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Antebellum period

North and south different economies- north was industries, with immigrants as cheap labours- south
was agriculture, especially cotton plantations (cotton gin)

Slavery at its peak- generations of labour- demand of more slaves from Africa raised their prices so small
farm owners having to sell their slaves further south

Industrial revolution (early)- in New England- so population shift from farm to cities- concept of wage

Printing press- newspapers- political news read out aloud

Canals and railroads for internal trade (north to south)

Second awakening- 1790s to 1840s- religious revival- direct connection with God- started to see slavery
as sin, emancipation as atonement

Slave rebellions- Denmark Vessey conspiracy uncovered in 1822- bloodiest rebellion (Nat Turner’s)- 60
whites, 56 slaves killed- 100 to 200 slaves killed in the aftermath- tightening of slave laws

Nullification crisis- 1833- nullified federal taxes- SC leaving Union after Lincoln’s election, and asking
other slave states to do the same

Gave rise to abolitionist movement- 1833, William Lloyd Garrison and Arthur Tappan founded American
Anti Slavery Society- 1840, membership nearly 2 lakhs- leading slaves northward

Manifest Destiny- coined in 1845- 1846 to 1848 (James K Polk faced off with British)

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