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Dear God�s Gift,

I know I can't give you the whole world, but I can promise you I will always love
you. My heart is yours, and even though I know I�ll make mistakes, I will never
break your heart. I�ll be right beside you as we chase our dreams together, and you
will never have to wonder if I still care. I think about you all day long and when
I'm not near you my mind is consumed with thoughts of being close to you. When
you�re here charting with me I feel like everything in the world is right, and I
know I don't have to ask God for anything because as long I have you in my life I
have everything I could ever want. All I want to do is spend the rest of my life
making you as happy as you have made me.

True Love Of My Life

To: Hubby ~ From: Tweetie

Dear Hubby,

Ever since you walked into my life, I have been smiling. There hasn't been a day
when I have gone to sleep with a frown on my face, and it's all because of you.
Honey, I am glad that you came into my life. I have always wanted the love of my
life to be understanding, loving, caring, faithful and most of all someone who
would accept me for who I am. Now I have found the person I was looking for. My
heart told me that my Prince Charming was there when you first said hello to me
over the phone. I didn't have to think twice when you asked me to be your wife. I
knew that you were Mr. Perfect. I don't think that there is, or there could be,
anyone better than you out there for me.

I love you with my whole heart. I have never trusted anyone the way I trust you.
Sometime I even doubt myself, but I know I will never doubt you because you are my
true love. I know deep down inside that you will never break my heart or never let
me down in anyway.

Thank you honey for everything. I pray to god everyday to bless you with everything
you deserve. I will love you until the end of time.

Always and Forever Yours,

Undying Devotion
To: Brent ~ From: Amanda

Dear Brent,

Baby, I can't begin to explain how you have enriched my life. These past
have been one blessing after another. I sit and think that it is so hard to believe
that just a few weeks ago we were two lonely dreamers in a chat room. I knew from
the first moment I spoke with you I loved you. And, when I talked to you I knew I
would forever be by your side -- forever your partner and forever your love. And,
now forever your man. I know I don't express it nearly as often as I should, but
baby, don't doubt me. I love you more now than I ever thought possible. And that
love grows each and every day. Every time you smile, speak, and every time you have
that look in your eyes. I am yours, you hold my heart. I love you, and thank you
for making me the luckiest man on earth.

Love Eternally,

Thank You for Your Love

To: Mayaboti ~ From: Madhaym
Dear Mayaboti,

You are my everything. Thank you for loving me the way no one can. You understand
me and you know just how to make things right. You will never know just how much I
love you, but I will spend the rest of my days trying to show you. You saved me
from the worst, and you are always there for me. Fighting is never an option and
making love is always as sweet as the first time. No matter what, there will never
be another for me and I will always keep you safe. I love you for all eternity.
Again, thank you, Baby.

Love Always,

My Dearest Lori,

I love you more and more with each day passing. And it eases me to know that as
tomorrow approaches, that I will love you more than yesterday and tomorrow will be
more than today. My love for you cannot be measured by words alone as "love" does
not fully express my true feelings for you. When I think of my love it reminds me
of the miracles of life that only God can produce. Like the beautiful sunsets and
sounds of Mother Nature that soothe our hearts and remind us of something bigger
than we can imagine, where two hearts can intertwine and become one. Like two birds
in love that fly in harmony and appear to dance with the grace of Gene Kelly and
the innocence of a child. You and only you have given me so much hope and have made
me realize the true meaning of life. The true meaning of how a man should treat a
woman and the true wonders of why i am here. Maelly, please accept my heart as your
own and listen to the rhythm of two hearts beating as one. This is my will and my
reason to live, for without you I would crumble to dust. I now know that dreams of
that one true soul mate are truly real and until now were only a fairy tale. Thank
you for giving me the opportunity to realize that not only is there a God, but he
works in so many beautiful ways.

Love Always,

I Thank You
To: Hix ~ From: Harley

Hix Honey,

Thank you for loving me no way anyone has ever tried. Thank you for knowing all the
little things that mean so much to me. Thank you for understanding that you and I
need to take time together for fun, making love, talking and just spending time
together. Thank you for everything you are and mean to me, and everything I am
becoming, because you are in my life... thank you!

Love Always,

Dear Drew,

I just wanted to write you and let you know how much I do love you and how close we
have became in such a short period of time. We may not have known each other long
but what i feel for you is strong and it means everything to me. You are the one
who always makes me feel better about myself and makes me laugh at all the crazy
stuff we talk about that no one understands but us. I'm glad I found you and I hope
we spend a lot more happy times together in the future. Thanks just for being here
for me I love you more than words I could say.

Love always,

Dear Anthony,

First of all I just want to thank you for coming into my life. You took me by
surprise, I wouldn't ever think that I would be as lucky to have you, but now that
I have you I don't ever want to let go. You have brought so much love, joy, and
happiness that no other woman has ever shown me. I love you so much!!

You mean the world to me, and I know that we have problems but I know we can get
through it. Hatred stirs dissensions but love can cover all wrongs! Thanks for
sticking by me through thick and thin, I will always be here for you. You and I
have shared so much together, and have been through everything, we have just taken
over a special part in each other's lives and can't let go. Happy one year and
seven months!

Forever love,


A Ray Of Sunshine
To: Gina ~ From: Lee

Dear Gina,

At first you were just another face in the crowd ... just another nobody passing
aimlessly by, until that fateful day when my eyes laid upon your beautiful face. It
was like a ray of sunshine peaking through a cloudy sky. Until that day, I was in
utter turmoil ... unhappy to even be alive. You showed me that there is still hope
and love in this world. You made me realize that all things are still possible.
Because of you I began to feel whole and alive. I now see beyond the clouds to a
brighter and better day. I thank you for loving me and accepting my love in return.

Love always,


Having Your Love

To: Mike ~ From: Fran

Dear Mike,

Having your love has been the best thing that has happened to me. I have never felt
so much care from one woman. Everyday, when I am awake from a dream of us together,
I think God I found you - I just wish I could see you to show you how much I love
you. The way you show your love for me is so real; I feel so loved! I need only to
think of you, of us, our love, hopes, and dreams. I want to spend my life with you,
loving you and receiving your love in return. I long to be in your arms and feeling
your touch. Everything that keeps us apart will soon be gone and we will have each
other always. Maelly, thank you for your care to me the way you do.

Always and forever yours,


You Are So Special

To: Ruchi ~ From: Neerav

Dear Ruchi,
My reason for writing to you was just to let the feelings flow. This is to the one
I love. Everyday, I fall over and over in love with you again ... as the time goes
on and a new day shows, your presence enlarges and my love grows. I just wanted to
thank you for sharing and making me laugh. Thanks for being the most awesome girl a
guy would ask for. Thanks for the warm moments, caring times, and loving
experiences. Thanks for understanding me and most importantly, thanks for just
being there for once I have found someone who stands besides me and not over me and
I'm so lucky to have you.

There are so many reasons; so many causes that make me love you. Thanks for all the
happiness you bestow upon me. Thanks for making me see what I don't see. Thanks for
camouflaging my faults. Thanks for tolerating my idiosyncrasies and playing along
with them. Thanks for making me overexcited.

Thanks for holding my hand when I need your touch. Thanks for hugging me hard when
I need your warmth. Thanks for wiping my tears when I cry so foolishly and last but
not the least, thanks for showing me you care the way you do ... I love you all the
way down to my toes and up to my brains and a lot more in the middle!!

Call me ... you know the number.

With the warmest of hugs and wettest of kisses,


Holding Onto My Prayers

To: Joel ~ From: Chin

Dear Joel,

I know that sometimes you feel that I want to give up on this relationship, I admit
that is true, but then, I would remember the time when I asked the Lord before
we've met, to give me someone I could love with all my heart and would love me in
return, someone I can grow old with to spend my happy and lonesome memories,
someone who I can call mine and give myself into, and someone whom I can spend the
rest of my life with through all ups and downs, for better or worse. And that's
when I always realize that God gave me you; the answer to my prayer. And I thank
Him that for all the millions of women here, He leads you to me.

I promise that whatever struggles we have to endure in our relationship, I would

still hold onto our love because I believe that this is just the way of God to
teach us to be strong and faithful to each other. That after this trial we will
still be together and start our new life together with a better future ahead of us.
I thank God for you and thank you for being you. I love you now and I'm sure I'll
love you even more tomorrow ....

Love always,


So Much To Thank You For

To: Mike ~ From: Lauren

Dear Mike,

It has been two years since I've last held you in my arms. It is not fair how our
years together feel so short, yet our time a part feels so long. Thank you for
showing me to how to number our days.
The first time I ever laid eyes on yours, I was captured. It was not the way you
introduced yourself or the way you shook my hand, but the look in your eyes that
captured my heart. Thank you for showing me that love at first sight really does

I was convinced you were really something special. I felt it with every beat of my
heart. Little did I know how right I was. As time went on we developed a friendship
that I thought could only develop over years of knowing one and another. Thank you
for showing me that friendship cannot be measured by the amount of time spent in
one and another's life.

Then you gave me that chance where I was yours and you were mine. In that single
instance all my dreams had come true. Thank you for helping me realize that dreams
really do come true.

We had so many wonderful times together. Some of our days were filled with
adventure. In those days you brought out a side in me I never thought existed.
Thank you for showing me that I too could be daring.

Then there were days filled with so-so moments. Those days are the ones I've
cherished the most. Because, I would think for hours on end about happiness that I
never thought that could exist between me and another person. Thank you for showing
my happiness.

We also had our hard days. There were fights and they could have rattled the
deepest depths of the ocean. We always recovered. Thank you for showing me how to

You always made me feel beautiful. After basketball, or when I was sick, or when I
was waking up ... you always made me feel as though I was the most breath taking
creature to walk the face of this earth. Thank you for showing me I was beautiful.

Then we broke up. It was hard. It has taken me years to recover. But, now I want to
thank you for showing me how to let go.

Love always,


Because Of You
To: Dianne ~ From: Ched

Dear Dianne,

My life was a total wreck before. I thought that it would stay that way forever,
but when you came into my life, everything took a turn for better. I became a
responsible and trustworthy individual. You taught me how to be strong, you've
shown me the value of life and most of all you taught the real meaning of Love!!
You were always there beside me giving me a nudge and a shoulder to cry on. Thank
you so much, Baby! I am truly what I am now because of you. I love you so much and
look forward to growing old with you!!

Loving you forever,


Forever Grateful To You

To: Ty ~ From: Risse

Dear Ty,

Baby, I love you so much. I will always be forever grateful for you. You taught me
so much in life. You've helped me through rough times and I could always cry on
your shoulder without being judged. You loved me when no one else would. You always
came when I asked you to. You were my strength when I was weak and my breath when I
couldn't speak. You showed me the right way to love. Even when you didn't want to,
you made a friend out of my friends and I knew that you didn't like them, but you
did it for me. You asked me if I was okay when something was actually wrong with
you. You put my needs before your own.

When you kissed me, I felt like I could fly, but the only flying I did was more in
love with you. You inspired me and I truly felt as if I didn't deserve you, but
still, even more, you loved me for me. You protect me and guide me, and for that I
will be truly grateful (forever) and I just want to say 'Thank You' and I'll always
love you.

Love always,


Until The End Of Time

To: Tina ~ From: Iyke

Dear Tina,

Ever since you walked into my life I have been smiling. There hasn't been a night
when I have gone to sleep with a frown on my face, and it's all because of you.
Honey, I am glad that you came into my life. I have always wanted the love of my
life to be understanding, loving, caring, and faithful. I wanted someone who would
accept me for who I am. I know that I�ve found that person in you. My heart told me
that my princess was there when I first said hello to you over the phone. I didn't
have to think twice when I asked you to be my wife. I knew that you were the
perfect match for me. I don't think that there is, or that there ever could be,
anyone better than you out there for me.

I love you with my whole heart. I have never trusted anyone the way I trust you.
Sometimes I even doubt myself, but I know I will never doubt you because you are my
true love. I know deep down inside that you will never break my heart or let me
down in any way.

Thank you for everything, honey. I pray to God every day to bless you with
everything you deserve. I will love you until the end of time.

Always and Forever Yours, Tweetie

More Than Words Can Say

To: Vincent ~ From: Nicole

Dear Vincent,

I love you more than words could ever express. From the moment I saw you I had to
have you. Although I was only a young girl you taught me how to express myself as a
true woman. You taught me everything I know about loving someone. You molded me
into something rare and beautiful. Now that eight years have passed, our love has
only grown. Everyone looks at our relationship and are jealous because we are an
example of pure love, and not lust. When you touch my body, my heart seems to
explode and this is why I love you.

Love Always,

Forever Yours
To: Emmitt ~ From: Natalie

Dear Vincent,

There are no words to express the gratitude I feel in my heart that our hearts have
come to dwell together, as one. You are my life, my heart, my soul. You are my best
friend. You are my one true love. The day we met was fate. Our lives intertwining
was fate. You are my destiny. I love you more today than I did yesterday, and I'll
love you more tomorrow than I do today. Love is the only thing that makes life
worth living. Your love. With all my heart I am forever yours.

Love Always,


To My One and Only Love

To: Kevin ~ From: Kristy

Dear Kevin,

Everyday I wake up thanking God for you. You have made all my dreams come true,
especially now with the baby on the way. You have given me so much within the last
13 months and I don't know if I will be able to give back all that you have given
me. You have been my guiding light when I was lost. You have been my comforter
through all my trials and sorrow. And you have been my rock. There has been so many
times when I wanted to give up, and then you gave me hope and faith.

I promise to always love you and always hold you in my heart. I will always be here
for you when you need me and I will love you no matter what life brings us. You are
my soul mate, Kevin, and I vow to love you until the day that eternity is gone. I
love you, baby.

Love Always,


How Much I Love You...

To: Chris ~ From: Jolene

Dear Chris,

I am just writing to show the world how much I love you. From the moment that we
met, 'til our last kiss I have always loved you... I have never stopped loving you.
You are one of the most remarkable people I've ever known. You're kind, caring,
compassionate, loving and incredibly sexy.

When I am with you, I feel alive. You bring to me a happiness no one else has
before. You bring to me a love I have never known before. I could not imagine what
my life would be like without you. I know that I don't want to even imagine. You
have touched my heart in ways no one could ever comprehend. I love being with you
and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. My caveman, my sexy monster,
there is nothing on this Earth that I could ever give you that would ever come
close to how I feel about you. I want to be with you for the rest of your life, and
I hope you feel the same. If only you knew how much I want to stay in your life.
Is it wrong to be so young, yet feel so strong about you? I do not know what love
is. But if it means caring for you, respecting you, believing in you and putting
your happiness above my own, then I am in love. This is not lust or a silly
crush... I really do love you. The past year and a half we have spent together have
been incredibly romantic. I hope that there are more great times to come. I love
you, Cave....

Love always,


My Truest Soulmate
To: Tom ~ From: Jessica

Dear Tom,

From the moment our eyes met, our hearts knew what our minds couldn't comprehend. I
have never felt such an unexplainable love that we share. I could never find enough
words to express my love for you. The feeling is so overwhelming that a moment
without you is like a thousand years with the sun. I want to give to you the joy
you have brought to my life. You are my living breath, my life, my love, my
soulmate. I love you with all my heart.

Love always,


You've Changed My Life

To: BHaby ~ From: Ineng

Dear BHaby,

Thanks for being there when I needed a shoulder to lean on, for patiently listening
to my personal problems. BHaby, I just want you to know how happy am I to have you
in my life and I thank God for that. Thank you for the love and the joy you bring.
You've changed my life, BHaby.

You're the only boyfriend who gives my heart some excitement and thrills. When I'm
with you I feel like I'm out of control! You taught me how to handle life
seriously, you taught me how to solve my problems and to face it without any
fear... when I'm with you, I feel no fear, not even a single one.

I know that when you say you love me and I admit that I've fallen for you, I know
that I wouldn't shed any tears from now on. I love you and that's what I want you
to bear in your mind, and it's for keeps.

Yours and only yours,


I Love You Now & Forever

To: David ~ From: Shelly

Dear David,

You are my king and my prince. You are my knight in shining armor. We have so much
in common. I am so glad we like the same things like going out to eat at romantic
restaurants like Morton's and watching movies. I can't believe you were ever shy
but I am glad you broke out of your shell before you met me.

I know you have been hurt in the past and I will never hurt you like that. I am
yours and you are mine forever and always. I want to die loving you. I want you to
be the last man I ever kiss. I hate that we broke up that one time but I think it
made up realize what we lost. I cherish each and every day with you. You are the
first thing I think of in the morning and the last thing at night. I love to hear
you laugh, see you smile and watch you eat. You have a way about you. You are
irresistible to me and I don't know how anyone could let you go. I know I never

I didn't used to be romantic but you bring it out of me. You have taught me so much
and I admire your strength. The thing I love most about you is how you can change
my mood from sad to happy. I love going places with you like weddings, the beach
and walking. I am yours for as long as you will have me.

Love always,


Chance of a Lifetime
To: Sandra ~ From: Frank

Dear Sandra,

Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would meet a woman that could captivate
and win my heart at "Hello". Every moment from when I wake up till deep in the
night, there is no place on earth I would rather be than holding and kissing you

You are a special woman with unique and intriguing qualities that drive my desire
for you far beyond any imagination. Never in my life until the day I met you have I
wanted to bring a child into this world, share everything, offer all my love
unconditionally, and grow old with someone to one day reminisce of the years we
shared together. Just the thought of offering my total heart and spending my life
cherishing every moment with you, brings these incredible emotions to me I have
never experienced before.

The worse day of my life was letting you slip out of my life three years ago
because the timing just was not right for either of us, but second chances do not
come too often in life. I will not go on another day without giving us a true
chance at a life with love and happiness I know we could embrace together.

A wise man once told me, "When it is real, you will know," � I know.

Love, hugs & kisses,


You Light Up My Heart

To: Nezha ~ From: Amine

Dear Nezha,

Hi, Baby, you're always lighting up my heart with the things you do and say. I feel
so happy just being with you this way. You're my baby, and will forever be my baby.
You will always be the love of my life, and please never give up, always have faith
in yourself and you will gain the greatest gift of all, the gift of hope and love
you righteously deserve.

Every time I think of you my heart misses a beat. You're my theme for a dream!
Every moment we share together we grow closer. I'm simply hanging by a moment,
waiting to see you again so you can hold me so tight that all else fades; I thought
after you left you would fade away from my mind, but still everyday I wake up
dreaming of our time together.

I will never forget you. I hope you still think of me too. I love you with all that
I am, all that I was and all that I will ever be. Please know that my love and I
are inseparable and I would want it no other way and if time could express my love
for you then it's forever and a day. I can't wait to be with you, see your smile,
look in your eyes, feel your sweet touch, hear your perfect words and kiss your
perfect lips. The way I feel about you some people call it crazy, some call it
insane, but I call it true love. I really love you, Baby Bear.

Love always,


You've Changed My Life

To: BHaby ~ From: Ineng

Dear BHaby,

Thanks for being there when I needed a shoulder to lean on, for patiently listening
to my personal problems. BHaby, I just want you to know how happy am I to have you
in my life and I thank God for that. Thank you for the love and the joy you bring.
You've changed my life, BHaby.

You're the only boyfriend who gives my heart some excitement and thrills. When I'm
with you I feel like I'm out of control! You taught me how to handle life
seriously, you taught me how to solve my problems and to face it without any
fear... when I'm with you, I feel no fear, not even a single one.

I know that when you say you love me and I admit that I've fallen for you, I know
that I wouldn't shed any tears from now on. I love you and that's what I want you
to bear in your mind, and it's for keeps.

Yours and only yours,


Morning Smiles
To: Marsha ~ From: Meytal

Dear Marsha,

I was sleeping, my hand was searching for you, but you were not there. I turned my
head, I opened my eyes slightly and saw you fixing your new toy, the computer. I
just smiled. It would be so typical of me to do. I didn't know that you saw me
blinking, getting glimpses of you. I turned my head to the other side and slightly
fell right back to sleep. Within minutes, I felt you beside me wearing your robe. I
cuddled right into you, like two spoons against eachother. This may just be
memories, but I still wake up at times thinking of that morning smile when you read
my mind.

Love Always,

Good Morning
To: Paul ~ From: Amanda

Dear Paul,

How was I to know that you were watching me sleep? I awoke to see you laying there
and just then, you smiled and said hi and that just melted me. I wish with all of
my heart that I could wake to your beautiful eyes for the rest of my life.

I hated to leave but as I have told you, I left a big part of me with you. It is
yours now so, take care and tread lightly. I wish that I could be with you now as
you face so many struggles, but know that I am there in spirit and am praying for
everything to work out for you. No matter where this life takes us, together or
not, know that you and your girls will always be in my heart and "my favorite."

Love always,


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