40-Story Building

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Performance-based Seismic

Design of 40-Story Building

Using ETABS 2016
Performance-based Seismic Design of 40-
story Building

Using ETABS 2016

(Metric Units)
T ut o ri al Exa m pl e
P erf orm ance - bas ed Se ism ic Des ign o f 40 -s tor y Bu ildin g

Table of Contents
Basis of Design ................................................................................................... 7
1.1 Building Description .......................................................................................... 7
1.2 Material Properties ............................................................................................ 8
1.3 Sectional Properties ........................................................................................... 8
1.4 Loading Criteria ................................................................................................ 9

Define Material Properties ................................................................................ 11

2.1 Concrete Properties ......................................................................................... 11
2.2 Confined Concrete Properties for Shear Walls ................................................... 14
2.3 Unconfined Concrete Properties for Shear Walls ................................................ 19

Define Section Properties .................................................................................. 22

3.1 Frame Section Properties ................................................................................. 22
3.2 Slab Section Properties .................................................................................... 25
3.3 Wall Section Properties .................................................................................... 26

Define Frame Hinge Properties ......................................................................... 29

4.1 Girder Hinges (Moment Hinge) ........................................................................ 29
4.2 Coupling Beam Hinge (Shear Hinge) ................................................................ 32
4.3 Column Hinge (Fiber Hinge) ............................................................................ 34

Define Load Patterns......................................................................................... 36

5.1 Gravity Loads ................................................................................................. 36

Define Mass Source .......................................................................................... 37

6.1 Mass Source ................................................................................................... 37

Define P-Delta Options ..................................................................................... 38

7.1 P-Delta .......................................................................................................... 38

Define Modal Cases ......................................................................................... 39

8.1 Modal Analysis ............................................................................................... 39

Define Functions ............................................................................................... 40

9.1 Functions ....................................................................................................... 40

Define Load Cases ............................................................................................ 42

10.1 Nonlinear Gravity Case ................................................................................... 42
10.2 Nonlinear Time History Case............................................................................ 42

Create the Model.............................................................................................. 45

11.1 Model the Geometry of Building and Assign Section Properties ........................... 45
11.2 Apply Gravity Loads ........................................................................................ 46
11.3 Assign Rigid Diaphragm .................................................................................. 46

Assign Nonlinear Properties .............................................................................. 47

12.1 Assign Hinges in Girders .................................................................................. 47

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12.2 PMM Fiber Hinges in Columns ......................................................................... 48

12.3 Shear Hinges in Coupling Beams ..................................................................... 49
12.4 Nonlinear Properties of Shear Walls .................................................................. 50

Analyze the Model ............................................................................................ 54

Check Analysis Results ...................................................................................... 55

14.1 Overall Response ............................................................................................ 55

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List of Tables
Table 1-1: Material properties ........................................................................................... 8

Table 1-2: Sectional properties .......................................................................................... 8

Table 1-3: Loading criteria ................................................................................................ 9

Table 2-1: Confined concrete stress-strain plots................................................................. 18

Table 2-2: Simplified confined concrete stress-strain plots .................................................. 18

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List of Figures
Figure 1-1: 3D view of building ......................................................................................... 7

Figure 1-2: Plan dimensions of building.............................................................................. 7

Figure 1-3: Boundary zone length of shear walls ................................................................. 9

Figure 1-4: Ground motion record ................................................................................... 10

Figure 2-1: Confined concrete stress-strain curve............................................................... 18

Figure 4-1: Table 10-7 of ASCE 41-13 for nonlinear modeling of beams ............................ 30

Figure 4-2: Backbone curve of hinge of diagonal reinforced coupling beam ........................ 32

Figure 4-3: Table 10-7 of ASCE 41-13 for nonlinear modeling of coupling beams .............. 34

Figure 11-1: Girder sections in plan ................................................................................. 45

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Basis of Design
1.1 Building Description
The building is a 40-story residential building (approximately 128 m tall from ground
level to roof deck level). Story height of each floor is 3.2 m.
Gravity loads are mainly resisted by beam and slab system. The gravity load from
each floor is transferred through reinforced concrete shear walls and moment resisting
frame columns to the foundation. Lateral forces are mainly resisted by the reinforced
concrete shear walls and special moment resisting frames.

Figure 1-1: 3D view of building

Figure 1-2: Plan dimensions of building

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1.2 Material Properties

The following table shows the material properties used in the design.

Table 1-1: Material properties

Nominal f'c Expected f'c
Material (MPa) (MPa) Modulus of
Elasticity (MPa)
• Shear walls 68.9 89.6 38,350
• Columns 68.9 89.6 38,350
• Coupling beams 41.4 53.8 34,718
• Girders and slabs 41.4 53.8 34,718
Reinforcement 414 484 199,948

Expected strength of concrete = 1.3 x Nominal strength

Expected yield strength of reinforcement = 1.17 x Nominal yield strength
Ec = 57000 √f’c for f’c ≤ 6000 psi
Ec = 40000 √f’c + 1x106 for f’c > 6000 psi

1.3 Sectional Properties

The following table shows the sectional properties of members used in the design.

Table 1-2: Sectional properties

Member Dimension (mm) Stiffness Reinforcement

Girder 400 x 700 (b x h) M3 = 0.35 Top. 6-DB20; Bot. 4-DB20
500 x 800 (b x h) Top. 8-DB20; Bot. 4-DB20
Coupling 800 x 800 (b x h) M3 = 0.2 Diagonal reinf. = 6-DB25
beam V2 = 0.1
Shear wall 800 mm thk. f12 = 0.5 Boundary zone vert. steel ratio = 0.01
m11 = 0.25 Middle zone vert. steel ratio = 0.0025
m22 = 0.25 Confinement = DB16@100
m12 = 0.25
Column 800 x 1400 M2 = 0.7 Vert. reinf. = 28-DB32 (GF – L20)
(b x h) M3 = 0.7 Vert. reinf. = 20-DB32 (L20 – RF)
Slab 150 mm thk. m11 = 0.25
m22 = 0.25
m12 = 0.25

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3.4 m

1.4 m 1m

0.8 m

1.9 m
1.2 m

0.8 m

1.2 m

1.9 m

1.4 m 1m

Figure 1-3: Boundary zone length of shear walls

1.4 Loading Criteria

The following table shows the loading criteria used in the design.

Table 1-3: Loading criteria

Load Value
Self-weight of members Program calculated
Superimposed dead load 2 kPa

Live load 1.92 kPa

Seismic load MCE level ground motion record

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Ground motion

Acceleration (g)

0 5 10 15 20 25
Time (sec)

Figure 1-4: Ground motion record

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Define Material Properties

2.1 Concrete Properties
• Click the Define menu.
• Select the Material Properties from the menu.

• Click Add New Material to add new materials like concrete, rebar and steel.
• Enter modulus of elasticity, and compressive strength of concrete for girders,
coupling beams, and slabs.

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• Define properties for reinforcing steel with expected yield strength.

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2.2 Confined Concrete Properties for Shear Walls

• Enter modulus of elasticity, and compressive strength of concrete.

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• Define reinforced concrete section for boundary zone of shear wall (800 x
1200 mm) to determine the stress strain curve of confined concrete.

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• Provide vertical reinforcement of 1% and confinement DB16@100 with 8 legs

in 3-direction.

• Go back to material properties and define nonlinear properties of confined


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• Click “Show stress-strain plot”, and the section defined for shear wall boundary
zone in “Frame section property”.

• Convert the stress-strain curves to user defined.

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• Simply the concrete stress-strain curve.

Table 2-1: Confined concrete stress-strain plots

Strain Stress (MPa) Remark
-0.02112 -32.1
-0.0176 -45.6
-0.01496 -53.63
-0.00998 -80
-0.00499 -108.92 (εcc, f’cc)
-0.00333 -98.48
-0.00166 -60.21
-0.00083 -31.51
0 0
0.000154 5.89
0.001691 0

Table 2-2: Simplified confined concrete stress-strain plots

Strain Stress (MPa) Remark
-0.01496 -53.63
-0.00624 -108.92 (1.25 εcc, f’cc)
-0.00374 -108.92 (0.75 εcc, f’cc)
-0.00170 -65.35 (0.6 f’cc / Ec , 0.6 f’cc)
0.00000 0.00
0.00100 0.00
Ec = 38,350 MPa

Confined concrete stress-strain curve


-0.025 -0.02 -0.015 -0.01 -0.005 0 0.005
Stress (MPa)

-60 Simplified




Figure 2-1: Confined concrete stress-strain curve

• Input the simplified stress-strain curve and change the acceptance criteria.

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2.3 Unconfined Concrete Properties for Shear Walls

• Enter modulus of elasticity, and compressive strength of concrete.

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• Define nonlinear properties of unconfined concrete and convert to user


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Define Section Properties

3.1 Frame Section Properties
• Click the Define menu.
• Select the Section Properties from the menu.
• Define size, stiffness modifier, and material for girder sections.

• Similarly, define G500 x 800 section.

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• Define size, stiffness modifier, and material for coupling beam.

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• Define size, stiffness modifier, and material for column sections.

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• Similarly, define C800 x 1400 (1.5%) section.

3.2 Slab Section Properties

• Define thickness, stiffness modifier, and material for slab section.

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3.3 Wall Section Properties

• Define thickness, stiffness modifier, and material for shear wall sections for
both confined and unconfined concrete sections.

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Define Frame Hinge Properties

4.1 Girder Hinges (Moment Hinge)
• Click the Define menu.
• Select the Section Properties >> Frame/Wall Nonlinear Hinges from the
• Define hinge property data for G400 x 700 in accordance with Table 10-7 of
ASCE 41-13.
• Ultimate moment capacity is defined 1.13 times of yield moment capacity.

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Figure 4-1: Table 10-7 of ASCE 41-13 for nonlinear modeling of beams

• Similarly, define hinge property data for G500 x 800 in accordance with Table
10-7 of ASCE 41-13.

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4.2 Coupling Beam Hinge (Shear Hinge)

• Define hinge property data for diagonal reinforced coupling beam with shear
• Backbone curve of shear hinge is shown in figure below.

L = Length of beam
FU = 1.33 FY


FR = 0.3 FU

DL = 0.06 x L
DR = 0.1 x L

Figure 4-2: Backbone curve of hinge of diagonal reinforced coupling beam

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Figure 4-3: Table 10-7 of ASCE 41-13 for nonlinear modeling of coupling

4.3 Column Hinge (Fiber Hinge)

• Define hinge property data for columns with PMM fiber hinge.
• Fiber information is obtained from frame section.

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• Hinge length is calculated using the following formula.

Lp = 0.08 L + 0.022 fyedbl ≥ 0.044 fyedbl (MPa)
Lp = Plastic hinge length
H = Section depth
L = Distance from the critical section of plastic hinge to the point of
fye = Expected yield strength of longitudinal reinforcement
dbl = Diameter of longitudinal reinforcement

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Define Load Patterns

5.1 Gravity Loads
• Click the Define menu.
• Select the Load Patterns from the menu.
• Define load patterns for dead load, superimposed dead load, and live load
as below.

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Define Mass Source

6.1 Mass Source
• Click the Define menu.
• Select the Mass Source from the menu.
• Define mass source from “Specified Load Patterns”, considering 1.0 DL + 1.0
SDL + 0.25LL as below.

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Define P-Delta Options

7.1 P-Delta
• Click the Define menu.
• Select the P-Delta Options from the menu.
• Define P-Delta Options from “Iterative-Based on Loads”, considering 1.0 DL
+ 1.0 SDL + 0.25LL as below.

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Define Modal Cases

8.1 Modal Analysis
• Click the Define menu.
• Select the Modal Cases from the menu.
• Define Modal Case using “Ritz Analysis”, considering “Acceleration” load
type, UX, UY, UZ, RX, RY, and RZ, as below.
• Consider 35 modes.

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Define Functions
9.1 Functions
• Click the Define menu.
• Select Functions >> Time History from the menu.

• Select “From File” from the drop-down list of “Choose Function Type to Add”.
• Click “Add New Function” button.
• Browse the time history function file.
• Use “Time and Function Values” for value format. Number of points per line is

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• Click “Convert to User Defined” button.

• Similarly, define function for other component.

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Define Load Cases

10.1 Nonlinear Gravity Case
• Click the Define menu.
• Select “Load Cases” from the menu.
• Define nonlinear gravity case, using “Nonlinear Static” load case type.
• Consider DL + SDL + 0.25LL, with load application “Full Load”.

10.2 Nonlinear Time History Case

• Define nonlinear time history case, using “Nonlinear Direct Integration”
analysis type.
• Continue the analysis from nonlinear gravity case.
• Add the acceleration functions.
• Enter number of output time steps and output time step size based on time
history function.

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• Define “Damping” properties as shown in the figure below.

• Use “Specify Damping by Period”, for periods 1.5 T1 and 0.2 T1 with 0.1%
damping. In this building, natural period of first mode is approximately 4 sec.
• Then, click “Calculate Coefficients”.
• Click “Modify/Show Modal Damping Parameters”. Add the constant modal
damping for all modes with 2.4% of critical damping.

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Create the Model

11.1 Model the Geometry of Building and Assign Section
• Draw the geometry of the model and assign the section properties of
• Manually mesh the shear walls at boundary zones.

Figure 11-1: Girder sections in plan

• Select all floor area objects. Go to Assign >> Shell >> Floor Auto Mesh
Options, and mesh the floor area objects in to 3 x 3.

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• Select all frame objects. Go to Assign >> Frame >> End Length Offsets, and
assign rigid zone factor of 0.5.

11.2 Apply Gravity Loads

• Apply gravity loads on floor area objects, with superimposed dead load of 2
kPa and live load of 1.92 kPa.

11.3 Assign Rigid Diaphragm

• Select all floor area objects and assign rigid diaphragm D1.

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Assign Nonlinear Properties

12.1 Assign Hinges in Girders
• Go to Select >> Select >> Properties >> Frame Sections, and select G400
x 700.

• Go to Assign >> Frame >> Hinges, and assign moment hinges at each end
of girders (relative distance 0 and 1).

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• Similarly, assign moment hinges for G500 x 800.

12.2 PMM Fiber Hinges in Columns

• Go to Select >> Select >> Properties >> Frame Sections, and select C800
x 1400 (1.5%) and C800 x 1400 (2%).

• Go to Assign >> Frame >> Hinges, and assign column hinges at each end
of columns (relative distance 0 and 1).

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12.3 Shear Hinges in Coupling Beams

• Go to Select >> Select >> Properties >> Frame Sections, and select LB 800
x 800.

• Go to Assign >> Frame >> Hinges, and assign shear hinges at mid span of
the beam (relative distance 0.5).

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12.4 Nonlinear Properties of Shear Walls

• Go to Select >> Select >> Properties >> Wall Sections, and select SW800-

• Go to Assign >> Shell >> Reinforcement for Wall Hinge, and assign
reinforcement ratio in boundary zones.
• Vertical rebar of 1% is assigned in boundary zones.

• Go to Select >> Select >> Properties >> Wall Sections, and select SW800-

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• Go to Assign >> Shell >> Reinforcement for Wall Hinge, and assign
reinforcement ratio in middle zones.
• Vertical rebar of 0.25% is assigned in middle zones.

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• Go to Select >> Select >> Properties >> Wall Sections, and select both
SW800-Confined and SW800-UnConfined.

• Go to Assign >> Shell >> Wall Hinge, and assign wall hinge using Auto
Fiber P-M3.

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Analyze the Model

• Go to Analyze >> Set Load Cases to Run, and run all load cases.

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Check Analysis Results

14.1 Overall Response
• Go to Display >> Combined Story Response Plots, and check overall response

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