casing pipe is lifted upwards resulting in pressing
of sand particles into the spaces of voids
using compressed air
Extract the casing simultaneously with the compacted sand pile which is pressed so that it
gets enlarged.
_Repeat thesamne procedure until theformation of sand piles take place at the surfaceof the ground.
Q49. Why dynamic compaction is not suggestible to
use in modification of saturated sand? Explain the
objectives of dynamic compaction.
Answer: Dec.-19 (R16), a3b)
Dynamic compaction is generally less effective in modification of saturated sand. To be effective on saturated sand, special
measures have to be taken. Dynamic compaction on saturated sand leads to vibrations, noise, and lateral movement
due to impact
ofheavy weight, which causes disturbance to nearby buildings, utility lines and substructures. This may lead to permanent soil
deformation or readjustment of sand particles which takes lot of time and it is a costly process.
For remaining answer refer Unit-11, Q45
Dynamic compaction is effective for all types of soils.
Soils can be compacted for depths upto 20 m.
Thisis considered to be most basic and simple method for compaction.

Dynamic compaction can be used for soils above or below ground water level.

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1. Descrbe the method af densification by Blasting? Explain its effectiveness HYDRAULIC MoDIFICATION
Ans Res Q
2 Describe the vibroliotation technique of densitying granular soil.
As: Refr Q44 Syllabus
03 Explain with neat sketches mechanism and principle of dynamic compaction techniques HYDRAULICMODIFICATION: Objectives
and techmiques, Tracitional dewatering methodsand their

Ans: ReiaQ46 2 choice, Design of dewatering system, Electro-asmosis Electro-kinetic

and seepage control wzth geasynthetics, Preloading and vertical drains
Fitration, Drainage

Q4 Explain the factors affecting compaction on soil

Ans: Refe Important Cuestion EARNING DBJECTIVES
05. What is shallow and deep compaction? Discuss the cases when deep compaction technique is
for soll modification used To be able to understand he coocepts relcted to,
Objective and Techniques of Hycrauic Mocdifcaticn
Ans: Refer Q28
Important Question Design of Dewatering System
Q6 Eplain about the vibro compaction and vibro replacement at certain
depth and its impact on the ground Methods of Dewatering
surface Drainage and Seepoge Control Using Gecsyhetics
Ans: Reier Q43 Preloading and Vertical drcis
Importzant Question

07 Compare vibratory probe compaction and dynamic compaction.

Important Questio
Q8. Explain step by step procedure for the installation of compaction piles in cohesionless soils with Dewatering means modifying ground by lowering the water table, redirecting the seepoge or simply
the help of a neat sketch. reducing its water content. Removal of water from geomaterials, pavement, or earth structures con prevent
or minimize the above problems One easy solution is to properly manage surfoce water by designing
Ans: Refer Q48 ImportantQuestion and constructing slopes, ditches, and impermeable surface layers
Preloading is one of the most common ground improvement techniques for soft clay. The modem application
of the preloading method is combined almost alwoys with the use of vertical drains or prefabricated
vertical drains (PVDs).

0L Dte abvantages and diavantages af the plate load task far campaction contral

02 nhmst common laboratory strength tests carried aut an compacted soils?

E t ieences between campaction and comsolidation in soil mechanics

4 a tymge of plan rea im) dentsified by ane aplication of a vibro-campactar,if a relatve density of 80% is to be achieved in clesn
y standard campaction produced a maxzimum dry density of 15 ti Estimate the result which would have been abtained using modi
dard campaction.


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3 WriteH short notes on open drains and closed drains. 45


wer t Model Papar4, 010
01. Wrie about basic phenomenon of electro-osmosis method. Open
This methodd is very old in draining excavations,
in draining
roads using a ditch or a sump.
A sump is said to bc a shot dich
May-16 (R13). onstructed cven with the unskilled labour wi
a10) can be c
OR ClosedDrains
en a piping or scepage crosion is Crcating trouble or where therc
What do you mean by elctro-osmosis. is desire of permanent drain, the laying of períoralcd
mico outat
at a suitablc depth in ditches and the ditch is backfilled
with suitable filter material. The laying of pipes shoula
AmSwer May-17 (R13), 15Eor ipe cvery 30 m to S0 m therc must be openings to flush
Q1) be out the pipe. At 100 m to 150 m intervals, the manboles mis
sred at changes in direction along straight sections.
pmenon ofelectro-osmosis is tangentiallypHowdo
based on the principle of clectrokinetics. When an clectric field is applied you Install wick drains?
ot gtive the micronabe or microchamnel, then the fow of liquid along that surface is known as clectroosmosis flow. Surfaces
charged ions resulhed from ionization are called as surface charges. The flow is due to the surface charge 6.
eer side of the tube or channel. A liquid contained in a tubc or channel has two surfaces namely, solid surtlace and liquid
Wick drains
Dec-19(R16, 01

irains(also known as Pretabricated Vertical Drains),

02 which are often composed of plastic fluted or nubbed cores
Explain in brief about electro-kinetic dewatering led by a geo-textile ilter, have a high tensile strength. To transmit flow, wick drains
do not require sand. The most o
Amswr suric
drains have a stnp shape. Snp drains are 100 mm wide
and 2 to 6 mm thick in gencral.
A hollow lance is used to install wick drains. The wick drain is threaded
into a hollow lance which is driven nto the sot
lectrokinetios deals with the relative movement ofparticles in between solid and liquid mediums with the etlect of electric and collapses around itLA granular soil drainage
layer or a geo-composite sheet drain layer connect the cnds
tield This comprises of clectro osmosis, electro phoresis, flow potential of the wick
and electrical stabilization. surlace.
drains al ground
The process of causing the pore water fow towards
the cathode in saturated soil mass by applying an clectnic potential on geo-drains.
clccronetc dewatering. Pore water at the cathode is collected and then removed, resulting in low moisture content. This Define
leads to mcrease m strength and decreases compressibility.
The process of clectro-kinetic dewatering 1S Similar to that of Ans May-17 (R13), a1
comsoladsahon. Geodrains consist ot stnp drains prepared with the help of internal ducts
on the cardboard. The diameter of geodrain is
a3 mm. This method is adopted for prefabricated drains.
What are the techniques to reduce pore water from soil. hout 100
Answer Advantages
Dec.-19 (R16), 010)
The process ol installing drains is casy
mportamt teciniques to reuce pore water from soil are;
These can be of uniform maternal that is easily stored and transported.
(a)Open sumps and ditches Disadvantages

6)Deep-welldranage 1. It cannot sustain large deformations

c) Vacuum dewateTIng systems The rate of installation is based on properties of sub soil, thickness of compressible layer and width of geodrain.
Q8. What do you know about horizontal drains?
( Well point sysems
Answer : Model Paper 01e)
e) Dewatering by electro-osmosis Horizontal Drains
Q4 What are drains and what are the different types of drains? If adequate submergenceis not available on the situation of the field warrant to avoid open-cut work. the lowering of
ground water can be done with a Ranny drainage system. Reinforced concrete shafts or wells are present in this system from
Answer Model Paperi 01eo vhich a number of horizontal perforated pipes are fixed. The extension of these pipes may be carried out to a required length in
A drn consiSts of filter, conduit and dispasal system. A filter is necessary for continued eficiency of the drain and to any direction. By using turDine pump, the water collected in the well is pumped out.
s s rosin The collection of water is done in the drain conduits. Normally the size of the conduit is S to 10 times
bydraulic dictate. The commercial pipes have perforations of diameter 8 to 9 mm and is in need of 12 to 15 mm
09. Explain the purpose of preloading and vertical drains.
gavel hi OR
Write short notes on preloading technique.
The diffeet types of drains are,
Answer: April-18 (R13), a1()
L Open druins
Purpose of Preloading and Vertical Drains
Closed drains Preloading is also known as precompression. In preloading or precompression its main purpose is to increase the bearing
Horizomtal druins capacity of soil and to reduce the compressibility of weak ground surface by densifying the loose soil into clayey or silty soil to
Foundation drains
This preloading technique is frequently used to modify the soft cohesive ground sois
5 Binkat drains For building, the surcharge that is consisting of earth fill is cquivalent or higher than the expected bearing pressure.
6 IntTccplor drains. Vertical drain's primary purpose is to accelerate the consolidation only, due to the large quantity of water present in it

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is not speeded
accelerates the small quantity of water that is associated with it. Thercfore, secondary consolida
by the vertical drains.
ain purpose is to increase the settlement and sofl cohesive soil strength is gaincd/increased
verthcal drains are not installed, the bearing failures can cause damage, decrease the sott cobesive soil strength in GN OF DEWATERINO SYSTEM, MerHODS AND THEIR CHOICE
placement and nling of clay sois ELECTRO-OsMOBI8, ELECTRO-KIMETIC
What is geosynthetic? Explain different types of geosynine Explain 4about the objectives and techniques used In
a12 dowatering.
eesynthetic 1echniques
ectives and
Ceosyethetic isdefined as the branch of science that is used in geotechnical engineerng g the obe Dewatering
ering objectives and techniques
objectives and tecnniques are generally based based upon the agravity drainage
brmcs. Ih came into picture in the late 1970s These geosynthetic are the artificial fabrics used in addition with rock grained soils). and pumping from weu ps
sosl o the
soil (coarse

Gieosymthetc can be divided inio wo

ose is that it modihes the ground in the following ways,
Geotextile and ()Water content can be reduced.
Geomembrane. ) Seepage pressure can be redirected and
water table.
in these geotextle s a permeable fabric and geomembrance is an impermeabie tabric. (ii) By lowening the
Geerynthetie Types Gravity drainage over the nne graincd soils is inetfective and very slow,
preloading (or) electro osmosis process of
ring is applied on the ground surface of the soil.
Geosynthetic can have a variety of different types based on
the purpose they are uscu,
Woven e following are some 00jecivesreasons thatare carried out in different engineering
works (or) various mining projects.
@ Soil erosion over the ground surface should be prevented.
Knitted Compressibility on the granular soils is generally reduced
Nets and grids (ii) Bearing capacity ol soil foundations is
Biodegradable (iv) At the time of earthquake, its liquefaction potential is to be reduced.
Three dumensaonal mats (v) Dry basements walls are provided.
Membrances and Ground water and surface layer ot soils are prevented from
(vi) contamination of pollutants.
Composite (vii) Side hill hlls and slopes are excavated to increase the stability of soil.
011. What are the properties of geosynthetics Under/below the pavements,
? (vii) side hill fills, and cut slopes soil surface is prevented and controlled by a seepage pressure
Answer and pore pressure.
Model Paperd, 010

Prapertie of Geasynthetices (ix) To prevent damage caused by trost hecave, quick stabilize bottom conditions are provided.
The properties of geosynthetics depends on
qg13. Write about objectives of hydraulic modification.
the fiunction it has to fulfill. The various functions of geosynthetics are,

0 Reinforcement Answer April-18 (R13), a1(e)

objectives of Hydraulie Modiication
() Filler
To lower the water tabie temporarniy ror dewalering construction over a particular arca of site.
(n) Dranage
To lower the water table permanently for construction of permanent subsurface structures
(iv) Separation layer etc.
To provide drainage so that both seepage and hydrostatic pressures will be relieved which will inturn reduce upward
Exunple grndient forces and lateral earth pressure.

0 n maierial propertues, for reinforcement purpose the properties emphasized are modulus of elasticity and strength. To reduce liquefaction potential of soil.
() n bydraulic properties, when filiers are to be provided, the property emphasized is hyraulic conductivity. Taking in To reduce exit gradient and seepage gradient.
accunt all the aspects, he properties of geosynthetics can be divided into five types. They are, To increase stability of slopes.
i. Fibre and material properties To enhance bearing capacity of soil.
2 cometncal aspects To reduce compressibility of soil.
Mechanical properues To ililer water so that migration of soil like piping and cavities can be prevented.
Hydraulic prupertics andd 10 1o filter water so that soil contamination can be prevented.

Durablity ar chemical properties. lo create barmiers which are of less permeability so that migration of water can be prevented. (Le. to retain water).

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48 HydraulicModifica
014 Explain about the dewateringsystemthat is applicable to difforent solls. Explaln In brlof about wollpolnt systoms.
Answer :
16 Generally, singlo stage well point system has a capacity
MOTuOe HTIW ONRUp YAE Answer of single well points with 50 mm (diameter) risers to
Dewatering System Applicable Systems about 10 litres/m.
to Dierent Soils Well Polnt

ddrainage.g system are applied to both coarse grained and fine grained soils. These can be obtained by gravity filters
gravity ang
Vell points are also known as filter wells. In the
stems, generally well points are well-screens with small
pacing=0,75- I m->Fine tocoarse sands (or)sandy
pol 50-80 mm in diameter and length = 0.3 toIm.
Well points arc made up ot brass (or) stainless In case of silty sands with low permeability, spacing
creens with either closcd ends (or) steel
Subsehuenfes sclfjetting types. provided- 1.5 m.
drape Xcayaon (ore Tor a long duration, these well points remain in the
too certain nay reqld For highly permeable coarse gravels, spacing of 0.3 m
ground surfac.
Example: Dewatering a dry rock
is provided at centre.
IeayTy Generally it consists of 50 to 60 well points to a single
mihage Thewell points are driven by jeting the pipe into the
Range tybt ekidjgf| pump of 150 to 200 mm with a separate jetting pump
ground surfacc.
y using irge fuNI
tdrs The well point has an
witl Anrangement of well pont system is as shown below in
figure i) Air/water separator
0.002 0.06 60 For various constniction purposes, the well points system
Chy Sit is commonly used. (i) Vacuum pump and
Sand Gravel Cobbks
lIcader main, Riser pipe
(1i) Normal centrifugal pump.
Figure: Dewatering Method Applicable to Various Soils
a15. Explain about the dewatering method by
open sumps and ditches When the site conditions are accessible, then well point
Answer: Filer scrocn system is suitable for water bearing stratum that has to
Open Sumps and Ditches be drained off.

Open surmps and ditches is the cheapest dewatering The well point system is more cffective in sands and
method widely used for collecting seepage water in open sumps and
ditches and can be removed by gravity fiow. Colkcting space
sandy gravels of medium permeability.
This method is well suitable in,
In the well point system, there is a rapid installation
Dense shallow excavations and requires simple and cheap equipments for making
Well graded coarse soils
-Inlkt ports
installing well points cither single (or) multi stage well
(n) Rocks n rscr ppe point systems.

(iv) Pemeable soils overlying the impermeable strata. Rubber ball riscd when The main advantage ofwell point system is that the water
pumping and lowermg8
In this method, to prevent water fowing/standing on ground, when jettmg8
is filtered and it has litle (or) no soil particles because of
small ditch (or) grip is excavated at the bottom of the soil to
form a sump. ww less damage to the surrounding ground with open sump
By using this method, the water table depth can be lowered
upto 8 m below the pump.
Jetng bi (or) Nozle Vahe
Instability of base occurs due to upward seepage gradient on open (or) timber excavations (sheeted 1laer Pump sucton
(or) braced excavations). kvel
In this method, excavation on the ground level can occur at one (or) more cormer sides below the (1:Arrangement of WellPoint
Figure Orignalwater kvel
ground to constructa
Sump as shown in figure.
a17. Explain about single stage wll point and multi
Inital water table stage well points with neat sketches.
Orig inal GWL Model Paper-4, Q6 Coune $55 m Maximum
Sand filer
Pump OR
Write about dewatering method by gravity flow
for a multistage well-point system. Risa pre

Answer May-16 (R13), a1(0 Loweradwatr

Sand Sunp Single and Multi Stage Well Point System
o lie
In these single stage well points system, spacings can be -Wel post
7A A A TA A A A A A provided based on the permeability of the soil and time available
for the draw down.
Figure: Dewatering through Sumps and Ditches Figure (1: Single Stage Well Point System

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interface of movable diffuse doulble that should be displace
Kesstirg force
ln p The deep well installation is done by sinking a borehoe
tangentially with reference to the fixed layer. 1his process is that should have a diameter of about 200-300 mm larger
called electro osmosis. If the surface is ot hne grained soils, Doubie than the well is to be Cased.
welp then the soil particles have a net negative charge (Anions) and It mainly depends upon the size of the turbine pump (01
net positive charge (Cations) in a solution. centrifugal pumps.
The two electrodes in a soil medum are attracted at After the bore hole is completed, the inner well is cased
Free watc Velacity Moving torce
cathode and repelled at anode as shown in figure (1). and perforated screens are installed upto its length 1or
caried by the viscous flow. dewatering and then it is terminated to unperforated pipe
The void spaces are
of 3-5 m length to act as a sump and then fine materia
Extemal and internal phases of ions are distributed 1scollected irom the hier mesn.
hypothetically in clay pores as shown in hgure (2).
Between the outer bore hole casing and well casing8
With the help of extermal electric field, electro osmosis Resisting lorce
graded filter material is placed alongg its lengtn
igure 2: Multistage Well Paint System flow (O) 1S produced. Similarly, hydraulic ffow (2) is
Q18. Explain about (a): Electro Osmotic Flow Then afterwards outer casing is withdrawn and the space
vacuum dewatering wells with also produced as,
neat sketch. present above the screen is backfilled with the available
,-KJA ie
layer material.
Answer With the help ofa boring tool, water is surged in the wel
The well points and deep-well methods are less effective to promote the filter to rotate back and torth.
in tine-grained soils with 0.1 to 10 x 10 mm/s permeability K,- Electro osmotic permeability Velacity
range. These soils can be dewatered satisfactonly by Free wa
Moving force
Dunng its back and forth rotation, the unwanted fines fall
applying nto the sump are removed by bailer before the turbine
vacuum to the piping systemn Units- cm/s
pump 1s inserted/installed/ driven.
This system requires riser pipe and well point screens Rate of osmotic flow and coefficient of electro osmotic Double layer The complete installation is as shown in igure (2).
tobe surounded with hlter sand extending within some metres permeability are independent on the grain size.
of the surtace ot ground. The impervious soil is used to seal
The range for most of the soil varies between, (b): Hydraulic Flow.
huter casing
the top partion of the hole. The hydraulic gradient tor flow to
the well points 1s ncreased, 0y havingE 10 cm/sec Figure (3)
vacuum pressure. 1This method is highly the
pumping main 0.4-0.6 x
suitable in stratihed a20. What is deep well dralnage? Explain the details
soils with 0.1 to 10 x 10 cm/sec coethcient of pernmeability
Electric field of installation of dewatering method of deep
range. Ihe well points in this system must be placed closer than
the comventional system. A typical vacuum well. orgalWT
dewatering system Anode Cathode
in a stratned Model Paper-, 06
soil is shown below in the hgure. Answer
Orgal water
Headr Figure (1: Mechanism of Electro Osmosis Deep Well Drainage
evel Atmosphen pressure Deep well drainage system is constructed outside the
Negatively charged surface zone of construction operations and at desired level/depth the
water table is lowered when turbine pumps are installed.
+ + It consists of deep wells and spaced at 8 to 80 m ies fier
depending on the water table that is lowered.
External sohution phase
It is best suitable for the pervious soil formation and 3ackll so
Chyey sik
the excavation is underlined by coarse grained soils by
- lowering the ground water table.
Sandy sik
Deep wells can be combined with well point system for Sit collkcted in sump

Internal phase lowering ground water table at specific field conditions

as shown in hgure (1. Figure (2: Complete Installation of Deep Well
Q21. Discuss the benefits ot traditional dewatering
Sily sand
iEWater ievel in fiker Answer Dec.-19 (R16). Q7(b)
Figure: Vacuum Dewatering System Electrolyte from external phase Advantages of Methods of Dewatering
Q19. Explain about the mechanism of dewatering by Well systems of dewatering is effective in sandy soils
electro osmosis with neat sketches. (i) These methods are relatively cheap and flexible
Answer Frcd negative surface charge no limits on the drawdown
(ii) There is

Dewaterlng by Electro Osmosis Internal phase (or) Double layer ions (V) They are widely used as they can be used in boulders as
Deep wel
In the dewatering method by clectro osmosis, it involves well as in any soi.
an external clectro motive force that is applied to a solid liquid Figure (2: Hypothetical Distribution of lons Figure (1: Dewatering by Deep Well (V Economical to installation and maintenance
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When you propose electro kinetic dewatering Electro osmosis can be used in cohesive soil. Whcn any 1o find out the results of long term geosynthetic ilow,
tests are performed to know the efectiveness of these
its working principle with direct curent is passed through a saturmted soil mass betwen
the two electrode (anode and cathode) the pore water migrate > Geotextiks
Answer Dec.-19 (R16, Qs(to the cathode which is the well point collecting the water
aterand Perforatedppe Based on a test suggested by Koemer, a curve is obtained
For answer refer Unit-II1, Q2 rining oft the wgter out of soil. which is critical at its final portion

The principles
of electrokinetic dewatening are : Pump hmp b) Field and Agriculture Wrapped Drain Pipes
ominate Gl

Electrophoresis, the movement collidal

particles in a direct

current electnc tield. () Dielectropboresis, the movement ot d OWT Pavement

collidal particles in a non-uniform Predorrinate Archirg
electric field. (11) Electro-
osmasis, the water fiow in porous
electnic field
media in a direct curent o0 0 OOOS,
Electrokinetic Stabilisation EDe(log scale )

One of the most common causes of foundahon movement Wells Dissipating Pore water Fressure and Allowing for Drainage
Figure (2)
soume change ot active clays in response to Q23. >Track
Explain the objective and mechanism of Where,
nviroomental and/or Vegetation, notably clay shrinkage
in long dry spells and clay swelling dewatering using Electro-osmosis method with Tie
following the a neat sketch. 4-Transition time (minutes for sands, hours for
removal ot large trees and hedges St silts, dáys tor clays)
Eloctrokinctic stabilisation is a technique
of applying
Answer April-18 (R13),
08 7 w Gco-textiles
m,-Initial slope Function of soil compaction filter
an electrical curent through a soil mass to For answer refer Unit-lu, Q12, and Q19.
promote the cake buildup and blinding over fabric voids.
mgrabon of chemicals.irom injection points, which td) Eliminating Pumping in Railroad
uSualy the electrodes themselves my-Final slope=Function of soil arching over fabric
This technique is parucularly suited
CONTROL WITH GEOSYNTHETICS, Geo-textik voids and clogging within fabric
soils that require strengthening and yet possess a wall Generalized Long-term Flow Response of Soil Geotextile Systems
hydraulic conductivzy, thus preventing the economi lowQ24. Write about the filtration in geosyntheticS.
introductron of chemical grout using conventional The equilibrium within soil and geosynthetics is attained
hydranlic means. when (m) slope reaches zero. The slope (m) decreases
Explain in detail about applications of filtration when the upstream soil is mostly clogging and finally
Blectro osmosis and drainage using geotextiles. result in cutoft fow ot water compietely.
(e) Providing Drainage Behind Walls
When an eloctrical potential difference is applicd across a Answer Apri-18 (R13), 07
Filtration in Geosynthetics *The formation of very small ice crystals in the soil water
soul mass, cahohs and anions are attracted
to the cathode and increase in viscosity occurs at low temperatures.
an anode respectively, whereas neutral particles are Geosynthetics are used in hltration and drainage system Cear
aracted to neither. Similar to that of soil filters and drains. water Turbid The capillary rise will be high with the influence of these
Geo-textilc water
This forced migraion occurs most readily by the Geosynthetics are successfully used for filtration and factors.
wTth the
drainage system in various field tests as described in 7XXXXXXXXXXXXX
greatest mobility. The two diflerent ways in which the capillary break can
figure (1). (9 Silt Curtain Filter
Within a,soil mass, these ions are to be found in the function to limit frost heave are
In figure (1), geosynthetics used as a filter (tor cross plane
pore water existing berween the soil particles. The
low), a drain (for in place fiow) (or) both, are shown. Surcharge ) The capillary flow is getting diverted from freezing
movement ot ians within the pare water causes a transter
The soil which is being protected contains some of the 20ne.
of momentum to the pare wafer.
finer particles and these finer particles enter into the
The correponding direction and rate of pore water structure of geosynthetics are taken away by the flowing
Geotextie ci) The large air filled voids willstop the capillary rise
movement are determined by the net transfer ot water Ieads to geosynthetic filtrations in fabrics.
momentum by both canions and anions within the pore To attain equilibrium, the soil and void modifications
above and within the fabrics takes place respectively. g) Vertical and Horizontal Drainage of Soft Subsoils
Because of the nanure of clay formation, which usually After attaining the equilibrium condition only, the clear Geomembrane liner
results in signiicantly negatively charged clayparticles, water passes through the filter.
TXXXXT 7AYKXS ckfl Geotexthe hier
predo ioms within the pore fuid are cationic
where suiable
nd the wair therefore moves from the anode to the
Stone base
The two fmdamental factors that control the degree of > Geotextile ) Geo-membrane Underliner to Vent Gases and Remove Water
waler migaion are the cation: anion distribution within Perforated pipe Figure (1}: Situations where Geotextiles have been used for
be pare watr and the water-cation distribution within
e sonL la) Highway and Rail Road Under-drains d y ration and Drainage n a: Trench Drain
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I,Carriage way

UNIT-3 hyurauic


Ceotiexnk fiker rost ie

ieal used
as backfil
ahere sutabe

Ppe Free draining

Sub-base enhrged sub-base

b: Cut eft Drain shoukder dran

(D): Alternativo Depths for Anti Frost Heave Capillary Break
Free danng aggreate
tn: Highway Shoulder Drain Figure (4: Capillay Bresks
(Sally 03 m deep)
025. Explaln the properties of a material to be selected as a Geo-synthetics?
May-17 (R13), Q
Geotextie fifer cut let fement
The properties of the material to be selected as a geosynthetic material are as follows.
Fibre and Material properties
material used Lotpos iç
as backfill >Core Mechanical properties
100 mim dameter
where suitable
plaste ppe spigot Geometrical aspects

Chemical (or) Durability properties

Pipe LAd WEh sbpe to OUet Hydraulic properties

1. Fibre and Material Properties

g: Highway Edge Drain
lck Trench Drain with Surface Water In order to determine the material and fibre properties, standard testing methods are adopted. The two important parameters
Geotextil that affcct the properties of geosynthetics are temperature and water content. The properties of fibre used in the production
Outer geotexnes fiter cr wrappung
of geosynthetics depend upon the structural arrangement of the macromojecules, as these are originated from linear macro
taciknd over and behind molecules and mostly depends upon the bonding forces present between atoms.
-Triangu lar
Care Mechanical Properties
plastic core pipe
Generally, load-deformation characteristics are referred to as mechanical properties. These mechanical properties depend
Geotexne fiher< upon properties of the fibre material structure of the fibre structure of the yam and geo-syntheties material. Tensile stress
strain characteristics, Burst, puncture strength, interface friction, resistance to fatigue, resistance to creep, abrasion resistance,
Mascory nal tear-strength and seam strength are some over vital mechanical properties.
Water neEt
mm 3. Geometrical Aspects

S0 The parameters which are taken intoaccount for the selection of material to be used as geo-synthetics are executiona
methods and boundary conditions offield. In order to the above, other aspects like width, length, thickness, mass per unt
(d: Structural Drain (hl: Pre-fabricated Triangular Shoulder Drain area and prelrabrication techniques also play a vital role in the selection and construction process ot geo-synthetics. The
ranuar standard values to be adopted are
Hgway Figure (3: Various Types of Drain Applications
vEE 0 Length: 50 m-200 m
wnnnITTITTTTmm (i) Width: 5 m-5.5 m (Both for woven and non-woven)
s dran
Thickness: 0.2 mm- 10 mm
Dranage blanket
disposing of (ii)
is in the range of 100 g/m to 2000 g/m and for non-woven type the value lies
Caplliry flow (Mode-2) in
Select (IV) Mass per unit area: For woven type it
which lie between 100 gm* to 200 g/m- are used.
gway sub-base between 100 g/m* to 1000 g/mf. Generally smaller grades
Froect Caplry rse ilemupted Chemical (or) Durability properties
by voxs n ganu ar importance along with physical and mechanical
The chemical properties of the material are also considered be immense
centre to of
penrench materal (Mode-1)
>Bedding materal ot chemicals. But synthetic polymers are sensitive to oxidation
Water able properties. Polymers usually are not sensitive by the addition
elasticity strength, and strain absorption capacity will be
and due to Oxidation effect, various mechanical properties
le: Highway Fin Drain Hence, special additives are used in order to solve this defect.
(al: Two-mode Gravel Capillary Break lowered and ultimately decrease the quality geosynthetics.

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NT-3 Hydrauic
Opanmeters thar affect durability of geo-synthetics are ultra-violet resistance and abrrision resistance. ABrasi By using constant head
ut ot
rubbing action (fniction) betweem movement rock and soil against
0r ageregate cover in case of
of tabnc surtace ike wàve actio KiA
meh roadways and railways. 1o estimate the degee or aorasion, standad
SO testing are adopted Geo-synthetics are embedded in
the soil so as to reduce Uv degradation. For that purpose q-Ri(B * )
ues tike carbon black (or) UV stabiliser are added
during manufactunng process so
e or OV ays Hence, it is important to estimate the UV-resistance ney can increase the
For this purpose, of geo-synthetics oetore mpiementing at site
standard tests ahe adopted.
Hydraulic Properties
q-Flow rate in m'/s
o he most important fiunctions of geo-symthetics
is they are used as filters in protection wotkS near nver banks k-In plane coetficient of permeability (m/s)
seream culverts and bed protection works. Wben
geo-synthetics are used in road wotks, ney are
dere (or) in betwcen substructure piacea in the
and sub-soil. Also, geo-synthetics must be impermeaoie to
avold excess pore i- Hydraulic gradicnt-
e development. Hence, in order for a material to be selected as the geo-synthetics
the following requiremens material, it should satisfy L-Length of geo-textile
ErOvESIOn ot proper hydraulic conductivity so
that water ffows freely into the drain. B-Width of sample in 'm'
(a) Avoding movement of particles from the parent - Sample thickness in 'm'
soil to the drainage.
Further, the bydraulic propèrties depend upon T-Transmissivity in m's or m/s-m
fabric opening characteristics, water permeability and ciogging
or De
characteristics are opening size distribution, apparent
y Or the
opening size, porosiy an percent open The thickness of the sample is inversely proportional to the applied pressure and this relation is called as transmissivity.
material used as geo-synthetics should be high. In
addition to permeability, urinsmissy is also
pect ydirlulic conductivity. Clogging is the flow of particles of
soil into the spaces of fabric and setingnere itself. For a jute gco-iextile, the permeablity is reduced continuously with the repeated application of pressures from 0-11 kPa.
spacoomenc decreases the water
tiow rate and Increases the head losses.
A graph is plotted between tow rate (m?/s) and pressure (kPa) to obtain the variation of in-plane flow with the application
Q28. Explain about determination of
in-plane permeability of geo textile. of normal
May-16 (R13), Q6
inplane permeabilhty
of geotextile is found by the in-plane pernaeability test. In this test, the non woven thick geo
texnies acts druinage layers at different
gradients 0.25, 0.5 and 1. The in-plane permeability
pressures so as to brng a reality ot
held application
test is conducted at aitierent nomal

A inimum size of 500 mn 300 mm sample of geotextile is placed between

the thick rubber sheets ensuring that the
tiow tkes place through the geo-textile and not through any
waier bead
other openings. Allow the water flow by maintaining ditierences
imto the geo-iextnle. Provide water tanks on the in
bead difference. upstream side as inlet and downstream side as outlet to achieve constant

Water head
Pressure (kPa)

Figure Gi: Normal Pressure Variation with In-plane Flow Rate

is even more, radial
The operators used for allowing the flow are called as laminar operators. If the thickness of samples
operators, different normal pressures are applied with the help of load frame.
type operators are used. In radial type iow
Geotextile sample
Figure (: In-plane Permeability Device
kt=T 27Ah
Gradient of the flow, i=
-Radius of the opening in "m
2Radius ot the geo-textile in "m
Ah-Head difference between upstream and downstream
Ah -Difference in head in 'm'
L-Length of geo-textile
-Rate of flow in m'/s
On geo-textiles the nornal 1s applicd using dead white and large pressure using hydraulic actuator or some other air. for in-plane flow can be determined.
Using the above formula, the pemeability coeflicient
The test can be performed either by constant head or by variable head to determine the permeability. punched geo-textiles.
1he radial type flow is mainly used for needle
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Cellalar Contalnment Systems
A0/ Geo C
a27. Explain aboutthe geosynthetic erosion control. gco-cellular contanment systems The
The g function in strengthening and stabilizing through confinerment.
Answer: Model
Paper,a The functions are achieved by 3D cells upto 20 cm depth.
Eresien Protection using Geosynthetics
pe (or) polyester cells have honey comb
appearance when expanded into position.
Tbe surface erosion is washing away
the top layer of soil surface by water. cells are backfilled with soil, sand or gravel depending on the application.
c ce
De gcosyTthetic products such as geotextile mats, geotextile composites can prevent particle movement oI soil on Revetments
due to water (or) wind. surfac Fabric Formed
Dgcosymhetic The double layer woven geotextules that are water permeable are generally used in construction of fabric formca
mats in soil can enhance the growth of natural vegetation on slopes and reduce erosion. revetments.
In erosion protection 3D geocells,
geosynthetics extruded from monofilaments. Sporadically, woven and non-woven are positioned on the area to be protected and are filled with structural grout.
Seosynihetics made frum natural raw materials are These
The geosynthetics are used as filte, containment To conform most sub-sOl conditions, the two layers of geotextiles are joined at discrete points.
as ballast layers in erosion protection.
028. What do you
know about the slope protection in geosynthetics?
in Geosynthetics
Slope Protection
The geosynthetics
are used in slope protection to attain stability
in slopes is insuficient shear strength of the soil with
The basic problem respect to slope angle or height.
The need for slope protection due to low reative density in gramular soil and high water content in cobe sive soil

The geosynthetic applications in slope protection include soil nailing, rock bolt, anchors, dry pitching, fabrications, concrete
panels etc.

These reduce the scouring capability of slope surface.

The growth of vegetation on geosynthetics protect surface loss of cut slope from wind, water etc.
Soll Nailing

Figure Erosion Protection System af Slope In soil nailing a surface deployed geotextile is nailed into the slope soil.
The geosyathetic materials used in erosion control
are: The soil nailing is done by nailing long steel rods into the soil ground and then shotcreting them (or) guniting in the form
1. Erosion Control Measures of temporary retaining walls (or) locally strengthening the geotextiles at nailed locations/points on the slope.
The erosion control meshes serve as blankets to erosion control. Anchors

Tbese are naurzl high strength polypropylene meshes used reduce crosion and In anchored system, the anchor geolexties are used
to aclerate vegetative development
These are light weight rolls and enable easy installation. The surface of anchored geotextiles appears quilled and tuckled into the soil at regular patterms. Hence, these are also
known as 'anchored spider netting'.
These are used in steepened slopes or bio-enginering installation.
Here, the geotextile netting and steel rods are anchored in tension.
Erosion Control Blankets
The system is periodically re-anchored as the tensile stress of geotextile is reduced due to the loss of pore volume.
In erosion control blankets, woven meshes are placed both sides finally tuned
of erosion control blankets prone to
anticipated site conditions. Thus the soil gains shear strength by increased soil density by consolidation.

wdt oferosion control blankets ranges betwen
I m to 2 m and are composed of straw, excelsion, cotton, poly Ecological Slope Protection Structure
The slope protection is attained through geocells filled with gravel soil.
These netings (or) meshes contain UV stabilizers for controlled degradation.
The geocells of 3D network structure are formed.
These blankets provide temporary resistance to flow velocities of 3 m/sec.
The use of geocells in slope protection helps to attain good integrated slope capability
3. Fibre Roving System
To achieve effective slope protection. gravel soil is put into the geocells.

e ne moderis erosion protection systems with rovings applicd at continuous strands for erosion protection
The fiber glass rovings are formed from fibers drawn from molten glass.
The gravel soil inside cach geocellenables water erosion and decreases the seouring of
This helps to attain stability in slope.
wind and wave on slope surface.

The use of fibre roving systems has decreased due to its carcinogenic properties. The diameter of gravel in geocells ranges between 3 cm to 8 cm.
The fibre roving is an economical method of erosion control geosynthetic. The geocells have good plane of flexibility and resist freeze and thaw cycle.
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60 Modificalion y
LSt out
various necessary controls of seepage required during and after construction
UN3 51

Answer -Embankment
Necessary Controls of Seepage
Required During Construction
0 To provide f dry Drainage blanket
site for the excavation purpose
(u) To improve stability Compressible soil Settlement of soil
of side-hill fills and excavation slopes.
) To minimize transverse loads acting on bracing
and sheeting in excavaoons
(O) To Vertical drains
stabilze quick botom conditions and
to avoid piping and heaving
1o reduce capillary nise and to avoid frost
heaving and piping in pavemens incompressible soil
(1) To minimze the
etfect of air pressure tunneling
the construction ot embankments, verticals drains are mostly used,
in works.|
(vu) 1o
develop the supporting characteristics
of foundation materials. inimized and also apparent solutons are given for all the problems since the problems evaluated in embankments ar
Necessary Controls of Seepage by using vertical drains. But while installing vertical
Required After Construction drains into the earth surtace surrounding soil gets disturbed

Oinimize or to nullify uplift pressures on bottom

spuLlway's, buned structures, slabs inorder to lower the slab thickness for basements, canal linings, ious theories have been proposed tor the design of vertical drains based on the variations
of soil with coethcient o
dry docks etc resulting in low cost consolidation.
(a) To minimize the lateral pressures
exerting on retaining structures. The following equation is the one proposed by KJeliman based
on effect of vertical drains on
(1) To regulate the embankment the process of consolidation
TO regulate pore pressures under 8Chl
the pavements, side-hill fills
TO maintain dry basements Where,
Preloading alone cannot remove the pore pressure I-Time period (year)
from solilL
quickly. How you make fast removai or po Pure
Discuss with neat sketches. D -Diameter of cylinder with drained soil (m)
Answer: C,-Horizontal coefficient of consolidation (m-/year)
Dec.-19 (R16), a7(a)
Fast removal of pore pressure from soil can be done by the use sand drains.
of These are constructed by the nserting hollow
d -Equivalent diameter of prefabricated vertical drain (m)
asing soil and are filled by the sands after this
inio the
casings are taken out. Now, the surcharge is applied on the top ot U,-Average degree of consolidation
be mcrcase m the pore pressure soil. 1here will
of the soil making the water to move horizontally and vertically.
the banzantal pore water due to which the Now, the sands drains will take care of Based on the relationship between degree of consolidation coefficient of consolidation (C,) and time available for con-
dissipationis acc ted and the pare water releases faster than previous.
solidation,,the required spacing of drains (s) 1s determined. The equation has been developed in the form of charts and
normal triangular gnd spacing is determincd. 1his gnd gives an etficient relationship between influence
Surcbarge and circle ot.each drain
rea of an cquilateral unangie with side length's.

M M 032. Explain about the foundation drain with neat sketch.

Answer :

Foundation Drain
These drains are made when the presence of ground water is in the vicinity of a structure. The provisions must be made
o remove the water Irom the building. 11 the condition 15 worst, the effect of ground water can be allowed on the outer part of a
building. 1f thedepth below the water table is less, then the water can be controlled easily by foundation drains. These types of
Sand Drains druins must be placed upper han the bottom ot the looting. In these drains,perforated pipes are present such that it acts as entrance

a31. What is vertical drain, explain the design of vertical drain? for ground water. 1hese pipes must be surrounded by a suitable filter. The water which is collected in the pipes is disposed off
bygravity tlow to a storm drain system. It there is no possibility of disposal by gravity, the drainage water has to be directed to
sump pit and pumped to a disposal. An arrangement of this type of drain is shown below,
Answer May-17(R13), Q7
Tbeverbcal columns which are placed continuously in clayey soils are called verical drains. Grnd surface
These columns are made of Mascnry baemed wal
penvious matenal and allow the pore water to escape through them by
creating an casy path.
Design of Vertical Drains al ekevatios
Ground waer uble
ew gor

Generally, vertical drains are constructed an diamond patterns with 2-4 m Acutal amount of spacing is based
an paramctes such aS consolidation rate of soil and horizontal coetñcient of pernfcability
of the soil. Earlier vertical drains are waier ta
comstructed by dnilling holes on carth surface and fillingg them with soil. Now-a-days vanous types
of drains such as fabric stock
gnd band drains have introduced into markets. ourse facr ena
) Fabnc siockingp have a hler fabric an outer side nd are filled with sand and installed in the holes. Felaned fotng
Bend dains comsist of twociements ie, an cuter flter fabric and inner core element, which are driven into the earth Water Against a Basement Wall
surface Figure: Foating Drain Tile lIastallation for Disposing of Ground
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Hydraulic Modification
3 63
62 GROUND IMPROVEMENT TECHNIaUES UNTU-HYDERABAD) e following igures cicariy indicate how the soft grOu
ne ground caus
Q33. Explain about the blanket draln with neat preloBangE unques are used. largC settlement and these settlements are reducea wncn
Answer ot
c main features preloading technique are,
Danket drains are constructed below the dams and basement floor slabs to provide a drainage path or hign petmcability for ading reduces seltlements on soft soil,
n Ounwater acting against the bottom of the slab. By providing an cscape path, the uplitt pressur munimizcd
h rough the floor can be arrested. The blanket comprises of finc filter layer in association vi sol 1o1lowed
collector filter and the latter is in contact with underside of masonry dam. ihe conduis
a sump where the pumping
of collector water is carried out. These types of blankets are also provided
onnccted to
below the
pavements ti avoid capillary flow upward.

O, *

Large settlementsS
75 mn soil to be drained
Figure (i: Soft Ground Causes Large Settlements
FHgure: Blanket Under-drain with Pipe Disposal
with Preloading Effects
Q34.Explain about the Interceptor drains with neat dlagram.
Answer E

d and
ntereeptcor driins.
paved highways trench drains are provided parallel to the shoulder. These types of drains are known as
These types of drains are provided to minimize the grOundwater table
to a level iowe ue Pav an Surcharge
to allow casy lateral drainage for water d
knowing its path into the coarse base material. The facility of such drainage system is to
keep the subgrade and base soils dry so as to maintain stability and strength. It
also provides a means for surface dispOSal ana near
Surface water and help to intercept the flow of underground water trying to enter into the pavement. The open So ground Smallsettements
arainage atcnes
Situated adjacent to shoulder area may help to intercept surface and near surface water flowing towards the roadway area consolicates
irom the
Sides. It also prevents the excess pore water pressure development. under load

The below figure shows the application ot interceptor arains,

Figure (: Preloading Heduces Settlements

Orgnal grund Curve is shown betweep settlement and time,

WEh preloud ng
Water eve Base and sub base
Wthout prebading
with dra

Langtud ral drain

Figure Figure (in: Curve between Settlement and Time
a35. Explain the effects of preloading and vertical drains. Figure (a)

Model Paperil, a7 ) Foundation cost can be reduced with the help of preloading
Explain about preloading technique with vertical drains combined for vertical and radial consolidation.
Answer: May-16 (R13), Q7
o borttem a7 risigx3 10
The etfects that occur on the ground surface (i.e., soft cohesive soils) based on the preloading and vertical drains are as
follows, enlon sinbelnpons
On soft ground surface, the preloading reduces/decreases the total and differential settlements on the ground surface and terouna
the preloadng technique is based on the cost that the, foundation is adopted.
The main effect of vertical drain is that it can speed up the settlement process and at certain load, the deformation is not Figure i: Soft Ground also Requires Pile Foundation
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sip drasn ws T aeveloped by the PVC arains. 65
n market,we can find more than S0 vaneties of strip drains which are of
geotexthle sacorgaca ner core composite construction
Norwoven thai is wTapped intoa
vanou core shpes ot strip drains. ilter fabrinc.
Gencrally poruoven geotextile is as shown below in figure,

her skeve

Fgure i Prmlnading alsn Alews the Cheaper Spread Foti

s but the timal moment is not reduced



Cere shapes

To Figure: Typical Core Shapes

of Strip Drains
Figure The advantages of geosynthetic drains are,
Qs6. Explain the method
for providing vertical drainage by sand drains or sand wicks. Itis very casy Tor the installation of drains.
Amswer i The gecosynthetic dritns caln Dc OT
ntOm matenial that is easily stored and transported.
Sand Drains o38. What are the benefits of geosynthetics in dewatering of soil?
Tbe method that is adopted for verical drains and sand drains is that it consists of boreholes that are filled with sand. AnSwer Dec-19 (R15), Q66)
1be bore boles are formed either by driving. jetting or augering with the diameter
200-4S0 mm and 1.5 -6 m space is For answer refer Unit-1, Q11 and Q24 Topic: Filtration in Geosynthetics.

The sand drains are used to,

(0) Facilitate construction
(a) wastage 1s minimized
(1) Continuity of drain is ensured and the sand is prepacked in the form of fabnc sock.
These prepacked fahnc sock may be the sandwick drain with diameter of 65 mm.
Large diameter sand not anly increases the consolidation of surrounding material but also transters the surface loads at
certaun depth ot bearing capacity stratum and vertical compressive
reinforcement is providca.
Higher the reintorcing ettect, lower is the surcharge load developed in foundation.
Advantages of using sand wicks,
1. Cheaper
Easy to work

Q37. Explain the method of providing vertical drainage by the geosynthetic drains.
Geasynthetic Drains
are of strip or band shape drains. Initially, the strip drain was developed in SwedishG
The Instinuic.
gosymthetic drins echnical

The srip drains are prepared with the help of intemal ducts on the cardbaard.
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01. Write about basic phenomenon of electro-osmosis method.
May-14 (R13). 01e)1 May-17 (R13. 011)
Ans: RelaT O1
02. Explain about the objectives and techniques A GRO
used in dewatering.
Ans:Refer Q12. importantueston
Q3. Write about objectives of hydraulic modification.
Refer Q13. Important ouestion e PHYSICAL AND CHEMCAL MODIFICATION: Modification
Write about dewatering mothod by gravity flow for a multistage well-point system. by admixtures, Modification grouting
Introduction to thermal modification including freezing
AnS:Refcr Q17. Importantueston
Q5. Discuss the benefits of traditional dewatering methods.

Ans:Refer Q21. Important Question

Q6. Explain In detail about applications of filtration and drainage using
Ans: Refer Q24. impor uestion
To be able to understand the concepts related to,
a7. Explain about determination of In-plane permeability of geo toxtile.
Types of admixtures and their effect on soil propeties.
Ans:Refer Q26. Important Question Modification by admixtures
Q8. What Is vertical draln, explain the design of vertical drain? Modification by grouting and its methods.

Ans: Refer Q31 Thermal modification

Important duestlon

as Explaln about preloading technique with vertical drains comblined for vertical and radial consolidation.
Ans: Refer Q35. lmportant Question
the mechanical addinion of jranular materlals or chemical compounds
This unit deals with modifyling solls by
01. Name faur reasons for dewatering soil or rock. such as cement, lime, bitumen and calcium chloride.The main objective of mixing these additives with the
02. The presence of water in a soil mass may decrease its slope stability. Why ground is to .lncrease strength, reduce deformabliy, reduce permeablity, reduce erodiblliy, incre ase
durablity and control variability.
03. Why would there be a need for strength criteria for fabrics used in hydraulic applications?

04. What factors would affect the durability of geotextile filter?

Increasing the engineerhg propertles of as oll by admixtures ls often simply referred to as soll stablization.

05. Under what conditions are vertical drains likely to be an economic means of improving soft

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68 Physical and chemical Modification
Explaln about the mechanical stabilization. Bitumens are added and mixed to the soil.
PART-A SHORT QUESTIONS wITH SOLUTIONS Answer Acratión for compacting volatile contents.
Mechanical ilization deals with the rearrangement
01. What is soll stabilzation? Compaction
What are the various stabillzing materials? mproving of soil particles and soil dation.
Answer t ndimp Finishing
for rearrangement of
The various examples the soil
Soil Stabilization particles are,
7. Curing and aeration and
Undisturbed sojl can be remoulded Surface cover protection
Soil stabilization can be defined 0
as the process of mixing the different admixtures to the soil to improve i1s properties (i.e., The most important operations for soil to stabilize is
engincering properties of the Stratified layers of soil can be blended, etc.
soil). G) based on mixing, drying and surface protection of soil.
method, low cost roads can be constructed by
in the sol stabilization, the natural soil can
be converted to a special soil by mixing of admixtures. The special soil can be,
a properly mixed material.
Q7. Explaln about the chomical stablization.
0 A cementing material
and Sab-grade soil properties can be increased by applying are its various chemical additives?
(1) Other chemical materials are added principle. Model Paper-l, Q1h)
so as to improve the properties of the natural soil. the soil gradation
Stabilizing Materials Jnthis method, soil gradation and low grade aggregates OR
can be controlled by constructing the bases and subbases
What is the mechanism in chemical modification
The various stabilizing materials
used in soil stabilization are, on the soil (1.c., ground surface) In ground improvement?
1 Lime
Explain about the cementing stabilization. Answer : Apri-18 (R13), a1(o)
2. Cenent Model
Answer Paper-, Q1(g)
3 Asphalt Cementing Stabilization
In chemical stabilization, the initial additive so formed is
a chemical, which is obtained by a chemical reaction that takes
4. Bitumen Cementing stabilization is also known as porland cement place within a soil particle.
Polymers and stabilization. In thecementing stabilization, all the soil narticles CWhin
It mainly consists of soil particles that are bounded with
are binded together wilhout any allerations occurred/taken place
6. Various other chemicals. various cementing agents
in soil stabilization.
Chemical stabilization is defined as the The use of asphalt as bitumen to soil is a secondary
chemicals that are added to the soil, which causes a physio-chemical
Ifno alterations are developed, then the soil stabilization
additive and it is used to increase the effectiveness of
Q2. is referred as cementing stabilization.
Explain the requirement of sol stabilizatlon. cement.
Addition of bitumen and portland cement can cause the The various primary chemical additives widely used are,
Answer stabilization of the soil by cementing. Generally, the
Model Paper4, 01(g) 1.
Requirement of soil stabilization can be based Lime
portland cement is commonly used for the stabilization
on the mode and degree of alteration.
of soils.
2. Salt
The mode and degree of alteration depends
on the character and deficiencies of the soil. 3. Lignin and
Soil-cement can be a mixture of both cement and soil
The various requirements of soil stabilization
are as follows, blended materials. 4 Polymers.
The soil should have adequate strength. Therefore, In soil-cement, more proportion of coarse-grained Under certain suitable conditions, aggregants and
the strength soil can of be increased.
Deformations developed or occurred in the soil particles are cemented and the less soil proportion of dispersants are used in the chemical stabilization.
can be reduced.
fine grained cementation Q8. Write about short term and long term soll-lime
3. Shrinkage and swelling over the soil can be controlled.
Physical Properties of Sol Cement reactions.
Permeability of the soil can be reduced. nswer May-16 (R13), a1h)
It mainly depends on,
There should be an incrcase in the durability of soil
that inhibits the degradation of aggregates.
. Nature of soil The addition of lime to reactive soil results in short term
. The erodibility should be reduced. 2. Type
and long-term reactions.
(a) Short-term Reactions
7 The soil variability should be controlled. 3. Amount of cement utilized
(It includes cation exchange, flocculation and ag-
Q3. What are the different methods of soll stabilization? 4 Placement and glomeration
Answer 5.Cureconditions. Cii) In these reactions, plasticity and tendency of soil
The different methods of soil stabilization can' be classified based on its effect and Soil cement is widelý used in diflerent applications of to swell and shrink reduces along with increase in
its function on the soil. The different workability of soil.
methods are as follows. road bases and air field bases.
Q6. Explain the various construction steps adopted () Long term Reactions
1. Mechanical stabilization In the sol asphalt.
2 Cementing stabilization (i) Puzzolanic reaction and carbonation takes place in
Answer long term reactions.
Physio-chemical alterations or Chemical stabilization
According to Lambe in 1962, the various construction
Aggregants and dispersants (i) These reactions results in soil stabilization improv
operations of soil asphalt are as follows,
Void filling and ing strength of soil significantly besides attering
Treatment to pulverized soil. various other properties of soil like swelling,
6. Consolidation.
2Proper mixing is done by addition of wate shrinkage, permability etc.
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Physical and Chemical Modificati
bout hydraullc fracturing In grouting method. 71
Write a short notes on shotcret
Andwer May-16 (R13), a1(g)
ng er Gumiting Fracturing
emg s one of the most successfal method which is widely used for repair of R.C structures draulic fracturing process in which, rocks below the ground surface are drilled and widened injecting fluidized mate-
t)at pressure so that penetration of soil takes place
to repair concrete dams, spillways, bnidges, marine struchures etc. grout) at hig.
high and forms a fracture zone.
gIsed rial(1.e,
This method is cost efective and used
in isolated locations ises
concrete which umdergoes huge damage is to be removed and the repair methods are to be established. 1tis used in the
stimulation of groound water wells.
the reguirememt, the cement sand mix containing ratio of 12 or 1:3 is applied over the surface at highet measures the stresses in the carth.
pressureswith suitable special It
Q10 Hydraulic fracturing is also uscd in the exploration of oil and natural gas. It increases the flow rate of oil ór gas from
List out the uses of shotcrete. ow-permcability reservoirs.
Answr Model Paper4, Q1h)
The shotcrete can be used for the following What do you understand by ground freezing?
Toencase the steel for fire proofing purpase My-17 (R13 Q1lg)
n To comstract roofs of shells ar folded plates
Ground Freezing
()For lining of tumels
Ground Freezing is one of the most common technique adopted for soil stabilization. It is a process in which comversion
(vAs protective coveing to soft rocks in tunnels or other structures pore vwater (or) liquid into ice takes place by refriserating the soil continuously. Due to ground freezing. water/iquid comverts
(v)To construct curam walls and other lightly reinforced sections ce, formingimpervious)
a hard layer (or) seal, which prevents the flow of water into the soil, thereby reducing the permeability (Le.
v Foar rpairng areservoir or a the soil ofsoilandhence
results increase shear strength
inthe of of soil
( Far constucon af presTessed concrete water tanks of5.Why lime is effective lIn controliling adverse behavior of sweling soil?
Dee-19 (R15, 01G)
( Far repairing the deteriorated cancTete in underwater structures Answer:
Far sabilizatan af slopes For answer refer Unit-IV, Q8.
( Togar old suructures ot6.What are the types of grouting? Write any two applications of grouting.
Fopar surfaces below the running water Dec19 (R15, 10)
Q11. What are the applications of guniting? For answer refer Unit-, Q33, Topic: Types of grouting and Q36.
AnSwer Dec.-19 (R16), a17. Enumerate various objectives of
Application of Guniting May-17 (R13, C10)
is widely used in differet construction such as thin overhead vertical or horizontal surface, particularly Answer
the curved or
Tolaed sections, canal, reseryoir and tunnel lining. For answer refer Unit-, Q30, Topic: Purpose of Grouting.
Is also used in swimming pools, pre-stressed tanks and water retaining structures.
( bs been used to stabilise rack slopes and it also provides temporary protection for newly excavated rock surfaces.
)They are used to protect pilling, coal bunker, oil tanks, steel building frames and other structure against long-term
coTOsion, as well as to encase structural steel for fireproofing.

TheSe arc desigmned for high temperature applications

like refractory lining of kilns,chimneys and furnaces.
Q12 Diffierentiate between the compaction grouting and displacement grouting.

Answr May-17 (R13), Qs (a)

Compaction Grouting Displacemènt Grouting

This type af grouting ivolves the process of This type of grouting involves the process of injecting
ecng the fiudized materinl into a soil mass the fluidized material into the ground surface.
cotnng lurge voids

( 1docs not dpends on grout entry openings. ) In depends on grout entry openings.

Chnces of ground water pollution is less. (i) Chances of ground water pollution is more.

vNot efictive im saurated clays Giv) Effective in saturated clays.

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Physical and Chemlcal Modification
What re the requlremonts statisfy for Inorganic soll when asphalt
is added?
PART-B ESSAY QUESTIONS WITH SOLUTIONS wer t Lambe in 1962, he gave various
4ns to requirements for the inorganic soil
stabilize ilh oll.
The best results obtaincd based on the lollowing that should be mixed with aspa
ADMIDTURES requirements. They arc,
an ho plasticity index o tno soil should not be less than 18%
What is biturminous the soil should
stabilzation? What are different bituminous materials? Explain liquid imit of be less han 40%.
Model Paper-, don
Based on
sieve types, he sou can nave three Sieves
based on fineness. They are,
Bituminous Stabilization Qn
4.76 mm siZe 0.42 mm siZe
ssabilization is commonly used and generally it is an effective method for stabilizaton ot Diunninous soils.
0.074 mm sZe
The vanous bitaminous
matenals are, 50% Varies betwcen 35 to
() Binumen 100%10% and < 50%
a) Asplhalt and
The n aximum
particle size adopted should be less than the thickness
ar of soil layer that should be compacted unu
Bitumen treated.
ost of the bitumens are soluble in carbondisulphide and it is non-aqueous
a system ot () HighP* value and
Asphalt nyarocaDOs
) Dissolved salts present m nne-grained soils, soil asphalt stabilization cannot be determined and it is ineitective.
are the materials in which the
primary component is mixed with the natural or refincd petroieum Dlumens or
Plastic clays so1s Ae OAvo uC O the problem incurred by mixing the soil clays.
Combinathon of both bitumens. Explain about the lime-chemical stablization and what are lits types?
ars are the Bituminuous materials Tars
can be obtained by condensating the bituminuous materials. From the past generation, Iime is uSed as a soil stabilizer for the construction of roads. Lime is generally obtained from the
obeming tars are the condensation that is 1he process
involved are nve vanous toms ot lime that are developed based on the parent lime stone material. They are as tollows5,
produced by the destructive distillation of degradable ime stone.
OL gnute. pcal and wood. organic substances ike coal, or Limestone
1ype |Molecular Formulae
Bituminuous materials can stabilize the soil n two ways. Quick lime or calcium oxide
They arc,
1. |
Binding of soil particles used in case of cohesionles or high calcium quick lime Ca0
(a) Protection of water proofing used in case Hydrated high calcium lime or
of cohesive soils.
Sometimes the above two etiects can occur calcium hydroxide Ca(OH)
simultancously to the soil.
n this, biuminuous soil stabilization, most of Normal hydrated dolomite lime or
the bitumen can be stabilized by the asphalt bitumen material. 3.
the soil stabilized by large quantity Therefore,
of bitumen material as asphalt is called as the soil-asphalt stabilization. (mixture of calcium hydroxide and magnesiurm oxide) Ca(OH), +Mg0
The soil asphalt stabilzation an occur in three
different processes. They are, Dolomite quick lime or
0 Prodacng the straight or linear run asphalt by vacuum 4.,|
distillation. mixture of both quick lime and magnesium oxide Ca0 + MgO
() Cracked asphalt can be produced by maintaining high temperature
pyrolysis of refinery heavier and Pressure hydrated dolomite lime
( Blown asphalt can be obtarned by generating high 5.|
temperature air blowing straight or linear run asphalt. +
Generally straight or linear run asphalt has the different properties mixture of calcium hydroxide t magnesium hydroxide)Ca(OH),
such as, The hydrated lime is also known as the slaked lime and is used frequently for the stabilization of
0 thas low temperature sofiening and as,
For stronger stabilization of soil, lime can be mixed with various admixtures such
()Low Delting viscosity. FHly
Based an the above properies, straight run soil asphalt Cement and
can be frequently adopted in soil'stabilization. (ii)
f the sonl 1s baving more and more viscous properties, then soil (ii) Bitumen.
asphalt bituminous material cannot be added to the soil,
to make t stabilize take place. They are
On wet soil, if lime is added or mixed, hen two chemical reactions
The thundiry properties of soil can be increased either by, 1. Colloidal type reaction involves,
) Heating (0) lon exange
()Cut (ii) Diffuse double layer of soil.
bacis and high pH of the soil.
(11) Expands double layer of soils with
(m) Emulsions
Cementing action takes place between the calcium
* Soil stabilization can be obtained by using both emulsions and cut backs in soils.
lt is also known as thee puzzolanic
action. These puzzolanic action iS the reaction that
or silica on the soil.
arious Applications of Soil Asphalt and lime with reactive agents
or additives available such as alumna
so1l plasticity are
properties change, 1.e., strength, density and
The soil asphalt can be widely used in, When lime is added to the soil its various engineering
Highay bases and changed. and for low plasticity index of
is added its plasticity index can be decreased
For high plasticity index of soil, if the lime
(n)Air field pavements. its plasticity index of so1l is ncreased.
the soil, if lime is added
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Physical ana nemicai Modification
UNIT phate hemihydrate is a lom ot Gypsum with
Calc In dry process, the dry mix is
dy statc and its molecular formula is depositca in a ement gun
AD) partially CaSOand this mix is passed through a hose pipe the nozzle oy
mH,O an air pressure by an air compressor. Water uPPy
the construction procedure steps | Q23. Explain how sodium slllcate used In soi 0 to /3.
is added to the mix
adopted In the lime stablized soils? stablization. ere m varies Irom
at the nozzle itself under controlled
conditions. This method is
Answer t Prererred when light-weight concrete is used tor conctetim
Answer mihydrate can oe unstaDic, il it is exposed to air,
be construction procedure adopted in the lime stabilized
same as that of soilcement stabilization. Sodium silicate is also known as water glass. It is easiy
n be absortbed unil hemibydrate becomes
moisture can
n wet process, cement, sand and water are mixcu
Souis s
But there 1s ODe psum in natural cnvironment. usthoroughly before they are poured in the equipment. The ieed
dhfferenoe that it takes large time available in different parsor cnarnber 1s then subjected to compressed air at pressures
for placing the lime operations.
Care should be taken, so as to prevent the
Sodium silicate protects and prevent the soil from fungal nlaln about the use or industrial wastes foratm to 7 atm. The air pressure is increased near the nozzle
ot lime. growth and acts as a water prooler. 0oll sta bilization. ny other means for increasing the velocity and to improve shot
Thevanous construction procedure steps tor lime The quantity of soil mixed with the sodium silicate is
stabilized soils are, AnSWer
dustrial wastes are uscd as a by-product waste use
LOW water-cement ratio is preferred for preparing
1. Scarifying the base soil Shotcrete. Water cement ratio in range of 0.30 to 0.45 1s
Sodium silicate is suitable for sandy soils like clayey varnous inaustnes/ factories,
2 Soil pulverzed sell for preterred.
sands and silty sands and so it iS not suitable for clay od

3. Lime is spreaded
Then mixing both lime and
the soil
Sodium silicate is used as a surface coating with 1:3 parts the,
ese industrial solid waste matenals can be useful in27. What are the advantages and disadvantages

5. Water is added to obtaim optimum

mosture contemt of ratio, Construction of highways Answer:
soil 0 Advantages
(a) Commercial sodium silicate reclamation.
Compaction of mixture (i) Land
(b) Clean water. lining of 4 cm to 5 cm is found suficient for
7. Shaping the stabilized base This industrial
wastes are also useful in, Shotcrete
8. Curing is done to prevent moisture, every 5 days Soil blocks are dipped into the solution for a minute and
and fly ash stabilization of calcium sulphate
and then the solution is applied with a stiff brush. Lime APplication of shotcrete is possible even fromIm
Thesame procedure is adopted for the second time and Mechanical stabilization and fixation of petroleum aistance from the repair surface. This is a great advantage
9.Weaning surfaceIs protected () 10r tunneing practice.
C22. Explain about calcium and soil blocks are left and 7 days are required for the soil wastes.
sodium chloride blocks to get dry.
chemical stabilization. DISintegrated or leaking tunnel lining can be repaired
This industral wastes are very namrul to the surTOunding easily.
Answer :
Now a days, salts such as soditm chloride
Surface active agents (known as surfactant) are added in
small quantity for the achievement of solution in deeper
area and environment and disposal of these industrial or
maternals are also costly. Shotcrete lining is free from expansion and contraction
and calcium solid waste
chloride are used as soil stabilizers, Penetration. Joints.
main problem ol increasing in industrial solid waste
The shotcrete layer can be strengthen to a high extent
These salts are used as additive in the
ganuhr stablzed base course and weanng course.
024. Explain about the Gypsum in soll stabiization. matOerial are due to ne ncreasec in population (i.e., The oy applying

pneumatic pressure on it.

Answer : growing rate).
The diflerent/various effects of the salts on Shotcrete also provide case in application even for
the soil Gypsum is used as a stabilizing agent. Gypsum can be the help of industrial plants, efiuents are emanated
stabilizatian are, derived from the Gypsum waste plasterboard and waste plastic With uneven surfaces.
from air and ground watr poluton and diterent fue Disadyvan
0) bcTe IS a possibility thata colloidal
reaction may gases are treated and puriied in air and ground water
Occur. * The construction cost as well as application cost ot
Nearly 1.5 million tons of yearly Gypsum waste pollution by using industnal treatment plants.
.Soil water characteristics are altered. plasterboard is sent to land fill in Japan. shotcrete is very high compared to that of ordinary
As these.salts ((,e., sodium and calcium chloride acts To avoid Gypsum waste plaster board that is disposed For the reduction of detoxification and neutralization concrete ot same proportion.
as flocculants) are not effective as compared to other process various materials are used in these process are Shotcrete do not develop a good bond with the base of
in land fill is to increase the cost of disposal of land fill
gramular materials, clays and liquids.
chemicals used in soil stabilization. and considerably there is a decrease in available ground application.
By the addition of the salts, spaces which are specifñied for landfills site. Finally, they are disposcd in land hils or siudge lagoons. The efficiency of shotcrete work depend upon the
) Reduction in frost heave of soil Generally an estimate of 56% of all plastic waste is a26. Give a detailed note on the method of shotcrete operator
(D) Freezing point of water can be reducedlowered. used in packing ánd waste plastic trays are used for tor applying cement mortar. Shotcrete is less durable compared to ordinary linung ot
Beneits of salts, preservation and distribution of food same thickness.
manly occurs due to change made by the salt in In canal lining, shotcrete is disintegrated very soon
4) Gypsum is been recycled from the Gypsum waste plaster
sOl pores. and it i5 used as a cementation material because of settlement or any other structural detect.
()Due to the changes made in characteristics of water For the cementation products, GYpsum plays a vital role. Shotcrete is a mortar ot very hign qual w Q28. Explain the process of guniting in detail.
n soil pores, moisture can be reduced on the soils. Tt can be able
pneumatically projected onto a surface for underwater
to resist the weakness developed in the very Answer:
m) Calcium chloride acts as deliquescent and stabjlized sonl cement against the tension.
concreting. lt requires a portable machine and is found
conomical compared to the conventional concrete work since Guniting
bydroscopic in nature and water vapour pressure Gypsum molecular formula is CaSO, 2H,O. do not require tormwork. Shotcrete is used in swimming pools,
Can be reduced/lowered Guniting is the process of depositing very thin layers of
uypsum is also known as calcium sulphate dihydrate. waler-retaining structure, folded sections, prestressed tanks etc.
lt also depends on the amount ol ground waler
ne shotcrete is applied on the surface by two methods, cement mortar (much thinner than shotcrete) througn a gunite
movepenl used on a salt stabilized soil. The common forms of Gypsum are, system. In this process, dry matenal is passed to the nozzle by
a hose pipe and water is added to the material near nozle.
Dry process A
This addition of salts results in slight increase in 0 Calcium sulphate dihydrate 0
cOmpacted density and redaction in optimum moisture content (i) Calcium sulphate hemihydrate and () Wet process. gunite system arrangement is showm in the figure below.
af moulding (ii) Calcium sulphate anhbydrite SPECTRUM ALL-IN-ONE JOURNAL FOR ENGINEERING

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Physical and Chemical Modiflcatl
also be tnken from the
completed work as 77
Ex ibe ary to ensure that the control tests reflect | Q31. What is the principle of grouting?
Vale often as the stru different types of groutings?
quality of materinl in
(he hole Answer:
Concrete hes prepared by direcily gunning into
) m cube moulds may also be used for day to Principle of Grouting
(15 cmrol tests. In such cases, the results should be lay
The principle involved in
Fexible q ted to the resulLs Irom tests of cubes made grouting is to introduce the
from BrOut malerials into the soil (or ground surface) either by
-Vahe panels. pumping (or) injection of fluidized
materials of smaller diameter
tube at proposed site (
mpling of shotcrete for the purpose or) location
Freguntrol of Types of Grouting
control shall be
t as agreed upon
between the
ahe engineer-in-charge and the ntractor There arc different types of grouting methods
Figure: Guniting System be classificd based that can
Systcm consist of an air compressor which passes compressed MoDIFICATION GROUTING, INTRODUCTION
air to the cement gun where tne cement-sand mix is 12 ) Based on grout material njected
SD ne pressure vary from 2.2 kg/cm to 3.6 kg/cm?. A moisture
extractor is provided betwen the compressor and cement AL MoDIFICATION
INCLUDINGi) Laying 1
uncn absorb the moisture present in
air and releases dry air to the gun. The compressed dry air
nenozzle by a flexible pipe. A water tank is also connected with the compressor through lorces tne cement sand mix
FREEZING out the injection
points and
s deinverCd at the another pipe rom wnCn water (1) Mode of entry of grout
nozzle. The air pressure and water pressure
are controlled near nozzle using a valve.
What is grouting? Explain the purpose of the materials into the permeable
Preparation of Material grouting. materials (or) rock fissures and construction sequence
he cement sand present
in cement gun generally contains cement-sand The different types of grouting are
ratio between 1: 5 to Answer Model Paper-1, Q8 as follows,
Maximum particle size
of sand to be used is limited to 10 mm I:4. Permeation grouting
Moisture content is limited
to 8% in sand, 3% to 6% moisture content Grouting is a ground improvement technique obtained Compaction grouting
is prelerable.
High quality mortar have low spaces present in the ground surface i.e.
permeability, better weathering resistance
and many other desirable properties. Alling the empty
fh 3. Displacement grouting
gh-alumina cement or sulphate resistant soil (or)
rocCkS present under it.
cement can be used for obtaining better resistance to chemical
Addition of pozzolana improve attack. 4 Grouting of voids
plasticity of mix and hence reduce rebound. The empty spaces can be filled by the injection
Preparation of Surface fuidized materials 5 Jet groutings
The surface requircd to be gunited
should be cleaned well using grease or oil. The injection of fluidized materials can be done by Special applications and techniques
of groutings include
A high pressure air jet or
water jet are also applied. making bore holes on the ground surface. hydraulic fracture, electro grouting
Sand blasting can also be done by After the injection of fluidized materials into the ground, Q32. Discuss the
the same guniting system. It removes advantages of grouting techniques
In case if the surface is likely the rust present on reintorcement many grouts are developed below the ground surface
to absorb water, it should e get to in soil modification.
be kept wet for about 6 hours before guniting. are set for hardened (or) Gel immediately over a
period of time. Answer :
Dec.-19 (R16), Q8(a)
The nozzle of the machine is kept
about I m away from the surface Grouting Properties/Applications of Grouting
The pressure at the valve to be gunited, Objectives (or) Purpose of
is maintained and the mix
is applied to the surface. The various purposes (or) objectives of grouting are as Grouts materials help in creating less
For obtaining a uniformm layer, (or) more impervious
the nozzle should be kept follows, Curtains below the dam
moving. as shown in figure (3).
For provjding thicker layer,
the guniting is done in two
or more layers of about 5 cm. It is generally used in foundation works before ) Reduce seepage pressure, uplift pressure
Successive layers are applied
only after the previous layers construction to increase soil bearing capacity. Water
are dried. i) Water losses
The rebound material is collected
and is used in formworks or for final problem should be controlled.
surface coating
7 Troweling using a steel trowel
is done for a smooth surface. (ii) Reduce potential for hydraulic fracture
At the time of construction, under its
8. Guniting shquld not be done there operating conditions.
if is wind blowing at the site. Machine foundation vibrations should be reduced.
a29. What is shotcreting? How you 2. It helps in leveling the
structure and also helps in
ensure quality control of shotcreting. Discuss. Seepage pressure should be eliminated.
Answer strengthening foundation as shown in figure
For answer refer Unit-IV, Q9. Dec.-19 (R16), Q8(b) It is applicable to both temporary and permanent Used in tunnel heading.
works that are applied on the ground surface.
Quality Control ) Foundation grouting can be used to serve a a
Its main objective is to have a stronger and denser
temporary (or) permanent function.
Quality control of shotcrete is more Soil
difficult than for conventional surface
of batching but also by the skill and concrete since it is affected not (1) Compressibility is reduced and stability is increased
continued care of the crew applying only by the accuracy
shotcrete. It produces less permeable soil (or) rock surface.
in case of foundation grouting
lt is generally not feasible
or desirable to core the structure Grouting fills the empty spaces (i.e., voids) present
unreinforced test panels, least to obtain specimens for regular control
at 30 cm square and 75 mm tests. Therefore small (ii) Groutings are used, in filling the Karstic cave
for compressive tests and visual thick, shall be periodically gunned, below the ground surface.
examination. and cores or cubes extracted Civ) It is used in subway excavations
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Otherwise it is inaccessible to form a structure
of this book is a CRIMINAL the ground surface. (V) Used in anchors as shown in figure (2).
act. Anyone found guilty is LIABLE to
face LEGAL proceedings.
Chemical Modification
UNIT4 ysicaland
Leveling strucfure DIP of grouting, it involves the process
of injecting the fluidized
Strengthening foundationn
1a thisact
intact as a soil mass at required constant controlled pressure. material (i.c., grout) into the ground
surtace ua
may be of two types. They
placement grouung are,
Contro displacement grouting (or)
compaction grouting
eontrolled displacement grouting (or)
hydraulic fracture
Figure (1)
urc, the grout matenals injected into the
At ground surface (i.e., soil)
zone.T high pressure on the grouing more
is than the tensile strength
can lead to penetrate the soil and roms
acture of the soil being grouted. The fracture zon
Grouting tor hydraulic Iracture (or) uncontrolled displacement grouting zone.
anchors fas y
ld s for controlled and uncontrolled compaction
The f grouting are shown in figures
(2) and (5).

roumd surface

Figure (2)

Figure (2: Controlled Displacement Grouting
lor) Compaction Grouting
Grout Alluvum
Rock Geund vurfac
ndellonihiq sr miata A0
Figure (3): Groute Curtain Below Dam
a33. Explain the different types of groutings with neat sketches. rul ppe

Explain about jet grouting and permeation grouting with a neat sketch.
Answer May-16 (R13), c
b aitme
Types of Groutings
p 2ogg aleaty d
Permeation Grouting
Figuro (3: Uncontrolled Displacement Grouting (or) Hydraulic Fracture
The permcation grouting is also known as penetration grouting
3. Compaction Grouting

In in this grouting, the formation ofthe grouts occurs if grouting is not disturbed and the process of filling void spaces
soils (or) rocks takes place with minimum effects.
These types of groutings are applied for very stiff motar (say 25 mm slump mortar).
25 mm stiff slump mortar is injected to the loose sand where there is a possibility to form a grout bulb.
o prevent penetration grouting from fracturing, the empty spaces are replaced with water that is present between
The grout bulb makes the surrounding ground soil dense and displaces without any penetration in the soil pores.
the particles of soil and grout and lower injection pressure.
Grouting of Voids
In this method, the empty spaces (or) voids which are present under the ground surface are filled with the grouting materials.
Groun d surface
Its main purpose is to fill the voids (or) empty spaces developed below joints by pumping with concrete.
Jet Grouting
It is a high speed water jet grouting method.
Girout ppe Due to its high speed, water jets are emanated from a drill bit
After that, the drill bit is withdrawn, then the grout materials are pumped by horizontal nozzles and after that it is
mixed with the soil.
In this type of grouting, original foundation of soil material properties are replaced with
stronger grout materials and
it has strong material properties on the foundation.
*Jet grouting method is generally applicable and used to form,

Figure (1: Panetration (or) Permeation Grouting ) Cut off walls

i) Deep foundations.
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Chemical dificatlion
80 Physical and
Tt is
GROUND IMPROVEMENT TECHNIQUES IJNTU-HYDERABADI NT4Explalr about differont grouung materlals.
shown in bgure (). 035. xplain tho properties
and applications of grout
materials with neat
Anwer etches.
Grout Materlal Answer :
Ground surface gerent types of grout material can be classified ropertles of Grouting
TheesThey are
Lhre yp Grouts materials help in creating
jto less (or) more impervious
Suspensions curlains below the dam as shown
in hgure (3).
Emulsions and (0 Reduce seepage pressure,
2 uplit pressure
Groul ppC . Solutions. (1) Water losses
rotale and lit Suspenslons (11) Reduce potential for hydraulic fracture
under its
very small solid particles are distributed operating conditions.
In s cnension,
in a liquid medium. t helps in leveling
the structure and also helps in
strengthening foundation as shown
Grout je Example in figure ().
Clay, sand, sjlt and cement are distributed in water.
Grouted Used in tunnel heading.
coumn Emulslons
Emulsions are gencray a twO phase system, which
Foundation grouting can be used to serve as a
Figure (4): Jet Greuting both Displacement and Replacement temporary (or) permanent function.
contains the small dropiets (1.e, collo1dal)) of liquid in
Electro Grouting
theform or dispersed phase. Compressibility is reduced and stability is increased
n he elcectro grouting method, at in case of foundation
the anode, electro osmosis process takes place by the addition ot chemicais such as to this phase it torms foam, that isgenerated grouting
calcium chlonde (or) sodium silicate
to make it hardened. When the electric field is applied,
Due Groutings are used in filling the Karstic cave
OPposite directian Le, carhode, as the chemicals start iowing in the by emulsifier gas in the grout material.
the anode is grout injection pipe It is used in subway excavations
Q34. Explain the principle types of grouts as Thus, the grouting maternial should be either cement or
given by Camberfort. an organic CDemical. Used in anchors as shown in figure (2).
Various foaming thus formed are,
The princple ypes Leveling structure
of grouts are given by Camberfort in 1987 based on the,
(0 Additives used to increase surface tension and (Or)
0 Usage of grouts
reduces gas toming chemical reactions. Strengthening foundaton
() Economic and
(1n) Controlling of
construction grout matenals.
Solution is defined as the solute + solvent. It is nothing
be princple types ot grouts are as follows, but small quantity of solute disolved in large quantity
Figure )
of solvent. The formation is called solution.
Na Scate Grour ty Range of ses Grouting Relative cost for the
controlproduct to fill Im' voids In the solution, homogeneous mixfure containing
Grout ng for
Sabie De-loculated two (or) more substances should be dissolved in
For sands and graves Lamtcd 0.8-1 anchos
Denion Ee than 10 km's quantny
Cemeo Fissures Refusal Example
Unstable Sodium silicate, Organic resins and various chemical
Bentocite For sands and graves Lmted grouts.
reale than S* [0" krms q y
Solutions are of two types. They are,
Sodsum silcate Far sands and graves ) Pure solutions Figure (2)
2 af hard g Brealr than l0 kms
(i) Colloidal solutions.
Sodkm silicate Far sands and gravek
ar dikned grs geatar than 10 km/s Pure solutions are phenolic, acrylic resins and
aminoplasts and
Organic ress For sands and graves 10-S00
Coloidal solutions are silica, lignochrome gels.
Cement Cavies Fillmg
036. Why different grout materials available In the Allyi
Acied fous market? Discuss their applicabillty.
Orpinc Hgh waler fiows Fllng 10
Dec-19 R16, aa
Figure : Grets Cartain Belovw Dam

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chomical Moc
82 Physical dnd
a37. What is rheology of grouts and explain the basic rheological propertes tne visc0Sity
Answer 157
Rheeleg el Greets
Rheolog Where
is a branch of sience which deals with the flouage of materials. T-Torque. N-m
Basic Rheelegical Fruperties
The basic Rheological properties
b-Space betwcen the cylinders r-r "m"
an r-Innercylinder radius, m
r,- Inside radius ol outer cylinder, m
Seg nd
h-Inner cylinder height, "m"
n-Rotation speed, r/min.

d to be sable if all the paricles are im suspension to solution until (or) unless the destinatton is reached on
Ound Cement grouts are considered as unstable due to high bleeding valtues.
Setting Tie
The time taken by the grout to get set harden
to is called as setting time
Based on the adiave used, setting time vanes.
For exanple: For cement grouts, the setting time set is in between 4 to 24 hours.
eing time is very critical in the case of chemical grouts. Because chemical grouts can set very rapidly within

ViScosity can be defined as the ratio of shear resistance"T to the velocity gradient

Viscosity can also be defined as the rate of fluid over one layer moves relatively to the adjacent layer.
Figure: Measurement of Viscosity
Accordng to Newion's law of viscOsity,
g39. Explain the grouting techniques and controls.
The equation (1) is valid for laminar fow conditions only. Inthe grouting based on the past history over 300 years ago, the grouting can be done by injection of clay, lime and cement
prepair various structural properties such as flling cracks in load bearing, masonary wall should be repaired.
Units: Pascal/sec.
In rock fissures, water flow should be sealed off.
For turbulent flow,
Then after that single (or) multi component material 1.e., one shot injection is set and occurs within minutes (or) hours.
t(4+n) Afterwards HJ Joosten in 1925 invented a two shot injection (grouting) technique and the technique is used to stabilize
the soil of small grained generally fine sands.
As pumping is done,.
According to HJ. Joosten, he pumped two chemicals in two separate pipés. The two chemicals are sodium silicate and
Turbulent fnow is very important for maintaining the stability ot grout calcium chloride which reacted immediately when they mixed in the soils.
Q38. Explain the measurement of viscosity by the viscometer method. After that the grouting techniques can be donc by drilling holes on the ground surface and the fluidized material is injected
Answer 1 into it.

Memsurement of Viscosity In the grouting technique, sleeve tube grouting (or a thube of Manchette) is developed in the soils.

In this technique,
Viscoity can be measured in both direct and indirect methods,
() Initially the hole is drilled and cased
viscomeicr method is a direct method for the measurement of fluids.
are covered with rubber
() Generally a steel (or) plastic pipe should be slotted at regular intervals and the vertical slots
The viscometer mcthod consists of concentric-cylinder viscometer as shown in fgure. yte Sieeve.
In concentric ylinder viscometer, it has both inner and outer cylinder. (or) filled
space present between the sleeve tube and the borewell wall sealed
is withdrawn and the
Inner cylinder is considered as stationary and outer cylinder generally rotates. he witn casing
the cement bentonite grout material.
At the botiom of inner cylinder, fhuid effects is neglected. sleeve tube and borewell wall, grouting tube is inserted.
(Ov) As the grouting material is filled (or) set in between the
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hemical Modification
34 T.4 Physical and 00
GROUND IMPROVEMENT TECHNIQUES [JNTU-HYDERABADI N nding stage grouting applicd on the ground surface 85
se in pressure, the grout exists between two packers are allowed for injection through the selected slots an
Descen is as shown in figure
the rubber sleeve bursts. Grout
At last the grout flows
into the soil.
Scee ube technique can be used for various viscosities and the grouting procedure can De done a Simnar manner

* ****

Casing PVC Packer
ppe Grouted zone
- --H

Figure (2: Descending

Stage Grouting
Grouted lain
Explai about various stages that are involved in ascending
zone a41. stage of grouting techniques with a neat
Rubber sleeves Answer
Bentonic Brushing of the May-16 (R13), 08
Cement soil coveing openings arious stages that are involved in ascending stage of grouting technique
in PVC tube rubber sleeve and are,
Scaling of the sleeve injection of grout Preparatuon and sctting up
ol drilling machine
tube and withdrawal
of the casing Drilling

Figure: Sleeve Tube Grouting (Tube of Manchette)

Q40. Explain about the ascending and descending re hole washing
stage of grouting.
Grouting in stage may be ascending (or) descending direction.
Model Paper4, Q9
Seng pucKCT urW Snoiaxilidet
Ascending Grouting Technique
Test forw nl
w preSsure noileoilom tontterd iyeds oin
ascending grouting technique, it follows a separate phase
of grouting for drilling
In this type of grouting technique, water pressure can be tested easily Grouting
prior to grouting. Choice of selecting the,
) Suitable grout type
(11) Pressure and Shifting of drilling machine

(ii) Quantity of grout

Plugging of grout hole
The ascending grouting technique is as shown in figure (1).
Grout Figure: Ascending Arrangement (Upstage Grouting)

The ascending stage grouting is also known as rising tube method.

0 In this method, a grout hole is drilled with the help of drilling machine to a specificed depth.

() A grout casing is driven into the bored hole and the hole is washed.
Casing being
withdrawn (ii) The grout pipe is inserted into the hole,
A packer is provided to seal the annular space in the pipe.

()The grout is injected into the pipe through its open end by applying high pressureneiualidaro ai

(i) In the same way, the pipe is raised to 3-5 m and then grout is injected into the pipe.

Grout zone (1) The process gets repeated until the grouting is performed to füll depth.
the tube
Figure (1: Ascending Stage of Grouting (Vin) In this method, plastering of the side may take place due to repeated grout and there are chances of leakage when
2. Descending Grouting Stage Techniquue is pulled up
In this stage of grouting technique, the ground surface can be filled and permeated in once to a greater
advance of the borehole and is very advantage of this method is unlike the descending stage grouting, driling can be done only
useful in the case of loose soil (or) rocks. Ihe depthmain
and the add strength to the soil.
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cal Chemical Modificalion
86 A P temperature 100°C,
BADI NIT 100°C, it cause drying
and strength of
When clay is increased and
car compressibility is
When temperature 500°C, the stabilization manent changes
in the clay structure.
as iin clay structure results in decrease
changes of moisture adsorption
capacity and plasticity.
ure-1000°C, stabiliz
1000'C, stabilization
When temperature byheating can cause
fusion of day particles
brick. in a solid structure,
Example: Like
Grout pipe
Expansive can be changea nto non
expansive material the
by action of heat.
Packer r
the site wherelarge and inexpensive
Explain the stabilization by coollng process.
Dnling upto full depth Insertion of pipe Cooling
Stage- sabillzatlon by
Clayey so1l increases
Stabilization oycooling
cooling in Clayey the repulsion in
inter particle that results a minute
due to hermal gradient is imposed. loss in strength ana
water is moved
oe stabilization
thermalstabilization freezing ot pore water in soil is very effective.

years, ground freezing iechniques are very popular
by cooling process, rozen soll isS more stronger
and frequently used.

Instabilization and less pervious than the unfrozen

ground sol.
capacity to Iorm a non-vibration-Sensitive barrier
It has a to seepage flow
widely used in dierent ypes of soil that can rang widely.
number of schemes are possibie to provide refngerant to
the soil as reviewed by shuster in 1972 are as shown in
wwwwww. figure below.
Rausing ot pipe Raising of pipe
Stage-2 Stage-
In this there are two common schemes,

Hgure: Ascending Stage Grouting 1. Expandable use ot hquid reingerants such as,
Q42 What is thermal stabilization? What are the different methods of thermal ) Liquid nitrogen
R (i) Liquid carbondioxide and
Write about thermal modification in (Gii) Liquid propane.
Answer z Apri-18 (R13) a) 2. Insitu pumped loop method with a secondary coolant.
Thermal Stabilization Freezing pipes are driven and installed at I
meter and suthciently vented liquid refrigerants
are injected and allowed to
stabilization is very effective stabilization. It has limited usage because of adequate/several inherent boiling
features involved, its undesirable

lnthis method, properties are changed either by heating or cooling a

The princples af thermal effects on soils are studied and become fairly well delineated.
The main disadvantage of thermal stabilization methods Cmk
is the cost incured. Ep

e enect O1 So1l stabilizanon is based on the cost of heating or cooling and there is no way competitave with the cost of Cne
atner techmques.
The vanous thermal stabilization methods are as follows. They are,
Stabilization by heating
2 Stabilization by cooling.
These Two methods are used for the in-site densification in cohesive soils.
First method is very simple as compared with the second method.
Q43. Explain the stabilization by heating process.
Answer )Solid ) No pl () Relque factaen my
refrigerant ependable Pantw
Stabilizztion by Heating cacakd "

In this stabilzation, generally higher input heat is given per unit of soil being treated with greater efect. ant

urngh can be nereased by increasing temperature and clectic repulsion between the particles is reduced Figure: Ground Freezing Refrigeration Method
Stabilization by heating is feasible in fine grained soils. The effects of increase in temperature and changes in treezing. lt is quite usetul technique for small
are as follows,
soil properties Stabilzation by cooling/freezing is used for a small projects with short time

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al and Chomicai Modiication

Q45. What are the properties of the grout mixes:

Pressure Buage
(0 Solutions such as water glass (Silicato)
() Emulsions such as chemical grout
(0 Properties of Solution Grouts |Sodium Silicate (Water Glass)|

Scale IS powderish white in colour which produces alkaline solution when dssonwcu

For of ground improvement, sodium silicate solution, also known as water glass, 15 nectca into the
a reactant. The resulting reaction forms solid substances based on the reactant useu usualuy carboni

tproperties of the grout such as setting time, strength, viscosity, stability, pernanenceor durdility, etc Grout plant
n the concentration of sodrum silicate, temperature, reactant useu, ctic.
silicate and cement forma strong bond when they react with each other. Therclore ultrainecenent may also
be used as a reactant

he ordimary portland cement may not be preferred due to large particle size that would decrease penetrabiy or he grout

The pemanence of sodium silicate grout increases with silicate concentration and finer sands. 1t also dcpends on the
rcactant used. Injected grout
(ü) Emusions Such as Chemical Grout Figure: Post Grouted Shaft Process
Asphalt or bitumen suspended in water is used as emulsion grout.
Compare the relative advantages and disadvantages of permeation grouting
using cement grout and
chemical grout.
Asphalt emulsions produce anionic asphalt globules or cat-ionic asphalt globules based on the emulsilyng agent
AnSwer May-15, (R09), 22/b) | Model Paper-l, 09]
csng times of the globules can be varied as required for the soil strata under consideration.
Cement Grouting
Agrout prepared using such globules of diameter ranging from I to 2 um can be used to fill soil voids or rock fissures
Fositvely carged globules (cat ionic asphalt globules) facilitate the fow and penctration of grout and hence, can
De used tor stabilization of finer soils. Cement grouting is the most common method and is widely used.

ment grouts are usually formed irom ordinary portland cement and water. Therefore, cement grouts are
Negatvely charged globules (anionic asphalt globules) show affinity with clayey soil particles and therefore, can be grouts.
used for stabilization of clayey soils when compared to chemical

Q46. Discuss briefly about postgrout test. wer water-cement ratios avoid segregation and filtering of cement.

Answer : May-15, (RO9), 2{a) Various additives can be uSed with cement grout based on the properties required.

Post Gruating Disadvan tages

Fost groating mvolves pumping high pressure grout below the base of the shaft through a specially designed distribution The presence of particulate matenal in cement grouts makes it ineticient for use in fine grained soils,
systemIt alows the end bearing capacity of drilled shafts to the ultimate capacity.
Low water-cement ratios cause dilficuly 1in the process of injection and increase the friction losses in pumping system.
Fost grout test 1s mainly sed to regain the unusable ultimate capacity which takes place due to the large displacement in Additives are to be added separately to achieve better results which may incur more expenses.
dhe shafs
Cement grouts do not affect ground water. However, they may cause obstruction in ground water flow.
Chemical Grouting
mstal the grout distribution system during cage preparation which enhances the grout tube to the bottom of the

()Aner the shaft gets cured, pump the high pressure grout below the base of the shaft. Particulate material is absent in chemical grout facilitating the process of injection.

(Inths process it densiies all in-situ soil and compress all debris. Depending upon the requirements, a chemical grout can be selected from numerous types available.

)Due io the high pressure grout it increase the tip capacity of shaft. Chemical grouts are less viscous and therefore can be easily used for fine ground soils.
With chemical grouts, better control over setting times helps in achieving desired results.
()Post gouting also decrease the foundation settlement.
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ical and Chemical
UNIT4 Grouting
of Compaction 91
Disadvantages eflcctive in the stabilization ot surface soils and
not so saturated clays
Chemical grouts are more expensive grouting not so ectfective
ting is not in treating the soils
than cement grous. This type of adjacent to unsupported
sloping ground
are prone to corosivity or toxicity. Therefore, chemical grouts are to be chosen keeping toxic nature 1isionnl costs will be
incured to the structure if the soils which
in need to be treated is
situated at greater/decper excavatuons.
not suitabic
for materials which can be decomposed
y contaminate ground water or may cause unnecessary obstruction in ground water now. I is Instar
instances where Jet groutung is
DiscUss the commonly
used In ground modiflcatlon.
ECical grouts such as solutian grouts are less effective saturated
in soils or Cas a50.
plain about ascending and descending grouting and their limitations with a near SNO AnSWer
Dec-19 (R16). ab)
answer refer Unit-V, Q33,11opic: Jet Grouting.
AnSwe April-18 (R13),
Explaln briefly different
09 types of grouting techniques.
For answer refer Unit-Iv, Q40. a51.

LAmitations Answer: May-17 (R13), 09

answer refer Unit-Iv, Q39 and Q40.
Ascending Stage of Grouting

Depth of the grouting nced to be predetermined.

Colapsingofhole may occur after grouting or before introducing of packer which results in incomplete proceSS Or reatment
and stucking of packers

pe ot grout into the non-grouted upper portion takes place by passing packers or due to hydrofractureE wa resuts
in uneffective treatment of
small nssures.
It may not be suitable for artesian
It is not suitable for highly variable and weathered
soil strata.
Descending Stage of Grouting

t isa disconanuous process and consumes

more amount of time due to continuous movement of dnlling machines and
requires redrilling for already set grout

Only cement based grouts are suitable since wastage

of materials will be relatively high in other cases.
This proceSs ma cause deviation in the hole
This method of grouting also is not suitable for strata of soil which highly
is variable.
Q49. Explain about Jet grouting and compaction grouting
methods with a neat sketch.
Answer : April-18 (R13), Q8

For answer refer Unit-, Q33, Topic: Compaction grouting and jet grouting (with figures).

Advantages of Compaction Grouting

I. Itdoes not create much disturbance to the structure and ground surrounding it, at the time of repalir

2 Itoffers greater economy in construction with minimum nisk

3. Need for deeper exploration is minimized to a greater extent

4 Compaction grouting offers flexibility and does not atfect the ground water

5. It supports each and every part of the structure

5. When compared to other methods of soil stabilization, this method is cost-effective and is easy to install.

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inous stabilization? What are different bituminous materialsr
** Explain.
Ans: Refier Qi Important Question ROUP

CZExplain about the limechemical stabilization and what are Its YP

Ans : Refer Q20 Important Questlon

Q3. Explain about the use of industrial wastes for soil stabillzauon.
Ans: Important Question
Refer Q25
Q4. Explain the process of guniting in detal. ATION BY INCLUSIONS AND cONFINEMENT:
Soil reinforcement,
reinforcement with
soil. In-situ
grid reinforced soil. In-situ ground reinlorcement, Ground
Ans: Refr Q28 Important Questlion strip,and grid anchors, Rock bolting and soil
03. What is grouting? Explain the purpose of the groutin9
Ans: Refer Q30 Important duestion
a6. Explain about jet grouting and permeation grouting with a neat sketch.
be able to understand the concepts related to,
Ans:Refer Q3 Important Queston To

Reinforcement of soll Using strip and grid.

Q7. Eplain about the ascending and descending stage of grouung
In-situ ground relnforcement
Ans: Refer Q40 Important Questlon
Ground anchors, Kock bolfing and Soll nailing
8. Compare the relative advantages and disadvantages of permeation grouting using cement grout and
chemical grout.
Ans: ReferQ47 Important Question

The termi reinforced soll refers to a soll which is strengthened by a material able reslst tensile
to stresses
EXERCISE QUESTIONS and which Interacts with the soll through frictlon. The main purpose of reinforcing soil mass Is to improve
its stability, Its bearing capacity, reduce settlements and lateral lateral deformation.
01. DiscuES the ned fsr costructin unnd of industrial waste materials such as fy ash and slag.
concept of reinforcement techniques that are applied for ground modification. It Includes
This unit cover 1he
2 What arn he advantages and dsadvantages af descending and uscendimg stage grouting n sour soilreinforcement, relnforcoment wlth strip, and grid reinforced sol. It also includos the concepts of in-situ
us rpan wy the preperties tf am anificially frazen ground may be different to thoze of the same type of soil in a permatrost area. ground reinforcement, ground anchors, rock bolting and solil nailing.
04. How can you define failare of a frezm soil in uniaxial compression?

05. Wah repact 1 themical grauts, Ezplain is requently discussed issus.

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RABADI Modification by Inclusions and Confi
Out the varlous oxtornal modes
as. t fallure. 95
Model Paper-4, 010)

01. What is soil reinforcement? April-1 can occu

curs on the outside plane of
(R13, External falure reinforced earth mass.
Answer engind sO1l which is used in
engincering practice. These external failure is analysed based
onventiona on the
Soil Reinforcement failure are,
various external modes of
foms or pn nchors etc., at he
prcess Surengthening weak soil by providing reinforctondevclops at the soil-reinforcing element
interface Deep seated
ntervals 1s known as soil reinforcement. Due to the reinforcemen ()
which helps in improving the tensile strength of the Bearing failure
sol. (i)
at dre the principle requlrements of reinforced earth? Model (111)
Answer Paper,
Q1 (iv) Overturning
maternals arc,
quirements for the reinforcement of different soil internal modes of failure,
It should have high strength.
What'are the diierent

Example: Weak soil should be reinforced to have high strength. Answer

Cost of handling Jaternal Failure Mode
Stability Internal failure modes occur by,
Durability Rupture of reinforcement
High coefhcient of friction
(i) Slippage of reinforcement and
Adherence with soil
Soil should be mixed togethers with low cost and ) Excessive/Deformation of buckling face clements.
8. It should be readily available. 07. What are the objectives of in-situ reinforcement?
Q3. Why reinforced earth technology has gained popularity?
Dec.-19 (R15,
Answer: May-17 (R13), a10
Objectives of In-situ Reinforcement
The main objective is to enhance the properties ot soil like in-situ mass by providing
What is the objective of soil reinforcement? tension to the soil material with installation
Model Paper
of stecl bars such as hollow (or) unstressed solid bars
Answer Qn0
2. It is also used to treat unstable slopes.
Objective of Soil Reinforcement
loads (or 1orces). Soils cañt withstand oe In-situ reinforcement is provided to stabilize the slopes of the retaining wals.
O oerS gOOd resstance to compression but is weak against tensile and shear
only upto their respective angles of repose. Therefore, to hold soil at steeper slopes, laterl supports
are required.
Own Q8. Discuss applications of rock bolting.
The main objective of the soil reinforcement are mentioned as follows,
Answer April-18 (R13), 010)
()To increase tensile and shear strength of the soil.
Applications of Rock Bolting
(b) To restrain its displacements.
1. Rock bolting technique is used to stabilize the excavations of rock in rock cuts (or) tunnels.
(C) to provide Iateral support in order to hold it at steep angles.
(d) To reduce distortion under stress i.e., to increase elastic modulus. 2. It is use in underground mining such as coal mining to provide support to the rock roof and sides of the cavity.
The most significant property of soil reinforcement is that they can undergo
conventional supporting
systems (retaining wals),
utny1gnihcat3. It is used to enhance the drifting level in coal mines.
they do not off:
loss'of strength or without any failure. While, in the case of
It is used in reducing the damage and deformation of surrounding rock.
tiexibility and sometimes may fail due to settlements.
Q4. Explain the design principles of reinforced earth wall. S This technique enhances the efficiency and driftage speed of roadway
Answer : Model Papar, Q9. Write about components of grouted anchor.
Design Principles of Reinforced Earth Wall Components
Rankine (ar) Coulomb earth pressure theory should be used.
0 Anchor head
Active earth pressure (or) Passive earnh pressure (or) At-rest earth pressure magnitude are adopted.
It connects anchor and the base structure.
The various forces acting horizontal, vertical and shear stress should be distributed on reinforced earth,
Suitable geometry surface failure is assumed on reinforced carth. i) Tendon
Renforcing stnp length can resist the failure occurTed by the slippage. It mediates the force in between anchor head and fixed anchor.
Safety factors are required and calculated from Rankine, Active Earth Pressure theory. (il) Fixed Anchor
The carth pressures on a reinforced earth walls can be calculated by both horizontal and vertical earth pressurcs.
lt passes the force of anchor into the ground.
Their magnitudes can be derived based on the assumptions adopted by different theories.
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TECHNauES TJNTU-HYDI Modification by inclusions and OAUORD
a10. Explain step
by step process in rock boling
PAR 97

Answer May-17
arlous ralnforced
varlo oinfe materials that are usod In SoIL
ock bolting
g is
S the
the process inin which n and p DiscuSs sol relnforcement
Sutncicnt grp and strength bolts are inserted into the thod intu a12. proper and also write their requirod
amass The rock bolt to them. This 1s the mostpiscr dely used method in tunnels to keep the fractured rocks
nerfectly hold 0
ot broken rock together.
is generally made
up of steci ana s ialy designed suc
es the
the rock's stability.
The bolt besides giving a suficient gnpd strength also impio
OR Dec-19 (R16),011()

do you understand by reintorced earth? Explaint

number of different rock bolts available. The three main ypa*

or any rointorced the different reinforced
(a) Slotted type rock bolt Used i construction soil structure. earth materials that are
(6) Expansion type rock AnSWer
(C) Groutable rock bolts. Relnforced Earth
concept of inforced earth is in idealising the problem of soil reinforcement
The in the form of weak soil reinforced
available with types of bolts, the slotted rock bolt is widely used in fissured rock. membranes.
of hree
available with length 80-100 cm and
their diameter ranges rom 25 cm.
Lhese rock bolts are
aly y
high-strength thin hornzontal
Reinforced arth is rearly similar to reintorced concrete, but the functions are different.
C1. Write about The main function of
modes of failure of reinforced earth walls. an anisoropic reduction of normal strain rate.
Answer eforced earth is
(R13), Materias
For answer refer Unit-v, reinforced
reinfore carth matenials that are used in construction
QS and Q6. he differentt of any reinforced earth structure mainly
depend on
aterials. T hey are,
1. Filvsoil matrix

2. Anchor (or) Reinforcement system

. Facing.
ials that are used in construction of difterent elements such as foundation, drainage that
connects the elements,
rier and fencing elements ditierent otner materials are used for construction
soil/fill type, generally shear properties oI soil are improved and used for reinforcing earth
In this structures. For conventional
oil used should be well graded cohesionless soil. The advantage of cohesionless soilhll arc,

() Stable

(i) Free from drainage and

(ii) Not susceptible to frost action.
Disadvantage is based on the relative cost.
Different reintorcement materials used as reinforcing are,

i) Concrete
(i) Wood

(iv) Fibre

() Glass
(vi) Rubber
(vin) Aluminium and
(vii) Thermoplasts materials.
anchors, grids, rope, sheet materials, planks, chain, vegetation
These reinforcing materials are in the form of strips,
combination of different material forms,
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to face LEGAL proceedings.
clusions and Confinement
Moificauon by
98 efoctivoness of soll
sOll roinforcement
IMPROVEMENT TECHNIQUES discuss the requlred properties of 99
Q13. Explain the different ROUND a14. For soll.
applications of soll reinforcement for ground
Answer A
wer wall, cohesionless soil is generaly prelerred Dec.-19 (R15), a100)
In reinft between the
because it improves
the soil aand the reintorcement. 1hese soil are, compacted the existing marginal fill
Applications friction as well as it
pssuited for reinforcing structures. to gain a volumetric expansion
The vanious field applications identified of soil, which
by the Jones in 1985 arc, J esionless soil is suitable for the reinlorced earth structures because
Bndge works of the following
are well drained soils and is stable.
Dams These
nsfers the stress between
the reinforcement and the fill.
increase shear strength.
Foundations It behaves as clastic
S. Highways It are Non-CoTosive in nature.
O. Housing
trost action iS observed.
Industry No components or roinorcing
Explaln about the earth strips and face panels.
Military 015.
9. Railway Answer Panels
Model Paper4, 010
ReinforcingStrips and Face
10. Pipe wo i earth retainingstructures consists ot dilterent horizontal layers made
up of soil and galvanized steel strips
I1. Root pile systems be attached to concrete face pan as shown in figure.
that should
12 Water way structures and Advantages
These elements
can deform easily
13. Underground structures.
Adjust settlement in
Ground mprovement applications related to soil are as shown in figure
Surface area is reduced when
subjected to corrosion.

a) Geogrid Reinfarcement of Sub-soil below Embankment


Concrete race

h-0.1 H L-0.81H
Reinforcement Earth Wal

(b) Storage Tank Foundation

Steel tace
E Eements
3m strp o25-033 m D

c) Reiaforcement Foundation 60-80 m

Earth Details
Figure: Typical Reinforced
Figare Application to Reinforced Earth for Ground Improvement
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Inclusio and Confinement
ification by
Modiication by Inciusions
100 UNIT 5
6. Bxplain the construction sequence Reinlorcement strip
of a relnforced earth wall wim v
May-15, (RO9).
Qb Soil
Explain the steps Involved in designing
reinforced oarth wal.
Answer May-17 (R13),910
Construction Sequence of Reinforred Earth Wall with Vertical Faces.

betwren la o renforced earth wall takes place starting from bottom to the top. The reniorencnspaced sequcntially Figure: Strip Reinforced
opredctemined thicknesses. Preventive measures shouid
De ken to avoid damage Soil
and dinlac
reinforcement and ge
einlorcement displacement of facing panels by the compacting
The sequential steps are as cquipe Bars
shown below: tubes or rods are used
fstcel, tubes us as reintorcement with
0 Erection of vertical panel Bars made of steel, diameters in the range of 20 mm to
70 mm.
Reinforcement bars
Figure: 1 Soil
() Back filling followed by compaction

Figure: 2 Figure: Bar Reinforced Soil

(tn) Placement of reinforcement
Grid (or) Mesh
Renlorcement reinforcement in the torm ot mesh with apertures in the range of 50 mm-200 mm are called as grids.
The elements of
ne lly made up of steel wires like welded mesh. If they are made up of polymers (1.e.,
polymeric matenais),
Compacted sol iyer as geogrids.
then they may be called
Mesh (or) Gid Reinforcement
Figure: 3

he sps ( to ()are repeated unil all the reinforcements (design) are placed to the required height, layer afer layer
tne siep ()
Is followed by backfilling of next layer, placement of next vertical panel, compaction and placement of

The ngure below shows a completed wall.

Figure: Strip Reinforced Soil

Vertical 4. Sheet
panes Sheet reinforcement appears in the torm ot thick cloth and
1S made up of either non-woven or woven geotexiles.

Sheet Reinforcement

Figure: Reinforced Earth Wall with Vertical Faces
017. What are the different soil reinforcement elements.

Strpe arelong linear elements generally made up of steel with thickness in the range of 5 to 15 mm and width in the Figure: Strip Reinforced Soil
range of 50 to 100 mm
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102 UNIT-6 foundation strata 103
Q18. Write a short
notes on grid reinforced sol. Soft ted failure, circular surtace is tormed at the failure surface
various conventional slope stability methods
analysed by vani
as shown in figure.
Answer May-17 (R13).
tcan be such as method of slices, simplificd
slip circle
Reinforcement with Grids (Grid Reinforced
ta method etc
failure is given by.
Seil) for deep seated
Gegids are comsidered to be most Factor ofsafety
efective geosynthetics in provision ot tes Resstmg monent
ure used as reinforcement.
Gr e
Gegrids are originated froim polymers like polypropy lene (o) polyester
up of steel which is in the form of plain strel (or) galvanised weldmesh (or) from the metal which
F Driving mome
apended i

rememt with goo-grids'is becoming popular because of its advantages
composte nathure).
(soil being interlocking

ywhach geo-grids work is interlocking phenomenon. They interlock the particles ot soil placed in
eee they
since these appear in the form of open-grids, soil can easily pass
with each
other giving a composite bebaviour
g 8 puces and
intorcrmet with geo-gnids can be either uniaxial
or biaxial which mainly depends upon the intiedeupuuposc or construction

ot agETegaies
using grd reinforced soil are, its will minimize cost of construction and also it requires small quantity
thereby providing less transportation costs.

fe of a structure can also be increased by incorporating geco-grid soil reinforcement and it is widely used for
p Sopes, retaning wals, Toundaton in road wys cte Figure: Deep Seated Failure
Q19. Discuss about reinforcement with strip.
Answer Bearing Faure
Strip reinlorcement
May-17 (R13), a11 (p) (b)
Bearing failure
occurs when the sos ncn
on thesurfacebase of reinforced carth wall and reinforced eath
wall has the inadequate bearing capaciy aind then
iess bearing failure occurs as shown in figure.
an segments, which than breadth. Thickness of strips ranges between 3 mm to 9 mm failurce capacity is determined by Hansen formula given in 1970 is as follows.
tn engeS le have thicknes les
berween 40 mm to 120 mn. Strips are mainly manufactured irom
*.5 YBN, 3, i, d, s,b,
norceu nbre plastic and barnboos. Tbese steel strips may be of plain or with some
aumimu, coppct, Pouyncs, glass
projecuons suc us nos to develop Cd, 8. b, *q N, ',8,,
einlorcment and soil. Also. planks manufacturod from timber, prestressed or reinforced concrete Wherc,
or marine sand, strips made of mild steel., are and A-Mg alloy are used. These strips respectively C-Cohesion of soil
1S0-200 microns per year and 2-3 microns per year.
Bearing capacity factors
Far otheT sOls, the corrosion of strip of Al-Mg alloy is 15 to 20 times less and femc steelwith T
chrome steel is the
Bgh corrosion resistance. For the construction of structures, above factors must be kept in mind while designing -Shape

thckness of 0.I to 02 mm for stainles steel and 0.75 to 1.25 mm for galvanized steel should be provided in
to reduce the loss of corrosian depending on the soil nnture.
i- Load inclination factor
d-Depth factor
Slope ol surtace and inclination of the
g and b -

-Strip reinforcement
gure: Boaring Failure
about the deep seated extemal fallure mode and bearing fallure that occurs on a roinforced
a21. Explain about the sliding and overturnlng
types of external failure modes on relnforced barth.
Answer :

a Deep Seated Failure
Sliding to prevent
This type of failure is generally adopted in the case of, is normally kept at a suitable depth below the ground surface
In this type of failure, the reinforced earth base
0 Poar back fll material and
sliding as shown in figure ().
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104 Modification by
Inclusione and Confinoment

e ahure dae to
some passive resistance
is developed at the toe hal should Tbe rete
shding can be analysed by
the conventonal methxis.

Fiqure (2E Slippage of Reinforcement

Figure (1: Sliding Failure UVADUEWVR

of reinlioroed curth as
of failure, it assumes that the active faihure wedge is developed and wall fiction is developeu at the
shoan n fhgure (
back face

Figure (3): Excessive Detormation (or Buckling

of Face Elements
Explain about external stability factors of a crib walls with a neat sketch.
Figure (2):Dverturning Failure
Q22 Explain May-18 (R13), an
the internal failure modes Answer
that occur on the reinforced earth.
Amswer Crib retaining are well planned sud drainage sytem by provding a geotextile layer at the end header and back stretcher
Model Paperl, Q10 stop une nuuslotu O ne ganed soil into the modules.
Imternal Failure Modes units in order to
to the extermal stability of crib walls are,
inliermal taslure modes that developed on Thefactors contributing
the rcinforced earth soil mass are gven by
) Sliding
LRupture of renforcement
Sppage ot (i) Overtuming
The above two failures are (i) Soil bearing resistance
also known as "Tie break" and" Tie pull out failure
(iv) Overall stability (LRFD
Load factor combination and resistance factors).
The iniermal failure mode
on the reinforced carth mass can also occurs by.
() Excessive deformabon Check for for,
Backing of face clements The sliding stability ot erib wall should be checked

Interface between sub soil and toundation buse (concrete gravel)

() Failure by connections (a)
pad and lowest crib base
n thesie nemiorced earth soil mass, once the intermal
stability analysis and earth pressure are known, then structural design (b)Between header elements, levelling
clcmens of wall taces will not face an special
problem on the structure. The different failure figures are as shown in hgure. (c) Changes within section of wall ina cnb structure.
H tan
Factor of safety=

Where, 9angle of friction at backfill

than 1.5S.
The factor of safety for sliding should be greater

() Check for Overturning Resistance

(a) At the toe of crib wall (header or stretcher)

(0) At any intersections of cnb wall elements

the crib wall (ngid concrete)
Figure (1E Rupture of Reinforcement (C)At the toe of levelling pad underneath
WARNISi: Xerax/Photocopying of this book is a CRIMINAL act. Anyone found guilty is LIABLE to face LEGAL proceedings. SPECTRUM ALL-IN-ONE JOURNAL
cation by InclusionsS
and Confinement
-Resistance factor 9
106 bearing resistance 9
GROUND BAD) Factored
hrese the stability due to overtarning, the backfill should be slopco little. Qom10
resistance ((9) nctorca unitorm bearing stress, the becaring
factored bennng resistance is saitsfactory
If the

( ** obained should be les than)

Factor of safety-S
Sum of moments in horizontal dinrecbon
-Sem of momnents in vertical direction
Ceck fer Bearing Resitance
Soil plug
wal foundation are tested to measure ground water levels prior to performing the design of crib wall

n ps Crib wal
Geotextile layer over granulator
toRin T

Factor of safety Front strctcher-

here, -Nominal bearing resistance
Faaar of safey should be greater than 3.
ER R RE -Black stretcher
) Oenl Sability (Load and Resistante Factor Design)
-Concrete Footing
The unfactored loads, earth pressures, resulting moments are calculated.
(6) APProprate load factor and load combinations are selected Figure: Crib Retaining Wall
( The load factors and load comninations are multiplied with unfactored loads to obtain loads.
Explain about internal and external stabllity of soll reinforcement.
( Then the desim is checked for sliding resistance, eccentricity, bearing sliding resistance, Answer April-18 (R13 010

In the design of reinforced carth walls, two primary torms of stability investigations are to be considered They are:
2-F External Stability
(i) Internal Stability
F-Resisnce factor for slidng-1.0
ota reintorced
While investigating the external stability earth wall, following assumptions are made,
2-Nonminal shear resistance between foundation and soil
wall (comprising of soil and reinforced material), is assurned to be a single rigid unit.
re> cond horizontal loading. H ()The
Simple laws ot statistics are applicabl.
Sidrsime is satisfied.
ot reintorcement against the tension and provision of required
In the case of internal stability investigation, stability
anchorage length is ensured.
External stability has to be checked against the following failure mechanisms,
Deep seated failure
c- Sliding failure
Overturing failure
Bearing failure
ife <e ceriiny is satisfied
Factored barng resisne, For remaining answer, refer Unit-V, Q20 and 21.
Internal stability is to be checked for the following failure modes.
Factored fam being sress, 9 LF Rupture of reinforcement
B-2XB-2 Slippage of reinforcement.

(L'-1 A) For remaining answer refer Unit-V, Q22.


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Iiclusione Confinomenl
Modilication by
T6 size variestrom addition to to
UNT-6 thirs llght
concrete pilcs. Elcments
JNTU-HYDERABAn he nails. As nails has the tendcncyIKe stccl ineshes, metal plates, metal 109
TECHNIQUES D Nails nets used in
arestructures 1o get cllected
by corrosion, they
planes, fabrics
grid reinforced soll nthetic
a2s. why reinforcement leused in ground modiftcation? Discuss theconstruction of supporting
with correspondi change in,
are just used as
Dea.19 (R16), iy ry suies of nailed soil changes
Answer a10) propearcc
The Shear orce und bending moment in reinforcement.
and bending
lnilurc surfacc.
Fx answer refer Unit-V,Q1,Q3 and Q18 The
geomciry o1
valuc for shear strengn, coliesion, ovcrturning moment
b) ete.,
Q6 Epiain about impact of soll reintorcement using strip and grid relnforce direction pf tensile sstabilizing
iection force.
April-18 (R13),
a1 The
Ansuer (d)
For answer refer Unit-V, Q19 and Q18

Q27.What are the various applicatians and types of ground anchors ? Explaln.
Model Paper4, Q11
Answer t -Failure plane
To rehahiliate the aleaty cxisting retaining walls
To withstand uplit pressure in hydraulic structures like dams, spillways and wein
To sabilie the existing and potential landslides
To avod hecaving in soi
To anchor guy wies and suspension cables.
Figure: Penotration of Nails into Existing Failure Plane
To te back tmparay excavanon support systems.
inabout type of rock bolts and its functions and applications.
To rvoid undenwater stracture Rotahion
29. May-16
To withstand lateral forces thal oocur in tall and slender structires. AnsSwer functions and their applications are mentioned below, (R13), Q10
f rock bolts,
T avoid rock falls an runneling and mining works. Mechanically - anchored rock bolts
TDps 0 Resin anchored rock bolts
friction rock bolts
Ground anchors are classifod basod on. (in) Split-set
friction bolts.
Function (iv) Swellex
Mechanically-anchored Rock Bolts
(Type afcomstraction deehanically anchored rock bolts usc expansion shells on the end of the shaft to
Me connect the bolt to the rock. The holes
a) Performance
in advance and the expansion shell is placed into the role. Make the hole about 100 mm longer than the bolt
Function ce the bolt is inserted pull it shaply so it will expand an dig into the rock. This kind
of bolt is best for moderately hard
to hard rocks.
The fincaons of an anchar vanes with respect to mode of stress transferming from anchor to ground.
Rein Anchored Rock Bolts
a) The nchors for resisting the bearing-capacity furmulation are bearing-type anchors.
anchored rock bolts also called grouted rock bolts are sealed using a resin and a catalyst. A catridge full resin
Desin of is
(h)Fnction anchars are used o transfer the stress by means of adhesion or/and skin friction. place at the resin end of hole and bolt is stuck in the hole after it. The rebar then drilled through the hole, puncturing the

c Undereamed anchars are usced for both the modes af sturess transferring. catridge and causing the resin to dry and seal the bolt in the hole.
This type of rock bolt is very common because it is very simple to install.
Type af Cemstruction
(a) The nchors are tmsioned to cerain exient, to resise the active load with a minimal variation in the force of tendon. (i) Split-set Friction Rock Bolts
Split-set function friction rock bolts are placed inside pre-drilled holes. They
are made
These nchors are classifñed as prestressed anchors. Post tensioned anchors are another form of prestressed anchors. of collapsed steel tubing, which
is placed within the hole and twisted. This twisting causes the tubing to expand which secures the bolt to the hole's wall.
(b)By expecting the warking load conditions, permissible stressing force is applied only to a certain part of anchor. These These bolts are simple to install, but they lack tension and the bolts can't be anymore 3 m long.
anchors are classiñed as tensiancd anchors. Untensioned anchors are those which does not undergo any tension. Swellex Friction Bolts
( Performance Swellex friction rock bolts are similar to split-set-friction bolts. They are also made of collapsed tubes except they exapnd
(a)The anchors having limited life expectancy are classified as temporary anchors. through the use of water pressure. They are extremely simple to install. The main problem with them is their lack of
(b) The nchors which arc designed for the lifetime usage are classifñed as peTmanent anchors.
Forremaining answer refer Unit-V, QQ8.
a28. Explain in brief about soil nailing. Q30. Write a note on the following in terms of ground modification applications: () rock bolting and (i) rock
Answer Model Paper-l, Q11 anchor.
Dec.-19 (R15), a11(6)
The process of drving the nails into soil ar bore holes is called as soil nailing. This is followed by grouting, which results Answer
in coberent stractural entity with soil Nailing leads to ease of work in excavation and makes the unstable slopes stabilized. For answer refer Unit-V, Q10, and Unit-V, Q29, Topic: Mechanically anchored rock bolts.
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01 wall with vertical

Explain the construction
sequence of a reinforced earth
May-18, (ROD),
as(b) | May-17 (R13), a10
Ans: Refer Q16.
tholr required
Q2. Discuss varlous roinforced materlals that are used in soll relnforcement and also write
Ans: Refer Q12
Q3. Write a short notes on
grld reinforced soll.
Important Question
Ans: Refer Q18.
Q4. Discuss about relnforcement with
Important Queston
Ans: Refer Q19.
Q5. What are the varlous applications anchors? Explaln.
and types of ground
Ans: Refer Q27 Important Question

Q6. Explain in brief about soll nailing.

Ans: Refer Q28. Important Question

Q Explain about type of rock bolts and its functions

and aplications
Ans Refer Q29. Important Question

shear stress distribution and tension force variation along a reinforced earth- type reinforcing strip and along the tendon of a biact

02 What are the advantages and disadvantages

of using reinforcing mashes rather than reinforced earu-yp
03. Apart rom electrochemical properties, other characteristics of
a soil fll can infivence the corrasion of metal
within it, such as

04. Describe what is meant in the normal

usage of the following terms:
05. List four characteristics of anchor
performance which may form the basis of design criteria.


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