Principle of Personalized Sexuality

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For Secular Humanis, Reasonable Uses of Sex

PRINCIPLE OF PERSONALIZED 1. Use sex purely for sake of pleasure

SEXUALITY apart from any relation to love or family
Sexuality – A complex aspect for our personality 2. Use it to reproduce without any
and self. Our sexuality is defined by sexual reference to pleasure or love.
thoughts, desires and longings, erotic fantasies, 3. Expression of unselfish love, but
turns-ons and experiences. without any relation to marriage or
Personalized Sexuality – Is based on the
understanding of sexuality as one of the basic 2 Norms of Sexual Morality
traits of the human person and must be
developed in ways consistent with enhancing 1. Laws or social attitudes that hinder
human dignity. This element of human human freedom to achieve these values
character often leads to a loss of human dignity in ways the individual's desires are
and an inability to pursue the truly fulfilling unjust and oppressive.
goals of human life. 2. Sexual behavior, at least among
consenting adults, is entirely a private
The Gift of Sexuality matter to be determined by personal
choice, free from any moral guilt.
 Must be used in keeping with its
intrinsic, invisible, specifically human
 Must be a loving, bodily, pleasurable
expression of the complementary,
permanent self-giving of a man and a
woman to each other.

Generally Recognized Values:

1. Sex is a search for sensual pleasure and

satisfaction, releasing physical and
psychic tensions.
2. Sex is a search for the completion of the
human person through an intimate
personal union of love expresses by
bodily union.
3. Sex is a social necessity for the
procreation of children and their
education in the family so as to expand
the human community and guarantee is
future beyond the death of individual
4. Sex is a symbolic (sacramental) mystery,
somehow revealing the cosmic order:

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