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Physical Science 11th Edition Tillery

Solutions Manual
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Solution Manual:


Test Bank:

7 Light

7.1 Sources of Light

Case Study: Bioluminous
7.2 Properties of Light
Light Interacts with Matter
Dispersion and Color
A Closer Look: Optics
7.3 Evidence for Waves
A Closer Look: The Rainbow
A Closer Look: Lasers
A Closer Look: Why Is the Sky Blue?
7.4 Evidence for Particles
Photoelectric Effect
Quantization of Energy
7.5 The Present Theory
A Closer Look: The Compact Disc (CD)
7.6 Relativity
Special Relativity
People Behind the Science:
James Clerk Maxwell
General Theory
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Relativity Theory Applied


Electromagnetic waves have many characteristics of interest, including their methods of

production, their properties, and their uses. A review of wavelength, frequency, and wave
velocity as they apply to sound relates these concepts to electromagnetic waves. Vibrating
matter produces sounds and electromagnetic waves are produced by an accelerated charge.
The energy involved in this acceleration results in the various parts of the electromagnetic
spectrum, with visible light making up only a small part of the total spectrum.
After a consideration of the sources of light, the properties of light are considered from a
light ray treatment of the laws of reflection and refraction. The early controversy concerning
the nature of light is discussed next, leading to evidence for both the particle theory and the
wave theory of light. The properties of light that serve as evidence that light is a wave
(reflection, refraction, diffraction, interference, and polarization) are considered, followed by
the evidence that light is a stream of particles (photoelectric effect and quantization of
energy). This leads to the present theory, that light has both wave and particle properties at
the same time. Students enjoy a controversy, and this one is based mostly on their everyday
notion that light must be either one or the other since everything else in their everyday world
appears to be one or the other. However, there is no reason to identify light as being either
waves or particles. The modern model of light (and subatomic particles to be discussed in a
future chapter) considers light to have both properties at the same time. The model is just
that, a model, and it is used because it seems to explain what is observed. Students
historically struggle mightily with the word radiation, and the vague word energy might help
students learn this material better.


1. Discussion and demonstrations of light and other electromagnetic radiations that are not
visible are suitable to introduce this chapter. A demonstration of infrared can be
accomplished by heating a large piece of iron in a burner flame for several minutes, then
holding it close to a radiometer. The radiometer vanes spin more rapidly from the
infrared radiation emitted by the hot iron. Explain that the radiometer contains some air.
The black sides of the vanes absorb infrared radiation, which shows up as a slight
temperature increase on the blackened surface. The silvered sides of the vanes, on the
other hand, reflect the radiation without absorbing it. Air particles next to the warm,
black surface collide with the surface and rebound with more energy than other particles
on the silvered side of the vanes. As a result of the many impulses received from many,

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many particles on the blackened side the vanes spin in a direction consistent with this
2. Reflection and refraction can be effectively demonstrated at the same time by filling a
small aquarium with water that has been made murky by mixing in some chalk dust. A
strong beam of light is aimed downward at a mirror, which reflects the light upward
through the aquarium water. A darkened room and chalk dust (or smoke from a smoke
source) makes the light beam visible in the air. The same setup can be used to show
total internal reflection by directing the beam at increasing angles until it is totally
reflected from the inner surface.
3. A prism can be used to cast the spectrum of sunlight on a wall, leading to a discussion of
refraction, dispersion, and color.
4. Diffraction can be illustrated with a classroom spectroscope or small squares of plastic
replica diffraction gratings. Students should look toward a light source with the grating,
either to the right or left of center as they rotate the grating until they see a spectrum. A
cloth handkerchief that is stretched tightly in front of a laser beam will show a good
diffraction pattern.
5. The mnemonic of “ROY G. BIV” helps students remember the spectrum of major colors,
although indigo is not totally accepted as a color by everyone (has anyone seen indigo in
a rainbow?).
6. Additional demonstrations:
(a) Hold a radiometer near a heated iron block supported on a ring stand to confirm the
existence of electromagnetic radiations that are not visible. Discuss how infrared warms
the black sides of the vanes, causing air molecules to rebound with more of a “kick” than
they do from the silvered side. This “kick” gives the vanes their motion.
(b) Show a spectrum produced by a prism. Mount the prism so the spectrum is cast on a
(c) Fill a large beaker or aquarium with water and mix in some chalk dust. Aim a
narrow beam of light from a slide projector (or laser) at some angle to demonstrate
(d) Cut inexpensive plastic replica grating into 5-cm squares. Instruct students to handle
the squares only by the edges to avoid “oiling the gratings.” Tell them to hold the
grating close to one eye, viewing a light source through the grating. They should rotate
the grating in 90 degree intervals until a spectrum or spectrum lines are seen. These are
usually to the left or right of center. Neon, mercury, and sodium lights are good sources
for a line spectrum.

For Class Discussions

1. Light from an incandescent source comes from

a. glowing atoms with high kinetic energy.
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b. fast moving electrons, which tend to glow.
c. accelerating electrons.
d. oxidation at the atomic level.

2. One of the following behaviors of light means it must consist of waves.

a. interference.
b. photoelectric effect.
c. refraction.
d. reflection.

3. Diffraction occurs when light passes

a. through a pinhole.
b. by a sharp edge.
c. through a narrow slit.
d. all of the above.

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4. From a space station on the Moon you would be able to tell planets from the stars
because stars twinkle and planets do not.
a. Yes.
b. No.
c. Who knows?

5. If you look straight down and see a fish under the water, it appears to be
a. deeper in the water than it really is.
b. closer to the surface than it really is.
c. where it actually is.

6. If you look at a fish that is some distance from you, it appears to be

a. deeper in the water than it really is.
b. closer to the surface than it really is.
c. where it actually is.

7. A fish under the water always appears to be

a. larger than it really is.
b. smaller than it really is.
c. the size it actually is.

8. Can you can distinguish a mirage of water from real water by using Polaroid sunglasses?
a. Yes.
b. No.

Answers: 1c, 2a, 3c, 4b (no atmosphere; no twinkling), 5b, 6b, 7a, 8a (light from water is reflected and thus
polarized; a mirage is refracted light and is not polarized).

Answers to Questions for Thought

1. The electromagnetic spectrum is made up different types of radiation of various

frequencies and wavelengths. The dividing line between adjacent parts is difficult to
identify just as the dividing line between red and orange in a rainbow is difficult to
pinpoint. Thus, some specific but arbitrary frequency or wavelength is used to identify
where one ends and the other begins. In the case of visible light and infrared radiation
you could use a frequency of 3.8  1014 Hz as the dividing line.

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2. Polarization supports a wave theory of light. Only transverse light waves, vibrating at
right angles to the direction of travel will explain how light can be polarized. Polarized,
or plane-polarized light vibrates only in one plane.
3. Blue light carries more energy. No, because the energy difference between these two
colors is very small. The number of photons determines the intensity of the light.
4. The photoelectric effect supports the particle model, because the effect depended on the
frequency and not the intensity of the light. This means that particles of certain energy
were creating the effect and not the absorption of a wave.
5. The energy in the light is transferred to the absorbing material.
6. The bluish star is at a higher temperature because higher temperature objects emit more
photons of shorter wavelengths (and higher energies) than objects with lower
7. Internal reflection occurs when the angle of refraction is equal to or greater than 90°.
This occurs more in the diamond because the critical angle depends upon the ratio of the
indices of refraction of the air to the stone. The diamond has a very high index of
8. The hot air above the surface of the highway has a lower index of refraction than the air
above it, so light striking the warmer air is refracted upward. Your brain interprets this
refracted light to be reflected light, so you believe you are seeing a reflective surface
such as water.
9. Look at the clear sky at an angle of about 90° from the sun. The scattered light from this
direction is partially polarized, so if the sky appears to darken as the glasses are turned,
the glasses are polarized. If you have a pair of polarizing sunglasses, turn a lens of the
unknown pair over a stationary lens of the known, polarizing pair. If the unknown pair
is polarizing, light coming through the lens will appear to darken then brighten.
10. Two light beams from a single source striking a card with two small parallel slits in
phase with each other are necessary. Light is diffracted through these slits, landing on a
screen. Regions where the diffracted light from both of the slits is in phase have a bright
line. Regions where the diffracted light from one slit is out of phase with the light from
the other slit have a dark line.
11. Reflected light is slightly polarized. When the polarization of the reflected light is
parallel with the polarizing sunglasses, it appears brighter. When the polarization of the
light is perpendicular with the sunglasses it appears darker.
12. There is no atmosphere to suspend particles above the astronauts to scatter the light from
the sun, so they see a black sky. The stars do not twinkle because there is no
atmospheric turbulence above them to refract the light in various ways. The earth
appears blue because light of that frequency is being scattered the most by the
atmosphere below them.
13. Planck’s findings were revolutionary because they meant that vibrating molecules could
only have a fixed amount of energy that could only be multiples of a certain amount
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called the quanta of energy. All previous experience led everyone to believe that energy
could exist in a continuous range of amounts.
14. Neither model totally explains all behavior of light, while a combination of these two
models, using each when it is useful, explains all the behaviors of light. There is nothing
in conventional experience that behaves as a particle in some situations and a wave in
different situations, so the concept is hard to visualize.

For Further Analysis

1. Answers will vary, but should describe reflection as light bouncing from a surface
and refraction as the bending of light when passing between two different optical

2. Answers will vary in this Socratic discussion attempt to clarify the concept of

3. Answers will vary in this attempt to reason dialogically about the nature of light.

4. Answers will vary in the attempt to compare and contrast the used of convex and
concave lenses.

5. E is a quantity of energy, which is a particle property, and f is frequency, a wave

property. The equation states they are equal, so it equates particle and wave

6. Same – both are electromagnetic radiation that travels at the speed of light. Different
– radio waves are longer wavelength.

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Group B Solutions

1. (a) c = 3.00  108

c c
n =  v =
v n
3.00  108
= s
= 299,922,020.3 (from calculator)
= 3.00  108 (significant figures)

v =
3.00  108
= s
= 299,913,025.2 (from calculator)
= 3.00  108 (significant figures)


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d d
v =  t =
t v
3.85  10 km
t =
3.00  105
= 1.28 s

d d
v =  t =
t t
7.83  10 km
t =
3.00  105
1 min
= 261 s  = 4.35 min
60 s

qi = qr  qi = 60 = qr

n =
3.00  108
= s
2.00  108
= 1.50

This is the index of refraction for glass.


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 = 4.60  10−7 m
c c
c = f  f = and E = hf  E = h
 
E = h

 8 m
 3.00  10 
E = ( 6.63  10−34 Js ) 
( 4.60  10−7 m )
= 4.32  10−19 J

red light : f = 4.8  1014 Hz maximum
E = hf
 1
= ( 6.63  10−34 J  s )  4.8  1014 
 s
= 3.2  10 J

This is less than the required photon energy, so no chemical reaction occurs in the paper.

8. (a)
f =

3.00  108
= s
6.80  10−7 m
= 4.41  1014 Hz

(b) This is in the frequency range of red light.


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c 1 1 
E = h  E1 − E2 hc  − 
  1  2 
 m  
E1 − E2 = 6.63 10−34 Js  3.00 108  

) 1

−7 
s   3.00 10 m 5.60 10 m 
E1 − E2 = 3.08 10−19 J

c = f  f =

3.00 108
f = s
1.00 10−3m
= 3.00 1011 Hz

c c
n=  v=
v n
3.00  108
= s
= 2.29  108


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c=f f =

3.00  108
= s
4.60  10−7 m
3.00  108 m 1
= 
4.60  10−7 s m
= 6.52  1014
= 6.52  10 Hz

 1
= ( 6.63  10−34 J  s )  4.30  1014 
 s

= ( 6.63  10−34 )( 4.30  1014 ) J  s 

J s
= 2.85  10−19
= 2.85  10−19 J


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c=f f =

3.00  108
= s
3.00  10−7 m
3.00  108 m 1
= 
3.00  10−7 s m
= 1.00  1015
= 1.00  10 Hz

 1
= ( 6.63  10−34 J  s )  1.00  1015 
 s

= ( 6.63  10−34 )(1.00  1015 ) J  s 

J s
= 6.63  10−19
= 6.63  10−19 J

(First step) c =  f  f =

3.00  108
= s
5.60  10 m
3.00  108 m 1
= 
5.60  10−7 s m
= 5.36  1014
= 5.36  10 Hz

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(Second step) E = h f
 1
= ( 6.63  10−34 J  s )  5.36  1014 
 s

= ( 6.63  10−34 )( 5.36  1014 ) J  s 

J s
= 3.55  10−19
= 3.55  10−19 J

(Third step) Since one photon carries an energy of 3.55  10-19 J and the
overall intensity is 500.0 W for each square meter there must be an average of

3.55  10−19
5.00  102 J photon

3.55  10−19 s J
1.41  1021

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