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Gummo» |. THIS UNIT INCLUDES: [GETTING /STARTED) VOCABULARY “She’s been a bit tense lately...” (Duster and read. Amelie; Wi Phuc! Where's Ma? lant she coming? Phuc: She sald she was too tired and didn't wantto.go out, she'sbeen taying up ate siudying forthe exam, Does she need to be thatstressed out? Maybe not. But my parents alwaysexpect her to got good grades and she doosn' want to dbappoint them, They want her to go to a top college and study medicine, Really? She told me she wanted to be a designer. ‘Yes, that’s why shes been a bit tense Intely She doesnt know what to do My parents said design graduates wouldntind jobs easly and they wanted horto gota medical dagroo. Oh, | understand, Sometmes | wish my parents could put themselves in. my shoes. Nick: Phuc: Changes in adolescence PRONUNCIATION Stress on the verb be in sentences GRAMMAR Reported speech: review Question words before torinfnitive Pee general and specificinformation 2 for general and Seeuteneptine service for teens in VietNam «Talking about teen stress and pressure and howto copewith them « Listening for general and specific information about the work of anadvice columnist + Waiting a short nate fo ask for advice and to sive advice COMMUNICATION Discussing necessary ife skill for teens ‘Nick; Anyway, Mai needs to take a break. Il call and ask her if she wants to go and see a fim with us tomorrow. Phuc: ‘Oh, | doubt it. She's already fully booked for the weekend with her maths class, Engjish class, judo dass, and music lesson! Objectives: By the end of this unit, students can: ‘+ use the lexical items related to changes in adolescence + identify in which situations to stress the verb bein sentences and say these sentences correctly * use reported spaech with confidence ‘+ Use question words before fo:nfinitive *+ read for general and specific information about a helpline service for teens in Viet Nam. ‘talk about teen stress and pressure and how to cope with them © listen for general and speciic information about the work of an advice columnist + mite a short note toask for advice and to give advice GETTING STARTED “She's been a bit tense lately...” Teer Cy Before starting this unit, de a quick whole-class activity on comparison leamt In Unit 2. Ree ee ee er Ls A some words/phrases such as ‘al, ‘entertainment, ‘cost of living, ‘traffic, ‘weather, etc. inthe middle and ask s to compare these when we talk about the two cities. Now start the lesson. T can prepare three magazine cut-outs or photos of teenagers with different facial ‘expressions: worried, happy, angry, scared, relaxed, etc. Ask the whole class to describe the photos and ask them to guess why these teenagers are feeling this way. 11 Lets openthe book on the GETTING STARTED page but withthe text covered. ntioducessintheppcture: Phuc, Nick, and Amelie. Explain that Mai was supposed to be there but she couldirt coma in the end. Ack the dass to descrbe what is happening inthe picture: + Where are Phuc, Nick,and Amelie? + Whatare they going to do? + Whatare they talking about? + Why doyouthink Mai couldn't come? Acceptall possible answers from Ss. Remember not to give correction at this step Tell $s they are going to listen to the conversation between Phuc, Nick, and Amelie Play the recording and have Ss follow along. Unit 3/ Tean Stress and Pressure 26T ‘@ Find the OPPOSITE of the following words In the conversation. tooo bed eatly tobe relaxed baderamn results tomake someone happy towork continuously tohave noplans Choose the best answer. Why is Mal not playing badminton with Phuc. Nick, and Amelie? A She does ke playing badminton B. Shei late . She wants o stay at home 2. Why isMal working very hardfor the exam? A. She filled the lst exam. 8. She wants her parents to be prouc of her. CC. She wants to compete with her classmates. 3. How Is Nal feeling now? ‘A. Confident and tired 1, Tense and disappointed C. Tredand stressed ‘4. What do Mal’ parents want herto be? ‘A. Amedicaldoctor 8. Adesigner ©. Amusican row epee 5. What doesMal want tobe? ‘A. Amedical doctor 8. Acesigner C. Amusidan 66. What are Phuc, Nick,and Amelie trying to do? ‘A. Understand Mais situation and help her feel better. 8 Make Mal fee! left out . Find somebody else to replace Mal for the badminton. € What do you think Amelie means when she ‘says, ‘Sometimes | wish my parents could put themselves in my shoes"? 2 Fill the gaps with the words in the box. In some cases more than one word may be suttable. tense frustrated delighted confident relaxed worried depressed calm stressed 27 Unit 3/ Teen Stress and Pressure 41. Thu had been studying very hard for the exam, but she stil felt " Now that shehas done well in tho exam she's feeling much more. 2. My mother isa strong person, She stays even in the worst situations. 3 Linh 1s feeling a bit about her study. She’ falled the exam once again! 4. | think taking a speech class, [sa goodidea ifyouwant to bemore ‘5. Emmalsfeelingso __with her fashionable new hairstyle, ay 6 Phuc, Nick, and Amelia feal ____ They want to help Mai but don't know what they can do for her. Pia Many adjectives of emotions and feelings are LH aU led aa halt ed, frustrated, atc. Can you fore 3 Match the statements with the functions. ve advice to someone encourage someone ‘empathise with someone assure someone ‘Go on! know you can doit! If] were you, | would (get some seep). You must have been really disappointed Stay calm. Everything will be alright. ‘understand how you feel’ ‘Well done! You did a really great job! Be meene How do you feel today? Work in palts. Tell your friend how you feel today and what has happened that made you feel that way. Your friend responds to you, using one statement from the boxin3. {@ Tell Ss they can uncover the text. Play the recording again, Have 5s work individually, then in pairs, to find the words/phrases. Remind Ss they need to find the words/phrases in the text with opposite meanings. var | osyipee eterno saat Ecaessanianonel | Reta tat lacoste IFtime allows, encourage $s to make sentences using these words and phrases. Seen iieie meee ree et ieee en class and encourage Ss to explain why the chosen option is the correct answer. Key: 1c 2B 3c AA 5B GA ‘© Ask Ss whiat they think Amelles statement means. Then explain if necessary. For a mote able class, ask them they have ever feltlike Amelie, and what happened. Key: [Amelie wishes her parents could put themselves inher situation to better understand her. 2 ss work in pals 10 complete this task. Remind them to pay attention to the content words in each sentence, which may help them to choose the most suitable word, Tell Ss in most cases more than one option may be suitable. After they have finished, go through each item as a whole class. T may explain the difference between ‘depressed’ and other words such as ‘tense, ‘worried’, or'stressed [The woid ‘depressed! Is very strong and used only to describe someone who Is deeply sad and has lost hope) Draw Ss'attention to the REMEMBER! box and ask them to add more adjectives of emotions and feelings formed from the -ed form of verbs. Key: 1. wortied/tense/stressed;relaxed/confident 2. calm 3. depressedsfrustrated 4.confident/relaxed/calm S.delichted/confident 6. frustrated/worried 3 before S¢ start doing this @arecie, explain the meaning of Wve advice, “encourage, ‘ompathica, and sive advice: to give suggestions and ideas to help somebody make a decision fencouirage: to give someone support and confidence to do something ‘empathise: to be able to understand how someone else feels assure: to tell someone that something is going to be all ight, so that they do not worry 5s work individually first, then in palts. Then give corrective feedback to the whole class. Ask Ss to give ‘examples of the situations in which these sentences are said. Ke | encourage someone 2.give advice to someone 3.empathise with someone A.assure someone 5. empathise with someone 6.encourage someone 4 Asan example, tell the dass how you feal today and what has happened that made you fee! that way. You can make up scenarios such as: feel worted because my cat i sick | feel disappointed because t has been rainingall day ong. {feel delighted because ny son Is Sta ofthe Week at his primary school. Encourage Ss to select appropriate statements in 3 to respond to what you have told them. Then ask them to work in pats. If timeallows,callon some pals toreport thelr stories to the class. Unit 3/ Teen Stress and Pressure 277 Vocabulary 1 Complete the paragraph with the words in the box. There is one word that you don't need. ‘Adolescence is the period between childhood and young adulthood. Your bedy will change in(1)___. Your brain will row and youll have improved self-control and (2). Physical ‘changes are different for everyone so you don't need to feel (3).__or frustrated Youll experience emotional changes as well. Youll feel you want more (4) and responsiblity. You may become more (5), and care about other people's opinions, ‘especially those of your friends. But remember youll need adult support and guidance to make (decisions and overcome stress. 2 Match the source of stress and pressure to the ‘expression. —_—_, 28 Unit 3/ Teen Stress and Pressure 3) Which of the following can be done in the above situations? Discuss with your partner. (More than one solution canbe sultable forone situation) 4 Have you ever been in any of these situations? Ifs0, what did you do to deal with them? Pronunciation Stress on the verb be in sentences Liston again to what Amolle sald in GETTING STARTED. Notice the way she pronounced the vvorb bein the sentence. ‘Hi Phuc! Where's Mai? Isn't she coming?” A CLOSER LOOK Vocabulary 11 ss work Individually to complete this exercise. Tell Ss to pay attention to the content words surrounding the gaps, and identify the part of speech of the missing words. Ss then work in pals to compare their answers before T gives corective feedback tothe whole class. Key: |. shape and height 2.reasoning skills 3. embarrassed 4-independence S.selfaware 6. Informed 2 fxplain the phrases in the box first. Elicitfrom Ss some examples for each item, for example, Can youthink ‘of an example of school pressures and frustrations?” Share some of your personal experience from your teenage years where relevant. Key: AS B2 co D3 £1 FA 3 Ss. work in pairs to discuss which solution can be used for which situation. Then elicit the answers from the whole class. Ask Ss to explain their decisions. Key suggested: ANz4 84 Cl D4 E21 Fo Refer back to what you have told the class in 2. Now tell Ss the ways you used to deal with these (difficult/stressful) situations. Ask Ss to work in pairs to complete the task. If time allows, ask each pal to Join at least another pair to makea group discussion. Pronuncit = ‘Stress on the vetb be in sentences Play the recording again or say the first sentence in the conversation in GETTING STARTED. Draw Ss‘attention to the stressed ‘sn’ and ask them to practise saying the question. ‘Unit 3/ Tean Stress and Pressure 28T Pisa Normally the verb be is unstressed in the eee ot) Cet erty Dae! ed ene erence Example: Aren't you coming? Pee ee gia Su none oe) fs Ge eters tee eoconimy alpen saps the sentences. Pay attention to the way the verb bels pronounced. 1. -Whete are you? You aren't at the bus top am at the bus stop, but Icantt see you 2. -Are you busy ight now? Yes, lam. Sorry, could you walt fora minute? Ronis in? No, she's out ice-skating. But its soo tis. But she's got all her warm clothes on 4. - Wasn't Bill disappointed about the exam resulk? He was. But he was hiding it well GN, A6'Look at the following sentences and underline the verb forms of be which should be stressed. Then listen to the recording to ‘check and practise. ~You arent worried about the exam? Good for your 1am worrled! But try notto show it. 2. - Doyou think Jackis good at Japanese? He's. Buthe’ a bitsty to speak t 3. = Isnt badminton her favourite sport? “Yes Its 4. “Whois he? 5. ~Somy-were latet Actually, you aren‘t. We havent started yet. 66. -1she happy at the new school? ~Yes, she is She likes it alot. 29 Unit 3/ Teen Stress and Pressure Reported speech: review 1 Read the conversation In GETTING STARTED again. Underline the reported speech. Then rewrite in direct speech what Mal sald to her brother Phuc and to her parents. |. Mais “Ym 00 tired and E Me Ma'’sparents: ‘Design ‘Iwant e eet 2. Rewrite the following sentences n reported speech. ‘1. ‘Weill sityou this week, my parents told me. 2 Ourteacher askedus, ‘What are you most worried about? 3. ‘Im so delighted. Ive just recelved a surprise birthday present from my sister; Phuong toldme. 4, "Kate can keep calm even whien she has lots of pressure, Tom said. 5. ‘I got a very high score in my last test, Mum,’ she said. 6. ‘Do you sleep at least eight hours a day? the doctor asked him, ‘Question words before fo-Infinitives Meee bees Peseta ie Now explain the REMEMBER! box. Emphasise that normally the verb be is unstressed, except for the situations mentioned in the box. 5 Play the recording as many times as needed So that $s are familar with the stressed be in the statements, Note that only the words in Italics should be stressed, the other forms of be: are unstressed. With the whole class, refer 10 the REMEMBER! box to elidt the reasons why the verb be Is stressed in each Item. Ss then practise saying the sentences in pairs, Tell Ss that these sentences contain both stressed and unstiessed verb forms of be. Ss work individually fist to underiine those that should be stressed. Then play the recording for Ss to check. Give corrective feedback as a class, then Sspractse saying the sentences. Key: Youare world abeutthe am? Coad fr out La wore Bat ry nc stow 2. -Doyouthink acs goodatapanese? ie. Buthes.a bitsy tospak it 3. -lubeiinton es feoute pot? est. 4. - Wha be? (mses) 5. Sony —wete ae! tual, youaret We faves stated et ‘iste happy at henew sao? Yes he She eta Vaudio script: (stress the talic words) 1. -Whereare you? You aera the bus stp. Laat te bus stop, but ant ee yu ‘Aroyou busy right non? es Lamy could ys walt fra minute? ‘sRonian? Ho she outice stating ~butissocald! Is Bat she got al Ber warm cette on, 4 - Wasnt Bil dsappcintedaboutthe eam resut? Ne wos uth was hig it wel Youare’t woridabaut the eam? Good for ou. (nostres) lam wore Bat try net showit 2. -Doyou thnk acks goo at Japanese? iostes) Hed Bulle bitsy to peak 3. -fubadincon er favre sport? Yost ostess) Whos he? 5. ~ Sony — were late noses) ~Actialy, you ae. We havent started yet 6. I she happyat thenew schoo? (00 stress) esse She hes ita bt ACLOSER LOOK 2 Reported speech: review Remind Ss of what the conversation in GETTING STARTED is about. Ss then work in pairs to complete the task. If needed, give Ss a quick review of reported speech (eg. verb tense, pronouns, time expressions, etc) Divide the ‘dass into side A and side B, Side A will say some sentences in direct speech for side 8 to change Into indirect speech. Then side B says some sentences in inditectspeech forside A to.change into direct speech, ey: ‘Mai: ‘tmtoo tied and dor't want to goout! ‘Mai ‘want to bea designer’ ‘Mais parents: ‘Design graduates won't find Jobs easily, We want you to gat a medical degree: J 2. ss work individually to complete this exercise. ‘Then they compare thelr answers in pairs before Tajves corrective feedbacks a whole class. Key: ‘My parents told me they would visttme that week ‘Our teacher asked us whet we were most wored about. Phuong told me che was so. delighted because she had Just received a surprise birthday present from her sister “Tom said Kate could keep calm even when she had lots of pressure, She told her mother she had got avery high score in her last test. ‘The doctor asked him if he slept at least ‘eight hours day. ‘Question words before fo-infinitives Tell Ss that the question words who, what, where, when, and how can be used before 42 (o-infinitive to express a situation that it is difficultor uncertain. Give examples. Explain the Look out! box. Highlight the verbs ask wonder (not) be sure, have no idea, (not) know, (not) decide, (not) tell which are often used before the question word + to-infinitive. 291 3. Rewrite the sentences using question words +to-Infinitives. 1. don't know what Ishould weart 2 Could youtel mewhere| should sign my name? 3. thaveno idea when we should leave forthe bus. 4. Wee not sure where we should hang the painting, 5. He wondered how he could tell this news to his parents. 6. They can't decide who should go first. Reported questions with question words before fo-infinitives. Oe ee eet en before to-Infinitive. Remember ifeannot be Peer Ces Set ey ea she wondered, eer ‘what she really though Tend Pee ges 30, Unit 3/ Teen Stress and Pressure 4. Rewrite the following questions in reported speech, using question words before to-infinitives. 1. ‘How should we use this support service? they wondered, 2. ‘Who should Iturn to for help? he asked. 3. ‘Mum, when should Iturn off the oven? Mai asked her mother. 4. Where should we park our bikes? asked Phong and Minh, 5. ‘Should wecall her now?’ heasked, 6. "What should we do to make Linh feel happier?” they wondered. 5 GAME SOMETHING ABOUT OUR TEACHER Decide as a whole class five questions you want to ask about the teacher. Then the dass divides into two groups: one group stays Inside the class and the other goes outside. The teacher will tll each group the answers to the questions. The class gets together again and In pairs you must report on what the teacher has told you. ENT tree at Pata Py scene Our teacher said shehad a dog called ‘To Be’ at hone, No.our teachersaid = \ shehada eat called "To Be at home, 3 bo the fst sentence with the class as an example. Ss then work individually to rewrite the sentences before receiving correction from T. key: 1.1 ¢on'tknow what to wear. 2. Could you tell me where to sign my name? 3.1 have no idea when to leave for the bus 4. We're not sure where to hang the painting. 5. He wondered how to tel this news tohis parents. 6. They cartt decide who to go first. 4 scan work n pairs to complete this exercise, Remind them they can choose from the verbs ask, wonder, {not} be sure haveno idea, (not) know, (not) decide, (not) fell to report these questions Koy: 1. They wondered/couldnt tell how to use that support service. 2. He had no idea who to tum to for help. 3.Mai asked her mother when to turn off the oven. 4. Phong and Minh couldnt decide where to park theirbikes. 5. He was not sure whether to call her then. 6. They wondered what to do to make Linh feel happier. 55 First. ask the whole class to agree on five questions they would like to ask about you. Writs them on the board. Prepare two different versions of answers to these five questions. (The more contradictory the two versions are, the more fun the game will bel) Write ezch version on a separate piece of paper so that you do notforget them. Then divide the class into two groups Tall Ss that one group wil stay inside the classroom and the other ‘outside. Each group will listen to you for the answers to the questions and the group will then have to reportto the other group what they have heard from you. When the two groups have been separated and cannot hear each other, goto each group and tell them ‘one version of the answers. sk them to remember what you say. Finally, ask the two groups to gather again inside the classroom. Now ask them to answer the five ‘questions written on the board according to the information they have received by reporting what you have told them, (This gamets adopted om the ideas by Begem Tonya hit sass con/orammarfeporting eb, Unit 3/ Tean Stress and Pressure 30T J Extra vocabulary cognitive emotions concentrate self-discipline resolve conflict _ risk takir Life skills for teens a “d 1 Read about the necessary Ilfe skills for teenagers In the United States. Match the skills to thelr category. © have planning and ‘organisational skills ‘= concentrate and be 4 Look at the list of life skills for teens that your class has developed. Vietnamese teens should have today. Add or remove categories and skills as you wish and remember to support your decisions with examples and explanations. Present your list along with other groups and make a common list for the whole class. Share what you think with a partner. COMMUNICATION Life skills for teens ‘Wile Life skill on the board and asks whatthey think It means. Ask them to give someexamples ere Explain the words in the Extra vocabulary box. Use a dictionary or translate the words since they Fe eee 1 ss workin pars to complete this task Go around and oer help f needed. otherwise,T may tum thisinto a group compettton. Prepare red paper strips withthe five sll categories, and blue paper tips with the skill examples In small groups Ss wil match thered strips to the blue strips ‘The first group to have the correct answers isthe winner. Key: C0228 0©63D OA 5.E 2 Give Ss plenty of time to look closer at each skillto discuss the questions in pairs. Then, asa whole class, ,go through each skil and elicit from them the answers to the questions, Write on the board two ists: one containing the skills Ss think are necessary for Vietnamese teenagers, and one containing those that they thinkare not. [As an alternative, Ss work in small groups. After their discussion, each group should cross out the life skills which they think are not suitable for Vietnamese teens. As a whole class, compare the resuits from different groups. Remember each group will need to explain their decisions, ‘3 sswork in small groups to make their own lst for Vietnamese teens. They can base It on the text and add thelr own information. Now the class needs to combine all the group lists to make a big list for the whole class. Write this list ona poster, or on the board. 4 Ask Ssto copy down the ‘big list they have created in'3 in their notebooks. s then work individually: each student goes through thelist and evaluates how good he/she is with each skilThen $s workin paits toshare thelr results. If time allows, each pair reports the results to the class. Based on the results, the class will be able to Identify three sls that most Ss in the clas think hey are now good at, and three skis that most ofthem think they need to improve on, ‘Unit 3/ Tean Stress and Pressure 317 SRLS HT) ferene Reading 1 & Do you know what a child helpline is? b Now read the artide. The Magic Number Magic Number18001567 24-hour ol-fee service for counselling and protecting children and young adults in Viet Narn. The helpline wat set up in 2004 ky the goveinment with support ‘om Pian Vietnam, an international children's development organisation, By 2014, the helpline had recelved over 13 rrillion calls from children ard adults nationwide. Sixty-nine per centoithe callecame fromchildien and most child callers were in the 11-14 year old and 15-18 yeat old groups. The calls were mostly questions about’ farrily relationships, friendships, and | physical ana mental health Moreover, nearly 3,000 cases. of | missing of abandoned children, or | children who were cuftering from violence, trafficking, or sexual abuse received emergency suppor. The helpline promotes child patticipation in its operations by involving children 32 pser communicator and decision makers. A. momber of Child Helpline International Magic Number aioe to create favourable conditions for children to cevelop payically ‘and mentally. if you need support or advice, for know of someone who doos, just dial 18001567! (Thetacts, tgures, and photos in this text are provided by x Plan Viernarn pian 32 Unit 3/ Teen Stress and Pressure What is Magic Number 18001567? Which age groups have called the helpline most? |. What were the calls mostly about? i. Why have 3,000 calls received emergency support? How does Magic Number promote child participation ints operations? What is the aim of the helpline? Read the text again and decide Ifthe following statements are true (T) or false (F). You can call Magic Number anytime during the day or night. . The service and the telephone calls are fee. |. Only children can call the helpline. |The typical aller to Magic Number 3 nine-year-old child. :_Alldecsions about the operation of the helpline are made by adults. The services avaiable in all cities and provinces inViet Nam, Speaking Study skill: Asking for advice ‘What do you thik should do (about..)? wuld do? suns ‘Could you give me some advice (about..1? {you wereme, what would you do? wonder whether... oF z [Do you know who to peak to about this! +4 44° Listen to two students calling a child helpline and complete the notos. Then usethe notes to role-play the callers 5 Lookat,ACLOSERLOOK1. Imagine youare one of these students. You want to call the Magic Number helpline to ask for help. What do you say? Your partner listens and takes notes. Remember to: + briefly introduce yourself (you can choose whether tosay yournameand address or not) + describe your problemy/ilemma + ask forhelp Reading 1 a@ Asks the question and explain thata child helpline 2 telecommunication support service for cikdren and young people. Is fee of charge. When You contact a helpline, often via telephone, you will et answered and someone from the helpline may even. come directly to you to help. Be askssto read through the tert quick) to gets man eas Askthem to ansver the question “Whatisthe article about?” using the text title, photos, and key words. 22 Now asks toread the text aga to compete the task Ss workin pals to answer the questons Key: 1. Tt ftee service for counselling and protecting children and young adults in Viet Nam. 2. They were callesin tho 11-14 yoar old and 15.1 year old groups 3. Thecallswere mostly questions about family relationships, friendships, and physical and mental heath. 4. Because they were cases of missing or abandoned children, oF children who were suffering from violence, trafficking, or sexual abuse. 5. Thehelpline promotes child participation in ts operationsby involving chikdren as peer ‘communicators and decision makers. 6. Itaims to create favourable conditions for children to develop physically and mentally. ‘3 For this tas, allow Ss to have another close reading (or as many times as they wish). Ss work individually ‘st, then compare the answers with their partnet. Ask them to discuss and explain each person's own decision if their ansyiers are not the same. Then provide feedback as a class. For each answer, ask Ss to refer backto the toxt tofind the relevant information, (a area ar ) Speaki Draw $s’ attention to the Study skill box. Together with them, find an example for each expression. iftime allows, ask s to.addin other expressions for asking for advice that they have learnt or know. 4 ‘ess they are gong to sten to two students caling a child helpline. Ask Ss tolook atthe note form to get oriented about what they are going to hear. Remind $s that these are notes so they only need to write key words or phrases and not fullsentonces. ‘fier Ss have completed the task individually, give feedback asa lass. Then Ss work in pats to role-play the «callers. Ask them 0 use the notes for the role-play, and remind them to put some emotional expression in their voice forthe role-play. Key Guggested: ‘alert (ater? (alr: gran Hao, ust er onghschoa Cater: yy named ony, 1 yeas rom Ho cmancy feng now abit depressed and ccatesed Feeing news woried Problem: varsiobea dese tutherparntswart er olen: oie tendashedfr5nilion dng; he bbbeadeter ‘euedtognet hi ie waldbedifait est: ees know wat oy toh parents Cueston: _ ores wheter te soretd abut his 1) YAudio seript: > ‘alle 1: (iH, fm rom Ha Noi. in my ast year of igh Calle: My nae Long. m13andn fm Ho Chi Min Cty ‘choo feng a bit depresed abet my sution ve been Imada tend pling online ame and we vem seeral tines in stusyng ea ard to sayy parents ad have alway ad aif te py videogames in Internet cafés Last wee he tad me oe ras Bat st weet sal tat they dtwant eto eneeee Sin cong ad sie cul sro, bt oto Arts Seo to bea dese. they want me tobe a doctor. two das ago he said he woul male my te dit i | ie fel niu. [dnt now what oa ony paren hi the money. abit woe Stull seb about is? 5 ssneed to look backat Exeicse 2, A CLOSERLOOK 1.Tel 5s the Instructions to do the task. Remind Ss they should use the expressions in the Speaking Study skill box’ Asking foradvce Give Ssa few minutesto choose who they want to be and to think about what they should say wien they call the hotline. Ss workin pais Go around and offer help if needed. When §5 have finished, call on some pals to present thelr dalogue. Torevise reported speech, T may esk the student who listens and takes notes to report what hisyher partner has told him/her Unit 3/ Tean Stress and Pressure 327 Listening Ge \ Ta Liston to an intorviow with Miss Sweotie, the advice columnist of 47een magazine. bb Choosethe best answer. 1. Miss Sweetie (lkes/doesn't like} her work 2s an advice columnist. 2 Shei (in/no longer in) Se heradolescence. 3. She thinks giving advice to people Is (easy! noteasy). 4. It(takes time/doesn't take time) for her to come ‘up with a plece of advice. ‘5. She thinks to give good advice we (need/dontt need) to empathise with people. 2 Answerthe questions. |. What are the two things that Miss Sweetie likes about her work? 2. What did she say was most Important when giving others advice? 3. Why does she think the language used for giving advice Is also Important? ‘3 Which of the following expressions are more likely to be used by Miss Swootle when sho gives advice? 1. ‘You ought to talk to her? 2. ‘Ithink you should talk to her: 2. ‘You mustttalk to her. 4. "You have to talk to her. 5. ‘Itmight be a good idea to talk to her’ 33 Unit 3/ Tean Stress and Pressure Writing 4 Look at 2, A CLOSER LOOK 1 and give one plece of advice to each student. Example: A. Have you thought about asking a friend who is confident about maths to help “you? Perhaps you just need a little more practice. 5a Write a short note to Miss Sweetle to ask her for advice about problem at school or with your friends. Use the ‘Asking for advice’ box on SKILLS 1, page 32 to help you. Sign the letter with a made-up name, not your real name, Ib As a whole class, put the notes In a pile and take a differant nota. Write a short answer (23 sentences) to give advice about the problem. Use the ‘Giving advice’ box above forhelp. ‘SKILLS 2 Writing Wiork through the Study skill box together : with s-Foreach expression, makean example. Cistening ‘ASK 5s to add in other expressions for giving 1 case Askssifthey know what an‘advice columnist’ _advice that they have learnt, or know. ddoosntroduce the word. If pesibe, ring In tothe «need to look at 2. A CLOSER LOOK 1 dls some examples ofthe advice colinn page in. eee cca te comple ths localmagazinesfor eens oryou can lookthem upon [hn ghey ware naval te compile ns aes $s need to write down their advice notes Tell Ss they are now going to listen to an interview jn full sortences. Remind them to use the with Miss Sweetie, the advice columnist of Teen expressions in the Writing Study ski box magazine. Ack Ss to look atthe questions in Exercs® ‘Gling advice’. Ss then swap thelr witing for Th fist. percent Ss then wotk Individually to complete the task If time allows, let Ss workin pals when they Play the recording once to check how much Ss have finished the writing. Student A will ead understand It. Then play the recording again when out the notes randomly for Student B to. guess providing the key. Which advice note is for which student in the exercise Key: tks Znolongerin 3.noteasy 4.takes time _5.need ‘Suggested answers: BI know how you fee, but I dort think you should worry aboutthis change Its normal, and it shows that you're growing up. C.F were you, | wouldn't have too high expectations. | would do my best in the exam, but| dont think is a good idea to foe! so stressed D. Have you thought about tolling this to your parents? They might tink of a good solution to help you. E. It might help to consider breaking this. bigtaskinto smaller tasks and then tackle them oneby one, . Itmight be a good idea to talk about this. to someone. Have you thought about turning to your teacherfor help? 2 or this tat, play tho recording == mary times as needed. $3 work Individually frst, then compare the answers wth a partner. Then provide corectve feedback as aclass. Ke 1. She feds ike sheis ving her teenage years again, and she loves helping reade's by giving them advice. 2, She said it's most important that we put ourselves inother people’ shoes. 3.Because language should be used sensitively 50 that the person can get over thenegativefeelings. 33 ss workin pas fr this ask. Ask tem to explan thet decision afterwards. The options that are in the ‘no’ Category ae because the language bs 100 strong OF direct. Key: i.No 2Yes No 4No Ses) 5 @ Ss work individually first to write a short note to Miss Sweetie to ask her for advico abouta problem at school or withtheirfriends. ‘Audio script: ; Tell Ss that they can make up a situation eevee Saha YR and it can be funny or silly, for example, a ‘Ms Sete Cher mu ett fm ving my teenage yeas age! | Student who wants to colour his hair purple ugh But aly, peat tat anor deat wadersin sway. but Is afrald that he'll be laughed at or get ‘nteveverDoyoa tat ict to gi ic? Into touble with the school and his parents. ‘Ms Sete: Wel, ys... ake me 10 tink ofthe best pasble | Tell them to use the ‘Asking for advice’ box dice that cn gv hinkimastimporant hat we pat ounces | for help. Remind Ss to sign the note with a inate ele sos ‘made-up name and not their real name, _ntervewer:Soitsabot being abetoempatise b us Sune acy a eng we aonedio bey cabal | Cag yan Gr auiowerty al ssn how t put heave into wards We ee te be enstive..ttsnetenly | __ ay graup members have finished writing the boughng he bestsouon abo cboitRebingtepesongctoret | dice note, they will take turns to report the ihenegate eas Fer ample, |e se it mightbea cool idea | ote they received, and the advice that they to. rates than "Yeu euchtt.. Operas ‘thinkyou stud.” | __ offered, f time allows, ask the group to discuss ‘orm sounds much beterthan Younis. the problem and the advice. Can they think of some other advice forthe problem? Unit 3/ Teen Stress and Pressure 337 11 Put yourself in these teens’ shoes. Choose the ‘TWO best words to describe your feelings In the following situations. 1. Youwon an essay contest. (excited/delighted/tense) 2. Your parents misunderstood you. (calmitrustrated/ upset) 3. Youstayed up late studying foran Important exam, (elaxed/tense/ stressed) 4. Youare left out by friends. You cantt concentrate ‘on your studies. (confident worrieditense) 5. Lastweek you had a ak presentation in class and ‘you think it was very bad. (cisappointed/delighted frustrated) : 6 Your dosest friend is moving toanother ty. emotional’ depressed/ embarrassed) 2. Use the following prompts to say something tothe students in 1. 1 = congratulate, encourage 2 empathise, advise 3+ empathise, advise 4 empathise, advise 5 assure, encourage 6 empathise 34° Unit 3/ Teen Stress and Pressure sats of skills, Ae Sey eer 5. Housekeeping skills 4. Rewrite the following in reported speech. 1. ‘Tm ceally stressed out! I've had three sleepless nights thinking about my exam. ‘Ieanrt concentrate! ts too noisy in here! 3. ‘She was very upset at fist but she's fine now. 4, 1 don't think taking risks too often Is a good idea! 5S. Helll take a cooking class before he goes to college” 6 Ireally wish tcould make informed decisions x 5 Rewrite the underlined phrases in the following text, using question words + to-infinitives. LOOKING BACK | Encourage Ss not to refer back to the unit. Ask them to keep a record of thelr answers to each Bee he eR eee td peers 1 Asks to complete the sentences by using the support fom the pictures, the options provided, and the meaning of the sentences. They work individually first and then compare with a partner. Key: 1.exctedidelghted 2. frustrtedjupset 3. tensestessed A.wored/terse __S.disappoitedsfrustrated 6 emotlonal/depressed Ne care acne ieee na hee ates nett certian camera eaten Then $s need to look at the situationsin 1 to say appropriate sentences. Key uggestedy: 1. ‘Congratulations! ‘Well done! You did a realy great job 2. You must have been realy clsappointed./ ‘if | were you, | would talk to my parents. 3. ‘Stay calm. Everything will be allright. ‘It might be.a good idea to have a break when you feel too stressed’ 4."lunderstand how you feel'/ it might help to consider talking about this to someone: “Have you thought about calling a counselling service?” 5.'1 understand how you feel’ ‘It might help to consider focusing on the good points of the presentation rather than only the weakpoints” 6. You must have been really emotional. ‘Iunderstand how you feel 3 challenge 5s to complete this exerse without looking back at COMMUNICATION. They can wate In similar skills, or add new skills as they wish. Key suggested: |-concentrate on doing something; organise. know how to act in emargencles; know when to your timetable stop taking risks 2. control feelings; know how to get over 5. cookfor oneself and others: manage a small negative feelings budget 3. cooperate with others; communkcate well 4 Sswork individually then in pairs when they compare thelr answers with each other. Key: 1. She sald she was really stressed out, and that she had had three sleepless nights thinking about herexam. 2. He said he couldn't concentrate because it was too noisy in there. 3. She said she hed been very upset at fist but she was fine then. 4. He sald he didnt think taking risks too often was a good idea. 5. She said he would take a cooking class before he went to college. fe sald he really wished make informed decisions. 5 Sswork individually to complete this task. Key: 1. Todaym going to tell you what to do in case offre, 2. Besure you know where to find the nearest exit or stairway. 3. You should know how to activate the fire alarm. 4. Yousshould know what number to call to report the fire and askfor help. ‘Unit 3/ Tean Stress and Pressure 34T Communication © Work in pairs. Look at the notes of the two calls from 4, SKILLS 1 and give them some advice. Floren would 1k abe should convince my parent tallhersarartsthatehe tht today Psbecome veal ites eee eee os Bees 4 TEEN SUPPORT GROUP ait N “e Whatis the name of the support grovP? ‘eHow isthe group organised?” eHow doesithelpteens? Present your group's ideas to the rest of the dass, Getthet| 35. Unit 3/ Teen Stress and Pressure Finished! Now can... v\vvlvve ‘= sete laltensretel te changesin aescance = ldenyn wie staan tastes the verbbeinsertencesard siyhese sentences arety = use reposted speech with confidence ‘= use gestion word efron ‘= read fo ener and spec iformatin abouta epi ser ee for tensin Vet Nam ‘= takabot tee ses and presse 2nd hw ope wth them «= lsen for general and specticinformation nut the wor tana columnist ‘= itea stort ate toas fo advke andto {_aneatvce m 6 Direct ssto the two callers in, SKILLS 1. Using the notes they produced for that exercise, ask $s to recall the details ofthe two calls Who arethe callers? Why are they calling the helpline? How do they feel? Now Ss discuss this task in pairs to workout the advice they would glveto the two calles. Encourage 5s to use the phrases they have learnt for glving advice, Call on five pairs to report the advice to the class. The cass then yore for their favourite plece of advice. Finished: [Ask 5s to complete the Finished! seif- assessment box Identify any dificulties and weak areasand provide further practice PROJECT Teen support group rd Ss work in small groups to design the set up of ateen support group. Fits Ss choose an idea forthe support group and find out more about that idea. For example, one group chooses the idea ‘study skis group’, Ask them to thinkabout: + Which study skill do you think are necessary in your clas/school? How can you find out more about this information? + Hon can the students improve these skills? (for this information you can ask your teacher, or use books, magazines, or the internet) + Whatcana suppor group do to help them do that? ‘Then Ss decide how to set up their support group. Ask them to consider: + Whatisthe name of the support group? * Whatare the support actnitiesitprowides? * How does the support reach students? + Hows the grouporganiset? Who willdo what? How can the teacher and the school help the operations of thegroup? ‘The class can then vote for the project that they think is most interesting, useful, and feasible. If possible, Tmay even help them realise some of these projects in thelr own class or school. Unit 3/ Tean Stress and Pressure 357

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