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World J Microbiol Biotechnol (2017) 33:162

DOI 10.1007/s11274-017-2328-0


Carbon catabolite regulation in Streptomyces: new insights

and lessons learned
Alba Romero‑Rodríguez1 · Diana Rocha1 · Beatriz Ruiz‑Villafán1 · Silvia Guzmán‑Trampe1 ·
Nidia Maldonado‑Carmona1 · Melissa Vázquez‑Hernández1 · Augusto Zelarayán1 · Romina Rodríguez‑Sanoja1 ·
Sergio Sánchez1 

Received: 3 June 2017 / Accepted: 30 July 2017

© Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2017

Abstract  One of the most significant control mechanisms Keywords  Streptomyces · Regulatory mechanisms ·
of the physiological processes in the genus Streptomyces Repression · Gene expression · Secondary metabolites ·
is carbon catabolite repression (CCR). This mechanism Morphological differentiation
controls the expression of genes involved in the uptake
and utilization of alternative carbon sources in Streptomy-
ces and is mostly independent of the phosphoenolpyruvate Introduction
phosphotransferase system (PTS). CCR also affects mor-
phological differentiation and the synthesis of secondary Importance of carbon catabolite repression
metabolites, although not all secondary metabolite genes
are equally sensitive to the control by the carbon source. In Streptomyces and other microorganisms, carbon source
Even when the outcome effect of CCR in bacteria is the regulation, commonly known as carbon catabolite repres-
same, their essential mechanisms can be rather different. sion (CCR), is one of the most conserved mechanisms pro-
Although usually, glucose elicits this phenomenon, other tecting the cells against wasting the protein-synthesizing
rapidly metabolized carbon sources can also cause CCR. machinery. CCR is an important mechanism for competi-
Multiple efforts have been put through to the understanding tion in natural environments, since the selection of pre-
of the mechanism of CCR in this genus. However, a rea- ferred carbon sources is a major determining factor in the
sonable mechanism to explain the nature of this process in microbial growth rate and therefore, supports successful
Streptomyces does not yet exist. Several examples of pri- competition with other microorganisms (Gorke and Stülke
mary and secondary metabolites subject to CCR will be 2008). This mechanism regulates the expression of genes
examined in this review. Additionally, recent advances in involved in the uptake and utilization of alternative carbon
the metabolites and protein factors involved in the Strepto- sources and operates when more than one utilizable sub-
myces CCR, as well as their mechanisms will be described strate is present in the environment. As many as 5–10%
and discussed in this review. of all bacterial genes are subject to this type of regulation.
While the cell produces specific enzymes to catabolize the
rapidly assimilated carbon sources, the enzymes involved
in other substrates utilization are repressed until the pri-
mary substrate is exhausted, and it is at that moment that
the second best starts to be utilized. Although CCR is usu-
Alba Romero-Rodríguez and Diana Rocha have contributed
ally exerted by glucose, in different microorganisms other
equally to this work.
rapidly metabolized carbon sources can cause repression
* Sergio Sánchez and, even, can repress the catabolism of glucose (Demain 1989).
1 Glucose, usually an excellent carbon source for growth,
Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas, Universidad
Nacional Autónoma de México, Tercer Circuito Exterior de when used in high concentrations also interferes with
Ciudad Universitaria, Mexico City 04510, Mexico the formation of many compounds, including secondary

162   Page 2 of 11 World J Microbiol Biotechnol (2017) 33:162

metabolites, and delays morphological differentiation: ‘too acids (Tang and Hutchinson 1995) and nucleotides (Ohe
much of a good thing can be bad’ (Demain 1989). and Watanabe 1977), respectively.
Diverse mechanisms have been described in bacteria to The regulatory mechanisms involved in these processes
explain the undesirable carbon catabolite effects on pri- in Streptomyces will be described in detail in the following
mary metabolites utilization and secondary metabolite pro- paragraphs.
duction. These mechanisms show substantial differences
depending on the type of bacteria being considered. For Regulation of secondary metabolites production
a long time, glucose kinase has been associated to CCR
(Angell et al. 1992). However, new molecules or transcrip- Secondary metabolism comprises a group of metabolic
tional regulators have emerged as potential performers of pathways whose products are synthesized from a precur-
this puzzling mechanism (Romero-Rodríguez et al. 2016a). sor derived from primary metabolism (Demain and Fang
In this review, aside from describing the physiological pro- 2001). These products are known as secondary metabolites,
cesses and metabolic pathways influenced by glucose in and they display an extensive range of activities of human
several Streptomyces models, several unexplored transcrip- interest including antibacterial effects. Among bacteria, the
tional regulators involved in the CCR mechanism and new most prolific antibiotic producers are Streptomyces bacte-
putative regulatory proteins possibly involved or control- ria. The antibiotic synthesis begins at the idiophase, and
ling CCR, will be described and discussed. their production is highly regulated genetically as well as
by the nutritional intake of phosphate, nitrogen and carbon
sources (Liu et  al. 2013; Romero-Rodríguez et  al. 2015,
Regulation by the carbon source in Streptomyces 2016a) (Fig. 1). The carbon regulation initiates when high
species concentrations of glucose and other carbohydrates are fed
into the culture media, resulting in most cases in downregu-
Primary metabolism lation effects on antibiotic production by lowering or even
abolishing its production (Ruiz et  al. 2010; Romero-Rod-
Streptomycetes are widely distributed on the planet, ríguez et al. 2016b).
although the soil has been the niche most studied. Depend- It has been reported that glucose plays the major role
ing on the sampled region the soil could be rich in insolu- as a suppressor over secondary metabolism by modulat-
ble polymers such as proteins, starch, cellulose, and chitin. ing the primary metabolism and thus limiting the avail-
The source of most of these insoluble polymeric nutrients ability of its precursors as occurs with actinorhodin (ACT)
are the plants. The use of these substrates for the bacte- and undecylprodigiosin (RED) production in Streptomyces
rial growth requires secretion of extracellular enzymes and coelicolor (Ruiz et al. 2010). In addition to glucose, other
incorporation of the soluble breakdown products. The vari- carbon sources like glycerol display suppressive effects on
ety and multiplicity of carbohydrate and protein degrading the production of secondary metabolites like actinomycin
pathways harbored by Streptomyces reflect the diversity by Streptomyces parvulus or cycloserine in Streptomyces
and multiplicity of these polymers in the soil. Therefore, garyphalus (Demain and Fang 1995). The suppressive
control of the primary metabolism in Streptomyces depends effects are also seen in non-antibiotic metabolites like geo-
on the nutrients availability. Glucose affects the expres- smin in Streptomyces halstedii. In this case, several carbon
sion of genes involved in the utilization of glycerol (Hin- sources like citrate, fructose or sucrose decrease its pro-
dle and Smith 1994), galactose (Brawner et  al. 1997), duction levels when compared to mannitol (Schrader and
sucrose, mannose (Kayali et  al. 2011), arabinose, fructose Blevins 2001). The negative influence of several carbon
(Hodgson 1982), maltose (van Wezel et al. 1997) and cel- sources over the synthesis of antibiotics, most of them with
lobiose (Schlösser et al. 2000). In addition to carbohydrate clinical application, are displayed in Table 1.
transport systems, CCR of intracellular and extracellular While earlier studies have focused on how carbon
catabolic enzymes have been reported in different strepto- sources such as monosaccharides affect the production of
mycetes. As such, glucose influences production of glyco- select metabolites, the current research investigates the
side-hydrolases such as cellulases (Marushima et al. 2009), molecular factors implicated in these phenotypical changes.
α-amylases (Mellouli et  al. 2002), xylanases (Arhin et  al.
1994), β-galactosidases (Pérez-Pons et  al. 1995), agarases Morphological differentiation
(Servin-Gonzalez et  al. 1994) and chitinases (Saito et  al.
2000). A repressive effect of glucose was also reported for Streptomycetes exhibit a complex developmental biology,
bacteriolytic- and proteolytic enzymes in several Strepto- involving mycelial growth, multicellular behavior, inter-
myces strains (Zhernosekova and Kilochek 2000; Abdelwa- cellular communication, and morphological differentia-
hed et  al. 2014). Also in the metabolism of some amino tion. These biological processes are accurately regulated by

World J Microbiol Biotechnol (2017) 33:162 Page 3 of 11  162

Fig.  1  a Regulation of secondary metabolism by the nutritional mation is currently unclear. Red arrows indicate a negative effect. c
intake/availability of phosphate (P), nitrogen (N) and carbon sources DasR repression of target genes expression in secondary metabolites
(CS). Regulation can occur by modifying the activity of enzymes formation. Regulators such as AtrA, ROK7B7 and ArgR seem to have
of primary (PM) or secondary metabolism (SM), as well as through a positive effect. A direct interaction between Glk with transcriptional
the effect of pleiotropic and carbon source regulators. A high con- factors has not been yet demonstrated. Red arrows indicate a negative
centration of glucose and other carbohydrates results in most cases effect; solid black arrows indicate a positive effect, dashed lines indi-
in down-regulation effects on antibiotic production. b Effect of cate a possible indirect effect. Illustrated secondary metabolites are
SCO2127 and phosphorylated intermediates of the glycolisis on sec- ACT (actinorhodin), RED (undecylprodigiosin), CPK (yellow type I
ondary metabolism in Streptomyces peucetius var. caesius. While the polyketide), CDA (calcium-dependent antibiotic)
ATP-Glk is necessary for CCR, its function on the anthracycline for-

several regulatory mechanisms, including the regulation encoding an ABC transporter, probably involved in sugar
by the carbon source. The morphological differentiation of import (Seo et al. 2002). Disruption of dasA gene in in the
Streptomyces assures the survival of the cell under differ- S. griseus wild-type strain resulted in ectopic sporulation of
ent types of stress. However, due to its metabolic cost, it substrate mycelium in the presence of glucose, suggesting
is a top regulated process in the cell. Like most processes an additional role of this gene in aerial mycelium forma-
in Streptomyces, a high concentration of glucose or other tion. Introduction of a multicopy plasmid containing the
favorable carbon source prevents its morphological differ- gene dasA into the wild-type strain caused ectopic sporu-
entiation, but the molecular mechanism used in the process lation independent of the presence of the butyrolactone A
remain elusive (McCormick and Flärdh 2012). Morpholog- factor (Seo et al. 2002).
ical differentiation is repressed by glucose in several strep- Historically, bldB mutants have been recognized for
tomycetes like Streptomyces albidoflavus (Kang and Lee their incapacity to develop aerial mycelium. Unlike the
1997), Streptomyces griseus (Seo et al. 2002), and S. coeli- other bld mutants as bldD or bldA, bldB mutants are
color (Colson et al. 2008; Romero-Rodríguez et al. 2016b). insensitive to glucose repression (Pope et  al. 1998),
Several proteins have been found to be involved in the which probably means a limited relationship between
CCR of morphological development. Among them, the primary metabolism and morphological differentiation
most studied is the operon DasABC, a protein complex through GlkA. The latter was demonstrated in recent

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Table 1  Examples of antibiotics repressed by the carbon source and the producer microorganism
Strain Antibiotic Repressor System References

Streptomyces lincolnensis L1245 Lincomycin Glucose Glucose diminish Ln production. Majerčíková et al. (2015)
When added to a 7 day precul-
ture enhances Ln production
Streptomyces parvalus Actinomycin Glucose, glycerol Both represses tryptophan pyr- Brown et al. (1983)
rolase and kynurenine formami-
Streptomyces garyphalus Cycloserine Glycerol Demain and Fang (1995)
Streptomyces griseus Streptomycin Glucose Glucose repression of mannosi- Demain and Inamine (1970)
dostreptomycinase decreases
streptomycin yields obtained
from mannosidostreptomycin
Streptomyces peucetius var. Anthracyclines Glucose Over 100 mM glucose exhibits a Escalante et al. (1999)
caesius negative effect on anthracycline
Streptomyces venezuelae Chloramphenicol Glucose Glucose has a negative effect Bhatnagar et al. (1988)
over antibiotic depending on
the nitrogen source supplied or
reducing arylamine synthetase
Streptomyces coelicolor, Strepto- Actinorhodin ACT/ Glucose Glucose acts as repressor of ACT Borodina et al. (2008)
myces lividans undecylprodigiosin Xylose and RED by activating pfkA2 Park et al. (2009)
RED Using xylose, ROK7B7 activates
the production of ACT but
represses RED
Streptomyces lactamdurans Cephamycin Glucose Glucose represses expandase Cortés et al. (1984)
Streptomyces clavuligerus Glycerol biosynthesis Lebrihi et al. (1988)
Glycerol exerts repression of
cephamycin C synthase and

proteomic studies on a glkA null mutant, on which a clear While most of the knowledge acquired of CCR on mor-
repression on bld genes was observed in the presence of phological development is a direct consequence of the
glucose (van Wezel and McDowall 2011). study of transcriptional factors, it remains incomplete as
In S. coelicolor, our research group has discovered that few studies have tried to elucidate the whole framework of
high concentration of glucose (100 mM) arrests sporula- interactions between transcriptional factors and their targets
tion on solid media in the wild-type strain (M145). How- in various growth conditions.
ever, a null Δsco2127 mutant dodges this effect and its
sporulation is unaffected by glucose, suggesting a role of
this protein in the regulatory process. In support of this Advances in the mechanism of carbon source
view, an interaction between SCO2127 and BldKB has regulation
been demonstrated in vitro (Chávez et al. 2009, 2011).
Mutants on the RNA polymerase sigma factor SigN The role of glucose kinase (Glk)
had shown a delay in development when were grown
on minimal media with 1% glucose. Interestingly, sigN In Streptomyces, glucose is mainly transported through
mutants still produce actinorhodin and undecylprodi- the GlcP transporter of the MFS family (van Wezel et  al.
gionin, implying that SigN regulates sporulation but not 2005) and phosphorylated by glucose kinase (GlkA), form-
antibiotic production, even though the processes are usu- ing glucose 6-phosphate. In this genus, GlkA is involved
ally tied together (Dalton et al. 2007). This detachment of globally in regulating the CCR phenomenon. Mutants
the two regulons can prove beneficial for the bacteria in from S. coelicolor A3(2) and Streptomyces peucetius var.
this case because it allows microbial protection even in caesius, resistant to the glucose analogue, 2-deoxyglucose
the absence of differentiation. (2-dog), are not subject to glucose repression (Hodgson

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1982; Segura et al. 1996). The lack of glucose repression in calcium-dependent antibiotic (CDA) was observed (Gub-
such mutants correlates with the loss of the ATP-dependent bens et al. 2012; Romero-Rodríguez et al. 2016a).
glucose kinase activity (Hodgson 1982). Complementation Transcriptome studies showed a change in the expres-
of S. coelicolor mutants with the Zymomonas mobilis glk sion of 91 genes in the presence of glucose and absence
gene restores Glk activity; growth on glucose, 2-dog sensi- of glkA. About 500 genes changed their expression solely
tivity, but not sensitivity to glucose repression (Angell et al. due to glucose and only the expression of 43 genes is modi-
1994). These results suggest that Glk plays a determinant fied by the absence of the glkA gene. Therefore, contrary to
role in CCR beyond restoring the metabolic flux (Angell the previous hypothesis, GlkA does not seem to have such
et  al. 1994). This glucose insensitivity was extended to a broad global effect on CCR (Fig.  1b). GlkA also modi-
other repressor carbon sources that are not metabolized via fies the expression of 40 DNA binding protein genes, sug-
GlkA (Kwakman and Postma 1994). gesting that the CCR effect observed during all these years
GlkA shares identity with the ROK family proteins, of study is probably due to the combined action of GlkA
comprising transcriptional regulators that have the classic and some transcription factors to exert CCR (Romero-Rod-
DNA binding site (helix-turn-helix), and kinases, involved ríguez et al. 2016b). These studies demonstrate how com-
in regulatory processes. However, the S. coelicolor GlkA, plex is the process of regulation of CCR in Streptomyces,
as well as the ROK family kinases, lack this DNA bind- and opens the way to study multiple regulators of unknown
ing domain, so they cannot exert their regulatory role by function that could be involved in the process.
directly binding to the promoter regions of the repressed
genes (Titgemeyer et al. 1994). Regulation by additional proteins
It has been speculated that Glk acts interacting with
other proteins and the formed complex exerts this regula- As previously mentioned, the pioneer studies on Streptomy-
tion. Interaction of GlkA with other proteins was detected ces CCR identified the Glk as a transcendental masterpiece
in the cytosolic fraction of S. coelicolor when analyzed by of this mechanism. Nonetheless, the complementation of
surface plasmon resonance, but the target protein has not DogR mutants with Glk only partially restores the CCR
been identified (Mahr et al. 2000). Nevertheless, van Wezel (Angell et al. 1992). Total recovery can be observed when
et  al. (2007) demonstrated the interaction between GlkA using a 2.9 kb DNA fragment containing the sco2127 gene.
and GlcP, necessary for the efficient transport and phospho- This effect is also detected in the anthracycline producer S.
rylation of glucose from the culture medium. peucetius var. caesius (Guzmán et al. 2005a) (Fig. 1c).
For the doxorubicin producer, S. peucetius var. caesius, It has been predicted that the sco2127 gene product,
DogR mutants were obtained, which presented insensitiv- which is located directly upstream of glkA, may interact
ity to CCR. These mutants showed decreased GlcP and Glk with other proteins to stimulate either glkA transcription or
activity (Escalante et al. 1999). Both activities are restored enzyme activity (Guzmán et al. 2005a, Chavez et al. 2011).
or even increased when the mutants are complemented However, these hypotheses have not been experimentally
with glkA and sco2127 genes. The sco2127 gene is located validated yet.
upstream of glkA, but its function is unknown (Guzmán The sco2127 gene codes for a soluble protein detected
et al. 2005a, b). during the late growth phase of S. coelicolor grown in a
Recent studies in a S. coelicolor ΔglkA mutant sug- complex medium supplemented with 100  mM glucose
gested that CCR operates through two different mecha- (Chávez et  al. 2011). When comparing the Glk activ-
nisms, one is GlkA-dependent and the other is glucose ity in S. coelicolor M145 and its sco2127 null mutant in
dependent (Romero-Rodríguez et  al. 2016a). Proteomic cells grown in a chemically defined medium, the glucose
and transcriptomic studies showed that the higher change consumption and Glk activity show the same profile in
in gene expression was due to the glucose itself compared both strains (Forero et  al. 2012). However, the primary
to the absence of GlkA. It was observed that glucose stimu- Glk activity remains higher in the sco2127 mutant when
lated glycolysis and the pentose phosphate pathway, signal compared with its parenteral strain. It was suggested that
mediated by GlcP. It also affects negatively the enzymes sco2127 gene could prevent actinorhodin formation during
involved in the metabolism and transport of amino acids. early stages of fermentation (Forero et al. 2012). Recently,
Unlike other transporters, the xylose transport system a proteomic approach showed the comparison between the
is strongly activated in the presence of glucose and do sco2127 deleted strain and its parenteral strain. The mutant
not depends on GlkA, as well as its regulator Rok7B7 displayed a reduction in the production of actinorhodin,
(Swiatek et  al. 2013). As expected, the inducer exclusion an altered expression of the mycothiol and hydroxyec-
of different carbohydrates and amino acids transporters toine biosynthetic enzymes, as well as the accumulation
are also dependent of GlkA regulation. A strong influence of nitrite (Tierrafría et  al. 2016). Additionally, deletion of
of GlkA over the synthesis of prodigionins (RED) and sco2127 also resulted in an increased abundance of the

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gluconeogenic enzymes glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehy- coordination of metabolism and the response to different
drogenase (SCO7040) and fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase nutritional factors in Streptomyces, including CCR.
(SCO5047) (Tierrafría et al. 2016). One of the best-studied regulators related to car-
As mentioned, several studies have been performed to bon metabolism on the Streptomyces genus is DasR, a
determine the activity/function, if any, of the expression GntR-family transcriptional factor (Romero-Rodríguez
product of the gene sco2127, but despite the efforts, to our et  al. 2015). Through different approximations, it has
knowledge, the participation of the sco2127 on CCR, at been revealed its significant role on RCC in S. griseus
least in S. coelicolor, is unclear. (SGR_2282) (Seo et  al. 2002) and S. coelicolor (gene
sco5231). On both organisms, DasR represses expression
The role of transcriptional regulators of its target genes accordingly to N-acetylglucosamine-
6-phosphate (GlcNAc-6P) or glucosamine-6-phosphate
Transcriptional factors are involved in regulation of pri- (Glc-6P) availability on the media (Fig. 2). These substrates
mary and secondary metabolism. Mutants in pathway- are products of chitin degradation, but also a byproduct of
specific regulators are also deregulated in glucose repres- cell wall lysis, indicating the DasR capability to differenti-
sion. Hindle and Smith (1994) first reported a catabolic ate between nutrients provided by the surrounding media
regulator, GylR, necessary for both, substrate induction and or by autolysis (Świątek et al. 2012). Lately, by a genomic-
CCR of glycerol utilization. In the same line, mutants in wide approximation, it was confirmed not only its ability
the master regulator of the cellulose/cellooligosaccharide to bind the dre-sites of genes related to morphological dif-
catabolism (CebR), exhibit a deficient glucose repression ferentiation and primary metabolism but also to discov-
of β-galactosidase in a minimal medium containing lactose, ered novel binding sites (Świątek-Połatyńska et  al. 2015).
indicating that CebR is required for the glucose repression Interestingly, these novel binding sites include the upstream
of this enzyme (Marushima et  al. 2009). A homologous regions of genes directly related to the production of the
repressor of the LacI/GalR family, MalR, from S. coeli- Calcium-Dependent Antibiotic (cdaPSI and cdaPSII), to
color is required for maltose utilization, and hence it is actinorhodin (actII-4), undecylprodigiosin (redD, redZ)
required for substrate induction and glucose repression of and the cryptic polyketide (cpkC, cpkB, cpkA). This discov-
maltose utilization (vanWezel et al. 1997). ery indicates a direct link between primary metabolism and
Recently, the probable LacI-family transcriptional reg- cryptic clusters, providing a tool for metabolic engineer-
ulator encoded by sco3485 has been proposed to be the ing in the expression of cryptic clusters of other actino-
regulator of agar utilization in S. coelicolor. Transcription mycetes (Świątek et  al. 2012). Also, the possible interac-
of the dag gene is not affected either by glucose or glkA tion between DasR and other regulatory proteins leads to
(Gubbens et  al. 2012; Romero-Rodríguez et  al. 2016a), new studies that will extend the knowledge on CCR and
but instead SCO3485 may act as a repressor, binding to its its molecular mechanisms, as DasR appears to be the best-
target and allosterically regulating by its ligand, probably known link between primary metabolism, morphological
neoagarobiose. differentiation, and antibiotic production.
AtrA, is a transcription factor that belongs to the TetR ROK7B7 is a member of the ROK family, a group of
family, which is required for the transcription of actIII- sugar-responsive transcriptional regulators whose partici-
ORF4 in S. coelicolor (Uguru et  al. 2005). Furthermore, pation on CCR has just recently noted. Initially, ROK7B7
strR is the pathway specific activator of ACT and strepto- was identified as a protein capable of bind to the upstream
mycin production in S. griseus (Hong et al. 2007) (Fig. 1c). region of red genes (Park et  al. 2009). This finding was
The above examples of substrate induction and CCR later verified in a transcriptomic and proteomic evalua-
mediated by specific regulators may imply a protein–pro- tion of the null mutant of ROK7B7, where prodigionins
tein interaction or allosteric inhibition controlling the activ- expression was largely induced, as well as other secondary
ity of specific transcriptional regulators. However, how this metabolites. Remarkably, GlkA expression was enhanced
regulation is orchestrated or affected by Glk is unknown. in this mutant, suggesting a correlation between ROK7B7
The direct interaction of Glk with transcriptional factors and CCR (Fig. 2c). A reduction in the agarase production
have been tested showing inconclusive results (Mahr et al. by the mutant ROk7B7 in several carbon sources confirmed
2000; van Wezel et al. 2007). Nevertheless, it is clear that this view. However, the amplitude of its function as regulon
operon specific regulators are necessary not only for the is still unknown (Swiatek et al. 2013).
control of their own operons but also for CCR. A comparison between the S. coelicolor wild-type strain
Besides local regulation of operons, CCR may also and its derivative argR mutant demonstrated that this regu-
be mediated by global regulators. As Martin and Liras lator is not only involved in the arginine metabolism. Actu-
(2010) proposed, the interactions between the global nutri- ally, nitrogen metabolism, antibiotics production, synthesis
tional regulators are a promising ground to understand the of membrane proteins, morphology, sporulation, multiple

World J Microbiol Biotechnol (2017) 33:162 Page 7 of 11  162

Fig. 2  Model of the DasR

effect on antibiotic formation,
morphological differentiation
and the influence of GlcNAc-6P
and Glc-6P on its formation

two-component systems and the lipid and carbohydrate The levels of glycerol 3-phosphate, inducer of the
metabolism are also affected (Pérez-Redondo et al. 2012). glycerol operon (gylCABX) in S. coelicolor, determine
Interestingly, the transcription and protein expression of the degree of repression that can exert the repressor GylR
ArgR seems to be affected by the carbon source and GlkA on the promotor of gylCABX. As the addition of glucose
(Gubbens et al. 2012; Romero-Rodríguez et al. 2016a). to the medium diminishes the glycerol operon expres-
sion, it has been postulated that GlkA might modulate the
intracellular levels of glycerol 3-phosphate (Hindle and
Participation of single and phosphorylated metabolites Smith 1994).
in CCR The relevance of glucose uptake/Glk ratio for the CCR
onset was proved in the doxorubicin overproducer S.
The participation of several metabolite types in catabolic peucetius var. caesius, which suggested the importance of
repression has been signposted since the elucidation of the the intracellular concentration of glycolytic intermediates
mechanism in Escherichia coli. cAMP was pinpointed as for the CCR in this strain (Ramos et al. 2004). Taking the
relevant in such mechanism as it binds to the cyclic AMP latter into account, two single and two phosphorylated
receptor protein (CRP) to exert activation of several cata- compounds were added in a chemically defined medium,
bolic genes and operons (Escalante et al. 2012). Neverthe- and the anthracycline concentration was measured. The
less, unlike enterobacteria, in Streptomyces the CRP does results showed an 81% decrease in anthracycline pro-
not have any role on CCR; conversely, CRP protein has duction when using fructose-1,6-bis-phosphate and 55%
been involved as a regulator in morphological differentia- with phosphoenolpyruvate in the wild type strain of S.
tion and antibiotic production in S. coelicolor (Derouaux peucetius var. caesius and one mutant insensitive to CCR.
et al. 2004; Gao et al. 2012). However, pyruvate and acetate had no effect on anthracy-
Several phosphorylated metabolites derived from the cline formation (Ramos et  al. 2004). These results sup-
glucose metabolism, like glucose 6-phosphate, fructose port the participation of glycolytic phosphorylated inter-
2,6-diphosphate, fructose 1,6-diphosphate and even inor- mediates in the CCR (Fig.  1b). An integral view of the
ganic phosphate exert a negative influence on the cephamy- mechanisms involved in CCR is presented in Fig. 3.
cin C biosynthesis in Streptomyces lactamdurans (Cortés
et al. 1986).

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Fig. 3  Regulators that have been described and their possible impli- implicated indirectly in CCR. Glucose or some product of its metabo-
cation in different physiological processes of Streptomyces. MalR lism exert an effect on GlcP and CCR, independently of Glk. DasR
is necessary for induction and repression of maltose utilization, and has an effect on different processes and responds to different signals
likely interacts with Glk (pink line). Similarly, GylR is required for such as hydrolysis of the cell wall or the presence of chitin as carbon
induction and repression of glycerol transport. CebR is required for source. It has been observed that Glk, ArgR and DasR have pleio-
induction and repression of β-galactosidase. Rok7b7 is activated by tropic effects on different cellular processes and although it has not
the presence of xylose or any product of its metabolism, the absence been possible to demonstrate a direct interaction between these pro-
of Rok7B7 increases expression of Glk and GlcP, therefore, it is teins, a regulation network cannot be ruled out

The PTS mechanism in several streptomycetes (Novotna and Hostalek 1985).

It seems to play a relevant role in the phosphorylation,
Streptomyces can use a great variety of carbon sources transport, and CCR of d-fructose and N-acetylglucosa-
for growth and secondary metabolites production (Hodg- mine (GlcNAc). PTS is inducible in S. coelicolor, S.
son 1982). However, there is limited knowledge about lividans and constitutive in S. griseofuscus (Titgemeyer
the transport and metabolism of different carbon sources et  al. 1995). Null ptsH mutants of S. coelicolor are
(Bertram et  al. 2004). The complex bacterial PTS con- impaired in fructose utilization, and their growth in this
sists of a chain of phosphorylation reactions across dif- carbohydrate is severely affected (Nothaft et  al. 2003).
ferent enzymes, where carbohydrates are the ultimate Also, the fructose repression over glycerol kinase enzyme
receptor of the phosphate group. It involves complex pro- is lost in these mutants (Nothaft et  al. 2003). However,
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