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Private and Confidential


THIS SINGER AGREEMENT (“Agreement”) is made this __ day of _____ BETWEEN

Mr./ Ms. ____________________, an adult, Indian Inhabitant, residing at ______________

with PAN Card number ____________________hereinafter referred to as the “Singer" (which
expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning thereof mean and include
his/her legal heirs, legal representatives, executors and administrators) of the First Part;


________________________, having its office at

_____, hereinafter referred to as “Music Composer” (which expression shall unless it be
repugnant to the context or meaning thereof mean and include his/her legal heirs, legal
representatives, executors and administrators)of the Second Part;

The Singer and the Music Composers shall collectively referred to as the “Parties” and
individually “Party”.

WHEREAS, the Singer is a vocal performer of live and recorded music and capable of
performing for purposes of audio recording;

WHEREAS, The Music Composer is inter alia engaged in the business of creating, composing
and recording original musical works/ sound recordings to be utilized and exploited as a part of
cinematographic films;

WHEREAS, the Music Composer is desirous of engaging the Singer to perform the Services (as
set out herein below) and procuring assignment of all rights in relation thereto in.

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants set forth herein,
and other good and valuable consideration, the sufficiency and receipt of which is hereby
acknowledged, the Parties hereto hereby agree as follows:
Private and Confidential

1. Services:

1.1. The Music Composer hereby engages the Singer to sing and provide vocal performance
services (“Performance”) by using the lyrics of the works listed in Annexure A
(collectively the (“Works”) in synch with the musical work composed or to be composed
by the Music Composer in a manner as required by Music Composer for the purpose of
incorporating such Performance in a Sound Recording (as defined under Copyright Act,
1957 and amendment thereof from time to time) for any use, commercial or otherwise in
a manner as shall be deemed fit by the Music Composer at its sole discretion. The Music
Composer shall deem to be the author and first owner of copyright in and relating to the
Works and related Sound Recordings.

1.2. The Singer understands and agrees that the Music Composer shall, if deemed fit, have
full right to replace the Singer performing the Works vocally with the vocal performance
of a new singer and the Singer shall have no right to raise any objections to the same.

2. Grant of Rights:

2.1. The Singer authorizes the Music Composer to record the Performance of the Singer in
accordance with the provisions of this Agreement and synchronize in any of the audio
and audio visual content for any commercial use or otherwise without restriction.

2.2. The Singer further assigns to the Music Composer any and all right, title, interest in any
Performer Rights relating to any and all Performance of the Work, to the Music
Composer and all rights of action and all other rights of any nature whatsoever including
but not limited to the right to reproduce the Performance to feature in any audio and
audio video content, by the Music Composer and/ or its assignee, or for unrestricted
commercial use, in any material form including but not limited to the storing of it in any
medium by electronic or other means; issue copies of the Performance to the public
including copies of records of such Performances in any format and parts;
communication of the Performance to the public in any format; sell or give on
commercial rental or offer for sale or for commercial rental any copy of a recording of
the Performances in any format; broadcast or communicate the Performance to the public
by any and all mediums and modes, technology or process in existence or in commercial
use anywhere in the universe whether or not in the field of Cinematograph Films or
Sound Recordings at the time of execution of this Agreement by both Parties in
perpetuity or invented in future.

2.3. The Singer hereby grants the Music Composer and its assignees the right to use the
Singer's name, photographs approved by the Singer in writing and other likenesses of
Singer, and biographical material concerning Singer in connection with the exploitation
of the Work and/ or Performance.
Private and Confidential

2.4. None of the rights granted by the Singer under the provisions of this Agreement shall
lapse in the event the rights assigned by the Singer are not exercised within a period of
one year from the date of assignment or for any other reason whatsoever. The Singer
expressly agrees that the provisions of Section 19(4), 19A, 38 and 38A of the Copyright
Act 1957 (as amended) shall not apply to this Agreement and the Singer hereby waive his
rights under the aforesaid sections.

2.5. The Singer acknowledges and agrees that the Performer Rights of the Singer shall not
affect the separate copyright in any work in respect of which the performance is made.

2.6. All moral rights in the Performance are waived of by the Singer in the favor the Music

2.7 Notwithstanding anything contained in this Agreement, the Singer shall have no
restriction to give a Performance of the Works in public in relation to any live shows or

3. Consideration:

3.1. As an all-inclusive full and final  consideration for the Services rendered by the Singer
and assignment of all rights in the Performances, including the right to commercially use
and exploit the Performances, the Singer is entitled to a sum amount of
Rs.______________ /- (Rupees ______________ only) inclusive of all taxes except
service tax (“Consideration”), which amount of Consideration has already been paid to
the Singer by the Music Composer and the Singer hereby acknowledges the receipt and
sufficiency of the said amount of Consideration. The Singer agrees and acknowledges
that the aforesaid amount of Consideration has been paid to the Singer by the Music
Composers and the Music Composer / and or its assignee is/ are  not liable to pay any
further amounts to the Singer over and above the said Consideration.

3.2. The Singer shall be entirely responsible for payment of all taxes (including service tax
and other indirect taxes, if any) directly to the concerned authorities in respect of all
income arising out of this Agreement. However, if the law requires the Music Composer
to deduct any tax at source, the same shall be deducted out of the Consideration payable
to the Singer at such rates that are in force at the time of payment.

4. Warranties & Indemnities:

4.1 As a material inducement towards the Music Composers to enter into this Agreement, the
Singer warrant undertakes and agrees that;

4.1.1 The Singer is free to enter into this Agreement;

Private and Confidential

4.1.2 The Singer is the sole absolute unencumbered legal and beneficial owner of all rights
granted to the Music Composer and /or its assignee;

4.1.3 The Singer has the authority to grant to the Music Composer such rights and consents
granted in this Agreement and is not under any disability, restriction or prohibition which
may prevent the Singer from performing or observing any of the Singer's obligations
under the Agreement.

5. Dispute Resolution: This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of India and courts
in Mumbai shall have exclusive jurisdiction.

6. Assignment: Neither this Agreement nor any of the Singer's obligations hereunder shall
be assignable by the Singer. Any such assignment shall be void ab initio. The Music
Composer shall have the right to assign /license, either wholly or partially, this
Agreement and/or any of the rights obtained by the Music Composer pursuant to the

7. Severability: The Parties agree that should any part of this Agreement be declared /
adjudicated as illegal or unenforceable, such declaration / adjudication shall not alter the
validity or enforceability of any other terms or provisions unless the terms and provisions
declared (by any of the Parties) shall be one expressly defined as a condition precedent or
as of the essence of this Agreement, or comprising an integral part of, or inseparable from
the remainder of this Agreement. It is further declared that the recitals above form an
integral part of this Agreement.

8. Non-Disclosure: The Singer hereby undertakes not to disclose, reveal or make public
except with the prior written consent of the Music Composer, any information
whatsoever concerning the production of the Film, Performance rendered hereunder
and/or the contents of this Agreement.

9. No Partnership: Nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed to constitute a partnership

or an association of persons or a body of individuals between the Parties to this
Agreement nor constitute any Party the agent of the other Party, or otherwise entitle any
Party to have authority to bind the other Parties to this Agreement for any purpose.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have duly executed this Agreement the day and. year
first above written Each Party's signature indicates that they have read this Agreement and will
comply with all the provisions of this Agreement.

(Singer) (Music Composer/s)

Private and Confidential

Annexure A
List of Works

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