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Obstacles to Trade Imposed by National or Regional

Anti-Competitive Policies on MTN Company Ltd


MTN Group Limited is a South African multinational mobile telecommunications company, operating in
many African and Asian countries. Its head office is in Johannesburg. As of December 2020, MTN
recorded 280 million subscribers, making it the 8th largest mobile network operator in the world, and
the largest in Africa. Despite its extensive presence in several markets, the company faces various
obstacles to trade imposed by national or regional anti-competitive policies. This report explores the
nature of these obstacles and their impact on MTN's business operations.

Anti-Competitive Policies

Anti-competitive policies are those measures taken by governments or regional organizations that limit
or distort competition in the market. These policies can take various forms, including price controls,
subsidies, exclusive contracts, and licensing requirements. Such policies can pose significant obstacles to
trade for MTN and impact the company's ability to operate effectively in the market.

Price Controls

One of the significant anti-competitive policies that MTN faces is price controls. In some markets,
governments or regional organizations impose price controls on telecommunications services, which
limit MTN's ability to set prices for its services. These price controls can be below the market rate,
making it challenging for MTN to generate revenue and maintain profitability. Additionally, price controls
can limit the company's ability to invest in new infrastructure or services, which can impact its
competitiveness in the market.


Another anti-competitive policy that MTN faces is subsidies. In some markets, governments or regional
organizations provide subsidies to local telecommunications companies, giving them a competitive
advantage over foreign companies like MTN. These subsidies can be in the form of tax breaks, financial
support, or preferential treatment. Such subsidies can make it difficult for MTN to compete effectively in
the market, limiting the company's ability to expand its operations or maintain profitability.

Exclusive Contracts

Exclusive contracts are another anti-competitive policy that MTN faces. In some markets, governments
or regional organizations may award exclusive contracts for telecommunications services to specific
companies, limiting MTN's ability to offer its services in those markets. Such exclusive contracts can be
challenging for MTN to navigate, particularly if the company has already invested in infrastructure or
partnerships in the region.

Licensing Requirements

Licensing requirements are another obstacle to trade imposed by national or regional anti-competitive
policies. In some markets, governments or regional organizations impose strict licensing requirements on
foreign telecommunications companies like MTN. These licensing requirements can be costly and time-
consuming, limiting MTN's ability to enter new markets or expand its operations. Additionally, licensing
requirements can be used as a tool to limit competition in the market, which can be challenging for MTN
to navigate.


MTN faces various obstacles to trade imposed by national or regional anti-competitive policies, including
price controls, subsidies, exclusive contracts, and licensing requirements. These policies can limit MTN's
ability to compete effectively in the market, expand its operations, or maintain profitability. To overcome
these obstacles, MTN must work closely with local governments, regulators, and other stakeholders to
navigate the complex regulatory and political landscape in which it operates. Additionally, MTN must
continue to invest in new infrastructure and innovative services to remain competitive in the market.

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