Extracted Pages From Speaking Quý 3 (9-12)

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FORECAST SPEAKING QUY 3.2023 (September to December) Part1. Group 1: topic ( always in use) ‘Work and studies 1 Do vou work or are vou a student? 2 Why did you choose that job? 3 did you choose to study that subject? 4 (for people who love challenges) Do you like your job? 5 (for nurses) Do you like your job? 6 Why did you choose to study that subject? 7 is there anything you dislike about your job? 8 what do you like about your studies? 9 what was your young dream job you went young? 10 have you changed your mind on your dream job? Hometown 1 Please describe your hometown a little. 2s that a big city or a small place? 3 How long have you been living there? 4.Do you think you will continue living there for a long time? 5 Would you like to live in the countryside in the future? 6 What is your hometown well- know for? 7 Do you like your home town? 8 Have you ever lived in the countryside? Group: original exams- dy doan 4@ thi IELTS 2023

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