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SB 1.18.4, 7.15.25, 7.15.


We have been drowning in the material ocean from time immemorial. The three modes have kept us in
such a bondage that we can hardly understand how we’re trapped. As such, our limited effort cannot
help in any way to surpass the indefatigable modes. Only by the guru’s mercy can we surpass the three
modes. Guru is an expansion of Balaram, or Nityananda Prabhu, and has attained the strength to
conquer the three modes by his sincerely following predecessor guru. He is aloof from the process of
mental speculation which simply create more illusion, rather than help to understand the world and get
out of it. He has the true vision and the sword of knowledge to act against the dictations of the three
modes, that he received from acyuta – infallible Lord. Guru can give us the strength to actually
understand Krishna’s instructions which help us to stay aloof from the pollution of the three modes. So,
our only way to transcend the materialistic propensities is to faithfully serve the guru, who can actually
give us the spiritual strength, coming down from Balaram.

Srila Prabhupada, in these purports, is repeatedly stressing the path of serving the spiritual master for
topmost perfection in Krishna Consciousness. The spiritual master, being a representative of Krishna,
knows how Krishna can be pleased. So, a person who is blinded by the material modes has his only hope
in serving the spiritual master. This is indeed the secret of Krishna Consciousness, that even a lowly
person can also attain pure devotion to Krishna simply by sincerely following the instructions of spiritual
master. The Supreme Lord is available to every tiny jivas through the personal media of spiritual master.
Srila Prabhupada emphasized this open secret in his every activities. One time, he was crying on getting
direct personal darshan of Krishna. And when a disciple, on seeing this, asked why he was crying, Srila
Prabhupada replied, I’m getting darshan of Krishna. My spiritual master is so merciful to me that by his
mercy I’m getting darshan of Krishna.”

Devotional service to guru has a unique quality of making everyone realize how insignificant and
powerless we are in this entirety of creation. Personally, I’m struck with this reality time and again. Its
very difficult to see the bigger picture behind everything that I’m going through. Every experience in the
present seems like a mountain, although it’s insignificant when compared with eternal reality. The
insurmountable effect of the three modes makes it totally impossible to patiently look at the situation
from devotional perspective. However, the instructions from gurus helps me to see that every endeavor
is itself a success if done as a devotional offering to Srila Prabhupada and Krishna. Whenever I lose track
of this and try to become independent, the three modes at once start to harass me, beginning from
frustration and despair.

The preaching culture of Gaudiya Vaishnavism that Srila Prabhupada encapsulated for us is entirely
based on the very principle of surrender to guru. Srila Prabhupada also emulated this very principle. As
stated in Bhagavad Gita, yad yad acarati…. One can make an impact only when he has applied the
principle in his own life. So, it is by our action and example that we must faithfully follow the formula of
success that Srila Prabhupada taught us – service to guru is our only way. Regularly reminding ourselves
of this fact through Srila Prabhupada’s books, lectures, memories by his disciples and well-wishers is very
much essential. Additionally, independent mentality may grant us material opulence, that may seem like
a sign of success, but it cannot grant us the connection with Krishna, which is the sole purpose of bhakti.
Moreover, it is after getting repeatedly embarrassed due to the futile attempts made through our tiny
strength in the material world that we came to devotional service. So, it is a common-sense thing that
we depend on the mercy attained by sincerely and faithfully following the instructions of guru.

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