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Save the Earth

In recent years, in addition to fundamental issues such as preventing a nuclear war, preserving peace, and lowering the population growth rate, the issue of environmental protection has
become an important issue globally. It is of vital importance to humanity on Earth.

Protecting the living environment is a pressing worldwide problem that the whole world community is working together to improve the situation. Ozone depletion raises the risk of skin
cancer and eye illnesses while lowering human immunity. Animal and plant species are also affected; some species are destroyed or on the verge of extinction.

The ecological crisis in the world is taking place with seriousness, and resources are depleting rapidly. Environmental pollution is spreading and becoming a hazard to human survival.

In the last five years, the issue of more concern than before is about the environment. But in fact, the proportion of harmful gasses in the atmosphere continues to increase; the rate of
deforestation is at an alarming rate; one-third of the population is still suffering from water shortage; without new measures to manage groundwater resources, the world will be in a
water crisis by 2050; seafood is being over-exploited and decreasing; Desertification is still at crisis level in Africa.

The causes of environmental degradation are rapid industrial development, increased worldwide deforestation, a resource-population imbalance, and an increasing weapons race.

The phenomenon of environmental contamination and degradation occurs in any country, any region, from underdeveloped countries to advanced industrial countries. Environmental
pollution is not limited to national borders; Deforestation in one country can cause floods and droughts in another. Because this is a worldwide issue, no single country can handle it
alone, so there must be joint coordination through an international strategy.

Vietnam is also facing severe ecological challenges. Soil, forest, water, animals, and plants are over-exploited, making rare and precious resources increasingly depleted. Our country's
degraded soil and bare hills have reached 13 million hectares (39% of the total area), with 1.2 million hectares no longer cultivable.

In the past 50 years, the forest area has decreased by 6 million hectares, and the coverage rate is 26%. Currently, in some industrial regions, the dust and harmful emissions
concentration has exceeded the permissible level many times because most factories still use obsolete technology and antiquated equipment.

Faced with this predicament, the Vietnamese Party and State have taken active actions to protect the ecological environment and ensure healthy living for the people.

In the near future, Vietnam will need to absorb from industrialized countries and develop a plan to avoid and minimize environmental damage. Mining must be well organized and
managed to avoid squandering resources and negatively impacting environmental resources.

Therefore, it is necessary to develop a system of legal documents as a foundation for the required discharge enforcement, pollution control, and violation management standards. While
planning urban areas, proper attention to arranging factories, residential clusters, entertainment areas, green areas, drainage systems, solid waste dumps, waste treatment plants,
hazardous waste incinerators, etc.

Protecting the environment is a common concern for everyone, every home, every country, and even humanity, with a sense of responsibility: let's save the earth, save our cradle.

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