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User Manual



Document Version: 2022.C01

Date: October 13 , 2022

REF TBMD07001 with ISE

REF TBMD07002 without ISE

Erba Diagnostics Mannheim GMBH, Mallaustrasse 69 - 73, 68219 Mannheim, Germany
Fully Automated Clinical Chemistry Analyzer

The analyzer is a random access, discrete, patient prioritized, fully

automated clinical chemistry analyzer designed to meet the needs
of modern clinical laboratories in mind for high throughput.

Once programmed, it is a walk-away system. The analyzer features

are user-friendly with minimum operator intervention. It is a highly
sophisticated system and therefore it is of utmost importance that
the operator and service personnel read the instructions and
becomes familiar with the operation theory.
Preface 3

This manual gives you detailed instructions on how to setup the analyzer for the first time, install
MultiXL software on the analyzer PC and schedule a basic run for a sample test.

It also contains a detailed description of unpacking the analyzer, accessories checklist, and
installation of components of the analyzer.

The screenshot and hardware images in this publication have been added exclusively for
illustration purposes.

Operation and maintenance actions are described in the User Manual and Online Help.
User must read this manual before installing the analyzer and its software application.

No part of this document can be copied or reprinted, in whole or in part,

without prior written permission from the manufacturer.

Legal Information
All rights are reserved by manufacturer of this product.
Manufacturer is the copyright owner of this document.
The contents of this document are subject to change without prior notice and without legal
This document and the information herein are provided for the sole use of the intended recipient(s)
and for information purposes only.
This document contains contents which are the confidential and proprietary information of the
This document can not be modified, reproduced, translated, or transmitted in any form or by any
means for any purpose, without prior written permission from the manufacturer.

No part of this document can be copied or reprinted, in whole or in part, without prior written
permission from the manufacturer.


While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the provided
information, it cannot be guaranteed that the manual is free of errors. Therefore, the manufacturer
shall not be held responsible and disclaims all liability for any loss or damage resulting from errors
or omissions in this document.

The content and specifications of the manual are subject to change without prior notice.
Any misusage or unspecified modifications to the instrument will void the warranty and may result
in injuries. All operators are urged to carefully read and follow the safety instructions and
precautions which are intended to protect them against injuries and the instrument from damage.
4 Document Conventions

CE Mark Device complies with the Regulation (EU)

2017/746 on IVD MD

Indicates the need for the user to consult the

Caution instructions for use for important cautionary
information such as warnings and precautions
that cannot, for a variety of reasons, be presented
on the medical device itself.

Consult instructions Indicates the need for the user to consult the
for use instructions for use.

Temperature limit Indicates the temperature limits to which the

medical device IVD can be safely exposed.

In vitro diagnostic Indicates a medical device IVD that is intended to

medical device be used as an in vitro diagnostic medical device.

Manufacturer Indicates the medical device IVD manufacturer.

Indicates the manufacturer’s serial number so that

Serial Number a specific medical device IVD can be identified.

Catalogue number Indicates the manufacturer’s catalogue number so

that the medical device IVD can be identified.

Date of manufacture Indicates the date when the medical device IVD
was manufactured.
Document Conventions 5

Classified collection of The symbol on the product indicates that this

electrical and product may not be treated as a household waste.
electronic equipment Instead it shall be handled to the applicable
collection point for the recycling of electrical and
electronic equipment.
By ensuring this product is disposed of correctly,
you will help prevent potential negative
consequences for the environment and human
health, which could otherwise be caused by
inappropriate waste handling of this product.

Please contact your local city office or your

distributor of this product. Pursuant to the EU
directive 2002/96/EC
• For medical devices sold from that time by
manufacturer the corresponding costs are divided
up as described below:

1. The concerned device delivery to manufacturer

will be paid by the CUSTOMER.
2. Device dismantling sorting of parts and
elimination of wastes will be supported by the
manufacturer according to the existing local
3. In case of a sale to a third-party the first
CUSTOMER shall inform manufacturer of the name
and address of the new owner to guarantee the
device traceability and to allow it’s further
elimination, and shall inform of the new owner that
he will pay for the delivery of the device to the
manufacturer for its elimination.
4. Otherwise the first CUSTOMER will pay all of
the costs and all penalties that the legal authorities
should impose on the manufacturer for default of
the device elimination traceability as requested by
the regulation.

• For medical devices sold before that time, except

in particular cases, the elimination of the device will
be supported by the CUSTOMER. Upon request
manufacturer could provide this elimination. Contact
us for quotation.
• For medical devices sold and used in other
countries, the CUSTOMER should contact the
manufacturer REPRESENTATIVE to be informed of
his responsibilities.
66 Document Conventions

Before reading the manual, please get familiarized with the following icons used in this manual.

Icons Warnings


Electric shock

High temperature

Warning and caution

Note, usage, tips and additional information


Information or note related to Closed System

Contents 7

Table of Contents

Foreword 11

Part I System Overview 1-2

1 Intended
use of the instrument 1-2
Without ISE
.......................................................................................................................................................... 1-2
With ISE .......................................................................................................................................................... 1-2
2 Introduction
................................................................................................................................ 1-2
What the..........................................................................................................................................................
system does 1-3
Basic principles
.......................................................................................................................................................... 1-4
3 A first
look at the analyzer 1-5
Analyzer.......................................................................................................................................................... 1-5
Data station
.......................................................................................................................................................... 1-6
Host .......................................................................................................................................................... 1-7
4 System
description 1-8
Panels and
labels 1-8
Left side
view 1-8
side view 1-9
view 1-10
and m ain com ponents 1-10
system 1-11
Sample and .........................................................................................................................................
reagent pipette unit (SRPT) 1-12
Sample and .........................................................................................................................................
reagent tray (SRGT) 1-12
Sample and .........................................................................................................................................
reagent barcode reader 1-13
RGT cooling .........................................................................................................................................
unit 1-14
Reaction Tray .........................................................................................................................................
(RCT) 1-14
Photometer .........................................................................................................................................
unit 1-15
Pipette Pump .........................................................................................................................................
Assembly (Syringe) 1-15
Liquid level.........................................................................................................................................
sensing for cans 1-15
Ion selective .........................................................................................................................................
electrode unit (ISE) 4-channel (optional) 1-16
5 Overview
of user tasks 1-18
Daily routine
.......................................................................................................................................................... 1-18
DI w.........................................................................................................................................................
ater and w aste can 1-18
placement 1-18
ISE Unit
......................................................................................................................................................... 1-19
of tank solution 1-19
Cleaning ..........................................................................................................................................................
the instrum ent externally 1-20

Part II System Installation 2-2

1 Safety
Instructions 2-2
2 Storage
and Transportation 2-3
3 Pre-installation
................................................................................................................................ 2-3
Cleanliness (Practice) 2-4
Requirem ents 2-4
for using Mains Input 110VAC to the analyzer 2-4
Floor Requirem
ents 2-6
Room Lighting
.......................................................................................................................................................... 2-6
External Interferences
.......................................................................................................................................................... 2-6
Room Tem ..........................................................................................................................................................
perature and Hum idity 2-6
4 Installation
................................................................................................................................ 2-6
Inform ation 2-7

8 Contents

Receiving Instructions 2-7
Information 2-7
Unpacking ..........................................................................................................................................................
the analyzer 2-8
Checklist 2-8
the com ponents of analyzer 2-10
Connecting communication cable betw een data station computer and
......................................................................................................................................................... 2-10
the Sample and Reagent Tray (SRGT) 2-11
the Rotor Tray 2-11
DI Water and Waste Can 2-12
Installation (DeskJet / Laser) 2-13
Loader Device Connecting to USB on analyzer PC 2-13

Part III Software Installation 3-2

1 Safety
Instructions 3-2
2 Pre-requisites
................................................................................................................................ 3-2
System Configuration
.......................................................................................................................................................... 3-2
PC Settings
required for Window s 7 3-3
and Language Settings for Window s 7 3-6
PC Settings
required for Window s 10 3-10
and Language settings for Window s 10 3-14
Test Loader
Device 3-18
3 Software
Installation Procedure 3-18
MultiXL 3-19
of Database 3-28
of Blank Database 3-28
MultiXL Softw are 3-31
Softw are 3-31
Database 3-32
Database ..........................................................................................................................................................
Utility Options 3-36
Backup 3-36
Database 3-38
Archive Database 3-42
Team View er 3-43
MultiXL Softw are 3-46

Part IV Safety Information 4-2

1 Safety
Symbols 4-2
2 Warning
Labels 4-3
3 Safety
Precautions 4-4

Part V Technical Specifications 5-2

1 General
Specification 5-2
2 Sampling
Unit 5-4
3 Reagent
Unit 5-5
4 Reaction
Unit 5-6
5 Optical
Absorption Measurement Unit 5-6
6 Data
Processing 5-7
7 Installation
Conditions 5-8
8 Control
Unit 5-8
9 Accessories
and Consumables 5-9

Contents 9

Part VI User Interface 6-2

1 A first
look at the user interface 6-2
2 Main
menu layout 6-3
3 Screens
................................................................................................................................ 6-5
Patient Entry
.......................................................................................................................................................... 6-5
Sample .........................................................................................................................................................
Definition Parameters 6-6
Definition Parameters 6-8
Schedule 6-9
Work .........................................................................................................................................................
List 6-10
Copy .........................................................................................................................................................
Tests 6-10
Mask .........................................................................................................................................................
Tests 6-11
nload Samples from LIS 6-13
CEC......................................................................................................................................................... 6-14
Schedule CEC ......................................................................................................................................... 6-15
Clear Schedule .........................................................................................................................................
CEC 6-16
Edit ......................................................................................................................................... 6-16
Test Param
eters 6-17
Details 6-17
Test Definition .........................................................................................................................................
Parameters 6-18
Auto Rerun ......................................................................................................................................... 6-25
Copy Test......................................................................................................................................... 6-27
Upload and .........................................................................................................................................
Dow nload Tests 6-27
Initialize Tests......................................................................................................................................... 6-28
Special Diluent ......................................................................................................................................... 6-28
Test Specific .........................................................................................................................................
Special Diluent 6-29
Volumes 6-32
Sample Volumes .........................................................................................................................................
Parameters 6-33
Reagent Volume .........................................................................................................................................
and Stirrer Speed 6-34
Copy and .........................................................................................................................................
View Sample Volume 6-34
Apply Normal .........................................................................................................................................
Dilution Ratio of Sample 6-34
Ranges 6-34
Copy and .........................................................................................................................................
View Reference Ranges 6-36
.......................................................................................................................................................... 6-37
......................................................................................................................................................... 6-37
Items 6-37
.......................................................................................................................................................... 6-39
QC/Calibration 6-39
Standard 6-40
Calibrator 6-43
Blank 6-45
Control 6-48
......................................................................................................................................................... 6-50
QC Data
......................................................................................................................................................... 6-55
Tw in.........................................................................................................................................................
Plot 6-63
QC Graph
......................................................................................................................................................... 6-65
ables 6-67
and Dow nload 6-83
Status Monitor
.......................................................................................................................................................... 6-86
Tray 6-88
Tray 6-88
Volume Scan ......................................................................................................................................... 6-90
Curve 6-90
Scan 6-91
Options 6-92
Options 6-94
Work .........................................................................................................................................................
List 6-95

10 Contents

Sample and Reagent 6-98
Pack 6-100
Position 6-101
Pack 6-102
Search.......................................................................................................................................................... 6-104
......................................................................................................................................................... 6-105
Results 6-106
Results 6-107
......................................................................................................................................................... 6-108
......................................................................................................................................................... 6-109
Reports .......................................................................................................................................................... 6-110
Reports 6-111
Reprint 6-117
Statistics 6-119
Trace 6-121
Monitor 6-122
Log 6-123
Curve 6-125
......................................................................................................................................................... 6-127
Master.......................................................................................................................................................... 6-132
......................................................................................................................................................... 6-133
......................................................................................................................................................... 6-133
......................................................................................................................................................... 6-134
......................................................................................................................................................... 6-135
Mfg......................................................................................................................................................... 6-136
Range 6-137
......................................................................................................................................................... 6-138
Formula 6-139
......................................................................................................................................................... 6-140
Conversion 6-141
Utility .......................................................................................................................................................... 6-145
Position 6-146
To Tube 6-147
......................................................................................................................................................... 6-150
Backup Operations
......................................................................................................................................... 6-150
Copy Data .........................................................................................................................................
to External Storage Device 6-151
System Backup .........................................................................................................................................
Restore 6-152
Results 6-153
......................................................................................................................................................... 6-155
Check 6-156
.......................................................................................................................................................... 6-163
......................................................................................................................................................... 6-164
Span (Auto .........................................................................................................................................
and Manual) 6-164
Wash ......................................................................................................................................... 6-165
Dilution Calibration
Factor 6-167
Dead Volume .........................................................................................................................................
Calibration 6-167
ISE Unit ......................................................................................................................................... 6-169
Auto Maintenance
......................................................................................................................................... 6-173
Blank 6-175
Log 6-177
Settings.......................................................................................................................................................... 6-178
Parameters 6-179
Pairs 6-182
Sequence 6-184
Test Display .........................................................................................................................................
Sequence 6-185
Test Process .........................................................................................................................................
Sequence 6-186
Print Sequence.........................................................................................................................................
For Patient Reports 6-187
Profile Sequence
For Patient Reports 6-187

Contents 11

Re-run Flags 6-187
Rights 6-188
Settings 6-189
Send Patient .........................................................................................................................................
Results to Host 6-191
Send Control .........................................................................................................................................
Results to Host 6-191
Test Again 6-191
Send Sample .........................................................................................................................................
Position 6-191
Query Sample .........................................................................................................................................
at a Time 6-191
Checksum ......................................................................................................................................... 6-192
Check Connection
......................................................................................................................................... 6-192
Clear Result .........................................................................................................................................
Queue 6-192
Shut Dow
n 6-192
n MultiXL 6-192
Maintenance before MultiXL Shutdow n 6-192
Calibration 6-193
.......................................................................................................................................................... 6-195
Data 6-196
ing Archived Data 6-197
......................................................................................................................................................... 6-199

Part VII Operation 7-2

1 Sequence
of operation 7-2
2 Measurement
operation table 7-2
3 Daily
start-up 7-4
system resources 7-4
Starting up
and logging on to the system 7-6
Defining ..........................................................................................................................................................
required consum ables 7-6
Defining ..........................................................................................................................................................
sam ples and reagents 7-6
4 Daily
routine 7-13
analysis 7-13
Rotor change
.......................................................................................................................................................... 7-17
and resum ption of m easurem ent 7-18
User activities
during run 7-18
Self activities
during run 7-19
tracking 7-20
5 End
of day task 7-21

Part VIII Error Handling 8-2

1 List................................................................................................................................
of errors 8-2

Part IX Configuration 9-2

1 Login
and password recovery 9-2
2 Setting
UI language 9-3
3 Setting
test sequence 9-3
4 Access
control 9-4
To create..........................................................................................................................................................
new user login 9-4
To provide
access rights to existing user 9-5
To change..........................................................................................................................................................
the user ID passw ord 9-6
5 Connection
to Host PC 9-7
In peer to
peer netw ork 9-8
In LAN (Local
Area Netw ork) 9-9
6 Entering
the master details 9-10
Add area
.......................................................................................................................................................... 9-10

12 Contents

.......................................................................................................................................................... 9-11
Add doctor
Add analyst
.......................................................................................................................................................... 9-12
Add laboratory
.......................................................................................................................................................... 9-12
Add m anufacturer
.......................................................................................................................................................... 9-13
Add reference
range 9-14
Add unit.......................................................................................................................................................... 9-15
Add calculation
form ula 9-15
Add instrum
ent 9-16
7 Archive
Data 9-17
Data 9-18
View ing..........................................................................................................................................................
Archived Data 9-19
.......................................................................................................................................................... 9-21
8 Create
profile 9-22
Add profile
.......................................................................................................................................................... 9-22
Delete profile
.......................................................................................................................................................... 9-22

Part X Result Flags 10-2

1 Flag
List 10-2

Part XI Maintenance 11-2

1 Daily
Maintenance 11-2
2 Weekly
Maintenance 11-3
3 Quarterly
Maintenance 11-4
4 Annual
Maintenance 11-5
5 Rotor
Cleaning Procedure 11-6
6 Replacement
Schedule for Spares and Consumable 11-11
7 Preventative
Maintenance 11-11
at the Tim e of Operation 11-12
Anom alous
Measurem ent Results 11-12
High Resultant
Values from a Specific Method for all Sam ples 11-12
Low Resultant
Values from a Specific Method for all Sam ples 11-13
ly Derived Erroneous Measurem ent Results 11-13
Anom alous
Resultant Values from all Methods for a Sam ple 11-14
Check ..........................................................................................................................................................
for Preparation of Reagent, Calibrator or QC Sam ple 11-14

Part XII ISE Measurement (Optional) 12-2

1 Technical
Specification 12-5
2 Measurement
Theory 12-6
3 Electrodes
and Reagents 12-7
4 Urine
ISE Dilution Rerun 12-7
5 Storage
and Usage of the Reagents 12-8
6 Turning
Off the Power 12-8
7 Shutdown
Procedure 12-8
Calibration 12-9
9 Maintenance
Schedule 12-11
10 Troubleshooting
................................................................................................................................ 12-11
11 Installing
New Reagent Pack 12-14
12 Error
Messages 12-14

Foreword 13

This manual is organized in a progressive sequence for easy study and reference. It is an
instructional aide to provide a reference for easy operation and general maintenance of this
analyzer. It contains detailed description of the analyzer features and specifications. The analyzer
is used with operational PC and Printer, and can interact with the host computer. The operational
PC consists of the application software for the user to operate the analyzer.

All the samples and reagents for measurements including samples obtained from patients are
controlled by barcodes enabling the analyzer to perform the entire process of the analysis

Use of the analyzer with proper knowledge will ensure quality test results and trouble free analyzer
operation and performance.

This operation manual is prepared based on the assumption that the user has knowledge of clinical

Before operating the analyzer, user should:

1. Read and understand this manual.

2. Be trained by authorized person.

3. Be familiar with the operation of the analyzer

Keep this manual in an easily accessible place.


System Overview 1-2

1 System Overview
This section provides an overview of the analyzer and its main features.

See the following section for more details:

Intended use of the instrument


A first look at the analyzer

System description

Overview of the user tasks

1.1 Intended use of the instrument

1.1.1 Without ISE

Automatic analyzer intended for in vitro photometric quantification of clinical chemistry parameters in
serum, plasma and urine with capacity 200 tests per hour.

The results for tested clinical chemistry parameters can be used for screening, monitoring, and
diagnosis. The function is specifically dependent on each parameter and is described in IFU of every
reagent kit provided by ERBA. For professional use in clinical laboratory only.

1.1.2 With ISE

Automatic analyzer with additional ISE module intended for in vitro photometric quantification of
clinical chemistry parameters and ion-selective quantification of specific electrolytes (such as Na+, K
+, Li+, Cl-) in serum, plasma and urine with capacity 400/500 tests per hour.
The results for tested clinical chemistry parameters can be used for screening, monitoring, and
diagnosis. The function is specifically dependent on each parameter and is described in IFU of every
reagent kit provided by ERBA. For professional use in clinical laboratory only.

For more details on how to use XL-180 with ISE, refer “User Manual for ISE”.

1.2 Introduction
It is an advanced integrated system for diagnostic clinical chemistry testing.

It is a random access, discrete, patient prioritized, fully automated clinical chemistry analyzer
designed to meet the needs of modern clinical laboratories in mind for high throughput. Once
programmed, it is a walk-away system.

This analyzer is In -Vitro Diagnostics (IVD) equipment intended to use in pathological laboratories
and hospitals.

Random sample access, innovative robotics, and an advanced user interface, using windows
embedded operating system, optimize time management and streamline work flow.

1-3 System Overview

Barcode identification system is provided for both, reagents and samples.

The high performance, flexibility, and versatility of the analyzer make this system suitable as a
routine analyzer as well as a dedicated instrument for specific tasks.

It is a highly sophisticated system and therefore it is of utmost importance that the operator and
service personnel read the instructions and becomes familiar with the operation theory.

1 Data Station

2 Analyzer

1.2.1 What the system does

The system consists of the analyzer and the data station.
The analyzer runs tests on samples, calibrators, and controls, and produces the results. The data
station analyzes and further processes the results.
Here are just some of the actions the system performs automatically.

Reads the bar-codes on reagent bottles, samples tubes and displays the related information on

the screen.

Performs washing and cleaning cycles to minimize carry-over between tests.

Calculates and ensures the integrity of the result, generating flags for suspect ones.

Keeps track of all samples, tests, and test’s schedule on the instrument.

Collates results into reports for printing or result transmission to another computer system.

Stores the results of each patient and test in a database.

Perform auto-rerun of samples.

Automatic daily maintenance.

System Overview 1-4

1.2.2 Basic principles

The analyzer is an automated clinical biochemistry analyzer based on the principle of photometry, it
measures light transmittance at various wavelengths White light as we see it is actually composed of
several colors. This becomes evident, when we pass a beam of white light through a prism. If the light
emerging from the prism on the opposite side were allowed to fall on a screen, we would see a wide
spectrum of colors, beginning with red on the top and ending with violet at the bottom. The colors
visible in between are in the order of indigo, blue, green, yellow, and orange.

Incident or white light contains the entire spectrum, objects that appear colored, absorb light at a
particular wavelength and reflect others, thus giving different colors. That color is a function of its

Light having a wavelength of less than 400 nm is termed Ultraviolet, where as light having a
wavelength greater than 800 nm is described as Infrared, both ultraviolet and infrared lights are
invisible to the human eyes. Light corresponding to wavelengths between 400 nm and 800 nm is
visible to the human eye and is termed as Visible light.

Principles of Absorption Photometry

Beer’s Law
If light is allowed to pass through a colored solution, the solution will absorb some light while the rest
of it will be transmitted. The amount of light absorbed is proportional to the nature, concentration and
color of the solution. (Light absorbed Concentration of the solution).

Lambert’s Law
The light absorbed by the colored solution is directly proportional to the light path of the color solution
(diameter of the cuvette): that is if the cuvette diameter is doubled, the light absorbed will be doubled.

1-5 System Overview

Since the total incident light = light absorbed + light transmitted, it follows that:

Therefore as the absorbed light (Absorbance) increases, the transmitted light will decrease.
As we increase the concentration of the colored solution, the light absorbed increases, and we find
that the transmittance varies inversely and logarithmically with concentration.

1.3 A first look at the analyzer

See the following section for more details:


Data Station


1.3.1 Analyzer
The analyzer features user-friendly operation with minimum operator intervention.

The analyzer comprises of photometer and sophisticated robotics combined with an Operating
Console and Data Processing Unit (DPU). The DPU in the analyzer provides a schedule to the
analyzer, after executing the schedule as per the programmed sequence, the photometric results are
then sent to the analyzer’s computer connected to the analyzer where they are processed, stored
and then reported.

The robotics consists of a Sample and Reagent (SRPT) arm, Sample and Reagent Tray (SRGT),
Reaction Tray, and Syringe.

The SRGT tray holds patient samples as well as Reagents with a total of 50 positions. Routine
samples and necessary reagent are to be loaded on the SRGT tray and the reaction take place in
the Reaction wells.

Bar-code identification system is provided for both, reagents and samples.

The instrument carries out all tests automatically and is equipped with measuring modules for

System Overview 1-6

absorbance photometry (Abs.) and ion-selective electrode measurements (ISE).

Access panels to work on the internal and external parts of the analyzer.

1 Left Side Panel

Provides access to Chiller Unit and Cleaning Solution Can [Not shown]

2 Right Side Panel

Provides access to Interface Board, Buffer Tank [Not shown]

3 Rear Panel
Provides access to connectors of Waste Can, DI water Can, Float sensor, Data cable, Power
supply cable and Main switch [Not shown]

4 Dome cover (open upward)

Gives access to load samples and reagents and replacing rotor

5 Status indicator
Indicates analyzer's ON/OFF status. Light turns to red when secondary switch is OFF, else
display as green.

1.3.2 Data station

The data station comprises the elements shown below.

1-7 System Overview

1 Monitor

2 Keyboard

3 Central processing unit

4 Mouse

5 Printer

1.3.3 Host
A host is a computer connected to the analyzer PC.

The clinical laboratory instruments under consideration are those that measure one or more
parameters from one or more patient samples. Often they will be automated instruments that
measure many parameters from many patient samples. This instrument output may include patient
results, quality control results, and other related information.

The computer systems considered here are those that are configured to accept instrument results for
further processing, storage, reporting, or manipulation.

ASTM HOST protocol enables any two such systems to establish a logical link for communicating
text to send result, request, or demographic information in a standard and interpretable form.

Typically, Host software communicating with Clinical Laboratory Instruments is considered here as
Analyzer PC and the computer system considered here is as Laboratory Information Management
System (LIMS/LIS PC).

MultiXL communicates with LIS through Serial Port or TCP/IP. Separate serial port is required to
enable the communication with LIS through serial cable. To enable communication through TCP/IP,
the analyzer PC should be connected to local network.

System Overview 1-8

1.4 System description

This section gives an overview of the hardware and provides more detailed information about the main
functional systems.

See the following section for more details:

Panels and labels

Modules and main components

1.4.1 Panels and labels

See the following section for more details:

Left side view

Right side view

Rear view Left side view

1-9 System Overview

Access panels to work on the internal and external parts of the analyzer.

1 ISE module
ISE module is situated inside the left side panel. Open door to access ISE module. Right side view

Access panels to work on the internal and external parts of the analyzer.

1 Secondary ON/OFF Switch

Secondary switch for shutting down the analyzer. except ISE module.

System Overview 1-10 Rear view

1 Power supply section

Provides access to Power Supply and Main switch

2 Connectors
Inlet for DI water Can and Lamp Cooling. Outlet for Waste Can. Connectors for DI water and
Waste Can Float sensors

1.4.2 Modules and main components

Following figure shows how the modules and components are arranged inside the instrument.

1-11 System Overview

Modules and main components

1 ISE port (optional)

2 Place for ISE Unit

3 Sample and Reagent Tray (SRGT)

4 SRPT Arm

5 Stirrer

6 Reaction Tray Functional system

See the following section for more details:

Sample and reagent pipette unit

Sample and reagent tray

Sample and reagent barcode reader

RGT cooling unit

Reaction tray

Photometer unit

Pipette pump assembly

System Overview 1-12

Liquid level sensing for cans

Ion selective electrodes (ISE) Sample and reagent pipette unit (SRPT)

The Sample and Reagent pipette unit (SRPT) consists of a probe, the up-and-down movement
mechanism, rotating mechanism, liquid level sensor and probe down limit sensor.

The sample and reagent probe is connected to the syringe pump for sample aspiration via PTFE
tube. This is also equipped with heating element which helps reagent or samples to be preheated
close to 37ºC prior to dispense in cuvettes.

The sample or reagent on the SRGT tray is aspirated by the pipette and then dispensed into the
cuvettes (reaction cells) in the RCT unit.

When an optional ISE unit is fitted and the ISE measurement is performed, the SRPT aspirates
sample and dispenses it into the sample port of the ISE unit for ISE measurement.

Liquid Level Sensor (LLS)

When the tip of the probe reaches and touches the liquid surface, the electrostatic capacitance of
the metallic probe varies. The variation of the capacitance is detected and consequently the level of

Probe Down Limit Sensor

When the tip of probe hits the bottom during any of the downwards movement due to the obstruction,
the lower limit sensor detects that the tip of the probe hits the bottom and stops its downward
movement (Vertical obstruction detection or VOD).

SRPT Washing Station

The wash station for the sample and reagent probe consists of a two position used as “Drain
Position” (for internal cleaning of the probe) and as “Trough Position” (for external cleaning of the
probe). After the sample and reagent probe has dispensed Sample, Reagent 1 or Reagent 2 into the
cuvette, the arm moves to the drain station where internal washing is started and then moves to
trough position where it is cleaned internally as well as externally using a jet of DI Water 0.8 -1.2 bar
pressure. Sample and reagent tray (SRGT)

The Sample & Reagent tray (SRGT) consists of rotating carousel, barcode reader, rotating
mechanism and optional cooler. SRGT has total of 50 positions in 2 circles described as inner and
outer which can be used as follows:

Maximum 25 reagent bottles with large type (50 ml) containers at inner positions. Small
container (20 ml) can be kept in these positions.

Maximum 15 flexible positions at outer which can be used to place small containers (20 ml) or
can be programmed as sample positions with the help of adaptors provided. It can also
accommodate 5 ml tube for placing reagent using adapter.

Maximum 10 fixed positions at outer for placing samples.

The routine Samples, Blanks, Standards, Calibrators and Controls can be placed at any position on
the SRGT’s outer row. Outer row can accommodate 5 ml, 7 ml tubes and 2 ml cups.

1-13 System Overview

The reagent tray rotates and the required reagent container or sample is indexed to the desired
position where the reagent or sample is aspirated. It is then dispensed into cuvettes in the RCT unit.

Type of Reagent Containers:

The reagent containers are available in two types, large with volume of 50 ml and small with volume of
20 ml.

All containers are screw capped to prevent evaporation of reagents while not in use. Bar-code reader
reads bar code labels on the reagent containers for identification.

Extra Positions for Placing Containers:

There are two separate reagent positions (51 and 52) available for placing the reagent containers.
Here, 20 ml bottles and 5 ml tubes (using 5 ml adaptor) can be placed. Sample and reagent barcode reader

The barcode reader reads barcode of the label affixed on the outer surface of the sample tube and
reagent containers as shown below. When the reader does not read the barcode even if the bar code
label exists, the appropriate error message is indicated. The barcode reader used is CCD type bar
code reader.

For 5 or 7 ml tubes (outside diameter 12 mm and length 75 mm): For label affix, refer to below

The readable bar codes for samples are as follows:

Symbol Valid character and symbol

NW-7 Numerals (0 – 9), symbols (-, $, /, +)

System Overview 1-14

Code39 Numerals (0 – 9), alphabetical characters, symbols (-, space, $, /, +, %)

ITF Numerals only (0 – 9)
UPC Numerals only (0 – 9)
Code128: All ASCII code characters [numerals (0 – 9), alphabetical characters
Set A, Set B, Set C (uppercase/lowercase), symbols, control characters]

The resolution of the barcode label should be 0.25 mm. Length of the barcode should be 42 mm and
width should be 10 mm.
Number of digits should be 3 to 18 but the combination of digit and type should be within the
specified length of the barcode label.

The readable bar codes for reagent are as follows:

Symbol Valid character and symbol

ITF Numerals only (0 – 9) RGT cooling unit

Even if the analyzer is turned off (through ON/OFF switch provided on the instrument), the
temperature inside the RGT unit is kept within the specified limits by the Peltier element which is
controlled by temperature controller. Reaction Tray (RCT)

The reaction tray (RCT) consists of the specially designed rotor containing 120 cells, heating element
and rotating mechanism. The heating element is used for maintaining the temperature inside wells at
37ºC (+/- 0.5ºC) constantly. The cuvettes are moved at 36 second step and a series of process
including dispensing of reagents, samples, stirring, and photometric measurement are performed.

The preparations are dispensed in an optical quality PMMA reaction rotor thermo stated at 37ºC. The
optical absorbance readings are taken directly on this rotor. Each reaction can be read for 10
minutes. The readings are taken as they are programmed in each measurement procedure.

The reaction wells have been designed to enable the mixture of the sample and the reagent during
the dispensing. Each rotor has 120 reaction wells. The length of the light path is 5 mm. The minimum
volume required to take the optical reading is 180 µl. The rotor cover must be in place for the optical
system to work correctly.

The wells have a maximum useful capacity of 735 µl. When all the wells in reaction rotor are used,
the user must change it for one that is empty, clean and dry.

The user has a test in maintenance menu of MultiXL software which can be used to check the
condition of the rotor in case of doubt.

The rotor is driven by a step-by-step motor with a belt transmission.

1-15 System Overview

To improve the efficiency of the photometer, the RCT tray will automatically
come to offset position (such that the beam falls in between two consecutive
cuvettes) on the following conditions:
* After the end of batch run
* When the batch run is manually terminated from Status Monitor by user
* When the batch run terminated due to occurrence of any emergency error. Photometer unit

The Photometer Unit consists of the optical measurement system having narrow bandwidth,
wavelength specific filters with light source. The absorbance inside the cuvette is measured by using
a photometer. Measurement is performed with any combinations of 2 wavelengths selected among
the following 8 wavelengths:

340 nm, 405 nm, 505 nm, 546 nm, 578 nm, 600 nm, 660 nm, and 700 nm

The photometer consists of an illuminant (halogen lamp), lenses, optical filter and photoreceptor
(photodiode). The light passed through the cuvette (reaction mixture) and it is split by beam splitter
which in turn passes through wavelength specific filter on to diode. This eliminates several optical
interferences and greatly improves the efficiency of the photometer. Pipette Pump Assembly (Syringe)

There is one syringe pump of 500 µl capacity for both reagents as well as sample. The syringe pump
of the analyzer is modular type by which it aspirates and dispenses volumes between 2 µl to 300 µl.
Sample volumes can be increased in steps of 0.1 µl.

The reagents volumes can be increased in 1µl step. The syringe is located behind the front panel of
the analyzer and connected to the probe using appropriate tubing. The syringe unit is shown below. Liquid level sensing for cans

The Liquid Level Sensor is placed inside the respective Cans of DI water and Waste. The float based
level sensor if senses the low level of DI water in the Can, it gives the beep sound and the respective
LED will turn ON.

Similarly, if full level is detected in the Waste Can the respective LED will turn ON accordingly with
beep sound. All the LEDS are placed just near to the tube connection for the same cans.

System Overview 1-16

Float sensor for waste can

Float sensor for DI water can Ion selective electrode unit (ISE) 4-channel (optional)

The concentration of electrolyte (sodium: Na, potassium: K, chloride: Cl, lithium: Li) contained in
serum, plasma or (sodium: Na, potassium: K, chloride: Cl) urine is measured by the ion electrode of
the ISE unit. This unit is optionally supplied.

The ISE unit consists of ISE module, ion electrode, supply and drain pump.

1-17 System Overview

1 CAL A Pump

2 CAL B Pump

3 Waste Pump

4 Electrodes

The concentration of the electrolyte (sodium: Na, potassium: K, chloride: Cl, lithium: Li) contained in
serum, plasma or (sodium: Na, potassium: K, chloride: Cl) urine is measured by the ion electrode of
the ISE unit that is placed on the left-hand side of the analyzer. This unit is optionally supplied.

The ISE unit consists of ISE module, ion electrode, supply and drain pump.

ISE module This module unit is fitted with electrodes (Na, K, Cl, Li & Reference)
and controls pumps, measurement of concentration by electrodes and
rinsing movement. Communication to the analyzer is carried out
through RS232C.
Ion electrode This unit consists of Na, K, Cl, Reference and Li electrodes.
The Reagent pack for Calibrant-A and Calibrant-B is placed on the top
cover. Dedicated wash solution are placed in the ASP unit and wash
solution is supplied by the SRPT in the same way as for the sample.
Supply pump These pumps are performs the infusing of Calibrant-A and Calibrant-B
into ISE module.
Drain pump This pump performs the transferring of liquid in ISE module.

The following solutions are required for the ISE unit:

Calibrant-A is used at the time of one-point calibration.
The one-point calibration is carried out at the same time when the Calibrant-A is dispensed to wash
electrodes every time the sample measurement is performed. 100µl of Calibrant-A is automatically
dispensed into the ISE unit every 30 minutes to prevent the electrode from drying during standby

Calibrant-B is used at the time of two-point calibration.
The two-point calibration should be carried out at the beginning of the day and at least once every 8
hours or after completion of 50 samples.

Cleaning Solution
The cleaning solution needs to be dispensed into the unit to avoid deposition of protein on the
As necessary, 500µl of the wash solution is dispensed into a sample cup and it is placed on position
of the ASP tray.
This function should be carried out twice a day, once in the beginning of the day before the
Calibration and at the end of day. When more than 50 samples of measurement are carried out,
washing must be carried out.

The diluent is used to dilute urine to one-tenth in concentration. It is placed in a reagent bottle that is

System Overview 1-18

placed in the RGT unit at the user defined position. The necessary volume for diluting one sample is
200µl. The dilution is carried out using a cuvette in the RCT unit and therefore one cycle of chemistry
analysis is allocated to this processing.

Sampling Volume at each Measurement

In the case of analytic Sample Volume for Serum 70 µl

measurement Sample Volume for Urine 140 µl
In the case of full calibration Calibrant-A: 180µl, Calibrant-B: 180µl
In the case of 1-point Calibrant-A: 180µl
calibration (Serum cycle)
In the case of 1-point Calibrant-B: 230µl
calibration (Urine cycle) Calibrant-A: 100µl

1.5 Overview of user tasks

This section tells you the necessary daily routine tasks to be performed before starting the
instrument for analysis.

See the following section for more details:

Daily routine

Cleaning the instrument externally

1.5.1 Daily routine

Routine tasks as follows:

DI water and waste can

Rotor replacement

ISE unit

Preparation of tank solution DI water and waste can

Make sure that:

1. The DI water Can is filled with pure DI water and the pH of the water should be maintained at
2. The Waste Can must be emptied. Rotor placement

Make sure that:
1. Use clean and dry rotor.
2. Wipe the rotors light path area with soft tissue paper. Ensure that there are no stains or
remains of paper within light path area.

1-19 System Overview

3. Open the screw provided for locking the rotor.

4. Index the rotor to match the locating holders and pin in the rotor mount. Place the rotor.
5. Ensure that rotor has entered rested completely on the rotor mount.
6. Lock the screw of the rotor. ISE Unit

Flow of Liquids in ISE Tubing’s

If the ISE unit is installed in the system, make sure that the ISE tubing’s should be filled with CAL A
and CAL B solutions and air bubbles should not be present inside the tubes. The reagent pack
should have enough CAL A and CAL B content. For this, from the application software, in
Maintenance screen, send ISE Purge A and Purge B commands 3 - 4 times consecutively so as to
clear the path of CAL A and CAL B.

Verify that there should not be any bacterial growth near the electrode placement areas and also
near the inlet port of ISE Module.

Ensure that the following checks are performed before ISE measurement.

1. Before performing measurement with the ISE unit, confirm that Electrode unit (Na, K, Cl, Li
and Reference electrodes) whose term of validity is not expired is installed.
2. The Reagent Pack is filled with sufficient Calibrant-A and Calibrant-B solution.
3. Cleaning was carried out at the end of the last ISE measurement.
4. The Calibrant-A is flowing from the side of sample port by executing of ISE purge.
5. In the following cases, ISE purge should be carried out 5 times or more:
At the first measurement of ISE.
At the time of exchanging the ISE Reagent pack.
At the time of being pulled up the tube from the Calibrant-A.
Just after turning on the analyzer, 3-4 times of ISE purge should be carried out. All electrodes
should be fitted to the ISE module, otherwise the liquid of Calibrant-A is flooded into the inside
of analyzer. It may cause serious problem. Preparation of tank solution

The external tanks of the system DI water & diluted waste are to be placed near the left-hand side or
rear side of the analyzer and to be connected to the analyzer with the corresponding tubes which
includes float sensors.

Just before measurement, the DI water can need to be filled with the DI water and the can for diluted
waste have to be empty.

The DI water should have a resistivity of more than 1 Mega Ohm-cm (or conductivity less than 1µS/
cm). Also the pH of the DI Water should be maintained to 7.0.

System Overview 1-20

1.5.2 Cleaning the instrument externally

You can clean the instrument externally with a cloth and a soap solution with mild disinfectant, or a
solution of 70% ethanol.

Incorrect cleaning materials can damage the analyzer

Do not clean the instrument while it is switched on.

Do not use organic cleaning solvents (for example, petroleum, benzene, petrol or other
solvents) because they can damage cuvettes, tubing, and other plastic materials.
Do not use an alcohol solution with a concentration of greater than 70% alcohol, because this
may damage transparent viewing windows.
Do not use sodium hypochlorite solution because it causes corrosion on metal parts.


System Installation 2-2

2 System Installation
This section gives you the detailed explanation on installing analyzer.

See the following section for more details:



Read the necessary general safety guidelines before installing the analyzer for the first
time. See Safety Instructions for more details.

2.1 Safety Instructions

Electrical safety:

The access to the conductive parts within the analyzer may cause serious electric
shock. When removing parts, make sure to shut off the main power supply from
the socket. Leave any maintenance and repair of electrical parts inside the
equipment to qualified service personnel.

General safety:

Only authorized service personnel should perform the installation process.

Keep the analyzer out of the rain and any other water splash.

Avoid areas that are adversely affected by atmospheric pressure, temperature,

humidity, ventilation, sunlight, dust, air containing salt or sulfur, etc.

Use level indicator for ensuring the machine is leveled properly.

Pay attention to inclination, vibration, shock (including shock during

transportation), etc.

Danger of explosion through sparks. Do not install the analyzer at the place
adjacent to the storage room of chemicals, or explosive material or the place
where any gas is likely to be generated.

Pay attention to frequency, voltage and permissible current (or power


Connect the analyzer to the operational computer using accompanying USB


Check the power supply frequency, voltage and current capacity (power

Ensure that the analyzer is correctly and well grounded.

Ensure that all the necessary electrical cables are correctly connected.

Check that the contact conditions of switches and indicators are appropriate and
that the analyzer is ready to be activated correctly. Extreme care must be taken
not to result in misdiagnosis or pose any danger to the analyzer or human body

2-3 System Installation

when the analyzer in conjunction with other equipment.

In case of serious incident (if any) related to this instrument, report it to the
manufacturer and the competent authority of the member state in which the
user and/or the patient is established.

2.2 Storage and Transportation

Instructions for storage, transport and handling the analyzer:

1. Analyzer is a precision instrument and must be handled by trained personnel only to avoid
damage. Improper handling may cause improper functionality.
2. It is fully inspected and carefully packed before leaving the factory to withstand shocks in transit.
3. The Manufacturer transports the instrument in it's original packing to reach arrive safely.
4. Do not let the instrument or packaging become wet or be exposed to a damp environment.

It is recommended to maintain the below mentioned environment during transportation and storage of
the analyzer.

Storage Temperature 5°C to 45°C

Storage Humidity < 80% (Non condensing)

2.3 Pre-installation
The proper location is an important consideration; a poor location can lead to malfunction of the
analyzer. To ensure the accuracy and precision of the analyzer, you must follow the pre-installation
requirements before installing the analyzer.

Read the environmental and electrical suggestions to ensure the accuracy and precision of the

See the following sections for more details:

Laboratory cleanliness (practice)

Electrical requirements

Instructions for using Mains Input 110VAC to the analyzer

Floor requirements

Room lighting

External interferences

Room temperature and humidity

This will also ensure a high level of operator and technical service personnel’s
working comfort and safety.

System Installation 2-4

2.3.1 Laboratory Cleanliness (Practice)

The instrument and the surrounding area should be maintained clean and regularly decontaminated
to prevent contaminating yourself and others.
There should be no spillage of Serum, Reagents, Waste or DI water.

Make sure that no Reagents or Samples are placed on top of the analyzer as they could spill
causing a permanent damage to the analyzer.

2.3.2 Electrical Requirements

A proper grounding is highly essential for safety and proper functioning of the

Voltage and frequency

Single-phase continuous stabilized AC 220 volts ± 10%, 50/60Hz or AC 110 volts ± 10%, 50/60Hz
supply. The analyzer comes equipped with a three-pin power cord. The type of cord and plug
depends on the source voltage for the system.


It is absolutely necessary that the perfect grounding must be provided to the power source with all
applicable local requirement (only a certified grounded, 3 pin power plug should be used).

Plug points

Four 5Amp sockets must be available near the analyzer (Four sockets are required, one each for
the analyzer, computer, monitor and printer.

It is recommended that two extra sockets be provided near the analyzer, for use by a measuring
equipment or engineering tool if required while servicing (example Oscilloscope, Soldering iron
etc). Heavy-duty electrical devices like air conditioners, refrigerators, ovens etc. should not be
operated on the same electrical lines as the analyzer.

Improper grounding the analyzer by passes important safety features and may
result in an electrical hazard.

2.3.3 Instructions for using Mains Input 110VAC to the analyzer

To use 110V AC Input to the analyzer, below mentioned things are required:

Cable supplied with converter

100VAC to 220VAC converter (Power rating 500VA)

Power cable supplied with analyzer

Use the regulatory approved converter to avoid any damage to the analyzer.
Follow the instructions provided with the converter manual to connect the
converter to the Mains input 110VAC.

2-5 System Installation

Follow the steps as below to use 110V AC to the analyzer:

Step 1 Before installing the converter:

Identify the Mains input socket that meets the power requirement of the
converter and the analyzer.
Check the Mains Input voltage & ensure that it is within the acceptable input
range of the converter.

Ensure the selected 110VAC mains input point is well grounded (earthed).

Step 2 Before connecting the analyzer to the converter:

Plug the converter to selected 110VAC mains input.
Switch on the converter and check the converter’s output. It should meet the
analyzer’s power input requirements (220VAC).
Switch off the converter’s output before connecting to the analyzer.
Switch OFF the analyzer’s power switch.

Step 3 After connecting the analyzer to the converter:

Switch ON the converters supply.

Switch ON the analyzer and the PC.
Observe the power up sequence of the analyzer along with the PC gets
completed successfully without any power related issues.

System Installation 2-6

2.3.4 Floor Requirements

2.3.5 Room Lighting

There should be sufficient room lighting to enable efficient operator use and clear visible access to
the internal components of the instrument during servicing.

2.3.6 External Interferences

Heavy-duty electrical devices like air conditioners, refrigerators, ovens, centrifuges etc should
not be operated on the same electrical lines or in the close vicinity of the analyzer.

The room should be free of vibrations from heavy duty devices like centrifuges and

The room should be free from strong magnetic fields caused by other medical equipment, like
CT Scans, MRI etc.

2.3.7 Room Temperature and Humidity

The recommended temperature of the laboratory should be 15 to 30º Centigrade.

There should not be a variation of more than 2 degrees in room temperature per hour.

The relative humidity should be in between 40% to 80% and should be non – condensing.

2.4 Installation
The analyzer should be installed by the trained service engineer.

The analyzer is fully inspected before leaving the factory and carefully packed to withstand shocks in

2-7 System Installation


On receiving the analyzer, check the package externally; make sure that there is no external visible
damage to the shipping container if there is damage please make a note of it, if possible photograph
it and inform the manufacturer immediately. Verify with the invoice, if all the boxes have arrived.

In case of damage, the necessary procedures of claiming the insurance is

initiated at customer site.

See the following section for more details:

Receiving Information

Unpacking the Analyzer

Accessories Checklist

Installing the Component of the Analyzer

Software Installation

2.4.1 Receiving Information

The analyzer is thoroughly tested before shipment and is packed carefully to prevent damage during
shipping and handling.

This section describes you the basic guidelines or information on analyzer's receiving instructions
and warranty.

See the following link:

Receiving instructions

Warranty instructions Receiving Instructions

Please follow these guidelines on receipt of the analyzer:

Check to see that the arrows on the sides of the packages are pointing up. If the arrows do not
point up, make a remark about this on the invoice copy.

Visually inspect the outside of the package for rips, dents, or possible shipping damage.
Document any sign of damage on the bill of landing, regardless of how insignificant it may
appear. This is to protect your interests.

Notify your service representative that the analyzer system and its components have arrived.
Wait for your local service representative to unpack the system and open the packages.

Follow the unpacking and storage instructions provided on the outside of the package. Special
requirements such as refrigeration are clearly marked on the outside of the cartons and will be
included in the unpacking instructions and pack inserts. Warranty Information

All analyzers are warranted against defective materials or workmanship for a period as agreed by

System Installation 2-8

This warranty does not cover any defect, malfunction or damage due to:

Accident, neglect or willful mistreatment of the product failure to use, operate, service, or
maintain the product in accordance with the applicable Operator Manual and Service Manual

Use of reagents or chemicals of corrosive nature.

2.4.2 Unpacking the analyzer

Unpack the analyzer carefully; otherwise you may damage the accurately
adjusted optical, mechanical and electronic assemblies.

The analyzer is packed carefully to prevent any shipping damage. Upon arrival, inspect the packing
according to the list and modify the carrier of any apparent damage.

Follow the steps to unpack the analyzer:

Remove the front panel of the wooden box by loosening the bolts. The front panel on the
wooden box is marked.

Remove the top and side panels of the wooden box as a whole section by loosening the bolts
from the back panel side.

Remove the four “Z” brackets, which are holding the analyzer on the pallet.

Lift the instrument with the help of handle provided on both sides of the analyzer. Handles
needs to be pulled out underneath the panels.

Place the analyzer at the desired place keeping the floor requirement given above in view.

Contact authorized service personnel for removing analyzer from use for repair
and maintenance.
Follow regional or international norms for disposal of analyzer once end of life.

2.4.3 Accessories Checklist

The accessories supplied with the analyzer are subject to change without prior

The shipment generally contains the following packages:

Analyzer wooden box

Accessories cardboard box (mounted on pallet)

Other accessories boxes (optional) could include


DI water plant

2-9 System Installation

Sr. No. Item Description Qty.






5 106046 POWER CORD INDIAN PLUG ST 250VAC/6A - IA6A3 3 x 1 NOS

0.75 SQ. MM 1.8 MTR. LENGTH


S-2/USB2.0 AM/BM-1.8M 33-2 x 0160-101





11 112043 COVER FOR RCT 1 NOS

Shipper Box

12 102932 SAMPLE CUP 300 NOS






16 100342 TYPE B PLUG - PS204 V1625 SJT AWG 16 X 3 2 MTR. 1 NOS






21 120161 TUBES TEST PLASTIC (12MM X 75MM) 10 NOS

22 106846 ROTOR 120 CELL 5 MM LIGHT PATH 10 NOS

P.M. Kit



System Installation 2-10

Sr. No. Item Description Qty.


25 107580 BD SPINAL NEEDLE (25 GA 3.5IN, 0.50X90MM) ITEM NO. 1 NOS



27 104730 SET OF FUSE 1 SET

2.4.4 Installing the components of analyzer

This section gives you the installation of some main components. It includes the following:

Connecting analyzer and PC

SRGT tray installation

Rotor tray installation

DI water and waste can installation

Printer installation

Test Loader Device Connecting to USB on analyzer PC Connecting communication cable between data station computer and analyzer

Depending on user requirements or request, communication cable may be

supplied with different connecters.

1. Unpack the USB interface cable from the accessories box, and connect its one end to the
USB port of the computer and other end to the instrument’s USB port as shown.

2. Connect the one end of the power cord to the analyzer’s power outlet at the back side and
other end to the main switch as shown in figure below:

Make sure that the power outlet button should be in OFF condition.

2-11 System Installation Installing the Sample and Reagent Tray (SRGT)

Use the following steps for installing the Sample and Reagent tray:

1. Unpack the Sample and Reagent tray from the accessories box.

2. Gently place the sample and reagent tray into the container, make sure that the index pin on
the tray, slides into the index hole provided on the sample and reagent tray.

3. Unpack the Sample and Reagent tray lid, and place over the Sample and Reagent Tray.

4. Make sure that the index pin on the Reagent lid slides into the index hole provided on the
Sample and Reagent tray lid. Installing the Rotor Tray

Use the following procedure to install the rotor tray:

1. Unpack the Rotor from the accessories box.

2. Place the Rotor tray on the rotor tray assembly by matching the smallest rotor holder with
smallest slot as shown in the following figure.

System Installation 2-12

3. Now tighten the rotor tray with the knob provided, as shown in figure below.

4. Unpack the rotor tray lid, and place over the rotor tray. Installing DI Water and Waste Can

Follow these instructions to install DI Water and Waste CANS:

1. Unpack the Float Sensors for the CANS and place them on one side.

2-13 System Installation

2. From the accessory box, remove the 4 liters DI water CAN and 4 liters Waste CAN and put
them on floor.

3. Connect the longer Float Sensor with blue sleeve for DI Water and smaller Float Sensor with
yellow sleeve for waste CAN respectively in the small outlet provided on the canister of both
the CANS.

4. Fill the DI Water CAN with 4 liters of fresh DI water.

5. Remove the tubes from the accessory box. Connect one end of the 2 meter. (1/8” x 3/16” size)
Tygon tube to the analyzer inlet marked DI WATER, and connects the other end to the steel
tube on the DI Water CAN.

6. Take another tube of same size and connect the one end of it to the analyzer outlet marked DI
WATER – LAMP. Connect another end of the tube on canister of DI Water CAN connector
marked as DI WATER LAMP.

7. Take another tube of size 1/8” x 3/16”. Connect one end of this tube to the remaining yellow
color connector on analyzer with the other end on connector provided on Waste CAN. Printer Installation (DeskJet / Laser)

Check for following points before using application software to generate printouts:

1. Install appropriate printer driver on the analyzer PC.

2. Connect the printer to the analyzer PC.

3. Feed the paper to the printer and switch it ‘ON’.

4. There should be no paper jam or any other obstruction in the printer.

5. Print a test page from the analyzer computer to confirm correct printing. Test Loader Device Connecting to USB on analyzer PC

Follow the steps below to connect Test Loader device to USB port on analyzer PC.

1. Unpack the Test Loader device,Test Loader stand and USB cable from the accessories as shown
in below figure

System Installation 2-14

2. Place USB -B end of USB cable inside the Test Loader stand as shown in below figure.

3. Fix the Test Loader device on this connector as shown in figure.

4. Now connect the USB-A connector to USB port on analyzer PC

5. Once connected to analyzer PC, it gives the beep sound that means now Test Loader is ready to

6. To ensure if Test loader device is connected to analyzer PC, go to Start > Computer > right click
> Manage as shown in below screen

2-15 System Installation

7. By clicking Manage, following screen will be displayed;

8. Click Device Manager > Human Interface Devices.

System Installation 2-16

9. Click Human Interface Devices ; following screen will be displayed;

10. It detects HID – compliant device that means Test Loader is connected with the analyzer PC.


11. Go to Start > click Devices and Printers ; following screen will be displayed;

2-17 System Installation

12.It detects the HID device, that means Test loader is connected with analyzer PC.

13.Close the Computer Management / Devices and Printers screen.

14.Now Keep the System Reagent pack in front of scan side of Test Loaderr device as shown in
below figure.

System Installation 2-18

15.Go to Status Monitor > Scan Pack > System Pack details > Scan Pack,scanned details will be
displayed on analyzer PC.

Do not disconnect the device while scanning and registering the pack. It
may damage the device .

16.If Test Loader device is unconnected following message will get displayed.

17.Check the connectivity of Test Loader device by following above steps 6-12.

18.If Test loader device is unconnected, device manager can not detect the HID device.


Software Installation 3-2

3 Software Installation

This section guides you through the installation and un-installation procedure of MultiXL software.
You must read the instructions carefully before installing the software.
See the following sections in more details:
Software installation procedure

Read the necessary general safety guidelines before installing the software for the first
time. See Safety Instructions for more details.

3.1 Safety Instructions

The software installation and restoring database should be done by a trained

personnel only.

3.2 Pre-requisites
Make sure that you should have the following pre-requisites before installing the software.

See the following section in more details:

System configuration

PC Settings for Windows 7

Regional and Language Settings for Windows 7

PC Settings required for Windows 10

Regional and Language settings for Windows 10

Test Loader Device

3.2.1 System Configuration

Before installing the MultiXL software, make sure that your computer should have following
system configuration.

PROCESSOR Intel Core-2-duo Processor or higher

OPERATING Windows 7 Professional 32 bit EN

Windows 10 Professional 32 / 64 bit EN

TBM OS of Windows-10 IoT

HARD DISK 500GB (minimum) or higher

3-3 Software Installation

RAM 4GB (minimum)

MONITOR Color Monitor with 1024*768 resolution support, 17” & above

PRINTER LaserJet / DeskJet Printer

3.2.2 PC Settings required for Windows 7

PC Settings will be applied automatically while installing the customized
image of Windows 7 Embedded as Operating System.
* A customized image of Windows 7 Embedded is provided as Operating
System for Analyzer PC.
Remove all memory resident software including anti-virus software from the analyzer PC, if

Remove firewall and other security software and / or settings from the analyzer PC.

Do not run any other application on the analyzer PC during batch run on analyzer.

Ensure that the default printer (Laser Jet / DeskJet) is configured and connected to the
analyzer PC.

Delete the “Microsoft XPS Document Writer” from the system. To do this, click Start
button, and click Control Panel. Now, under the Category view, go to Hardware and
Sound > Devices and Printers. Right click on the Microsoft XPS Document Writer,
and choose Remove Device to delete.

Disable screen-savers and power management on analyzer PC before starting the application
Use the following procedure for disabling the screen saver and power management:

1. Open Screen Saver Settings by clicking the Start button, clicking Control Panel, clicking
Appearance and Personalization under Category view, clicking Personalization, and
then clicking Screen Saver.

2. To turn off all screen savers, under Screen Saver, select (None) from the drop-down list,
and then click OK.

Software Installation 3-4

3. Now click on the link Change power settings (Applicable only if option is available). The
following screen will be displayed.

4. Click on Balanced Change plan settings.

Set Turn off the display to Never

Set Put the computer to sleep to Never

5. Click on the link Change advanced power settings. The following screen will be
displayed. Set Turn off hard disk after to Never.

3-5 Software Installation

6. Similarly apply same settings to Power saver option. Repeat the step 3 to 6.

User account control settings

Follow these steps to change the user account settings:

1. Open User Account Control Settings by clicking the Start button, and then clicking
Control Panel. Under Small or Large icons view, click on User Accounts and then,
again click User Accounts. The following window will be displayed.

2. Now click Change User Account Control settings. The following screen will be

Software Installation 3-6

3. Move Pointer to Never Notify and click OK.

4. You must re-start the analyzer PC to turn on the user account control.

3.2.3 Regional and Language Settings for Windows 7

Region and Language Settings will be applied automatically while installing

the customized image of Windows 7 Embedded as Operating System.
* A customized image of Windows 7 Embedded is provided as Operating
System for Analyzer PC.

Ensure that the following regional and language settings are appropriate. Note that these are the
critical settings for the communication with the analyzer.

Use the following procedure for setting the regional and language options:

1. Click on Start and open Control Panel. Under Category view, click on Clock, Language
and Region. The following Region and Language screen will be displayed. Following
should be the settings for Formats tab.

3-7 Software Installation

2. To set Number and Currency, click on Additional settings.

Software Installation 3-8

3. Following should be the Location tab.

4. Following should be the Keyboards and Language tab.

3-9 Software Installation

5. Click on Change Keyboards following screen will display.

6. Following should be the settings for Administrative tab.

Software Installation 3-10

3.2.4 PC Settings required for Windows 10

In case, *customized image of Windows 10 IoT is installed as Operating System,
required PC Settings will be applied automatically.
*A customized image of Windows 10 Embedded is provided by the analyzer
manufacturer, as Operating System for Analyzer PC.

The following PC settings are required before installing MultiXL.

Remove all memory resident software including anti-virus software from the Analyzer PC if
installed. Use the following procedure:

Click Start button, and click Control Panel. Now, under the Category view, go to
Programs > Programs and Features. Select the desired anti-virus software from the list,
and click Uninstall.

Remove firewall, automatic update, other security software and from the Analyzer PC.

Click Start button, and click Control Panel. Now, under the Category view, go to System
and Security > Windows Firewall, and click on the link Turn off Windows Firewall on
or off. Now select the option Turn off Windows Firewall (not recommended), and then click
OK button.

To turn off automatic updates, under Control Panel, go to System and Security >
Windows Update, click on the link Change settings, and select the Never check for
updates (not recommended) from the drop down list, and click OK.

Do not run any other application on the Analyzer PC during batch run on Analyzer.

Ensure that a default printer (Laser Jet / Desk Jet) is configured and connected to Analyzer
PC. Set appropriate printer as default printer.

Delete the “Microsoft Office Document Image Writer” and “Microsoft XPS Document

3-11 Software Installation

Writer” from the system.

Click Start button, and click Control Panel. Now, under the Category view, go to
Hardware and Sound > Devices and Printers. Right click on the Microsoft Office
Document Image Writer, and choose Remove Device to delete. Similarly, delete
“Microsoft XPS Document Writer”.

Windows Login User requires Administrative privileges to Install and Run the Application.

Disable Screen-savers and Power Management on Analyzer PC before starting the Application

Use the following procedure for disabling the screen saver and power management:

1. Open Screen Saver Settings by clicking on Control Panel > Appearance and
Personalization under Category view, click Personalization, and then click Screen

2. To turn off all screen savers, under Screen Saver, select (None) from the drop-down list, and
then click OK.

3. Now click on the link Change Power Settings / Power Options (Applicable only if option is
available). The following screen will be displayed

4. Click on Balanced radio-button and then the corresponding Change plan settings button as
shown above.

Set Turn off the display to Never

Set Put the computer to sleep to Never

Software Installation 3-12

5. Click on the link Change advanced power settings. The following screen will be displayed.
Set Turn off hard disk after to Never as shown below;

6. Similarly, apply same settings to Power saver option. Repeat the step 3 to 6.

User Account Control Settings

Follow these steps to change the user account settings:

3-13 Software Installation

1. Select Control Panel. Now, under the Category view, go to System and Security >
Security and Maintenance . Move Pointer to Never Notify and click OK. The
following screen will be displayed.

2. Now, click on Change User Account Control Settings option as shown above. The
following screen appears;

Software Installation 3-14

3. Move Pointer to Never Notify and click OK

4. You must re-start the analyzer PC to turn on the user account control

3.2.5 Regional and Language settings for Windows 10

Use the following procedure for setting the regional and language options:

Ensure that the following regional and language settings are appropriate.

Note that these are critical settings for the communication with the analyzer.

Go to Control Panel > Clock, Language, and Region options > Change the date, time and
number format.

3-15 Software Installation

a. Following should be the settings for Formats tab:

b. To set Number and Currency, Click on Additional settings

Software Installation 3-16

c. Following should be the Location tab

3-17 Software Installation

d. Following should be the settings for Administrative tab:

Software Installation 3-18

3.2.6 Test Loader Device

Test Loader Device is used to scan the details of system packs for Closed channel reagents.

Test Loader Device is required for Test Loader System.

Test Loader Functionality

Test Loader device scans the details of System Pack Reagent kits including lot number,
expiry date, pack size etc.

Analyzer performs open/closed-channel tests only after scanning the System Pack Reagent

Analyzer performs closed channel tests based on pack size (test count) of respective
reagent kit.

Analyzer performs open channel tests not exceeding the total test-count, as read from
System Pack Reagent kits. Open channel tests can also be loaded using special cards
which may be available for purchase from manufacture in special circumstances.

System will intimate user about expiry of open test counts (for cards expiring soon) as read
from the special cards / System Pack Reagent kits.

Once open test-counts are exhausted, it is not allowed to perform further open tests, until
user scans the new System Pack Reagent kits.

System will intimate user during run if open test count reaches 10 & below.

3.3 Software Installation Procedure

This section guides you through MultiXL software installation process.

Follow the instructions in this section, in case, you are installing the software for the first time on the
PC i.e. there is no previous installation of the software on the PC. See the following sections in more

Installing MultiXL

Installation of Database

Upgrading MultiXL Software (to upgrade MultiXL from existing version to the new version)

Database Utility Options

Accessing MultiXL Software

3-19 Software Installation

3.3.1 Installing MultiXL

Follow these instruction for installing the application:

1. Insert the installation CD into the CD drive of your computer. On inserting the CD, the MultiXL
Installation screen will be displayed.


1. Go to Windows Explorer, right-click on CD/DVD ROM-Drive, and click on AutoPlay option.


2. Click on Explore and double-click on Launcher.bat. The following screen will be displayed.

3. Click on Install MultiXL Application & Database link and follow the on-screen instructions.

Software Installation 3-20


3. Click on the Browse this CD link. The software installation CD contains the following folders
and files as shown in the figure below:

4. Open Setup folder, and double-click on the setup.exe.

5. On clicking, the following screen will be displayed.

3-21 Software Installation

This screen will not be displayed if .NET framework 4.0 is already installed on
your computer.

6. Click Accept to continue.On clicking, the following screen will be displayed.

This screen will not be displayed if Crystal Reports for .NET framework 4.0 is
already installed on your computer.

7. Click Accept to continue. On clicking, the following screen will be displayed.

Software Installation 3-22

This screen will not be displayed if SQL Server 2005 Express Edition is already
installed on the analyzer computer.

8. In some scenarios, following screen may appear while installing MultiXL Application. Please
click on Run Program button to continue with MultiXL Installation.

It is not necessary to apply SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 3 (SP3) or later
Service Pack as shown in the above screen shot.

9. On clicking, the following screens will be displayed in a sequence.

3-23 Software Installation

Wait until the setup wizard is visible on the screen as shown below.

10. Click Next. On clicking, the following window will be displayed.

Software Installation 3-24

On selecting Configure Database checkbox, the installer will create or upgrade the
database after completing the installation of MultiXL (If Database is found present then the
existing database will be upgraded to the latest version. If Database does not present then
the installer will create a blank Database). If this option is unchecked, the blank database
will not be installed and you have to install it manually.

11. Click Next. The following screen will be displayed.

The installer will install the software in the default location C:\Program Files\MultiXL.

3-25 Software Installation

The installation in a location, different from the default one, is not


12. Ensure that “Everyone” is selected, and click Next. On clicking, the following window will be
displayed. Click Next to confirm the installation.

13. On clicking Next, the installation is started and the status will be displayed, as shown

Software Installation 3-26

The following screen will be displayed if the Configure Database option is selected.

Once the installation completes, the software icon will be created on the desktop and the
following screen will be displayed.

3-27 Software Installation

14. Click on Close to close the screen and restart the computer.

Now double click on the MultiXL icon from the desktop or choose Start > All
Programs > MultiXL to start the application.

The Detect Regional Settings screen will be displayed and the application
halts in case, if the language setting in the Formats tab is other than English
(United States).

See section Region and Language Settings for more details.

The following observations are noted after installing MultiXL on Windows 7 Embedded operating

MultiXL Shutdown: On clicking Shutdown button in MultiXL, analyzer PC will shutdown

automatically, after completing auto-maintenance activities on analyzer.

Software Installation 3-28

The windows key (left and right) will be disabled from the keyboard. Logging of MultiXL
start and shutdown events (for internal use).

MultiXL screen will cover the desktop in its maximized state.

USB mass storage devices will be disabled.

USB drive can be accessible through Administrator login only.

To copy software data to USB drive, use Utility > Backup screen. See section
Copy Data to External USB Storage for more information.

Full MultiXL database backup and log files are automatically archived in the C
drive under MultiXLLog folder, after every seven days before system shutting

Restricted user account for MultiXL: To install and uninstall any application from the PC, you
must be logged on as (windows) user “Administrator”. To log in to the administrative account,
go to Start > Shutdown > Logoff and then click the Administrator icon and provide the
administrator password. The default administrator password is tbm1234@.

Along with MultiXL installation, Consumable Management Utility will get

installed on analyzer PC which can be used to load value files and default test

3.3.2 Installation of Database

The installation and restoring database should be performed by the trained
person only.

Database installation is required only if the Configure Database option was de-selected during

In case, Configure Database option is selected (ticked by default) during Software Installation then
the Database will be created / upgraded automatically as part of installation. (Database, when
already exists, will be upgraded to the latest version. When database is not found on PC, then the
installer will create a blank database).

In case, the Configure Database option is not selected, then the database should be installed
manually, as follows.
Refer to the folder Database Utility in the CD, which consists of DatabaseUtility.exe for installing
(restoring) the Database file MultiXL.BKP. Installation of Blank Database

For installing the blank database from software CD, use the following instructions:

1. Click on Run Database Utility from the MultiXL installation screen as shown below.

3-29 Software Installation


1. Open the Database Utility folder from the software installation CD, and double-click

2. Click on CHECK DATABASE. This command will check for the existing database on your
computer. If no database is available, a message is displayed on the following screen.

3. Click on CREATE DATABASE. This will create the database. If archive or Temp Database is
not available then utility will ask for Blank Database location and the following window will be

4. Now click OK and select the blank database file MultiXL.BKP from the software CD, and then

Software Installation 3-30

click Open.

5. After some time, the database will be created successfully and the following screen will be

6. Once the database is created, click CHECK DATABASE to ensure the proper creation of the
database. The following screen will be displayed.

The above screen indicates that the database is created successfully. Click Close to exit from
the utility screen. Now you can access the MultiXL application. (Refer section Accessing MultiXL
Software for more details).

3-31 Software Installation

Make sure that all software versions are installed correctly.

To check the installed software versions, go to Service Check screen, right click
on the Misc Commands button, and choose EMB Software Version option.

3.3.3 Upgrading MultiXL Software

If MultiXL software is already installed on your computer and if you receive a newer version of
software, then the following steps should be performed.

Upgrade Software

Upgrade Database

Take a database backup through Utility > Backup, before proceeding with
software upgrade. Upgrade Software

Uninstall the existing software version from your computer and install the newer version from the
application CD.

Un-installing Software

To un-install the software, do one of the following:

1. Click on the Uninstall MultiXL Application from the MultiXL Installation screen as shown


Software Installation 3-32

1. Go to Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features.

2. Select the MultiXL, and then click Uninstall. On clicking, the software will be removed
from the computer.

To uninstall the MultiXL software you must be logged on as user


Installing Software - New version

Refer section Installing MultiXL for more details. Upgrade Database

Upgrade the database using the software CD of the newer version whenever you install the new
software version.

Database can be upgraded to match the newer software version without deleting the database of the
existing version.

Ensure to take database backup before upgrading the database.

Upgrading Database

3-33 Software Installation

Database is upgraded using upgrade script file. The upgrade script is

provided in the application software CD in the Database Utility folder.

Follow these instructions for upgrading the database:

1. Click on the Run Database Utility link from MultiXL Installation screen as shown below.


1. Open the Database Utility folder from the software installation CD. Double-click on

2. Click UPGRADE DB. A window will appears to select the upgrade script file, see the
following screen.

Software Installation 3-34

3. Select the upgrade script file from the software CD, and then click Open.

This will start the upgrade process. If archive database is not available then the utility will
prompt to select the path for blank database and the following screen will be displayed.

4. Click OK and select the blank database file MultiXL.BKP from the software CD, and then
click Open.

3-35 Software Installation

5. After some time, the database will be upgraded successfully and the following screen will
be displayed.

6. Click to close the database utility screen.

After successful database upgradation, you can access the MultiXL application. Refer
section Accessing MultiXL Software for more details.

After installing the new software version, if the database is not upgraded
using the upgrade script file provided in the Software CD then the following
screen will be displayed on starting the application software. This screen
indicates the software and database version mismatch.

Software Installation 3-36

In case, the Software and Database version mismatch screen is displayed; upgrade the
database using the script file, provided in the software CD. Refer section Upgrading
Database for more detail.

If the problem is not resolved, then call service engineer for help.

Make sure that all software versions are upgraded correctly.

To check the installed software versions, go to Service Check screen, right

click on the Misc Commands button, and choose EMB Software Version

3.3.4 Database Utility Options

See the following section for more details:

Database backup

Change database

Restore archive database Database Backup

Follow these instructions for taking the backup of database:

1. Click on Run Database Utility from the MultiXL Installation screen.


1. Open Database Utility folder from the software installation CD, and double-click

2. Click on CHECK DATABASE. The following screen will be displayed.

3-37 Software Installation

3. Press F12 key. The following screen will be displayed.

4. Select the path to store the backup file, and then click Save. On successful completion of
database backup, following screen is displayed.

If archive database is present then backup will be stored with “ARH” extension with the same
file name.

For example: In this case Archive Backup will be stored on the same path with File Name
“MultiXL2522011.ARH”. The default file name contains “MultiXL” (the application name),
followed by date, month and year.

Software Installation 3-38 Change Database

In case, if you wish to change the database, you must delete the existing database and then restore
the backup of another database using database utility,

It is recommended to change the database with proper guidance of expert

service engineer. Improper installation may impact the calibration of the
analyzer, in addition to loss of data such as QC data and chemistry calibration.

Before installation, you should take the backup of the database before deleting
or changing the database.

Database can be changed in two parts:

Delete (existing) Database

Restore Backup of another Database

Deleting Existing Database

Follow these instructions for deleting the database:

1. Click on the Run Database Utility from the MultiXL Installation screen.


1. Open the Database Utility folder from the software installation CD, and double-click

2. Click on CHECK DATABASE to check whether the database is present.

3. Click on DELETE DATABASE to delete the existing database. The following screen will be

3-39 Software Installation

4. Click on Yes to continue with database deletion. On clicking, the warning message will be
displayed to re-confirm the deletion.

5. Click Yes to continue. On clicking, a message will be displayed to take the database
backup before deletion.

6. Click Yes to take the backup. The following window will be displayed. Select the
appropriate location for saving the backup database.

On clicking No, the Live and Archive data will be deleted without saving the database.

7. Click Save to save the database.

On clicking, a copy of database will be saved in the desired location. The following screen
will be displayed after successful deletion of the database.

Software Installation 3-40

Restoring Backup of New Database

Follow these instructions for deleting the database:

1. Click on Run Database Utility from the MultiXL Installation screen.


1. Open Database Utility folder from the software installation CD. Double-click

2. Click on CHECK DATABASE. The following window will be displayed.

3. In the DATABASE RESTORE UTILITY window, click on the BROWSE FILE. Select the
location where the backup database file is saved.

3-41 Software Installation

4. Select the appropriate database file and then click Open. The following screen will be

5. Click on CREATE DATABASE to create the database. The database create the database
following screen will be displayed.

If the Archive is not available then utility will ask for blank database

6. Click OK and select the blank database file MultiXL.BKP from the application CD.

Software Installation 3-42

7. Click Open. After successful creation of database, following screen is displayed.

8. Click on CHECK DATABASE to ensure proper creation of the database.

9. Click to close the database utility screen.

Now you can access the MultiXL application. (Refer section Accessing MultiXL Software for more
details) Restore Archive Database

Restoring Archive Database

Follow these instructions for archiving the database:

1. Click on the Run Database Utility from the MultiXL Installation screen.


1. Open the Database Utility folder from the software installation CD. Double-click

2. Press F11 key from the keyboard. The following window will be displayed. Navigate to the
appropriate location where the archive database is saved and then click Open.

3-43 Software Installation

3. After archiving the database successfully, the following screen will be displayed.

3.3.5 Installing Team Viewer

Team Viewer is used to access analyzer computers, which makes it an ideal solution for Remote
Monitoring and Trouble Shooting purposes.

Pre-requisite for Analyzer PC and Remote PC:

a) Internet connection availability - uninterrupted with good speed.

b) Team-viewer is not blocked in System Settings for PC/Network Security.

Team Viewer connectivity depends upon the Internet speed available at the
Lab/Site and load on analyzer PC. Team Viewer uses remote desktop
technology to control a computer from an alternate location. The main cause of
lag when controlling a remote computer is network speed.

Regular PC cleanup and maintenance should be carried out to keep your PC

running at optimum speed. Disk Cleanup application scans and deletes
unnecessary files and Disk Defragmenter improves performance by eliminating

Software Installation 3-44

the gaps in data. Use the Start menu's search box to locate these programs.
Viruses also impact performance. Update your virus definitions and complete a
full system scan.

It is not recommendable to use Team Viewer remote control session during

Batch RUN with Actual Patient samples on the analyzer, as it may slow-down /
interrupt the system performance.

Installation Procedure:

1. On insertion of CD on Auto-play, MultiXL Installation screen will be displayed with the option to
install Team Viewer.


1. Go to Windows Explorer and Right Click on CD/DVD ROM-Drive and Click on Auto-play.

2. Click on Install Team Viewer. On selection of this option, following pop-up appears;

3-45 Software Installation

3. Team Viewer installation is carried out at default installation location C:\Program Files\

4. After Team Viewer is installed successfully, above screen will be closed automatically and user
will be redirected to the Launcher Screen.

Start-up procedure for Team Viewer remote support

Open Team Viewer 10 Host from Windows Start menu. Following screen appears;

Team Viewer ID (Your ID marked in Red in above image) is unique for every device. This ID of the
Analyzer PC is required for connecting another Remote PC through TeamViewer. Password is
“tbm1234@”, by default.

Password is pre-configured by default, during installation of TeamViewer


Analyzer user / operator has to share Your ID (Team Viewer ID marked in RED) to the support
team for Remote Support (Remote control session on Analyzer PC).

Software Installation 3-46

Do not change the default password for the seamless remote support.

3.3.6 Accessing MultiXL Software

MultiXL screens are best viewed with 1024 * 768 resolution.

On starting the application, the PC resolution will be automatically changed to
1024*768 pixels, only if the resolution is different than specified. On closing
MultiXL, the previous resolution will be restored.

On successful installation, the MultiXL software application will be launched automatically at every
PC startup.

When the MultiXL application is running, all windows shortcut keys (e.g. left and right window keys,
etc) available on the keyboard is not accessible.

To access the software do one of the following:

Turn on the analyzer PC. MultiXL application will start automatically

Double click on the MultiXL icon created on your desktop

Go to Start > All Programs > MultiXL

When starting MultiXL first time, the product login screen as shown below will be displayed.

Product Login is critical (one-time) stage. Software is configured suitably

based on the inputs in this screen. Please contact Service Engineer, in case
Product Login details are not available on Software CD.

Enter the appropriate details in the PRODUCT LOGIN, PASSWORD and LOCATION. Then, click
OK. On clicking, the login screen as shown below will be displayed.

3-47 Software Installation

This screen will be displayed every time, on starting MultiXL.

Enter the following details, and then click OK. You may use this Login details for the first time and
create the other login IDs with appropriate user access rights. See section User Rights for more

Login ID : Guest or guest

Password : Guest (Case – sensitive)

The main screen will be opened as shown in the following screen.

Software Installation 3-48

When you start the MultiXL application first time without connecting the
analyzer, the application title bar will displays “CS” after MultiXL version
number on top which indicates Closed System.
MultiXL version number with "TLS" indicates Test Loader System.

Whether the system installed is Closed System or Open System or Test Loader
System will be automatically detected when analyzer is connected and
switched ON.

Error System is reported if combination of embedded software version is not

proper or any hardware issue.


Safety Information 4-2

4 Safety Information
Before operating the analyzer, it is necessary that you read and understand the safety instructions,
safety precautions and warning labels listed below.

See the following sections for more details.

Safety Symbols

Warning Labels

Safety Precautions

4.1 Safety Symbols

Before you attempt to use the analyzer, you must be fully familiar with the following symbols and
their meanings:








4-3 Safety Information

4.2 Warning Labels

The following warning labels are affixed on the analyzer on different places that are the potentially

Labels Location

On the top cover

On the top cover

On the top cover plates

On the Bio-hazard Waste Can (4 liter)

On Waste Can (4 liter)

On DI Water Can (4 liter)

Safety Information 4-4

4.3 Safety Precautions

Read the necessary safety instructions carefully, before using the analyzer for the first time.

Only qualified and trained personnel should use the analyzer and perform the procedures
described in this document.

General safety:

Danger of injury to hands by moving parts. During operation, do not touch

SRGT container unit, SRPT probe and any other moving mechanical parts in
the analyzer. During operation, shut cover all the time.

Pay attention not to exceed the time and volume necessary for diagnosis.

Keep monitoring the behavior of the whole system in order to detect any

Take immediate corrective measures including shutdown of operation when

any malfunction is detected in the analyzer.

Avoid possibilities of any direct access by the patients.

Turn off the power after every operation so that control is restored to its
previous state as directed.

Do not remove the line cord plugs from receptacles by pulling the cords so
that no undue stress is developed in the cords.

If the auto maintenance at shutdown is not performed, wipe the probe tips of
SRPT several times with cloth or by rubbing alcohol before the analyzer is
used. At this time, do not forget to put medical rubber glove. Pay attention to
prevent bare skins of hands or arms from being touched by or pricked with
the probe tip.

Pay attention to the storage area.

Keep the analyzer out of the rain and any other water splash.

Avoid areas that are adversely affected by atmospheric pressure,

temperature, humidity, ventilation, sunlight, dust and air containing salt,
sulfur, etc.

Pay attention to inclination, vibration, shock (including shock during

transportation), etc.

Avoid areas adjacent to the storage room of chemicals or areas that are
likely to generate gasses. Avoid areas that are likely to be subject to
inclination, vibration and shock.

Organize and store parts and cords associated with the analyzer after
they have been cleaned.

Keep the analyzer clean not to cause any inconvenience to the next

4-5 Safety Information


In the event of trouble in analyzer, do not troubleshoot by your own. You

must contact the authorized service personnel.

Prohibit any alteration and/or modification to the analyzer without permission

by manufacturer.

Electrical safety:

The access to the conductive parts within the analyzer may cause serious
electric shock. When removing parts, make sure to shut off the main power
supply from the socket. Leave any maintenance and repair of electrical parts
inside the equipment to qualified service personnel.

Always replace the halogen lamp with the new lamp only after been kept off
for 30 minutes, to avoid the danger of burns. Keep hands away from the
glass part of the new halogen lamp. Make sure that there is no crack or
breakage in the glass part.

Biological safety:

Never touch patients' samples, SRPT probe, Rotor’s reaction cells, and used
pipette tips with bare hands to prevent operator from possible infection. Wear
disposable medical rubber gloves to keep skin from direct contact with
patients' samples.

The direct contact with bio-wastes and used Rotor may cause infection.
Handle them with gloved hands without exception. Follow the national or
local laws and rules when they are thrown out. There are two kinds of liquid
wastes drained from this analyzer, i.e. high- and low-concentrated wastes.

Treat the drain water as infectious waste. Collect the drain water in reserve
can and allow it to be disposed of by expert distributors.

Wipe the nozzle tips of SRPT several times with cloth or by rubbing alcohol
before the analyzer is used. At this time, do not forget to put medical rubber
gloves. Pay attention to prevent bare skins of hands or arms from being
touched by or pricked with the nozzle tip.

Treat the drain water as infectious waste. Collect the drain water in reserve
can and allow it to be disposed of by expert distributors.

Sample handling:

Do not touch the samples, mixtures and waste liquids with bare hands. Give
special consideration to keep skin and mucous membrane from contact with
reagents to prevent operator from possible infection. Always wear disposable
medical rubber gloves, goggles, etc. to keep skin and mucous membrane
from contact with reagents.

Always follow the laboratory's safety protocol for cleaning and

decontaminating the Sample & Reagent tray, Rotor tray, and Waste can.

Safety Information 4-6

In case any samples come in contact with your skin, thoroughly rinse the
area that came in contact with the sample and consult a physician.

Immediately wipe off any contaminants from the system.

Reagent handling:

Danger of cauterization and skin poisoning through contact with reagents.

After unpacking the reagents, be sure not to allow dust, dirt or bacteria to
come in touch with the reagent.

Always keep reagents in cool place.

Do not use reagents that are expired.

Handle a reagent gently to avoid formation of bubbles.

Take care not to spill the reagent. If it spills, wipe it off immediately using a
wet cloth.

Always take the reagents by the approved vendor.

If a reagent comes in contact with your eye, wash it off immediately using
plenty of water, and take medical treatment at once.

If you swallow it inadvertently, call for a doctor immediately and drink plenty
of water.

Some reagents are strong acids or alkalis. Exercise great care so that your
hands and clothing do not come into contact with reagents. If your hands or
clothing come into contact with either reagent, immediately wash them off
with soap and water. If a reagent comes into contact with your eye(s),
immediately rinse with water for at least 15 minutes..

Maintenance and checks:

Incorrect cleaning and maintenance can cause damage to personnel and

equipment. Perform cleaning and maintenance according to the procedures
described in this publication.

It is important for the analyzer and its associated parts to be periodically


Sample probe

DI water pump

Halogen lamp

Refer section Replacement schedule for spares and consumable for more

Ensure that the analyzer operates normally and correctly, when it is reused
after being unused for some time.

4-7 Safety Information

Perform Daily, Weekly, Monthly and Annually maintenance procedures as

directed in the operator manual. Refer section Maintenance for more

In the event of trouble in analyzer, do not troubleshoot by your own. You

must contact the authorized service personnel.

Prohibit any alteration and/or modification to the analyzer without permission

by manufacturer.


5-2 Technical Specifications

5 Technical Specifications
This section describes the technical specification. See the following:

General Specification

Installation Conditions

Sampling Unit

Reagent Unit

Reaction Unit

Optical Absorption Measurement Unit

Data Processing

Control Unit

Accessories and Consumables

The specifications are subject to change without prior notice.

5.1 General Specification

Item Description

Throughput 200 tests/hour for a cycle time of 18 seconds

Maximum 398 tests/hour with ISE

System type Discrete, open, automated, random access, patient prioritized, 1/2
Reagent system

Sample Serum
Whole Blood
Others (CSF, Plasma, etc.)

Measurement principle Turbidimetric Immunoassay

Colorimetric (Rate/End Point)
Ion Selective Electrodes (optional)

Applicable analytes Photometric assays

Enzyme, lipid, protein, sugar, nitrides, inorganic substances,
complements and others
Turbidimetric assays
IgG, IgA, IgM, C3, C4, RF, CRP, ASO, Transferrin and others

On board tests 42 test items maximum

Technical Specifications 5-3

25 positions fixed
15 flexible
2 additional positions at room temp.

Programmable Unlimited

Assay modes 1-Point


Sample volume 2-70 µl (adjustable in 0.1 µl step)

Reaction volume 180 µl

Reaction temperature 37 °C
Temperature stability: ± 0.5 °C

Reaction time Depends on the designated cycle time and number of reagents used
For 1 step assay (using R1)
612 seconds (10.2 min)
For 2 step assay (using R1 and R2)
1st reaction 306 seconds (5.1 minutes) + 2nd reaction 306
seconds (5.1 minutes)

Test selection Setting of tests one by one or with profile key for each sample
Group order entry is possible
Setting from host computer via interface having ASTM protocol
compliance (optional)
Setting according to bar-code data on sample container (Optional
fixed bar code reader)

Mixers Mixing by stirrer

3 levels - Low, Medium and High

Maintenance Programmable maintenance actions: Probe Wash and Maintenance

Barcode identification Sample tube barcode ID (NW7, code 39, code 128, 2 of 5 interleaved,
2 of 5 standard, ISBT-code 128) – 6 to 18 digits Reagent barcode ID,

Water supply unit Water consumption: < 3 liters/hour

Manufactures and supplies: Type 2 quality (by NCCLS standards) ion
exchange water (optional)

Quality control Unlimited

Walk Away Time 0.6 hour

System warm-up time 10 minutes warm-up at instrument power-on

5 minutes warm up for rotor at start of the run if fresh rotor is used.

5-4 Technical Specifications

Safety mechanism Vertical obstruction detection

Capacitance based liquid level sensing

Noise level Less than 65 dB

Display PC Monitor

Keyboard External Standard PC keyboard

System interface Analyzer – PC: USB

A4 size DeskJet/Laser/ printer

Optional Electrolyte measurement unit (for Na, K, Cl, Li)

Reagent Cooling

5.2 Sampling Unit

Item Description

Type Rotating removable Sample cum Reagent tray

Sample container Blood collection tube 7 ml (14.5 x 84 mm), 5 ml (13 x 75 mm)

Cup: Standard cup 2 ml
Adaptors will be provided for all types.

Sample placement Sample cum Reagent tray:

Maximum number of samples: 25 Numbers
Fixed sample positions: 10 Numbers
Flexible Sample/Reagent/Diluent positions: 15 Numbers

STAT samples STAT samples are measured preferentially (To be placed in any of the
25 sample positions on the outer rim)
Calibrators may be placed at any of these 25 positions
Interrupt permitted even during analysis

Sampling Micro-pipette with level sensor

Pipetting system with plunger, driven by stepper motor
Sample volume: 2-70 µl (adjustable in 0.1 µl step)
Preheated probe common for Sample and Reagents

Pipetting mode Probe with Sapphire Pump, driven by stepping motor

Single preheated probe Micro-pipette with level sensor

for dispensing Samples Washing solution
and Reagents
Outside: DI water
Inside: DI water passed through preheated probe.
Equipped with vertical obstruction detection facility to prevent probe

Sample dilution Dilution ratio: 2 to 150 times

A cuvette is used as dilution vessel

Technical Specifications 5-5

Set amount of diluent is dispensed into a cuvette and set amount of

sample is dispensed into it by sample/reagent probe
Dilution possible for repeat run
Direct reduced/increased volume runs are also possible

Repeat run Reduced/increased volume repeat run also possible

Sample identification Position ID for all samples

Sample bar-code ID

Dead Volume

5.3 Reagent Unit

Item Description

Type Rotating removable Sample cum Reagent tray

Reagent tray Common positions for reagent 1/2

Reagent cooling Optional - Refrigeration unit with 16°C below ambient


Reagent bottles 25 fixed positions for R1 or R2 of 50/20ml inner rim.

15 flexible positions for R1 or R2 of 20 ml, outer rim
2 external positions at ambient temperature for diluents, wash
solutions, reagents.
5ml Tube Adapters on 20 ml bottles

Reagent dispensing Pipetting system with Sapphire Pump, driven by stepping motor

Single preheated probe Micro-pipette with level sensor ( Same probe as for sampling)
for dispensing Samples Washing solution
and Reagents Outside: DI water
Inside: DI water passed through preheated probe.
Equipped with vertical obstruction detection facility to prevent probe

Reagent steps 1 step or 2 step

Reagent volume Reagent 1: 50 – 300 µl (adjustable in 1 µl step)

Reagent 2: 0, or 10 – 200 µl (adjustable in 1 µl step)

Dead volume 2.0 ml for 50 ml bottles

1.5 ml for 20 ml bottles

Mixers Mixing by stirrer with 3 speed levels:

Low, Medium and High

Reagent identification Position ID

Barcode ID

Residual volume Calculated by countdown system as measured by capacitance type

5-6 Technical Specifications

information level sensor and displayed on screen

Reagent protection Reagent tray cover protection from evaporation, dust, and direct light

Carry over actions Reagent, Detergent or System Wash given for Carry Over Pairs

5.4 Reaction Unit

Item Description

Type Turn table

Reaction tray Rotating tray, Molded Single piece.

Number of reaction cuvettes: 120 with 5 mm path length.
Temperature control: Heater control.

Reaction temperature 37 ± 0.5 °C

Rotor Reusable PMMA Rotor

Number of reaction cuvettes: 120 (Single molded rotor)
Dimensions: 5mm x 4 mm width (on PCD)
Optical path length: 5 mm (factor to be fed for 10 mm)
Material: PMMA
Volume: 735 µl
Reaction liquid volume:180- 550 µl

Mixers Mixing by stirrer with 3 speed levels - Low, Medium & High

Rotor washing External cuvette washing

The reaction tray removed, washed & dried outside, manually.

5.5 Optical Absorption Measurement Unit

Item Description

Type Multiple wavelength, Filter based static photometer

Photometric system Multi-wavelength direct measurement of transmitted light

Wavelength 8 wavelengths
340, 405, 505, 546, 578, 600, 660, and 700 nm

Wavelength per One or two wavelengths


Measurement interval Total 34 points

Every 18 seconds for 18 second cycle time

OD range OD 0 – 3
Light path calculated as 10 mm

Resolution 0.0001 OD

Light source Pre-aligned Halogen lamp (12V/20W)

Technical Specifications 5-7

Life expectancy 1,000 hours

Detector Silicon photo-diode for every wave length.

Cell blank correction Using Reagent blank

Minimum reaction liquid 180 µl


5.6 Data Processing

Item Description

Calibration curve K-Factor, Linear (one point, two point and point to point), 4P Logit-log,
5P Logit-log, Cubic Spline, Polynomial, Exponential
Multipoint curves up to 10 points
One point correction to multi-point calibration line is provided (Selective
Automatic dilution line created

Quality control Within day as well as day-to-day X-Mean and R control diagram (L-J
Mean, SD, %CV, R are calculated for each chemistry

Repeat run Execution by repeat run list or auto execution.

Auto execution according to abnormal marking or range over.
Increased/decreased volume repeat run also possible.

Monitor function Auto tracking of used cuvettes across batches

Real time reaction curve / Time Course graphical display
Calibration curve graphical display
Operation status watching by run monitor
Cell Blank Monitoring

Calculation between Correlation correction factor (Y = aX + b)

items Calculation by the formula defined by user
No Limit for Programming Calculation Items
Each calculation item can include up to 5 chemistries
Recalculation and saving of recalculated results possible after
modification in Calibration Parameters or Test Parameters

Report Report generation: Patient wise, Test Wise, Date wise, Sample wise,
Doctor name wise, Test wise, Location wise, Abnormal result wise,
Graphical Format.
Lists: Abnormal values list, Re-calculated results list, Repeat run list.
A log of number of tests performed covering samples, blanks,
calibrators & controls and reagent consumption will be provided.

Backup Selective Backup of following data is possible: Consumables, Patient,

Patient with Results, Test Parameters, Calibration, Error Log, System
Full Backup.

5-8 Technical Specifications

Special treatment Reagent blank correction

Data entry Patient entries from Host

Manual entries from PC

Data check Reference range check by age, gender, sample type

Panic limit check
Reaction linearity check
Reaction mixture absorbance checks
Antigen excess/prozone check (by reaction time course analysis

Alarms and notices Notices: Defined Erroneous operation, mechanical position error for
arm, trays, data processor hardware error, defined erroneous test
results and dome opening.
Alarm level: Notice, temporary halt of analysis, suspension of analysis,
system stop
Audio Alarms: Beep for rotor change, DI water can empty & waste can

Diagnostic checks Mechanical movements of Arm and Trays

Password Access Rights for multiple users

Password provided to access select menus

5.7 Installation Conditions

Item Description

Power Source/ Universal power supply

Consumption Power consumption: 300 VA
Power consumption including PC & printer: 600 VA

Drainage Used sample to be cleaned outside the analyzer by user.

Diluted waste collected in 4 liter CAN, For ISE Waste, Reagent pack
with bag for waste to be used.

Ambient Temperature 15 –30°C.

Variation during operation: less than ± 2 °C per hour.

Relative Humidity 40 – 80% free from water dew formation.

Dimensions 740 (W) x 450 (D) x 300 (Working H) mm.

Weight Approximately 70 kg.

5.8 Control Unit

Item Description

User interface hardware Operating System:

Windows 7 Professional 32 bit EN
Windows 10 Professional 32 / 64 bit EN

Technical Specifications 5-9

TBM OS of Windows-10 IoT

CPU: Intel Core-2-duo Processor or higher
RAM: 4GB (minimum)
Hard disk: 500GB (minimum) or higher
Monitor: Color Monitor with 1024*768 resolution support, 17” & above
In built CD/DVD Writer
Printer: LaserJet / DeskJet Printer

System interface USB Port: [Minimum 6 ports, preferred 8 ports]

Network Ethernet
PCIe 1x slot
Serial Port:2 RS232 Ports
Mouse (USB preferred)
Keyboard (USB preferred)
In-built Speaker.

5.9 Accessories and Consumables

Item Description

Installation Parts Sample/Reagent tray / Waste can

DI Water can

Consumables Detergent wash solution (Erba XL Wash),

Sample cup/tubes, Rotors,
Halogen lamp,
ISE consumables (Optional).


User Interface 6-2

6 User Interface
You can control the day-to-day operation of the instrument through the MultiX L s oftware. This section
describes the main features of the user interface and how to move between the various screens.

See the following sections for more details:

A first look at the user interface

Main menu layout


6.1 A first look at the user interface

When you have logged on, the Patient Entry screen is displayed.

1 Main menu
Click on any menu item to display the corresponding screens.

2 Navigation button
Click to navigate first, previous, next and last records.

3 Command buttons
Click to print, save, clear, edit and delete.

4 Text box
To enter the data for that field.

5 Drop-down list
Allows the to choose one value from a list.

6-3 User Interface

6 Dotted button
Click to select and enter data for that field.

7 Check box
When selected, that a particular feature has been enabled.

8 Indication box
Provides help or warning messages.

9 Tests
Click to select the test.

1 Radio button
To choose only one of a predefined set of options.

2 Crossed button
To clear the text for that field.

3 Calender button
To select the date.

6.2 M ain menu layout

Main menu consists of various work screen items through which you can perform a set of generally
related tasks. You can open a work screen by:

User Interface 6-4

Clicking one of the w ork screen items Or

Pressing the appropriate function key (see below )

Work screen Function What can it do

item key

F2 This s c reen is us ed for defining s ample det ails , pat ient

demographic s and s c heduling t es t s / c alc ulat ion it ems or
profiles .

F3 This s c reen is us ed for defining t es t det ails , t es t volumes &

referenc e ranges .

F4 This s c reen is us ed for defining new profiles or c alc ulat ion

it ems .

F5 This s c reen is us ed for viewing t he QC Dat a and t win plot

graph. It is als o us ed for viewing t he c alibrat ion c urve for a
part ic ular t es t and for s c heduling blank s / s t andards /
c alibrat ors / c ont rols .

F6 This s c reen is us ed for definit ion of reagent s , s t andards ,

blank s , c ont rols , diluent s and was h s olut ion.

F7 This s c reen is us ed for performing c alibrat ion, pat ient run,

viewing reagent level in bot t les of different t es t s and
performing s ample and reagent barc ode s c ans . It is als o us ed
t o view online reac t ion c urve and IS E pac k det ails .

F8 This s c reen is us ed for s earc hing pat ient res ult s , c alibrat ion/
c ont rol res ult s , pat ient s , c ons umables or t es t det ails .

F9 This s c reen is us ed for viewing pat ient report s , c alc ulat ing
s t at is t ic al dat a us ing Tes t S t at is t ic s s c reen, viewing res ult s
on Res ult Reprint s c reen, V iew t he c alibrat ion of a t es t over a
period of t ime on Calibrat ion Trac e, V iew t he c urrent
c alibrat ion on Calibrat ion Monit or, Log of all t he errors on
E rror Log s c reen, reac t ion c urve of t he res ult s obt ained on
Reac t ion Curve s c reen and Reagent c ons umpt ion on Ot her
s c reen.

-- This s c reen is us ed for defining mis c ellaneous paramet ers

lik e A rea, Laborat ory , Doc t or’s Det ails , A naly s t Det ails et c .

F11 This s c reen is us ed for defining Reagent P os it ions , B ac k up

Dat a, t o view Offline Res ult s and rec alc ulat e t he res ult s
obt ained.

-- This s c reen is us ed only by S ervic e P ers onnel.

F12 This s c reen is us ed for performing Maint enanc e operat ions at

t he s t art and end of t he day .

-- This s c reen is us ed for defining s y s t em paramet ers , c arry over

pairs , t es t s equenc e, rerun flags , hos t s et t ings and t o as s ign
us er right s .

6-5 User Interface

-- This opt ion is us ed t o arc hive Mult iXL dat a or view t he

A rc hived dat a. This opt ion will be vis ible only when t he dat a
ex c eeds t he defined t hres hold limit s or already t he arc hived
dat a available.

-- This s c reen is us ed t o t urn off t he applic at ion s oft ware.

6.3 Screens
This section describes the following sections in more details:

Patient Entry

Test Parameters




Status Monitor





Service Check




6.3.1 Patient Entry

Patient Entry is used to enter the patient details like name, address, doctor referring patient, analyst,
age, gender etc can be entered using this screen. Also, the routine tests, calculation items, profiles
to be performed on the patient sample can be requested using this screen. These patient
demographics are used to generate the patient report after analysis of the sample.

Patient Entry is divided into two sections:

One for defining information related to Sample definition and other for Patient demographics entry.

Commands buttons available for clearing the patient schedule, checking work list, mask tests and
copy tests.

Single patient can have more than one Sample ID.

User Interface 6-6

See the following links for more details:

Sample Definition Parameters

Patient Definition Parameters

Clear Schedule

Work List

Copy Tests

Mask Tests Sample Definition Parameters

Parameters Description
Sample ID This field is used for assigning an alphanumeric identification number of up to
18 characters to each patient. Entry in this field is compulsory and cannot be
skipped. If the Sample ID is already entered, then the user can view the
Sample ID by clicking on the dotted button placed next to the Sample ID field.
Position In case the sample is not bar-coded, the user should specify the sample
position in this text box. An assigned sample position cannot be used for some
other sample. Any sample Positions on the sample tray can be entered. If
there are more than maximum no of Sample Positions, then a different Group
No. needs to be selected.
For bar-coded samples the sample position is automatically assigned as per
the group number selected after the sample bar-code scan.
For the emergency sample, any position that is vacant can be used for any
group during Patient Run.

6-7 User Interface

Group No This field is used to assign group numbers for various samples processed
during the day. If there are more than maximum sample positions, then the
user needs to select Group No 2 and so on. The user can assign the Group
Numbers from 1 to 99.
Emergency Whether the given sample is an emergency sample or not is specified using
this tick option. To designate a sample as an emergency sample, tick in this
field and assign one of the free positions for the sample. Emergency samples
are given priority over routine samples in a run.
Barcoded The user can select whether to use sample bar-code facility or not. If the bar-
code option is set to ON in the Settings > System Parameters screen, then
the sample position fed by the user is ignored. The user has to select/deselect
the checkbox for whether the sample for the particular patient is bar-coded or
not. The barcoded option can be selected to only the outer two rings of sample
During Run, changing status from non barcoded to barcoded is ignored (not
saved) for a Sample ID in progress.
Sample Type Select the sample type from the drop down list. The default options available
are: Serum, Urine, CSF, Plasma, Whole Blood and Other
Sample Select the sample volume type using the drop down list. The available options
Volume Type are Normal, Increase and Decrease. The default value is Normal. User may
select Increase or Decrease, in case the sample concentration is roughly
known. If the sample has low concentration then the user can select an
increase volume. If the sample is high concentration sample, then the user can
select decrease volume.
Container Select the sample container type from the pull down option. There are various
Type options available and one can select the Container Type by selecting the drop
down list.
Registration This field is used to enter the date at which the patient was registered in the
Date hospital.
This field is used to enter the date at which the sample was drawn.
Sample Remarks about sample can be fed here using up to 50 alphanumeric
Remarks characters. Previously fed remarks can be selected by pull-down options. The
remark is printed in the patient report.
Area This is used to select the area / location from where the sample is collected.
One can select the area list by clicking on the dotted button. On clicking the
dotted button, area help screen is displayed. From the list displayed on screen,
user can select the desired area by double clicking on the particular name.
This area will be printed in Patient Report as Location. User may define area /
location from Master -> Area screen.
Ref Doctor

This is used to select the name of the referral doctor. Alternatively, if the admin
needs to enter the doctors’ details, then he/she can enter from master screen.
One can select the doctor’s list by clicking on the dotted button. On clicking
the dotted button, following screen is displayed. From the list displayed on
screen, user can select the doctor’s name by double clicking on the particular
name for the respective patient.

User Interface 6-8

Analyst This is used to enter the name of the analyst. Alternatively, if the admin needs
to enter the analysts’ details, then he/she can enter from master screen. One
can select the analyst’s list by clicking on the dotted button. On clicking the
dotted button, following screen is displayed. From the list displayed on screen,
user can select the analyst’s name by double clicking on the particular name
for the respective patient. Patient Definition Parameters

Parameters Description
Patient Name Enter patient name in the field using the keyboard. A maximum of 30
characters can be fed in this field. Alternatively, patient can be selected
using the dotted button placed next to the Patient Name. Also, if the user
desires to use the same patient with different sample ID, then he/she can
double click on the dotted button and select the patient name for a
different Sample ID. Hence one Patient can have multiple Sample IDs.
Category This field is used to identify the sex of the patient. Select as Male /
Female / Child / Other.

For a patient selecting the category is optional. But if the

category is not selected then reference ranges will not
be applied. Hence the flag H / L and Panic Limit is not

6-9 User Interface

applied. After the run is performed patient category can

be updated and on recalculation of the results, reference
ranges will be applied and hence the H / L flags will be

Age Enter the numerical age of the patient (in three digits maximum). Choose
age in Days/Months/Years using the pull down option. The patient age is
used to issue H and L flag for the corresponding age range as mentioned
in the Test Parameters (see section 7.2 Test Parameters). If age of a
patient is not fed, default normal values are used to issue H and L flags.
Address 50 alphanumeric characters are allowed in this field where one can enter
the address of the patient.
Patient Tel No This field is used to enter the contact number of the patient.
Patient Remarks Remarks about patient can be fed here using up to 50 alphanumeric
characters. Previously fed remarks can be selected by pull-down options.
These remarks are printed in the patient report
Height This field is used to enter the height of the patient (in meters).
Weight This field is used to enter the weight of the patient (in kilograms).

Body Mass Index (BMI) for the patient is calculated automatically that is
used for Creatinine Clearance calculation. BMI is calculated by the
following formula:
BMI = (Weight)/(Height)2
Urine vol(ml/24 hrs) Use this field to define the volume of urine collected from a patient in 24-
hour duration. This is an optional parameter and is used in the calculation
item of Creatinine Clearance. This field can be ignored if user does not
want to use Creatinine Clearance calculation item.
If user wants to use Creatinine Clearance calculation item, entry in this
field is necessary and the user should feed the urine volume (in ml)
collected in 24 hours in this field Clear Schedule

Clear Schedule is used to clear the patient samples scheduled on the SRGT tray or from the work

There are two options to get this, Clear Schedule and Positions or Delete Sample. Using
these options, the user can either clear the entire patient schedule programmed along with the

User Interface 6-10

positions or delete the patients using the From Position and To Position option.

Clear Schedules and Positions: The program deletes the test requests scheduled for analysis
and the positions for the Sample IDs on selected positions on clicking OK button. The samples
and patients are not deleted.

Delete Sample: The program deletes the samples on the selected positions along with
demographics and the test requests scheduled. Option to recalculate test results is not available
for deleted patient samples. Work List

The Work List button available on the Patient Entry screen displays the list of requested test for a
particular group number.

The work list for any group can be viewed by selecting the following options All, Patients,
Calibrations or Controls.

On selecting ‘Patients’ option, only patient samples are displayed in the work list. On selecting
‘Calibration’, work list will display Blank, Standards and Calibrators programmed.

On selecting ‘Controls’, work list will display controls programmed in the respective group. The
test from the Work List screen can be masked using Mask Test(s) option. Copy Tests

Use this option to copy the same tests and calculated items across patient samples.
Enter the patient and sample details and schedule the tests/calculated items. Then click on the
Copy Test(s) button. Upon clicking this button, enter From and To sample positions, to which

6-11 User Interface

you desire to copy test schedule. The entire range of sample positions would be assigned the
same tests and calculation items.

In the closed system, user is allowed to define or add only permitted

number of open channel tests (user defined), after that system will prompt a

When the option Generate Sample ID is checked, an incremental sequential series of unique
Sample IDs will be generated for the range of selected positions.

During run, when Copy Test(s) option is used:

Masked Test of source Sample ID will be copied as Masked Test(s).

Scheduled, Completed and In Process Test(s) of source Sample ID will be copied as
Scheduled Test.
Pending Test of source Sample ID will be copied as Scheduled Test, if required parameters
such as sample/reagent details are available. Otherwise, it will be copied as Masked Test.

While copying ISE tests from Serum Sample to Urine sample, Lithium test will be excluded; as
Lithium is not performed for Urine Samples. Following screen illustrates an example to copy
test(s) of source Sample ID (selected in Patient Entry screen) to Sample positions 2 to 6 of Group
1, along with generation of Sample ID (unique sequential series). Mask Tests

Upon scheduling the tests, the user can click on the Mask Tests button to mask the tests
temporarily which should not be run immediately but can be run in the middle of the run. The
selected tests for the selected Sample ID will be masked.

To mask the Test(s) for the (multiple) Samples. Tick the Mask Tests check box in the Patient
Entry > Work List screen and select the required test(s). This feature is useful if the reagent for
the tests are not available but would be made available during the middle of the run. In these
cases, the user can mask the tests and keep them on hold.

Once the reagents are available, then the user can unmask the selected tests from Status
Monitor > Work List screen.

User Interface 6-12

To mask the Test(s) for the entire multiple samples, select the option Mask Test(s) in the Patient
Entry > Work List screen.

On selecting, the following pop up message will be displayed on the screen. Select the required
tests and click OK.

6-13 User Interface Download Samples from LIS

This button is displayed on the Patient Entry screen only when the Host
Connection check-box is selected in Settings > System Parameters screen.

The Download Sample button is used to download the sample details (like patient name, age,
gender, sample type, etc) along with the test details; from the LIS for the selected samples;
irrespective of whether they are barcoded or non-barcoded samples, that are placed on analyzer’s
Sample Tray.

The test details will be automatically downloaded by clicking Sample Barcode

Scan button through Status Monitor > Barcode Scan or during batch before the
run starts, if option Sample Barcode Scan is selected from Pre-Run Options

Before downloading the sample details from the LIS, make sure that you should have the following
necessary pre-requisites:

The option Host Connection in Settings > System Parameters screen should be selected.
The Host Setting screen is always enabled to view the settings.

Follow the procedure to download non-barcoded samples from the LIS:

1. Place the barcoded or non barcoded sample on the analyzer’s sample tray.

2. Go to Patient Entry screen, and define required details for the added samples.

3. Click on Download Sample button.

It will display a window containing all registered sample IDs with check-box option to select.

User Interface 6-14

4. Now, select the required sample IDs details to be downloaded from the LIS and click

On clicking, the sample details will be downloaded from the LIS to barcoded samples and the details
are displayed in the Patient Entry screen.

If the communication between Host and LIS is not established then it should pop
up message to check connection in Host Settings screen. CEC
This section tell you how to schedule, clear schedule and edit CEC for a patient.

CEC option is available in the calculation item list. When you click on this, following screen is

6-15 User Interface

When Patient Name is selected then sample Id’s will be displayed in the list for that patient only, and
if the patient name is not selected, then the entire list of sample Id’s will be displayed in the list
irrespective of the patient name. (Patient Name selection is optional). Patient ID is automatically
displayed on selecting the patient name.

Options available on the screen are:

Schedule CEC

Clear Schedule CEC


For CEC (default calculation item), user can choose any of the photometric test
whose name start with CRE. (e,g. CRE, CREA, CREAT, CRENZ) Schedule CEC

This section tell you how to schedule CEC for a patient.

Follow this procedure to schedule CEC:

1. Select Schedule CEC option.

2. Click on Show Sample ID button to view and select the sample id from the list.

3. Select the Sample ID – Serum / Plasma from the list of sample id with sample type as
serum / plasma for the patient selected or all sample id’s.

4. Select the Sample ID – Urine from the list of sample id with sample type as urine for the
patient selected or all sample id’s.

5. Enter the Height in meters.

6. Enter the Weight in kg.

User Interface 6-16

7. Enter the Urine Volume (ml/24 hrs).

8. Click on SAVE button.

On clicking, the Height, Weight and Urine Volume will be updated for both the Sample ID
and the message will be displayed indicating that CEC is schedule successfully. Clear Schedule CEC

This section tell you how to clear CEC schedule for a patient.

Follow this procedure to clear schedule:

1. Select Clear Schedule CEC option.

2. Click on Show Sample ID button to view and select the sample id from the list.

3. Select the Sample ID – Serum / Plasma from the list of sample id with sample type as
serum / plasma for the patient selected or all sample id’s.

4. Sample ID – Urine will automatically be displayed according to the Serum / Plasma Sample
Id selection.

5. Height will be displayed according to the Patient Name / Sample Id selection.

6. Weight will be displayed according to the Patient Name / Sample Id selection.

7. Urine Volume (ml/24 hrs) will be displayed according to the Patient Name / Sample Id

8. Click on Delete button. Message will be displayed indicating that CEC schedule is cleared
successfully. Edit

This section tell you how to edit CEC for a patient.

Follow this procedure to clear schedule:

1. Select Edit option.

2. Click on Show Sample ID button to view and select the sample id from the list.

3. Select the Sample ID – Serum / Plasma from the list of sample id with sample type as
serum / plasma for the patient selected or all sample id’s.

4. Sample ID – Urine will automatically be displayed according to the Serum / Plasma Sample
Id selection.

5. Height will be displayed according to the Patient Name / Sample Id selection. The height
displayed can be changed.

6. Weight will be displayed according to the Patient Name / Sample Id selection. The weight
displayed can be changed.

7. Urine Volume (ml/24 hrs) will be displayed according to the Patient Name / Sample Id
selection. The Urine Volume displayed can be changed.

6-17 User Interface

8. Click on SAVE button. Message will be displayed indicating that CEC schedule is cleared

6.3.2 Test Parameters

Test Parameter is used to define the analytical parameters and reference range of the tests. The
efficiency of the test depends on a proper choice of the test parameters.

Test parameters are not editable during the batch run.

Key test parameters of a default test are not editable.

Every default tests will displays a revision number on top right of the screen
for identification. Using this, user can match the revision number with the
one printed on the kit insert provided in reagent pack to ensure correct
parameters are used with the pack of measurement.

Revision number is displayed on Test Details, Test Volumes, and Reference

Ranges screen.

Test Parameter consist of three screen.

Test Details

Reference Range

Test Volumes Test Details

Test Details screen is used to perform the following operations:

Defining new or modify the existing test parameters

Setting tests for auto rerun

Copy Test

Upload and download tests

Initialize tests

User Interface 6-18 Test Definition Parameters

This table describes the description of each parameters:

Parameters Description
Test Enter a short name for the Test, maximum up to 5 characters. This test name is
used to select / display test(s) on all screens. A unique name is required for each
test as this is the identity. Enter the name along with appropriate parameters and
click on SAVE. The test name will appear at the end of the Test panel in the
bottom of the screen.
Report Enter the full name (50 characters maximum) of the test (assay) that will appear
Name in the patient report. For example, one feeds Aspartate Transaminase in this text
box, while AST is entered in Test text box.
Host Name Enter test name, up to 5 characters, assigned in the LIS. This name could be
same or different to the Test Name. This text box will be available only if the Host
Connection is activated from Settings > System Parameters screen.
Special Select this option if any of the tests selected requires special diluent. Special
Diluent diluent must be defined in the consumables and position should be assigned
through Utility screen, if at least one test is selected as special diluent required,
otherwise batch run will not start.
Total Select the total number of reagents used for the test. The drop-down list gives a
Reagents selection of 1 or 2 Reagents for single and dual reagent assays respectively.

6-19 User Interface

Reagent R1 Upon selecting the Total number of Reagents, the reagent name needs to be
and Reagent selected. This is different from Test Name and the Reagent Name is defined in
R2 Consumables > Reagents screen. The user can select the Reagent Name for that
test. This is the name that appears in the Utility > Reagent Position screen while
viewing / defining the positions of the Reagents placed on SRGT Tray.

More than one test can share the same Reagent Name.
One test can have any number of multiple positions for R1 and R2
Assay Type
Use this pull-down option to select the assay type among 1POINT, 2POINT,
RATE-A and RATE-B. It is recommended to use:

1 POINT for end point chemistries

2 POINT for end point chemistries using sample or reagent blank

RATE–A for kinetic/rate assay

RATE–B for kinetic/rate assay with differential slope


The method is used for normal end-point assays using one or two reagents where
the final absorbance is used for concentration calculation. Mean of the
absorbance’s recorded between M2Start and M2End points are taken and this is
used for the calculation of the sample results.


This method is used for end-point analysis when a sample or reagent blank is
necessary. In this assay type, the initial absorbance (usually measured after
addition of the first reagent) is recorded and subtracted from the final absorbance
(which is usually measured after addition of the second reagent). Necessary
correction factors to correct the difference in mixture volume are taken into
account while subtracting the initial absorbance. The initial absorbance recorded
is the mean of the absorbance’s recorded between M1Start and M1End and this
absorbance is subtracted from the final absorbance, which is the mean of the
absorbance’s recorded between M2Start and M2End. This differential absorbance
is then used for calculation of sample concentration.

User Interface 6-20


This method is used for kinetic/rate assays where the change in absorbance per
minute is used for result calculation. The slope (absorbance change per minute)
is obtained from the absorbance’s recorded between M2Start and M2End using
the least square linear regression method as per the following formula:

Where, Ti is the time in minute and Ai is the absorbance, n is the number of


This method is used for kinetic/rate assays where differential rate is useful. The
initial rate of change in absorbance per minute (usually obtained after addition of
the first reagent) is subtracted from the final rate of change of absorbance per
minute (usually obtained after addition of the second reagent). Necessary
correction factors to correct the difference in mixture volume are taken into

6-21 User Interface

account while subtracting the initial rate of change in absorbance per minute. The
initial rate of absorbance change per minute is recorded between M1Start and
M1End using the least square regression method and is subtracted from the rate
of change in absorbance per minute recorded between M2Start and M2End using
the least square regression method explained in the section on RATE-A assay
M1 Start and These assay points are used to select the time points for measurement of initial
M1 End absorbance for 2POINT and RATE-B assay types. This absorbance serves as
reagent or sample blank. This initial absorbance (or absorbance change per
minute) in these assays is subtracted from the final absorbance (or absorbance
change per minute) that is measured between M2Start and M2End points.
M1Start and M1End can have values from 1 to 34 for 2POINT and RATE-B

In case of 2 POINT chemistries, the mean of the absorbance’s obtained between

M1Start and M1End is calculated. In case of RATE-B chemistries, the change in
absorbance per minute is calculated between M1Start and M1End points using
least square linear regression method.
M1End should always be equal to or more than M1Start. The difference between
M1End and M1Start should be at least three in case of RATE-B assay. In
addition, M1End has to be less than or equal to M2Start. For 1POINT and RATE-
A assays, M1Start and M1End should be programmed as "0".
M2 Start and It is essential to program M2Start and M2End parameters for all the tests and
M2 End these parameters can have values from 1 to 34. M2Start specifies the incubation
time point. Similarly, M2End is the time until when the absorbance is recorded for
the purpose of concentration calculation.
In case of 1POINT and 2POINT chemistries, the mean of the absorbance’s
obtained between M2Start and M2End is calculated. In case of RATE-A and
RATE-B chemistries, the change in absorbance per minute is calculated between
M2Start and M2End points using least square linear regression method.

For 2POINT and RATE-B chemistries, M2Start has to be more than or equal to
Wavelength- This is used to select appropriate primary and secondary wavelengths for
Primary absorbance measurement. The measurement wavelengths are selected from 8
fixed values provided. In case of bi-chromatic measurement, the final absorbance
is obtained by subtracting the absorbance at the secondary wavelength from that
at the primary wavelength.

The analyzer offers a choice of 8 wavelengths with a narrow bandwidth (<8 nm) for
programming the wavelength. The choices are 340 nm, 405 nm, 505 nm, 546 nm,
578 nm, 600nm, 660 nm, and 700 nm.
Secondary When the methodology specifies bi-chromatic measurement for an assay, user
Wavelength can select a secondary wavelength at which the absorbance to be measured. The
selection is made with the pull-down option provided. The following secondary
wavelengths are available in the analyzer: 340 nm, 405 nm, 505 nm, 546 nm, 578
nm, 600nm, 660 nm, and 700 nm.

If bi-chromatic measurement is not desired, keep the choice as SELECT for the
value of the secondary wavelength.
Control The Control Interval parameter enables the user to define number of samples after
Intervals which the control serum will run automatically. This interval can be selected
between 0 and 1000. For example: Control Interval = 30 means that control serum
will be run after every 30th sample analyzed for that chemistry
Sample Enter the value between 1 to 30 stating the number of repeated sample

User Interface 6-22

Replicates measurements to be performed for the selected chemistry Repeated sample

measurements are usually used to check repeatability. All samples programmed
for this chemistry will be repeated for the programmed number of times. For
routine operation, this parameter is programmed as '1'.
Standard Enter the value between 1 and 3 stating the number of repeated blank and
Replicates standard measurements to be performed for the selected chemistry. It is
recommended to repeat the measurements 3 times. Average of the two closest
replicates would be taken while updating absorbance of Blank and Standard in
the Calibration screen.
Control Enter a value between 1 and 30, stating the number of repeated control
Replicates measurements to be performed for the chemistry. Repeated control
measurements are usually used to check repeatability.
Delta Abs/ This input is used for cancellation of Reaction Linearity Check and is used for low
min linearity samples. The user needs to enter the delta absorbance/min for that test
where the Linearity Check should not be performed. Once fed, if the delta
absorbance/min of the reaction for that test is less than the set limit, then
Linearity Check will not be performed.
Linearity This parameter is applicable only for Rate-A and Rate-B assay types and
Limit % monitors the linearity during the reaction. The user can feed any value between
1% to 30%. If the %Linearity exceeds the specified value in the Maximum
Reaction Linearity, then a LINXX flag is displayed and result will be declared as
NA. This flag is applicable for Patient Samples, Control & Standard / Calibrators
and Not for Blank. Enter “0” in this text box, in case the check is not desired.
For e.g. if the user specified a value of 5% in the Reaction Linearity parameter
and if the linearity percentage is exceeded, then flag LIN5 will be issued and
result will be declared as NA.
Unit Use this option to select unit of measurement for the analytes from a drop down
box. If you do not find the desired unit from the available options, you can enter a
new unit by going to Master > Units screen.

User can define or can create any number of units in Master >
Unit screen.

Decimal Enter the number of digits to be displayed and print; after the decimal point of the
Places test results (photometric / ISE tests) .
Enter the number of digits between 0 and 5.The rounded-off result value will be
used to apply Reference Range Flag to Patient samples & SD Flag, as applicable
Prozone Specify the minimum limit for the absorbance at the end of an
Limit % immunoturbidimetric reaction as a percentage of the maximum absorbance
observed during the course of a reaction. Prozone limit should be between 0 to
100%. If the percent ratio of the final absorbance (at M2E) with the maximum
absorbance in the time course (up to the point M2E) violated the prozone limit, a
flag P* is issued and result will be declared as NA. If the option Auto Rerun is
selected, the sample is automatically sent for a Decreased volume rerun. If you
want to make sure that the absorbance is increasing monotonically in the time
course, feed a value of 100(%). Enter “0” in this text box, in case the check is not

Prozone Limit is applicable only for Non-Linear curves.

Prozone This displays whether the entered value is an upper limit or lower limit. For
Check increasing reaction direction chemistries, it is displayed as “Lower” and for
decreasing reaction direction chemistries; it is displayed as “Upper”.
Technical Define the Linearity Limit of the reagents in terms of concentration.

6-23 User Interface

For the 1 POINT, 2 POINT, Rate-A and Rate-B chemistries, feed the minimum
and maximum concentrations in the Technical Minimum and Maximum Technical
Limit text boxes respectively.

Enter a value ranging from -99999.99 to 99999.99 indicative of the minimum

technical limit or the linearity limit of the reagent. For end-point chemistries and
rate chemistries, feed the minimum concentration. The concentration entered for
Rate Chemistry will automatically be converted into rate after calibration of that
test. This value will be used for comparing with the slope obtained during patient
run. Samples that violate this limit are sent for increased volume rerun. If you do
not wish to use technical limit minimum, feed a zero value.

If Tech Limit Min is violated (Final Result < Technical Limit Minimum value), a flag
“TEC-L” is issued and result will be declared as NA. If the option Auto Rerun is
selected, the sample is automatically sent for an increased volume rerun.

Similarly, if Tech Limit Max is violated, a flag “TEC-H” is issued and result will be
declared as NA. If the option Auto Rerun is selected, the sample is automatically
sent for a decreased volume rerun.
Technical Define the Linearity Limit of the reagents in terms of concentration.
Enter a value ranging from -99999.99 to 99999.99 indicative of the maximum
technical limit or linearity limit of the reagent. For end-point chemistries and rate
chemistries, feed the maximum concentration. The concentration entered for Rate
Chemistry will automatically be converted into rate after calibration of that test.
This value will be used for comparing with the slope obtained during patient run.
Samples that violate the programmed technical limit maximum are sent for
Decreased volume rerun. If you do not wish to use technical limit maximum, feed
a zero value.

The Technical Limit (Minimum and Maximum), Reaction

Absorption Limit, and Linearity Limit parameter are applicable
only for Linear and K-Factor curve types.

If the Reaction Absorbance Limit field is not zero for RATE

ASSAYS, then the Technical Limit fields will be masked and vice-

Curve Type This pull down list is used for defining the calibration curve type for that test.
Reaction This parameter defines the direction of the absorbance change with time for the
Direction reaction mixture. Specify whether the absorbance of the reaction mixture
increases or decreases with time.
React. Abs. Define the absorbance limit of reaction mixture for Serum/Urine samples. Enter
Limit an absorbance limit for reaction mixture, depending on the reaction direction
(Reaction (increasing or decreasing). For rate chemistries, the absorbance limit is that
Absorbance absorbance at which the substrate depletion is detected. The absorbance limit
Limit) entered would be in direct absorbance and not in terms of delta absorbance per
minute. For increasing direction chemistries, enter the maximum allowed final
absorbance before substrate depletion takes place. For decreasing direction
chemistries, enter the minimum allowed final absorbance before substrate
depletion takes place.

If Technical Limits are not entered and if the Reaction Absorbance Limit is
exceeded during the course of reaction then the last point of the measurement

User Interface 6-24

interval (i.e. M2E) is automatically shifted to the point where this limit has been
exceeded to avoid sample rerun phenomenon. This new point is automatically
used for calculation of sample concentration.
Also, in the Reaction Curve Screen, the new point would be shown using a dotted
line, stated as Extd. M2E indicating that the extension logic has been applied to
calculate the result.

If no points are available for slope calculation, then Lim0 flag is

issued along with the result.

If only one point is available for slope calculation, then Lim1

flag is issued along with the result.

If only 2 points are available for slope calculation, then Lim2

flag is issued along with the result
Maximum permissible entry is 2.5. In case the reaction absorbance check is not
desired, put “0” in the React Abs Limit text box. Extension logic will not be
applied if the Reaction Absorbance limit is set to zero.
For rate chemistries, if Technical Limits are entered and if any point between
M2S and M2E exceeds the Reaction Absorbance, AbsLim Flag is attached and
result will be declared as NA. If option Auto Rerun is selected, the test is sent for
a decreased rerun.
For end point chemistries, if final O.D calculated exceeds the Reaction
Absorbance, AbsLim Flag is attached and result will be declared as NA. If option
Auto Rerun is selected, the test is sent for a decreased rerun.
Y=aX+b These fields can be used to perform correlation correction so that the results
(Instrument obtained on this analyzer can be matched with those obtained on some other
correlation analyzer. For some assays, the analyzer might give results that are consistently
factor) higher or lower than expected or obtained on another analyzer. To match the
results with the expected results or the results obtained on another analyzer, a
correlation correction can be incorporated in the result calculations. The equation
used for correlation correction is:Y = a X + b

Where, Y is the corrected result

X is the actual result obtained on this analyzer
a is the multiplication correction factor
b is the offset correction factor
When the results obtained on this analyzer are as expected feed
a = 1 and b = 0.
The following plot shows the relation of results obtained on any two compatible
(Here b = 0 and a = 1)

6-25 User Interface

However, when there is a difference in the result between two machines,

correlation correction factors a and b can be calculated and fed to obtain
consistent results on both the analyzers.

Correction factor a, should have values between -999.9 and 9999.9 while
correction factor b should have values between -99999.99 and 99999.99.
Reagent Abs Enter the minimum and maximum absorbance values of the reagent.
Min and
Reagent Abs This check is applied for flagging only if RgtAbsMin > 0 for decreasing direction or
Max RgtAbsMax > 0 for increasing direction in Test Parameter.

Compare the ABS received after adding reagent, say A1 (for 1 Reagent
chemistry, ABS after adding R1 & for 2 Reagent chemistry, ABS after adding R2)
with the Rgt ABS value entered in Test Parameter.

For Decreasing Direction - If A1 (ABS) < RgtABSMin then attach Flag

“RgtAbsMin” to the Blank results.
For Increasing Direction - If A1 (ABS) > RgtABSMax then attach Flag
“RgtAbsMax” to the Blank results.

This check is applicable to -

Patient and control results for only single reagent chemistry.

Blank for single and dual-reagent chemistries. Auto Rerun

Tick this check box to set the auto-rerun for a test with appropriate dilution of sample.

User Interface 6-26

Use SET AUTO RERUN button to set the auto rerun for multiple tests.

Click on the desired option to choose Selective test or All test(s) for auto rerun.

If Selective is selected then user can select test(s) from the list below for setting auto-rerun by
clicking on the boxes in the front of tests. Then click on OK button.

If All test(s) is selected then automatically all the tests in the list below will be selected for auto
rerun. Click on OK button to save and apply settings. Click on CLEAR button will close the window
without saving changes.

Before selecting the tests for auto rerun, specify the increase and decrease sample volumes for the
test in Test Volumes screen. See Test Volumes for more details.

When auto rerun for test is selected, patient sample will automatically re-run (performed again) on
occurrence of specific flags to the result.

You can set the flags for rerun in Rerun Flags screen, as per your requirement.

Auto Rerun is also selected from PRE-RUN options in Status Monitor screen

6-27 User Interface Copy Test

This button is used to copy the test parameters from one test to another.

To copy, select the required test from the Test panel, and click COPY TEST. Enter a new test name
and click OK. The new test name will be displayed in the Test panel.

Newly copied test will be displayed in Setting > Test Sequence > TEST PROCESS SEQUENCE
based on Open / Closed reagent type.

This button is disabled during run.

On copying the test, if the source test is having the Cal* flag, then the copied
test will also have Cal* flag till it is calibrated.

Copied test will not display the revision number.

In the closed system, it is allowed to copy only permitted number of open

channel tests (user defined), after that system will prompt a message Upload and Download Tests

Upload Test

Using UPLOAD TEST button, the parameters of the selected test gets uploaded.

Default tests parameters are updated through ENC file format only.

Default test parameters are available in the software CD.

Before uploading parameters for a Default test, make sure that respective test is available in the
tests panel. In case, if test is not available or deleted, it will automatically add the respective
parameter after user confirmation. See the following figure:

Whenever the parameters of the default test are updated using UPLOAD TEST, the revision
number will also get updated.

While updating default Test Parameter from Upload Test Option, if Curve Type changes from
Linear to Non-Linear or vice versa, then Application will ask for user confirmation.

User Interface 6-28

Upload Test for default parameters, overwrites the weak parameters (user editable parameters)
and Reference Ranges only after user’s confirmation.

To upload parameters with different units, select option Overwrite Weak

(editable) Parameters, and then click on Yes. This will upload the
appropriate units and limits.

It is recommended to select option Overwrite Existing Reference Ranges,

while uploading.

After uploading the test parameters, make sure that correct parameters got
updated by verifying version number in the test parameter (which should
match with the version number of kit insert).

The UPLOAD TEST option will be disabled for the ISE tests

Download Test

Using DOWNLOAD TEST button, the parameters of the selected test are stored in a xml file and
saved in the C:\MultiXLLOG\DOWNLOAD PARAMETERS. A reagent distributor/manufacturer
may enter a new test from test parameter screen, download parameters and send the xml file to
distribute parameters to their customers.

The DOWNLOAD TEST option will be disabled for the ISE tests. Initialize Tests

This button is used to initialize the test parameters from existing ones to default settings. The tests
with similar test names are replaced from default ones and the newly added tests are retained as it
is. To initialize test parameters, click on INITIALIZE TEST(S) button, select the test(s) to be
initialized and confirm by clicking on OK button.

For ISE tests, on selecting any one of the tests from Na / K/ Cl / Li will select all the tests (Na / K /
Cl / Li). Special Diluent

Some test chemistries requires special diluents for example HbA1c. Select this option, if any of the
selected tests requires special diluent.

6-29 User Interface

Special diluent is defined through the Consumables screen and its position assigned through Utility >
Reagent Positions screen.

When Special Diluent/Reagent is not available on-board, user can either stop run or mask test and
proceed run. Test Specific Special Diluent

Follow the step to use Test-specific Special Diluent for an Open / Closed Channel Photometric Test:

1) Click Consumables from Main layout screen.

2) Select Consumable Type > Special Diluent from drop down list.

3) Click Consumable > as shown in below screen

4) Define different test-specific diluents to be used during run and click Save.

5) Go to Test Parameters > Test Details

6) Select the test from the Test panel list.> Edit.
7) Select (tick) Special Diluent. List of Special Diluent will be available for user to select from
available special diluent. Select the Special Diluent from the drop down list.

User Interface 6-30

8) Also by using Special Diluent >Click ,user can edit special diluent for test as shown in
below screen.

9) Select the test and Click EDIT. Select the Special Diluent Name from drop down list as show

6-31 User Interface

10) Click Save.

11) For the Test, if Test specific special diluent is selected, Test Details screen will be displayed as

User Interface 6-32

If Special Diluent is selected in Test Parameter >Test Details for the particular
test, and test specific special diluent is not defined (**Any** is selected) then any
consumable available under special diluent category will be utilized during
RUN. Test Volumes

Test Volume screen is used to perform the following operations:

Specify normal, increase and decrease sample volume

Specify reagent volume and stirrer speed

Copy and view sample volumes

Apply Normal Dilution Ratio of Sample

6-33 User Interface

It displays the sample and reagent volumes for a test along with the sample type. It also includes an
option of copying the sample volumes if the SERUM, URINE, CSF, WHOLE BLOOD, PLASMA and
OTHER sample types share the same volumes as Serum sample type.

For performing auto rerun for a sample, first you need to specify the required increase and decrease
sample volumes along with dilution ratio. Sample Volumes Parameters

This table describes the description of each parameters:

Parameters Description
Normal Specify normal (or default) sample volumes depending on the selection of sample
Increase Specify sample volume (higher than normal) to carry out an automatic rerun of the
sample in case of a hyperactive sample or when the Sample is requested as
increase in the Patient Entry screen.
Decrease Specify sample volume (lower than normal) to carry out an automatic rerun of the
sample in case of a low reactive sample or when the Sample is requested as
decrease in the Patient Entry screen.
Specify volume to be used for calibration that is Blank, Standard and Calibrators.
Specify the dilution ratio for normal, increase and decrease sample volume.

A dilution ratio Nx means 1 part of sample and (N-1) part of diluent.

User Interface 6-34 Reagent Volume and Stirrer Speed

This table describes the description of each parameters:

Parameters Description
RGT-1 Volume Specify volume of reagent to be aspirated for Reagent 1.
RGT-2 Volume Specify volume of reagent to be aspirated for Reagent 2.

This parameter will not be displayed for single reagent


R1 Stirrer Speed The mixture of reagent and sample are mixed by stirrer at three fixed speed
that is Low, Medium and High, as appropriate.
R2 Stirrer Speed The mixture of reagent and sample are mixed by stirrer at three fixed speed
that is Low, Medium and High, as appropriate.

Note: This parameter will not be displayed for single reagent test. Copy and View Sample Volume

Copy Volume button is used to copy the volumes from current sample type to other sample type(s)
of the selected test.

View Volume button is used to view the volumes programmed as per the different sample types.
Use HIDE VOLUMES button to go to previous screen. Apply Normal Dilution Ratio of Sample

Tick this option, if you want to pre-dilute standard/calibrators using normal dilution ratio of Sample. It
is available for photometric tests only. Reference Ranges

Reference Range is used to define the normal ranges and panic limit values for the patients for
category such as Male, Female, Child, Other.

It is also used to copy the reference ranges of one sample type to different sample types for the
selected test.

Depending on the reference range selected the Normal Ranges for Male, Female, Child, or Other
would be used accordingly to generate the H and L flags.

You can define reference range through Master menu. See section To add reference range for more

6-35 User Interface

This table describes the description of each parameters:

Parameter Description
It displays the test as selected from the Tests panel.

It displays the sample type as selected from the list of available Sample Types.

This drop down list contains different age groups, in addition to DEFAULT. Select
appropriate age group to define the normal range and panic limits. To add a new age
group, see section To add reference range for more details.
This drop-down list is used to select the category (gender). The available options are:
Default, Male, Female, Child, and Other.

User Interface 6-36

Define the expected values or normal range for Serum/Urine/Other samples being
assayed. These limits are used to issue H or L flag, which indicate a higher
concentration than normal or lower concentration than normal respectively.
Limit and
Normal Normal range values for both Male and Female subjects can be specified for two
Upper different age groups. Additionally, default normal range values can also be defined for
Limit) Male, Female, Child and Other subjects.

The default normal range is used if the age of the patient is not known.

Use this to enter the expected values range for different sample types for different

For correct H and L flags, the patient’s Category and Gender

should be set before the patient’s sample is analyzed.

Panic Define the minimum and maximum concentration limits for results which are unusual
(Lower and enough, requiring special review by the technician. These values are the upper and
Upper lower panic value limits for specified tests.
When the sample result violates the Panic Limit Minimum or Maximum, a flag PANH
or PANL is issued with the result respectively. It is recommended to recheck such
result by repeating the test before reporting.

An automatic rerun of the patient sample, to repeat the test due to Panic Limit
violation, will be performed if:

Auto rerun option is selected for the respective test in Test Details screen

Rerun flag is selected for PANH and PANL in Rerun Flags screen

Auto rerun option is selected from PRE-RUN Options in Status Monitor screen

When PANH or PANL flag is issued to a result of patient sample, the "same" (re)run
will be performed. A same rerun means using the sample volume same as it was
programmed in the first determination.

For example, if the sample was programmed for a normal volume run then the rerun
too will be performed using normal sample volume.Similarly, if the sample was
programmed for Decreased or Increased volume run, then the rerun will be performed
using a Decreased or Increased volumes respectively. The rerun result is flagged “#” to
indicate a rerun. Copy and View Reference Ranges

Copy Reference Ranges

This button is used to copy the reference ranges from current sample type to other sample
types. Multiple sample types can also be selected.

View Reference Ranges

This button is used to view the reference ranges programmed as per the different sample types.
Use HIDE VOLUMES button to go to previous screen.

6-37 User Interface

6.3.3 Profiles/Calc
Profiles/Calc is used to perform the following operations:

To create profile

To create calculated item Profiles
Profiles screen is used to create test profile. Profile is a predefined group of tests.

Once created, they are used for selection through a single click, during the patient entry details in
the Patient Entry. One or more profiles can be selected for a patient at the same time. Calculated Items

Calculation item screen is to define a calculation item involving one or more chemistries (up to 5
chemistries). It is also possible for the user to define the formula as per your requirement using the
Calculation Formula screen.

If these calculation items are selected in the Patient Entry screen, then the test(s) required to
calculate the value are selected (scheduled) automatically. The calculated items are printed along
with the test result in the Patient Report printout.

User Interface 6-38

This table describes the description of each parameters:

Parameters Description
Calculated Define the name of the calculated item, up to 5 characters. This name will be shown
Item in a separate grid in Patient Entry screen.
Report Enter the full name of the calculated item (i.e., A/G ratio). This name is printed on the
Name patient report.
Formula The user can select the desired calculation formula from the drop down list. If new
formula is required, you can create your own formula using Calculation Formula
Unit Select the unit to be printed along with the calculation Item.
Host Name Enter the name of the calculated item, as defined in LIS (for host communication).
This text box is visible only if Host connection is activated from System Parameters
Enter the number of decimal places for the calculated item.

Once, the formula is selected, the user can select the tests associated with the
calculation item. Additionally, the user can also use another calculation item (nested
calculation items) for defining a new calculation item.

The user can select the normal ranges or panic limits (if desired) for the calculation
item depending on the sample type selected. Normal Range options are available for
Male, Female, Child or Other types.

CEC Calculation item is present by default. For this calculation item, only the Report
Name, Unit, Decimal Places and Normal Ranges can be modified. Test A can also be
selected and Test B will be displayed same as Test A.

6-39 User Interface

If CRE is deleted from the test parameters screen, then CEC is not visible in
calculated items.
When CRE is again initialized through the test parameter screen then a
Activate CEC button is displayed on the Calculated items screen. On clicking,
CEC is again visible in the Calculated Items.

6.3.4 QC/Calibration
QC/Calibration is used to perform the following operations:

Scheduling consumables

Viewing calibration curve and perform curve related operations

Monitoring of the performance of the analyzer

Twin plot graph

Viewing control data and graph for two different controls

See the following screen: Schedule QC/Calibration

Schedule QC/Calibration screen is used to schedule consumables (Blank, Standards, Calibrators,
and Controls).

See the following procedure for scheduling consumable in more details:

User Interface 6-40

Scheduling Standard

Scheduling Calibrator

Scheduling Blank

Scheduling Control Scheduling Standard

Use the following procedure for scheduling:

1. Select the group number on which the calibration and QC run needs to be performed using
Group drop-down list.

2. Select a desired position from the Position drop-down list. This drop-down will also display
the last scheduled consumable name at respective position. This consumable name is
retained for a position till a patient sample is defined on that position.

3. Select appropriate container from the Container Type drop down list.

4. Select consumable type as 'Standards' from the Consumable Type drop down list.

5. Select appropriate consumable from the Consumable drop down list.

6. Select the required Lot No. of the selected consumable. The last defined lot number appears
as selected, by default.

On selecting the lot number, a grid with the list of tests for the selected consumable appears
on the right side of the screen, where in option of auto dilution and dilution ratio can be
selected for non-linear chemistries.

6-41 User Interface

7. On selecting AutoDil and DilRatio, click OK.

Depending on the concentration and the DilRatio (dilution ratio) selected for the test, the
number of serial dilutions possible will be displayed in another grid as shown in the following

Further dilution numbers can be selected using this grid.

User Interface 6-42

If the dilution ratio is not selected then default dilution ratio will be applied
to the test. The default dilution ratio is 2.

8. Click OK.

On clicking, the details will be added in the required position as shown in the following figure.

Auto-dilution is possible for non-linear curves.

Auto-dilution is not possible for the curve types K-factor and Linear. The
gray background color in the column AutoDil indicates that auto-dilution is
not possible for the respective test.

Auto-dilution is not available for selection if option ‘Apply Normal Dilution

Ratio of Sample’ for a test is selected in Test Parameter > Test Volume.

If Auto dilution is scheduled for a test then Normal Dilution Ratio cannot be
applied for that test. In this case, you have to clear the auto dilution

9. Click on SCHEDULE button.

On clicking the SCHEDULE button, the standards will be scheduled.

The MultiXL will prompt a message if the required Blank and Standards /
Calibrators are not scheduled.

6-43 User Interface

While performing the Blank, Standards, Calibrators and Controls that are scheduled, the
sample and reagent volumes defined (in Test Parameter > Test Volume) for Sample Type
Serum is used. This is indicated by Serum in the column Sample Type.
To clear the schedule CLEAR POSITIONS button can be clicked. On clicking, following
screen is displayed to either clear selected positions or all the positions.

Clear position button does not clear the sample positions. Only scheduled Blank,
Standards, Calibrators and Controls will be cleared.

Hence, either a particular position is selected or CLEAR ALL option is checked. Scheduling Calibrator

Use the following procedure for scheduling:

1. Select the group number on which the calibration and QC run needs to be performed using
Group drop-down list.

2. Select a desired position from the Position drop-down list. This drop-down will also display
the last scheduled consumable name at respective position. This consumable name is
retained for a position till a patient sample is defined on that position.

3. Select appropriate container from the Container Type drop down list.

4. Select appropriate consumable type, Calibrator, from the Consumable Type drop down list.

5. Select appropriate consumable from the Consumable drop down list.

6. Select the required Lot No of the selected consumable name. The last defined lot number
appears as selected, by default.

7. On selecting the lot number, a grid with the list of tests for the selected consumable appears
on the right side of the screen, where in option of auto dilution and dilution ratio can be
selected for non-linear chemistries. See figure below.

User Interface 6-44

8. Select the required test (tick manually against each required test or click on Profile to select
multiple tests under the profile), Select auto dilution and dilution ratio, as applicable and then
click OK.
You can create your own profile through Profiles /Calc > Profiles.

Following figure shows that tests are selected through available profile ‘LIPID’.

9. On clicking OK, the tests will be added in the selected positions as shown in the following

6-45 User Interface

10.Click on SCHEDULE.

11.On clicking, the Calibrator will be scheduled.

The MultiXL will prompt a message if the required Blank and Standards/
Calibrators are not scheduled. Scheduling Blank

Use the following procedure for scheduling blanks:

1. Select the group number on which the calibration and QC run needs to be performed using
Group drop-down list.

2. Select a desired position. User can view the occupied sample positions in the grid placed on
the lower half of the screen.

3. Select the appropriate container type from the Container Type drop-down list.

4. Select Blank from the Consumable Type drop-down list.

5. Select appropriate blank from the Consumable drop down list.

6. Select the required Lot No of the selected consumable name. The last defined lot number
appears as selected, by default.

On selecting the lot number, grid on the right side of the screen displays the available tests
for the selected consumable for running the QC and test Profiles grid with available profiles.

User Interface 6-46

See figure below.

The screen consists of three column:



Curve Type

Tests: Tick the check-box to select (schedule) the test.

Selective: Tick this check-box to schedule Selective Calibration (perform only blank to
derive the calibration curve) for the test.

Curve Type: It displays the curve type for the test.

The check-box with Gray color in the Selective column indicates that the
test may not be Calibrated or Already Scheduled or Unsuccessfully
Calibrated. In such case, selective calibration option is not available.

Schedule Full calibration, if not already scheduled in any group.

Selective Calibration is not available for curve K-factor.

7. Select the required test (tick manually against each required test or click on Profile to select
multiple tests under the profile), click on OK.

6-47 User Interface

On clicking, the test(s) will be added in the selected positions as shown in the following

Test(s) scheduled with Selective Calibration are marked with Asterisk (*)
symbol under column Pos.

7. Once the blank are defined, click on SCHEDULE.

On clicking, the blank will be scheduled.

The MultiXL will prompt a message if the required Blank and Standards/
Calibrators are not scheduled.

8. To clear the schedule, click on CLEAR POSITIONS button.

User Interface 6-48 Scheduling Control

Use the following procedure for scheduling the controls:

1. Select the group number on which the calibration and QC run needs to be performed using
Group drop-down list.

2. Select a desired position. If the position is occupied, then the user can view it in the grid
placed on the bottom side of the screen. This drop-down will also display the last scheduled
consumable name at respective position. This consumable name is retained for a position till a
patient sample is defined on that position.

3. Select appropriate container type from the Container Type drop-down list.

4. Select Controls from the Consumable Type drop down list.

5. Select appropriate control from the Consumable drop-down list.

6. Select the required Lot No of the selected consumable name. The last defined lot number
appears as selected, by default.

On selecting the lot number, grid on the right side of the screen displays the available tests
for the selected consumable for running the QC and test Profiles grid with available profiles.
Sample type (Serum/Urine) will get displayed accordingly in sample type with respect to
selected control for the test See figure below See figure below.

You can create your own profile through Profiles screen.

7. Select the required test (tick manually against each required test or click on Profile to select
multiple tests under the profile), and then click on the OK.

6-49 User Interface

On clicking, the details will be added in the required positions as shown in the following

8. Click on SCHEDULE.

On clicking, control will be scheduled.

9. To clear the schedule, click CLEAR POSITIONS button.

If a position was used during earlier calibration run, then consumable name
is also displayed along with the position number in ‘Position’ drop down list,
till the new patient sample is defined on that position. See figure as shown

User Interface 6-50

These positions can be reused by re-selecting it for a new schedule. Calibration
Calibration screen allows to view calibration curve and to perform curve related operations. Lot
number and concentration for that test are defined in the Consumables screen.

6-51 User Interface

Test Revision (if available) will be displayed on the screen in red color as seen in
the above image.

This Revision shall be printed on the Calibration Report as well, as shown below;

After the calibration run is completed, absorbance values obtained by the analyzer are updated in
the Calibration screen along with the K-Factor. The date and time of calibration is also updated.

One of the last five calibration curves can also be selected for use in result calculations.

Use previous or next calibration can be viewed using navigation buttons.

For using the calibration on the screen, use Set Latest Calibration button. In order to view the
calibration details for a test in use, the user needs to select the test from the grid.

For any 2-Point chemistry, if the concentration obtained by the calibration curve
is negative (below zero), then the output test result will be in multiple of 0.1 (or
zero), based on decimal places set for the test.

To print the calibration table along with the calibration graph, click on PRINT button.

If there has been some error during calibration (like reagent absent or
calibrator absent), the calibration data for which reagent, blank and calibrator
was present is updated. However, Unsuccessful Calibration message will be

It is recommended to run calibration in 3 replicates (Standard Replicates in

Test Parameter screen) to get accurate calibration. However, the calibration
will be successful; even if at least one replicate of blank and one replicate of
(required number of) calibrators are processed successfully.
If RgtAbsMin/Max Flag is issued to the Blank measurement then the respective

User Interface 6-52

replicate of Blank will not getting updated to Calibration Table.

If at least one replicate of blank measurement is available without RgtAbsMin/
Max flag or any instrument related flag, then calibration will get proceed as
successful and calculate the result.
Auto copy calibration will get copied a successful calibration if at least one
replicate result is available for all the (calibrator concentrations) points

This table describes each parameters on the screen:

Parameters Description
Test It displays the test name.
Calibration It displays the date on which the calibration of the test was performed lastly.
Curve Type It shows the curve type selected for the test in Test Parameters > Test Details
Calib Expiry It allows the user to enter the Calibration Expiry Limit for that test in days. This limit
Limit is a decremented counter that commences after calibration for that test is done. The
Test, for which the calibration is expired, is highlighted with Pink color in the Patient
Entry screen.
Acceptable Use this text box to enter the acceptable limit allowable between 2 calibrations. The
Limit % user can feed any value between 1% to 10% and is expressed in terms of

When the value is set to 0 (zero), the comparison of the factors is not done. The
comparison is made on basis of the factor obtained. The new factor obtained is
compared with the old one and based on the acceptance limit entered; the new
calibration details are updated. If the value falls outside the acceptable limits, then
the old calibration details are kept and the new details are updated with message
Factor out of Range. This text box is applicable only for Linear curve types.
Calibration It displays the date on which the calibration, currently displayed on screen, for that
Date test was performed. The display changes if previous calibration is selected.
K-Factor This parameter will be displayed only when the curve type for the test is selected as
K-factor in Test Parameter > Test Details. It is used to enter the known factor for the
required test. The value should be non-zero number between -99999.99 to 99999.99.
R1/R2 Lot No It displays the Reagent Lot Number used for calibrating that test. If the test has only
one reagent, then only R1 Lot No will be displayed.

This table describes each column on the grid:

Parameters Description
Pos It displays the Calibrator, Standard or Blank position; till the position is not utilized
for scheduling any other sample
Consumable It displays the consumable name (Blank, Standard, or Calibrator) used for
calibrating that test
Conc It displays the concentration of the blank or the calibrator used
Abs This column indicates the absorbance values that are automatically obtained by the
analyzer after the calibration is carried out.
Lot No. It displays the Lot Number of the consumable used for Calibration of that test.
Factor It displays the Calibration Factor obtained for the selected test

6-53 User Interface

See the available buttons and their functionality:

Set Latest Calibration: Use Prev and Next buttons on the screen to view the previous or next
calibration record, and then select any one calibration which should be used for patient result
calculation. Click on Set Latest Calibration button to set the selected calibration and use the same
for calculating results.

Copy Calibration: This button is used to manually copy the calibration details across test(s) with
same assay type and specific curve type (either both liner either both linear or both non-linear
requiring same number of calibrators); sharing the same Reagents.

Selective Calibration: Selective calibration, also known as One point to Multipoint Calibration or
Normalization of Calibration Curve is used when a user wants to use only a reagent blank for
calibration. It is applicable for all curves except K-factor. The user can schedule and perform this type
of calibration for individual chemistries.

On clicking this button, two options are available under Calibration Type for the selected test:

Full: This option is the default selection through which you can schedules the entire
calibration set again.

Selective: This option is used to select blank available and then it uses the slope
method to correct the other factors.

Repeat Calibrators: This button is displayed for the non-linear test on which the last calibration is
performed within last 24 hours. Using this button, errors of point in a non-linear calibration graph, can
be corrected by repeating the single/multiple calibrators, instead of repeating the entire calibration.
For example, see the following figure.

User Interface 6-54

On clicking this button, list of calibrators processed during calibration will be displayed.

Select the appropriate calibrator(s) to be repeated by ticking the check-box at the respective row and
click SCHEDULE button. One or multiple calibrator(s) used to derive the curve can be selected to

Schedule of such calibrators will be displayed with Asterisk (*) symbol next to test in QC/Calibration
> Schedule QC/Calibration screen. Asterisk (*) symbol indicates selective calibration with Blank/
Repeat calibrator.

This button is not available for the test whose curve type is linear or k-factor and
for non linear test more than 24 hours old.

Repeat Calibrators: This button is displayed for the non-linear test on which the last calibration is
performed within last 24 hours. Using this button, errors of point in a non-linear calibration graph, can
be corrected by repeating the single/multiple calibrators, instead of repeating the entire calibration.
For example, see the following figure.

6-55 User Interface

This button is not available for the test whose curve type is linear or k-factor and
for non linear test more than 24 hours old. QC Data
The QC (Quality Control) screen is used for day-to-day monitoring of the performance of the analyzer.

It allows you to monitor the following:

Accuracy of the analysis (i.e. whether the values obtained are correct)

Precision (i.e. the reproducibility – whether the same values are obtained when the sample is
analyzed repeatedly)

The QC Data is useful for viewing the QC Results in Graphical format. QC Rules implementation has
been on QC Results in the QC Data and is marked with a respective color to indicate which rule has
been violated for that test.

Also, for each QC results you can:

Enter remarks

Exclude selected QC points permanently

View QC graph with new laboratory mean

The user should either rerun the controls again or recalibrate the test and run the controls.

User Interface 6-56

To open the screen, go to QC/Calibration > QC Data screen. The following screen is displayed as
shown below:

Following are the steps to view the results and chart:

1. Select Date From and Date To. The user can select the same date for viewing the daily QC or
select a range for viewing the Monthly QC.

2. To select the test, click on dotted button near the Test text-box, a small window will open up
through which the test can be selected.

3. Select the control level using dotted button near Control text-box and hence control name for
which results and graph should be displayed. If the selected Date From and Date To are
same, all the control results can be seen. But if the user has selected Date From and Date To
different, then only one control results can be seen at a time.

Lock button is provided to keep the particulate level of control constant.

4. Lot number for a control can be selected from the Lot No. drop-down list.

5. Once the above selection is done, click on DATA button to view the results for the selection in
the result grids.

6-57 User Interface

6. Batch No. will be displayed for selection, if the date range selected is same. See the following

User Interface 6-58

If the date range selected is from “x” period to “y” period (see Figure A), then,

X-bar Calculation grid signifies the following:

Level: Displays the test control levels.
N: Number of days the control run is performed.
Avg: Average of the test result values over the period specified.
SD: Standard Deviation for specified period.
%CV: Coefficient of Variation calculated from Mean and SD.
R: Difference between maximum and minimum day’s average (over specified period).

R - Calculation grid signifies the following:

Level: Displays the test control levels.
N: Number of days the control run is performed in replicates.
Avg: Average of range over the period specified.
SD: Standard Deviation for specified period.
%CV: Coefficient of Variation calculated from Mean and SD.
R: Difference between maximum and minimum range value over specified period.

If a single date is selected (see Figure B ), then the X-bar Calculation grid signifies the
Level: Displays the test control levels.
N: Number of replicates the control is run during that day.
Avg: Average of the test result values on that day.
SD: Standard Deviation for that day
%CV: Coefficient of Variation calculated from Mean and SD.
R: Difference between maximum and minimum result (if replicates are done)

6-59 User Interface

If a single date is selected, then R Calculation is not applicable.

In the QC results, Result column will be highlighted in different colors, if any of the default
QC rules stated below is violated. See the following figure for example.

The above six rules are given different colors to highlight the result or the point on the graph when the
corresponding rule is violated. To see the QC rules, just place the pointer over any of the item, a pop
message will be displayed with description.

The user needs to check the control result after the control run is completed and hence take
corrective action whether to continue with patient samples or not. Or else perform calibration again
and re-run the controls to check if the results are proper.

Buttons for quick selection

: This button is used, if you want to apply user-

selected QC rules in results. By default all rules are ticked. Un-tick rules that are not
required and click this button. For example, see the following data after clicking this button.

User Interface 6-60

: This button is used for applying filter for QC results to be excluded,

based on deviation flag selection. On clicking this button, all QC results having selected
deviation will be ticked which can be excluded using Excluded QC Results button. For
example, see the following data after clicking this button.

Entering remarks for QC points

Click on the remark icon to enter user remarks, such as, reasons or corrective action taken for
outlier QC results (if required). See the figure as shown below.

6-61 User Interface

Lab mean calculation is also available for ISE controls results.

Excluding QC points permanently and view proposed graph with lab mean

QC points can be excluded by using Exclude QC Results and Exclude and Apply Lab Mean, as
per user requirement.
To do this, select the required QC points to be excluded, and click on the button, as appropriate.

See the functionality of buttons used for this purpose:

: This button is used to view the data after excluding the selected
QC results. After confirmation it will exclude user selected QC points permanently.

: This button is used to see the preview of graph with new proposed
lab mean excluding user selected QC points.

In the graph, small rounded circles indicate excluded QC points. See the following

: This button is used to view the data after excluding

selected QC results after confirmation, and the proposed lab mean is applied to QC results
for the selected date range and future dates till user calculates new lab mean. Proposed lab
mean is calculated according to the user required QC points and displayed in lower left
corner of the screen. See the figure below.

User Interface 6-62

New Standard Deviation (SD) will be only applied to future QC results

based on user choice. A confirmation message will be displayed as
shown below.

Once lab mean is calculated for the selected control results, it can not
be recalculated. Those results are disabled and indicated with gray

When the lab mean is applied, the new lab mean will be displayed on top right of the
screen with date on which it is applied. See the following figure.

6-63 User Interface

Use GRAPH button to view graph with new lab mean or manufacturer mean, as

In Result Reprint screen, data is displayed with respect to new lab

mean and SD (once calculated). Excluded QC results are indicated
with “~ ” symbol with gray color background for Control data.

Select option QC Rules in Graph to view the QC rules in graph.

Above buttons (Exclude QC Results, Proposed Graph and Exclude

Apply Lab Mean) will be disabled, if the available non excluded QC
points are less than the value entered in option Min QC Result for Lab
Mean in Settings > System Parameters.

Other buttons available on the screen

EXPORT: User can click on EXPORT button to export the data to an excel sheet.

PRINT: User can click on PRINT button to print the data. Twin Plot

This feature of Quality Control helps the user to compare the trend in the values of the different level
of controls for any chemistry.

It provides a running check on the linearity of instruments and integrity of calibration.

For Twin Plot, two levels of control samples with different lot numbers are required. Period (date
range) and Test name needs to be selected before viewing the twin plot.

1. See the following procedure to view the results and chart:

2. Select Date From and Date To: The user can select the same date for viewing the daily
graph or select a range for viewing the monthly graph.

3. To select test, click on dotted button near the Test text box, a small window will open up
through which the test can be selected.

User Interface 6-64

4. Select Control for X and also for Y and then click on Show Lot.

5. Select Lot No. for that Control X and also for Y from the list displayed.

6. On selecting Lot no, the following data will be displayed:

a. Level – Level of the control selected.

b. Target Mean – Target Mean of the selected lot.

c. Target SD – Target SD of the selected lot.

d. N – No of Days is date range is selected or no of replicates if single date is selected.

e. Mean – Mean of Daily averages if date range is selected Or Mean of all the replicates for
the single date selected.

f. SD – Standard Deviation of Daily averages if date range is selected Or Standard Deviation

of all the replicates for the single date selected.

g. CV - Coefficient of Variation calculated from Mean and SD.

h. Range - Range of Daily averages if date range is selected Or Range of all the replicates for
the single date selected.

7. Once the above selection is done, click on DATA button to view the results for both the
controls selected.

8. Click on GRAPH to view the graph for both the controls selected. The daily averages for
Control Y are plotted (on the Y-axis) against the daily averages for Control X (on the X-axis).

6-65 User Interface

9. Uncheck the Show Date check box, if you do not want to display the date on the marked

10.Use EXPORT to export the data to an excel sheet.

11.Use PRINT to print the data and graph. QC Graph
This screen is used to view control data and graph for two different controls. To view the control data,
select the required date range and other details, and then click DATA.

Click GRAPH to view data in a graphical format.

Use EXPORT to export the data to an excel sheet.

Use PRINT to print the graph.

Lock button is provided to keep the particulate level of control constant.

User Interface 6-66

6-67 User Interface

6.3.5 Consumables
Consumables screen is used to define various consumables such as Reagents, Blank, Calibrators,
Controls, Diluent and Wash, including their name along with their respective lot numbers,
reconstituted dates, concentration and on-board stability of the test are defined in the same screen.

Also, it is used to upload and download consumables. See section Upload and Download for more

See the following procedure to define consumables in more details:

Defining Reagents

In the closed system, user is allowed to define or add only permitted

number of open channel reagents (user defined), after that system will
prompt a message.

1. In the Consumable screen, select the Consumable Type to Reagents.

2. Now click on the button next to the Consumable box.

3. On clicking, the following screen will be displayed.

User Interface 6-68

4. Enter the appropriate Reagent name, Reagent Code, and Reagent Type.

Reagent Enter the name of the reagent.

Reagent Code Enter the unique Test Code.
This is the 4th and 5th digit on the Reagent Barcode Label on
the bottle. It is used to identify the Reagent and update reagent
position after Reagent Barcode scan.

For closed channel reagents, reagent code should be a unique

2-digit number in permitted range.

For open channel reagents, reagent code should be a unique

3-digit number in permitted range.
Reagent Type Select whether the reagent is single reagent or dual reagent.
The available options are:
R1, R2

In the closed system, user is allowed to define or add reagent code only in
the permitted range, otherwise system will prompt a message.

5. Click SAVE to save the details.

On saving the details, the reagent will be added in the list of reagents as shown in the
following figure.

6-69 User Interface

6. Double click on the Reagent name from the list of reagents. The selected reagent will be
displayed. See the following figure:

7. Click on the ADD button.

8. The following screen will be displayed.

User Interface 6-70

9. Now enter the manufacturer name from the manufacturer drop-down list. See section
Manufacturer for adding manufacturer name in the list.

10.Enter the lot number in the Lot No text box.

11.Enter the expiry date of the reagent in the Expiry Date list.

12.Enter the on-board stability and unit in Onboard Stability text-box and Unit drop down list.

13.Select the Reagent Type check-boxes to be used, as required. The Reagent Type check-
boxes will be pre-selected, if it is already defined while entering the details for new reagent.

14.Once the above details are entered, click on SAVE to save these details.

15.The reagent will be added and displayed on the grid.

6-71 User Interface

To modify details for a reagent

Use the following procedure to edit the details for a reagent:

1. To edit the reagent details, go to Consumable screen, select the Consumable Type as
Reagents and click on the button.

2. On clicking the following screen will be displayed.

User Interface 6-72

3. Now select the required reagent from the list.

4. Click EDIT.

5. On clicking, the following screen will be displayed for editing.

6. After editing the details and click SAVE. The details will be saved.

7. Following table gives a brief explanation on the different fields in the grid.

Manufacturer Select the reagent manufacturer from the drop-down list.

A Manufacturer from Master > Mfg screen.

Stock Over Check this Stock Over box when the stock of the consumable lot is
completely utilized.
Lots marked as Stock Over will not appear in the Lot Selection List -
While defining Reagent Positions in the Utility > Reagent
Position screen
While scheduling Calibration and Controls from QC/
Calibration > Schedule QC / Calibration screen.
Note: In case, Stock Over is not ticked for a Lot; then the Lot will be
excluded from the selection list after its expiry date.
This check-box is available only in Edit mode and not while adding a
Lot No Enter the lot number of the reagent.
Lot Status Lot status as Active or Inactive is displayed based on the Expiry Date
defined for the Lot. Expired Lot is displayed as Inactive.
Expiry Date Select the expiry date of the Reagent lot.
On-board Stability Enter the On-board shelf life of the reagent.

6-73 User Interface

Unit Select the On-board Stability unit, as appropriate.

Options available are Hours and Days.

Reagent Type It is used for selecting whether the Lot No selected is common for
R1, R2, and R3. If R2 and R3 are having different lot number, then the
user should save the details for R1 and add new details for R2 and

Lot details can be edited directly by double-clicking on the required lot from the
main Consumable Screen.

Following are the description of buttons available on the screen.

PRINT This button is used to print the list of reagents.

SAVE This button is used to save the reagent details.
EDIT This button is used to edit the details of the selected reagent.
CLEAR This button is used to cancel add / edit mode.
DELETE This button is used to delete the reagent

Default loaded Erba reagents can not be deleted.

Defining Blank

1. In the Consumables screen, select Consumable Type as Blank.

2. Click on the dotted button next to Consumable name. This will open a new window

3. Enter new name in the Blank text box and select the tests associated with the blank, and then
click on SAVE.

User Interface 6-74

Once saved, the user can double click on the blank name for which he wants to add lot
details. This will close the window "Consumable" and take to "Consumable" main screen.
One can also leave the screen by clicking on "X" when one do not want to add lot and go
back to Consumable screen.

4. Click ADD from the main screen, the following screen will be displayed.

6-75 User Interface

Each test name is displayed along with unit in brackets.

5. Select the Manufacturer name. See section Add Manufacturer for more details.

6. Enter appropriate Lot No and concentration for the selected blank.

The permissible concentration range for the selected Blank is between 0 to


7. After entering the details, click SAVE.

8. On clicking, the blank will be saved and displayed on the Consumable screen, when the
Blank is selected.

Defining Standard

1. In the Consumables screen, select Consumable Type as Standard.

2. Click on the dotted button next to Consumable name. This will open a new window

3. Enter new name in the Standard text box and select the tests associated with the standard,
and then click on SAVE.

Once saved, the user can double click on the standard name for which he wants to add lot
details. This will close the window "Consumable" and take to Consumable screen. One can
also leave the screen by clicking on "X" when one do not want to add lot and go back to
"Consumable" main screen

4. Click ADD from the main screen, the following screen will be displayed.

User Interface 6-76

5. Select the Manufacturer name. See section Add Manufacturer for more details.

6. Enter appropriate Lot No.

7. Select the appropriate Expiry Date.

8. Enter the concentration for the selected standard.

The permissible concentration range to define a Standard is between 0.001 to


9. After entering the details, click on SAVE button.

10.On clicking, the blank will be saved and displayed on the Consumable screen, when the
Standard is selected.

Defining Calibrators

1. In the Consumables screen, select Consumable Type as Calibrator.

2. Click on the dotted button next to Consumable name. This will open a new window

3. Enter new name in the Calibrator text box and select the tests associated with that calibrator,
and then click on SAVE.

6-77 User Interface

Once saved, the user can double click on the calibrator name for which he wants to add lot
details. This will close the window "Consumable" and take to Consumable screen. One can
also leave the screen by clicking on "X" when one do not want to add lot and go back to
"Consumable" main screen.

4. Click ADD from the main screen, the following screen will be displayed.

5. Select the Manufacturer name. See section Add Manufacturer for more details.

User Interface 6-78

6. Enter appropriate Lot No.

7. Select the appropriate Expiry Date.

8. Enter the concentration for the selected calibrators.

The permissible concentration range to define a Calibrator is between 0.001 to


9. After entering the details, click on SAVE button.

10.On clicking, the calibrator will be saved and displayed on the Consumable screen, when
Calibrator is selecetd.

Defining Controls

1. In the Consumables screen, select Consumable Type as Control.

2. Click on the dotted button next to Consumable name. This will open a new window

3. Enter new name in the Control text box, and select the control type from Type drop down list
and select the Level from the available options (Low, Normal, High, and Very High).

4. Select the tests associated with the control, and then click on SAVE.

Once saved, the user can double click on the control name for which he wants to add lot
details. This will close the window "Consumable" and take to Consumable screen. One can
also leave the screen by clicking on "X" when one do not want to add lot and go back to
"Consumable" main screen

4. Click ADD from the main screen, the following screen will be displayed.

6-79 User Interface

5. Select the Manufacturer name. See section Add Manufacturer for more details.

6. Enter appropriate Lot No.

7. Select the appropriate Expiry Date.

8. Enter the mean value for the selected tests in the Mean column.

CV will be automatically calculated, if the Mean and SD are entered for the test. Similarly, SD
will be calculated if Mean and CV are entered.
For example: To calculate CV, select option SD and enter the mean and standard deviation
value for the test in the Mean (manufacturer mean) and SD column. On saving the Control, the
CV is calculated and displayed in the CV column.

User Interface 6-80

Lab Mean column is not user editable. Manufacturer’s mean will be

automatically stored as lab mean, till the lab mean is calculated by
the user.

9. After entering the details, click on SAVE button.

On clicking, the control will be saved and displayed on the Consumable screen, when
Control is selected.

Defining Diluent

1. In the Consumable screen, select the required diluent from the Consumable Type.

2. Click on dotted button and enter the diluent name in Diluent text box in Consumable window.

3. Click SAVE.

Once saved, double click on the diluent name for which he wants to add lot number. This will
close the window "Consumable" and take to Consumable screen.

4. Click ADD button.

6-81 User Interface

5. Select the Manufacturer name. See section Add Manufacturer for more details.

6. Enter the lot number, and then click SAVE.

Two separate positions are provided on the instrument for placing the
diluents. Also, diluents and wash can be placed on any position of the
Reagent Tray.

Defining Wash

1. In the Consumable screen, select the required wash from the Consumable Type.

2. Click on dotted button and enter the wash name in Wash Solution text box in Consumable

User Interface 6-82

3. Click SAVE.
Once saved, double click on the wash name for which he wants to add lot number. This will
close the window "Consumable" and take to Consumable screen.

4. Click ADD button.

6-83 User Interface

5. Select the Manufacturer name. See section Add Manufacturer for more details.

6. Enter the lot number, and then click SAVE.

User is not allowed to define system solutions (wash, diluents, etc.) for
reserved reagent codes. Upload and Download

The consumable details can be uploaded or downloaded using UPLOAD and DOWNLOAD button.
These buttons are available in the Consumable screen.

The distributor will generate the files containing consumable details (like Calibrator and Control lot
information along with concentration, target values etc) using DOWNLOAD.
The distributor will send this generated file to the customers along with consumables. The customers
will then upload the given consumable file using UPLOAD.

See the following procedure:

Downloading Consumables

1. In the Consumables screen.

2. Define the appropriate consumables with their respective lot details.

3. Click DOWNLOAD.

4. On clicking, the Download Consumables window will be displayed which contains the list of
information about all the active (non-expired) lot(s) of consumables as shown in the following

By default, all consumables will be selected for download. You can select the required
consumables by un-checking the checkbox and then selecting it again as per your

User Interface 6-84

At least one consumable lot should be selected to download.

5. Once the required consumables are selected, click OK.

The will generate a XML file containing the consumable information with their respective lot
details (only for active lot). This file is automatically saved in the appropriate location on your
computer. The file name and the location will be displayed on the Indication text box as
shown below:

Uploading Consumable

Before uploading the consumables, you should have access to the

Consumable screen.

1. In the Consumable screen, click UPLOAD.

On clicking, the following window will be displayed.

6-85 User Interface

2. Now select the required consumable file from the appropriate location, and then click Open.

On clicking, the system will read and verify the data before uploading the file. The consumable
information will be uploaded only if the lot number is not found. This means, if the system
detects that the consumable lot with all or some test(s) already present in the database
(uploaded earlier or defined manually), then it will skip those test(s) without comparing and
changing its respective information (such as Expiry date and Target value(s), and It will upload
only those test(s) along with their respective details that are not available in the database.
In case, any error occurs during verification or upload, the error message will be displayed and
data from the file will not get uploaded to database.

The following error message will be displayed during upload if:

Incorrect xml file is selected (other than the one generated using Download option) for
upload, then the following error message will be displayed and upload will not proceed.

The XML file (generated using Download option and received) format is altered, then the
following error message will be displayed “Error in Uploading Consumables” in the
Indication text box, as a result the upload data will be terminated.

User Interface 6-86

3. On successful upload, a message “Consumables Uploaded Successfully” will be displayed.

To Verify the Uploaded Consumables

Once the consumables are uploaded, you should verify each of the consumables lot.

From the Consumable screen, select the appropriate consumable (Blank, Standards,
Calibrators or Controls) from the Consumable Type dropdown list, and verify the uploaded

6.3.6 Status Monitor

Status Monitor shows you the status of samples during batch run, reagent level in bottles, reaction
curve, and position of the scanned reagents and samples. Much of the information is presented

The Status Monitor screen has four main options, each of which shows the state of a particular part
of the system.

See the following section for more details:

Sample Tray

Reagent Tray

Reaction Curve

Barcode Scan

6-87 User Interface

Pre-Run Options


Work List

Add Sample and Reagent

ISE Pack

Refresh Position

Scan Pack

During Maintenance activity this screen is disabled and can be accessed by the
user only upon its completion.

When starting the batch RUN, if dome is open, then pre run activities will not be
started and error message with alarm beep will be displayed in error display

Ensure to close dome properly before proceeding.

There are two levels of dome opening, at Level 1 opening there will be warning
message and alarm whereas at Level 2 opening sampling will be stopped

In closed system when click on button, a card expiry warning message

will get displayed with expiry details of open test counts if card is expiring
soon. Click to close the warning message.

During pre-run activities, if user is on some other screen (e.g. doing patient entry)
then at the completion of pre-run activities, screen may get switched to 'Monitor'
screen for some time to get user's attention but it will automatically come back to
earlier screen so that user can complete remaining activities.

User Interface 6-88 Sample Tray

When you click on the Status Monitor, by default Sample Tray screen is displayed.

The Sample Tray screen gives a graphical representation of the occupied samples positions on the
SRGT tray. The tube positions are color-coded so that you can easily check the status of the
samples when they are scheduled for batch run.

When the batch run is started, each samples will go through number of states will be represented in
the following color codes:

Color Code Status Description

If a sample position is having tests that are scheduled (prior to run), then
the circle is indicated with TURQUOISE COLOR.
If a sample position is having tests whose sampling has been completed
In Process but results are yet to be reported, then the circle is indicated with YELLOW
If a sample position is having tests where the Sample/Reagent/Diluent is
absent or some VOD error has taken place, then the circle is indicated with
ROSE COLOR. In such cases, these sample positions can be re-
scheduled either during run or at the start of the run
If a sample position is having tests whose results have been reported and
Completed no test results are pending, then the circle is indicated with GREEN
If a reagent is placed in the Flexible Position, that position is indicated in a
Not If no Reagents or Samples are scheduled in the Flexible Positions, those
Allotted positions are indicated in a LIGHT GREY COLOR.

Sample tray also shows the current RCT and RGT temperature in the top right position on the
screen. If the RCT and RGT temperature is within range as specified System Parameters, the
temperature is displayed in black color. When the temperature falls out of the range, then it is
displayed in red color. Reagent Tray

The Reagent Tray option is used to scan the volume of reagent bottles as well as to view the updated
volume present inside the bottles.

Use Volume Scan button to scan the reagent bottles.

6-89 User Interface

After the reagent volume scan the status will be represented in the following color codes:

Status Description
If the level in the reagent bottle is normal, then it is indicated with BLUE
If the level in the reagent bottle is below 20% of the bottle capacity, then
it is indicated with LIGHT YELLOW COLOR
Empty If the reagent bottle is empty, then it is indicated with WHITE COLOR
If the reagent position is free (reagent not defined), then it is indicated
If the samples are allotted in the Flexible Positions, then it is indicated
If the reagent position is discarded, then it is indicated with
If the reagent at a particular position has crossed expiry date,
then it is indicated with RED COLOR.

Color codes used for showing the bottle caps:

Color Code Description

User Interface 6-90

If the diluent is assigned at a position on the reagent tray, then the it is indicated with
If wash solution is assigned at a position on the reagent tray, then it is indicated with
If reagent is assigned at a position on the reagent tray, then it is indicated with

In closed system, volume scan will not be performed for discarded bottles. Volume Scan

Volume Scan button will scan all the reagent bottles present on the SRGT tray and the status will
be displayed graphically on the Reagent Tray screen. After reagent scan, reagent volume details will
be updated in Reagent Position screen.

You can use Stop button to stop the volume scan. Reaction Curve

Reaction Curve option is used to monitor the online reaction curve of a test, during run.

To do this, click Reaction Curve button and double click on a required test in the Cycle Map grid in
the right-most corner of the screen. On clicking, the Reaction Curve (till “x” cycles) will be displayed.
The pink arrow indicates the measurement points used for calculating the result.

When the run is completed, the final tests result will be displayed in the result grid that is located on

6-91 User Interface

the right bottom corner of the screen. The final reaction curve will be generated and can be viewed in
Reports > Reaction Curve screen. To view the curve number for the particular test, double click on
the result. On clicking, a small test details box will be displayed, which contains all the information
about the test with curve number. Barcode Scan

The Barcode Scan option is used to scan the barcoded sample tubes and reagents bottles placed on
the SRGT tray.

This option is disabled in closed system as sample tubes and reagent bottles
are always scanned for Barcode.

During this process, all barcoded samples and reagents will be scanned. After scan is over, the
sample details and reagent details will be updated and displayed in the following screens:

Patient Entry

Status Monitor > Sample Tray

Status Monitor > Barcode Scan

Utility > Reagent Position

After the scan, the available reagents on the selected tray number will be scanned and the barcode
id will be displayed on the screen. Reagent bottles which are not registered by Scan Pack , then
respective reagent bottle position will be displayed with barcode number along with unknown pack
details as shown in below screen.

On completing sample barcode scan, the tests scheduled on the LIS will be automatically
downloaded and applied to the appropriate samples if the communication between analyzer and

Barcode scan of the samples will be performed prior to start of the run, if the option Barcode Scan
is selected from the Pre-run Options.

The Barcode Scan button will be disabled if the option Barcode Reader option
is unchecked from the System Parameters screen.

User Interface 6-92 Pre-Run Options

Pre-run Options is available on the Status Monitor. All option under this will be performed when the
run is started. The Pre-Run options selected by the user is memorized and displayed as selection,
which can further be changed.

See the following pre-run options in more details:

Auto Rerun

This option is used for automatic re-sending of patient samples on flags.

For a particular test of a patient to be sent for rerun, following are the steps to be followed:

Auto Rerun option for that test should be selected in Test Parameters screen.

6-93 User Interface

Prozone Limits, Technical Limits, Panic Limits and Reaction Absorbance Limit should be
checked in Test Parameters screen for the respective test.

Flags can be selected from Rerun Flags for which rerun schedule has to be sent.

Barcode Scan

On checking this option, the entire Sample and Reagents will be scan for barcode. After the scan
is over, reagent barcode details will get updated in Barcode Scan screen, Reagent Tray screen in
Status Monitor and also in Reagent Positions screen.

Re Scan

On checking this option, the system application will prompt user for a re-scan of unidentified /
unread barcodes at empty positions on the reagent tray after the default barcode scan is
completed. User can choose to re-scan barcode or he may skip and continue further activities.

Reagent Level Scan

The options under Reagent Level Scan option are used for scanning the volume of the reagent
present inside the reagent bottles before starting the run.

Reagent Level Scan option will be disabled when Barcode Scan check box
is selected.

If the option is checked before the run, and when the run started, all the reagents positions will be
scanned for reagent volume and the status will displayed on Reagent Tray screen and Reagent
Position screen.

Two options are available for scanning:



All: This option is used to scan all the reagents defined in the Reagent Position screen.

Selective: This option is used for scanning the Reagent volume for only those reagents, which
are defined and required by the samples in current batch.
When you click on button, the following screen will be displayed.

User Interface 6-94

In the Selective Reagent Level Scan screen, by default, the reagents for the scheduled tests in
that batch run will be displayed as selected. See figure above. If user modified the selection, then
those selections will be memorized and displayed for next time.

If you do not want to scan the reagent level, uncheck all the tests selections.
In this case, MultiXL will only scan volume at positions where Wash
solutions, Serum Diluents and Urine ISE Diluents are defined.

: On clicking this button, the user modified selections will be automatically

cleared and only those reagents which are scheduled for that batch run will be displayed.

The diluents and wash positions are always scanned if defined.

After the scan is over, reagent volume details will get memorized and displayed in Reagent Tray
and Reagent Position screen.

If Reagent Absent, VOD or Liquid Level found different, errors are displayed
during pre-run activities then the corresponding reagent position is added to
the Refresh Positions screen. In this case user is advised to observe bottle
physically and take required corrective actions and then refresh the
positions manually to use that particular reagent bottle. Run Options

To maximize utilization of cuvettes during run, it is recommended to avoid

adding samples after sampling of programmed scheduled is already over in
the current batch.

Run Options is available on the Status Monitor. Make sure that respective run options are selected
before start of the run.

See the available run options in the following figure.

6-95 User Interface Work List

Work List screen screen displays the sample and reagent details for the scheduled run.

During run, when the pre-run operation is completed, the Work List screen may be displayed if:

Incomplete test details

Reagents are absent for the programmed tests

The defined diluents are not present

Volume is insufficient for the programmed tests

In this case, run is halted. See the work list screen.

If the tests are scheduled for the run and the reagent for the tests are not
defined, in this case the test will be masked and displayed in the Pending and
Masked Schedules (Patients) grid.

Similarly, If the tests are scheduled for a run and the gain for that particular

User Interface 6-96

wavelength is not within range, then the test will be masked and a pop-up
appears as shown below;

The run will continue with good wavelengths.

The work list screen is divided into two parts.

Schedules in Work List

Reagent Volume Details

Schedules in Work List

This section will displays the information about Sample Position, Sample ID with Container
type, Sample Volume Required, Sample Type, Test, Sample Volume, R1 Volume Defined, R2
Volume Defined (optional), Number of Reagents, R1 Position Available, R1 Volume Available,
R2 Position (optional) Available, R2 Volume Available (optional).

Test(s) in work list will be highlighted in red background, in case parameters (such as Sample
Volume, R1/R2 reagent positions, Reagent Volume defined etc) are not defined completely. In
such case, a message “Incomplete Test Details” will be displayed above the grid.

Reagent Volume Details

This section will display the information about reagent volume. Information such as RGT Type,
RGT Position, RGT Volume Available, Possible Test(s), Scheduled Test(s), RGT Volume

If reagent volume available in the bottles is less than the reagent volume required for the total
number of possible tests then the column RGT Volume Available and RGT Volume Required is
highlighted with yellow background and a message “Reagent Volume Insufficient” will be
displayed above the volume grid.

Also, it will display the total number of possible tests (approximate) with the available reagent

Open count

Analyzer accumulates open-channel Test-counts as obtained by scanning of each Reagent

pack Kit.

Analyzer performs open channel tests, not exceeding total permitted Test-count & reduces test
count based on test(s) performed on the analyzer.

It will also intimate user during run if Open Count reaches 10 & below.

Following buttons available on the Work List screen:


6-97 User Interface

If the tests details for all the tests are proper i.e. without any tests having background as red,
when this button is clicked, run will be started else run will not start.


Use this button to abort the run. However, clicking CANCEL during run will only close the screen.

Test(s) on Hold

Using this button, you can keep the specific test(s) on hold by masking them in work-list. User-
selected test(s) will be masked in the existing work-list as well as the new test order received
later, either through LIS or scheduled manually by user. On clicking, a test selection window
containing all the test(s) will displayed as follows.

User can keep one or multiple tests on hold by selecting the check box, as per your requirement.
Once tests are selected, click on OK button to save the selections.

Pending tests and masked tests are displayed in the grid at left bottom of the screen named as
‘Pending And Masked Schedules (Patients)’. To reschedule the pending tests, the corresponding
tests should be selected and clicked on RE-SCHEDULE button. Alternatively, the tests can be
selected from the Test list, select Pending option and click on RE-SCHEDULE button.

To reschedule the masked tests, the corresponding tests should be selected and clicked on RE-
SCHEDULE button. Alternatively, the tests can be selected from the Test list, select Mask option
and click on RE-SCHEDULE button.

User Interface 6-98

When the tests are selected during run, further tests will be masked.

But when the tests are selected before starting the run, then all scheduled
tests will be masked.

User can re-schedule the masked test(s) for all or selected samples, from
Status Monitor > Work List, even if the test(s) selected are on Hold.

Re-scheduling the Test(s) from the Work List will not automatically remove
the On-Hold status of the Tests.

Therefore, it needs to be done manually by un-ticking the tests from the

Test(s) on Hold window see figure Tests On Hold window to stop further
masking the test.

The Work List screen can also be viewed by clicking on the Work List button
present on the Status Monitor screen.

The Work List screen displays the schedule for the group selected (from the
drop-down list below the buttons to Start and Stop run in Status Monitor
screen. Add Sample and Reagent

Additional Samples and Reagents can be loaded on the SRGT tray using Status Monitor screen
during run.

If the user wants to add a new bar-coded Sample or Reagent (Continuous Sample Loading), the
following procedure should be used:

1. Click on Add Sample/Reagents button.

On clicking, a message is displayed “Please wait, Tests are in progress…” The sampling
will be paused after completing the sampling of current in process test.

6-99 User Interface

2. After completion of sampling of in progress test, a message is displayed “ Safe to open

Dome You can add Sample and/or Reagents now” indicating that sampling is paused.

3. Now user can open the dome and place new samples / reagents bottles at the appropriate
position on the tray.
4. Once the user is done with adding samples / reagents, ensure to close the dome and click on

User Interface 6-100

Added button.
5. After clicking Added, the sample barcode scan will be started and the message displayed
“Please wait barcode scan in process” on the screen. On completion of the scan, positions of
new samples will be updated in the Patient Entry and reagent will be updated in Reagent
Position screen. Please note that If dome is open, barcode scan will not be performed.
6. The user can see the scanned data by clicking Barcode Scan button on the same screen.
7. After barcode scan process, a message will be displayed “Please wait, Tests are in progress”.
Once the results of the ongoing tests are completed and declared, then run will continue.

Run will not continue until all the results for the dispensed tests are declared.

Manual Pause

During Run if user Click on (pause), Message Please Wait Sampling Is Being Paused is
displayed. Sampling will be paused after completing the current test in process. Following
message will be appeared to open dome.

Now user can add samples / reagent > Close dome > Click on Resume to continue RUN.

When user opens dome immediately after clicking on Pause / Add

samples / Add reagent (before sampling is paused) then ARM movement
will be stopped immediately and error message will be displayed in error
display grid. ISE Pack

ISE pack button is used to check the ISE pack details.

This button is visible only when the option ISE Module is checked in System

These details are viewable only before starting the run as this option is disabled during the run.

On clicking this button, the ISE reagent pack information will be displayed which contains.

Lot Number, Installation Date and Expiry Date of current ISE Reagent Pack

6-101 User Interface

Details of all ISE Calibration values

Remaining ISE Reagent Volume Indicator (approximate remaining volume of Calibrant A and
Calibrant B; whichever is lesser).

The system detects New / Change in ISE Reagent Pack only on interacting with
ISE module (by clicking ISE ON from the Maintenance screen or on starting the
ISE run) or during Auto Maintenance operations. Hence, if the user clicks ISE
Details button just after (physically) installing the New ISE Reagent Pack,
system will displays the ISE Details of the earlier Reagent Pack. Refresh Position

During run, if any of the reagents or diluents is absent then the position will be indicated as position
with empty bottle and will not be used during run.

1. Hence, if the user wants to use that position, then pause sampling first, and open Reagent
tray cover. After that put the new reagent bottle at reagent absent position, and then close
RGT cover. Then click on Refresh Positions button either from Reagent Position screen or
Status Monitor screen.

2. On clicking Refresh Positions button, the following screen will be displayed.

User Interface 6-102

3. This screen would display only those positions which have an empty bottle placed at that
position. If there are no empty bottles on the reagent tray then “Refresh Positions” button
would be disabled.

4. In the above screen, select the position which needs to be refreshed and click on OK to
refresh the position.

5. Select Auto Reschedule all possible tests (only for Reagent positions) option to reschedule
the pending tests. Click OK once the required reagent positions are selected.

6. Click on All to select all positions at once and click on None to deselect.

7. Click on CANCEL to close the screen. Scan Pack

Scan Pack option remains enabled only in Test Loader System.

Scan pack option is used to scan the details of System Pack Reagent kits for Closed channel

On selecting this option reagent pack details will be displayed which contains Reagent name, Lot
number, Expiry date, Manufacturing date and number of reagent bottles with volume.

Click Status Monitor > Scan Pack > System Pack Details > Scan pack > following details will
get displayed.

6-103 User Interface

Click Register, system pack will get registered and messages will be displayed as "XL System
pack registered successfully" as shown below

When user scans the system pack from Scan Pack and if scanned Reagent code is not defined in
Consumables then following message will be displayed as " RGT Code Unknown " that means that
system pack is not registered by system.

User Interface 6-104

To scan the Special Card, Click Status Monitor > Scan Pack > System Pack Details > Scan
pack > following details will get displayed;

Click Register, card details will get registered and messages will be displayed as "XL System pack
registered successfully" as shown below

Open channel tests can also be loaded using special cards which may be
available for purchase from manufacture in special circumstances.

6.3.7 Search
Consumable is used to search the patient information, sample information, patient results,
consumables, test parameters, calibration results and control results.

6-105 User Interface

See the following section in more details:


Patient Results

Calib/Control Results


Tests Patient/Samples
Patient/Samples screen is used to search the patient and sample information.

User Interface 6-106

Enter any one or more parameters to search the required output:

Parameters Description
Patient Name Enter the patient name.
Patient ID Enter the patient ID.
Doctor Select the patient's doctor name.
Sample ID Enter the sample ID.
Sample Type Select the sample type from the list.
Collection Date Enter the date range on which the sample is collected.
Reg. Date Enter the date range on which the registration is done.

Use two or more combination from above parameters to make advance search.

After providing necessary inputs, press Search button. The search results will be displayed in the
grid. In the search result, you can able to see the name of the operator and the modified date in
Operator ID and Modified On column.

The above selection can be cleared using Reset button. Patient Results

Patient Results screen is used to search the patient results.

6-107 User Interface

Enter any one or more parameters to search the required output:

Parameters Description
Patient Name Enter the patient name.
Patient ID Enter the patient ID.
Doctor Select the patient's doctor name.
Flag Select the required flag from the list.
Test Select the required test from the list.
Sample Type Select the sample type from the list.
Sample ID Enter the sample ID.
Result Date Enter the date range.

Use two or more combination from above parameters to make advance search.

After providing necessary inputs, press Search button. The search results will be displayed in the
grid. Result Date column will displays results date along with time.

The above selection can be cleared using Reset button. Calib/Control Results

Calib/Control Results screen is used to search the calibration and control results.

User Interface 6-108

Select the required consumable type and then enter any one or more parameters to search
the required output:

Parameters Description
Lot No. Enter the consumable lot number.
Test Select the name of test from the list.
Flag Select the name of flag from the list.
Enter the date range.
Result Date From
During run, the date difference to view the records should
be 30 day.
Result Date To

There is a choice of searching the entire consumables or selecting one consumable at a time.

After providing necessary inputs, press Search button. The search results will be displayed in the
grid. Result Date column will displays results date along with time.

The above selection can be cleared using Reset button. Consumables
Consumable screen is used to search the consumable information.

6-109 User Interface

Select the required consumable type and then enter any one or more parameters to search
the required output:

Parameters Description
Manufacturer Select the list of manufacturer from the list.
Enter the expiry date range.

This is not applicable to Blanks, Diluent or Wash Solution.

Expiry Date

Lot No. Enter the lot number.

Whole word Select any one search option, as appropriate.

After providing necessary inputs, press Search button.

The above selection can be cleared using Reset button. Tests
Test screen is used to search the tests parameter details according to the specified inputs.

User Interface 6-110

Enter any one or more parameters to search the required output:

Parameters Description
Primary Wavelength Select the required primary wavelength.
Secondary Wavelength Select the required secondary wavelength.
Assay Type Select the assay type
Curve Type Select the curve type.
Reaction Direction Select the appropriate reaction direction from the available options.

After providing necessary inputs, press Search button.

The above selection can be cleared using Reset button.

6.3.8 Reports
Reports is used to view the patient reports, error log details, reaction curve, reagent consumption,
ISE calibration, sample information, patient results, consumables, test parameters, calibration
results and control results etc.

See the following screen for more details:

Patient Reports

Result Reprint

Test Statistics

6-111 User Interface

Calibration Trace

Calibration Monitor

Error Log

Reaction Curve

Other Patient Reports

Patient Reports screen is used for viewing and printing the patient reports. The reports can be view
as per the following search criteria:

Patient Name wise

Sample ID wise

Test wise

Doctor wise

Patient ID wise

See the following screen.

See the following section for more details:

User Interface 6-112

The patient records are displayed according to the required selection.

Parameters Description
From and To This option is used to select the date range.
If the user selects Location, then Patient Reports related to that Location
Location can be viewed depending on the From and To date selected. Click on
SHOW to display the selected reports.
It is possible to search the patient results batch wise. Patient Records are
Batch displayed depending on the batch number selected. Click on SHOW to
display the selected reports.
Select the sample ID by entering initial characters of the sample ID, and
then click on SHOW to display the selected report. This will displays the
Sample ID
patient report related to that sample ID, depending on the From and To date
Select the patient ID by entering initial characters of the patient ID, and
then click on SHOW to display the selected report. This will displays the
Patient ID
patient report related to that patient ID, depending on the From and To date
Select the doctor from the list. Click on SHOW to display the report. This
Doctor Name will displays the patient reports related to that Doctor, depending on the
From and To date selected.

Select the required test by clicking on button. After test selection,

Test click on SHOW to display the report. This will displays the patient reports
depending on the From and To date selected.
Select the patient name by entering initial characters of the patient name,
and then click on SHOW to display the selected report. This will displays
Patient Name
the patient report related to that sample ID, depending on the From and To
date selected.

Select any one relevant option to display the results

Photometric Tests: If the user selects this option, then only photometric test results are
displayed. By default, this option is selected.

Calculated Items: If the user selects this option, then only calculation item results are

Offline Results: If the user selects this option, then only Offline Entry results are displayed.

ISE Results: If the user selects this option, then only ISE Results are displayed.

Rerun Results: If the user selects this option, and then only Rerun results are displayed.

Recalculated Results: If the user selects this option, then only Recalculated Results are

All: If the user selects this option, then all results (Photometric Test, Offline Results, ISE
Results, Rerun Results) are displayed.

Select the Report Options to display the following information on printed reports

6-113 User Interface

The report options will be memorized once the patient report is printed.

These memorized selections are made available as default selection for

subsequent use of the Patient Report screen, which can further be
changed by the user, as required.

Online Patient Report printing will also use these memorized options.

Using the reports options, you can customize the generated report outputs.

Print Lab Details: This option is used when the user needs to print the Lab details. Refer
section System Parameters for entering the lab details.
If the user has clicked on the Print Lab Details check box, then the Laboratory details are also
printed in reports.

Hide flags: This option is used when the user wants to print the Reports without printing the
associated flags. If this option is selected, the column Flag will not be displayed in the printed
patient report.

In the printed report, the up and down arrow will be displayed if H and L
flag is attached with sample result.

The up and down arrow with H and L flag will be displayed even if the
option Hide Flags is selected in the Report Options in Reports > Patient
Report screen.

Show Location: This option is used when the user wants to print the Reports with or without
.printing the Location details.

Show Analyst: This option is used when the user wants to print the Reports with or without
printing Analyst details.

Show Sample Remarks: This option is used when the user wants to print the Reports with or
without printing the Sample Remarks.

Show Patient Remarks: This option is used when the user wants to print the Reports with or
without printing the Patient Remarks.

The labels Location, Analyst, Sample and Patient Remarks are not printed on
the report if the user de-selects them in Patient Reports.

User Interface 6-114

Patient report formats

Different patient report formats are available.


This is a basic report format. The order of printing results of photometric tests, calculated
items and ISE can be set from the Test Sequence screen using PRINT SEQUENCE FOR

Multi Column

This format facilitates to print patient results in two-columnar format, like newspaper. See
figure below.

6-115 User Interface


If the user has selected profiles for scheduling tests from Patient Entry screen, then the user
can print Patient Reports as per the various Profiles selected.

User Interface 6-116


Patient results and defined reference ranges are graphically represented in this format. Refer to
following figure for example.

6-117 User Interface Result Reprint

Result Reprint screen is used to retrieve and print the results date wise or for the last batch.

After selecting the required parameters, click SHOW to display the results.

See the following screen.

See the following section for more details:

Parameters to display results in date wise or batch wise

Parameters Description
Last Batch Select this option to display the results of the latest batch.
Select this option to display results for a specific date or range of dates.
Date wise
Then select the From and To dates from the calendar drop-down list.

Search results by selecting the following parameters

Parameters Description
Select appropriate option to view the details.
Patient or
Controls or During run, maximum 7 days data will be displayed for
Calibrations patients and maximum 30 days data will be displayed for
controls and calibration.

User Interface 6-118

Select this option to display results for a specific date or range of dates.
Date wise
Then select the From and To dates from the drop-down calendar.
Patient Name Select the patient name by entering initial characters of the patient name.
Patient ID Select the patient ID by entering initial characters of the patient ID.
Sample ID Select the sample ID by entering initial characters of the sample ID.
On selecting this checkbox, the patient records of all the dates present in
Any Date
the database are displayed.

Print patient name, ID and lab details on printed reports

Parameters Description
If you want to print the lab details on the printed patient report, check this
Print Lab Details
option and then click on Print button.
On checking this option, the additional column Patient ID and Patient Name
Print Pat ID,
column will be displayed on the print report in the landscape orientation. If
this option is not selected, the report will be generated in portrait orientation.

Command buttons

Parameters Description
This button is visible only if the Host Connection in System Parameter
screen is checked. This button is used for sending the results to the LIS (if
they were not transmitted during run).
Send to Host
For any test containing "µ" in unit, "µ" gets transmitted as
"u" to LIS. User should avoid using uni-code characters like
"µ" in other fields, transferable to LIS.
Print This button is used for printing the Results on printer or PDF writer.
Export This button is used for export the Results on an excel sheet.
Use this button to invert the selection that is made. Clicking on this button
Inv. Selection
will select the unselected items and vice verse.
Select All Use this button to select all the results displayed on screen.

Use the filter data options to filter patient’s results

Parameters Description
Test Displays results as per selected test from list.
Sample ID Displays results as per selected sample ID from list.
Batch Displays results as per batch number selected from list.

Total Tests: This field displays the total number of tests performed for the selected criteria

Total Tests count will be refreshed only on click of SHOW button and not on
click of check box of every row in the grid showing data.

Description of each column displyed in the grid

6-119 User Interface

Column Name Description

Sample ID Displays the sample ID of the patient
Patient Name Displays the patient name
Test Displays the test name
Result Displays the test result
Unit Displays the test unit
Flag Displays the flag associated with the test result
Result Date Displays the date on which the test was performed
Curve No. Displays the reaction curve number.

To view the reaction curve, double-click on the Reaction Curve number in the
column “Curve #”. A new window with the curve and reading points displayed.
Click on “Close” button to close this window and go back to the Result
Reprint screen.

This facility is available when the batch run is not in progress. Test Statistics

Test Statistics screen is used to view the test statistical details of batch run. Based on the selection,
results will be displayed..

User Interface 6-120

See the following section for more details:

Parameters for Selection

Parameters Description
Date From Enter the beginning date for the results to be analyzed.
Date To Enter the ending date for the results to be analyzed.
Use this option to view the results batch wise. Batch number will be
displayed only when date is same.
Select the test name to view its statistics. Results of the selected test
Test which is performed on the analyzer is displayed according to Patients,
Controls or Calibration selection.
Select this option if test statistics for a particular age group is required.
Enter age range and press Filter button to get the result.
Select this option if test statistics for a particular test value is required.
Enter age range and press Filter button to get the result.
In case, the user requires the laboratory details to appear as header on the
Print Lab Details
Test Statistics report, then select this option.
Use this option to view result statistics of specific rows displayed on the
screen. Then enter the range of rows in the Start From and End To.
Use this option to specify patient name/consumable for which you want to
Patient Name obtain the statistics. Then enter first few characters of the patient or
consumable name.

6-121 User Interface

Statistical Details

Normal Range: Displays the total number of results that were within the normal range defined in
the Reference Ranges screen.

Above Normal Range: Displays the total number of results that were above the normal range
defined in Reference Ranges screen.

Below Normal Range: Displays the total number of results that were below the normal range
defined in the Reference Ranges screen.

Not defined: Displays the total number of results whose reference ranges were not defined in the
Reference Ranges screen.

Total Tests: Displays the total number of results/absorbance’s available.

N: Displays the total number of tests used for calculating the Mean, SD and %CV for a test.

Mean: Displays the average of the result/absorbance that has been selected (checked).

SD: Displays the Standard Deviation of the result/absorbance that has been selected.

%CV: Displays the %CV (coefficient of variation) of the result/absorbance that have been selected

Range: Displays the Range of the results that fall within the selected criteria. It shows the
difference between the minimum and maximum range for the same.

Sr#: Use this button to select the range of results/absorbance’s for which you want to obtain the
statistics. Enter the range in Start From and End To textbox. Once the range is entered, click on
Calc button to obtain the statistics.

Command Buttons

Select All: This button is used to select all the sample records for a test.

Invert Selection: This button is used to clear all the selections.

Print: This button is used for printing the Test Statistics for the selected Test in Report format.

Export: This button is used to export the Test Statistic details into the excel sheet and saved in
location C:\MultiXLLOG\TestStatistics.

Calc: This button is used to recalculate the statistics in the other grid at the left-bottom corner of
the screen; as per the result data displayed in screen (based on the sub-filters, such as Sr#,
applied to the result data).

Reset: This button reset the values entered in the Start From and End To textbox. Calibration Trace

Calibration Trace screen is used for displaying the calibration history of a test along with the
graphical representation of calibration data over one month.

See the following figure:

User Interface 6-122

This table describes the description of each parameters:

Parameters Description
It is used for selecting the desired test whose calibration history needs to be
Test Name
It is used for selecting the month and the year for the test whose calibration
history needs to be viewed. Once the test and the month selection are done,
the grid displays the different calibration dates and time along with the
Month and Year
absorbance’s for blanks and standards. Also, a graphical representation of the
Blanks and Standards can be viewed.]
Blank: It is used to change the range of blank absorbance.

Blank It is used to change the range of blank absorbance.

It is used to change the range of standard /calibrator absorbance.

Standard/Calibrator Use Reset button to reset the range for blank, standard and calibrator
absorbance to range according to the minimum and maximum absorbance of
the blanks, standards and calibrators.

Use Export button to export the data and graph displayed on screen to an excel sheet.

Use Print button to print the data and graph displayed on screen. Calibration Monitor

Calibration Monitor screen is used to view the latest calibration details of all the tests at the same

See the following screen.

6-123 User Interface

Following table displays the description of each column in the grid.

Column Description
Test Test name
Curve Type Type of Curve assigned for that chemistry
Type Either Blank or Standard S1,S2…etc
Consumable Name of the consumable
Lot# Lot no. of consumable used
Conc. Concentration of the consumable
Abs. Absorbance of the Blank/Standard
Factor Factor value of the standards
Calib. Exp Calibration Expiry Limit (in Days)
Acceptable Limit Acceptable Limit for New Factor

Use Export to export the calibration data to desired location.

Use Print to print the calibration data. Error Log

Error Log screen is used to display the list of errors that is occurred during machine operation. The
list of errors can be filtered according to the type of operation by selecting option All, Run, Service,
Maintenance and Host. This data is generally useful for service/diagnostic purposes.

User Interface 6-124

1. Select the date range by changing the From and To date.

2. Select the operation (All, Run, Service, Maintenance, or Host operations) during which the
errors occurred.

3. Click on Show button to view all the errors.

4. Use Error Code drop down list is used to filter the records as per requirement.

5. In the grid following are the different fields present:

Date – Date and Time of the occurrence of the error.

Batch No – Batch number during run, in which the error occurred.

Error Code – Displays the error code to identify the type of error occurred.

Description – Description of the error occurred.

Action – Action taken on the error occurrence is displayed in this column.

The column “Action” represents the severity of the error, which is as follows:

Pause-P states that the sampling will be paused on occurrence of such errors
during run. User may take corrective action and resume sampling by clicking on
the Resume button from Status Monitor.

Pause-R states that the sampling will be paused on occurrence of such errors
during run. On occurrence of such errors, resume sampling in same batch is not

6-125 User Interface

possible. Once the results of all the tests in progress are declared, the batch run
will stop. When the batch run is completed, user should take corrective action and
then start the run again.

STOP states that the analyzer will stop the batch run immediately on occurrence
of such errors.

Errors having blank Action states that they are warnings.

Error description is displayed along with the date and time.

6. To print the details of the error log, user can click on Print button.
7. Use EXPORT button to save the records in the excel sheet. On clicking, the details will be
automatically copied in the excel sheet and the file is saved in the particular location. The
location will be displayed in the Indication text box. Reaction Curve

Reaction Curve screen can be used to view the reaction course (absorbance vs. cycle number) for
any reaction.

The reaction curve can be viewed test wise and sample ID wise for patient results or Test wise and
Consumables wise for Blank, Standard/Calibrator and Control Results.

Click on the dotted button near the test text box to select the requiredtest. Click on the dotted button
near the Sample ID text box or consumable text box to select Sample ID or Consumable

Use crossed button to clear the respective selection criteria in the adjoining text box, as required.
See the following figure.

Alternatively, one can also search a specific curve number by ticking Search By Reaction Curve
No. check box and then entering the reaction curve number in Curve No. text box (It allows to enter
up to 9 digits). The user has to click on SHOW to view the reaction curve as per selection.

Reaction curve number is a unique serial number assigned by the program during analysis. The
reaction curve number can be obtained from the Result Reprint screen. The absorbance values for
the selected time course are displayed in a tabular format as well as graphically.

M1S, M1E, M2S, M2E and Extended M2E and also Ap, As, Ap-As for a particular chemistry are
shown on the time course. These points can be identified by legends placed below the time course.

R2 addition line is shown with the red arrow.

The time course display also contains the following details regarding that reaction curve.

Result: It displays the result of the test selected.

User Interface 6-126

Flag: It displays the flag associated with the Result.

Primary Wavelength: It displays the primary wavelength to be used for measurement of that test,
as set in the Test Parameter > Test Details screen.

Secondary Wavelength: It displays the secondary wavelength to be used for measurement of that
test, as set in the Test Parameter > Test Details screen.

Assay Type: It displays the Assay Type for that test, as set in the Test Parameter > Test Details

Average O.D./Delta Abs/min: It displays the Average O.D. for End Point Assays or Delta Abs/min
value for Rate Assays; calculated within the specified time intervals for that test. .

Format: It allows selecting either to display in the graph only Ap (Absorbance at Primary
Wavelength) or only As (Absorbance at Secondary Wavelength) or both Ap and As or Ap-As or All.

An explanation of various columns shown in the table is given below:

Column Name Description

Cycle Absorbance cycle numbers are displayed in this column.

Absorbance of the reaction mixture at primary wavelength after

subtraction of cuvette blank absorbance at primary wavelength.

Absorbance of the reaction mixture at secondary wavelength after

subtraction of cuvette blank absorbance at secondary wavelength

The difference in absorbance at primary and secondary wavelength after

Ap-As subtraction of cuvette blank absorbance (that is, it is the difference of
Ap and As).

Click on to zoom in / zoom out the Y axis (Absorbance) scale to enlarge the graph within the
minimum and maximum absorbance for that curve. Click twice on the Reaction Curve graph to obtain
a zoomed view. Double-click again to zoom out.

6-127 User Interface

Following are the other buttons present on screen:

Use navigation buttons to view the previous or next reaction curve number details.

PRINT: Click on this button to print the reaction curve details along with the graph.

EXPORT: Click on this button to export the selected reaction curve details along with the graph to
the specific location. After exporting the data successfully, the file name along with the path is
displayed as a message as well as in Indication text box in the bottom of the screen.

CLEAR: Click on this button to remove the details of the selected reaction curve number. Other
Reagent Consumption screen in used to display the following information:

Total consumption of reagents

ISE calibration details

Reagent Bottle History

Use SHOW to view the data over the selected date range.

Use PRINT to print the report.

Use EXPORT to export data in excel sheet. Excel sheet is saved in the location C:\MultiXLLOG\ in
the *.XLS format.

Reagent Consumption

User Interface 6-128

Reagent Consumption option is used to view the total number of times the each test are
performed for Patient, Calibrator (including Blank and Standards) and Control on the analyzer.

You can obtained the required data by selecting Reagent Consumption radio button and
entering date range. After selecting date, press SHOW to display the data.

See the following screen.

ISE Calibration

ISE Calibration option is used to display the ISE calibration details.

Select ISE Calibration radio option. This will displays the calibration details on the screen.

Use PRINT or EXPORT, as appropriate.

6-129 User Interface

Reagent Bottle History

Using this option, you can view list of discarded / Non Discarded / ALL reagent bottles. The data
can be obtained by selecting date range in the From and To drop-down list.

To view the Discarded / Non-Discarded / ALL bottles, go to Reports > Others and select Reagent
Bottle History option, select required date range,select option Discarded / Non-Discarded / ALL
from drop down list as shown in below figure.

User Interface 6-130

Then click on SHOW. Following screen with data will be displayed.

6-131 User Interface

In Bottle no. column, the first three digits denote the Lot no. whereas the next
four digits denote the Bottle no. of the reagent bottle.

Pack Details

This option is used to give details of System Pack Reagent kits. User can view list of details as
Pack no, Reagent name, Register date, Lot no, Mfg date, Expiry date, Open count no, Volume
scanned from pack up to 2 decimal, Bottle type, Bottle no, Discard status and date. The data can
be obtained by selecting date range in the From and To drop-down list.

To view the Pack details, go to Reports > Others > Pack Details option,select required date
range and then click on SHOW. The following screen with data will be displayed.

Open Test Count Details

This option provides details of open test count after registry of system packs and special cards.
User can view the list of details as Pack no, Reagent name (for special card it shows as CARD),
Registration date, Expiry date, Validity, Open Counts, Open Counts Balance and expiry of card.
The sorted data can be obtained by selecting ALL / Expired / Balance from drop-down list.

To view the Open Test Counts, select Reports > Others > Open Test Count Details, select
required options from ALL / Expired / Balance and click SHOW. The respective details will be
Validity (days) If available on reagent pack / card, then it will be stored for expiry of days counts
loaded from the respective pack.In case, validity of Open-counts is not available from reagent
Packs / cards then it consider as no-expiry for those Open counts.

User Interface 6-132

Open test counts will get incremented after registered of reagent packs or special cards.
System will consume the Open Test Counts in the order of their Expiry. Thus, open test counts
without Expiry (from existing packs) will be consumed at the end. It will not use Open counts after
respective Expiry (validity) & before its scan-date.
Open-channel tests will be allowed only till open counts is available

6.3.9 Master
Master menu is used to enter the master details such as area, doctor, analyst, laboratory,
manufacturer, reference range, unit, calculation formula and instrument.

See the following sections for more details:






Reference Range


Calculation Formula

6-133 User Interface


Unit Conversion Area
Area screen is used to enter the area (Location) from which the samples are collected. This list of
area is available in Patient Entry screen and hence for each patient a particular area can be
selected. This selected area (location) is printed in Patient Report. Doctor
Doctor screen is used to enter the name and demographics of referring doctor. This list of doctor is
available in Patient Entry screen and hence for each patient a particular doctor can be selected.

User Interface 6-134 Analyst
Analyst screen is used to enter the name and demographics of analyst. This list of analyst is
available in Patient Entry screen and hence for each patient a particular analyst can be selected.

6-135 User Interface Laboratory
Laboratory screen is used to enter new or edit the existing laboratory name with their details. These
details will be printed as a header in the patient reports.

There is always a default row with laboratory name as My Laboratory marked with ** sign. This row
cannot be deleted but it can be edited. The name and address of this row is printed as header in the
patient reports.

This list of laboratory is available in Utility > Offline Results screen and hence for each patient a
particular laboratory can be selected.

User Interface 6-136 Mfg
Mfg screen is used to enter new or edit the existing manufacturer name. This list of manufacturer is
available in Consumables screen and hence for each consumable a particular manufacturer can be

There is always a default manufacturer present marked with ** sign. This row can’t be deleted but it
can be edited that is the name can be changed.

6-137 User Interface Reference Range

Reference range screen is used to enter the min and max years/months/days for a reference range.
This list of reference range is available in test Reference Ranges screen and hence for each test a
particular reference range can be selected and the min / max values can be entered.

There is always a default row present marked with ** sign. This row can’t be deleted, it can only be

User Interface 6-138 Unit
Unit screen is used to enter the unit. This list of units will be displayed in Test Details and
Calculated Item screen and hence for each test a particular unit can be selected.

6-139 User Interface Calculation Formula

Calculation Formula screen is used to enter calculation formula. This list of calculation formula is
available in Calculation Item screen and hence for each calculation item a particular calculation
formula can be selected.

Commonly (or frequently) used calculation formula are provided as default list. New formula can be
added to list, as required.

User Interface 6-140 Instrument
Instrument screen is used to enter instrument details. This list of instrument will be displayed in
Offline Results screen and hence for each offline result a particular instrument can be selected on
which result was measured.

6-141 User Interface Unit Conversion

Unit conversion option is used to convert the unit of defined (default) test with appropriate factor.

1. Select the Unit conversion > from Master > there are radio buttons >Test and Calculated Item
and Check box for General > select TEST tab.

User Interface 6-142

2. Select the test from the drop down list. From unit is mandatory and non editable, To unit > Select
the unit from the drop down list, Enter the appropriate factor for conversion.
3. Select Save > Test grid displays the test for which unit to be converted.

4. To convert unit for Calculated Item > Select the Calculated Item tab > from drop down list, select
the the calculated item, From unit is mandatory and non editable, To unit > to convert the unit
from the drop down list, Enter the appropriate factor to conversion.

6-143 User Interface

5. Select Save > Calculated Item grid displays the test for which unit to be converted.

6. Tick the check box General for unit applicable to all tests and calculated items.

User Interface 6-144

7. Select From Unit from drop down list > Select To Unit from drop down list
8. Click Save> General grid displays the unit to be converted which is applicable to all tests and
calculated items.

9. Preloaded unit conversions are displayed in their respective grids.

6-145 User Interface

Unit Conversion can be also uploaded from CD via Parameter Management.

6.3.10 Utility
Utility allows user to perform the following operations:

Defining reagent bottles in different positions on reagent tray.

Taking full and selective database backup

Printing patient report (offline)

Recalculate results after result analysis

See the following screen for more details:

Reagent Positions


Offline Results


User Interface 6-146 Reagent Position

Reagent Position screen is used to define reagents bottles on Reagent Tray. See section Defining
Non Barcoded Reagents for more details.

If the reagent bottles are bar-coded, then they do not need to define positions as they are
automatically updated and displayed after the Reagent Barcode Scan. Reagent volume will be
updated automatically when the Volume Scan is performed through Status Monitor.

Also, using this screen you can also edit or clear the defined reagent positions.

See the following screen:

See the following screen option in details:

Clear position :Clear Position used to clear the defined reagent positions on the reagent tray. There
are two sub options:

All: To clear all the position on the reagent tray

Selective: To clear the specific position on the reagent tray.

Edit Position :Use this option to add or alter the reagent definition at a specific position.

Refresh Positions :This is used to notify the availability of reagent in the reagent bottle(s) on the
reagent tray. During the run, when a reagent bottle is detected as empty bottle (no volume) then such
reagent position is de-activated and not used for further aspiration of reagent. Replace the empty
reagent bottle on the reagent tray with the filled reagent bottle. Then use this option to notify the

6-147 User Interface

reagent availability to the system.

Scan pack: This option is used to scan the details of System Pack Reagent kits for Closed channel
reagents. Refer section Scan Pack for more details.

Transfer To Tube: This option is used to utilize tube by transferring reagent from scanned barcoded
reagent bottle to tube. For details refer section Transfer To Tube

Keys – Empty Bottle and Expired Lot: These keys indicate the meaning of the white and red
background color used for the rows of the positions grid displayed in the screen.

Empty Bottle: When a row is highlighted with white background color, it indicates that the
reagent volume at that position has become zero during run.

Expired Lot: An expired reagent lot on the reagent tray is highlighted with red background
color. The expired reagent is not aspirated during run. However, volume scan will be performed
for the position(s) having expired lot.

Expiry date of reagent bottle is compared with batch run start date, to decide
whether or not to aspirate the reagent during run.

The parameters in the grid are shown below:

Parameters Description
Position Reagent positions on Reagent Tray.
Reagent Reagent name.
Type Reagent type (R1/R2).
Bottle Type Bottle type of the reagent (Large / Small / Tube).
Rgt Vol (ml) Reagent volume scanned (ml).
Lot No. Lot number of the selected reagent
Expiry Date Expiry date of reagent as defined in consumables / read from barcode
Barcode Barcode label read on Reagent Barcode Scan.
“-“in this column indicates manual definition of reagents.
Stability Onboard stability period as defined in consumables.
Unit Unit of the stability period, hours/days as defined in Consumables. Transfer To Tube

Transfer To Tube option is used to allow tube in place of scanned barcoded reagent bottle.

Transfer To Tube option is available ONLY in Test Loader System.

Use “Transfer to Tube” option before starting the batch run.
During run, this option remains disabled.

Procedure for Transfer To Tube:

1. Scan barcoded reagent bottle from which you want to use reagent in the tube.Analyzer will get
details of reagent bottle on scan.
Barcode scan of each reagent bottle is required ONLY ONCE.

User Interface 6-148

Ensure, the reagent pack from which you removed the bottle, is already scanned with
Test Loader Device.
2. Once barcode is scanned, fill the reagent into tube from scanned barcoded bottle only.
3. Place this tube at the place of same bottle position.
4. Click Utility > Reagent Position > Transfer To Tube.

5. Select the scanned reagent bottle position from which reagent to be transferred to tube
6. Click Transfer To tube. Reagent position box appears.

8. Select the reagent position and Click OK.

9. Do not keep the same reagent (in bottle/tube) at multiple positions in reagent tray.In case, same
reagent is kept at multiple positions following message will be displayed.

Clear the other alternative position.

10.Click OK. Click Reagent position, reagent which is transferred to tube now appears in bottle

6-149 User Interface

type as Tube.

11.Ensure sufficient reagent in tube to complete the run.If reagent is not sufficient then fill the tube
from same reagent bottle (scanned in step 1).
In case scanned reagent bottle is over, scan another bottle from same system pack, follow the
procedure for Transfer To Tube to continue run.
In case all bottles of same system pack is consumed, scan new system pack (Refer section
Scan Pack for more details) and then follow the procedure for Transfer To Tube to continue run.
12.Start the RUN, analyzer will use reagent from tube to complete the run.
13.Before starting the next batch RUN, check if reagent in tube is sufficient to complete the run
otherwise fill the reagent from earlier scanned bottle into tube and start run.

Alternate, Expired and Discarded bottles of selected Reagent/Test will be

treated as Multiple Bottles and will be cleared during barcode scan.
If bottle associated with Tube is discarded then barcoded bottle of same
reagent on other positions will not be cleared.

Once Transfer To Tube is saved it cannot be reverted (it will be displayed in

Grey color)

If user wants to deselect this position then use either Clear Position option or
can keep any barcoded bottle on that position so that respective tube position
will be replaced by barcoded bottle after barcode scan.

Reagent Barcode Scan (Offline/Pre-Run/Add Reagent during run)

After Reagent Barcode Scan, Reagent Position marked with Transfer to Tube will be retained
across the batch till user either manually modifies the position or scans bar-coded Reagent bottle
on that position.

During Volume Scan

During Volume Scan, like bottle; when Reagent Absent, VOD or Liquid Level found different etc. is
reported then add respective tube Position to Refresh List; such that Tube is not used till user
refreshes the position (after taking appropriate action like fill tube from respective scanned bottle,
remove froth/bubble etc).

Track Reagent in Tube During RUN

System will track reagent volume used in tube for new as well as used reagent bottles.

System will report reagent absent based on volume availability.

If reagent volume in bottle is over, then associated bottle gets discarded.

User Interface 6-150

Tube is not allowed for discarded reagent bottle, until next barcoded bottle is scanned. Backup
Backup screen is used to take the backup of the patient database and to copy data to external
storage device.

See the following screen for more details:

Backup Operations

Copy Data to External Storage Device

System Backup Restore Backup Operations

Backup Mode: The display changes according to the selection and provides necessary guidance to
perform the operation.

Two options are available. Full Backup and Selective Backup. Only full backup is re-storable.
Selective backup is used to extract partial data for reference and cannot be restored back.

Backup Format: This drop down list is used to select the Mode of Backup. Available options are
Text, XML, XLS, and CSV. These options are available if the Selective Backup option is selected.

XML: This mode of backup stores the Backup Parameters in XML format

Text: This mode of backup stores the Backup Parameters in Text format

6-151 User Interface

XLS: This mode of backup stores the Backup Parameters in Excel format

CSV: This mode of backup stores the Backup Parameters in Excel format.

The option Database will be displayed if Full Backup option is selected. Using this option, a backup
file of complete database is created in .BKP format along with .ARH file (.ARH file is a full backup of
Archived data).

Backup Path: Click on the Browse button to select the path or directory where the Parameters will
be backed up. It is not recommended to take the backup on the desktop.

Database: This mode of backup copies the entire database and stores it on the hard disk at the path
selected by user using Browse button.

Backup Option: A list of parameters is available for Backup if the user selects the Selective Backup
mode. The user can either check all the parameters using Backup Option/All checkbox or make a
selection individually using the checkbox placed against each parameter.

After the above operations have been done, click on Backup button to take a backup of selected

Take Full Backup periodically, to avoid loss of data in case of PC crash.

Store the backup file .BKP, created through Full Backup; in an external media
like CD/DVD.

Full MultiXL Database Backup and Log files are automatically archived in the C
drive under MultiXLLog folder, after every seven days before system shutting
down. Copy Data to External Storage Device

The option is provided to copy database backup, log files and exported report files on USB storage

On Windows Embedded 7 as Operating System, the USB storage device is blocked by default. To
copy data to USB storage device, log in as Administrator (windows user login) and run MultiXL.

Procedure to copy data on USB storage

1. Login as Administrator on the analyzer PC and start MultiXL software. (This step is only for
Windows Embedded 7 as Operating System on PC. It is not required for Windows XP and
Windows 7 Professional).

2. Insert the USB device.

3. Select Utility and click on Backup screen.

4. Following options are available to copy data on USB storage device. Select any one, as

Only Database: Database full backup, .bkp file will be copied to USB.

Only Log Files: Copy log files from the location C:\MultiXLLOG into USB device.

Both Log Files and Database: Both, Log files as well as Database as per specified
date, will be copied to the USB device. Following options are visible on selection.

User Interface 6-152


Analysis Data Required for Date

Folder To External Drive: The folder (along with its contents) selected from the
analyzer PC, termed as Source Location, will be copied to the USB device.

Exported Reports: System will copy all exported reports (present in designated folder
on hard disk drive) like Result Reprint, Test Statistics etc. to USB device.

Exported Reports: System will copy all exported reports like Result Reprint, Test
Statistics etc. to USB device.

5. User can select any one of the above options and select the Destination Location i.e. the
USB device.

6. Click the Copy Analysis Data button to copy data based on user selection.

7. On completion of data copy, message will be displayed as “Analysis data copied to the
destination location successfully” in the indication panel. System Backup Restore

System Backup Restore option is provided to take backup of setting files and database on any other
D / E drive (auto drive selected by system) except from the C drive.
System Backup will be taken on MultiXL Shut Down. After taking weekly backup, old database
backup will be removed from c:\MultiXLLOG_Backup
User can also take system backup manually by following steps;

1. Click Utility > Backup >

2. Go to System Backup Restore

6-153 User Interface

3. Backup Path is selected by the system.

4. Click on to take backup of setting, log and database files.

5. To Restore the files user needs administrative rights otherwise Restore button will remain

disabled . See Section User Rights for more details.

6. Run Database Utility to restore the backup of database. Refer section Database Utility Options Offline Results

Offline Results screen enables user to enter data for any patient without having to actually perform a
test on analyzer. In this case, the application software is simply used to print the patient report. See
the following screen:

User Interface 6-154

In case, if the result is entered for the test(s) that is available in test parameter then the result will be
saved with decimal places as defined in test parameter for the respective test. When the result is
entered for a new test i.e. for test that is not in test parameter; then the result will be saved with
decimal places as entered.

A description of the available parameters on this screen is as follows:

Item Description
Select the date for the patient result. It will always display the current date
by default.
By clicking on the dotted button, select the name of the Laboratory from
the available list. Use Master > Laboratory screen to add a new laboratory.
By clicking on the dotted button, select the name of the Instrument (from
Instrument the available list) on which the test is conducted. Add a new instrument
name from Master > Instrument screen.
By clicking on the dotted button, select the Sample ID, if already defined
Sample ID
from Patient Entry screen or directly enter the sample id in this textbox.
Sample Type The user can select the Sample Type from drop down list.
Enter the name of the patient. The name of the patient will be displayed
Patient Name
automatically if the Sample ID is selected from the dotted button.
Age It displays the patient’s age..
Category This list displays the Category (Gender) of the patient.
Select the required test name from drop down list or enter a new test name
up to 5 characters.

6-155 User Interface

Report Name Enter the Report Name of the selected test, for printing in Patient Report
Unit Select / enter the Unit of measurement for the test.
Normal Lower Limit Enter the Lower Limit of the Normal Reference Range for the Test. By
default, the reference range will be displayed when the test available in
Test Parameter is selected from the list of Tests.
Normal Upper Limit Enter the Upper Limit of the Normal Reference Range for the Test. By
default, the reference range will be displayed when the test available in
Test Parameter is selected from the list of Tests.
Result Enter the result for the Test.
Flag Enter the Flag associated with the Result.

On clicking PRINT button, the patient report will be generated. Recalculate
Recalculate screen is useful in recalculating results if any changes are made in the test parameters
or calibration data after analysis. This is particularly useful because one does not have to rerun a
sample if a mistake was made in test parameters or the calibration table.

Recalculate screen is not available during batch run.

Results of deleted sample IDs cannot be re-calculated.

Results of the test(s) having flags for Sample/Reagent absent cannot be re-

User Interface 6-156

To obtain recalculated result:

1. Select Result Date or Batch number or Test or Sample ID.

Sample ID textbox will be disabled if option Calibration or Control radio button is selected.

2. Select Patients or Calibration or Controls, as appropriate.

3. Click on SHOW button to view all the results.

4. Select the result(s) for which re-calculation is required. Click on the Recalculate button. The
re-calculated result and flag (revised as per re-calculated value) are displayed along with the
original result and flag.

5. Recalculated test results can be sent to Host by selecting the results and clicking on the
Send To Host button.
Send To Host button will be available if:
Patient or Control option is selected for showing results.
Host Connection option is activated in System Parameters screen.

During run, the Send to Host button is not available in the Re-calculated screen
and Result Reprint screen.

The option ‘Ignore Limits to Re-calculate Results’, allows user to display the
recalculated result with ignoring limit flags.
If this option is not selected, NA will be displayed in the Result column.

6.3.11 Service Check

Only authorized technical service personnel should operate this screen.

The options in the Service Check are not accessible if any maintenance/batch
run operation is running through the maintenance/status monitor screen. In this
case, the status message will be displayed to the user.

When starting the Service Check activity, if dome is open (Level 1 and Level 2 )
then following warning message with alarm beep will be displayed and error
message will be reported in error display grid.

Service Check screen is used to perform the perform service related activities.

6-157 User Interface

See the following options:

Arm/Stirrer Alignment

This option Arm and Stirrer is used for checking the alignment of the arm probe or stirrer
assembly. Upon selecting the Arm or Stirrer option, the service personnel can check the
alignment of the respective assembly in trough, in sample tray (outer, middle and inner positions),
in reagent tray (outer positions and inner positions), in cuvette & in dilution cuvette. The operator
can check stirrer motor rotation speed at three different options.

User Interface 6-158

This will initialize the arm assembly as per the available options selected from the list.

Dummy Run
On clicking this button, user can define the Sample, Diluent and reagent position. After defining
the respective positions, on clicking START button, Dummy run is initiated. On clicking STOP
button, Dummy run can be stopped when required.

This will move the respective assembly in the selected path. This is used to check the motion of
an arm assembly in a particular path. Also for checking the opto conditions.

Sample/Reagent Tray

This will initialize the SRGT tray and bring it to its home position.

This will move the SRGT tray in one micro steps, each time the button is clicked.

Barcode Scan
This will scan all the inner and outmost positions of SRGT tray and will display the scanned
barcode details. After scanning, a barcode image will be displayed below the Barcode Scan
button. On clicking, it will display the list of scanned barcode details with position numbers.

This option is also used to check the barcode scanner alignment and also for checking barcode

Rotate to Position
This is used to bring a specific Reagent or Sample container below the sample/reagent probe
pickup position. The required position can be selected from the available drop down list.

Rotor Tray

This will initialize the Rotor tray and bring it to its home position.

6-159 User Interface

This will move the Rotor tray in one micro steps, each time the button is clicked.

Rotate to
This is used to bring a specific well in front of photometer so as to check the centering of beam or
intensity of light falling from lamp. The required position can be selected from the available drop
down list.


This is used to turn on and turn off the halogen lamp.


This is used to initialize the selected syringe assembly.

You can check the ASPIRATE steps by entering the desired volume in the field provided. The
maximum volume that can be entered for ASPIRATION movement is 375ul.

You can check the DISPENSE steps by entering the desired volume in the field provided. The
maximum volume that can be entered for DISPENSE movement is 375ul.

Valve and Pump

These buttons are used to check the flow of water from the respective troughs and internal tubing.
The following options are available:

User Interface 6-160

Arm Trough Valve

Arm Probe Clean Valve

Waste Pump

RGT –Optional (used to read the SRGT tray temperature)

RCT Coil (used to read the Rotor tray temperature)

ARM Trough Valve: Turns ON or OFF the arm trough valve.

ARM Probe Clean Valve: Turns ON or OFF the arm probe clean valve.

Waste: Turns ON or OFF the waste pump.

READ: This button starts reading operation and given Temperature Display till Stopped.

STOP: This button should be clicked before moving out of next screen.

Status of all three temperature sensors are indicated as follows:

P - Present and within limits (36.8 ~ 37.2 ºC)

O - Out of Range (Less than 36.8C or Greater than 37.2 ºC)

L- Loose (This error will occur when there is any grounding problem of sensors)


This section is used to calibrate arm centering at various applicable positions. Pre-requisite for
this operation is to bring the arm to required position using the ARM options.

Clock Wise: Set direction of rotation for ARM as Clockwise.

Anti-Clock Wise: Set direction of rotation for ARM as Anticlockwise.

+++: This button allows Course step movement of ARM.

+: This button allows FINE step movement of ARM.

Accept: Saves the Course / FINE adjusted value of ARM in to local memory. Values are not
saved in Analyzer until “Save Calib.” Button is clicked.

6-161 User Interface

Cancel: Cancels the locally Accepted Value(s) of Course / FINE adjustment(s) of ARM.

Default: Cancels and reloads the default position of ARM at respective position of calibration.

Save Calib: This option is mandatory after calibrating the ARM. The locally Accepted values are
Saved in the Analyzer Non-volatile memory and are used by Analyzer henceforth.

Calibration Menu

The following options are displayed when this button is clicked:

Read Default Calibration: This option will transfer the new default data (if any) from the ESW
(CPU) to PC.

Read Current Calibration: This option will transfer the current data from the analyzer (i.e.

Load Default Calibration: This option is to load the default values from the PC to analyzer (i.e.

Show Current Calibration: This option will displays the current calibration values in the

Before doing calibration Read Default and Current Calibration Values, as

these values are required to check limits of calibration steps at respective
position of ARM.

Current Calib Backup: This option will take the backup of current calibration which is saved in
the EEPROM to PC.

Restore Current Calib Backup: This option will load the backup file onto the EEPROM of the


This option is used for checking the communication between PC and the analyzer. The service
personnel select the COM port and then click on the Check button.

Misc Commands

User Interface 6-162

This option helps to view the version numbers of MuliXL Software and Embedded Software
versions (Analyzer, Micro Blaze, FPGA). Click on this button, and then select “EMB Software
Version” which appears as shown below;

The software's and their corresponding version numbers will be displayed as shown below;

Emergency Stop

When the instrument is executing any service related functionality, at this point, if any malfunction
of assembly or sudden hazard is encountered, the user can take the following actions to
immediately put the instrument at halt.

The user can click on Emergency Stop button. This will stop or halt the functionality currently
being executed and displayed the respective error occurred on the screen.

The instrument will remain halt at the same condition where emergency stop had occurred. This is
to help the user to see the condition of instrument and verify the cause of the error. After
Emergency Stop command, the instrument will initialize all the assemblies. This initialization
ensures that all the assemblies are at their Home positions so as to begin the next command.

6-163 User Interface

In case the malfunction occurred is fatal and the instrument is not able to come to its stable state
then the user needs to switch OFF the Mains Switch provided on the right side of the instrument.
This will turn OFF the instrument and will not allow further hazard. The user can turn ON the
instrument again so as to restart the functionality.

6.3.12 Maintenance

During Maintenance activity when dome is open ( Level 1 and Level 2 ), then
following warning message with alarm beep will be displayed and error
message will be reported in error display grid.

See the following screen for more details:


Cell Blank

Maintenance Log

See the following screen for more details:

User Interface 6-164

During Run, the Maintenance screen is disabled. User can access this screen only
after completion of the ongoing Batch Run.

After completion of Start-Up Maintenance activity, User will get intimation of

completion of Auto Maintenance activity.

ISE operations on Maintenance screen remains disabled when there is no

communication between analyzer and PC. Maintenance
Maintenance is used to perform the routine maintenance of the analyzer.

See the following sections for more details.

Span (Auto and Manual)


Dead Volume Calibration

ISE Unit

Auto Maintenance Span (Auto and Manual)

Auto Span : This option is useful to view and adjust the photometer gains at different wavelengths.
The analyzer adjusts the photometer gains automatically if you select Auto Span option and click on
START button.

The gain should be in range 350 –900. If the gain obtained for any wavelength is not within the range,
it is highlighted with red background else if within range then with green background.

The photometer gains can also be adjusted manually, however it is not recommended.

6-165 User Interface

Manual Span: This option is useful to view the absorbance and voltages at different wavelengths. It
is also used to view the photometer stability at different wavelengths.

Before starting the Manual Span set, it is necessary to do one Auto Span set so
that a cuvette filled with DI water stands between the lamp and the

Use the following procedure for using manual span:

1. Select the required wavelength using which the absorbance and voltage needs to be checked.

2. Select the appropriate cuvette number from the Cuvette No. drop down list.

3. Click on Start button.

4. The continuous online update of voltage and absorbance takes place and is displayed on the

5. Click on Stop once the check is performed.

6. User can select another wavelength to check the voltage and the absorbance at the other
wavelength. Again user needs to click on Start to start the reading and Stop to stop the


Check the Rotor.

Change the rotor and check again.

Check the particular wavelengths and the photometer lamp.

Call the service engineer. Wash

Use the following wash maintenance commands.

User Interface 6-166

See the following wash commands in more details:

Rotor Check

Select this option to perform a rotor check operation for a rotor by clicking on the Start button.

When it is started, it will perform auto span operation. During auto span, it will check the gains for
all wavelengths. If the gains are not in range, then rotor check operation will be aborted, and the
rotor status will be displayed as “Gains not in range”. If the gains are in range, then it will check
absorbance for all 120 wells.

At the end of rotor check, software shows whether the rotor has passed the test or not. The cell
blanks are updated automatically and can be seen by clicking on the Cell Blank screen under
Maintenance menu. If the rotor checked is declared as fail, user can see cell blanks for each well
why the rotor has been shown as “Fail”. See section Cell Blank for more details.

Probe Wash

1. This option enables the operator to wash the Probe with Auto Wash AC (Acid) or Auto Wash
AL (Alkali) cleaning solution at the end of a day’s work or at beginning of the day. This
operation can be performed any time using this option.

2. Fill 10 ml cleaning solution in a reagent bottle and place it on position 1 in the SRGT tray. And
place empty 2 ml cups in position 4 and 6.

3. Select Probe Wash, and then click Start.

4. On clicking, the following message box will be displayed indicating the user for placing cleaning

5. Click OK.

On clicking, the probe wash procedure will be started.

6. After the action is completed the analyzer gets initialized.

6-167 User Interface

Use Auto Wash AC (Acid) or Auto Wash AL (Alkali) cleaning solution for
sample probe wash.

Prime Wash

This option is used at the beginning of the day, if user wants to have priming again. The syringe
valve of the Probe is kept ON and the Syringe pump is moved to extreme down position to remove
the air trapped inside the tubing’s and syringe pump.

The following operation occurs after the button is clicked:

1. Machine Initializes.

2. The syringe valve probe clean opens.

3. Syringe pump is taken to its extreme down condition.

4. Syringe valve is made ON/OFF several times to create turbulence for probe cleaning &
trapped air removal.

5. After approximately 2 minutes, Syringe pump is initialized for its home position & valve
made OFF. Dilution Calibration Factor

This option is a default factory set value. User cannot define and input these parameters. Dead Volume Calibration

This screen used to calibrate the Dead Volume for Sample Containers and Reagent Bottles. This
procedure should be carried out at time of software installation (application or analyzer embedded).

Use the following procedure to carry out the dead volume calibration:

For Reagent Bottle Calibration

The following steps should be done to carry out the reagent bottle calibration:

User Interface 6-168

1. Select the type of reagent bottle from the container type list.

2. Fill the exact volume in reagent bottle as specified for selected bottle type.

3. Keep the reagent bottle according to the position specified for selected bottle type.

4. Click on the Calibrate button.

5. If the reagent volume present in the specified reagent bottle is not approximately equal to the
volume with which it is to be calibrated, then message “Calibrated Value Out of Range of
Specified Value” is displayed.

6. If the calibration is within the range, a message “Dead volume calibration successful” is
displayed and automatically saved.

For Sample Cup/ Standard Cup Calibration

The following steps should be done to carry out the sample tube calibration:

1. Select the type of sample tube from the container type list.

2. Keep the sample tube according to position specified for selected bottle type.

3. Fill the exact amount of volume in the sample container as specified for dead volume.

4. Click on the Calibrate button.

5. Once the calibration process is completed then a message “Dead volume calibration
successful” is displayed and automatically saved.

For Default Calibration

6-169 User Interface

The following steps should be done to reset the dead volume calibration to default:

1. Click on Default button.

2. Select the container type from the list for which the dead volume calibration needs to be reset.

3. User can click on Ok to reset the selected containers.

If the Application Software is changed, then the Dead Volume Calibration

setting is updated automatically. It can also be updated from the instrument
from Service Check > Read Current command. If any hardware program is
changed, then the Dead Volume Calibration should be repeated again. ISE Unit

These options are used to perform the routine maintenance, purging, cleaning and calibration on the
ISE unit. This option is available only when ISE (Ion Selective Electrode) unit is installed on the

See the following ISE maintenance commands in more details:

Purge A

This is used to purge Calibrant A solution through the tubing from the reagent module to the ISE

User Interface 6-170

Module. The ISE Module pumps Calibrant A from the reagent module through the ISE Module to
wash out the flow path.

On successful PURGE A cycle, it is indicated by green colored box, if it is failed, then red colored
box will be displayed on the right side of the ISE maintenance screen.

Purge B

This is used to purge Calibrant B solution through the tubing from the reagent module to the ISE
Module. The ISE Module pumps Calibrant B through the ISE Module to wash out the flow path.

On successful PURGE B cycle, it is indicated by green colored box, if it is failed, then red colored
box will be displayed on the right side of the ISE maintenance screen.


This cycle is used to calibrate the electrodes (Na, K, Cl, and Li) of ISE Module. The ISE
calibration range is as follows:

Na : 52-64

K : 52-64

Cl : 40-55

Li : 47-64

On successful calibration cycle, if the values are in range, it is indicated by green colored box. If it
is not in range, then coral (deep pink) colored box will be displayed.

6-171 User Interface

On clicking SHOW REPORT, it will display the last 30 calibration values. See figure as shown


This command is used to remove protein build-up from the ISE Module electrodes. The Clean
command should be performed once per 24-hour period.

On successful operation, it is indicated by green colored box, if it is failed, then Coral (deep pink)
colored box will be displayed.

Pump Calibration

This cycle is used to calibrate the peristaltic pumps of the ISE Module. On successful operation,
it is indicated by green colored box, if it is failed, then Coral (deep pink) colored box will be

User Interface 6-172

Bubble Calibration

The bubble calibration command is used to allow the module to reestablish a baseline for
detecting air-liquid interfaces. It can also be used as a diagnostic tool to see if the bubble detector
is functioning properly.

On successful operation, it is indicated by green colored box, if it is failed, then Coral (deep pink)
colored box will be displayed.


This is used to clear fluid from the flow path of the ISE Module, and to pause the Sip Cycle.

The Sip Cycle is used to refresh the Calibrant A in front of the electrodes. Every 30 minutes after
the last sample is run, the ISE Module will automatically run a Sip Cycle. No command is
required from the host analyzer to initiate a Sip Cycle. The ISE Module automatically clears the
flow path, next the ISE Module dispenses 36 µL of Calibrant B into the Sample Entry Port, and it
pulls it past the electrodes using the waste pump. The ISE Module then dispenses 95 µL of
Calibrant A into the sample entry port, and positions it in front of the electrodes.

On successful operation, it is indicated by green colored box, if it is failed, then coral (deep pink)
colored box will be displayed.

Prime A

This command is used to prime Calibrant A solution from the reagent pack. It is performed after
installing the new ISE Reagent Pack.

Prime B

This command is used to prime Calibrant B solution from the reagent pack. It is performed after
installing the new ISE Reagent Pack.

Show Bubble Calibration

This command is used to display the bubble calibration values.

Show Last Slope Calculated

This command is used to display last calibration values for the Na, K, Cl, and Li.

6-173 User Interface

Show ISE Pump Calibration

This command is used to display the ISE pump calibration values.

Read ISE Calibration

This command is used to display the ISE module software version.

Following command buttons are provided for ISE:


Click on this button to start the ISE unit.

When this button is pressed, the system will check for the (calculated) volume of Calibrant A and
Calibrant B.

In case, if the remaining (calculated) volume of any Calibrant is less than 10% of the total Volume
then the message “ISE Reagent Pack Volume Low (Less than 10% of Total Volume)” will be
displayed in error grid and logged in the database. This message is only for the user information.

In case, if the remaining (calculated) volume of any Calibrant is below the respective threshold
level, then the alert message “ISE Reagent Pack Volume Very Low (Less than 3 Days Sip)” will
be displayed with red background in error grid.

Once the check is completed, the ISE reagent pack Lot Number and Expiry date will be
displayed. After this, you system is ready for processing the batch run and other maintenance


Click on this button to stop the ISE unit. Auto Maintenance

By default, the auto maintenance start-up actions are performed automatically at the beginning of the
day when the application is started first time. This is an automatic service action that does not
require manual intervention.

User Interface 6-174

When starting the Auto Maintenance activity, if dome is open ( Level 1 and
Level 2 ) then following warning message with alarm beep will be displayed
and error message will be reported in error display grid.

Ensure to close dome properly before proceeding.

During Auto Maintenance when dome is open ( Level 2 ), ARM movement will
be stopped immediately when activity requiring ARM movement is still
pending and error will be reported in error display grid.

This operation can be initiated any time from the Auto Maintenance from the Maintenance screen:

See the following procedure to perform auto maintenance and shutdown operation manually:

Initiate Auto Maintenance at Start-up

1. Select Start-Up.

2. Click Start.

On clicking, the following window will be displayed.


3. Click OK to continue with the maintenance.

This will start the auto maintenance operation.

Service actions during auto maintenance at Startup

1. Probe Wash with DI water externally and internally (automatic step)

2. Prime Wash (automatic step)

6-175 User Interface

These operation is initiated automatically when the analyzer and computer are
turned on for the first time each day.

Initiate Auto Maintenance at Shutdown

1. Select Shutdown.

2. Click Start.

On clicking, the following window will be displayed.

3. Put the required amount of cleaning solution on the mentioned reagent and sample
position, and then click OK. On clicking, the probe will check the level of wash solution. If
not enough wash solution found, it will abandon the operation.

Service actions during auto maintenance at Shutdown

1. Probe wash with DI water externally and internally (automatic step).

2. Probe wash externally and internally with wash solution (automatic step).

3. ISE clean

During auto-maintenance at shutdown, if any errors (such as VOD, Wash

solution absent, or Hardware related errors) are reported, then those error
will be saved in the MultiXL database which can be later viewed in Reports
> Error Log screen. Cell Blank

Cell Blank screen enables user to view the cuvette blank absorbance values (obtained with in air) at
any particular wavelength.

User Interface 6-176

This screen displays the cuvette blank for the requested wavelength. Wavelength can be selected by
the pull-down option provided on the left side of the screen. The navigation buttons to view the cuvette
blanks for the next and previous wavelength. There is also a GRAPH button available, through which
the cell blank reading for particular wavelength can be viewed in a graphical format.

The cuvette blank table consists of three sections:

Present Absorbance: It is the absorbance of the cuvettes with air measured after the last run or
Rotor check.

Previous Absorbance: It is the absorbance of the cuvettes with air measured after the second last
run or previous rotor check.

All dirty cuvettes will be skipped and no sampling will be done in dirty

Graph: On clicking this button, the user can view a graphical format of present absorbance obtained
at different wavelengths and also can view the graph for previous absorbance. A comparison of both
graphs can be done using ALL option.

6-177 User Interface

The maximum and minimum acceptable value of the cuvette blank absorbance can be set in the
Settings > System Parameter menu. If the absorbance of the cuvette blank exceeds the set
maximum blank absorbance, then that particular cuvette absorbance is indicated by Red font color.
On the other hand, if the absorbance of the cuvette blank is below the minimum acceptable
absorbance, then it is indicated by Blue font color.

The values on the cuvette blank value table display should be between minimum and maximum cell
blank range. Maintenance Log

Maintenance Log screen is used to review the maintenance operations performed on the analyzer
within specific period.

This screen shows the list of maintenance activities performed during the selected period with details
such as its status and source from which the activity was initiated.
The system records details like which activity is performed on what date, what was its source, and
what was the status.

Maintenance logs are extremely useful for troubleshooting purpose, as they provide a record of all
activity performed on the system and may shed light on hard-to-spot symptoms.
System keeps records of maintenance performed on the analyzer. To view the list, select date range
From and To.

List can be further filtered out according to Source, Activity and Status.
Source indicates the domain from where the maintenance activity is initiated. Sources can be
Maintenance screen, Shutdown screen, Application Start (start of application).
Activity indicates the type of maintenance operation performed.
Status indicates the status of activity, such as successful, unsuccessful, and performed.

User Interface 6-178

A : Select the date range.

B : Select the source from which the maintenance activity is initiated.
C : Select the type of maintenance activity.
D : Select the maintenance activity status.
E : Use Show for displaying records and Print to print maintenance report.
F : Click on the icon to view the list of error encountered during the operation.

6.3.13 Settings
Settings menu allows you to perform the following operations:

System Parameters

Carryover Pairs

Test Sequence

Re-run Flags

User Rights

Host Settings

6-179 User Interface System Parameters

Settings menu allows you to configure the behavior of the analyzer's hardware and application
software. These settings can be modified using EDIT button at the bottom of the screen.

Parameters Description
Displays the default laboratory name which will appear as header in the printed
Laboratory Name patient reports. The default laboratory name can be edited through Master
menu. See section Add Laboratory for more details.
It is used to change the software user interface language. Default language of
Default Language
the software is English. See section Setting UI language for more details.
This drop-down list is used for selecting the clearing of the input screens such
as Patient Entry, upon Save operation. The available options are Yes, No, and
User Confirmation.
On selecting option Yes, the screen will be cleared upon Save.
Clear Screen
upon Save On selecting option No, the screen will not be cleared upon Save and will
display the saved data. Click on CLEAR button in the respective screen to
add new data.
On selecting option User Confirmation; every time upon Save, user will be
prompted to choose the option to clear the screen.
Tick this check box to if you want to displays the alert message which will be
displayed on performing any critical operation such as SAVE or DELETE.
Default is checked.

User Interface 6-180

This check-box is used to automatically copy the calibration details across

test(s) with same assay type and specific curve type (either both linear or both
Auto Copy
nonlinear requiring the same number of calibrators); sharing the same Reagents.
This option will be useful for the test(s) created using COPY TEST option in
Test Parameter screen.
This option allows the user to print the Patient Report automatically during the
batch run, as soon as all the results of a sample are available. Patient Report
can be printed with or without the header.
Normal with Header
Normal without Header
Multicolumn with Header
Multi column without Header
Profile with Header

Patient Report Profile without Header

Graphical with Header
Graphical without Header
Select OFF, in case automatic patient report printing is not required.
Patient report can be printed in any of the 4 different formats, with or without the
Make sure to select the desired Report Options from the Patient Report
screen. This will determine whether or not to print Location (area), Analyst,
Sample Remarks and Patient Remarks on the Patient Report.
IMPORTANT: Set Printer ON, when Online Report or Patient Report is
selected to print.
Online Report Tick this checkbox to print the results (list in columnar format) during batch run.
Tick this checkbox to print the negative results as it is. On un-ticking this
checkbox, the negative results will be printed as 0 (zero) in Patient Report,
Print Negative instead of negative value.
Result However, irrespective of the option selected; the screen will always display the
results as it is (negative) and the Online (results) Report will also print negative
Footer Enter the foot note to be printed in the Patient Report (at the bottom).
Two text boxes are available to add the signature on the printed patient report. It
will be displayed in the footer (or bottom) of the printed patient reports.
Set the top and bottom margin for the printed patient report. The extra space will
Top and Bottom
be added to the top and bottom of the printed patient reports, as per margin
Select the COM Port of the PC that is used for communication with the
Analyzer Port
Analyzer. Default port is COM 1.
Tick this checkbox to activate the data transmission (patient demographics,
work list and test results) with LIS. Default is checked. Un-checking this option
Host Connection will close the LIS connection from the analyzer PC.
When Host connection is activated, configure other parameters from the Host
Settings screen.

6-181 User Interface

This drop-down list is used to select setting for test parameters. Three options
are available Open, Semi Closed and Closed.
If Open option is selected, all the inputs on the test parameter screen are
editable and also new tests can be added.
If Semi-Closed option is selected, only some of the inputs on the test
Open Channel
parameter screen are editable for the pre-defined tests. A new test can be
If Closed option is selected, the inputs on the test parameter screen are
non-editable. A new test cannot be added.
This option may be used to secure the Test Parameter screen and shall be
disabled in closed system.
RCT Temperature This field displays the RCT Temperature in C. This value is 37 C.
It is used to set the allowable fluctuation in RCT Temperature. Enter the range
between 0 and 0.5.
RCT Temperature During batch run, when the RCT temperature fluctuation is outside the specified
Range range, warning message “Temperature out of Range” is displayed on Status
Monitor, logged in Error Log. All the results (except ISE) in process will be
declared with @TMP flag.
This field displays the RGT Temperature in C. This value is 8 C.
RGT Temperature It is used to set the allowable fluctuation in RGT Temperature. Default value is 4
Range C. Enter the range between 0 and 4.
This option is used to select the availability of SRGT Barcode. Default is ticked
When the barcode identification is not desired, un-tick this option & SAVE. In
Barcode Reader such case, in Patient Entry screen, the Barcoded option will be disabled and
entry of sample position is mandatory.
Also, Barcode Scan button in Status Monitor > Barcode Scan is not available.
Reagents should be defined manually from Utility > Reagent Position screen.
This option is used to select the availability of ISE.
ISE Module
When un-ticked, ISE options are not available for scheduling & for batch run.
Using this option Lithium (Li) test can be disabled or enabled. If this option is
Li in ISE ticked then Lithium is activated and Lithium results will be displayed when ISE is
Machine SR. NO. Enter the serial number of machine (analyzer).
Enter the Minimum Cell Blank Absorbance from -0.12 to 0.05. If the absorbance
Minimum Cell of the cell blank falls below this limit, then the color of the cuvette Absorbance
Blank value in the Maintenance > Cell Blank screen will change to Blue. Default
value is -0.12.
Enter the Minimum Cell Blank Absorbance from 0.1 to 0.35. If the absorbance of
Maximum Cell the cell blank falls above this limit, then the color of the cuvette Absorbance
Blank value in the Maintenance > Cell Blank screen will change to Red. Default
value is 0.35.
Specify the desired percentage to extrapolate the calibration graph to a
Extrapolation particular percentage. Value between 0 to 20% can be entered. If the value is 0,
the graph is not extrapolated. Extrapolation value is set to zero by default.

User Interface 6-182

Set the default container type from the list.

Container Type The selected option will appear as the default container type while adding
samples in the Patient Entry screen.
This text box is used to enter hibernate (or sleep) time for the analyzer. The
default hibernate time is 15 minutes. The analyzer automatically hibernates if the
analyzer is kept inactive or standby for 15 minutes. User can change the time by
entering values between 10 minutes to 60 minutes.
When an analyzer goes into hibernation, it shuts down the Halogen Lamp,
Vacuum pump and DI Water Pump.

The analyzer will automatically hibernate if user activity is not performed

after the following operations:
Completion or termination of batch run.
If the analyzer is standby for 1 hour in the Maintenance screen
Hibernate After After performing the Auto Maintenance activity on start-up.

* Analyzer will never hibernate if the Service Check screen is open. In

case, if dummy run is initiated in service check, it will go to hibernation.

* Analyzer will hibernate if MultiXL is shutdown.

When the analyzer comes out from the hibernation and if you
immediately start the run, it will take one minute for halogen lamp

* When the analyzer enters into sleep mode in Maintenance screen,

system automatically navigate to Patient Entry screen.

Min QC Results Set the minimum QC points required for lab mean. Enter value between 1 to
For Lab Mean 999. Default value will be 20. Carryover Pairs

Analyzer typically uses probe to dispense reagents, and this probes are exposed in rapid
succession to a wide spectrum of different reagents. A very real concern with analyzers is reagent
carryover, that is, reagent from an initial assay clinging to a reagent probe and contaminating the
reaction mixture of the next test immediately following the initial assay.

Using this screen, you can define the forbidden pair for a particular chemistry.

6-183 User Interface

Parameters Description
Contaminant Select the first contaminant chemistry.
Contaminate Select the second chemistry that could get contaminated.
d (2nd) Test
System Select this check box to perform system wash. The user can select this option for a
Wash forbidden pair.
During system wash, the arm will be washed with internal DI water after picking up
contaminant test reagent and before picking contaminated test reagent.

When this check box is selected then remaining options Wash, Wash Cycles and
Wash Volume will be disabled.
Wash Select Reagent Wash or Detergent Wash, as appropriate.
Wash The default number of wash cycle is 1. This field is not editable.
Wash Define the wash volume as specified.

1. Use “Test Sequence” option to define Test Processing Sequence. This sequence
will be followed during run while performing the tests of each Sample. This will
reduce the carryover effect.

2. For Detergent Wash, prepare Wash Solution (preferably phosphate-free neutral 1%

Erba XL wash or 0.025% Hypochlorous Acid). Also, the same pair cannot be
programmed for 2 different type of wash.

User Interface 6-184

3. Use Contaminant (1st) Test as *(Any test) for System/Detergent/Reagent wash

before performing a contaminated (2nd) test (particular test selected).

4. Use Contaminated (2nd) Test as *(Any test), for System/Detergent/Reagent wash

after performing a contaminant (1st) test (particular test selected).

5. If you want to perform probe wash before and after performing a particular test,
then use

Contaminant (1st) Test as *(Any Test) and Contaminated (2nd) Test as

particular test

Contaminant (1st) Test as particular test and Contaminated (2nd) Test

as *(Any Test).

See the following examples:

In the following screen, serial number 4, Reagent wash will be performed before
performing the test ASO.

In the following screen, serial number 4, Reagent wash will be performed after
performing the test ASO.

In the following screen, serial number 4 and 5, Reagent wash will be performed
before and after performing the test ASO. Test Sequence

Test Sequence is used to define the sequence of tests to display on screen and print in patient

Processing the sequence of the test(s) can also be set from this screen.

Tests can be arranged in sequence using the following four available options:

Test display sequence

Test process sequence

6-185 User Interface

Print sequence for patient reports

Profile sequence for patient reports Test Display Sequence

This option is used to set the sequence of tests. Once the test display sequence is set, the test(s)
will appear in the specified sequence in the following screens:

Patient Entry



Test Parameter > Test Details

Test Parameter > Test Volumes

Test Parameter > Reference Ranges

Profiles/Calc > Profiles

QC Calibration > Calibration

The sequence of test can be displayed in alphabetical order (ascending and descending). Use
difference modes to set the order as per requirement.

User Interface 6-186

It also provides a drag-and-drop mechanism to let you directly rearrange the test in a sequence within
the grid. Test Process Sequence

This option is used to set the process sequence of photometric tests, before or during the run.

It is useful in avoiding contamination by forbidden pairs that may come together during the run.

In order to avoid the carry over between patients, use forbidden pairs program.

Dynamic Process Sequence

To eliminate carry over between the last test executed and next test to be executed, we can select
USE DYNAMIC PROCESS SEQUENCE. In this, the tests are rearranged in a sequence that the
carry over washes are reduced to the extent possible maintaining higher throughput.

To set the test process sequence to dynamic process sequence, select option TEST PROCESS
SEQUENCE, tick on the adjoining checkbox USE DYNAMIC PROCESS SEQUENCE and then click

In Closed System, two options will be visible on selecting the TEST PROCESS
SEQUENCE option.

Closed Channel First and then Open Channel

Open Channel First and then Closed Channel

The closed channels tests and open channels tests are displayed in separate

6-187 User Interface

On selecting any of the option, tests assigned for each sample will be
processed according to the test sequence as defined in the Closed Channels
Tests grid and Open Channel Tests grid. See the following figure for more

Sequence of closed channel tests can not be changed. Sequence of open

channel tests can be changed, if defined.
Refer section Test Parameter screen for more details

Copied test with Closed reagent in Test Parameter is non editable in the list of Test Process
Sequence of closed channel test.

Copied test with Open reagent in Test Parameter is editable in the list of Test Process Sequence
of open channel test.

For Particular Test if Open/Closed reagent is changed from Test Parameter >Test Details, then this
test will be displayed in Test Process Sequence list in respective section of open / closed channel
test based on the changed reagent type. Print Sequence For Patient Reports

This option is used to set the sequence of test and calculated items to be printed on the patient
reports. Profile Sequence For Patient Reports

This option is used to set the sequence of profile to be printed on the patient reports in Profile format. Re-run Flags

Rerun Flag screen is used to select the rerun flags for which auto-rerun of the test is required during
batch run.

If a particular flag is de-selected, then auto-rerun will not be performed when the flag is issued along
with the result for that test, even though auto-rerun is selected for the test from Test Parameter

User Interface 6-188

screen. User Rights

User Rights screen allows administrator to perform following operations:

Create and delete user ID and password

Provide access rights to new and existing users

See section Access control for more details.

Guest is the default user name with all user rights. See the following figure.

6-189 User Interface Host Settings

Host Settings screen is used to define the settings required to establish the communication between
the analyzer's Data Station and Host PC (LIS software).

User Interface 6-190

Depending on your network type (Peer-to-peer or LAN), choose the appropriate communication mode
from the screen. They are:

RS 232C


Select RS 232C, if the analyzer and PC is connected in peer-to-peer (through serial port).

Select TCP/IP, if the analyzer and PC is connected in LAN (Local Area Network).

See section Connection to Host PC for more details.

See the options available on screen:

Send Patient Results to Host

Send Control Results to Host

Schedule Test Again

Send Sample Position

Query Sample at a time

6-191 User Interface


Check Connection

Clear Result Queue

The additional buttons available on this screen are as follows:

CHECK CONNECTION: This button is used to check the communication between Host and analyzer

SAVE: This button is used to save the settings.

CLEAR: This button is used to clear the changes.

EDIT: This button is used to edit the changes.

CLEAR RESULT QUEUE: On clicking this, button, the ongoing result data to LIS will be stopped.

HELP: This button displays the ASTM HOST help file in more details.

This screen is editable only, if Host Connection option is ticked. Send Patient Results to Host

When this option is selected, the patient results, which are generated during the batch run will be
automatically sent to LIS.

After selecting the option, click SAVE to save the settings. Send Control Results to Host

When this option is selected, the control results, which are generated during the batch run will be
automatically sent to LIS.

After selecting the option, click SAVE to save the settings. Schedule Test Again

When this option is selected, system will accept redo test action received from LIS and re-do the
tests for that sample. Send Sample Position

When this option is selected, patient results sent to LIS will be displayed with associated sample
position number and group number. Query Sample at a Time

During run, when the sample barcode is performed, MultiXL will query LIS for downloading test details
for the scanned samples. MultiXL will query either 1 sample or 5 samples at a time depending on the
is selected. Choose the appropriate option, after consultation with LIS vendor:

Select any one of the following options:


User Interface 6-192

Multiple(Max 5 Samples) Checksum

This option allows user to select the character encoding set for all checksum calculations. In order to
support data transmission in Russian and any Cyrillic language the checksum calculation needs to
be in UTF-8 encoding. Check Connection

CHECK CONNECTION button will displays the current communication status with LIS. Clear Result Queue

CLEAR RESULT QUEUE button is used to stop the ongoing result data to LIS.

6.3.14 Shut Down

Shut Down is used to close the MultiXL application. Also, there is an option to perform the automatic
maintenance operation before closing the application.

See the following screen for more details:

Shutdown MultiXL

Perform Maintenance before MultiXL shutdown Shutdown MultiXL

Use this button to close the MultiXL application. When this button is clicked, the analyzer and PC
will be automatically turned off.

* Only for Analyzer with ISE unit installed.

The analyzer should be kept on as 95 µl of Calibrant-A and 36µl of Calibrant B
is automatically dispensed into the ISE unit every 30 minutes to prevent the
electrodes from drying. Even under the sleep condition (Front switch OFF), this
function is performed.
* Only if ISE unit is installed. Perform Maintenance before MultiXL Shutdown

Use this button to perform auto maintenance operations before shutting down the MultiXL application.

Maintenance operation is a fixed set of automatic service actions which can also be performed
through Maintenance. See section Auto Maintenance for more details.

When this button is pressed, MultiXL is minimized and maintenance operation is started. Once the
auto maintenance operation is completed, MultiXL will be automatically turned off.

Make sure that the required amount of cleaning solution are placed at tray
position 4 and 6.

Before system shutdown, a progress bar may be displayed on the screen which
indicates that the archive operation is in progress.
In this operation, backup of MultiXL database and Log files (XLComLog,
STATUSMSG, ASTMComLog and all xls files) are automatically archived in the C:

6-193 User Interface

drive under MultiXLLog_Backup folder.

It is an automatic operation, which will be performed only after every seven days
when system is shutting down.

6.3.15 Master Calibration

Follow steps as below to perform Master Calibration from card:

1. Go to Monitor > Select Scan Pack > System Pack Details screen will get displayed. Refer
Scan Pack for details.
2. Keep the master calibration card in front of Test loader device and press Scan Pack > following
details will get displayed on the screen:

3. Click Register to load master calibration from card.

4. After pressing register "Load Master Calibration Process Completed " message window will
get displayed on the screen.

5. For invalid reagent code, calibration can not be loaded for that code and accordingly message will
get pooped up.
6. User can also load master calibration from Utility > Scan pack
7. After registered the master calibration, go to main screen QC/Calibration > Calibration>
8. Select the test form the test panel for which master calibration is loaded form the card.
9. Master calibration for that test will get displayed with the consumable details on the screen as

User Interface 6-194

shown below;

10.Go to main screen> Patients> Master calibration- test will get displayed in test panel grid.

11. Go to Report > Calibration Monitor > Master calibration test will get displayed in the report.

During RUN master calibration from card can not be loaded.

6-195 User Interface

6.3.16 Archive
The archive data is the process of moving patient results to separate data storage for long-term use.
Data archives consist of older patient data which can be used for future reference, if required. Data
archiving improves the performance of (Live) database with the following key benefits.

Faster search of patient results

Quick accessibility of patient results

Reduces the amount of storage required for patient results

For archiving and restoring patient data, the Archive option will appear on the main menu as shown in
the following figure.

Initially, when the software is installed, this option is not visible. It appears only when the patient
results reaches to a specific limit. In this case, at specific time interval, software automatically
prompts the user to archive the data when it is necessary. Thereafter, this option will be always

It is advisable to archive the older patient results to separate data storage.

It is mandatory to archive the data before starting the batch run when the patient
result reaches a specific limit (software shows alert message, as required).

Only Patient results will be archived. The Calibration, Control and Consumables
data will always remain in the (Live) Database. While archiving the patient
results, the required additional information such as Area, Location, Doctor,
Reference Range etc are copied to the separate data storage (Archive Database)
and available while reviewing archived results.

See the following sections for more details:

Archiving Data

Viewing Archived Data


User Interface 6-196 Archiving Data

Use the following procedure to archive the data:

1. Click on the Archive from the main menu.

On clicking, the following screen will be displayed.

2. In this screen, two options are available.

Archived List to View Reports

Archive Patient Data

3. Select the Archive Patient Data option, and click on OK.

On clicking, the archive process started and the status will be displayed on the status bar.

6-197 User Interface

During the archive process, all other menus will be disabled.

4. After completing the archive process, a message “Archived data successfully” will be
displayed on the screen. Viewing Archived Data

Use the following steps to view the archived data:

1. Click on the Archive option.

On clicking, the following screen will be displayed.

User Interface 6-198

2. Select the Archived List to View Reports, and then select the desired archive to connect to
archive database to view the reports.

3. Click OK

On clicking, a message will be displayed “Connection successful. You may view the Patient

During this time, only Reports, Search and Shut down menus are
available. Rest of the menus will not be accessible.

6-199 User Interface

4. After connecting to achieve database, you will be able to connect to Live database again by
selecting Live record from the list and click on OK button. Observations
When the archive database is connected, the patient data can be viewed only in the following screen:

Reports > Patient Report

Reports > Result Reprint

Reports > Test Statistics

Reports > Error Log

Reports > Reaction Curve

Reports > Other > Reagent Consumption

Search > Patient Results

Other main menu screens are not accessible for the user except the following screens:





During batch run, the Archive screen will not be accessible.


7-2 Operation

7 Operation
This section gives you a detailed description of daily workflows and step-by-step information about
common procedures that you need to perform as part of your daily workflow.

The workflow is divided into the following three sections:

Daily start-up

Daily routine

End of day task

Also, this section tells you the basic sequence of operations during the sample analysis. See the
following sections for more details:

Sequence of operations

Measurement operation table

7.1 Sequence of operation

The instrument works on the principle of light photometry and a combination of robotics and
hydraulics that are computer controlled to obtain a high degree of precision and accuracy. The
reagent & sample under test is pipette into the reaction cells, this reaction is then read at defined
time interval of 36 seconds to obtain their optical densities.

When the batch run is started, the entire operation can be divided into the following sequence.

1. Getting ready for Sampling

2. Reagent 1 addition

3. Sample Addition + Stirring

4. Reading and reporting

5. Reagent 2 Addition (optional)

6. Mixing after R2 addition (optional)

7. Reading and reporting.

7.2 Measurement operation table

The analyzer records absorbance for a cuvette every 18 seconds over a span of 10 minutes 30

Operator should select/fix cuvette readings to be used for result calculation.

These measurement points are referred to as M1Start, M1End, M2Start and M2End and can be given
a value between 1 and 34. See section Test Details for more details.

The absorbance readings can be obtained from the Utility > Reaction Curve screen.

The time chart of measurement is shown in the following table.

Operation 7-3

Time Cycle Analyzer Action

(Minutes) Number

0.00 0 Reagent 1 addition

0.18 1 Sample addition + Stirring + Measure reaction absorbance

0.36 2 Measure reaction absorbance

0.54 3 Measure reaction absorbance

1.12 4 Measure reaction absorbance

1.30 5 Measure reaction absorbance

1.48 6 Measure reaction absorbance

2.06 7 Measure reaction absorbance

2.24 8 Measure reaction absorbance

2.42 9 Measure reaction absorbance

3.00 10 Measure reaction absorbance

3.18 11 Measure reaction absorbance

3.36 12 Measure reaction absorbance

3.54 13 Measure reaction absorbance

4.12 14 Measure reaction absorbance

4.30 15 Measure reaction absorbance

4.48 16 Measure reaction absorbance,

5.06 17 Reagent 2 addition + Measure reaction absorbance

5.24 18 Stirring + Measure reaction absorbance

5.42 19 Measure reaction absorbance

6.00 20 Measure reaction absorbance

6.18 21 Measure reaction absorbance

6.36 22 Measure reaction absorbance

6.54 23 Measure reaction absorbance

7.12 24 Measure reaction absorbance

7.30 25 Measure reaction absorbance

7.48 26 Measure reaction absorbance

8.06 27 Measure reaction absorbance

7-4 Operation

8.24 28 Measure reaction absorbance

8.42 29 Measure reaction absorbance

9.00 30 Measure reaction absorbance

9.18 31 Measure reaction absorbance

9.36 32 Measure reaction absorbance

9.54 33 Measure reaction absorbance

10.12 34 Measure reaction absorbance + Final result reporting

7.3 Daily start-up

Follow these safety precautions at all times w hile using the instrument. See
section Safety Information for more details

This section tells you the daily start-up procedures which prepare your analyzer for the day.

See the following section for more details:

Verifying system resources

Starting up and logging on to system

Defining required consumables

Defining samples and reagents

7.3.1 Verifying system resources

This section tells you the necessary verification of resources to be performed daily before starting the
instrument for analysis.

DI Water Can and Waste Can

Confirm that:

The DI water Can is filled with pure DI water and the pH of the water should be maintained at

The Waste Can must be emptied.

Rotor Placement

1. Use clean and dry rotor.

Always clean the new Rotor prior to use.

Operation 7-5

2. Wipe the rotors light path area with soft tissue paper. Ensure that there are no stains or
remains of paper within light path area.

3. Open the screw provided for locking the rotor.

4. Index the rotor to match the locating holders and pin in the rotor mount. Place the rotor.

5. Ensure that rotor has entered rested completely on the rotor mount.

6. Lock the screw of the rotor.

ISE Unit (Optional)

Ensure that the following checks are performed before ISE measurement:

Before performing measurement with the ISE unit, confirm that Electrode unit (Na, K, Cl, Li and
Reference electrodes) whose term of validity is not expired is installed.

The Reagent Pack is filled with sufficient Calibrant-A and Calibrant-B solution.

Cleaning was carried out at the end of the last ISE measurement.

The Calibrant-A is flowing from the side of sample port by executing of ISE purge.

In the following cases, ISE purge should be carried out 5 times or more:

At the first measurement of ISE.

At the time of exchanging the ISE Reagent pack.

At the time of being pulled up the tube from the Calibrant-A.

The main switch of the analyzer should be kept ON because 95 µl of

Calibrant-A and 36 µl of Calibrant-B is automatically dispensed into the ISE
unit every 30 minutes to prevent the electrodes from drying.

Just after turning on the analyzer, 3-4 times of ISE purge should be carried out. All electrodes
should be fitted to the ISE module, otherwise the liquid of Calibrant-A is flooded into the inside of
analyzer. It may cause serious problem.

Preparation of Tank Solution

The external tanks of the system DI water & diluted waste are to be placed near the left-hand side
or rear side of the analyzer and to be connected to the analyzer with the corresponding tubes
which includes float sensors.

Just before measurement, the DI water can need to be filled with the DI water and the can for
diluted waste have to be empty.

The DI water should have a resistivity of more than 1 Mega Ohm-cm (or conductivity less than
1µS/cm). Also the pH of the DI Water should be maintained to 7.0.

7-6 Operation

7.3.2 Starting up and logging on to the system

Follow this procedure for starting the analzyer

1. Perform the following verification before starting the equipment.

Verify the connections to Waste can.

Verify connection to DI Water can.

Verify the placement of all covers on SRGT and RCT unit

2. Once the verification is done, turn on the main power supply switch.

Before starting the main supply, make sure that the ON/OFF switches
available on the rear and right side of the instrument should be in OFF

3. Turn on the primary switch that is provided on the back side of the analyzer.

4. Turn on the secondary switch provided on the right side of the analyzer. After turning on the
switch, all the assemblies initialize to its home position.

When the analyzer is already ON, the system goes through a series of automatic service
maintenance actions. Typically, these actions are performed before the work day begins,
so that the instrument is ready to use when you start work. No user action is required in
this process. See section Auto Maintenance for more details.

If required, maintenance actions can be performed any time through Maintenance screen.

5. Turn on the PC.

The MultiXL software will start automatically and the login screen is displayed.

6. Enter the login details and click OK.

You now have access to the system, depending on your user access level.

7. Now the instrument is ready for further run.

The main power switch should be ON at all times except in an

emergency. The main power supplies electricity to ISE unit for
Automatic priming & SRGT unit cooling.

7.3.3 Defining required consumables

Before placing the reagents and sample for analysis, define required consumables through
Consumable screen.

See Consumable screen for more details.

7.3.4 Defining samples and reagents

Before stating the analysis, define samples and necessary reagent in the system.

Operation 7-7

Make sure that the sample (tubes or cups) and reagent containers are not filled
with patient samples up to the top of the container. Filling the sample container
up to the top most rim can cause spillage of sample within the instrument. This
care has to be taken by the operator.

See the following sections for more details:

Defining samples

The SRGT tray can accommodate 5ml, 7 ml tubes or 2 ml cups on 10 fixed sample positions.

Also, maximum 15 flexible positions available on the outer ring of the tray which can be used to
place small reagent containers (20 ml) or can be programmed as sample positions.

See section Sample and Reagent Barcode Reader for applying barcode label on sample tube.

See the following figure of Status Monitor.

1. Place the sample tube on the appropriate position on the SRGT tray.

2. Open Patient Entry screen, and enter the following necessary details:

a. Enter the Sample ID.

b. Select the Barcoded option (if sample tube is barcoded).

7-8 Operation

If sample tube is not barcoded, then you need to:

i. Uncheck the Barcoded option.

ii. Enter the sample position number in the Position textbox.

For emergency samples, select Emergency option and follow the same steps given
under b.

3. Enter the group number in Group text box.

4. Enter other details for the patient, as required:

Sample Type
Sample Vol Type
Ref Doctor
Sample Remark
Container Type
Collection Date
Reg. Date
Patient Name
Patient ID
Address (of Patient)
Patient and Sample Remarks
Select required tests, calculated items and profiles from Tests grid.

5. Click on SAVE.

This will save the programmed patient details and presents a new screen for programming the
next patient where the sample ID and sample positions are automatically incremented if
option Barcode is unchecked.

6. Use EDIT button, to edit or modify the already entered details.

Defining reagents

Necessary reagents, diluents and wash solutions for analysis are placed on
the SRGT tray. Always use clean and dry rotor for sample run.

Before doing the analysis, place the necessary reagent and wash solution on the reagent tray.

Stick the barcode labels on the flat side of the reagent bottles and perform barcode scan
operation through Status Monitor. See section Barcode Scan for more details.

The analyzer will scan the reagent bottles and automatically detects and save the details (like
Reagent position number, lot number, Expiry date etc) related to the reagents placed in the
reagent bottles. Those details are saved and can be viewable on appropriate screen.

If the reagents are not having the lot details, it can be defined through the Consumable screen.

Operation 7-9

Condensation can take place on the walls of the SRGT tray, near the reagent
bottle neck or on the barcode label due to the reagent cooling mechanism. If
condensation is present, then remove it using a dry tissue/paper.

Defining barcoded reagent bottles

If the reagent bottles are barcoded, then the analyzer identifies the reagents bottles
automatically and updates the positions of the barcoded reagent bottles placed on the SRGT
tray when the reagent barcode scan is performed.

Use the following steps register barcoded reagent bottles:

1. Place the barcoded reagent bottles on the SRGT tray.

2. Go to Status Monitor > Barcode Scan screen.

3. Select the appropriate group number from the Group drop-down list.

4. Click on Barcode Scan button.

On clicking, the available reagents will be scanned and the barcode id will be displayed on
the Reagent Barcode grid.

Column S.N. represents the Position number in the Tray.

Column Reagent Barcode generally shows the barcode number read from bottle.

In some cases, instead of barcode number, following content may be displayed in this

7-10 Operation

“Checksum Mismatch”: When the checksum digit does not match the calculated
checksum of the bar-code digits.

“Unknown-barcode”: When the digits read are not as per required format or less than
18 digits are read.

“RGT Code Unknown“: When the Reagent Code is not found in the list of Reagents
in Consumables screen.

“-“: Reagent position is manually defined through Utility > Reagent Position screen.

Reagent(s), their position, Lot number and Expiry date is registered in the system for
the barcoded bottles.

Barcoded bottles of system solutions (diluents and wash) are supported.

Expiry date is not applicable for barcoded system solutions They are treated
as system solutions without expiry.
Reagent is identified from the Reagent code mentioned in the barcode pattern and
matching this Reagent Code with the Reagent Code mentioned in the list of reagents in
the Consumables screen.

This updated information is available in the Utility > Reagent Position screen.

Lot number is added in the list of Reagent Lots in Consumables screen.

The Barcode Scan button on the Status Monitor > Barcode Scan screen and
Barcode Scan option under Pre-run Options will not be available in case, the
options Barcode Reader are de-selected (un-ticked) from the Settings > System
Parameters screen.
Reagent Barcode Scan is mandatory in closed system, however, if the Reagent
Barcode option is de-selected (unticked) from the Settings > System
Parameters screen, then user can proceed with earlier scanned barcoded
reagent bottles.

5. Alternatively, a batch run can be started with Barcode Scan as a predecessor as follows.

6. Select (tick) Barcode Scan option from the Pre-run Options (at the top right hand corner)
in Status Monitor > Sample Tray screen. Click on start (batch) run button. Reagent tray
and Sample tray will be (barcode) scanned first and barcode information is updated
automatically in the system, before starting the batch run.

7. Batch run will start only if the reagent positions are available / known for all the test(s)
scheduled in the selected group.

Defining non barcoded reagent bottles

Non barcoded reagent bottles have to be defined manually through Reagent Position screen
in Utility.

In Test Loader system, reagent bottles will be identified by barcode scan.

In Test Loader system, user is allowed to define or add only permitted
number of open channel reagents (user defined), after that system will
prompt a message
Reagent details will be scanned and displayed in Utility > Reagent Position
during pre-run operations or Volume Scan.

Operation 7-11

1. Go to Utility > Reagent Position screen.

The following screen will be displayed.

2. Select Edit Position checkbox.

3. Select the required position to be defined, from the Position list or select the required
position from the screen.

4. Select the reagents name from the Reagent list.

5. Select reagent type (R1/R2) from the Reagent Type list.

6. Select the appropriate bottle type from the Bottle Type list.

7. Select the reagent available lot number from the Lot No. list (Optional).

8. Click on Save Position Detail.

7-12 Operation

9. Reagent details will be added for the selected position and displayed in the grid on the
screen. See figure as shown in the following page.

Operation 7-13

The Rgt Vol(ml) column will show 0.00 ml at the time of definition, and it will
be updated after Reagent Volume Scan or at the first aspiration during run.

7.4 Daily routine

This section tell you daily routine procedure which keep your system running for the routine work.

See the following section for more details:

Starting analysis

Rotor change

Interruption and resumption of measurement

User activities during run

Self activities during run

Cuvette tracking

7.4.1 Starting analysis

Once the samples, reagents and necessary consumable are scheduled, you can start the run.

1. Go to Status Monitor > Sample Tray.

2. Select the appropriate group no. and cuvette number, and then click on button.

In closed system, batch run will not be started, if user defined open channels
are more than the permitted limit

When click on button, a card expiry warning message will get displayed
with expiry details of open test counts if card is expiring soon. Click to close
the warning message.

7-14 Operation

Make sure that the starting cuvette number in the Status Monitor
should be equal to or less than 118. You are not allowed to select the
starting cuvette greater than the specified.

Make sure that Rotor is present on the RCT tray. If the rotor is not
present, a warning message will be displayed and the batch run will
not start.

When starting the batch RUN ,if dome is open ( Level 1 and Level 2 ) then pre
run activities will not be started and error message with alarm beep will be
displayed in error display grid.

Ensure to close dome properly before proceeding

During pre RUN activities, if dome is open ( Level 2 ) then all activities which
required ARM movement will be stopped immediately and error will be
reported in error display grid. Also further sampling will be paused.

3. Before starting the run, it is recommended to close all the running applications from the
computer as it may effect the execution of the programmed tests. The following warning
message will be displayed along with the list of applications, if any other application is running
in background.

Operation 7-15

4. On start of the run, a confirmation message will be displayed asking about the rotor change or

If you click "Yes", the "Rotor warming up" window will be displayed and the cuvette number
will be restored to number 1.

If selected "No", then run will start from the selected cuvette number. In this case, the warm-
up window will not be displayed, only if user has not manually changed the cuvette number
from cuvette drop down list. Refer section Rotor Change in more details.

If current selected run requires more number of cuvettes than available on the rotor, the
following message will be displayed on the screen.

7-16 Operation

5. Once the confirmation of rotor change is received, “Rotor warming up” window will be
displayed. During this warm up, pre-run sequence of operation like Barcode Scan (if selected),
Reagent level scan (if selected), and Syringe priming and ISE calibration operations will be
During ISE calibration, the calibration values for each electrode (Na, K, Cl, Li) are checked. If
the values are in range, the run will proceed. ISE Calibration fails if the values are not in
range. In such case, system performs further action, as defined by user in System Parameter

ISE calibration, if not already performed for the day, is

performed automatically before starting the batch run. However,
user can manually initiate ISE Calibration any time through
maintenance screen, when run is not in progress.
ISE Calibration will be performed automatically before starting
the batch run, only if the option ISE Patient is selected under
If ISE calibration values obtained are out of range then system
re-attempts calibration, a maximum of 3 times.

During this process, the run will be terminated if any error

occurred except VOD/absent.

6. As soon as the pre-run operation is completed, the work list screen may be displayed if:

Reagents are absent for the programmed tests.

The defined diluents are not present.

Volume is insufficient for the programmed tests.

See Work List screen for more details.

7. If all reagents are present with sufficient volume and the rotor warm up is over, run will proceed
for Auto Span. The message for Auto Span started will appear on the Status Monitor.

In the auto span, the gain value for a single cuvette for all the wavelengths is checked. If the
difference of gain is within the acceptable limit, then the gain values will be saved and the run

In case, if the gain is not within the range, the auto span operation is again performed to re-
validate the gain for the next available cuvette (to avoid dirty cuvette and incorrect cell blank
values). Again if the gain values received are not within the range, then the run will be aborted
and the error message will be displayed in the error grid.

The minimum and maximum range is from 350 to 900 counts

and the relative acceptable range is 100 counts.

8. Once the auto span is completed, instrument will initialize itself and batch run will start.

Once the run starts RCT and RGT temperature are displayed. If the RCT / RGT temperature
is within range specified in Settings > System Parameters option, the temperature is

Operation 7-17

displayed in black color. When the temperature rises / falls out of the range, then it is
displayed in Red color.

Indication of RCT and RGT temperature will be displayed on the Status Monitor > SAMPLE

9. Start time of the run is displayed at top left corner of the screen.

During run, the progress of the measurement is displayed at the right hand side of the
screen. Just below the grid, a Detail button is available, which is used to see the detail cycle
map of the current/latest batch run.

Use Refresh button to update the cycle map content.

The Details button is disabled at the start of MultiXL application. It is enabled only when the
cycle map data is recorded during the current run and available throughout the current
session of MultiXL application.

10.Results are displayed in the result grid and errors if any are displayed in Error grid at the
bottom of the screen.

7.4.2 Rotor change

During run, if more schedules are programmed on the tray and all the cuvettes get utilized, in this
case, the sampling will be paused and the message “No empty cuvettes available to perform test” will
be shown in STATUS MESSAGE at bottom of the screen.

When all the results are declared, the message will be popped up with beep sound indicating that the
Rotor needs to be changed. See figure as shown below.

To continue with the run,Open the dome > change the Rotor > Close the dome > and click on Yes
button. On clicking No, the run will be stopped.

7-18 Operation

7.4.3 Interruption and resumption of measurement

During run, due to occurrence of some critical errors the run may be stopped in between or paused

During run, the sample processing can be interrupted and resumed manually, if required. Following
button are provided on the Status Monitor > Sample Tray screen:

Use button to stop the run immediately. On clicking, all the assemblies initialize.

Use button to pause the sampling. If it is clicked, the processed result will be given out
and displayed on the result grid.

Use button to continue the sampling.

7.4.4 User activities during run

User can do the following activities when the run is in progress:

Checking online reaction curve

During run, the user can monitor the online reaction curve for the test. See section Reaction Curve
for more details.

Re-scheduling pending and mask tests during run

During run, pending tests / mask tests can be re-schedule by clicking on the free space near the
sample positions. On clicking, the WorkList screen is again displayed, using which the tests can
be selected and then RE-SCHEDULE button can be clicked. (Pending / Mask tests can be

Operation 7-19

scheduled only if the reagent and test details are available). See section Work List for more

Patient sample entry

During run, emergency patients can be added from the Patient Entry screen by selecting the
option of ‘Emergency’ for that particular patient, entering the sample details and patient details.

During run, normal patients can be added from the Patient Entry screen, entering the sample
details and patient details.

Non barcoded reagent entry

During run, non-barcode reagents can be added from Reagent Position screen on empty reagent
positions. See section Defining non barcoded reagent bottles for more details.

After the end of the batch run, probe will be automatically washed by wash

In case, if wash solution is not defined or not found on the tray, then the probe will be washed by
the DI water indicating user by a warning message at the start of the run “Wash solution is not
found on the system. Probe wash shall be performed using DI water at the completion of the

During run, if error code 44 is encountered, then the batch run is stopped.

7.4.5 Self activities during run

When reagents defined on multiple positions

In case, there are multiple reagent positions defined for a test;

During run, the reagent will be aspirated from the reagent (bottle) position having
the nearest expiry date.

In case of multiple reagent bottles having the same expiry date, the reagent will be
aspirated in the order of position.

After the completion of the first batch run, the position of the last sensed in used
reagent bottle will be memorized. On starting the next batch, the previously sensed
reagent bottle position will be used for aspiration.

In case of multiple reagent positions, when volume of the first reagent reaches to dead
volume, then that test will be moved to pending list and the reagent aspiration starts from
next available reagent bottle.

In case of last available reagent bottle, if sampling continues till the reagent is absent, then
the remaining schedule of the test will be added in the pending list. In this case, user needs
to add new reagent bottles through Add Sample/Reagent button.

In closed system, during run, reagent bottle will get discarded after
consuming factory filled reagent volume.

7-20 Operation

When froth is sensed

When froth is sensed while first reagent aspiration, then that test will move to pending list.

If froth is sensed in three consecutive reagent aspirations, then that reagent bottle position will be
deactivated and the associated test will move to pending list.

Use Refresh Position button to reschedule the reagent bottle positions,

which are deactivated during run. See Refresh Positions for more details.

During run, when the froth is sensed in sample tube, following action can be performed:

When froth is sensed while first sample aspiration, then that particular test from the sample will
move to pending list.

If froth is sensed, for three consecutive sample aspirations, then all the tests associated with that
sample will move to pending list.


During run, schedule will be sent as follows:

Blank, Standard, Calibrator, and Control – Test-wise, according to test process

sequence defined in Settings > Test Sequence option

Patient Samples – Sample position number wise, first Emergency sample.

Emergency patient samples will be performed at highest priority.

If control interval is defined, control schedules will be sent between patient samples
according to the control interval defined in Test Parameters screen.

After the run, for a test if control interval is defined, control schedule for that test will not be
cleared off.

Auto error recovery

See section Error Handling for more details.

7.4.6 Cuvette tracking

If all the 120 cuvettes get utilized during run, rotor needs to be changed. The MultiXL application will
maintain or keep track of number of cuvettes that have been used in run.

The number of cuvettes that have been used will be saved on the disc at the end of run or at the
completion of run.

Next time when you start the run, starting cuvette will be automatically set to next to the last used

On start of run, the software will display a message asking whether you have changed the rotor on
the instrument or not. If user clicks Yes then the used cuvettes should be reset to 0 and run will be
started from cuvette number 1, else run starts from the next available cuvette after the last used
cuvette number.

Operation 7-21

If the run completes normally, it should reclaim the cuvettes passed during wait time till the result
declaration i.e. if there are 5 tests scheduled and run was started from cuvette 1 then on completion
of run, next run should start from cuvette no 7(5(for Tests) +1(Auto span) + 1 =7).

Dirty cuvette (cell blank) should be declared based on min/max limits in System Parameter screen.
Cell blank declaration is based on air blank reading of the cuvette before putting reagent.

7.5 End of day task

This section tell you end of day procedure which prepares your analyzer for next day.

To shut down the system:

1. Perform any necessary end-of-day tasks such as maintenance operations.

2. After completion of the tasks, click on Shutdown.

3. Choose the appropriate option from the shutdown screen. See section Shutdown for more

Once you initiate a shutdown, you cannot use the system.

The instrument is designed to run continuously, so there is no need to switch

it off every day, unless that is a requirement in your laboratory.


Error Handling 8-2

8 Error Handling
All the mechanical movements are controlled and monitored by the computer. When a problem
arises, the computer becomes aware of it and generates the visual error message to call the
operator's attention.

In the event of the problem that may affect the performance of the analyzer, the sampling stop or
emergency stop will be executed. In the case of sampling stop mode, the analyzer carries on and
completes the processing of the sample that is not affected by the problem. In the case of problem
that may affect the entire measurements of sample, the emergency stop will be executed.

Error recovery is an ability of software or equipment in which the errors will be automatically
recovered without affecting the sample run. During run, when the error is encountered, system will
first identify whether the current error falls under error recovery category or not. If yes, then the
system will initiate the recovery for that particular error, without stopping the run. The test affected
due to this error shall be moved to pending when processing moves to the next sample. In case, if
error is not recovered, then the run will be stopped. Each error that can be recovered shall be
attempted two times in that batch run. Third occurrence of the same error will not be recovered and
lead to final action designed for that error. Possible errors which come under auto error recovery
category and their remedial actions for all error conditions are listed in section List of errors.

Error Log screen will displays all the errors occurred on the analyzer during the test run or service
check operation. This data is generally useful for servicing/diagnostic purposes.

Problem may arise, which is not monitored by the computer. Any alarm message may not be
indicated on the display for such a problem. Such a problem includes abrasion of parts, leakage in
the sampling system, etc. When this type of problem occurs, decide whether the processing of
sample is carried on or the measurement is terminated, considering that such problem may result in
damage to the analyzer or erroneous outcome of measurements.

See the following sections for more details:

Flag list

List of errors

8.1 List of errors

Assembly Error Flags Error Possible Corrective Action to be Auto Error

code Description Failures Taken Recovery

8-3 Error Handling

Arm 11 @R1 Arm Arm position Switch OFF the Yes

Rotational Opto signal analyzer; Rotate
error - Interface arm by hand and
Trough to board and its make sure that
Reagent 1 connectors nothing is
position/ obstructing Arm
Diluent Up/Down rotation.
Position and rotation
stepper Then switch ON the
motor and its instrument; Go to
connection [Service Check:
Arm] menu; Give
<Initialize> and
<Arm Up> Execute
<Arm trough to
reagent (inner/
outer)> Execute
If the initialization or
rotation fails, call
Service Engineer.

Arm 12 @R1 Arm Arm position Switch OFF the Yes

Rotational Opto signal analyzer; Rotate
error - Interface arm by hand and
Reagent 1 board and its make sure that
position to connectors nothing is
Cuvette obstructing Arm
Up/Down rotation.
and rotation
stepper Then switch ON the
motor and its instrument; Go to
connection [Service Check:
Arm] menu; Give
<Initialize> and
<Arm Up> Execute
<Arm trough to
reagent (outer/
inner)> <Reagent
(outer/inner) to
cuvette (R1/R2)>
If the initialization or
rotation fails, call
Service Engineer

Error Handling 8-4

Arm 13 @R1 Arm Arm position Switch OFF the Yes

Rotational Opto signal analyzer; Rotate
error - Interface arm by hand and
Cuvette To board and its make sure that
Trough connectors nothing is
during obstructing Arm
Reagent 1 Up/Down rotation.
operation and rotation
stepper Then switch ON the
motor and its instrument; Go to
connection [Service Check:
Arm] menu; Give
<Initialize> and
<Arm Up> Execute
<trough to Cuvette
(R1/R2)> Execute
<Cuvette (R1/R2) to
trough> Execute
If the initialization or
rotation fails, call
Service Engineer

Arm 14 @R1 Arm Up Arm VOD Switch OFF the Yes

error - opto, arm analyzer; Move arm
Trough position up and down by
during opto, up/ hand and make
reagent 1 down opto sure that nothing is
operation and rotation obstructing
opto movement
Probe Then switch ON the
assembly instrument; Go to
Interface [Service Check:
card and its Arm] menu; Give
connector <Initialize> and
<Arm Up> Execute
Up/down <Arm Down in
and rotation Trough> Execute
stepper commands
motor and its
connections If the initialization or
up/down movement
fails, call Service

8-5 Error Handling

Arm 15 @R1 Arm Down Arm VOD Switch OFF and Yes
error - opto & arm then switch ON the
Reagent 1 opto instrument. Check if
position Interface the error comes
card and its again
connector Remove the cover
Probe goes of the sample arm
down but and check and
doesn’t find clean obstacle opto
LLS signal Check the Arm
due to assembly
problem in If still it is giving
LLS card or error, call Service
its connector Engineer

Arm 16 @R1 Arm Up Arm VOD Switch OFF the Yes

error - opto, arm analyzer; Move arm
Reagent 1 position opto up and down by
position up/down hand and make
opto and sure that nothing is
rotation opto obstructing
Probe movement
assembly Then switch ON the
Interface instrument; Go to
card and its [Service Check:
connector Arm] menu; Give
<Initialize> and
Up/down <Arm Up> Execute
and rotation <Arm trough to
stepper Reagent outer>
motor and its Execute <Arm
connections Down> Execute
<Arm Up> Execute
If the initialization or
up/down movement
fails, call Service

Error Handling 8-6

Arm 17 @R1 Arm Arm up/down Switch OFF the Yes

down error opto analyzer; Move arm
cuvette R1 Interface up and down by
operation card and its hand and make
connector sure that nothing is
obstructing SRPT
Up/down movement
motor and its Then switch ON the
connections instrument; Go to
[Service Check:
Arm] menu; Give
<Initialize> and
<Trough to R1
cuvette> Execute
<Arm Down in
cuvette> Execute
If the initialization or
up/down movement
fails, call Service

Arm 18 @R1 Arm up Up/down Switch OFF the Yes

error cuvette opto analyzer; Move arm
- R1 Probe up and down by
operation assembly hand and make
sure that nothing is
Interface obstructing Arm
card and its movement
Then switch ON the
Up/down instrument; Go to
motor and its [Service Check:
connections Arm] menu; Give
<Initialize> and
<Trough to R1
cuvette> Execute
<Arm Down in
cuvette> Execute
<Arm Up> Execute
If the initialization or
up/down movement
fails, call Service

8-7 Error Handling

Arm 19 @R1 Arm Down Arm VOD Switch OFF and Yes
error - opto & arm then switch ON the
Trough position, arm instrument. Check if
during up/down and the error comes
reagent 1 rotation opto again
operation Interface Remove the cover
card and its of the sample arm
connector and check and
Probe clean obstacle opto
assembly. Check the Arm
Up/down assembly
and rotation If still it is giving
stepper error, call Service
motor and its Engineer

Arm 1A !R1 Arm VOD VOD Opto Check the arm If same
error – Sensor alignment in reagent is
Reagent VOD [Service Check]. If it present in
Pos. connectors is hitting at the next
edge, then align the available
Arm position probe using the position,
in Reagent calibrate facility. then that
tray at R1 particular
position Remove the cover
of the arm and test will be
check and clean moved to
VOD opto pending list
Go to Service sampling
Check: Arm Menu. continues
Click on <Initialize> from the
button. Push the next
probe gently to cut available
the VOD opto so reagent
that VOD Error will position.
be generated and
Arm initializes. In case, if
reagent is
If the initialization or not present
VOD generation or absent,
fails, call the all
Service Engineer. associated
tests will
moved to
list. Use
Work List
button in
screen to
the pending

Arm 1A !D Arm VOD VOD Opto Check the arm No

error – Sensor alignment in
Diluent VOD [Service Check]. If it

Error Handling 8-8

Pos. connectors is hitting at the

Arm position edge, then align the
in Reagent probe using the
tray at calibrate facility.
Diluent Remove the cover
position of the arm and
check and clean
VOD opto
Go to Service
Check: Arm Menu.
Click on <Initialize>
button. Push the
probe gently to cut
the VOD opto so
that VOD Error will
be generated and
Arm initializes.
If the initialization or
VOD generation
fails, call the
Service Engineer

Arm 1B R1! Arm VOD VOD Opto Check the arm No

error - Sensor alignment in
cuvette The [Service Check]. If it
during connectors is hitting at the
Reagent 1 edge, then align the
operation Arm position probe using the
in Reagent calibrate facility.
tray at R1
position Remove the cover
of the arm and
check and clean
VOD opto
Go to Service
Check: Arm Menu.
Click on <Initialize>
button. Push the
probe gently to cut
the VOD opto so
that VOD Error will
be generated and
Arm initializes.
If the initialization or
VOD generation
fails, call the
Service Engineer

Arm 1B D! Arm VOD VOD Opto Check the arm No

error - Sensor alignment in
cuvette The [Service Check]. If it
during connectors is hitting at the
Diluent edge, then align the
dispense Arm position probe using the
in Reagent calibrate facility.
tray at R1
position Remove the cover
of the arm and
check and clean
VOD opto

8-9 Error Handling

Go to Service
Check: Arm Menu.
Click on <Initialize>
button. Push the
probe gently to cut
the VOD opto so
that VOD Error will
be generated and
Arm initializes.
If the initialization or
VOD generation
fails, call the
Service Engineer

Arm 1C !R1! Arm VOD VOD Opto Check the arm Yes
error - Sensor alignment in
Trough The [Service Check]. If it
during connectors is hitting at the
Reagent 1 edge, then align the
operation probe using the
calibrate facility.
Remove the cover
of the arm and
check and clean
VOD opto
Go to Service
Check: Arm Menu.
Click on <Initialize>
button. Push the
probe gently to cut
the VOD opto so
that VOD Error will
be generated and
Arm initializes.
If the initialization or
VOD generation
fails, call the
Service Engineer

Arm 1D R1* Reagent 1 Reagent is Place the reagent at If same

absent - not kept in the required reagent is
Pos. the reagent reagent position present in
bottle or Check the level of next
reagent Reagent and available
bottle not ensure that it is position,
kept at the above the Dead then that
defined volume particular
position test will be
Call Service moved to
Reagent is Engineer
below the pending list
Dead and
volume sampling
Arm position from the
in reagent next
tray available
LLS circuit reagent
and its position.
connector In case, if

Error Handling 8-10

problem reagent is
not present
or absent,
tests will
moved to
list. Use
Work List
button in
screen to
the pending

Arm 1D D* Diluent Diluent is not Place the diluent at No

absent - kept in the the required
Pos. reagent reagent position.
bottle or Check the level of
reagent the diluent and
bottle not ensure that it is
kept at the above the dead
defined volume.
Call Service
Diluent level Engineer
is below the
Arm position
in reagent
LLS circuit
and its

Arm LLD -- Liquid level Liquid level Physically check the No

different - may be level of the liquid in
Pos. different from the reagent bottle.
the Call Service
previously Engineer.
LLS circuit
and its

8-11 Error Handling

Arm 1E @R1 Arm Sample Switch OFF the Yes

Initialize position analyzer; Rotate
Rotational Opto signal arm by hand and
error Interface make sure that
board and its nothing is
connectors obstructing Arm
and rotation Then switch ON the
stepper instrument; Go to
motor and its [Service Check:
connection Arm] menu; Give
If the initialization
fails, call Service

Arm 1F @R1 Arm Arm VOD Switch OFF the Yes

Initialize Up/ opto, arm analyzer; Move arm
Down error position up and down by
opto, up/ hand and make
down opto sure that nothing is
and rotation obstructing SPT
opto movement.
Probe Then switch ON the
assembly instrument; Go to
Interface [Service Check:
card and its Arm] menu; Give
connector <Initialize> and
<Arm Up> Execute
Up/down <Arm Down in
and rotation Trough> Execute
stepper commands.
motor and its
connections If the initialization or
up/down movement
fails, call Service

Arm 21 @R2 Arm Position Switch OFF the Yes

Rotational Opto signal analyzer; Rotate
error - Interface arm by hand and
Trough to board and its make sure that
Reagent 2 connectors nothing is
position obstructing Arm
Up/Down rotation.
and rotation
stepper Then switch ON the
motor and its instrument; Go to
connection [Service Check:
Arm] menu; Give
<Initialize> and
<Arm Up> Execute
<Arm trough to
reagent outer>
If the initialization or
rotation fails, call

Error Handling 8-12

Service Engineer

Arm 22 @R2 Arm Position Switch OFF the Yes

Rotational Opto signal analyzer; Rotate
error - Interface arm by hand and
Reagent 2 board and its make sure that
position to connectors nothing is
R2 Cuvette obstructing Arm
Up/Down rotation
and rotation
stepper Then switch ON the
motor and its instrument; Go to
connection [Service Check:
Arm] menu; Give
<Initialize> and
<Arm Up> Execute
<Arm trough to
reagent outer>
Execute <Reagent
outer/inner to R2
cuvette> Execute
If the initialization or
rotation fails, call
Service Engineer

8-13 Error Handling

Arm 23 @R2 Arm Position Switch OFF the Yes

Rotational Opto signal analyzer; Rotate
error - R2 Interface arm by hand and
Cuvette to board and its make sure that
Trough connectors nothing is
obstructing Arm
Up/Down rotation
and rotation
stepper Then switch ON the
motor and its instrument; Go to
connection [Service Check:
Arm] menu; Give
<Initialize> and
<Arm Up> Execute
<Arm trough to
reagent outer>
Execute <Reagent
outer/inner to R2
cuvette> Execute
If the initialization or
rotation fails, call
Service Engineer

Arm 24 @R2 Arm Up Arm VOD Switch OFF the Yes

error - opto, arm analyzer; Move SPT
Trough position arm up and down
during optos, up/ by hand and make
Reagent 2 down optos sure that nothing is
operation and rotation obstructing SPT
optos movement
Probe Then switch ON the
assembly instrument; Go to
Interface [Service Check:
card and its Arm] menu; Give
connector <Initialize> and
<Arm Up> Execute
Up/down <Arm Down in
and rotation Trough> Execute
stepper commands
motor and its
connections If the initialization or
up/down movement
fails, call Service

Error Handling 8-14

Arm 25 @R2 Arm Down Arm VOD Switch OFF and Yes
error - opto & arm then switch ON the
Reagent 2 optos instrument. Check if
position Interface the error comes
card and its again
connector Remove the cover
Probe goes of the sample arm
down but and check and
doesn’t find clean obstacle opto
LLS signal Check the Arm
due to assembly
problem in If still it is giving
LLS card or error, call Service
its connector Engineer

Arm 26 @R2 Arm Up Arm VOD Switch OFF the Yes

error - opto, arm analyzer; Move SPT
Reagent 2 position arm up and down
position optos, up/ by hand and make
down optos sure that nothing is
and rotation obstructing SPT
optos movement
Probe Then switch ON the
assembly instrument; Go to
Interface [Service Check:
card and its Arm] menu; Give
connector <Initialize> and
<Arm Up> Execute
Up/down <Arm trough to
and rotation Reagent outer>
stepper Execute <Arm
motor and its Down> Execute
connections <Arm Up> Execute
If the initialization or
up/down movement
fails, call Service

8-15 Error Handling

Arm 27 @R2 Arm Down Arm VOD Switch OFF and No

error - opto & arm then switch ON the
Cuvette optos instrument. Check if
during Interface the error comes
Reagent 2 card and its again
operation connector Remove the cover
Probe goes of the sample arm
down but and check and
doesn’t find clean obstacle opto
LLS signal Check the Arm
due to assembly
problem in If still it is giving
LLS card or error, call Service
its connector Engineer

Arm A8 -- Arm down Up/down Switch OFF the No

Error optos analyzer; Move SPT
Probe arm up and down
assembly by hand and make
sure that nothing is
Interface obstructing SPT
card and its movement
Then switch ON the
Up/down instrument; Go to
and rotation [Service Check:
stepper Arm] menu; Give
motor and its <Initialize> and
connections <Arm Up> Execute
<Trough to reagent
inner > Execute
<Arm Down>
Execute commands
If the initialization or
up/down movement
fails, call Service

Error Handling 8-16

Arm 28 @R2 ARM up Arm VOD Switch OFF the No

error in opto, arm analyzer; Move SPT
cuvette - R2 position arm up and down
operation optos, up/ by hand and make
down optos sure that nothing is
and rotation obstructing SPT
optos movement
Probe Then switch ON the
assembly instrument; Go to
Interface [Service Check:
card and its Arm] menu; Give
connector <Initialize> and
<Arm Up> Execute
Up/down <Trough to R2
and rotation cuvette> Execute
stepper <Arm Down>
motor and its Execute <Arm Up>
connections Execute commands
If the initialization or
up/down movement
fails, call Service

Arm 29 @R2 Arm Down Arm VOD Switch OFF and Yes
error - opto & arm then switch ON the
Trough optos instrument. Check if
during Interface the error comes
Reagent 2 card and its again
operation connector Remove the cover
Probe goes of the sample arm
down but and check and
doesn’t find clean obstacle opto
LLS signal Check the Arm
due to assembly
problem in If still it is giving
LLS card or error, call Service
its connector Engineer

8-17 Error Handling

Arm A6 -- Arm Position Switch OFF the No

Rotational Opto signal analyzer; Rotate
Error During Interface arm by hand and
Initialization. board and its make sure that
connectors nothing is
obstructing Arm
Rotation rotation
motor and its Then switch ON the
connection instrument; Go to
[Service Check:
Arm] menu; Give
<Initialize> and
Execute commands
If the initialization or
rotation fails, call
Service Engineer

Error Handling 8-18

Arm AA -- Arm VOD VOD Opto Check and remove Yes

Error - sensor the bottle caps if
Position. VOD present.
connectors Check whether the
Arm position selected option is
in SRGT tray Cup and instead of
Cup a tube is
Check the arm
alignment in
[Service Check]. If it
is hitting at the
edge, then align the
probe using the
calibrate facility.
Remove the cover
of the arm and
check and clean
VOD opto.
Go to Service
Check: Arm Menu.
Click on <Initialize>
button. Push the
Probe gently to cut
the VOD opto so
that VOD Error will
be generated and
Arm initializes.
If the initialization or
VOD generation
fails, call Service

8-19 Error Handling

Arm AB -- Arm VOD VOD Opto Check the arm No

Error at sensor alignment in
Cuvette. VOD [Service Check]. If it
connectors is hitting at the
edge, then align the
Arm position probe using the
in Rotor tray calibrate facility.
Remove the cover
of the arm and
check and clean
VOD opto.
Go to Service
Check: Arm Menu.
Click on <Initialize>
button. Push the
Probe gently to cut
the VOD opto so
that VOD Error will
be generated and
Arm initializes.
If the initialization or
VOD generation
fails, call the
Service Engineer

Arm AC -- Arm VOD VOD Opto Check the arm No

Error at sensor alignment in
Trough. VOD [Service Check]. If it
connectors is hitting at the
edge, then align the
Arm position probe using the
in Trough calibrate facility.
Remove the cover
of the arm and
check and clean
VOD opto.
Go to Service
Check: Arm Menu.
Click on <Initialize>
button. Push the
Probe gently to cut
the VOD opto so
that VOD Error will
be generated and
Arm initializes.
If the initialization or
VOD generation
fails, call the
Service Engineer

Error Handling 8-20

Arm AF -- Arm VOD VOD Opto Check the arm No

Error at ISE. sensor alignment in
VOD [Service Check]. If it
connectors is hitting at the
edge, then align the
Arm position probe using the
in ISE calibrate facility.
sample port
Remove the cover
of the arm and
check and clean
VOD opto.
Go to Service
Check: Arm Menu.
Click on <Initialize>
button. Push the
Probe gently to cut
the VOD opto so
that VOD Error will
be generated and
Arm initializes.
If the initialization or
VOD generation
fails, call the
Service Engineer

Arm 2A !R2 Arm VOD VOD Opto Check the arm If same
error – Sensor alignment in reagent is
Reagent The [Service Check]. If it present in
Pos. connectors is hitting at the next
edge, then align the available
Sample arm probe using the position,
position in calibrate facility. then that
Reagent tray particular
at R2 Remove the cover
of the arm and that will be
position moved to
check and clean
VOD opto pending list
Go to Service sampling
Check: Arm Menu. continues
Click on <Initialize> from the
button. Push the next
probe gently to cut available
the VOD opto so reagent
that VOD Error will position.
be generated and
Arm initializes. In case, if
reagent is
If the initialization or not present
VOD generation or absent,
fails, call the all
Service Engineer associated
tests will
moved to
list. Use
Work List
button in
screen to

8-21 Error Handling

the pending

Arm 2B R2! Arm VOD VOD Opto Check the arm No

error - Sensor alignment in
Cuvette The [Service Check]. If it
during connectors is hitting at the
Reagent 2 edge, then align the
operation Sample arm probe using the
position in calibrate facility.
during Remove the cover
Reagent 2 of the arm and
operation check and clean
VOD opto
Go to Service
Check: Arm Menu.
Click on <Initialize>
button. Push the
probe gently to cut
the VOD opto so
that VOD Error will
be generated and
Arm initializes.
If the initialization or
VOD generation
fails, call the
Service Engineer

Arm 2C !R2! Arm VOD VOD Opto Check the arm Yes
error - Sensor alignment in
Trough The [Service Check]. If it
during connectors is hitting at the
Reagent 2 edge, then align the
operation Sample arm probe using the
position in calibrate facility.
during Remove the cover
Reagent 2 of the arm and
operation check and clean
VOD opto
Go to Service
Check: Arm Menu.
Click on <Initialize>
button. Push the
probe gently to cut
the VOD opto so
that VOD Error will
be generated and
Arm initializes.
If the initialization or
VOD generation
fails, call the
Service Engineer

Error Handling 8-22

Arm 2D R2* Reagent Reagent is Place the reagent at If same

absent – not kept in the required reagent is
Pos. the reagent reagent position present in
bottle or Check the level of next
reagent Reagent and available
bottle not ensure that it is position,
kept at the above the Dead then that
defined volume particular
position test will be
Call Service moved to
Reagent is Engineer
below the pending list
Dead and
volume sampling
Arm position from the
in reagent next
tray available
LLS circuit reagent
and its position.
connector In case, if
problem reagent is
not present
or absent,
tests will
moved to
list. Use
Work List
button in
screen to
the pending

Arm 2E R2$ Froth Froth in Remove the froth in Reagent

Sensed at reagent reagent bottle. position
Reagent bottle Check the level of gets
Pos Reagent is Reagent and deactivated
near the ensure that it is when this
Dead above the Dead error
volume volume. occurs for
LLS circuit Ensure that ARM is consecutive
and its aligned at the times and
connector center of the bottle. all
problem Call Service associated
Engineer tests will
move to
lists. Use
Work List
button from
the Status
Monitor to
the pending

8-23 Error Handling


Arm 2F @R2 Arm Arm VOD Switch OFF the No

Initialize Up/ opto, arm analyzer; Move SPT
Down error position arm up and down
optos, up/ by hand and make
down optos sure that nothing is
and rotation obstructing SPT
optos movement
Probe Then switch ON the
assembly instrument; Go to
Interface [Service Check:
card and its Arm] menu; Give
connector <Initialize> and
<Arm Up> Execute
Up/down <Arm Down in
and rotation Trough> Execute
stepper commands
motor and its
connections If the initialization or
up/down movement
fails, call Service

Arm 31 @S Arm Position Switch OFF the Yes

Rotational Opto signal analyzer; Rotate
error - Interface arm by hand and
Trough to board and its make sure that
Sample/Dil connectors nothing is
cuvette obstructing Arm
Up/Down rotation
and rotation
stepper Then switch ON the
motor and its instrument; Go to
connection [Service Check:
Arm] menu; Give
<Initialize> and
<Arm Up> Execute
<Arm trough to R2
Cuvette> Execute
If the initialization or
rotation fails, call
Service Engineer

Error Handling 8-24

Arm 310 @S Arm Position Switch OFF the Yes

Rotational Opto signal analyzer; Rotate
error - Interface arm by hand and
Trough to board and its make sure that
Sample/ Dil connectors nothing is
Cuv obstructing Arm
Up/Down rotation
and rotation
stepper Then switch ON the
motor and its instrument; Go to
connection [Service Check:
Arm] menu; Give
<Initialize> and
<Arm Up> Execute
<Arm trough to R2
Cuvette> Execute
If the initialization or
rotation fails, call
Service Engineer

Arm 312 @S Arm Position Switch OFF the Yes

Rotational Opto signal analyzer; Rotate
Error - Interface arm by hand and
Trough to board and its make sure that
Dilution connectors nothing is
Cuvette obstructing Arm
Up/Down rotation
and rotation
stepper Then switch ON the
motor and its instrument; Go to
connection [Service Check:
Arm] menu; Give
<Initialize> and
<Arm Up> Execute
<Arm trough to R2
Cuvette> Execute
If the initialization or
rotation fails, call
Service Engineer

Arm 313 @S Arm Position Switch OFF the Yes

Rotational Opto signal analyzer; Rotate
Error - Interface arm by hand and
Trough to board and its make sure that
Dilution connectors nothing is
Cuvette obstructing Arm
Up/Down rotation
and rotation
stepper Then switch ON the
motor and its instrument; Go to
connection [Service Check:
Arm] menu; Give
<Initialize> and
<Arm Up> Execute
<Arm trough to R2
Cuvette > Execute
If the initialization or
rotation fails, call

8-25 Error Handling

Service Engineer

Arm 316 @S Arm Position Switch OFF the Yes

Rotational Opto signal analyzer; Rotate
Error - Interface arm by hand and
Trough to board and its make sure that
Dilution connectors nothing is
Cuvette obstructing Arm
Up/Down rotation
and rotation
stepper Then switch ON the
motor and its instrument; Go to
connection [Service Check:
Arm] menu; Give
<Initialize> and
<Arm Up> Execute
<Arm trough to R2
Cuvette > Execute
If the initialization or
rotation fails, call
Service Engineer

Arm 317 @S Arm Position Switch OFF the Yes

Rotational Opto signal analyzer; Rotate
Error - Interface arm by hand and
Trough to board and its make sure that
Dilution connectors nothing is
Cuvette obstructing Arm
Up/Down rotation
and rotation
stepper Then switch ON the
motor and its instrument; Go to
connection [Service Check:
Arm] menu; Give
<Initialize> and
<Arm Up> Execute
<Arm trough to R2
Cuvette > Execute
If the initialization or
rotation fails, call
Service Engineer

Error Handling 8-26

Arm 32 @S Arm Position Switch OFF the Yes

Rotational Opto signal analyzer; Rotate
error - Interface arm by hand and
Sample to board and its make sure that
Cuvette connectors nothing is
obstructing Arm
Up/Down rotation
and rotation
stepper Then switch ON the
motor and its instrument; Go to
connection [Service Check:
Arm] menu; Give
<Initialize> and
<Arm Up> Execute
<Arm trough to
sample outer>
Execute <Sample
Outer to R2
Cuvette> Execute
If the initialization or
rotation fails, call
Service Engineer

Arm 320 @S Arm Position Switch OFF the Yes

Rotational Opto signal analyzer; Rotate
error - Interface arm by hand and
Sample to board and its make sure that
Cuvette connectors nothing is
obstructing Arm
Up/Down rotation
and rotation
stepper Then switch ON the
motor and its instrument; Go to
connection [Service Check:
Arm] menu; Give
<Initialize> and
<Arm Up> Execute
<Arm trough to
sample outer>
Execute <Sample
Outer to R2
Cuvette> Execute
If the initialization or
rotation fails, call
Service Engineer

8-27 Error Handling

Arm 321 @S Arm Position Switch OFF the Yes

Rotational Opto signal analyzer; Rotate
error - Interface arm by hand and
Sample to board and its make sure that
Cuvette connectors nothing is
obstructing Arm
Up/Down rotation
and rotation
stepper Then switch ON the
motor and its instrument; Go to
connection [Service Check:
Arm] menu; Give
<Initialize> and
<Arm Up> Execute
<Arm trough to
sample outer>
Execute <Sample
Outer to R2
Cuvette> Execute
If the initialization or
rotation fails, call
Service Engineer

Arm 322 @S Arm Position Switch OFF the Yes

Rotational Opto signal analyzer; Rotate
Error - Interface arm by hand and
Dilution board and its make sure that
Cuvette to connectors nothing is
Cuvette obstructing Arm
Up/Down rotation
and rotation
stepper Then switch ON the
motor and its instrument; Go to
connection [Service Check:
Arm] menu; Give
<Initialize> and
<Arm Up> Execute
<Arm trough to R2
Cuvette > Execute <
R2 Cuvette to R1
Cuvette > Execute
If the initialization or
rotation fails, call
Service Engineer

Error Handling 8-28

Arm 323 @S Arm Position Switch OFF the Yes

Rotational Opto signal analyzer; Rotate
Error - Interface arm by hand and
Dilution board and its make sure that
Cuvette to connectors nothing is
ISE obstructing Arm
Up/Down rotation
and rotation
stepper Then switch ON the
motor and its instrument; Go to
connection [Service Check:
Arm] menu; Give
<Initialize> and
<Arm Up> Execute
<Arm trough to R2
Cuvette > Execute <
R2 Cuvette to R1
Cuvette > Execute
If the initialization or
rotation fails, call
Service Engineer

Arm 324 @S Arm Position Switch OFF the Yes

Rotational Opto signal analyzer; Rotate
Error - Interface arm by hand and
Sample to board and its make sure that
Cuvette connectors nothing is
obstructing Arm
Up/Down rotation
and rotation
stepper Then switch ON the
motor and its instrument; Go to
connection [Service Check:
Arm] menu; Give
<Initialize> and
<Arm Up> Execute
<Arm trough to
sample outer>
Execute <Sample
Outer to R2
Cuvette> Execute
If the initialization or
rotation fails, call
Service Engineer

8-29 Error Handling

Arm 325 @S Arm Position Switch OFF the Yes

Rotational Opto signal analyzer; Rotate
Error - Interface arm by hand and
Sample to board and its make sure that
Cuvette connectors nothing is
obstructing Arm
Up/Down rotation
and rotation
stepper Then switch ON the
motor and its instrument; Go to
connection [Service Check:
Arm] menu; Give
<Initialize> and
<Arm Up> Execute
<Arm trough to
sample outer>
Execute <Sample
Outer to R2
Cuvette> Execute
If the initialization or
rotation fails, call
Service Engineer

Arm 33 @S Arm Position Switch OFF the Yes

Rotational Opto signal analyzer; Rotate
error - Interface arm by hand and
Cuvette to board and its make sure that
Trough connectors nothing is
during obstructing Arm
Sample Up/Down rotation
operation and rotation
stepper Then switch ON the
motor and its instrument; Go to
connection [Service Check:
Arm] menu; Give
<Initialize> and
<Arm Up> Execute
<Arm trough to
sample outer>
Execute <Sample
Outer to R2
Cuvette> Execute
<R2 Cuvette to
Trough> Execute
If the initialization or
rotation fails, call
Service Engineer

Error Handling 8-30

Arm 331 @S Arm Position Switch OFF the Yes

Rotational Opto signal analyzer; Rotate
error - Interface arm by hand and
Cuvette to board and its make sure that
Trough connectors nothing is
during obstructing Arm
Sample Up/Down rotation
operation and rotation
stepper Then switch ON the
motor and its instrument; Go to
connection [Service Check:
Arm] menu; Give
<Initialize> and
<Arm Up> Execute
<Arm trough to
sample outer>
Execute <Sample
Outer to R2
Cuvette> Execute
<R2 Cuvette to
Trough> Execute
If the initialization or
rotation fails, call
Service Engineer

Arm 332 @S Arm Position Switch OFF the Yes

Rotational Opto signal analyzer; Rotate
error - Interface arm by hand and
Cuvette to board and its make sure that
Trough connectors nothing is
during obstructing Arm
Sample Up/Down rotation
operation and rotation
stepper Then switch ON the
motor and its instrument; Go to
connection [Service Check:
Arm] menu; Give
<Initialize> and
<Arm Up> Execute
<Arm trough to
sample outer>
Execute <Sample
Outer to R2
Cuvette> Execute
<R2 Cuvette to
Trough> Execute
If the initialization or
rotation fails, call
Service Engineer

8-31 Error Handling

Arm 333 @S Arm Position Switch OFF the Yes

Rotational Opto signal analyzer; Rotate
error - Interface arm by hand and
Cuvette to board and its make sure that
Trough connectors nothing is
during obstructing Arm
Sample Up/Down rotation
operation and rotation
stepper Then switch ON the
motor and its instrument; Go to
connection [Service Check:
Arm] menu; Give
<Initialize> and
<Arm Up> Execute
<Arm trough to
sample outer>
Execute <Sample
Outer to R2
Cuvette> Execute
<R2 Cuvette to
Trough> Execute
If the initialization or
rotation fails, call
Service Engineer

Arm 334 @S Arm Position Switch OFF the Yes

Rotational Opto signal analyzer; Rotate
error - Interface arm by hand and
Cuvette to board and its make sure that
Trough connectors nothing is
during obstructing Arm
Sample Up/Down rotation
operation and rotation
stepper Then switch ON the
motor and its instrument; Go to
connection [Service Check:
Arm] menu; Give
<Initialize> and
<Arm Up> Execute
<Arm trough to
sample outer>
Execute <Sample
Outer to R2
Cuvette> Execute
<R2 Cuvette to
Trough> Execute
If the initialization or
rotation fails, call
Service Engineer

Error Handling 8-32

Arm 335 @S Arm Position Switch OFF the Yes

Rotational Opto signal analyzer; Rotate
error - Interface arm by hand and
Cuvette to board and its make sure that
Trough connectors nothing is
during obstructing Arm
Sample Up/Down rotation
operation and rotation
stepper Then switch ON the
motor and its instrument; Go to
connection [Service Check:
Arm] menu; Give
<Initialize> and
<Arm Up> Execute
<Arm trough to
sample outer>
Execute <Sample
Outer to R2
Cuvette> Execute
<R2 Cuvette to
Trough> Execute
If the initialization or
rotation fails, call
Service Engineer

Arm 336 @S Arm Position Switch OFF the Yes

Rotational Opto signal analyzer; Rotate
error - Interface arm by hand and
Cuvette to board and its make sure that
Trough connectors nothing is
during obstructing Arm
Sample Up/Down rotation
operation and rotation
stepper Then switch ON the
motor and its instrument; Go to
connection [Service Check:
Arm] menu; Give
<Initialize> and
<Arm Up> Execute
<Arm trough to
sample outer>
Execute <Sample
Outer to R2
Cuvette> Execute
<R2 Cuvette to
Trough> Execute
If the initialization or
rotation fails, call
Service Engineer

8-33 Error Handling

Arm 337 @S Arm Position Switch OFF the Yes

Rotational Opto signal analyzer; Rotate
error - Interface arm by hand and
Cuvette to board and its make sure that
Trough connectors nothing is
during obstructing Arm
Sample Up/Down rotation
operation and rotation
stepper Then switch ON the
motor and its instrument; Go to
connection [Service Check:
Arm] menu; Give
<Initialize> and
<Arm Up> Execute
<Arm trough to
sample outer>
Execute <Sample
Outer to R2
Cuvette> Execute
<R2 Cuvette to
Trough> Execute
If the initialization or
rotation fails, call
Service Engineer

Arm 34 @S Arm Up Arm VOD Switch OFF the Yes

error - opto, arm analyzer; Move arm
Trough position up and down by
during optos, up/ hand and make
sample down optos sure that nothing is
operation and rotation obstructing Arm
optos movement
Probe Then switch ON the
assembly instrument; Go to
Interface [Service Check:
card and its Arm] menu; Give
connector <Initialize> and
<Arm Up> Execute
Up/down <Arm Down in
and rotation Trough> Execute
stepper <Arm Up> Execute
motor and its commands
If the initialization or
up/down movement
fails, call Service

Error Handling 8-34

Arm 35 @S Arm Down Arm VOD Switch OFF and Yes

error - opto & arm then switch ON the
Sample optos instrument. Check if
position Interface the error comes
card and its again
connector Remove the cover
Probe goes of the sample arm
down but and check and
doesn’t find clean obstacle opto
LLS signal Check the Arm
due to assembly
problem in Go to [Service
LLS card or Check: Arm] menu;
its connector Give <Initialize> and
Probe <Arm Up> Execute
assembly <Arm trough to
Sample outer>
Execute <Arm
Down> Execute
If still it is giving
error, call Service

Arm 352 @S Arm Down Arm VOD Switch OFF and Yes
Error - opto & arm then switch ON the
Dilution optos instrument. Check if
Cuvette Interface the error comes
card and its again
connector Remove the cover
Probe goes of the sample arm
down but and check and
doesn’t find clean obstacle opto
LLS signal Check the Arm
due to assembly
problem in Go to [Service
LLS card or Check: Arm] menu;
its connector Give <Initialize> and
Probe <Arm Up> Execute
assembly <Arm trough to R2
Cuvette> Execute
<Arm Down>
Execute commands
If still it is giving
error, call Service

8-35 Error Handling

Arm 353 @S Arm Down Arm VOD Switch OFF and Yes
Error - opto & arm then switch ON the
Dilution optos instrument. Check if
Cuvette Interface the error comes
card and its again
connector Remove the cover
Probe goes of the sample arm
down but and check and
doesn’t find clean obstacle opto
LLS signal Check the Arm
due to assembly
problem in Go to [Service
LLS card or Check: Arm] menu;
its connector Give <Initialize> and
Probe <Arm Up> Execute
assembly <Arm trough to R2
Cuvette> Execute
<Arm Down>
Execute commands
If still it is giving
error, call Service

Arm 356 @S Arm Down Arm VOD Switch OFF and Yes
Error - opto & arm then switch ON the
Dilution optos instrument. Check if
Cuvette Interface the error comes
card and its again
connector Remove the cover
Probe goes of the sample arm
down but and check and
doesn’t find clean obstacle opto
LLS signal Check the Arm
due to assembly
problem in Go to [Service
LLS card or Check: Arm] menu;
its connector Give <Initialize> and
Probe <Arm Up> Execute
assembly <Arm trough to R2
Cuvette> Execute
<Arm Down>
Execute commands
If still it is giving
error, call Service

Error Handling 8-36

Arm 357 @S Arm Down Arm VOD Switch OFF and Yes
Error - opto and then switch ON the
Dilution arm optos instrument. Check if
Cuvette Interface the error comes
card and its again
connector Remove the cover
Probe goes of the sample arm
down but and check and
doesn’t find clean obstacle opto
LLS signal Check the Arm
due to assembly
problem in Go to [Service
LLS card or Check: Arm] menu;
its connector Give <Initialize> and
Probe <Arm Up> Execute
assembly <Arm trough to R2
Cuvette> Execute
<Arm Down>
Execute commands
If still it is giving
error, call Service

Arm 36 @S Arm Up Arm VOD Switch OFF the Yes

error - opto, arm analyzer; Move SPT
Sample position arm up and down
position optos, up/ by hand and make
down optos sure that nothing is
and rotation obstructing SPT
optos movement
Probe Then switch ON the
assembly instrument; Go to
Interface [Service Check:
card and its Arm] menu; Give
connector <Initialize> and
<Arm Up> Execute
Up/down <Arm trough to
and rotation Sample outer>
stepper Execute <Arm
motor and its Down> Execute
connections <Arm Up> Execute
If the initialization or
up/down movement
fails, call Service

8-37 Error Handling

Arm 362 @S Arm Up Arm VOD Switch OFF the Yes

Error - opto, arm analyzer; Move SPT
Dilution position arm up and down
Cuvette optos, up/ by hand and make
down optos sure that nothing is
and rotation obstructing SPT
optos movement
Probe Then switch ON the
assembly instrument; Go to
Interface [Service Check:
card and its Arm] menu; Give
connector <Initialize> and
<Arm Up> Execute
Up/down <Arm trough to R2
and rotation Cuvette> Execute
stepper <Arm Down>
motor and its Execute <Arm Up>
connections Execute commands
If the initialization or
up/down movement
fails, call Service

Arm 363 @S Arm Up Arm VOD Switch OFF the Yes

Error - opto, arm analyzer; Move SPT
Dilution position arm up and down
Cuvette optos, up/ by hand and make
down optos sure that nothing is
and rotation obstructing SPT
optos movement
Probe Then switch ON the
assembly instrument; Go to
Interface [Service Check:
card and its Arm] menu; Give
connector <Initialize> and
<Arm Up> Execute
Up/down <Arm trough to R2
and rotation Cuvette> Execute
stepper <Arm Down>
motor and its Execute <Arm Up>
connections Execute commands
If the initialization or
up/down movement
fails, call Service

Error Handling 8-38

Arm 366 @S Arm Up Arm VOD Switch OFF the Yes

Error - opto, arm analyzer; Move SPT
Dilution position arm up and down
Cuvette optos, up/ by hand and make
down optos sure that nothing is
and rotation obstructing SPT
optos movement
Probe Then switch ON the
assembly instrument; Go to
Interface [Service Check:
card and its Arm] menu; Give
connector <Initialize> and
<Arm Up> Execute
Up/down <Arm trough to R2
and rotation Cuvette> Execute
stepper <Arm Down>
motor and its Execute <Arm Up>
connections Execute commands
If the initialization or
up/down movement
fails, call Service

Arm 367 @S Arm Up Arm VOD Switch OFF the Yes

Error - opto, arm analyzer; Move SPT
Dilution position arm up and down
Cuvette optos, up/ by hand and make
down optos sure that nothing is
and rotation obstructing SPT
optos movement
Probe Then switch ON the
assembly instrument; Go to
Interface [Service Check:
card and its Arm] menu; Give
connector <Initialize> and
<Arm Up> Execute
Up/down <Arm trough to R2
and rotation Cuvette> Execute
stepper <Arm Down>
motor and its Execute <Arm Up>
connections Execute commands
If the initialization or
up/down movement
fails, call Service

8-39 Error Handling

Arm 37 @S Arm Down Arm VOD Switch OFF and Yes

error - opto & arm then switch ON the
Sample optos instrument. Check if
Cuvette Interface the error comes
card and its again
connector Remove the cover
Probe of the sample arm
assembly and check and
clean obstacle opto
Check the Arm
If still it is giving
error, call Service

Arm 39 @S Arm Down Arm VOD Switch OFF and Yes

error - opto and then switch ON the
Trough arm optos instrument. Check if
during Interface the error comes
sample card and its again
operation connector Remove the cover
Probe of the sample arm
assembly and check and
clean obstacle opto
Check the Arm
If still it is giving
error, call Service

Arm 3A !S Arm VOD VOD Opto Check whether the When this
error - Sensor selected option is error
Sample The tube and instead of occurs, all
Pos. connectors tube a cup is placed the tests
Check the Arm associated
Sample arm with that
position in alignment in
Sample tray [Service Check]. If it sample will
is hitting at the moved to
edge, then align the pending
probe using the list. Use
calibrate facility. Work List
button in
Remove the cover Status
of the sample arm Monitor
and check and screen to
clean VOD opto reschedule.
Go to Service
Check: Arm Menu.
Click on <Initialize>
button. Push the
Probe gently to cut
the VOD opto so
that VOD Error will
be generated and
Arm initializes.
If the initialization or
VOD generation
fails, call the

Error Handling 8-40

Service Engineer

Arm 3A2 !DILN Arm VOD VOD Opto Check whether the No
Error - Sensor selected option is
Dilution The tube and instead of
Cuvette connectors tube a cup is placed

Sample arm Check the Arm

position in alignment in
Sample tray [Service Check]. If it
is hitting at the
edge, then align the
probe using the
calibrate facility.
Remove the cover
of the sample arm
and check and
clean VOD opto
Go to Service
Check: Arm Menu.
Click on <Initialize>
button. Push the
Probe gently to cut
the VOD opto so
that VOD Error will
be generated and
Arm initializes.
If the initialization or
VOD generation
fails, call the
Service Engineer

Arm 3A3 !DILN Arm VOD VOD Opto Check whether the No
Error - Sensor selected option is
Dilution The tube and instead of
Cuvette connectors tube a cup is placed

Sample arm Check the Arm

position in alignment in
Sample tray [Service Check]. If it
is hitting at the
edge, then align the
probe using the
calibrate facility.
Remove the cover
of the sample arm
and check and
clean VOD opto
Go to Service
Check: Arm Menu.
Click on <Initialize>
button. Push the
Probe gently to cut

8-41 Error Handling

the VOD opto so

that VOD Error will
be generated and
Arm initializes.
If the initialization or
VOD generation
fails, call the
Service Engineer

Arm 3A6 !DILN Arm VOD VOD Opto Check whether the No
Error - Sensor selected option is
Dilution The tube and instead of
Cuvette connectors tube a cup is placed

Sample arm Check the Arm

position in alignment in
Sample tray [Service Check]. If it
is hitting at the
edge, then align the
probe using the
calibrate facility.
Remove the cover
of the sample arm
and check and
clean VOD opto
Go to Service
Check: Arm Menu.
Click on <Initialize>
button. Push the
Probe gently to cut
the VOD opto so
that VOD Error will
be generated and
Arm initializes.
If the initialization or
VOD generation
fails, call the
Service Engineer

Arm 3A7 !DILN Arm VOD VOD Opto Check whether the No
Error - Sensor selected option is
Dilution The tube and instead of
Cuvette connectors tube a cup is placed

Sample arm Check the Arm

position in alignment in
Sample tray [Service Check]. If it
is hitting at the
edge, then align the
probe using the
calibrate facility.
Remove the cover
of the sample arm
and check and
clean VOD opto
Go to Service
Check: Arm Menu.
Click on <Initialize>
button. Push the
Probe gently to cut

Error Handling 8-42

the VOD opto so

that VOD Error will
be generated and
Arm initializes.
If the initialization or
VOD generation
fails, call the
Service Engineer

Arm 3B S! Arm VOD VOD Opto Check the arm No

error - Sensor alignment in
During The [Service Check]. If it
Sample connectors is hitting at the
dispense edge, then align the
Sample arm probe using the
position in calibrate facility.
cuvette Remove the cover
of the arm and
check and clean
VOD opto
Go to Service
Check: Arm Menu.
Click on <Initialize>
button. Push the
probe gently to cut
the VOD opto so
that VOD Error will
be generated and
Arm initializes.
If the initialization or
VOD generation
fails, call the
Service Engineer

Arm 3B DILN! Arm VOD VOD Opto Check the arm No

error - Sensor alignment in
During The [Service Check]. If it
Diluted connectors is hitting at the
Sample edge, then align the
dispense Sample arm probe using the
position in calibrate facility.
cuvette Remove the cover
during of the arm and
dilution check and clean
VOD opto
Go to Service
Check: Arm Menu.
Click on <Initialize>
button. Push the
probe gently to cut
the VOD opto so
that VOD Error will
be generated and
Arm initializes.
If the initialization or
VOD generation
fails, call the
Service Engineer

8-43 Error Handling

Arm 3B0 S! Arm VOD VOD Opto Check the arm No

Error - Sensor alignment in
Cuvette The [Service Check]. If it
connectors is hitting at the
edge, then align the
Sample arm probe using the
position in calibrate facility.
cuvette Remove the cover
of the arm and
check and clean
VOD opto
Go to Service
Check: Arm Menu.
Click on <Initialize>
button. Push the
probe gently to cut
the VOD opto so
that VOD Error will
be generated and
Arm initializes.
If the initialization or
VOD generation
fails, call the
Service Engineer

Arm 3B1 S! Arm VOD VOD Opto Check the arm No

Error - Sensor alignment in
Cuvette The [Service Check]. If it
connectors is hitting at the
edge, then align the
Sample arm probe using the
position in calibrate facility.
cuvette Remove the cover
of the arm and
check and clean
VOD opto
Go to Service
Check: Arm Menu.
Click on <Initialize>
button. Push the
probe gently to cut
the VOD opto so
that VOD Error will
be generated and
Arm initializes.
If the initialization or
VOD generation
fails, call the
Service Engineer

Arm 3B2 DILN! Arm VOD VOD Opto Check the arm No
Error - Sensor alignment in
Cuvette The [Service Check]. If it
connectors is hitting at the edge
, then align the
Sample arm probe using the
position in calibrate facility.
cuvette Remove the cover

Error Handling 8-44

of the arm and

check and clean
VOD opto
Go to Service
Check: Arm Menu.
Click on <Initialize>
button. Push the
probe gently to cut
the VOD opto so
that VOD Error will
be generated and
Arm initializes.
If the initialization or
VOD generation
fails, call the
Service Engineer

Arm 3B3 DILN! Arm VOD VOD Opto Check the arm No
Error - Sensor alignment in
Cuvette The [Service Check]. If it
connectors is hitting at the edge
, then align the
Sample arm probe using the
position in calibrate facility.
cuvette Remove the cover
of the arm and
check and clean
VOD opto
Go to Service
Check: Arm Menu.
Click on <Initialize>
button. Push the
probe gently to cut
the VOD opto so
that VOD Error will
be generated and
Arm initializes.
If the initialization or
VOD generation
fails, call the
Service Engineer

Arm 3B4 S! Arm VOD VOD Opto Check the arm No

Error - Sensor alignment in
Cuvette The [Service Check]. If it
connectors is hitting at the
edge, then align the
Sample arm probe using the
position in calibrate facility.
cuvette Remove the cover
of the arm and
check and clean
VOD opto
Go to Service
Check: Arm Menu.
Click on <Initialize>
button. Push the
probe gently to cut

8-45 Error Handling

the VOD opto so

that VOD Error will
be generated and
Arm initializes.
If the initialization or
VOD generation
fails, call the
Service Engineer

Arm 3B5 S! Arm VOD VOD Opto Check the arm No

Error - Sensor alignment in
Cuvette The [Service Check]. If it
connectors is hitting at the
edge, then align the
Sample arm probe using the
position in calibrate facility.
cuvette Remove the cover
of the arm and
check and clean
VOD opto
Go to Service
Check: Arm Menu.
Click on <Initialize>
button. Push the
probe gently to cut
the VOD opto so
that VOD Error will
be generated and
Arm initializes.
If the initialization or
VOD generation
fails, call the
Service Engineer

Arm 3B6 DILN! Arm VOD VOD Opto Check the arm No
Error - Sensor alignment in
Cuvette The [Service Check]. If it
connectors is hitting at the
edge, then align the
Sample arm probe using the
position in calibrate facility.
cuvette Remove the cover
of the arm and
check and clean
VOD opto
Go to Service
Check: Arm Menu.
Click on <Initialize>
button. Push the
probe gently to cut
the VOD opto so
that VOD Error will
be generated and
Arm initializes.
If the initialization or
VOD generation
fails, call the
Service Engineer

Error Handling 8-46

Arm 3B7 DILN! Arm VOD VOD Opto Check the arm No
Error - Sensor alignment in
Cuvette The [Service Check]. If it
connectors is hitting at the
edge, then align the
Sample arm probe using the
position in calibrate facility.
cuvette Remove the cover
of the arm and
check and clean
VOD opto
Go to Service
Check: Arm Menu.
Click on <Initialize>
button. Push the
probe gently to cut
the VOD opto so
that VOD Error will
be generated and
Arm initializes.
If the initialization or
VOD generation
fails, call the
Service Engineer

Arm 3C !S! Arm VOD VOD Opto Check the arm Yes
error - Sensor alignment in
Trough The [Service Check]. If it
during connectors is hitting at the
Sample edge, then align the
operation Sample arm probe using the
position in calibrate facility.
during Remove the cover
sample of the arm and
operation check and clean
VOD opto
Go to Service
Check: Arm Menu.
Click on <Initialize>
button. Push the
probe gently to cut
the VOD opto so
that VOD Error will
be generated and
Arm initializes.
If the initialization or
VOD generation
fails, call the
Service Engineer

Arm 3D S* Sample Sample is Place the sample at When this

absent - not kept in the required error
Pos. the sample sample position occurs,
tube / cup at Check the level of then all the
that Sample and ensure Tests
particular that it is above the associated
position Dead volume with that
Sample tube sample will
Call Service

8-47 Error Handling

/ cup absent Engineer moved to

at that pending
particular list. It can
position be
LLS circuit reschedule
and its d using
connector Work List
problem button in
Sample is Monitor
below the screen
Arm position
in sample

Arm 3E S$ Air bubble Froth in Remove the froth in When this

Sensed at sample sample container. error
Sample Pos container Check the level of occurs for
Sample is sample and ensure three
near the that it is above the consecutive
Dead Dead volume. times, then
volume all the
Ensure that ARM is Tests
LLS circuit aligned at the associated
and its center of the with that
connector Sample container sample will
problem Call Service moved to
Engineer pending
list. Use
Work List
button in
Monitor to
the pending

Arm 3F S! Arm VOD Arm VOD Switch OFF the No

error - ISE opto, arm analyzer; Move SPT
Unit position arm up and down
optos, up/ by hand and make
down optos sure that nothing is
and rotation obstructing SPT
optos movement
Probe Then switch ON the
assembly instrument; Go to
Interface [Service Check:
card and its Arm] menu; Give
connector <Initialize> and
<Arm Up> Execute
Up/down <Arm Down in
and rotation Trough> Execute
stepper commands
motor and its
connections If the initialization or
up/down movement
fails, call Service

Error Handling 8-48

Arm 43 @R1 R1 Skip Position Switch OFF the Yes

Opto signal analyzer; Rotate
Interface arm by hand and
board and its make sure that
connectors nothing is
obstructing Arm
Up/Down rotation
and rotation
stepper Then switch ON the
motor and its instrument; Go to
connection [Service Check:
Arm] menu; Give
<Initialize> and
<Arm Up> Execute
<Arm trough to
reagent inner/
outer> Execute
If the initialization or
rotation fails, call
Service Engineer

Arm 53 @R2 R2 Skip Position Switch OFF the Yes

Opto signal analyzer; Rotate
Interface arm by hand and
board and its make sure that
connectors nothing is
obstructing Arm
Up/Down rotation
and rotation
stepper Then switch ON the
motor and its instrument; Go to
connection [Service Check:
Arm] menu; Give
<Initialize> and
<Arm Up> Execute
<Arm trough to
reagent inner/ outer
> Execute
If the initialization or
rotation fails, call
Service Engineer

8-49 Error Handling

Arm 63 @S Sample Position Switch OFF the Yes

Skip Opto signal analyzer; Rotate
Interface arm by hand and
board and its make sure that
connectors nothing is
obstructing Arm
Up/Down rotation
and rotation
stepper Then switch ON the
motor and its instrument; Go to
connection [Service Check:
Arm] menu; Give
<Initialize> and
<Arm Up> Execute
<Arm trough to
sample outer>
Execute commands
If the initialization or
rotation fails, call
Service Engineer

Syringe 41 @SYR Syringe Syringe Switch OFF the Yes

Initialize position opto analyzer; Move the
error Interface Syringe up and
card and its down by hand and
connector make sure that
nothing is
Syringe up/ obstructing the
down motor movement
Then switch ON the
instrument; Go to
[Service Check:
Syringe]; Give
<Initialize> and
If the initialization or
movement fails, call
Service Engineer

Syringe 42 @R1 R1 Syringe Syringe Switch OFF the Yes

Up/Down position opto analyzer; Move the
error Interface Syringe up and
card and its down by hand and
connector make sure that
nothing is
Syringe up/ obstructing the
down motor movement
Then switch ON the
instrument; Go to
[Service Check:
Syringe]; Give
<Initialize> and
If the initialization or

Error Handling 8-50

movement fails, call
Service Engineer

Syringe 52 @R2 R2 Syringe Syringe Switch OFF the Yes

Up/Down position opto analyzer; Move the
error Interface Syringe up and
card and its down by hand and
connector make sure that
nothing is
Syringe up/ obstructing the
down motor movement
Then switch ON the
instrument; Go to
[Service Check:
Syringe]; Give
<Initialize> and
If the initialization or
movement fails, call
Service Engineer

SRGT tray 71 @SRGT SRGT Position opto Switch OFF the Yes
Initialize assembly of analyzer; Rotate
Rotational RGT tray RGT by hand and
error Stepper make sure that
motor and its nothing is
connections obstructing the
card and its Then, switch ON the
connector instrument; Go to
[Service Check:
Reagent Tray]; Give
If initialization fails,
call Service

SRGT tray 72 @SRGT SRGT Position opto Switch OFF the Yes
Rotational assembly of analyzer; Rotate
error RGT tray RGT by hand and
Stepper make sure that
motor and its nothing is
connections obstructing the
card and its Then, switch ON the
connector instrument; Go to
[Service Check:
Reagent Tray]; Give
If initialization fails,
call Service

8-51 Error Handling


SRGT tray 74 @SRGT SRGT Position opto Switch OFF the No

Rotational assembly of analyzer; Rotate
error during RGT tray RGT by hand and
R1 Stepper make sure that
operation motor and its nothing is
connections obstructing the
card and its Then, switch ON the
connector instrument; Go to
[Service Check:
Reagent Tray]; Give
If initialization fails,
call Service

SRGT tray 75 @SRGT SRGT Position opto Switch OFF the Yes
Rotational assembly of analyzer; Rotate
error during RGT tray RGT by hand and
R2 Stepper make sure that
operation motor and its nothing is
connections obstructing the
card and its Then, switch ON the
connector instrument; Go to
[Service Check:
Reagent Tray]; Give
If initialization fails,
call Service

SRGT tray 76 @SRGT SRGT Position opto Switch OFF the Yes
Rotational assembly of analyzer; Rotate
error during RGT tray RGT by hand and
Sample Stepper make sure that
operation motor and its nothing is
connections obstructing the
card and its Then, switch ON the
connector instrument; Go to
[Service Check:
Reagent Tray]; Give
If initialization fails,
call Service

SRGT tray 77 @SRGT SRGT ARM Make sure that arm No

rotational assembly assembly is not
error- Due UP opto & down in RGT tray
to arm down Direction during service

Error Handling 8-52

in Tray opto. check for reagent i.e

during R1 service command
aspiration RGT initialize
RGT tray rotates
to “X” position. If
arm assembly
is not down then
check up opto &
direction opto
Check opto
connectors are
connected properly
or not.

SRGT tray 78 @SRGT SRGT ARM assembly Make sure that arm No
rotational UP opto & assembly is not
error- Due Direction opto. down in RGT tray
to arm down during service
in Tray check for reagent i.e
during R2 service command
aspiration RGT initialize
RGT tray rotates
to “X” position. If
arm assembly
is not down then
check up opto &
direction opto
Check opto
connectors are
connected properly
or not.

SRGT tray 7A @SRGT SRGT Tray ARM Make sure that arm No
rotational assembly assembly is not
error- Due UP opto & down in RGT tray
to arm down Direction during service
in Tray opto. check for reagent i.e
during service command
Sample RGT initialize
RGT tray rotates
to “X” position. If
arm assembly
is not down then
check up opto &
direction opto
Check opto
connectors are
connected properly
or not.

8-53 Error Handling

SRGT tray 85 @SRGT SRGT ARM assembly After completing the Yes
Interlock UP opto run, Emergency stop is
Error - Due automatically executed
to Arm up and all assemblies
Error at R2 initializes.

SRGT tray 8F @SRGT SRGT ARM assembly Make sure that arm No
Interlock UP opto assembly is not
Error down in RGT tray
during service
check for reagent i.e
service command
RGT initialize
RGT tray rotates
to “X” position. If
arm assembly
is not down then
check up opto &
direction opto
Check opto
connectors are
connected properly
or not.

SRGT tray 7F @SRGT SRGT ARM Make sure that arm No

Interlock assembly assembly is not
Error UP opto & down in RGT tray
Direction during service
opto. check for reagent i.e
service command
RGT initialize
RGT tray rotates
to “X” position. If
arm assembly
is not down then
check up opto &
direction opto
Check opto
connectors are
connected properly
or not.

Error Handling 8-54

Arm 81 R1$ Froth Froth in Remove the froth in Reagent

Sensed at reagent reagent bottle. position
Reagent bottle Check the level of gets
Pos Reagent is Reagent and deactivated
near the ensure that it is when this
Dead above the Dead error
volume volume. occurs for
LLS circuit Ensure that ARM is consecutive
and its aligned at the times and
connector center of the bottle. all
problem Call Service associated
Engineer tests will
move to
lists. Use
Work List
button from
the Status
Monitor to
the pending

Arm 81 D$ Froth Froth in Remove the froth in No

Sensed at Diluent bottle Diluent bottle.
Diluent Pos Diluent is Check the level of
near the Diluent and ensure
Dead that it is above the
volume Dead volume.
LLS circuit Ensure that ARM is
and its aligned at the
connector center of the bottle.
problem Call Service

Arm 38 @S ARM up Arm VOD Switch OFF the Yes

error in opto, arm analyzer; Move arm
cuvette - position up and down by
sample optos, up/ hand and make
operation down optos sure that nothing is
and rotation obstructing SPT
optos movement.
Probe Then switch ON the
assembly instrument; Go to
Interface [Service Check:
card and its Arm] menu; Give
connector <Initialize> and
<Trough to R1
Up/down cuvette> Execute
and rotation <Arm down in
stepper cuvetter> Execute
motor and its <Arm up>
If the initialization or
movement fails, call
Service Engineer

8-55 Error Handling

RCT tray 82 @RCT3 RCT ARM Make sure that arm No

Interlock assembly assembly is not
Error - Due UP opto & down in Rotor tray
to Arm up Direction during service
Error at R2 opto & ARM check
Cuvette home opto Rotor initialize
Rotor tray rotate
to “X” position
Check opto
connectors are
connected properly
or not.

RCT tray 83 -- RCT ARM Make sure that arm No

Interlock assembly assembly is not
Error - Due UP opto & down in Rotor tray
to Arm up Direction during service
Error at R1 opto & ARM check
Cuvette, home opto Rotor initialize
Rotor tray rotate
to “X” position
Check opto
connectors are
connected properly
or not.

RCT tray 84 -- RCT ARM Make sure that arm No

Interlock assembly assembly is not
error - Due UP opto & down in Rotor tray
to Arm up Direction during service
Error at opto & ARM check
Sample home opto Rotor initialize
Rotor tray rotate
to “X” position
Check opto
connectors are
connected properly
or not.

SRGT tray 86 @SRGT SRGT ARM assembly After completing the Yes
Interlock UP opto run, Emergency stop is
Error - Due automatically executed
to Arm up and all assemblies
Error at R1 initializes.

SRGT tray 87 @SRGT SRGT ARM assembly After completing the Yes
Interlock UP opto run, Emergency stop is
Error - Due automatically executed
to Arm up and all assemblies
Error at initializes.

Error Handling 8-56

RCT Tray 91 RCT1 RCT Position opto Switch OFF the No

Initialize assembly of analyzer; Rotate
Rotational RCT tray Rotor by hand and
error Stepper make sure that
motor and its nothing is
connections obstructing the
card and its Then switch ON the
connector instrument; Go to
[Service Check:
Arm down in Rotor Tray]; Give
RCT <Initialize>
If initialization fails,
otherwise call
Service Engineer

RCT Tray 92 RCT2 RCT Position opto Switch OFF the No

Rotational assembly of analyzer; Rotate
error RCT tray RCT by hand and
Stepper make sure that
motor and its nothing is
connections obstructing the
card and its Then switch ON the
connector instrument; Go to
[Service Check:
Arm down in Rotor Tray]; Give
RCT <Initialize>
If initialization fails,
otherwise call
Service Engineer

Dome 95 DA Dome Dome is open Close the dome No

Level 2 abruptly above properly
level 2

RCT Tray 97 RCT4 RCT ARM Make sure that arm No

rotational assembly assembly is not
error -Due UP opto & down in Rotor tray
to R1 Direction during service
dispense opto. check for reagent i.e
interlock service command
Rotor initialize
Rotor tray
rotates to “X”
position. If arm
assembly is not
down then
check up opto &
direction opto

8-57 Error Handling

Check opto
connectors are
connected properly
or not.

RCT Tray 98 RCT6 RCT ARM Make sure that arm No

rotational assembly assembly is not
error - Due UP opto & down in Rotor tray
to R2 Direction during service
dispense opto. check for reagent i.e
interlock service command
Rotor initialize
Rotor tray
rotates to “X”
position. If arm
assembly is not
down then
check up opto &
direction opto
Check opto
connectors are
connected properly
or not.

Hardware 99 HErr Hardware Check the Take the corrective No

Error Error assembly which action for the error
gave error prior which occurred prior to
to Hardware Hardware Error

RCT Tray 9F RCT3 RCT ARM Make sure that arm No

Interlock assembly assembly is not
error UP opto & down in Rotor tray
Direction during service
opto & ARM check
home opto Rotor initialize
Rotor tray rotate
to “X” position
Check opto
connectors are
connected properly
or not.

Stirrer A1 @STR2 Stirrer Position Switch OFF the Yes

Rotational Opto signal analyzer; Rotate
Error during Interface stirerr by hand and
R2 stirring - board and its make sure that
Trough To connectors nothing is
Cuvette obstructing Arm
Stepper rotation
motor and its
connection Then switch ON the
instrument; Go to
[Service Check:
Arm] menu; Give
<Initialize> and
<Arm Up> Execute

Error Handling 8-58

<Arm trough to R2
Cuvette> Execute
<R2 Cuvette to
Trough> Execute
If the initialization or
rotation fails, call
Service Engineer

Arm A2 @R1 Stirrer Arm VOD Switch OFF and No

Rotational opto & arm then switch ON the
Error during optos instrument. Check if
R2 stirring Interface the error comes
card and its again
connector Remove the cover
Probe of the sample arm
assembly and check and
clean obstacle opto
Check the Arm
If still it is giving
error, call Service

Stirrer A3 @STR2 Stirrer Position Switch OFF the No

Rotational Opto analyzer; Rotate
Error during assembly of stirrer by hand and
R2 stirring - stirrer make sure that
Cuvette To Interface nothing is
Trough board and its obstructing Arm
connectors rotation

Stepper Then switch ON the

motor and its instrument; Go to
connection [Service Check:
Stirrer] menu; Give
<Initialize> and
<Trough to stirring
cuvette> and
Execute <Initialize>
If the initialization or
rotation fails, call
Service Engineer

8-59 Error Handling

Stirrer A4 @STR2 Stirrer Up Position Switch OFF the Yes

error - Opto analyzer; Rotate
Trough assembly of stirrer by hand and
during R2 stirrer make sure that
Stirring Interface nothing is
board and its obstructing Arm
connectors rotation

Stepper Then switch ON the

motor and its instrument; Go to
connection [Service Check:
Stirrer] menu; Give
<Initialize> and
<Trough to stirring
cuvette> and
Execute <Stirrer
down> and then
Execute <Stirrer
If the initialization or
rotation fails, call
Service Engineer

Stirrer A5 @STR2 Stirrer Up Position Switch OFF the Yes

error - Opto analyzer; Rotate
Cuvette assembly of stirrer by hand and
during R2 stirrer make sure that
Stirring Interface nothing is
board and its obstructing Arm
connectors rotation

Stepper Then switch ON the

motor and its instrument; Go to
connection [Service Check:
Stirrer] menu; Give
<Initialize> and
<Trough to stirring
cuvette> and
<stirrer down> and
execute <stirrer
If the initialization or
rotation fails, call
Service Engineer

Error Handling 8-60

Stirrer A7 @STR2 Stirrer Down Position Switch OFF the No

error - Opto analyzer; Rotate
Cuvette assembly of stirrer by hand and
during R2 stirrer make sure that
Stirring Interface nothing is
board and its obstructing Arm
connectors rotation

Stepper Then switch ON the

motor and its instrument; Go to
connection [Service Check:
Stirrer] menu; Give
<Initialize> and
<Trough to stirring
cuvette> and
Execute <stirrer
If still it is giving
error, call Service

Stirrer A9 @STR2 Stirrer Down Position Switch OFF the Yes

error - Opto analyzer; Rotate
Trough assembly of stirrer by hand and
during R2 stirrer make sure that
stirring Interface nothing is
board and its obstructing Arm
connectors rotation

Stepper Then switch ON the

motor and its instrument; Go to
connection [Service Check:
Stirrer] menu; Give
<Initialize> Execute
<Trough to stirring
cuvette> Execute
<stirrer down>
If still it is giving
error, call Service

RCT Tray B1 RCT ARM Rotor initialize No

Interlock assembly Rotor tray rotate to
Error - Due UP opto & “X” position
to Arm up Direction
Error at R2 opto & ARM Move arm to Rotor
Cuvette home opto and down in Rotor
If initialization or
rotation fails call
service engineer
Check opto
connectors are
connected properly
or not.

8-61 Error Handling

RCT Tray B2 RCT ARM Rotor initialize No

Interlock assembly Rotor tray rotate to
Error - Due UP opto & “X” position
to Arm up Direction
Error at R1 opto & ARM Move arm to Rotor
Cuvette home opto and down in Rotor
If initialization or
rotation fails call
service engineer
Check opto
connectors are
connected properly
or not.

RCT Tray B3 RCT ARM Rotor initialize No

Interlock assembly Rotor tray rotate to
error - Due UP opto & “X” position
to Sample Direction
dispense opto & ARM Move arm to Rotor
home opto and down in Rotor
If initialization or
rotation fails call
service engineer
Check opto
connectors are
connected properly
or not.

RCT Tray B4 RCT ARM Rotor initialize No

Interlock assembly Rotor tray rotate to
Error - Due UP opto & “X” position
to Arm up Direction
Error at opto & ARM Move arm to Rotor
Sample home opto and down in Rotor
Cuvette If initialization or
during rotation fails call
Stirring service engineer
Check opto
connectors are
connected properly
or not.

RCT Tray B5 -- RCT ARM Rotor initialize No

Interlock assembly Rotor tray rotate to
Error - Due UP opto & “X” position
to Arm up Direction
Error at R2 opto & ARM Move arm to Rotor
Cuvette home opto and down in Rotor
during If initialization or
Stirring rotation fails call
service engineer
Check opto
connectors are
connected properly
or not.

Error Handling 8-62

Stirrer C1 @STR1 Stirrer Position opto Switch OFF the Yes

Rotational assembly of analyzer; Rotate
Error for stirrer stirrer by hand and
Sample Interface make sure that
stirring - board and its nothing is
Trough To connectors obstructing the
Cuvette rotation.
motor and its Then switch ON the
connection instrument; Go to
[Service Check:
Stirrer]; Give
<Initialize> and
<Trough to stirring
cuvette> Execute
If the initialization or
rotation fails, call
Service Engineer

Stirrer C2 @STR1 Stirrer Position Switch OFF the Yes

Rotational Opto signal analyzer; Rotate
Error during Interface stirrer by hand and
init board and its make sure that
connectors nothing is
obstructing the
Stepper rotation.
motor and its
connection Then switch ON the
instrument; Go to
[Service Check:
Stirrer]; Give
<Initialize> and
<Trough to stirring
cuvette> Execute
If the initialization or
rotation fails, call
Service Engineer

Stirrer C3 @STR1 Stirrer Position opto Switch OFF the Yes

Rotational assembly of analyzer; Rotate
Error for stirrer stirrer by hand and
Sample Interface make sure that
stirring - card and its nothing is
Cuvette To connector obstructing the
Trough rotation.
motor Then switch ON the
instrument; Go to
[Service Check:
Stirrer]; Give
<Initialize> and
<Trough to stirring
cuvette> Execute
If the initialization or
rotation fails, call
Service Engineer

8-63 Error Handling

Stirrer C4 @STR1 Stirrer Up Position opto Switch OFF the Yes

error - assembly of analyzer; Rotate
Trough stirrer stirrer by hand and
during Interface make sure that
Sample card and its nothing is
Stirring connector obstructing the
motor Then switch ON the
instrument; Go to
[Service Check:
Stirrer]; Give
<Initialize> and
<Trough to stirring
cuvette> Execute
<Stirrer Down> and
then Execute
<Stirrer Up>
If the initialization or
rotation fails, call
Service Engineer

Stirrer C5 -- Stirrer up Position opto Switch OFF the No

down Error assembly of analyzer; Rotate
during init stirrer stirrer by hand and
Interface make sure that
card and its nothing is
connector obstructing the
motor Then switch ON the
instrument; Go to
[Service Check:
Stirrer]; Give
<Initialize> and
<Trough to stirring
cuvette> Execute
<Stirrer Down> and
Execute <Stirrer
Up> then Execute
If the initialization or
rotation fails, call
Service Engineer

Error Handling 8-64

Stirrer C7 @STR1 Stirrer Down Position opto Switch OFF the Yes
error - assembly of analyzer; Rotate
Cuvette stirrer stirrer by hand and
during Interface make sure that
Sample card and its nothing is
Stirring connector obstructing the
motor Then switch ON the
instrument; Go to
[Service Check:
Stirrer]; Give
<Initialize> and
<Trough to stirring
cuvette> Execute
<Stirrer Down> and
Execute <Stirrer
Up> then Execute
If the initialization or
rotation fails, call
Service Engineer

Stirrer C8 @STR1 Stirrer UP Position opto Switch OFF the Yes

error - assembly of analyzer; Rotate
Cuvette stirrer stirrer by hand and
during Interface make sure that
Sample card and its nothing is
stirring connector obstructing the
motor Then switch ON the
instrument; Go to
[Service Check:
Stirrer]; Give
<Initialize> and
<Trough to stirring
cuvette> Execute
<Stirrer Down> and
Execute <Stirrer
If the initialization or
rotation fails, call
Service Engineer

8-65 Error Handling

Stirrer C9 @STR1 Stirrer Down Position opto Switch OFF the No

error - assembly of analyzer; Rotate
Trough stirrer stirrer by hand and
during Interface make sure that
Sample card and its nothing is
stirring connector obstructing the
motor Then switch ON the
instrument; Go to
[Service Check:
Stirrer]; Give
<Initialize> and
<Trough to stirring
cuvette> Execute
<Stirrer Down> and
Execute <Stirrer
If the initialization or
rotation fails, call
Service Engineer

Arm 44 HErr Arm up/ Up opto of Switch OFF and No

down arm restart the analyzer.
positioning Interface If problem still
error card and its persist, call service
connector engineer.

Step loss in

Arm B9 HErr stirrer up/ Up opto of Switch OFF and No

down stirrer restart the analyzer.
positioning Interface If problem still
error card and its persist, call service
connector engineer.

Step loss in

Controller D1 SRAM Interface Switch OFF the No

Memory Board Analyzer and Switch
Error (CPU). it on after few

Dome DM Close Dome is Close the dome No

Dome to open properly.

Error Handling 8-66

Waste Can J1 Empty Waste Level Check the Waste No

Waste Sensor Level
Reservoir/ output of Check the Sensor
Waste Tank Level Output of Level
full to Sensors Sensor

DI Water Can L1 Low DI DI Water Check the DI Water No

Water Level Level Level
Sensor Check the Sensor
output of Output of Level
Level Sensor

Dome M2 Dome open Dome is open Close the dome No

Level 1 level 1 properly
Check the opto

Dome M4 Dome open Dome is open Close the dome No

Level 2 level 2 properly
Check the opto

Dome M6 Dome open Dome is open Close dome No

Level level 2 and level properly
2,Dome 1 Check the opto
open Level

Photometer N1 PDC PDC Card. Goto Service Check No

Operational Interface and give
ERROR Board and Emergency Stop
its Command.
connector. Switch OFF the
Analyzer and Switch
it on after few

Photometer N2 PDC PDC Card. Goto Service Check No

Communica Interface and give
tion ERROR Board and Emergency Stop
its Command.
connector. Switch OFF the
Analyzer and Switch
it on after few

Barcode P1 Barcode Barcode Check the barcode No

Scanner Scanner Scanner scanner
Failure Barcode Check the barcode
scanner scanner
connections connections
board and its

8-67 Error Handling

Instrument NR Analyzer Not Wrong PC Make sure that a No

Responding COM port correct port has
selection for been selected in
analyzer. the Service Check >
Problem in PC Communication
Communicat Make sure the
ion cable continuity of the RS
RS 232 232 communication
isolator cable between
board Analyzer and PC

Problem in Change RS 232

RCT rotation isolator PCB.

Reaction T9 @TMP RCT RCT heater Go to [Service No

Tray Temperatur and its Check: RCT Temp];
e out of connections Give <Read>
range Interface command. RCT
board and its temperature should
connections be displayed along
with the RCT
RCT sensor status
sensors and
its If the temperature is
connections not coming within
range, call Service

Communicati CM COMM* Communica Analyzer is Switch on the No

on tion Error switched analyzer
OFF Connect the cable
Communicat between analyzer
ion cable and PC.
between PC Install the USB
and Analyzer drivers.
is not
connected. If the
USB drivers fails, call Service
are not Engineer.

Instrument BY Analyzer is Analyzer is busy Wait for analyzer to No

busy doing previously complete ongoing
commanded operation.


9-2 Configuration

9 Configuration
This section describes step-by-step procedures for some common configuration tasks. You must
have the required user access level to perform these tasks.

See the following section for more details:

Login and password recovery

Setting UI language

Setting test sequence

Access control

Setting connection with host computer

Entering the master details

Create profile

9.1 Login and password recovery

This section describes the procedure to recover the password for the user login Guest, in case you
lose or forget the password. However, the password for other user logins can be reset by the
administrator for their login from the Settings > User Rights screen.

For more information on setting the user access see section User Rights.

Follow this procedure for recovering login password:

1. In the login screen, enter Guest in the Login ID textbox and click on the link “Click Here” as
shown in figure below.

On clicking, a text file is created which contains password details of the user and sends to
the location C:\MultiXLLOG. The following screen will be displayed.

2. Go to folder C:\MultiXLLOG, and send the generated text file, for example
‘ForgotPWD20110305.Txt’ to the service engineer. See figure as shown below.

Configuration 9-3

3. Click OK to close.

9.2 Setting UI language

The user interface language can be changed according to your choice from the available list of
languages. MultiXL application uses this language in dialog boxes, menus, captions, header in the
screen, and other items in the user interface.

List of Languages supported: English, Chinese, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, French,
German, Polish and Czech.

To change the language, do the following:

1. Click on the Settings from the main menu.

2. Go to System Parameters screen, and click on the three dotted button available on the
Default Language parameter.

4. Select the desired language from the Set Language drop down list.

5. Click OK. The captions on the screen will appear in the selected language. Alternatively,
language can also be changed using F10 key from the keyboard.

6. Click on Save to save the settings.

9.3 Setting test sequence

As per requirement, the display sequence of tests can be changed which are available for selection
in the following screen.

Patient Entry

9-4 Configuration



Test Parameter > Test Details

Test Parameter > Test Volumes

Test Parameter > Reference Ranges

Profiles/Calc > Profiles

QC Calibration > Calibration

Once the test display sequence is set, the tests will appear in the specified sequence.

See the following procedure to set the display sequence:

1. Click Settings in the main menu.

2. Select Test Sequence screen.

3. Select the appropriate tests sequence option.

4. Rearrange the tests as required using the buttons provided for sorting.

5. After making changes, click on Save.

9.4 Access control

Administrator of the system can create new user and provide access control through the User Right

Refer section User Right for more details.

See the following sections in more details:

To create new user login

To provide access rights to existing user

To change the user ID password

9.4.1 To create new user login

1. Click on Settings from the main menu.

2. Select User Right screen.

3. Click on the CLEAR button, and then enter the user name in the User Name field.

4. Now enter the type of user using User Type drop down list. Four options are available:


Configuration 9-5

A user defined with User Type as Analyst or Doctor will also appear in the list of
Analyst and Doctor respectively from Patient Entry screen.

5. Enter the following fields:

On Panel
Zip Code
Email ID
Login ID
New Password
Confirm Password

User must enter the details for the parameters that are marked with red asterisk.

6. Once all the data are entered, click on the SAVE button. This will create the user ID.

7. User can use this user ID for system login.

9.4.2 To provide access rights to existing user

1. Click on Settings from the main menu.

2. Select User Right screen.

3. Click on the search button. On clicking, the HELP window will be displayed containing
the list of existing user IDs.

4. Now, select the required user name by double click and click EDIT button.

9-6 Configuration

5. Check or uncheck the check boxes under column Full Access as per requirement, and click
SAVE to confirm. The settings will be saved for that user id.

User must replace the old password with the new password before saving the

9.4.3 To change the user ID password

1. Click on Settings from the main menu.

2. Select User Right screen.

Configuration 9-7

3. Click on the search button. On clicking, the HELP window will be displayed containing
the list of existing user IDs.

4. Now, select the name of the user by double click and click EDIT button.

5. Now enter the old password, new password, and confirm password and then click SAVE to
confirm the settings.

6. If the user has forgotten the password, click on EDIT, select the FORGOT PASSWORD
check box and then enter the New Password and Confirm Password.

9.5 Connection to Host PC

This section explain you how to establish a connection between analyzer's Data Station and Host
PC in LAN (Local Area Network) and Peer-to-peer network.

Refer section Host Settings for more details.

See the following sections in more details:

In peer to peer network (using serial port)

In LAN (Local Area Network)

9-8 Configuration

9.5.1 In peer to peer network

Follow the procedure to connect with host:

1. Click on Settings from the main menu.

2. Select Host Settings screen.

3. Click EDIT.

4. Select option RS 232C, and enter the following parameters.

Port No.

Baud Rate


Data Length

Stop Bits

Make sure that baud rate, parity, data length and start bit settings entered in
the host computer should match with analyzer's PC.

5. After entering the details, click CONNECT AND SAVE.

On successful connection, connection between the LIS and host will be established, and
data will be saved.

Use CHECK CONNECTION to check the communication.

Configuration 9-9

9.5.2 In LAN (Local Area Network)

Follow the procedure to connect with host:

1. Click on Settings from the main menu.

2. Select Host Settings screen.

3. Select option TCP/IP, and enter the following parameters.

IP Address

Port No.

Make sure that the port number entered in the host computer should match
with analyzer's PC.

4. After entering the details, click CONNECT AND SAVE.

On successful connection, connection between the LIS and host will be established, and
data will be saved.

Use CHECK CONNECTION to check the communication.

9-10 Configuration

9.6 Entering the master details

This section explains you how to enter master details through Master screen. Details entered here
will be displayed on the various screen.

The master patient database stores information like:

Area from which the samples are collected

Name of referring doctor

Name of analyst

Name of laboratory

Name of manufacturer

Minimum and maximum reference range

Types of unit

Calculation formula


See section Master for more details.

9.6.1 Add area

To add area name

1. Click Master from main menu.

2. Select Area screen.

3. Enter the area name.

4. Click on SAVE.

5. This will add the area name and displayed in the grid.

To edit area name

1. Click Master from main menu.

2. Select Area screen.

3. Select the area name to be updated.

4. Click on EDIT.

5. Change the area name.

6. Click on SAVE.

Configuration 9-11

7. This will update the area name and displayed in the grid.

To delete area name

1. Click Master from main menu.

2. Select Area screen.

3. Select the area name to be deleted.

4. Click DELETE.

5. This will delete the area name from the grid.

9.6.2 Add doctor

To add doctor name

1. Click Master from main menu.

2. Select Doctor screen.

3. Enter the name of doctor and its demographics.

4. Click on SAVE.

5. This will add the doctor name and displayed in the grid.

To edit doctor name

1. Click Master from main menu.

2. Select Doctor screen.

3. Select the name of doctor to be updated.

4. Click on EDIT.

5. Edit the name or other details.

6. Click SAVE .

7. This will update the doctor's name and displayed in the grid.

To delete doctor name

1. Click Master from main menu.

2. Select Doctor screen.

3. Select the name of the doctor to be deleted.

4. Click DELETE.

5. This will delete the name from the grid.

9-12 Configuration

9.6.3 Add analyst

To add analyst name

1. Click Master from main menu.

2. Select Analyst screen.

3. Enter the name of analyst and its demographics.

4. Click SAVE.

5. This will add the analyst name and displayed in the grid.

To edit analyst name

1. Click Master from main menu.

2. Select Analyst screen.

3. Select the name of analyst to be updated.

4. Click EDIT.

5. Edit the name or other details.

6. Click SAVE .

7. This will update the analyst's name and displayed in the grid.

To delete analyst name

1. Click Master from main menu.

2. Select Analyst screen.

3. Select the name of the analyst to be deleted.

4. Click DELETE.

5. This will delete the name from the grid.

9.6.4 Add laboratory

To add laboratory name

1. Click Master from main menu.

2. Select Laboratory screen.

3. Enter the name of laboratory and its demographics.

4. Click SAVE.

5. This will add the laboratory name and displayed in the grid.

Configuration 9-13

To edit laboratory name

1. Click Master from main menu.

2. Select Laboratory screen.

3. Select the name of laboratory to be updated.

4. Click EDIT.

5. Edit the name or other details.

6. Click SAVE .

7. This will update the laboratory's name and displayed in the grid.

To delete laboratory name

1. Click Master from main menu.

2. Select Laboratory screen.

3. Select the name of the laboratory to be deleted.

4. Click DELETE.

5. This will delete the name from the grid.

9.6.5 Add manufacturer

To add manufacturer name

1. Click Master from main menu.

2. Select Mfg screen.

3. Enter the name of manufacturer.

4. Click SAVE.

5. This will add the name and displayed in the grid.

To edit manufacturer name

1. Click Master from main menu.

2. Select Mfg screen.

3. Select the name of manufacturer to be updated.

4. Click EDIT.

5. Edit the name.

6. Click SAVE .

9-14 Configuration

7. This will update the manufacturer's name and displayed in the grid.

To delete laboratory name

1. Click Master from main menu.

2. Select Mfg screen.

3. Select the name of the manufacturer to be deleted.

4. Click DELETE.

5. This will delete the name from the grid.

9.6.6 Add reference range

To add reference range

1. Click Master from main menu.

2. Select Reference Range screen.

3. Enter the min and max reference range.

4. Click SAVE.

5. This will add the name and displayed in the grid.

To edit reference range

1. Click Master from main menu.

2. Select Reference Range screen.

3. Select the reference range to be updated.

4. Click EDIT to modify.

5. Click SAVE .

6. This will update the reference range and displayed in the grid.

To delete reference name

1. Click Master from main menu.

2. Select Reference Range screen.

3. Select the name of the reference range to be deleted.

4. Click DELETE.

5. This will delete the name from the grid.

Configuration 9-15

9.6.7 Add unit

To add a unit

1. Click Master from main menu.

2. Select Unit screen.

3. Enter the unit.

4. Click SAVE.

5. This will add the unit and displayed in the grid.

To edit a unit

1. Click Master from main menu.

2. Select Unit screen.

3. Select the unit to be updated.

4. Click EDIT to modify.

5. Click SAVE .

6. This will update the unit and displayed in the grid.

To delete a unit

1. Click Master from main menu.

2. Select Unit screen.

3. Select the unit to be deleted.

4. Click DELETE.

5. This will delete the unit from the grid.

9.6.8 Add calculation formula

To add a formula

1. Click Master from main menu.

2. Select Calculation Formula screen.

3. Enter the calculation formula.

4. Click SAVE.

5. This will add the calculation formula and displayed in the grid.

9-16 Configuration

To edit a formula

1. Click Master from main menu.

2. Select Calculation Formula screen.

3. Select the calculation formula to be updated.

4. Click EDIT to modify.

5. Click SAVE .

6. This will update the calculation formula and displayed in the grid.

To delete a formula

1. Click Master from main menu.

2. Select Calculation Formula screen.

3. Select the calculation formula to be deleted.

4. Click DELETE.

5. This will delete the calculation formula from the grid.

9.6.9 Add instrument

To add instrument name

1. Click Master from main menu.

2. Select Instrument screen.

3. Enter the name of instrument.

4. Click SAVE.

5. This will add the instrument name and displayed in the grid.

To edit instrument name

1. Click Master from main menu.

2. Select Instrument screen.

3. Select the name of instrument to be updated.

4. Click EDIT.

5. Edit the name.

6. Click SAVE .

7. This will update the instrument's name and displayed in the grid.

Configuration 9-17

To delete instrument name

1. Click Master from main menu.

2. Select Instrument screen.

3. Select the name of the instrument to be deleted.

4. Click DELETE.

5. This will delete the instrument's name from the grid.

9.7 Archive Data

The archive data is the process of moving patient results to separate data storage for long-term use
Data archives consist of older patient data which can be used for future reference, if required.

Data archiving improves the performance of (Live) database with the following key benefits.

Faster search of patient results

Quick accessibility of patient results

Reduces the amount of storage required for patient results.

For archiving and restoring patient data, the Archive option will appear on the main menu as shown in
the following figure.

Archive option on the main menu screen.

Initially when the software is installed, this option is not visible. It appears only when the patient
results reaches to a specific limit. In this case, at specific time interval, software automatically
prompts the user to archive the data when it is necessary. Thereafter, this option will be always
It is advisable to archive the older patient results to separate data storage.

9-18 Configuration

It is mandatory to archive the data before starting the batch run when the
patient result reaches a specific limit (software shows alert message, as

Only Patient results will be archived. The Calibration, Control and

Consumables data will always remain in the (Live) Database. While archiving
the patient results, the required additional information such as Area, Location,
Doctor, Reference Range etc are copied to the separate data storage (Archive
Database) and available while reviewing archived results.

This section includes:

Archiving Data.

Viewing Archived Data


9.7.1 Archiving Data

Steps to follow the procedure for archive data:

1. Click on the Archive option from the main menu. following screen will be displayed

2. There are two options are available:

Configuration 9-19

Archived List to View Reports

Archive Patient Data

3. Select the Archive Patient Data option, and click OK,the archive process will start and the
status will be displayed as shown below

During the archive process, all other menus will be disabled.

4. After completing the archive process, a message “Archived data successfully” will be
displayed on the screen.

9.7.2 Viewing Archived Data

Steps to follow the procedure for Viewing Archive Data:

1. Click on the Archive option from the main menu.Following screen will be displayed

9-20 Configuration

2. There are two options are available:

Archived List to View Reports

Archive Patient Data

3. Select the Archived List to View Reports option then select the desired archive to connect
to archive database to view the reports.

4. On clicking OK a message will be displayed “Connection successful. You may view the
Patient Reports”.

Configuration 9-21

During this time, only Reports, Search and Shut down menus are available.
Rest of the menus will not be accessible.

5. After connecting to achieve database, user will able to connect to Live database again by
selecting Live record from the list.

9.7.3 Observations
When the archive database is connected, the patient data can be viewed only in the following screen:

Reports > Patient Report

Reports > Result Reprint

Reports > Test Statistics

Reports > Error Log

Reports > Reaction Curve

Reports > Other > Reagent Consumption

Search > Patient Results

Other main menu screens are not accessible for the user except the following screens:



9-22 Configuration



During batch run, the Archive screen will not be accessible.

9.8 Create profile

This section explain you how to create and delete the profile.

See the following section in more details:

Add profile

Delete profile

9.8.1 Add profile

The profile can be created from the Profiles screen.

The procedure is given below:

1. Open Profiles/Calc screen.

2. Enter the profile name and profile report name in the respective text box.

3. Add the required tests by clicking on the test name from the Tests grid.

4. Click on SAVE to save the profile.

5. Once the profile is saved, the name appears in the Profiles grid.

9.8.2 Delete profile

Use the following instructions to delete the profile:

1. Open Profiles/Calc screen.

2. Select the profile name from the Profile grid.

3. Click Delete.

4. Click Yes.


10-2 Result Flags

10 Result Flags
Measurement result flags are printed out together with the measurement result. See the section Flag
List in more details.

10.1 Flag List

Serial Flags Cause


1 # This flag is issued to indicate that the result obtained is from a rerun. This flag
is issued for all rerun results

2 ~ When Linearity Extension Logic method is used to reduce the measurement

range to match absorbance range setting, this flag should be given.
(Technical Limit is zero, Reaction Absorbance Limit is non-zero. More than 2
measurement points are available for result calculation)

3 F This flag is used to indicate that correlation correction has been used to
calculate the final result. That is, this flag is issued if in the equation Y = aX
+ b, a is not equal to 1 or b is not equal to zero.

4 -1SD This flag is issued with control results when the result is below 1SD limit

5 +1SD This flag is issued with control results when the result is above 1SD limit

6 -2SD This flag is issued with control results when the result is below 2SD limit

7 +2SD This flag is issued with control results when the result is above 2SD limit

8 -3SD This flag is issued with control results when the result is below 3SD limit

9 +3SD This flag is issued with control results when the result is above 3SD limit

10 NOCAL This flag is issued with patient or control result and indicates that the
calibration table is not available for result calculation. The calibration table
needs to be checked and corrected to calculate a result (e.g. calibration is
not present or number of standards provided for calibration is less than

11 ?SD This flag is issued with control results when the target Mean and SD values
have not been defined for the control in Consumables screen. Therefore, flags
such as “±1SD”, “±2SD”, “±3SD” cannot be given

12 V-D This flag is issued with patient results and indicates a Decreased volume run.

13 V-I This flag is issued with patient results and indicates a Increased volume run.

14 MONO This flag is issued with patient and control results when, for the concerned
test, the absorbance’s of the calibrators are not changing monotonically with
their respective concentration in the calibration table.

15 PD This flag is issued with patient and control results to indicate that the sample
was pre-diluted.

16 P* This flag is issued with patient and control serum results to indicate that
prozone (antigen excess) has occurred.

Result Flags 10-3

17 TEC-H Upper technical limit violated. Measured value or absorbance slope is higher
than the set maximum technical limit. (Set Maximum limit to zero to cancel
the check for TEC-H flag.)

18 TEC-L Lower technical limit violated. Measured value or absorbance slope is lower
than the set minimum technical limit. (Set Minimum limit to zero to cancel
the check for TEC-L flag.)

19 RANGH 1. This flag is issued with patient and control results to indicate that the
absorbance of the sample is higher than the absorbance of the highest
concentration calibrator in the calibration table for an increasing reaction
direction test.
2. This flag is also issued with patient and control results if the absorbance of
the sample is lower than the absorbance of the highest concentration
calibrator in the calibration table for a decreasing reaction direction test.

20 RANGL 1. This flag is issued with patient and control results to indicate that the
absorbance of the sample is lower than the absorbance of the blank (or
lowest concentration calibrator) in the calibration table for an increasing
reaction direction test.
2. This flag is also issued with patient and control results if the absorbance of
the sample is higher than the absorbance of the blank (or lowest
concentration calibrator) in the calibration table for a decreasing reaction
direction test.

21 H Measured value is larger than upper limit set for normal value range for the
corresponding age, sample type and category.

22 L Measured value is smaller than lower limit set for normal value range for the
corresponding age, sample type and category.

23 CALC! Calculated Item is not calculated for any of the following reasons.
1. Denominator is 0 (zero) in the process of calculation for compensation.
2. The test to be used for Calculation Item has not been measured yet.
3. Any test to be used for Calculated Item has data/calibration alarms, such
4. Any test to be used for Calculation Item errors (S*, R1* etc)

24 ABSLIM This flag is issued for End-Point chemistries and Rate chemistries when the
absorbance is beyond the Reaction Absorbance Limit set in Test Parameter.
For Rate-chemistries, this flag will be issued when Technical limit is set. In
this case, Extension Logic will not be applied.

25 PANL Low Panic value alarm. This flag is issued with a sample result to indicate
that the patient result is lower than the Lower Panic Limit programmed in Test
Parameter for the corresponding age, sample type and category.

26 PANH High Panic value alarm. This flag is issued with a sample result to indicate
that the patient result is higher than the Upper Panic Limit programmed in
Test Parameter for the corresponding age, sample type and category.

27 LINxx Linearity abnormal (checked only for Rate A and Rate B assays). When the
reaction during measurement points M2S and M2E is non-linear beyond the
set limit for linearity of reaction this flag is given and the percent linearity of
reaction is indicated by a two digit number xx after “LIN”.

10-4 Result Flags

28 Lim0 This flag is applicable for Rate Chemistries, only during the extension logic
(Technical Limit is zero) and when Reaction Absorbance Limit is present
(non-zero). If there is no measurement point available for result calculation,
then this flag is issued and result will be “NA”.

29 Lim1 This flag is applicable for Rate Chemistries, only during the extension logic
(Technical Limit is zero) and when Reaction Absorbance Limit is present
(non-zero). If there is only one measurement point available for result
calculation, then this flag is issued and result will be “NA”.

30 Lim2 This flag is applicable for Rate Chemistries, only during the extension logic
(Technical Limit is zero) and when Reaction Absorbance Limit is present
(non-zero). If there are only 2 measurement points available for result
calculation, then this flag is issued.

31 ??? This flag is issued when the denominator becomes zero during calculation or
an overflow error occurs in logarithmic or exponential calculation.

32 Rgt Abs This flag indicates that the reagent 1 absorbance is lower than the
Min programmed Reagent Absorbance Min

33 Rgt Abs This flag indicates that the reagent 1 absorbance is greater than the
Max programmed Reagent Absorbance Max

34 @TMP This flag is issued for results other than ISE, when the RCT temperature was
out of range while the measurement was in process.

35 TO This flag indicates Time Out while receiving result from the machine.

36 Cal* This flag is issued with the patient and control results to indicate that the
results are being calibrated with previous calibration data.

37 EVH This flag is issued with the patient result when the result is higher than the
concentration of the highest calibrator and is calculated by extra-polating the
calibration curve on higher side.
Extrapolation % (maximum 20%) is set in system parameters.

38 EVL This flag is issued with the patient result when the result is lower than the
concentration of the lowest calibrator and is calculated by extra-polating the
calibration curve, upto zero.
Extrapolation % (maximum 20%) is set in system parameters.

39 D$ This flag is issued when the froth is detected on Diluent position. On

occurrence of this error, the tests for that particular Diluent position will be
stopped and go into pending list.

40 S$ This flag is issued when the air bubble is sensed on sample position. On
occurrence of this error, the tests for that particular sample will be stopped
and go into pending list.

41 R1$ This flag is issued when the froth is detected on R1 position. On occurrence
of this error, the tests for that particular R1 position will be stopped and go
into pending list.

42 R2$ This flag is issued when the froth is detected on R2 position. On occurrence
of this error, the tests for that particular R2 position will be stopped and go
into pending list.

Result Flags 10-5

43 W* This flag is issued with the result when there is a problem performing wash
(detergent or reagent) during carry over pair process.

44 COMM* This flag is issued with the result if any reading is missed out between the
measurement point (M1 Start and M2 Start) due to communication failure.

45 N! This flag is issued to patient results having a negative value. Negative results
can be sent to host and also for a re-run based on user selection. If "Print
Negative Result" checkbox is unchecked in System Parameters, then in this
condition, negative test result will be printed as zero in Patient Report and N!
Flag will be printed only if “Hide Flags” option is not selected during printing.

46 HV! This flag is issued when, during RUN the measured volume in the reagent
bottle is more than the specific capacity of that particular bottle type (small/

NOTE: This flag is issued only for fresh/new reagent bottles.

47 LV! This flag is issued when, during RUN the measured volume in the fresh or
used reagent bottle is below the tolerance of last known level.

48 DA This flag is issued when, test affected due to dome opened abruptly (level 2)
and ARM movement is stopped.

49 ABS! This flag is issued when an Absorbance in a Reaction curve is above 3.0,

In entire reaction curve, this flag is issued in following condition:

o Primary ABS > 3.0 or

o Secondary ABS > 3.0 or

o For a chemistry with dual-wavelength, (Primary ABS – Secondary ABS) >


In this condition result will be declared with NA.


Maintenance 11-2

11 Maintenance
This section provides the necessary and minimal maintenance procedures in order to ensure that the
analyzer operates correctly and provides the accurate measurement results.

The analyzer has been designed to require very little user maintenance compared to the other
analyzers of the same class. Regular cleaning and periodic maintenance as per the schedule keeps
the analyzer in good working condition without any trouble.

To do this, see the following maintenance procedure:

Daily Maintenance

Weekly Maintenance

Quarterly Maintenance

Annual Maintenance

Preventative Maintenance

11.1 Daily Maintenance

The bio-hazardous waste is highly infectious. Drain the bio-hazardous waste
from the Waste Can by strictly following the waste disposable laboratory

Always use fresh DI water in clean and pre-washed Cans to prevent water from

The inside of the SRGT Tray is exposed to splashes of samples / reagents,

contact with ambient room air and condensation on the walls. This gives rise
to bacterial and fungal growth in the adjoining region. To avoid such
conditions, clean the inside of the tray thoroughly on a regular basis or
whenever a spill occurs.

Start of the day procedure

Serial Number Description

1 Fill the DI Water Can.

2 Empty Waste Can.

3 Clean the probe tip and stirrer paddle with tissue paper soaked in alcohol.

4 Perform the sample/reagent probe wash.

5 Mount fresh or completely dry rotor.

6 Replace the printer paper if necessary.

11-3 Maintenance

7 Perform the photometer check and verify that the auto span check has passed
successfully. (Observe after 10 minutes warm-up).

8 Remove any condensation present on the walls of the SRGT tray, near the
reagent bottle necks or on the barcode label using a dry tissue.

9 Verify the reagent tray and reaction tray temperature after 10 minute warm up.

10 In case of ISE unit, ensure that there is enough CAL A and CAL B solution.

11 Replenish or replace the reagents if necessary.

End of the day Procedure

Serial Number Description

1 Remove and discard all Sample, Standard, and Controls cups or tubes from the
sample tray.

2 Take a backup of all patient reports.

3 Shut down the MultiXL software.

4 It is preferred that while shut down, user selects “Auto maintenance & Shut
down” option from the shut down window.

5 Turn off the main switch located on the right hand side of the analyzer (in case ISE
and if reagent cooling required, leave rear side switch and mains switch where
analyzer is connected on).

6 Remove any condensation present on the walls of the SRGT tray or near the
reagent bottle necks using a dry tissue.

7 Empty the waste can.

8 Clean analyzer external surface to remove residues of serum, reagents etc.

11.2 Weekly Maintenance

The bio-hazardous waste is highly infectious. Drain the bio-hazardous waste
from the Waste Can by strictly following the waste disposable laboratory

Always use fresh DI water in clean and pre-washed Cans to prevent water from

Serial Number Description

1 Clean and fill the DI Water Can.

2 In case of ISE unit, ensure that there is enough CAL A and CAL B solution.

3 Empty Waste Can.

4 Clean the computer, trolley, monitor, keyboard and printer external surface.

Maintenance 11-4

5 Clean the area around the analyzer, and discard any unwanted item. (Maintain
proper room cleanliness).

6 Clean the probe tip and stirrer paddle with tissue paper soaked in alcohol.

7 Perform the sample/reagent probe wash.

8 Clean the SRGT tray.

9 Perform an auto span check and note down the gain values for all the

10 Perform a precision check and note down the %CV for an end point and
kinetic test.

11 Clean the barcode reader window in the piece of RGT base unit.

12 Archive MultiXL database.

13 Backup MultiXL database – main Database, Archive database.

11.3 Quarterly Maintenance

The bio-hazardous waste is highly infectious. Drain the bio-hazardous waste
from the Waste Can by strictly following the waste disposable laboratory

Always use fresh DI water in clean and pre-washed Cans to prevent water from

Serial Number Description

1 Clean and empty the waste can.

2 Clean and fill the DI water can. Replace the filter in DI water can.

3 In case of ISE unit, ensure that there is enough CAL A and CAL B solution.

4 Clean the computer, monitor, keyboard and printer external surface.

5 Clean the area around the analyzer, and discard any unwanted item (maintain
proper room cleanliness).

6 Clean the probe tip and stirrer paddle with tissue paper soaked in alcohol.

7 Perform the sample/reagent probe wash.

8 Clean the SRGT tray.

9 Clean the fans (depends on installation conditions).

10 Clean the bar code readers (depends on installation conditions).

11 Clean the waste hub.

11-5 Maintenance

12 Perform the auto span check and note down the gain values for all the

13 Perform a precision check and note down the %CV for an end point and
kinetic test.

14 Replace the lamp.

15 Clean the internal surface free of dust.

16 Perform an auto span check and note down the gain values for all the

17 Carry out site verification for temperature, line voltage, electrical ground,
ventilation, external interferences, room lighting, and laboratory cleanliness

18 Make a detailed entry of the maintenance carried out and site verifications
performed in the error log book.

19 Clean PC hard disk for temp file like old communication log files.

11.4 Annual Maintenance

The bio-hazardous waste is highly infectious. Drain the bio-hazardous waste
from the Waste Can by strictly following the waste disposable laboratory

Always use fresh DI water in clean and pre-washed Cans to prevent water from

Serial Number Description

1 Clean the Waste Can.

2 Clean and fill the DI Water Can.

3 In case of ISE unit, ensure that there is enough CAL A and CAL B solution

4 Replace External Tubing to the Waste and De-ionized Water Cans.

5 Clean the Analyzer External Surface.

6 Clean the computer, monitor, keyboard and printer external surface.

7 Clean the area around the analyzer, and discard any unwanted item (maintain
proper room cleanliness).

8 Check and replace the sample probe if necessary.

9 Clean the probe tip and stirrer paddle with tissue paper soaked in alcohol.

10 Perform the sample/reagent probe wash.

11 Clean the SRGT tray.

Maintenance 11-6

12 Clean the fans.

13 Clean the bar code readers.

14 Perform the auto span check and note down the gain values for all the

15 Perform a precision check and note down the %CV for an end point and kinetic

16 Replace the lamp.

17 Clean the internal surface.

18 Perform an auto span check and note down the gain values for all the

19 Carry out site verification for temperature, line voltage, electrical ground,
ventilation, external interferences, room lighting, and laboratory cleanliness

20 Make a detailed entry in the error log book, of the maintenance carried out and
site verifications.

Average life of the Lamp is 1000 hours. Replacement of Lamp depends on its
usage and ON Time.

Average life of water filter is 3 months. Replacement of water filter depends on quality of DI water

DI water pump has average life of around 4000 hrs. Depending on the use of the analyzer, DI water
pump may need periodic replacement.

11.5 Rotor Cleaning Procedure

The rotor wells contain highly bio-hazardous material, which may cause
infection to human. Please take the necessary precaution to protect yourself
when carrying out this procedure.

* Always clean the new Rotor prior to use.

* Prior to use, always inspect the rotor for visible defects/damage or particle
* Never leave a fully used rotor with reaction mixture on the analyzer. Once the
analysis have finished, remove it from the analyzer immediately. If you want to
reuse the rotor, proceed to clean the rotor as indicated below.

Manual Rotor Cleaning Procedure:

1. Remove the reaction mixture from the rotor wells.

2. Rinse the rotor thoroughly with running water.

11-7 Maintenance

3. Immerse the rotor in a 5% wash solution (Erba XL wash) for 30 minutes.

4. Rinse the rotor thoroughly with running water.

Maintenance 11-8

5. Immerse the rotor in 3% nitric acid or Hydrochloric Acid solution and keep it for 5 minutes (in
case if deproteinization is required).

6. Rinse the rotor thoroughly with running water.

7. Immerse the rotor in distilled water and keep it for 30 minutes.

11-9 Maintenance

8. Shake the excess water off from the rotor.

9. Place the rotor in clean space by resting it on handles provided for lifting & allow drying at
room temperature.

Ultrasonic Rotor Cleaning Procedure:

1. Remove the reaction mixture from the rotor wells as per individual laboratory’s bio-hazardous
waste handling processes.

2. Rinse the rotor thoroughly with running water.

3. Immerse the rotor in a 5% wash solution (Erba XL Wash) for 3 minutes in ultrasonic cleaner.
Set the temperature from 35 °C to 37 °C.

Maintenance 11-10

4. Remove the rotor from ultrasonic cleaner and rinse thoroughly with running water.

5.Then immediately wash the rotor with distilled water

6.Shake the excess water off from the rotor.

7.Place the rotor in clean space by resting it on handles provided for lifting & allow drying at room

Prior to use, always inspect the rotor for visible defects/damage or

particle remnants.

11-11 Maintenance

Deproteinization is required only when tests for ions such as magnesium,

calcium etc are required.

Organic solvents (alcohol, benzene) or alkaline solutions must not be used.

They must be left to dry completely before being reused.

High temperatures must not be used during drying.

The rotors must be rejected if they are noticeably deteriorated. The optical
status of a rotor can be verified by means of the Reactions rotor verification
utility on the Maintenance screen of MultiXL software.

The useful lifetime of each rotor depends drastically on its use and care.

11.6 Replacement Schedule for Spares and Consumable

Sr.No Spares/Consumables 3 Months 6 Months 9 Months 12 Months
1 SAMPLE PROBE (If necessary)

3 DI WATER PUMP (If necessary)



6 FUSES (If necessary)

11.7 Preventative Maintenance

When any abnormal conditions are found in the analyzer, the operator is requested to check the
following items:

Preparation and preservation methods of reagents.

Preparation and preservation methods of sample.

Operational procedures of the analyzer and maintenance work.

When such an abnormal condition is considered to be caused by an electrical or

mechanical failure, do not try to carry out the inspection of the analyzer by your
own and call for service at our customer service department.

See the following sections in more details:

Malfunction at the Time of Operation

Anomalous Measurement Results

High Resultant Values from a Specific Method for all Samples

Low Resultant Values from a Specific Method for all Samples

Randomly Derived Erroneous Measurement Results

Maintenance 11-12

Anomalous Resultant Values from all Methods for a Sample

Check for Preparation of Reagent, Calibrator or QC Sample

11.7.1 Malfunction at the Time of Operation

While functioning of the analyzer when it is suddenly deactivated check the following possibilities:

1. Mains supply of the analyzer.

2. Switch Off the analyzer, pull out the plug of power supply cable from its receptacle & check
the mains fuse inside the fuse cover.

3. Check that the circuit breaker of the power supply system to which the analyzer is connected
is not cut off

11.7.2 Anomalous Measurement Results

Analytical results are noticed by error flags or unexpected results. There are following cases in which
trouble shooting of the analyzer is required:

1. Error flag is set to the calibration results.

2. Error flag is set to the measurement results of QC sample or normal sample.

3. The measurement results of QC sample are out of range of judgment criteria.

4. The resultant values obtained from measurements of a specific method are high for all

5. The resultant values obtained from measurements of a specific method are low for all samples.

6. Erroneous results are randomly derived from the measurement.

7. Two or more anomalous measurement results are observed.

a) From all methods
b) Or randomly

11.7.3 High Resultant Values from a Specific Method for all Samples

Sr. Cause Corrective action


1 Incorrect calibration results. Check the preparation of the calibrator.

Check that the calibration settings are
The calibration is performed again if

2 Too high inside temperature of RCT Check the temperature shown in the Service
unit. Check > RCT Coils.
Call for service at our customer service
department when the indicated temperature
deviates from the specified value of 37 ±

11-13 Maintenance


3 Improper preparation of reagent. Check the preparation of the reagent.

4 Improper preparation of calibrator. Check the preparation of the calibrator.

11.7.4 Low Resultant Values from a Specific Method for all Samples

Sr.No. Cause Corrective action

1 Expiration of the term of validity of reagent. See the statement of virtues that comes
together with the reagent kit for its stability.

2 Improper preparation of reagent. Check the preparation of the reagent.

3 Improper preservation of reagent. See the statement of virtues that comes

together with the reagent kit for its proper
preservation method.

4 Too low inside temperature of RCT unit. Check the temperature shown in the Service
Check > RCT Coils.
Call for service at our customer service
department when the indicated temperature
deviates from the specified value of 37 ±

5 Improper preparation of calibrator. Check the preparation of the calibrator.

6 Excessive volume of reagent dispensed. Check if there is any leakage or drip at

junction of reagent sampling system.

11.7.5 Randomly Derived Erroneous Measurement Results

Sr.No. Cause Corrective action

1 Expiration of the term of validity of See the statement of virtues that comes
reagent. together with the reagent kit for its stability.

2 Improper preparation of reagent. Check the preparation of the reagent.

3 Improper preservation of reagent. See the statement of virtues that comes

together with the reagent kit for its proper
preservation method.

4 Too low inside temperature of RCT unit. Check the temperature shown in the Service
Check > RCT Coils.
Call for service at our customer service
department when the indicated temperature
deviates from the specified value of 37 ± 0.5ºC.

5 Improper preparation of calibrator. Check the preparation of the calibrator.

6 Excessive volume of reagent Check if there is any leakage or drip at junction

Maintenance 11-14

dispensed. of reagent sampling system.

11.7.6 Anomalous Resultant Values from all Methods for a Sample

Sr.No. Cause Corrective action

1 Improper preparation of reagent. Prepare newly the reagent referring to the

statement of virtues that comes together with
the reagent kit.

2 Expiration of term of validity, Prepare newly the reagent referring to the

contamination or paleness of reagent. statement of virtues that comes together with
the reagent kit.

11.7.7 Check for Preparation of Reagent, Calibrator or QC Sample

Perform the following checks in order to track down the cause for high, low or random resultant
measurement results. When a reagent, calibrator or QC sample is prepared, read the respective
statement of virtues carefully and follow its instruction.

1. Preparation of reagent.
a) Was there any change of the reagent?
b) Is the term of validity of the prepared reagent still valid?
c) Was the reagent prepared according to the correct procedures?
d) Was the reagent prepared using fresh, non-bacteria contaminated and DI water or
appropriate diluent?

2. Preparation of QC sample.
a) Was the volume used for preparation correct?
b) Does the sample have been preserved as recommended?
c) Is the term of validity of the sample still valid?
d) Was the sample prepared using a pipette calibrated in terms of volume?
e) Is the term of validity of the sample lot still valid?
f) Was the sample prepared using appropriate diluent?

3. Preparation of calibrator.
a) Was there any change of the lot number?
b) Was the calibrator prepared using volume correctly?
c) Does the calibrator have been preserved as recommended?
d) Is the term of validity of the calibrator still valid?
e) Was the calibrator prepared using a pipette calibrated in terms of volume?
f) Was the calibrator prepared using appropriate diluent?

The further checks are requested to track down the cause referring to the following lists after the
above checks have been completed


ISE Measurement (Optional) 12-2

12 ISE Measurement (Optional)

The ISE (Electrolyte Measurement System) measures the concentration of lithium, sodium,
potassium and chlorine of serum, plasma or diluted urine with the ion electrodes.

It is placed on extreme left side of the chemistry analyzer. See section Left Side View.

All waste liquid are discharged into the external tank for high concentration waste liquid.

The module is completely self-contained. All the sample and calibrant positioning within the module
is controlled by an integral microprocessor, which assures reliable electrode operation and maximum
lifetime. The electrolyte measurement system’s microprocessor applies proprietary mathematical
algorithms to electrode output voltages, converting them to clinical units of mmol/L.

See the detailed figure of ISE module.

12-3 ISE Measurement (Optional)

ISE Measurement (Optional) 12-4

12-5 ISE Measurement (Optional)

See the following section for more details:

Technical Specification

Measurement Theory

Electrodes and Reagents Used

Urine ISE Dilution Rerun

Storage and Usage of the Reagents

Turning off the Power

Shutdown Procedure

ISE Calibration

Maintenance Schedule


Installing New Reagent pack

Error Message

12.1 Technical Specification

Sample type Serum, Plasma or Urine (Urine requires dilution)

Sample size 70 µl serum

140 µl diluted urine

Analysis time Serum – 35 seconds, including one point calibration

Urine – 40 seconds, including one point calibration

Throughput Serum – 100 samples per hour

ISE Measurement (Optional) 12-6

Urine – 90 samples per hour

Power 24V DC, 1.0A (SMPS, four channel ISE)

Module Size 161 mm high x 65.5 mm wide x 98.6 mm deep

Reagent Pack Calibrant A, Calibrant B


Other Reagents Cleaning Solution, Urine Diluent

Operating Ambient 15°C - 32°C


12.2 Measurement Theory

The electrolyte measurement system measures Sodium, Potassium and Chloride ions in biological
fluids using ion selective electrode technology.

A diagram of the electrode measurement system.

The flow-through electrodes use selective membrane tubing, specially formulated to be sensitive to
the respective ions. The potential of each electrode is measured relative to a fixed, stable voltage
established by the double junction Silver/Silver-chloride reference electrode. An ion-selective

12-7 ISE Measurement (Optional)

electrode develops a voltage that varies with the concentration of the ion to which it responds. The
relationship between the voltage developed and the concentration of the sensed ion is logarithmic, as
expressed by the Nernst equation.

E = the potential of the electrode in sample solution

Eo = the potential developed under standard conditions
RT/nF = A temperature dependent “constant”, termed the slope
log = Base ten logarithm function
á = Activity coefficient of the measured ion in the solution
C = Concentration of the measured ion in the solution.

12.3 Electrodes and Reagents

Reagents used in the ISE Module:

Four reagents are used to operate the ISE module:

Calibrant A: It is used in both two-point and single-point calibrations for serum sample analysis.
Calibrant A is pumped into the sample entry port by the Calibrant A pump and then positioned in
front of the electrodes by the waste pump. Calibrant A solution is also used for Pump and Bubble

Calibrant B: It is used in two-point and single-point calibrations for urine sample analysis. Calibrant
B is pumped into the sample entry port by the Calibrant B pump and then positioned in front of the
electrodes by the waste pump.

Cleaning Solution: It is used once a day to prevent protein buildup on the electrodes and fluid path.
It must be used more frequently if the ISE Module performs greater than 50 sample measurements
per day. 100 µl of cleaning solution must be aspirated by the host analyzer from a sample cup on the
host analyzer and dispensed into the sample entry port. The sample cup must be covered to
eliminate evaporation.

Urine Diluent: It is required for the urine samples. Urine samples are diluted on-board by 10 times (1
part sample to 9 parts urine diluent) to perform urine measurement. The operator must keep the urine
diluent on the Reagent Tray

12.4 Urine ISE Dilution Rerun

Urine ISE sample should be Re-run with different Dilution ratio (increase / decrease Sample volume),
based on the Result flags in the order of K, Na then Cl.

The ISE Urine sample is performed with 10X dilution during its first run. During ISE-rerun, the 3X and
15X dilutions may be performed, depending upon the flag attached to the result (based on increased
or decreased sample volume).

On receiving the result, the test will go for rerun on the following conditions

1. If the sample result is attached with PANH flag, then sample will go for rerun with normal dilution
that is 1:9 (10X). If the sample result is attached with RANGH flag, then the sample will go for
rerun with decreased sample volume that is 1:14 (15X) dilution.

2. After receiving the result for the sample replicates, if both the replicates are attached with different
flag that is RANGH (requiring decrease rerun) and RANGL (requiring increase rerun). But the
priority of RANGH is higher so this sample will go for a Re-run with decrease sample volume. The

ISE Measurement (Optional) 12-8

number of replicates sent to Rerun will be the same as number of replicates sent during the 1st
(original) determination.

The software will display re-run result (after applying the volume
correction) for only those tests having flags that required re-run. The
Attach Rerun Flag (“#”) and Volume Increase/ Volume Decrease Flag (“V-
I”/ “V-D”) will be displayed after correcting the results. Flags H, L, PANH,
PANL , RANGH and RANGL will be applicable to ISE results.

12.5 Storage and Usage of the Reagents

1. Store all solutions in a dark and cool place at room temperature.

2. Don't preserve the reagents such as or cleaning solution once they are dispensed to sample

3. Don't use the expired solution.

4. When opening new bottle for a solution, don't mix remaining solution from the previous bottle

12.6 Turning Off the Power

As Calibrant-A and Calibrant-B is automatically dispensed into ISE unit every 30 minutes to prevent
electrodes from drying out; it is not recommended to turn off the main power supply of the analyzer.
Switch off only the analyzer at the end of the day. This will keep the above function activated
When the Calibrant remains in fluid path for over two hours without flowing, the Na ion from reference
electrode can reach Na electrode and saturate the membrane resulting in effected Na measurement.

When the power to the analyzer needs to be turned off for a reason such as maintenance, follow the
procedure below to purge Calibrant-A solution in the path. Also refer to the procedure when turning
off the power for more than several hours, as it requires storage of the electrodes

12.7 Shutdown Procedure

Preparing the ISE Module for Storage

1. If the laboratory plans to store the ISE module for a period greater than one week, during
which the analyzer will not be connected to power, the following steps should be

2. Before removing the electrodes, they should be cleaned using the cleaning solution and
then running 3 Purge A cycles from the Maintenance > ISE.

Reference, Na+ and Cl- Electrodes

1. Depress the compression plate and remove all electrodes, including the reference electrode
from the ISE Module.

2. Place the Na+ and Cl- electrodes into individual sealed bags.

3. Reinsert the Reference Electrode flow path line with yellow flag, if available, and then put
into individual sealed bags.

12-9 ISE Measurement (Optional)

K+ and Li+ Electrode

1. Aspirate a small volume of Calibrant A from the top port of the reagent pack into a syringe
fitted with a blunt needle.

2. Inject sufficient Calibrant A into the lumen of the K+ and Li+ electrodes until fluid fills the

3. Cover both ends of the lumen (both sides of the K+ and Li+ electrodes) with tape to hold
the Calibrant A in place.

4. Insert the K+ and Li+ electrodes into a sealed bag.

Reagent Pack

1. Remove the Reagent pack from the analyzer and discard it.

Analyzer Tubing

1. Remove all the fluidic tubing and thoroughly rinse with DI water.

Analyzer Re-activation

Remove all electrodes from the sealed bags.

Remove tape from K+ and Li+ electrode

If necessary, soak the reference electrode in warm water until the lumen of the electrode
has been cleared of salt build-up.

Install electrodes into the ISE Module.

Connect new reagent pack to the ISE Module.

Use Prime Cycles to prime the Calibrants.

Calibrate analyzer.

12.8 ISE Calibration

Following to perform the ISE unit calibration:

1. Install the reagent pack and connect it to the ISE module. If the reagent pack is already in
place, shake it gently.

2. Pour the cleaning solution into the sample cup and place on the specified position of the
standard sample tray.

3. Go to the Maintenance screen from the main menu and click ISE ON button.

4. Select PURGE A and click START

On clicking, the ISE Module pumps Calibrant A from the reagent pack and dispenses it into
the sample entry port to wash out the electrode flow path. Repeat the procedure if required.

ISE Measurement (Optional) 12-10

5. Select PURGE B and click START.

On clicking, the ISE Module pumps Calibrant B from the reagent pack and dispenses it into
the sample entry port to wash out the electrode flow path. Repeat the procedure if required.

6. Select PURGE A and click START.

On clicking, the ISE Module pumps Calibrant A from the reagent pack and dispenses it into
the sample entry port to wash out the electrode flow path. Repeat the procedure if required.

7. After completion of purge cycles, select CLEAN, and then click START. On clicking, the
analyzer dispenses cleaning solution and Calibrant A in the sample entry port during the
cleaning process.

8. After cleaning cycle is over, perform 6 to 8 PURGE A cycles. Now the system is ready for

9. Select CALIBRATION and click START

This command is used to calibrate the electrodes of the ISE Module. The ISE Module then
cycles Calibrant B and Calibrant A solutions in front of the electrodes and measures the
millivolt output of the electrodes for each of the respective solutions.

These millivolt readings are then used to set up a relationship between sample concentration
and electrode millivolt output. The change in millivolts per change in concentration is the
slope of the electrode. The slope of the electrodes is reported in mv/dec (millivolts per
decade change in concentration), and should be within the following limits:

Li+ 47-64 mV/dec

Na+ 52-64 mV/dec

K+ 52-64 mV/dec

Cl- 40-55 mV/dec

After the calibration process is completed, electrode calibration slopes are displayed on the
right side of screen. If any error occurs during the calibration process, the error code is also
displayed in the error message grid. If the slopes are within range then a box with green
color is displayed. If slopes are out of range then a box with coral (deep pink) color is
displayed. The previous calibration details with date and time along with the slope values can
be viewed. To view them select CALIBRATION, and then click SHOW REPORT.

If the electrode calibration slopes are in the acceptable range, the electrolyte measurement
system is ready for the sample analysis.

For Serum samples 70 µl and for Urine 140 µl (10 times diluted with urine diluent) of sample
is required for the electrolyte measurement.The slope is defined as:

Where CA = Calibrant A concentration in mmol/L

CB = Calibrant B concentration in mmol/L
EA = ISE Potential developed in Calibrant A solution in mV
EB = ISE Potential developed in Calibrant B solution in mV

12-11 ISE Measurement (Optional)

10.To perform pump calibration, select PUMP CALIBRATION and click on START.

Once the process is completed successfully, values for all the 3 pumps CAL A, CAL B and
Waste are displayed. If the values are between proper range, then calibration is displayed
OK with green colored box else it is displayed NOK with red colored box.

11.To perform bubble calibration, select the option BUBBLE CALIBRATION and click on START
button. Calibrant A solution is dispensed in the sample port. Bubble calibration allows the
module to reestablish a baseline for detecting air-liquid interface. It can be used as a
diagnostic tool to see if the bubble detector is functioning properly. If the process is
successful without any error it s displayed OK with green colored box else it is displayed NOK
with red colored box.

12.9 Maintenance Schedule

The electrolyte measurement system has been designed to require very little operator maintenance.

The only daily maintenance required is to run the Cleaning Solution after the last sample of the day.
All other parts and expendables are replacement items (see schedule below).

Recommended Maintenance/Replacement Schedule (low volume

Pump Cassette 9 months
Na+ Electrode 6 months
K+ Electrode 6 months
Cl- Electrode 6 months
Li+ Electrode 6 months
Reference Electrode 6 months
Reagent Refill reagent as required by testing needs

Recommended Maintenance/Replacement Schedule (greater than 100

Pump Cassette 6 months
Na+ Electrode 10,000 samples
K+ Electrode 10,000 samples
Cl- Electrode 10,000 samples
Li+ Electrode 10,000 samples
Reference Electrode 10,000 samples
Reagent Refill reagent as required by testing needs

12.10 Troubleshooting

Symptom Cause Corrective actions

System does 1. No power --
not respond
2. Communication failure Turn off power, reapply power.
3. RS232 cable is disconnected or Reconnect or replace cable.
4. ISE Module connector has been Replace board.
5. Component failure on board Replace board.

ISE Measurement (Optional) 12-12

Low Slope Na+ 1. Misalignment of electrodes Remove electrodes. Inspect o-rings.

or K+ <52 mV/ Reassemble properly.
decade Cl- <
2. Calibrator solutions Replace Reagent pack
Li+ <47mV 3. Electrode (low slope) Replace electrodes.
mV/decade or
4. Air bubble on reference electrode Remove electrode, tap to dislodge
High Slope Na
membrane bubble, replace, and recalibrate
K+, or Li+ >64 5. Reference electrode Replace reference electrode and retest
6. ISE Module or Fluid temperatures Change ISE Module location if ambient
Cl- >55 mV/
exceed 320 C (high slope) temperature is too great.
Noise Error 1. Electrode. Replace problem electrode and
Flag Single recalibrate
2.Electrical noise spike from a) Find source of spike and eliminate.
environmental source b) Check grounding of ISE module.
3. Component failure on ISE Module Replace Board.
Noise Error 1. Reference Electrode Replace reference electrode and
Flag recalibrate
2. Electrical noise spike from a) Check for electrical noise coincident
environmental source with activation.
b) Check grounding of ISE Module

3. Component failure on ISE Module Replace board.

Drift Error Flag 1. May occur when new electrode Purge Purge the Cal A and recalibrate the
Single the Calibrant A is installed. If the module.
Electrode electrode is new it may initially drift as it
rehydrates over the course of 15 minutes
2. Electrode Replace the electrode and recalibrate.
Drift Error Flag 1. May occur when new electrode or Purge the Calibrant A and recalibrate
Multiple reagent pack is installed on system. the ISE Module
2. Reference electrode Replace reference electrode and
3. Electrical spikes from environmental a) Find source of spike and eliminate
source b) Check the grounding of ISE Module.
4. Component failure on ISE Module Replace the board.
Air in Sample 1. Insufficient sample pipetted into the Host instrument must deliver 70µl.
ISE Module sample entry port. Increase dispensed sample volume.
2. Fluid leaks. Determine source of leak and resolve
3. Sample not positioned properly. a) Electrode not seated properly.
Remove electrode. Inspect o-rings and
b) Replace pump tubing.
4. Pump tubing obstructed. Replace pump tubing.
5. Bubble in sample. Host must deliver sample free of

12-13 ISE Measurement (Optional)

Air in Sample 1. Cal B and Cal A are segmented with a) Electrodes are not properly seated
and Cal A air or compressed. Check compression
plate, spring and seal. Remove and
reassemble electrodes.
2. Fibrin or salt is plugging the electrode a) Use Cleaning procedure for module.
flow path. b) Remove electrode and clean or
replace electrode with plugged flow
path. Reinstall electrodes and
3. Bubble detector is malfunctioning Replace bubble detector.
4. Waste pump is malfunctioning Replace Waste Pump.
5. Dirty sample cup Clean with cotton swab and DI water.
Air in Cal B 1. Cal B and Cal A are segmented with a) Electrodes are properly seated.
and Air in Cal air Check compression plate, spring and
A seal.
b) Ensure that all electrodes and o-
rings are properly installed.
c) Ensure tubing between reagent pack
and sample entry port is connected
d) Replace tubing between reagent
pack and sample entry port.
e) Reagent low or out.
f) Use Cleaning procedure for module.

2. Fibrin or salt is plugging the electrode a) Use Cleaning procedure for module.
flow path. b) Remove electrodes and clean or
replace electrode with plugged flow
path. Reinstall electrodes and

3. Bubble detector is malfunctioning Replace bubble detector.

4. Waste pump is malfunctioning Replace waste pump

5. Bubble detector malfunction Replace bubble detector

Air in Cal A 1. Calibrant A Replace reagent pack with new one,

prime and recalibrate

2. Tubing from reagent module is Reconnect or replace tubing.

disconnected, plugged or crimped

3. Calibrant A pump is not working a) Check electrical connections.

properly b) Replace pump tubing
c) Replace motor
d) Replace pump.

ISE Measurement (Optional) 12-14

12.11 Installing New Reagent Pack

Perform the following instructions after installing new reagent pack:

1. Connect the new Reagent Pack on the analyzer.

2. Click on ISE ON button in the Maintenance screen. The software will detect the new pack
and perform priming (Prime A and Prime B) operation automatically till ISE module sends
OK status (air removed), maximum up to 10 times.

During this operation, the following error message may be displayed on the
error grid:

Air in Calibrant A. ISE tubing may be bent, closed or not attached or

Air in Calibrant B. ISE tubing may be bent, closed or not attached

3. This will help the user in detection of bended or closed tubing. In this case, correct the closed
or bent tubings and again perform the Prime A and Prime B commands manually through
the ISE Maintenance Commands.

4. Once the auto priming operation performed correctly, the lot number and expiry date of the
new reagent pack will be displayed on the Lot No. and Expiry Date along with the following

ISE Pack Installation Date

Lot Number

Expiry Date

Distributor code (This information is stored in the reagent pack’s dallas chip and not
visible to user)

Volume of Cal A and Cal B in full Pack.

The above information can also be checked through ISE Pack button available on the Status
Monitor screen. Perform calibration with the new reagent pack and check the values.

12.12 Error Messages

The following error codes with description will be displayed on the Maintenance Errors grid, if any
error occurred during the ISE operation.

Assembly Error Code Description Possible Corrective Actions

ISE ID ISE Pack - Reagent pack Change ISE Pack
Installation Date expired or
Mismatch. Inventory invalid
may not be Correct
ISE IE ISE Pack - Expired -- Change ISE Pack
ISE IL ISE Reagent Pack Required Change ISE Pack
Volume Low (Less volume
than 10% of Total insufficient

12-15 ISE Measurement (Optional)


ISE IN ISE Pack - No Dallas Dallas chip Ensure reagent

Chip absent connector properly
connected on Dallas chip

ISE IR ISE Pack - Dallas Dallas chip Change ISE Pack

Read Error absent

ISE IT ISE Pack - Time Out Dallas chip 1. Check ISE module
Occurred absent connection
2. Ensure reagent
connector properly
connected on Dallas chip

ISE IU ISE Pack - Unknown -- Change ISE Pack


ISE IV ISE Reagent Pack Required Change ISE Pack

Volume Very Low volume
(Less than 3 Days insufficient

ISE IW ISE Pack - Dallas No Dallas chip, Ensure reagent

Write Error date already connector properly
written connected on Dallas chip

ISE A Air in Calibrant A. Air in Calibrant 1. Perform PRIME A.

ISE tubing may be A. 2. Check ISE tubings
bent, closed or not ISE tube may
attached. be bent, closed
or not attached.

ISE B Air in Calibrant B. Air in Calibrant 1. Perform PRIME B.

ISE tubing may be B. 2. Check ISE tubings
bent, closed or not ISE tube may
attached. be bent, closed
or not attached.

ISE ISES* Air in Sample / Urine 1. Required 1. Change ISE Pack

volume 2. Ensure proper tubing
2. Tubing

ISE ISEA* Air in Calibrant A 1. Required 1. Change ISE Pack

volume 2. Ensure proper tubing
2. Tubing

ISE ISEB* Air in Calibrant B 1. Required 1. Change ISE Pack

volume 2. Ensure proper tubing
2. Tubing

ISE Measurement (Optional) 12-16

ISE ISEC* Air in Cleaner 1. Required 1. Change ISE Pack

volume 2. Ensure proper tubing
2. Tubing

ISE ISEM* Air in Segment 1. Required 1. Change ISE Pack

volume 2. Ensure proper tubing
2. Tubing

ISE ISEP* Pump Cal 1. Required 1. Change ISE Pack

volume 2. Ensure proper tubing
3. Check motor wiring
2. Tubing
leakage 4. Change motor

3. Motor

ISE ISEF* No Flow 1. Motor 1. Check motor wiring

problem 2. Change motor
2. Tube choked/ 3. Replace Tubing

ISE ISED* Bubble Detector 1. Bubble Change ISE Module

module problem

ISE ISER* Dallas Read 1. Dallas chip Change ISE Pack

2. Dallas chip

ISE ISEW* Dallas Write No Dallas chip, Ensure reagent

date already connector properly
written connected on Dallas chip
ISE ISET* Time Out Dallas chip 1. Check ISE module
absent connection
2. Ensure reagent
connector properly
connected on Dallas chip

Contact Us
We welcome your feedback about the product. You can reach us at the following;

Address: Erba Diagnostics Mannheim Gmbh, Mallaustrasse 69 - 73, 68219 Mannheim, Germany

Phone: 49-621-8799770

Fax: 49-621-8799688



Erba Diagnostics Mannheim GMBH, Mallaustrasse 69 - 73, 68219 Mannheim, Germany

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