Physics of Everyday Phenomena A Conceptual Introduction To Physics 8th Edition Griffith Solutions Manual Download

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Solution Manual for Physics of Everyday Phenomena A

Conceptual Introduction to Physics 8th Edition Griffith

Brosing 9780073513904
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6 Energy and Oscillations

1 Simple Machines, Work, and Power

2 Kinetic Energy
3 Potential Energy
4 Conservation of Energy
5 Springs and Simple Harmonic Motion
Everyday Phenomenon: Conservation of Energy
Everyday Phenomenon: Energy and the Pole Vault

The concepts of work, potential energy and kinetic energy are introduced by discussing the motion of a pendulum. Following
this is the important concept of conservation of energy. The motion of an object attached to a spring exhibiting oscillatory motion
similar to the motion of a pendulum is next used to illustrate simple harmonic motion. Finally, the effect of frictional work in a
mechanical system is considered.

Suggestions for Presentation

Energy is a confounding concept to most students, and instructors fluent in physics often do little to make it clearer. Students
can, however, fully appreciate a concept like “damage,” so you can begin by asking questions about “Which would do more
damage? A tricycle going 10 mph, or a truck going 10 mph? A bowling ball held above your head, or a penny held above your
head?” Then introduce the categories of “energy of motion” (the truck/trike example) and “energy of position (the bowling
ball/penny example. You can also have a spring-loaded launcher and have it cocked and ask your students if it has any energy
associated with it and how they know. Once students digest the two forms of mechanical energy (potential, which is related to
position, and kinetic, which is related to motion), they will be able to draw on their own experience to figure out what these two
forms of energy depend on. Although they most likely won’t give you the formal mathematic description, they will be able to tell
you (via, for instance, clicker questions) that gravitational potential energy depends on the mass of the object (bowling ball will do
more damage), the height above some reference point, and the acceleration due to gravity (the experiment wouldn’t be so bad on
the Moon, for instance). Likewise, they’ll be able to relate kinetic energy to speed and mass, but it is up to you to present the
formal equation once they have a fairly good feel for the factors in mechanical energy
The concept of work involves the effect of a net non-zero force acting on a body over a distance. Again, work is a word that
they’ve used often, but never in this context, and so you should make every effort to make the concept more physical. A non-zero
net force produces a change in the body’s motion. Work is energy that is transferred from kinetic energy (energy of motion) to
some mechanical use. Work, as energy in any of its forms, is a scalar. You may also choose to distinguish between net work and
work. Two forces that act in opposite directions (e.g. the upward force of a forklift lifting a crate versus the force of gravity) will not
increase the kinetic energy of the crate because no net work has been done. Both forces have done work, though; the force of
gravity simply did negative work.

A pendulum is an everyday object that is good for demonstration purposes and eliciting predictions via personal response
questions. Using a long string of several feet attached to the ceiling is useful here. As you raise the pendulum bob against gravity,
you are doing work on the bob. Point out that gravity is doing “negative” work (i.e., the motion is against gravity) and that if you
have raised it slowly at constant velocity, no net work has been done (neglecting a small acceleration at the beginning and the
end of the motion). But the system is different now--the pendulum bob has potential energy. Students note that when released,
the bob swings up to nearly the same height on the other side. The fact that work involves motion can be shown by asking a pair
of students to hold a broom handle rigidly in the middle of the pendulum's path. The motion of the pendulum is now different but
the pendulum swings up to (very nearly) the same height, indicating no loss (very nearly) in total energy.
The concept of work as an energy transfer and its relation to force can be illustrated by application to simple machines. Pull
a substantial metal cart up a long board at a constant velocity with a spring scale between your hand and the cart. Note the force
indicated by the scale and the distance the cart moves. Next attach the spring to the cart and raise it vertically to the same height.
The forces in the two cases differ, of course, but the corresponding products of force and distance are closely comparable.
The demonstration of conservation of energy using a heavy bowling ball attached to a long cable is dramatic, but students
probably should not do it. A student may panic and move into it. There is also a case on record of a faculty member who, acting
as the subject, suffered injury when the cable became disconnected as the ball approached. A safer approach would be simply to
find a video of this on the internet.
To illustrate the concept of elastic potential energy, simple springs will do the trick. You may choose springs of different
stiffness, using a spring scale to indicate the force required to pull it a particular distance from its equilibrium point. Students will,
if prompted by the appropriate personal response questions, be able to tell you what factors influence the energy in a stretched
spring, but they will likely be surprised that the mass being oscillated does not change the elastic potential energy, but does affect
the period of oscillation. Eliciting predictions from the students before giving a demonstration is extremely valuable, particularly if
they are given the chance to reflect on why their predictions have fallen short. Again, if the equipment is available, a real-time
display of the distance/velocity/acceleration-time graphs is extremely illustrative. Students will note that the acceleration is
greatest at the endpoints of the motion, where the speed is zero, and the acceleration is zero where the speed is greatest; thus
PE is visibly transformed to KE and back again. If you have a large class size and access to the appropriate equipment,
demonstrations with a force probe and a real time display on an overhead screen will be more effective than using a spring scale.

Debatable Issues
Does the bicycle rider pictured in photo in Everyday Phenomena Box 6.1 use any energy in his commute? If so, where does
this energy come from and how can we claim that he is conserving energy by commuting by bike? Where does his energy come
from? (food, biochemical reactions) This is a good place to remind students that terms used in everyday speech (work,
conservation of energy) often have very different meanings in science. The word “theory,” for instance, is a rather consistently
miscommunicated one. For the general public, this means “hunch” or “good guess” or sometimes even just “hope.,” as in
“Theoretically my husband is stopping to get dinner tonight.” Check the explanation for a scientific theory put forth by the American
Association for the Advancement of Science.

Clicker Questions
By this point in the semester, you have probably found that personal response questions result in measureable gains in
learning. Please continue to see the instructor resources at for a PowerPoint file of suggested clicker
questions for this chapter. Remember that an electronic clicker is not always necessary. For example, students can hold up color-
coded cards to give the instructor a quick assessment of students understanding.

Answers to Questions
Q1 The work done is greater for the block moving the greater distance. Work depends on force and distance, not on mass.
Q2 No work has been done on the rock. All the force exerted by the man was countered by frictional forces keeping the rock
in place and thus the rock traversed no distance.
Q3 a. Yes, assuming there is friction between the block and floor. If there were no friction, once set in motion no force
would be required to keep it moving at constant velocity and no work. With friction present work is required to
overcome the negative work done by friction.
b. The force involved in the work is the component of force along the line of the motion.
Q4 Yes. There is a frictional force acting on a body over a distance. The friction does an amount of negative work equal to
the positive work done by the string. However, this energy is transferred out of the system in the form of heat dissipated
into the atmosphere.
Q5 No. The normal force has no component along the line of motion and cannot speed up or slow down the body.
Q6 No. That force is perpendicular to the direction of the motion.
Q7 Normal force from floor, gravity, friction from air, friction from floor. The frictional forces do work, because they are parallel
to the direction of motion. In this case, they do negative work, removing kinetic energy from him.
Q8 The work done by the woman is equal to the work done by the rope on the crate. Work is determined by the amount of
force times the distance traveled,
which for the rope and the crate is equal. Although the force on the rope is one-fourth the weight (force) of the crate, the
rope traveled four times the distance traveled by the crate.

Q9 The work done by the person can never be less than the work done by the lever on the rock. If there are no dissipative
forces, they will be equal. This is a consequence of the conservation of energy.
Q10 Yes. A simple machine’s function by definition is to amplify the effect of the energy transferred.
Q11 In the absence of friction, all of the work done by the force exerted by the boy doing the pushing goes into the change in
kinetic energy. (Work is being converted to energy of motion.)
Q12 No. The net work done on the block (net energy transferred to the block changing its motion) is equal to the change of
its kinetic energy. The work done by the tension in the string is larger to compensate for the energy dissipated by friction.
Q13 Not necessarily. Let us distinguish two cases. If there is a force component along the line of motion, the force could act
opposite to the motion and cause a decrease in kinetic energy. If the force is at right angles to a body moving in a circular
path, this centripetal force does no work and cannot change the kinetic energy.
Q14 No. The work done on the faster ball is four times the work done on the slower ball. The work goes into kinetic energy
and kinetic energy is proportional to v2.
Q15 A force equal to the weight of the box has acted through a distance. The work has gone into increasing the potential
energy of the block-earth system.
Q16 NO! If the kinetic energy doesn’t increase, then the speed is constant, thus the acceleration is zero. Hence, the net force
is zero.
Q17 Yes. A system that has all its energy in the form of potential energy is such a system. Potential energy depends on
position relative to a reference point.
Q18 Yes. The weight of the crate has been lifted slightly. If it is released, it will fall back and convert the potential energy into
kinetic energy.
Q19 The majority of Earth’s mass is sufficiently below both so that acceleration due to gravity is about the same for both of
them. Potential energy depends on an arbitrary zero point, not an absolute, like sea level. Thus the ball with the 20m
drop into a well has more potential energy than the 10m drop to Earth’s surface.
Q20 The work in cocking the bow and arrow has been transferred into elastic potential energy of the bow.
Q21 Ouch! She has added energy in the form of kinetic energy to the potential energy of the system. Unless there is enough
friction in the apparatus to counter this, it’s time to call for an ambulance!
Q22 a. The work in raising the pendulum bob has gone into gravitational potential energy.
b. The kinetic energy is greatest where the potential energy is the least—at the bottom of the arc where the height is
c. The potential energy is the greatest when the kinetic energy is the least —at each end of the motion where the bob
comes to rest instantaneously as it reaches the highest point in its motion.
Q23 Because the bob is half way down its arc, the total energy consists of ½ of the original potential energy and ½ of the
original potential energy converted to kinetic energy.
Q24 Since a pendulum experiences air resistance and friction of moving parts in contact, it will lose mechanical energy and
eventually stop swinging.
Q25 a. The energy from burning the fuel in the car is transformed into kinetic energy for the car to move. The kinetic energy
of the car is transformed into heat due to the friction with the road when it burns rubber. Some of the kinetic energy
is used to burn the rubber also.
b. Yes, total energy is always conserved, but some mechanical energy has been converted to heat, so total mechanical
energy has not been conserved.
Q26 a. The chemical energy of the fuel is transformed into the kinetic energy of the car. Some of the kinetic energy is
transformed into heat energy due to friction between the SUV and the road and the air, and the friction between
different parts of the SUV itself.
b. Mechanical energy is NOT conserved in this situation because some of the kinetic energy is transformed into heat
due to frictional forces.
c. Energy of all forms is conserved.
Q27 a. Yes. The energy from burning the oil goes into heating the air (and thus our hands).
b. We are using a high grade form of energy. We are wasting a lot of the heat generated from an expensive source
of energy just to heat the atmosphere, and we are also polluting the atmosphere.
Q28 As the bird carries the clam upward, the potential energy of the clam (not to mention the bird) increases. Work is done to
carry the clam aloft. When the bird drops the clam, the clam’s potential energy is converted to kinetic energy with some
of the energy being dissipated as heat by the frictional force of air resistance. When the clam hits the rock all of the kinetic
energy is dissipated by the impact (an example of a mostly inelastic collision), but some goes into the kinetic energy of
the various shell shards that fly off so that the bird can now enjoy its lunch.
Q29 No. The vaulter also adds kinetic energy of running. The elastic PE of the flexible pole and some of the kinetic energy
becomes gravitational PE as the vaulter ascends.
Q30 Not necessarily. The height that each reaches will depend on the vaulter's strength and ability to work his body as he
jumps, and also his skill at converting all of the kinetic energy into potential energy.But if two vaulters are equally skilled,
a faster one will generally be able to reach a greater height.
Q31 a. The work in stretching the spring goes into elastic potential energy.
b. The potential energy is the greatest when the kinetic energy is the least —at each end of the oscillation when the
body comes to rest instantaneously and the spring is compressed or stretched by the maximum amount.
c. The kinetic energy is greatest as the mass moves through the equilibrium point; for here the potential energy has all
been transferred to kinetic energy.

Q32 The energy of the system is a combination of kinetic and potential energies. (Since the potential energy depends upon
the distance from the center squared, the potential energy at the halfway point is just 1/4 of that at the extreme point. The
kinetic energy is thus 3/4 of the total energy at the halfway point.)
Q33 The cocking of the dart gun adds elastic potential energy to the system. The dart is then released, so the elastic potential
energy is converted to kinetic energy for the time the dart is in contact with the spring. Then the kinetic energy of the dart
is converted into potential energy, slowing the dart as it rises toward the ceiling. Also, there is the transformation of
kinetic energy into heat due to the frictional force of the air.
Q34 Increased. There are two potential energy contributions. As the mass is lowered the gravitational potential energy
decreases while the elastic potential energy of the spring increases. The force stretching the spring is greater than the
weight of the object so there is a net increase in potential energy.
Q35 Yes, if the initial kinetic energy given by the push is greater than the additional potential energy of the body when at the
Q36 Yes. When a car accelerates, the force of static friction between the tires (if it were not static friction, the tires would be
sliding!) and the road actually increases the mechanical energy of the car. Q37 Work output will be less than work
input because some of the energy from the input must go to counter the negative work of the rusted pulley surfaces.

Answers to Exercises
E1 75 J
E2 75 N
E3 5m
E4 a. 870 J
b. -240 J
c. 630 J
E5 a. 160 J
b. 0 (zero) J
c. 160 J
E6 a. 840 J
b. 840 J
E7 a. 125 J
b. 125 J
E8 a. ∆PE = 117.6 J = 120J
b. 120 J
E9 a. 0.6 J
E10 a. 60 J
b. 3,000 N/m
E11 (Using g = 9.8 m/s2) Accelerating the rock. The acceleration from rest requires 100 J versus 78.4 J to lift the rock.
E12 a. 1.6 J
b. 0.82 m
E13 50 J
E14 a. 6860 J
b. 8560 J
c. 8560 J
E15 520,000 J
E16 a. 235.2 J ≈ 240 J
b. 105.84 J ≈ 100 J
c. 89.36 J ≈ 84 J
E17 a. 32 J
b. 32 J
E18 1.25 Hz
E19 0.125 seconds

Answers to Synthesis Problems

SP1 a. 7.5 J
b. 4.5 J
c. 4.5 J The net force (3N) creates net work, which increases the kinetic energy by F x d.
d. 3/5 of it goes into changing the KE. The rest is converted to thermal energy. Yes. It can all be accounted for. Energy
is always conserved for all kinds considered.
e. 4.5J, 6 m/s
SP2 a. 0.5 m/s2
b. 4m
c. 200 J
d. 2 m/s
e. 200 J; Equal to the amount of work input as calculated in part c.
SP3 a. 48 J
b. 48 J Assuming that it is fired horizontally.
c. 43.8 m/s
d. No. Internal friction in the band, air resistance, and aiming upwards will reduce the maximum possible kinetic energy.
Yes. As for the strap, because it moves, it is gaining kinetic energy.
SP4 a. 3.5J
b. 5.9 m/s. The maximum velocity occurs as the mass moves through the equilibrium position.
c. 0.88 J, 2.6 J, 5.1 m/s
d. 0.86 (about 86% of maximum velocity)
SP5 a. Yes. The difference between the potential energy at the first point and the second point is 3920J, whereas the loss
of energy due to friction is only 2000J.,
b. 34.9 m. This additional height would allow the body to reach this point just as it has lost all of its kinetic energy.
SP6 a. 100 J (W = Fd = 100N x 1m = 100Nm=100J)
b. 100 J (W = Fd = 50N x 2m = 100Nm = 100J)
c. The same amount of work is required for both situations.
d. Lifting straight up requires more force.
e. The force is applied over a longer distance when using the ramp.
f. ∆PE = mg∆h is the same for both since they reach the same final height. Note that this is consistent with the
answer to part c, since the change in the gravitational potential energy should be equal to the work done.
g. Since you need only apply half the force when using the ramp, you can conserve your strength when using the


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