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1. Copy the formatting of the title and subtitle on the "Documentation" worksheet to the title and subtitle of the

"Menu Items" worksheet.

2. Name the table on the "Menu Items" worksheet as "Units_Sold".

3. On the "Menu Items" worksheet in cell C48, enter a formula that sums the values in the ranges, "Specialty_Total",

"Smoothies_Total", "Sandwiches_Total", and "Soups_Total". Use these range names in the formula instead of cell


4. In cell K48 on the "Menu Items" worksheet, use a function to calculate how many missing entries there are for

the month of September.

5. Use an Excel feature that allows row 21 and all of the above remain visible as you scroll vertically.


1. On the "Orders" worksheet, extend the formula in cell G2 to the end of the table column.

2. Remove all conditional formatting from the "Order Amount Totals" worksheet.

3. On the "Orders" worksheet, apply shading to alternate rows in the table. Use a technique that automatically

updates the formatting if you insert a new row

4. On the "Orders" worksheet, sort the table to order the records by

"Delivered to" with orders in Toronto coming first and orders from Ottawa coming second. Then sort the orders

alphabetically (from A to Z) by the "customer type" field.

5. On the "Order Amount Totals" worksheet, enter a formula in J2 that uses an Excel function to return the "Net

Amount" value of the individual order that is the highest value in the column.

6. On the "Order Amount Totals" worksheet, use an Excel data tool to remove all records with duplicate "Inv #"

values from the table. Do not remove any other records.


1. On the "Items" worksheet, beginning in A1, import the data from PST plain text.txt in Project 3 Folder. Use the

first row of the data source as headers.

2. On the "Items" worksheet, Adjust the column width of column A to exactly 25 pt

3. On the "Sales" worksheet, move the pie chart to its own chart sheet named, "Quarterly Sales".

4. On the "Merch" worksheet, modify the chart so that "dollar amount" is the primary vertical axis title.

5. On the "Merch" worksheet, remove the legend from the chart, and

display the values as data labels above the columns.


1. Left align the text in cell A1

2. In the "code" column, use a function to display the first two characters of the "Business Type" from column D.

3. In the "Amount" column, use conditional formatting to apply the 3

triangles to format the values.

4. Apply the "Olive Green, Table style medium" to the table.

5. Apply the Monocromatic palette 3 to the chart.

6. On the chart, display a data table with legend keys.


1. Configure the Profit analysis worksheet so only cells A1:H21 will be printed

2. Filter the data in the Quarterly Profit Analysis table so that only the product codes that start with "FA" are


3. In the "Best Seller" column, use a function to display the word "High" if the value of the product in the "average"

column is greater than 10. Display the word "Low" if it is not greater than 10.

4. Create a clustered column chart that shows the Description of the product and the units sold in the months in
Quarter 1 (Jan-March). Use the product descriptions as the horizontal axis labels. Place the chart to the right of the


5. Add the alt description "Units sold in Quarter 1" to the chart.

6. In cells 15:17 insert line sparklines to represent the units sold from January to March.


1. Navigate to the range, "Total" and delete the contents of the selected cell.

2. On the "Patrons" worksheet, in cells H6:H20 format the numbers to 4 decimal places.

3. Remove the table row containing the patron, "Abraham Sherker". Do not change any content outside of the table.

4. In cell M5 calculate the average income from the total column

5. In the email column, use a function to create an email list by joining the first name of every patron with the


6. Remove the table functionality from the table.


Project 1

1. On the "Items" worksheet, beginning in A7, import the data from Wizarding items.txt (Accept all defaults).

2. Apply a Blue, style medium 9 (Table Style Medium 9) to the table on the "Merch” worksheet

3. On the "Merch" Worksheet, change the layout of the column chart to Layout 9. Add "Price" as the vertical Axis

Title. Remove the horizontal axis title.

4. Move the chart on the "Sales" worksheet to a chart sheet named, 'Chart Sales'

5. Swap (Switch) the axis data of the chart on the "Merch" worksheet

Project 2

1. In cell G5 of the "Profit Analysis" worksheet, create a formula that displays the value "Best Seller" if the average

sales is more than or equal to 10 or "Below Average if the average sales value is less than 10. Copy the formula
down to fill the "Best Seller" column.

2. In the "Trend" column, insert a Line sparkline that will show a trend through "January" to "March" sales.

3. On the "Profit Analysis" worksheet, add the "March" data to the chart.

4. On the "Profit Analysis" worksheet, display all formulas.

Project 3

1. On the "pst shoes shop" worksheet, configure cells D4:J4 to automatically wrap the text.

2. On the "pst shoes shop" worksheet, name the range H7:J32 as "Size".

3. On the "Frequency Distribution" worksheet, apply the Style 7 chart style and change the color to Monochromatic

palette 3.

4. On the "Frequency Distribution" worksheet, in cells P7:P21, use conditional formatting to apply a Yellow Fill

with Dark Yellow text to the cells that contain values greater than 500.

5. On the "From Jan to Apr" worksheet, in the "Apr" column, enter a formula that multiples the values in the "Mar"

column bay the

"Mar_Increase" range. Use the range in the formula instead of a cell reference or value.

6. On the "From Jan to Apr" worksheet, in cell B24, use a function to display the highest sale from the range C3:F20.

Project 4

1. In the document properties, add "Awkward Left Foot" as a company. 2. Coll D14 contains the selling price for

Flats. The selling price is the sum of the Unit Cost and the $Markup. Create a formula in cell D14 that displays the

selling price. Copy the Formula to cells D15:D20 without changing the fill colour of these cells [BTVN BUOI 1]

3. On the "Shoe Sales" Worksheet, in cell B24, enter a formula that calculates the average selling price of the shoes.

4. Move the "Shoe Sales" Workbook in between the "Sheet 1" and "Sheet 2" worksheets.

5. On the shoe sales worksheet, rotate the picture to 0 degrees.

Project 6
1. On the "Excel Class" worksheet, in column D, change the personality colour from "Gold" to "Yellow". Don't

change anything else.

2. On the "Excel Class" worksheet, modify the range of cells from A1:E1 into one cell without change the alignment

of the text.

3. In cell C2 enter a formula that will calculate the total number of students (Total cost) in Mike's class.

4. In Cell C3, enter a formula that will calculate the total number of students who have a "green" personality.


Project 1

1. Filter the data in the "Company Information" table so that only the Region that starts with "Ba" are displayed.


2. On the "Quarter 3-4" worksheet, calculate the sale in cell 16 by adding the Nov to Dec. Copy the formula down

to complete the column.

3. On the "Quarter 1" worksheet, create a 3D Clustered Column Chart that shows the Description and the Expense

in the months in Quarter 1 (Jan-Mar). Use the Description as the horizontal axis labels. Place the chart to the right

of the table. [BTVN BUÔI 2] 4. On the "Quarter 1" worksheet, in cells G11:G18, insert Column Sparkline to

represent the expense from January to March.

5. On the "Quarter 2" worksheet, remove the table functionality from the table. [BTVN BUỔI 2]

6. On the "Quarter 3-4" worksheet, use an excel feature that allows row 5 and the title to remain visible as you

scroll vertically.

Project 2

1. On the "2021 Sales Chart worksheet, swap the data over the axis. 2. On the "The Second Quarter" worksheet,

change the horizontal alignment of the Category column to LEFT(Indent). Set the indent to 2.

3. On the "The Second Quarter" worksheet, add a total row to the table. Configure the total row to display the

total sales of "3 months" and each month.

4. On the "The Second Quarter" worksheet, in the "Sales warning" column, use a function to count the number of

months with zero sale for each category.

5. On the "The Second Quarter" worksheet, change the elements displayed in the chart by changing the layout of

the chart, to layout 3 and display the values as data labels to the right of each data bar.

6. On the "Annual sales" worksheet, remove the table functionality from the table.

Project 3

1. On the "Information" worksheet, beginning at cell A1, import the data from the Customers text file in the

Documents folder. Use the first row of the data source as headers.

2. On the "Used Car Sales" worksheet, in the cells B7:E17, format the cells to display the numbers to two decimal

places. [BTVN BUÔI 1]

3. Filter the data in the "NewCarSales" table so that only the Car Name that start with "A" are displayed.

4. On the "New Car Sales" worksheet, convert the table to a cell range. Keep the formatting

5. On the "Total Car Sales" worksheet, place the chart "Total Car

Sales" to the right of the table and then swap the data over the axis. Modify the chart to display "Sales" as the

Primary Vertical Axis Title.

6. On the "Total Car Sales" worksheet, in the ID Column, modify the existing formula to display the letters in

upper case.

Project 4

1. On the "Agent Sales" worksheet, freeze rows 1 through 4 so the title and headings always remain visible while


2. On the "Agent Sales" worksheet, in the "Agent ID column, use a function to display the first two characters of

the "Agent" from column A

3. On the "Sales" worksheet, in the "2014" table column, use conditional formatting to apply the 3 Traffic Lights

(Unrimmed) format to the values.

4. On the "Agent Sales" worksheet, configure the table style options to automatically shade every other table row

and apply the Light Blue, Table Style Medium 23 style to the table.

Project 5

1. On the "Orders" worksheet, beginning at cell A1, import the data from the Customers' Orders text file in the

Documents folder. Use the first row of the data source as headers

2. On the "Catalog" worksheet, in the cells F4:F17, format the cells to display the numbers to no decimal places.

3. On the "Sales" worksheet, in cell J2, enter a formula that sums the values in the ranges: "Quarter1", "Quarter2",

"Quarter3" and "Quarter4". Use range names in the formula instead of cell references or value.

4. Remove all conditional formatting rules from the "Catalog"


5. On the "Sales" worksheet, from the existing text in cell B2, insert a hyperlink to with a

Screen Tip that displays "Company Website".

6. On the "Catalog" worksheet, for the bar chart, swap the data over the axis then add the Alt Text description

"Hardtail Price" to the chart


Project 1

1. On the "Products" worksheet, freeze rows 1 through 3 so the title and column headings always remain visible

while scrolling. 2. On the "Products" worksheet, left-align the text in cell A1. 3. On the "Products" worksheet, in

the "Units" table column, use conditional formatting to apply the 3 Triangles format to the values.

4. On the "Products" worksheet, apply the Green, Table Style Dark 11 style to the table.

5. On the "Products" worksheet, in the "Shipping Fee" column, enter a formula that multiplies the value in the

"Revenue" column by the "Rate" named range. Use the range name in the formula instead of a cell reference or


6. On the "Summary" worksheet, apply the Colorful Palette 3 color to the chart.
Project 2

1. On the "Orders" worksheet, sort the table to order the records by "Country" with orders in Canada coming first

and orders from Germany coming second. Then sort the orders alphabetically (from A to Z) by the "Product"


2. On the "Ordres" worksheet, from the existing text in cell D1, insert a hyperlink to with a

Screen Tip that displays “Company Website".

3. On the "Detail Order" worksheet, use an excel data tool to remove all records with duplicate "Product" values

from the table. Do not remove any other records.

4. Remove hidden properties and personal information from the workbook. Do not remove any other content.

5. On the "Product" worksheet, in the Product Code Column, modify the existing formula to display the letters in

upper case.

6. On the "Product" worksheet, perform a multi-level sort. Sort the table by "Product" (A to Z) then by "Year"

(Largest to Smallest).

Project 3

1. On the "Customer List" worksheet, beginning in A1, import the data from wizard customer.txt. Use the first

row of the data source as headers.

2. On the "Description" worksheet, name the range name the range A5:A11 as 'Size". [BTVN BUỔI 1]

3. Copy the formatting of the title and subtitle on the "Order"

worksheet to the title and subtitle of the "Description" worksheet. [BTVN BUỔI 1]

4. On the "Description" worksheet in cell 113, enter a formula that sums the values in the ranges

"total_chocolate", "total_mango", "total_icecream" and "total_cheese". Use these range names in the formula

instead of cell references.

5. On the "Order" worksheet, freeze rows 1 through 4 so the title and headings always remain visible while

6. On the "Customer List" worksheet, adjust the column width of column A to exactly 18pts. [BTVN BUỔI 1)

Project 4

1. On the "Qtr 1" worksheet, add a total row to the table. Configure the total row to display the total sales and the

sale of each month.

2. On the "Qtr 2" worksheet, extend the pie chart data range to include all the rows in Trail and Apr columns.

Then, change the overall chart layout of the chart to layout 5, change the color to Colorful Palette 3 and apply the

Style 5 chart style.

3. On the "Math" worksheet, in the "Result" column, we want to

display "Pass" if the value in Final Exam column is greater than 50. Otherwise, leave the cell blank.

4. On the "Qtr 2" worksheet, insert a chart title above the bar chart, at the top of the plot area. Display the values

as data labels to the right of each data bar.

5. On the "Math" worksheet, move the cells J17:L20 up to correct the alignment by deleting cells J15:L16.

6. Configure the "Qtr 1" worksheet so that only cells A8:E15 will be printed.

Project 5

1. On the "Math" worksheet, configure cells A6:G6 to automatically wrap the text.

2. On the "Math" worksheet, name the table "Scores".

3. On the "Farmer Crop" worksheet, freeze rows 1 and 2 so the title and table header always remain visible while


4. On the "Math" worksheet, in the "Average" column, use a function to calculate the average score for each


5. On the "Farmer Crop" worksheet, filter the table data to display only the products with a "Item/Crop" of


6. On the "Math" worksheet, in the "Result" column, we want to display "Pass" if the value in Average column is

greater than 50. Otherwise, display "Fail"

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